Repairs Design Furniture

Crafts from plastic pipes for all occasions. How to make a laundry dryer from plastic pipes rack from plastic pipes

With the skill and rich imagination, interesting and useful things can be made from any girlfriend, including plastic pipes.

Plastic pipes of different diameters are sold in any construction store at quite affordable prices. They are used in the device of water supply, sewage, heating, watering system, and after construction or repair, unnecessary trimming often clog the site, while they can serve as excellent material for creative crafts.

Do not hurry to export a construction garbage on the landfill - we will tell you what can be made from a plastic pipe to turn extra residues into beautiful and functional interior items.

What is good plastic pipe?

We will not talk about the direct appointment of the product, but about the convenience of using varieties of plastic pipes as material for crafts. Plastic pipes have light weight, durable and rather durable. They are resistant to pollution, do not collect dust and easily wash. Products made of plastic pipes are safe when exploiting even small children (do not fight, do not have heavy weight, do not emit toxins).

For creative works, PVC pipes are often used, which are quite rigid and easily connected by special nozzles and "adapters", allowing you to obtain collapsible structures. Polypropylene pipes can also be used, but for their compound, a special welding machine or compression fittings will be required, and the finished products will not disassemble.

Methods for connecting pipes in structures

From plastic pipes, not only comfortable household trivia can be made, but also furniture items. In order for such a self-made product for a long time and was securely in operation, it is necessary to take care of the correct connection of individual segments. Since the connection of polypropylene pipes has already been said, consider the dock only PVC pipes.

PVC plastic pipes can be connected in the following ways:

  • in a rubber seal;
  • with the help of adhesive composition;
  • bolts, drump out hole.

The first method of compound is characterized by simplicity, but insufficient rigidity. Before the connection, it is recommended to clear the inner and outer surfaces of the pipes on the junction of dust particles and process the inserted part of the pipe with silicone lubricant. First, the pipe is inserted into the socket until it stops, after which it is carefully nominated by 0.7 - 1 cm. Collected in this way of construction in the future can be dismantled, which is convenient for seasonal products.

The second way of assembling pipes is distinguished by reliable fixation and greater labor intensity. Works on the connection of parts begin with the processing of the docking surfaces of the terminal and the tubes with emery paper for better clutch. Then they must be deguted with methylene chloride. The adhesive composition is applied along the entire length of the prepared outer surface of the pipe and 2/3 of the length of the inner surface of the termination. In the completion, the pipe is inserted into the socket until it stops and rotate the quarter of the turn. For gluing it is required to press the details for 1 minute. For a good fixation, all operations on the connection of two segments should be carried out quite quickly. The connected elements are left for several hours until the adhesive composition is completely drying.

The third way more time-consuming, as it requires markup and preparation of holes, but allows you to obtain collapsible structures with a reliable connection.

For angular junctions and connecting several segments at once in one node, it is convenient to use a variety of fittings. Plastic pipe structures can be any complexity using numerous tees and fittings. Consider useful homemakes in order of increasing the complexity of execution.

Original and functional trifles for interior decoration

Our review of interesting ideas opens the simplest products from a plastic pipe, to make that even novice masters of self-made art. In addition, for such crafts, the minimum amount of material will be required, and in some cases it will be possible to put even the shortest trimming.

From trimming of large and medium-sized diameter pipes, a convenient and practical organizer for the working office or workshop can be made.

Here are two versions:

  • fastening with screws to the wall or table, for which one end of the cut cut at an angle is a stationary version;
  • bonding segments between themselves with the formation of a stable figure - a portable option.

Segments can be left white or gray, but you can paint into your favorite color. Such an organizer is indispensable for schoolchildren and people engaged in creativity and needlework. With him everything will always be at hand, and on the table - the perfect order.

Additional comfort on the desktop will provide a tablet for drawing and stand for a laptop, which can be made from polypropylene pipes of small diameter.

Book shelves are a special element of the interior. Their presence in a certain way characterizes the owner of housing. The angular shelf in the style of Hi-Tech will not be ignored.

From numerous short trimming of different diameters, you can make a patterned frame for a mirror or photography. It is enough to glue the sliced \u200b\u200brings according to a predetermined layout that can be applied to a sheet of cardboard. It can be floral patterns or something abstract. Frame size will depend on the number of suitable material.

