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What prayer should be read to go to trade. Conspiracy for successful trading: We read in the workplace

Trade is an eternal business at all times. Of course, the sales market is accompanied by a huge competition. It is logical that at the current pace of life the influence of competition for sales increases. Therefore, it is very important for good financial results and a successful conduct of trade to have a strong protection and favorable assistance of saints of patrons. Sincere faith in God and the prayer word will help improve the state of your affairs.

As experience shows that the development and prosperity of the business continued, except for huge daily labor and knowledge of sales laws, it is difficult to do without good luck. Believers people understand that luck - this is the support of angels - Keepers and divine power.

Conspiracies and prayers for success in trade

The one who works in the field of trade has its motivation to devote himself to this difficult job. Commerce, buying and selling goods and services are always accompanied by risk. Of course, the successful results of the work contribute to personal self-realization, as well as to achieve the direct goal of any sales - good profits. For constant success, it is prudent to contact the patrons of business with a prayerful word. Send them daily with a request and gratitude to God. Attract good luck and see excellent financial consequences, resorting to help:

  • prayers about successful trading;
  • dua for businessmen;
  • maniruba for successful trading;
  • conspiracies for good trading.

Sometimes it seems to be a good product, and buyers are in sufficient quantities, but sales do not go. There are no hurry to buy goods. Everything stands on the spot, time, season and profit takes. How to cope with such a position Things where to give concerns for invested money. Skeptics are calculated that they will be able to successfully solve the brewing financial problems. But believers people understand how important it is in such a difficult situation to turn to the heavenly forces with prayers for successful trade and attract customers.

Patron Trade Rev. Seraphim

Seraphim Sarovsky is a patron of commerce. Sellers and businessmen are applied to support. Ask about blessing transactions, successful sale of goods and attracting wealthy customers.

Parents of Rev. Seraphim (1754-1833 R. - Prokhor Moshnin in the world) belonged to the wealthy, merchant class. Their enterprise was engaged in construction. Stone houses, structures, various buildings and even temples were erected. Building material for construction workers were made on their own brick factories. They were famous in the Fatherland builders and merchants. The most significant enterprise and the structure they erected, the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The divine miracle was accompanied by Prokhor not once. Once at the age of 9 years, he fell from the bell tower of the temple during the construction of the church. A miracle happened, he saved and stayed alive. Yet the consequences after the strongest fall remained. Seraphim suffered severe illnessBut was cured by the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Later with the blessing of the mother accepted the tonsure and went to the wander. He lived asket in the Sarov monastery. Rev. Seraphim The suffering is consciously rented, in order not to know the seductions and redeem the sins of human. I preached the suffering in the name of renunciation from worldly temptations and faith in the Lord. Serving God, in this he saw the true meaning of the earthly stay. With the restless faith in the Lord overcame life tests.

Almost thirty years of Seraphim spent hermit alone. According to his own will, lived in forests, away from people. Himself mined a scant food, sometimes he fed only herbs and water. Wood in alone only with wretched clothes and winter and summer. Dozens of years diligently prayed in the afternoon and at night with the Book of the Holy Gospel in his hands.

Non-day, genuine was Vera Seraphim to the Lord. Sometimes he returned to the monastery on holidays or Sunday services to compete, confess and help in need. The name seraphim is translated as "fiery". With the restless faith in the Lord, the Reverend adopted a vow of silence, three years of the priesthood and years of life solarms.

As a result, he found the gift of healing and inspireness. This divine gift Serafim sent to the rescue and salvation of seriously ill, offended, unhappy. Giving them health and getting rid of MUK and trouble, the Rev. was able to cure a lot of suffering and helped them. Seraphim Sarovsky was a patron and founder of the female monastery of Diveevskaya. After the death of Saint Seraphim was canonized. In 1903, Saint was glorified on the initiative of Nikolai second. And in our time, this is one of the most beloved and revered by Orthodox righteous. Icon Seraphim Sarovsky is kept in the Holy Trinity Iona Monastery.

Very strong prayer for successful trade in Seraphim Sarovsky

If you want your request to be heard, please contact the words of prayer to Seraphim Sarov. Take care of your business, ask for help to find good buyers. After all, not everyone is given talent to sell well. Pray the patron to the purchase of goods to be high-quality, as well as the speedy sale of goods.

If you want to read a strong prayer for trade and sell goods in your store or shop shop, go first to the temple. Put the saint 3 candles in the image. Read the gloriousness with a clean heart and good thoughts. You will be pleasantly surprised when you see that you will be to enter a more buyers, and take your goods.

Prayer for attracting money Nikolai Wonderworker

Remember that under any difficult circumstances in the work cannot be deceived by buyers for the sake of profits and their own benefits. More effectively for your well-being is faith in the Lord and the kind use of a prayer word.

Nikolay the waters have a miraculous power given to him by the Lord for serving people. Great Righteous One of the most revered saints around the world. It is important to read strong prayers as possible as often as possible and believing in Divine Goodness. Believe, and the wretched will provide amazing support and assistance in attracting money and customers. All over the world, thousands of people turn to Nikolay the Wonderworker and soon see his help.

Nicholas The Wonderworker grew up in a virtuous, wealthy family. Parents with an open-hearted heart took care of poor people and were an example for a son in great-grandfathers. From the small years, Nikolai and diligence served in the temple to Lord, helping his uncle to the priest. First, I worked with a lot, then got the sacred san and the right to train the parishioners of God's principles. All his life is sincere ministry to the Lord. His prayers for attracting money and customers have extraordinary power.

