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Which means a mirror in a dream. Old grandmother's dream book. Dream Interpretation - Old

The mirror in a dream can serve as a negative and positive symbol. To properly disperse a dream with this subject, you need to take into account its details and details. The condition of the mirror surface is affected on the sleep interpretation - its size, width, purity, the presence of dust. If the mirror is clearly distinguishable, it is worth remembering to whom it belongs is a dream, a stranger or ghost. The emotional mood of the sleeping is also important.

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      What dreams of a mirror?

      The mirror appearing in a dream is a reflection of the inner world of sleeping, its experiences and complexes. A broken subject is usually interpreted as a negative sign that symbolizes the collapsing hopes. But more accurate interpretation of the plot depends on its details and details.

      • If a mirror is reduced, rotated to the wall, "this means that the dreams suffer from its own fears. If he does not cope with them in the near future, he can go into deep depression, to get out of which will be possible only with the help of an experienced psychologist.

        Appearance and state of the subject

        Sleep interpretation depending on the state of the glass:

        Appearance Value
        • If it is completely covered with dust, then the dream need to pay attention that intrigues have long been flying for his back. When they understand that not sleeping does not notice anything, they will begin to prevent the implementation of his plans.
        • For people who soon plan to make a completely new project or deal with important things, dirty mirrors on the wall in dreams speak of the unreliability of a close environment.
        • A girl who is admired by his reflection in a dirty mirror, such a dream foreshadows problems with a reputation. Some actions or words of sleeping will put it in a negative light in front of familiar. Stop the flow of dirty gossip and restore the good name in society will not be easy.
        • The dirty mirror in the church suggests that a woman feels sinful and stained as a result of perfect mistakes. It is in dire need of moral cleansing
        PoversThe dove of the mirror surface, which fails to consider his own reflection, suggests that a person is unhappy with his sexual life. He is not satisfied, but it is not solved openly report this to his partner, fearing him to offend.
        CleanA completely new and perfectly clean mirror and for men, and for women becomes an excellent harbinger, especially if there is no reflection of the dream face:
        • A dream of such a plot promises to meet a worthy young man who will become native and relatives for her in a short time.
        • A man's vision with a clean new mirror promises a new decent job, which he has long dreamed of. If a reflection of another person appeared in the mirror, there is a possibility to miss a long-awaited proposal due to the fear of change. About such the outcome of the events, the guy will strongly regret in the future and will blame himself for many years
        • If the sleeping passes by the mirror and notices that it is broken, - soon he will receive news of serious illness or death of a relative.
        • For a young launcher, a cracked mirror surface becomes a symbol of failure in friendship or love. The planned marriage will be unhappy and sooner or later ended in divorce.
        • The mirror, broken into small fragments, suggests that the dreams are incorrect to his second half. Soon the partner learns about betrayal and arrange noisy disassembly. Perhaps the name and attraction of third parties.
        • A crack mirror symbolizes the collapse of a long-haired man or woman plans. A person will have to say goodbye to an ambitious goal and get acquainted with a new one that life does not seem gray and meaningless. A similar plot in some dreams is interpreted as a symbol of cruel disappointment in its second half.
        • If the fragments of a different size mirror are scattered around the sleeping, a powerful emotional splash or stress in real life awaits it. It is very important to adequately survive a difficult life period. From the behavior of the sleeping at this stage, its future successes and achievements will depend.

        Mirror size

        The interpretation of the dream is influenced by the size of the subject:

        • A large mirror suggests that the dreams are too self-confident. This feature does not give him to see his own shortcomings and self-improvement.
        • A very small mirror foreshadows small troubles and troubles. They will not greatly affect the dream of a dream, just take a little free time.
        • A too narrow little mirror is a clear tip that a person looks at life too one-sided. This feature does not allow him to fully be happy and enjoy life.
        • The trumulus with a closed mirror surface symbolizes the deception of other people, which will somehow affect sleeping. If the person himself closes the object of the bedspread, then it is he who is unholy with others and is afraid to confess.

        Actions with the subject

        To properly disperse a seen plot, you need to remember which manipulations made in a dream with a mirror.

        Look at it

        Look at yourself in the mirror - in real life, a person is very interested in the opinion of those around him. Sleeping often looks at your actions from the side to understand what emotions they will cause friends and acquaintances. This is a dual trait - on the one hand, it allows you to avoid mistakes, and on the other - does not give emotionally to relax and live in his pleasure.

        If a person looks into the mirror and comes to the horror that he does not see his reflection, for sure in real life, he is very compacted and dissatisfied with himself. Sleep suggests that with this state you need to fight. It will be best to contact a specialist.

        Watch in the mirror and cry in front of him - to strong experiences. Their cause will be a disease of a relative or friend. If the sleeping admires his laughing reflection, it means that his soul will reign joy, peace and harmony. Troubles and trouble will be a person by the side.

        It looks into the mirror and see in it a stranger - to unfair actions in relation to sleeping. If the dream dreamed of a reflection of a deceased relative, such a plot promises pleasant memories.