Cutting a large diameter can be used to create a comfortable shoe shelf with numerous cell compartments. Such a design will not take much space in the corridor and will ensure the storage of the shoes properly and quick search for the desired pair. The connection of the elements is carried out with the help of glue or self-tapping screws. To fix the shelf on the wall, you can use a plywood sheet to which you first glue the collected shelf.

Some crafts from PVC pipes will love to lovers of living colors. The reliable stand for colors is easy to perform and looks pretty.

For the manufacture of flower pots under the transplantation or reproduction of indoor pets, small trimming of sewer pipes are well suited. Showing the fantasy such pots can be decorated with colored paper, paint or bright stickers.

Of the elongated medium diameter cylinders, it is easy to make a stylish vase for artificial colors and dried flowers. If you approach creatively to the embodiment of this idea, then an original gift for a significant event can get out.

Another extraordinary idea for the interior is homemade techno lamps. There are a lot of performance options, but they all adhere to the principle of minimalism: no extra details.

With the help of the assigning unused, you can also make useful things in the hallway or corridor: a hanger for clothes and bags and a trash bag holder.

Crafts from plastic pipes for the playground

From PVC pipes, you can make a lot of crafts for children's entertainment in the yard: a developing rug, a playpen, swing, sleds, a football gate, a gaming house, an outdoor shower and theatrical shirma.

Very useful for kids design - Manege from PVC pipes.

Children will be delighted with light swings that instantly dried after warm summer rain.

In winter walks, homemade sledges will be the most reliable and fast. The design is quite complicated, but using practical videos you can figure it out.

For active games in the courtyard from the remains of plastic pipes, you can make a safe football gate.

Many children often dream of their castle in miniature. The embodiment of children's dreams are quite simple and not at all expensive. The frame is done very quickly. It will be left to choose a beautiful dense matter for roofs and walls, and the house is ready!

Refreshing in a hot summer day will help the next facility. Such an open shower will be in joy not only to children, but also adults.

From polypropylene pipes you can make theatrical screen. It is enough to collect 3 frames, combine them between themselves and close beautifully decorated curtains. The home theater develops the creative abilities of children and creates good conditions for an exciting pastime.

We update the interior economically: plastic pipe furniture

Crafts from plastic pipes with their own hands can occupy a key place in the interior. Folk craftsmen are divided by many extraordinary solutions, allowing to significantly save a family budget. Light the brightest of them.

The most common and demanded object of furniture is a chair. Using segments of plastic pipes and connecting elements, you can make high-quality chairs of different types: children's, folding for hiking and fishing, armchairs and even chairs for feeding.

Slightly having mastered the equipment of the assembly, you can proceed to more complex designs. A neat bunk crib from polypropylene pipes is a good alternative for a country house or giving, when buying a finished bed is too expensive. Moreover, when the kids are growing, the material can be put on the manufacture of other useful crafts.

A glass coffee table with a base of PVC pipes on the next photo is difficult to call the amateur homemade, because it looks like design work.

Another original idea is a rack for an entrance hall or living room. By independently constructing the rack with the desired amount of the shelves of the required size, you can not spend time on shopping in search of something suitable.

Useful crafts for country houses and cottages

Unused and excess building materials must be used in the country area. Crafts from plastic pipes for cottages will noticeably facilitate garden work, make rest more comfortable and help to avoid large material costs. At the same time, the structures look neat and stylish.

Of small segments and several tees, a pretty dryer for linen and towels can be obtained. It is easily clean and is not subject to corrosion.

Rest at the pool or in the garden shadow it is impossible to imagine without a lounger. The photo shows a chaise longue that is fully consisting of plastic pipes, but you can combine with dense matter.

A carport for a car is another useful use of PVC pipes. He will protect the transport not only from the rain, but also from the scorching summer sun.

For the garden decor, a garden arch is often used, which can also be made of plastic pipes. A new element appears in its design - bent arcs. Bend pipes for the arched arch can be heated with gas burner or boiling water. You can also wear a pipe on a metal rod and, stuck one end to the soil, arcuately bend. This method requires certain physical efforts.