The strong prayer for the holy trade and selling goods brought financial wealth and well-being to many believers. Changes difficult situations for the better, in an incredible way to help in work.

Probably, at least once in life, everyone heard about the propheted Wange, its predictions and the ability to use conspiracies to attract the desired result.

This famous woman with a difficult fate, blinded by a girl at the age of 12. During a strong hurricane, her eyes were covered with sand. No one could quickly come to her aid.

The family was very poor, and there was no opportunity to spend a short period of operation to restore vision. Vanga blinded. Three years were in the boarding school, away from the family, she needed to learn to live without the help of others. But parents took the girl home, as they needed her help.

In 30 years she has found the ability to find missing people. And they began to come from everywhere. People with different troubles and problems began to come. Wanta lived a long life and was famous for the whole world. Her house has always had a lot of need for healing and help. To this day, people are grateful for her great gift and a significant participation in their destinies.

Conspiracy Vanga for Trade

For many years, Vanga's family lived in poverty and poverty. She knows about the state of poverty is not obscured, so its conspiracies are of great power to attract money and for trading.

Ritual Vanga on the water helps those who started a new business. The rite lasts 30 days, begins with new moon. The text is read on the water that needs to be prepared for morning washing.

Do not discuss the ritual with anyone, do not tell what they spent. Never do for the sake of "joke" or for the company. Delive to this seriously and do not laugh at time, do not have fun.

Remember notice: you can not blaze salt and bread. Together with them from the house, wealth and money goes.

Prayer John Sochivsky for good trading

To achieve the desired in life, the money is definitely necessary, but their accumulation should not be the main goal. Never envire those who have more money. At the energy level, this leads to even greater financial problems.

Do not make a cleaning in the house when the sun comes. So that the family has always been the money, clean the cleaning in the morning or in the evening.

To attract buyers, read every day of Prayer John Sochivsky. During his lifetime, he was engaged in trade and is one of the recognized, man-made patrons for trade workers. It will be right to buy it to the icon in the church and place on the outlet. You need to communicate with the saint in front when there is a need and opportunity. But it is necessary to pray with gratitude to the highest forces, and as often as possible.

Prayer "Father Our" Universal

Remember the strongest and universal prayer of ours. She peers wonders. The predicted support is in each word.

Read every timeTo warn itself, a financial transaction or product from:

  • malicious intentions;
  • evil eye, damage;
  • envy;
  • enemies visible and invisible;
  • losses, theft;
  • false discussions.

This prayer is read daily 3 times in a row, starting from the moment you woke up. And during the day before the moment you are preparing to sleep. Prayer "Our Father" for believers as air. It has an insurmountable force and helps with different life circumstances. "Our Father" can be read all day with any difficult situations. Do not forget about the main thing, read prayer in gratitude for everything you have.

To communicate with God from Christians - Prayers, and Muslims - Dua. There is a special DUA for trading. This is a special text from the Quran. It helps the seller with the benefit to sell, and buyer avoid deception when buying. Throughout DUA, it is possible to achieve financial stability and make trading the most profitable. It should be remembered that the following conditions must be observed:

  • piousness in work;
  • honesty with buyers;
  • diligence and patience;
  • give alms to help the needy;
  • pray every day.

Prayer is necessarily begins with the praise of the Most High, it is necessary to say that you thank him for any share and take everything with humility. Only after that you can say 4 text Dua.

Manure: Making money and good luck

Write two cards, for example, "I am a magnet for customers", "I am the best seller." These two cards distribute different places. Place one at the point of sale, the other, remove, for example, in a bag, a book, where convenient for you. But be sure to wear with you.

On the one on the table, if possible, see more often. You will feel like a special energy fills you. Thus, the conditions for sales will improve, and you will attract to your new customers.

Believe, pray daily and do not forget to thank the universe.

ATTENTION, only today!

For prosperous work with finance in an unstable modern world, it is especially important to contact the help of heaven. Those whose craft is associated with trade, the prayer of heavenly patrons will help solve the most difficult situations and succeed.

When a difficult period comes in the work, and the problems pursue one after another - there are no buyers, the profit decreases, losses appear - to help may prayer for successful trade. Appeal to holy forces will be useful not only for those whose business is associated with sales, but also for people, soon going to produce a large financial transaction: sell the car, apartment, land, objects with high value. Prayer contributes to a favorable completion of the case and obtaining high profits.

Prayer for good luck in trading angel keeper

Prayer is read at the moments of difficulties at work, as well as before especially significant monetary operations.

I bail myself with a congestion, the Lord God we will pay praise and praying the angel of His Holy Help. Help, gracious, in my affairs, for did not perform (a) the slave (a) of God (I) (your name) of sin in front of the holy and world of the world, and if it sinned (a), then for the intimacy of its and the miscarriages. Pray, angel, for me before God, and help me to strengthen my business, but it will serve for the good of all others, to the glory of the church and the Lord. Help me, the Angel Holy, the everyday adversity to overcome, the will of the Lord to fulfill and buys me from ruin, so that I did not deceive any hope. Amen.

Prayer for successful trade in John Sochivsky

John Sochivsky is a merchant and navigator, counted to the face of the saints for the dedication of the bright Christ faith even in the face of terrible flour and death. The Great Martyr John is considered a patron of commerce, and people have long asked him to send good luck in affairs.

Holy Ratio of God John! The feat of the Great was famous for the land and took the crown of the truth in heaven, who made the Lord who loved him. I pray to the holy image, I praise the Pressenger End of Your Life and CTU, your holy memory. You, standing before the throne of God, hear my praying and to the furnace Lord to bring, in order to have forgotten to me anything about the silence and helped against the temptation of the Dhavolsky, da bit from sorrows, diseases, troubles and any evil. I was left to help in the case of difficult, to whom, and himself in the pious of his life was intersected. To direct me on the path of my own hand, let me accomplish my job, in order to help people and to the glory to the Lord. I hope to help your. Amen.