        If in a dream it was necessary not only to admire, but also to talk with himself - soon a man or a woman can say goodbye to solitude. This will contribute to this new acquaintance, which will be held soon.

        Sexing sex in front of the mirror promises sleeping an unexpected meeting with old buddies. It can be both joyful and unpleasant, reminiscent of disappointments in the past.


        It happens that the mirror in a dream is divided due to the guilt of the very dream. If your own miniature accessory throws a lonely girl to Earth - in reality it should look at the surrounding. Among familiar men there is one selflessly in love with her. But the broken lady someone else's mirror suggests that she has to hide his negative attitude towards someone from loved ones or acquaintances.

        To break the subject discussed on a visit - to the opportunity to earn respect for the influential power person, in a public place - to a new promising friendly or business relationship. If the mirror cracked as a result of the fact that the person came to it - soon it will be necessary to take an important decision and deal with the long-term accumulated problems. A split into two parts the subject foreshadows a dream quick rise in the career ladder. This will help him with an old friend or influential relatives.

        If in a dream man or a woman completely accidentally breaks the mirror, and it will fly into many small shiny fragments - this means that the sleeping has extraordinary creative abilities. Their development and need to do in the near future.

        If we managed to break the mirror of a huge size with force, then the second half of the sleeping will become much older than him. Such relationships will be condemned by the Company, which will deliver a dream and his partner a lot of moral suffering.

        Throw a stone into a mirror surface - to the need to get the wise everyday advice from a person respected by sleeping. Without it, it will not be possible to resolve an important problem.

        To smash the car side mirror - to travel or long-distance travel, which will bring a dream with a lot of unforgettable emotions.

        I had to see how the mirror breaks someone else - it speaks of a lack of caring and spiritual heat in a man or a woman. Sleeping needs attention from loved ones.

        The mirror that cracked the fault of the sleeping, promises him sudden change. They will be unpleasant and for a long time they choose a person from a familiar life gauge.

        If someone else breaks the mirror in a dream in front of a man or a woman, after which he proposes to see his image on a distorted surface, then soon it is to expect deception from loved ones. By their fault, sleep will lose a major amount of money or lose a good name.


        Buying a mirror of any size foreshadows a person to the work reward. What it will be, you can understand according to the state of the subject. If the mirror is tiny or dirty, then the sleep will turn out to be dissatisfied with remuneration and disappointed. Buy an object with a clean and shiny surface - to a large profit. The efforts of a man or women will be appreciated, and this will allow a person to fulfill its long-standing material dreams.

        Losing just purchased mirror in a dream foreshadows the dream of a valuable find or a cash gain. It is worth trying to play a casino or at least acquire a lottery ticket.

        Theft of mirrors on the market or in the store - to successes at once in all life spheres. If the thief eventually will be overtaken by the seller or guard, he will reveal that someone will prevent his fortunate.


        Dreamed independently washing a clean mirror - it will have to cope in real life with an unexpectedly embroidered with trouble. None of the close people of sleeping can help him in this even with a great desire.

        Some interpreters believe that washing or rubbing the mirror symbolizes the dream relationship to sex. If a person has some problems in this area, they can easily be revealed by the features of such a wet cleaning. For example, the reluctance to look in the mirror in the process of his wiping suggests that sleeping is shy for his body or his sexual experience. And the attempt to close the surface with the cover says that a person is experiencing a real fear of sexual act.

        If the girl thoroughly rubs the mirror in his dream - it suggests that she needs to pay attention to the most persistent (and even intrusive) Uhager. Sleeping will definitely not regret its favor.

        Seven dreams

        Sometimes, with interpretation of the plot discussed, it is also required to take into account the flooring floor to understand the value of sleep as accurately as possible:

        Act Interpretation for a woman Interpretation for a man
        Wall mirrorThe girl should expect a joyful event in his own family. For example, reconciliation with relatives. Married women such a plot can foreshadow an ambulance pregnancyPromises the situation that will allow you to look at yourself and analyze the most frequently performed errors
        DustyThe girl will be dependent on his man in all respects. The reason for this provision will be non-independence, complexes and fears of the woman itselfYoung man will have to take on other people's duties and responsibility for other people.
        Make a mirror in the houseThe dream is awaiting a fast divorce. In parting it will be precisely the spouse, so it will be very difficult to correct the situation for sleepingThe guy succumb to temptation and change its second half. He will be able to hide betrayal, but what happened will be a strong dream and interfere with living

        Interpretations in various dreams

        What dreams mirror, according to the interpretation in popular dream books:

        Dream Miller

        Dreams with a mirror always reflect the mental state of sleeping. If a person carefully puts the subject in his pocket, he is strongly concerned about the opinion of others. He always listens to the advice of friends and relatives in reality, and never see the call of heart. Excellent if a man or a woman managed to break the mirror to smithereens. This means that soon in the life of the dreams are coming serious changes - he will be able to get rid of the tightness, to become more free and independent.

        Interpretation Vangi.