A simple and lightweight gazebo will decorate the garden and protect from the sun and fine rain. For the presented version, it is sufficient to fasten the water-winding tissue on the pipes and bend them on the reinforcement rods. In order for the design to be reliable, you need to take care of the good fixation of the rods in the soil.

The spectrum of the use of plastic pipes is truly huge and limited only by your fantasy and needs. We need a small woodwood, gate, trolley or rod stand - take the required amount of pipe and embody your idea to life.

From sewer pipes it is easy to make a comfortable feeder for chickens. It is very convenient to plunge the grain, without going into the pen. Kuras cannot be rapped in such feeders grain that saves food.

A small greenhouse in the country area can also be made of plastic pipes. The easiest option: make a rectangular frame and cover it with a film or agrofrix.

A more serious construction is a seasonal greenhouse - will require more time and material. Connect the elements is better than bolts to make it possible to disassemble the design for the winter period. The optimal shape of the greenhouse is arched. To create it, the ends of the pipes are dressed on half-meter metal rods, driven by the sides of the future greenhouse through each meter. The size of the greenhouse depends on the planned use. The greenhouse can be installed on the foundation or ground. A film, polycarbonate or agrovolok can be used as a passing material.

Plastic sewer pipes can also become a container for growing flowers, greenery and vegetables. Very often used to create vertical gardens.

For the fencing of the site, you can use a low fence of plastic pipes, which is distinguished by durability and minimal care requirements (it is not necessary to paint annually).

The use of plastic pipes is not limited to the ideas presented. This material is so universal and easy to assemble (easily cuts, snacks, has a variety of connecting details), which is simply impossible to ignore it in his domestic workshop.

At the moment, very many people have PVC pipes in their farm. If they already have time to get bored, then in no case do not think from throwing away and change to others. They have a whole mass of advantages.

First of all, it is impossible not to mark a pleasant white color. It will be perfect for creating interesting techniques. In addition, the most common glue can be used to bonding elements. If you do not glue everything, it's even to the Lixture. You will receive a kind of designer Lego. Consider interesting ideas that can like you. You yourself might think what you do is just enough to show your vanatasy.

Just look at the children's chair shown below. Surely you want to build it. The temptation is very large.

From one pipe you can easily make a folding chalter. It is perfect for a picnic.

Want to keep everything organically? Then just create a set of several chairs and a table from the same pipes.

Excellent and children's two-tier bed. But you need to choose the pipes of the optimal diameter so that the load is distributed.

If you have a dog at home, then for her you can create a bed. It is only necessary to take into account the weight and sizes of the dog.

From the pipes 1/3 or 1/2, you can make a very good stand for your laptop.

Want to get a good dirty laundry basket? Then just make it from the pipes. It is only necessary to make calculations according to your needs. Just look as far as Zhto looks stylish.

You can make more large-scale things. In particular, suspended swings, which can be performed perfectly at the cottage.

There are only remnants from PVC pipes? Then you can simply add a bottom to them and store handles, pencils and more. It looks all this very creative.

Very often there are situations in which it is necessary to solve the problem of drying linen. Today we will talk about the problem on small summer cottages or during the rest in nature. In these cases, it is very often faced with the fact that it is impossible to place a stationary dryer due to a lack of free space.

In such cases, portable dryers are out. They can be purchased ready for them, but you can make it yourself, which will cost much cheaper and more interesting. One of the options for the manufacture of a portable dryer for linen is plastic PVC pipes. This is a unique material that can be used not only to build plumbing systems, but also for the arrangement of various furniture items.

Talk about pipes

On the Internet pages you can find enough products that can be made of plastic material. If we talk about the summer area, there are such design options such as all kinds of shelves, folding chairs, dryers and even the carcasses of greenhouses. This is not the entire list, for the manufacture of which can be used PVC pipes.

Even a highchair can be made of plastic pipes.

Very often there is a question whether similar products from polypropylene pipes can be performed? Of course yes. But there are some nuances. First, products will have gray, and secondly, a soldering iron will be required to connect them.

But still, I would like to note the advantages of PVC pipes:

  • products from them have a beautiful aesthetic color;
  • just and conveniently connect as the "Lego" constructor;
  • if you do not use glue to connect, we get a collapsible design, which is very convenient during transportation.