Appeal to the highest forces will help to achieve good luck in affairs, safely exit difficult situations and gain confidence in their abilities. We wish you well-being and financial success, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

12.10.2015 00:10

Many people believe that honey is the usual favorite delicacy. However, with it, you ...

Surprisingly, some people manage to sell their property quickly and profitably. The secret is not only ...

Many people engaged in trade fell into a situation where, despite all efforts, nothing worked. There are also quite often cases of bankruptcy, due to a ridiculous accident. You can protect yourself from trouble, referring to the help of prayers to different holy.

How with the help of prayer to turn trade in good and successful

To make trading in a successful event with helping the prayer, you need to understand what you want to ask for the highest strength.

It should be understood that different prayers containing a request for successful trading can help in the following:

  • Protects against competitors, which means to promote its products on the market;
  • Get good profits from previously prisoners;
  • You can make a profitable deal from which good profits will be obtained in the future;
  • Put reliable protection against the evil eye and other negative influences of unkind people;
  • Sell \u200b\u200ba closed product;
  • Make so that every buyer is gone with the purchase.

Praying and pronouncing the words of prayer handling, you need to understand exactly what you are asking for. Only with this approach can be used by strong prayers that will necessarily be effective. You can contact various saints for help and support, but it should be sure to believe what you ask for. It is very important after prayer to file alms asking and or help a person who really needs it. In prayer, it is necessary to mention that the goods implemented will benefit people. Finally, when you will understand that the prayer helped you, you must definitely thank God for His mercy to you, and the saint for heard your request.

How to properly pray the saints about helping

Prayers for good trading to people who are engaged in this type of business can be pronounced every day. But it should be remembered that it is impossible to contact the heavenly forces in the state of alcohol intoxication. It is also not recommended to pray for success in trafficking in women in critical days.

In order for a prayer for a successful trade to be heard, the petitioner must necessarily be in a positive mood. And besides, confidence should be present in the soul. In no case should you make thoughts that the trading day fails. Inner panic will weaken the power of prayer text, and he will not be heard by the holy to which you appeal.

Prayers for successful trade should be read alone in front of the icon of the saint and under a lit church candle. Periodically you need to visit the temple and prays there. It is impossible to be distracted for anything outside during prayer. It is necessary to fully focus on pronounced words. After the prayer reads and you will fall into the workplace, you need to cross all the goods.

Prayer for angel keeper

If you can not decide how holy will be asking for help in successful trading, you should read a prayer directed to the guardian angel.

It sounds as follows:

"I call for you, the angel of Christ, the defender is my faithful! I'm sinful, but truly believes in God, you protect me from sinful temptations and keep my soul for eternal salvation in heaven. Now I ask you to appeal to you, bring me to me and help me. My hands worked a lot and time in the works of the righteous I spend a lot. So let me pay for it by you. Let my logged hands be filled with a big profit, which will help me for a comfortable life on earth. Show me your generosity and caring for me a worker, God of glorifying. Amen".

Appeal to Seraphim Sarovsky

Saint Seraphim Sarovsky is considered to be an intercession and the patron saint of all those whose activities are related to trade. Such a prayer always helps in cases where things in trade are not very good. It is also believed that if you contact the saint every day, you can not only stabilize the situation in business, but also to achieve great success. Using prayer to Seraphim Sarovsky, it is recommended to sanctify a new store before its discovery. In order for the prayer to have a great strength, it is necessary to at least once a week to visit the temple, put the candles in front of the icon of the saint and prays.

The text of the prayer, which should be used every day, sounds as follows:

"On the misfortune of the Holy Father Seraphim, known to all believers the Great Sarov Wonderworker! You're an assistant and reliable protective all resorts to you. In the days of your life on Earth, you all became support and consolation. And today, all believers in the joy to worship the Holy Lika Lika. Everyone is ready to listen to the divine words of yours, as it was and in your life. Your God's Valid Dar is known to everyone. You have healed and the souls of the weak successfully camehel. For all the grace, their earthly and good deeds were called up to the skies to the service of the Almighty. From there you help you all believers and it is impossible to list all the wonders of your wonders that you make, nullify the benefits of the Lord for us sinners. Like the star of heaven, you are the righteous way to tell us, you are before us the slaves of God and give us the healing of the soul and body. We appeal to you in our troubles asking for protection and help. Oh great, pretty, and the pretty waters of God. The daring our request hear and respond to her, for we really need your support. Ascensing his strong prayer to God about us sinners, accomplished slave and not driven sins and repentable in them. The moths are about giving us believers in it and glorifying his secluding life, useful for our mental salvation. Ask the Most High to protect us from falling sinful, ask him to teach us true repentance. Let him support in the souls of our faith unquestioned in the eternal kingdom of heaven. And you will be glorified by holy ward, and shine like a heavenly star. Amen".

After the prayer is pronounced, other prayer words should be spoken:

"The affairs of the Lord. Prech the mouth will pray for me for me. And I am asking sincere from the depths of the soul going to him, I appeal to him. Heaven to me in the affairs of the earth, do not leave myself without the grace. MAY MY MUCH AND MAKE SPECIAL TRADE. In the purchase and change of good luck the road. Support me in all merchant affairs. Slaving your name, holy deal and believe in your defense. Amen".