Such features do not have propylene material.

If the goal is set, make a solid single design, then glue is used to connect elements.

Features of working with PVC pipes

PVC pipe glue

In the manufacture of any items, measurement accuracy is required and the correctness of the plastic is correct. Otherwise, you can only talk about sorry for the similarity of furniture.

So that the result of the work pleased and served for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to some rules when working with pipes:

  • measure the desired cutting pipe with a roulette and noted with the help of a marker;
  • in the marked place with the help of a knife make a small incision;
  • next, neatly fixing the pipe in the vice, we saw the pipe with the help of a hacksaw.

For this operation, the pipe cutter for plastic pipes is also used.

Pipe cutter for plastic pipes

In order for the connections to be performed easily, the incision should be made at right angles.

Then sand the cut so that the chipsets or jar are not formed.

If a curved part is required, then the smoothness of the lines are achieved by heating the material using the gas burner, then the hands of the desired shape and leave for some time to frost.

If there is no gas burner in the farm, then the heating can be produced above the usual gas stove.

Linen dryer - Step-by-step instructions

Dryer shape can choose arbitrarily

Consider how to make a portable dryer for linen from plastic pipes with your own hands. The appearance of the manufactured dryer reminds Easel. For its manufacture, you will need:

  • segments of a plastic pipe of different lengths;
  • two connecting corners;
  • several tees (their number is exactly two times the number of jumpers for drying);
  • two clamps for fastening pipes.

The dryer consists of two parts of the rectangular shape of the same length, but different widths. The width of the second rectangle must be less than 10 cm. Directly the width of the product should be determined on its taste on the basis of conditions such as the linen and the stability of the dryer. Example of a simple laundry dryer on the radiator See in this video:

Lower dryer is ready. During the drying of the linen, it is installed in the form of the letter "l", and lingerie hangs on the crossbars. It is very convenient in the farm. During the rain it can be quickly rearranged under the canopy. About the secrets of fast and even fit tubes, see this video:

As you can see, make a dryer from plastic pipes very easily, quickly and interesting. Due to the positive characteristics of this material, such a product will last long enough, because plastic is not subject to corrosion and does not require periodic repairs.

Using PVC pipes. But greenhouses and canopies are not all that can be made of PVC and aluminum pipes with different diameters. Furniture, decorative home objects, organizers, racks, even weapons - beautiful bows of different shapes. The fantasy of people is constantly embodied in new forms of PVC, and we made a selection of the most interesting DIY projects for you.

Let's start with homemade furniture from aluminum and PVC pipes connected by fittings. There is also children's furniture, and options for adults, pretty samples that fit into any interior, and racks with a lot of shelves.

DIY-furniture from pipes

1. Low table of pipes and wood

Table of pipes and wood

But the detailed video instruction, how to do it.

2. Dining table

Dinner table

This table of three boards and metal pipes can be used as a dining. Industrial style note in the design of the room. You can see the manufacturing technology.

3. Large pipe and wood rack

Rack for storage room

The rack for spacious storage room or garage is an excellent solution for storing all sorts of things. And durable, and looks cool. Remote Assembly Guide.

4. Rack for room

Rack for the Hall

TV, audio system, souvenirs and books - everything will be placed on this homemade rack. We look at how to do it.

5. Another rack

Metal and wood rack

The form of this rack is somewhat unusual, as if he was planned for specific subjects. With paintings, statuettes and other content looks cool. There is a list of building materials and a story about making.

6. Coffee table with a glass countertop

Coffee table

The legs of this table are made of bent and painted PVC pipes. As for the countertops, it is not necessary to make it from glass, but so, of course, looks steeper. You will find a manual guide.

7. Aluminum pipe bed

Bed with aluminum pipe frame

A large frame of beds with a canopy of aluminum pipes and fittings. Manufacturing manual.

8. A more simple bed of pipes and wood

Bed of pipes and wood

This bed looks simpler, and make it easier. You will need pipes, fittings, wooden "Rib" and manual guide.

9. Canopy above the bed

Canopy over the crib

This simple PVC pipe can do each. It turns out a children's bed with a canopy from Tulle.

10. Simple towel hanger

Towel dryer

Several PVC pipes and fittings, and dryer for towels is ready.

11. Cute chairs for children

Chairs for children

These cute chairs can be done by himself. PVC pipe frame and seat woven from threads. How to swell chairs, you can see.

12. Simple hike chairs

Chairs for hiking

Small comfortable chairs for the courtyard or trips to nature. Bright furniture will probably enjoy children. How to make such chairs, see.

13. Place for games

Place for games

For kids, you can organize a place for games with a frame of PVC.

14. Bar rack in the style of a beach holiday

Bar stand

PVC pipes painted under the bamboo, different attributes like exotic masks and straw roofs - this bar rack will become an excellent reminder of exotic hot countries and beach holidays. Read the detailed manual instructions.

15. Simple and convenient drawing tablet

Tablet from PVC

This lightweight tablet for drawing is perfect for home sessions. It is not necessary to attach the paper - the album is put on a special stand along the lower edge of the tablet. How to make it, read.

Organizers and shelves

16. Organizer for table

Simple Organizer for Table

20. Creative Wine Regiment

Wine stand

If you need a stand for a maximum for four-five bottles, you can make such a PVC Creative. And just to do, and looks great.

21. Laptop stand

Notebook Stand

A simple and convenient stand for working with a laptop.

Decorative interior and gifts

22. Curtain eaves

Eaves for curtains

Cute cornice of painted PVC pipes and decorative elements. Read more about making.

23. Chest ornament

Chest ornament

PVC pipes sliced \u200b\u200bwith thin rings can serve as decoration for furniture.

24. Creative Frame for Mirror

Frame for mirrors

And again PVC pipes, sliced \u200b\u200bon thin rings. Cut, make up in the right order, glue together and admire the new framework.

25. Piggy Bank

Piggy bank

This funny pigties with the base of the PVC pipe cutting can be given to someone or put at home as a souvenir. Here

Building a house or apartment repair is always accompanied by a bunch of residual remnants. The repair of the pipeline also does not become an exception, because after replacing metal pipes on plastic, many trimming remains, as well as connecting elements - fittings that many owners are simply emitted.

However, there are also creative people who can make solid and original furniture, such as tables or chairs, as well as other bodies such as an organizer. In this article, we will analyze some similar ideas from PVC pipes in detail.

Children's chair from plastic pipes with their own hands

Polypropylene is a hypoallergenic and non-toxic material, so you can make various children's furniture from it, not experiencing a child about the health and well-being of the child. The embodiment of the ideas of plastic pipes with their own hands, you can easily collect the table, a playpen, a chair, etc.

One such simple projects can be a comfortable highchair, which is assembled from pipes and fittings like a constructor. The magnitude of each part will depend on the size of the desired result, but below we will give the instruction in which we will tell how to make a chair for a five-year-old child.

For the manufacture of the chair, you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Glue for PVC;
  2. Approximately 3 meters of the polymer pipe;
  3. 6 T-shaped fittings;
  4. 8 angular fittings (90 °);
  5. Durable fabric;
  6. Saw with a small tooth;
  7. Sewing machine;
  8. Scissors.

Build a chair:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to cut the pipe on segments: 7 pcs. 33 cm (a), 4 pcs. 20 cm (b), 4 pcs. 13 cm (C) and 2 pcs. 18 cm (D);
  2. Take two parts A and secure at all ends on the corner fit;
  3. In each of the fittings insert all the elements B;
  4. On each element B, T-shaped connections, unscrew their perpendicular part perpendicular to the element A;
  5. Parly connect T-shaped fittings by elements A. As a result, you should turn out the parallel legs of the chair;
  6. In the free ends of the fittings insert all elements with;
  7. Next, it is necessary to put the design so that the ends of the legs "watched" on you;
  8. Take two angular fittings and put them on the details with, located closer to you;
  9. Put two T-shaped elements on the details with, located on from you, deploying them so that the central connections look at you;
  10. Next, it is necessary to connect inserted fittings by parts and parallel to the legs of the chair;
  11. In the free ends of T-shaped fittings insert the details D and put on them angular fittings, referring to them with "face" to each other;
  12. We connect them to the element A, ending the back of the chair;
  13. From the fabric, do the seat, stretching it between parallel crossbars;
  14. Clear all connections, after which, let me dry the chair.