It is possible to achieve financial stability praying to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker about successful trading. There are many options for prayer appeals to this holy. It is very important to always pray before the icon. It is noteworthy that I am asking for the Saint Nicholas prayer, and I have not only sincerely considering the fulfillment of my own requests, but it will clean my sinful sinful people from sinful. And it will also contribute to successful trading. Light thoughts during the pronigration of prayer text will contribute to the fact that the field of the end of the earthly life you will gain eternal life in heaven. It is Saint Nicholas who most often helps that all dreams and aspirations come true in the earthly being sincerely believer.

It prays about successful trading better in the morning after reading the well-known Prayer of Our Father, which is mandatory for every Christian.

One of the strongest prayers sounds as follows:

"Our Heavenly Mentor Mentor, Holy Wonderworker Nikolai! During life on Earth, you performed only heart and generous actions that are well known to all believers. I pray you about help and praise your acts. Help me to establish cases in the trade that my life benefits guarantees me, look at my efforts in the glorification of Christ and celebrate my sincere faith, in serving God Most High. For the submission of my and the willingness to take all the tests sent by the Lord, to donate bad luck, give good luck, give me wisdom real. I ask you, the defender of all living, Saint Nicholas, pray for me a slave (s) of God (s) (own name) in front of the Lord is an all-powerful and all-aircraft. Ask for the defense of God for me from all the enemies, enemies and ill-wishers. Let me reward to me fully for my work, effort and diligence. Saint Nikolai I ask you with all my heart, ukra, protect your reliable wing. I, the slave (s) of God (s) (own name) I believe in your strength and mercy. Amen".

Appendix to John Sochivsky

John Sochivsky during the earthly life engaged in trade and was a true Christian. By virtue of its activities, he had to travel a lot. But once on the ship, on which John Sochivsky, the evil man of the non-Christian faith turned out to go on its commercial affairs. During the trip between two people, severe hatred arose, despite all the merchant efforts to find a common language.

After the ship stuck to the shore, the captain slandered the merchant, saying that he dreams to join the Jewish faith. The ruler of the city in which the Christian faith in that time period was persecuted, ordered the lead traveler to himself. But John said that he would never give up the Christian faith, and besides, he called on the Gradorchik himself to appeal to Christianity. It was very angry by the ruler and the traveler entered into prison, where they were subjected to cruel torture and tortured to death.

The lifeless body of a young man threw near the road. And on the same night, the lights descended from heaven, which turned into a sparkling staircase. Angels descended on it and, having to walk around the Great Martyr, who gave life to the Christian faith, took his soul to heaven.

After his death, St. John Sochivsky continued to create true miracles and assist people. Particularly effective prayer appeals in which believers are asking for successful trading.

It is important to remember that prayer should be pronounced with sincere faith in the shower. It is necessary to completely concentrate on your desire. You can pray not only in the temple, but also at home. But it is necessary to do this before the icon of the saint and with a lit church candle.

It is very good if you have the opportunity before the initiative of any trading event, ask the blessings from the clergy. And at the place of trading should always have a small icon of St. John Sochivsky.

Strong prayer for trading sounds as follows:

"Oh, Saint Great Martyr John! Jar from the heavens of me, asking about your help, and do not reject my petition. The petition for me before God, the moths of Christ and about his mercy to me to keep me from all the failures of life: from losses, from the flood, from the sword, from the fire, from the enemies of a muddy and internecine brave. Let him not condemn the Lord of my sinner, but not in anger but for ignorance to his sins, but repentable in them. I sincerely believe Christian church glorify, so I hope for the mercy of God. Let your prayers, Saint John, gives me the Lord, pure thoughts and abstaining from the harmful passions of earthly, protects the sacrificent. I ask you, pray for me diligently, Saint Great Martyr John. I will glorify your affairs, it prays sincerely and in piety to live, God's commandments do not violate, it does not cause harm to anyone. I hope and believe in success in all my affairs of the earth, and that for the diligent and pious work, my eternal life in heaven will be given to me. Amen".

Making trade activities, you need to learn all the effective prayers. They can be applied at any time when you felt any threat from the side. This is a very effective way to maintain your affairs in a stable condition and move forward.

Each of us invests in the concept of wealth and poverty their meaning, its meaning. Each of us has their own money problems. But no one wants to be behind the threshold of poverty, to experience the whole horror of the question "What will be my children tomorrow?"

Read these prayers in order for you to have any money problems and that you have always had a necessary financial minimum that would allow you to live without having fear for tomorrow.
The prayers presented in this article will help the Orthodox entrepreneurs (as well as, those who relate to trade), improve their trading.

Prayer Protecting Press

You, about the Lord, the compassion of our, and therefore we have nothing to do. With you, we do not want anything in the sky, nor on earth. We enjoy in you inenectly great bliss, what the whole world cannot deliver to us. Whether it is imperative to do in you, and then for the sake of you willingly coming out from all of all you are unsolved, and we will be satisfied, no matter how you, the Heavenly Father, our, neither arranged the earthly fate. Amen.

Prayer Guardian Angel for Material Welfare

Katebe, Angela of Christ, call. She defended me and defended me, and kept, because I did not sink before and I will not sin in the future against faith. So come back now, lowered me and help me. I worked much very, and now you see honest hands mine, which I worked. So let them be, as teaches the Scripture, which will be reputed by works. Release to me according to the works of my, holy, so that the hand was filled with a laptop, and could I live sides, to serve God. I will fulfill the will of the Most High and pay me by the earthly generous for the works of my. Amen.