Office table with plastic frame

Buying even the cheapest office table can be a big problem for some people, so we will tell you how to make a table of plastic pipes. This project is different from the previous one with its complexity, so some parts you have to think about it yourself, however we will try to explain everything to you as much as possible.

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the table. In our case, we take a ready-made countertop (915x2030 mm), which we will collect the framework. Choosing a countertop for your own table, pay attention to its weight and follow the rule: the less weight, the better for your table. The best solution for the countertop will be the hollow door fabric. You can also assemble a tabletop yourself, using smooth boards, fasteners, saw and drill.

First of all, harvest 12 meters of the plastic pipe and cut it into the following details:

  • 5 pieces of 7, 5 cm;
  • 10 segments of 30 cm;
  • 4 parts 50 cm;
  • And 4 pieces of 75 cm.

From other parts for the frame you will need the following:

  • 4 T-shaped fittings;
  • 4 quadruple fittings;
  • 2 crossed fittings;
  • 10 plugs for pipes and fittings.

Prepared all the necessary details, you can start collecting a table from polypropylene pipes. It is better to produce the first assembly without the use of glue, and after the assembly, alternately glue all the connections. Build, start with the design of the side of the framework, to which the countertop will be dried.

Next, collect the back of the rear, which will connect the two already collected. To give the table additional stability, we recommend to make the rear wall of the third leg. Collecting the table, carefully follow the parallelism of all items to in the end to get a smooth design.

At the decision, it is necessary to connect all parts into a single design, receiving the table frame. Check it on strength, correct the irregularities, after which, proceed all connections.

To secure countertops:

  1. Put the tabletop to the floor, turning it down by the "face" down;
  2. Put the framework from above so that the upper plugs fit tightly to the tabletop;
  3. Circle adjacent plugs;
  4. Disconnect the plugs from the pipe screw them to the tabletop to marked places;
  5. Install the framework of the table, and put the tabletop so that all the plugs get into place.

As a result, you have a great table from PVC pipes with your own hands. This material is so universal that you can even make a PVC pipe onions that will be quite a worker.

Racks for dacha

After repair, there may be not only polypropylene tubes in the house, but also a metal profile from which you can try to make a rack for giving without the use of welding. To work, we need only a roulette, a pencil, dumping and hand-knife for metal.

First of all, it is necessary to design a future rack. Draw on paper a scheme, observing all the sizes. Next, you can buy a profile to the already existing, and also find several plywood sheets with a thickness of 15 mm. You can also make a rack of PVC pipes with your own hands using a profile scheme.

We will analyze the manufacturing process on a specific example:

  1. Take a profile and cut it apart: 4 vertical racks, 8 front and 8 rear crossbars;
  2. Collect 4 frames that should be regiments in the future;
  3. Using self-tapping screws, secure the resulting frames on vertical racks;
  4. Optionally, you can fasten the rack to the wall and paint it, after which, put the plywood on the frame, making the shelves.

Various elements of the interior of PVC pipes

To decorate the interior, as well as the creation of useful designs from PVC pipes, you can use very short pipe segments. So from short pipes can be made by organizers, where the shoes, writing accessories and other small things can be folded into the holes.

You can also easily make wine shelves from PVC pipes with your own hands. To do this, simply glue several pipes, and screw the resulting design to the wall. Similarly, you can make a glasses holder. To do this, it is enough to cut the plastic pipe along, after which, fasten it on the wall. The leg is perfectly included in the cutting hole, and the stiffness of the polymer pipe does not allow him to fall out.

If your house does not have enough space for the outerwear, the hanger of plastic pipes is an excellent solution to this problem. You can construct and collect such a hanger, pushing out from examples with a table and a children's chair.

In conclusion, I would like to say that plastic pipes are cheap and lung raw materials to create various decor elements. Any it is always possible to paint, cover with glitter, or decorate with various elements, such as shells glued with glue. Polypropylene rings can also be used for seasonal decoration of the apartment, for example, under the New Year you can make a wall panel and fill it with new year attributes, for example, balls and figures.

As you can see to create a cozy atmosphere and decorate the apartment, it is not necessary to spend a big amount of money, because the main thing is a creative approach that will create the desired result with minimal costs.