Prayer angel keeper in order not to translated abundance on the table

Having granted the Lord to God, Jesus Christ, for the disassembly on the table, in which the sign of His Higher Love His Sign, now I appeal to you, the Holy Warrior of the Lord, Angela of Christ. The will of God was to be for the small righteousness of his, I, the appearances, I drink myself and my family, my wife and Chad unthable. I pray you, holy, wanted me from an empty table, will fulfill the will of the Lord and give me for the acts of my modest dinner, so that I could quench my famine myself and getting my children, who are sinless in the face of the Most High. The castover than having sacked against the word of God and fell into disfavor, then not for evil intent. She sees God, that I did not think about bad, but I always followed the commandments of him. Therefore, I repent, I pray for forgiveness for the pregrocheses, which is, and please give a binding table in moderation to not die with hunger. Amen.

Unfortunate psaltir

The prayer of the Holy Sacred Martyr Harlampia about getting rid of hunger, with a request for the fertility of the Earth, good crop

About the proportion of the Sacred Coupler Haralampie, the passionerpiece is irresistible, the priest of God, about the whole world is petitioned! Watch for the praying of us who honor the Holy Memory Your memory: We succeed at the Lord God for the sake of our sins, but the Lord is not fully predicted on us: the Mercy of God and unworthy of the Mercy of God: moths about us Lord God, yes the low selection of our world on hazards and weighs our Yes, it will save us from the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the interprets and triggers: approve, the sacred, faith and piety in all children of the Orthodox Christian church, and God will save us God from Yeresy, splits and any superstition. About merciful martyr! Pray for us to the Lord, let it save from the glad and all sorts of diseases, and let us give us an abundance of the fruit of earthly, cattle multiplication on the need for a person and all useful to us: you will be needed with your prayers, the celestial kingdom of our god of ours, herself Approaches, with its original father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

In well-being and poverty

(By Act. 20:35; Matp. 25:34)

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for all the benefit that you give me through the Lord Jesus Christ. Bless, dear Savior, the work that you gave me, and give the strength to make it for the benefit of your kingdom. Give me joy to see the fruits of my works and donations. I will fulfill my words on me: "It is beastful to give, rather than taking", - so that I can live in well-being and not feel poverty.

But if we should experience poverty, then Darui, Lord, wisdom and patience to transfer it worthy, without Ropot, remembering the poor Lazar, to whom you, Lord, prepared Bliss in the kingdom of yours.

I pray you, let I hear one day: "Come, blessed my father, inherit the kingdom prepared by you from creating peace." Amen.

Prayer Guardian Angel defending against failures

Osnaya himself with a holy sign, I appeal to a diligent prayer for you, the Angel of Christ, the keeper of the soul and body. It is likely to know my deeds, send me, send me a happy case, that you will not leave my failures. Forgive my pregnursions, stinking the accumulating vera. Protect, holy, from bad luck. Let the failures bypass the Slave of God (name), let the will of the Lord, and I am a good and no suffer from bad luck and poverty. Oh semi praying you, benefactor. Amen.

Unfortunate psaltir

The unprecedented psalm is read not only about health, but also about rest. Since ancient times, the order of commemoration on the Psaltiri Psaltiri is considered great alms for the deceased soul ..

It is also good to order a non-saturated psalm and for itself, will live support. And one more essential moment, but not the most unavailable,
There is an eternal remembrance on the non-saturated Psaltiri. It seems expensive, but the result is more than in millions of times more than the money spent. If there is no such possibility anyway, then you can arrange for a shorter period. And well also read yourself.

Prayer to St. John the merciful, Patriarch Alexandria

Saint God John, the merciful protection of the Niche of siery and extinguishing in the attack! We are resorting to you and you pray, the slaves of yours (names), IKo to the opposite of all the comfort of all the seekers and sorrows from God. Do not come to pray to the Lord about everyone with faithful to you! You, full of Christ love and goodness, appeared to Jaco, the wonderful mistake of the virtues of mercy and soiled the name "merciful". You were a jaco river, incessantly the current generous milles and all thirsting richly sulking. Believe, Yako, in preventive from the ground to the sky, aggravate in you the gift of graceing Say and Yako Soda-Langsya, an inexhaustible vessel from a blessing. Sobori Woof with his petition and intercession, before the God "Everybody," yes, DSI, resorting to you, acquire peace and serenery: give them consolation to the searcheaux temporary and allowance in the needs of everyday life, there are hope of the hope of resting in the kingdom of heaven. In their lives on the Earth, you were the reflectance by all in any kind of misfortune and the need, offended and affected; Neither one from those who who who who who asked you mercy are deprived of the silence of your blessing. Tower and now, who reigns with Christ in the sky, Javi to all the perspective to your own icon and praying for help and intercession. Itself no sharpening, you yourself created the mercy of the challenge, but also the hearts of others trembled to the consolation of the weak and to the charity of the poor. The foggy of the recruitment and now the hearts are faithful to the intercession of sires, the consolation of mournful and reassuring of the poor. Yes, they do not indulge in them gravity gifts, and there is nothing more having fun in them (and in the house of ses around the suffering), the world and the joy of the Holy Spirit, - in the glory of the Lord and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, forever. Amen.

Prayer to St. Nicholas Wonderworker, who protects the welfare and poverty

Oh kind of oursshepherry. andbogomdrome mentor saint Christ Nicolae!Hearing we are sinful (names), praying for you and calling in the help of a quick imagine Your: the usri usweak from everywhere caught, all slands deprived and mindfemale strange. Sweatwifth, not leave us B.sinovna Captivity life, let's not be in joyenemy ours and ne.we will die in the evil acts of our. Moths about usunworthy Promotete ours I.Vladyka, you sOfaceless faces pre-Stoys:milostiv to us society of Godours in today's life and the future either, but do not pay us by affairsours and insewage heartsours, but for goodnesswe will repay us. On yours for motto-belly hopefully the victim is praisedyour intercession to help call, and to the MEDIAyours frequently, help please: get ridus, pleases, from the evils that are on us, yes for the sakeholy your prayers will not hurt us attack and ne.looked in the punching of sinful and in Tine passionours. Moths, the saint of Christ Nicolae, Christ of Our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins,souls of our souls salvation I.great mercy, now and connected and forever.

Prayer to St. Spiridon Trimifuntsky, giving a serene, hazardous existence

Oh all-wide saintSpiridon, greathisphere Christ and the Pressenger Wonderful! pre- standing bysky PrestrolGod from Lika Angel, a proud of a gracious window on the upcoming people, people (names) and the resulting strongest hidden help. The mind of the vitality of the human manolyuba of God, so it will not condemn us according to our lawlessness, but will create with us in the grace of yours! We succeed in our God and our Godpeaceful andserene fat, health soul andbody, land prosperity and in all over abundance and prosperity, and not in evil we turn offdonated we are from generous Rago God, but in the glory of him and in the glorificationyour intercession! Get rid of everyone, faithfully incommary to God coming, OT.all soulful misfortunes andbodily fromall langules anddiavolian navaloves! Budy sad comforter, affected doctor in the nastouchassistant, Nagim patron,widdes, siema defender,baby feeder, old strengthentel, Wearing a trip, Floating feeding, andsuit out all help Tweeserequiring, all like a salvationuseful! Yako Dayour prayers are pressed and observed, reach the eternal rest and buy with you to glorify God in TrinityHoly slavimago, Father and Son and Communication Spagh,now I. connected and forever.Amen.

Prayer to St. Tikhon Zadonsky for the Sweese of Meaning Life and Feldation from Poverty

About all of the saint and waters of Christ what are oursTikhon! Angelska land agreed, you are Yako Angel BlaHhiy appeared inlong with your glorification: believe from all souls andthink yako you, the good-friendlyassistant andprayer, your nozzles and petitions and thank you, from the Lord plenty of yougiven configured our promotionsalvation. Int. recruitmentsustainable waters Of Christ, and this hour is our unworthypraying: your intercession from conjuncting us consecifications andpemudria unlawfulness and fosteringwechicago; sweat, fast about us a concept that is favorable by your petition of the Lord, and I will try my great and rich mercy on ussin and unworthy slaves of their own(names), yes, he captures his graceunispective ulcers and drafts of broken shower and telesours yes solvent fossil hearts ourtears of lunizing I. crushing about premium sinsours, I. yes Razbatus frometernal torment and fire geenskago; all faithful people yesgives in the current European world and silence, health and salvation and in all the good hasty, yes tao, quiet andsilent Life log inall piety and clean, will adviseAngels I. with allsaints slaviti and chanting all father and son and son and son andHoly Spirit forever.

Prayer Reverend Alexia, man of God, to protect in poverty

About the great Christ, the Holy Holy Man of God Alexie, the soul in the sky the throne of the Lord to the Lord, in the lands they give you more thanks to you different Miracles! The proud of merciful, but at the upcoming of Holiness icon of your people (names), murderly praying and seeking help from you and interpreting. Establishly prayerfully to the Lord God Case Her Ruta and we succeed from him to leaving the sins of our free and unwitting, in a notworthy healing healing, an emergency assistance that will be confused by the worst of ambulance, the whole consonant of the peaceful and Christian belly of death and a good response to the scary court Christ. To her, the waters of God, not to the Hope of Hope, hedgehog on the Bose and the Virgin, they lay, but let us be a assistant and patron to salvation, but your prayers are graceful and grace from the Lord, we will glorify the humanity of the Father and the Son and the Committee of Spirit, in The Trinity of Slavimago and the Poklamago of God, and your holy intercession, now and is also confident and forever. Amen.

Prayer before the icons of the Mother of God "All Morning Joy" for consolation in the grief of lads

About the Most Holy Mother of God, the Body Mother of Christ of God, the Savior of our, all the mournful glands, sick visits, weak cover and intercession, widows and siery patrons, mothers sadness of the All-Magnitude comforter, babies of weak fasteners, and all the bad luck ! You, about the global, gast to the Most High, grace in the hedgehogs of all standing up and delivering from sorrows and diseases, while the mutying sorrow and illness under the sickness, let us look at the free suffering of your Son of your Beloved and Togo on the Cross Purpose Crossing, Incem, Simeon , Your heart is passing: the taste of the taste, about Mati, of our mission, the mission of our mission, comfort of us in the grief of the destroying, and the faithful joy of the Guodeatyan. The commencement of the preclosion of the Holy Trinity, the sole of your son, the God of our God, Mozheyshi, wheezing, they are useful, the sake of the heart and love to you, Yako, Tsaritsa and Vladychitsa: I hear your dear, and you hear Miliation of our and save us from the circumference of the troubles and sorrow: you bozoste all true, the world and consolation are served. CE STICH WORK OUR AND SRESS: Yavi Your mercy is yours, we were consolation of our hearts to our heart, show and surprise our sinful wealth of the mercy of your mercy, handing us the tears of repentance to purify our sins and thickening the wrath of God, and with a clean heart, conscience and Hopefully incommunically resorted to your petition and intercession. We accept, globify our Vladychitsa The Mother of God, a zealous prayer of our brought, and do not recreak us unworthy from your blessing, but I will give us a getting rid of sorrow and illness, protect us from all the hits of the entry and slander of man, wake up your assistant , Yako yes, under your mother's intercourse, always be the goal and saved your intercession and prayers to our son and God to our Savior, the Savior, the honor and worship, with the original one, and the Holy Spirit, now and in eyelids. Amen.

Prayer before the icons of the Mother of the Mother "Kazan" to get rid of poverty and despondency when monetary problems appear

About the Most Holy Mrs., Vladychitsa Virgin Mary! With fear, faith and lovehonestly and miraculousyour icon fliply, molimTu: N. take out faceYours from resortingto you: Beggar, mercy Mati, SonYours and our god, gentlemen Jesus Christ, let it savemirna our countryThe church is their holy unshakable yes, it is observed from disbelief, heresy and split and will save.Not imama forinna help not imaminna hopes, do you,Prech the Virgo:You are an all-dry Christian assistant I.intercession: Get rid of everyone, with your faith praying, OT.sinful falls from the naval evilhuman, from alltemptations sorrows, diseases, troubles and fromsudden death: give us the spirit of the crushing, humility of the heart,cleanness of thoughts, correctionsinful life I. leaving the lacerations, yes everything is gratefulsenseless the greatness and grace of yours,being above us here onlands way toHeaven Kingdoms and Tamo with all the saints to glorifyprecessive I. the magnificent name of the Father and Son andHoly Spirit, forever and centuries.

Prayer before the icons of the Mother of God "Pokrov Most Holy Mother of God" to protect against monetary problems

About the Most Holy Virgin, Mati Lord Vull Forces, Heaven and Land Tsarice, Hoodies and countries Our all-powerful intercession! We receive a labore-thank-thank you, who is unworthy of your slave, and worship our prayers to the throne of God's son, and gracious will be untolds to our and try to grace your most common name yours and with faith and loved by your who gives your own miraculous image. Minds because it is worthwhile to pardon themselves, whether you are not a delight of him about us, Vladychitsa, I can be all possible from him. Something for you to feed you, IKO to undoubtedly and soon the intercession of our: hear us, praying to you, the autumn of us with all-powered cover and we succeed in the god of your son's pastry to our jealousy and vigil about souls, urban-poisoner wisdom and strength, judgment truth and unilence , mentor Mind and Smithnantry, Spouse Love and Consent, CHADE obedience, inhabitable patience, having a fear of God, grieving grace, rejoicing abstinence:

all of the spirit of mind and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Ms. Presidaya, soothing to the weak people; Once-seedly collect, bold on the path right Nasta, the old age will support, Yuniya Leiscomedom, infants raise and win on all of us the charity of the mercy-Vago interception; Erend us from the depths of sinful and enlighten the heart of our eyes to the sight of salvation; Milostiv We are Budi Zede and Tamo, in the country of Economhods an alignment and on the Scary Court of your son; Pretty the same in faith and repentance from the lives of this fathers and the brotherhood of our in the everlasting life from Angels and with all the Holy Life. You for me, Mrs., the glory of Heaven and the hope of terrestrial, are our hope and the intercession of all those who run to you with faith. We will pray to you and you, Ioko almighty assistant, our own and each other and our whole stomach, we betrayed, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen.

Unfortunate psaltir

The unprecedented psalm is read not only about health, but also about rest. Since ancient times, the order of commemoration on the Psaltiri Psaltiri is considered great alms for the deceased soul ..

It is also good to order a non-saturated psalm and for itself, will live support. And one more essential moment, but not the most unavailable,
There is an eternal remembrance on the non-saturated Psaltiri. It seems expensive, but the result is more than in millions of times more than the money spent. If there is no such possibility anyway, then you can arrange for a shorter period. And well also read yourself.

Prayer in defense against poverty and other people of Saint Ksenia Blessed

Oh Holy All-Said Mother Ksenia! Under the previations of the Musdhaligo, living, led and strengthened by bo-maidening, glad and thirst, the chroprze, and the darkening, the renovation and persecution, who has undergone, the gift of the witness and chu-make from God is banging and under the sense of all-shago rest. Now the Holy Church, Yako blunting color, glorifies the upcoming on the site of the burial of yours, in order to be your holy, Yako Live, Sun, with us, pray: We will accept our petitions and bring them to the throne of the Merciful Father of the Heaven, Yako Consciousness to him , I'm going to run to you eternal salvation, and on the benefit of affairs and undertakings, our generous blessing, from all sorts of troubles and sorrows, getting rid of the saints of your prayers before the Savior Savior Out of Us, unworthy and sinful, Pomso, Holy Blessed Mother's Ksenia, Babies, Saint The Baptism of the Ozarith and the sector of the gift of the Spirit of the Holy Administration capture, the rasters and the decklock in faith, honesty, the god budget and the chastity of education and progress in the teaching of them to give; Sorry and fear of heales, family love and consent of the lowers, the monastic feat of the good, hurt by a meeting and from the stiffencies of the fence, shepherds in the fortress of the Spirit, the people and the country of our world and the fellowship of the Saints of the Saints of Holy Holy Tyne Begotes: You are our hope and hope, quickly hearing and getting rid of Thanksgiving to you and with you, Slavs Father and the Son and Saincho spirit, now, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayers about the patronage in the commerce Martyr John Sochivsky

Holy Great Martyr John New, Sochivsky, has a special grace from God to help engaged in trade. The memory is celebrated on June 15.

For successful trading, they pray to this saint, as well as its icon must be on the outlet. Icons (any) are acquired only consecrated in the church. In addition to the prayers below, petitions are pronounced and "in their own words".

Tropear, voice 4

Life on the Earth is good fooling, suffering, alms, and frequent prayers, and tears, the Paks and the assistant to the hushway, rushing, the Perso obsolete is dishonesty. The churke was the laws and Christians praise, John the conformity.

Kondak, voice 4

Sea floating in the bunch of buying, from the east, I tried to the north to the north, but God urgently, Jike Matthew Mattellitz, you will buy left, and I followed the blood of torment, temporary redeeming impassable, and the crown of Esi invincible.

Prayer 1st

Holy Great Martyr John! Watch from the celestial the title on the requirement of your help and do not reject the prosperity of ours, but, by Jaco, there is a bare welfare and passiveness, the moths of Christ of God, yes, having a human lover and a multi-facest, will save us from all Lutago, a sword, a sword, The invasions of the interemphetics and internecine branches. Yes, we will not condemn our sinners on our lawlessness, and yes, not in evil, we turn the good, giving us from our all-Russian God, but in the glory of the saint named him and in the glorification of your concession. Yes, your prayers will give us the Lord the world of thoughts, abstaining from destructive passions and from everyone is bad and will strengthen our one in the whole world with the Holy, the Cathedral and Apostolic Church, the southell of the sigh of Honestly. Praying diligently, Communion of Martyrch, and God bless the state of the state, may the Live Spirit of Faith and Pieneus, and Supervironment and Supervironment and Supervironment and Supervironment and Supervironment and Supervironment, will approve in His Orthodox Church, and the Spirit and Truthfulness of His Commands. Yes, we will live in the world in peace and piety in the present Either and will achieve the blessed eternal life in the sky, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, he also applies all the glory, honor and power with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

Prayer 2nd

Oh holy wifth of God, John! The feat of the kind of good, hung on the earth, was perceived by the heaven of the truth, the Eagle bought the Lord to everyone who loving him. Tormy looks at your holy image, rejoice at the Preslav of the condation of your residence and honor your holy memory. You, the throne of God, we bring our praying and to the all-mating God to bring, about it, forgive us all sorts of lacking and helping us by anti-goat Diavolsky, and the breakdown of sorry, diseases, troubles and misfortunes and any evil, piously and righteously live in the present Evesie and will ensure the concept of yours, and unworthy of the ESMA, the video of the world's lives, the Slavs of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now forever in the saints of his Slavimago. Amen.

Prayer 3rd

Holy, glorious and all-willed Great Martyr, John, incomprehensible to our salvation. Molima Rabi Your Molim, Meeting in the Divine Your Temple and the Holy Holy Holy Rosts are worshiping; Mercilever Budy, we, Tako and the distant and the martyrdom of your suffering by praise, the martyrdom and the martyr. We succeed in all of the Multi-Lord of the Lord God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ forgiveness and leaving sins to this day and the hour you have had. Save us unscrupled from all the goowa Lukavago and the life of our life is observed from all soulful and bodily angry; Always, now and confessed and forever. Amen.

Icon is an image of a saint that helps a person in spiritual communications with God. Looking at the icon, people pray for the feasibility of saints in certain affairs.

There are many types of icons - only the images of Our Lady are about 700 species. Therefore, believers may find a saint patron for any spheres of life. If you have your own business or trade, it is important to know, what icon hang in the storeSo that it contributes to work and profit.

First of all, you need to choose the image of the saint that will be in the store. It all depends on what requests and prayers you will contact him. There is not one that can be placed at work. These images include:

  1. The trimifuntsky spiridon icon - helps in search of work and the construction of a career, as well as you can contact it to find the right solution in the work process
  2. Joseph Volotsky - this saint was not only a servant of God, but also talented, as they say now, a businessman. He founded the monastery that quickly became popular and gained good income.
  3. Nikolai Wonderworker - Saint, Helping not only children, but also entrepreneurs in doing business. It can be used to protect against trouble at work or in business, as well as to cope with the inevitable emerging difficulties in trade.
  4. "Saluing in the power" - to this image you can contact any situations, even the most critical.
  5. The icon of Our Lady "Economics" also helps in building a prosperous business, and contributes to ensure that any crises easily experienced. Also, this icon can pray for the purchase of the house and maintain order in it.
  6. Baked icon of the Virgin also helps in acquiring material wealth. It can be applied to it if the family has come in the family in terms of financial terms. She contributes to a light transition through crisis situations.
  7. The icon of Saints Cyprian and Ustina will help protect against ill-wishers, and escape from sorcerers and dark magic.
  8. Icon of the Great Martyr John Sochivsky contributes to fair trade. In order, it is possible to pray that a person has always had a financial airbag that helps survive heavy times.
  9. Holy Matrona Moscow - to this image can also be applied in all crisis situations, and ask for help in affairs.
  10. The Holy Apostle Paul will help safely start holding new affairs and business.

Icon for business prosperity - what to choose?

When an image that will help in trade is selected, it is important to determine the place where it will be. The church recommends hanging icons on the eastern side of the room. However, if there are windows there, the best solution will simply choose any secluded place. The image should not be rushed into the eyes to customers, so it is worth hanging it into the angle to which there is free access. This will help to make a prayer in front of him at any convenient time. In addition, you should take care of and from which materials will be made icon. Usually small images are selected for work, but this does not mean that they should be poorly performed. It is best to order an icon in workshops, where you can independently select the image and materials from which it will be executed. Such an icon will serve for a long time, and always remind of contact with God. It is also worth remembering that even high-quality icons cannot be placed under the influence of direct sunlight, otherwise the image will quickly burn out. It is better that there is no high humidity or high temperatures in the room, and then the image will be a long time.