        The predictor paid great attention to the reflection in the mirror. If a ghost appeared in it is an important sign. If he was calm and silent, it means that the man cannot determine his goals and plans for life. Aggressive and sullen is a symbol of the conspiracy of envious and ill-wishers behind the back of the dream. Also, the Bulgarian provincial suggests that the rapid aging of the sleeping in the mirror foreshadows him a serious illness in real life. Immediately after waking, you need to do your health.

        Celebrator of flowers

        Abandoned on the sleeping mirror, which ultimately breaks down, promises a sudden death of a relative. The news of the tragedy will be for a man or a woman completely unexpected and will leave the rut for a long time. If a person gets a fragment of a broken mirror out of his hand, he will be able to get rid of the enviousness in real life or even reconcile with swung enemies.

        Dream Interpretation Loffa

        The naked image of the sleeping in the mirror foreshadows health problems. The disease has already begun to actively develop and progress, but in a daily bustle, a person simply does not notice the obvious symptoms of the ailment. Sometimes it is possible to understand some of the organs or systems of Stot to pay special attention. For example, if the dreams are naked below the belt, then the cause of suffering and pain will be problems with the urinary or sexual system. To see yourself from the side in the mirror hairy and dirty - to wealth. To notice the bruise on the face - to the opportunity to participate in any, even dubious financial affairs and benefit for themselves. Freckles across the dream body fought unsuccessful friendship. A new acquaintance will be a liar who knows how to mask perfectly under a kind and honest person.

        Female interpreter

        Beautiful reflection of a girl in a pure mirror promises her a quick long-awaited proposal of a hand and hearts and a long happy marriage. The subject, broken sleeping, can be the foresight of home contradictions. Unauthorized actions of women will cause discontent and condemnation of relatives.

With mirrors, an incredible amount is associated with folk beliefs, and some are convinced that if you often look in the mirror, you can lose beauty and health, for the mirror literally pulls out energy from humans. Spread the mirror in reality is terrible than look into it in a dream. Is it really?

What dreams mirror in the dream of Miller

According to the interpretation of a well-known psychotherapist, every person who admires on his mirror reflection is simply doomed to misunderstanding from close people. Possible bellows, disputes, quarrels and mutual reproaches. In addition, a similar dream can warn that soon this world will leave the dear dream man, and this death will cause him a lot of torments and experiences.

If a broken mirror dreamed, it foreshadows the riddled death of a relative, and small fragments say that death lies a close relative, and large fragments say that someone from the far sickness will die.

To see in the mirror of other people - it means that their actions in relation to sleeping will not be called fair. When wild animals or pets appear in the mirror, it means that the dreams will lose something or disappointed something.

If a unmarried girl drew a breakdown mirror in a dream, this means that the groom would not justify her hopes and marriage with this man would be unsuccessful. And when the mature woman sees in the mirror of his lover - a sick and devoid of all sorts of vitality, it foreshadows his ambulance death. At best, they will just break out. The lover is full of joy and fun, which means that this novel will end well, without sacrifices, or the desire to part will be mutual.

When it dreams just a mirror - without any reflections, the whole and clean, then, perhaps, someone will deceive someone or is waiting for him in front of obstacles that will be difficult to overcome. Married woman who saw such a mirror in a dream, soon divorces, and it is it that will be the initiator of the divorce. But if a man gets like a similar dream, it means that he will soon lead a mistress (if married) or will meet his soul mate (if the single).

Mirror in a dream - dream book Vanga

When the sleeper carefully considers his reflection, this indicates that it is absolutely not indifferent to how others are expressed about him, but, especially since they think about him. Undoubtedly, this particular looks at his own life from the position of the observer, trying to analyze everything that happens to him. If a person does not see his reflection, looking into the mirror, it means that the unclean power is owed above it and all his actions are the origin of evil spirits. The only way out is to ask God for forgiveness and protection, it's not too late.

A broken mirror is a harbinger of trouble. And if a person sees himself gadgetting in front of the mirror, it means that he is not indifferent by his own future, and he wants to know what will happen to him in the very near future. True, you need to know that no oracle, be he seven spans in the forehead, cannot predict the future with absolute accuracy. If the dreams do not want to dream of so disturbing and incomprehensible dreams, it should be limited to the number of visits to the magicians and fortune telkams, so that unclean power left him alone.

What does it mean: dreamed of a mirror? Interpretation by Freud.

In a dream everything is displayed that the man wants to see. Freud is confident that every person admiring his mirror reflection in reality is a "daffodium". Otherwise, he has a tendency to pride. If the dream has chosen its own reflection, then this means that his dreams and desires are unlikely to be implemented and fulfilled, and wines everything is the insistentness of sleeping.

If you dream of a muddy mirror or having such strong contaminants, that it is impossible to consider anything in it, then this means that a person is extremely unhappy with his sexual life. His sexual energy does not find a way out, and sexual fantasies do not become reality, which is fraught with the acquisition of some disorders or diseases.

Anyone who in a dream washes or wipes the mirror, let it prepare for sex, and a broken mirror symbolizes the collapsed hopes and not fulfilled desires. In this case, plans can not be built, because they are not destined to come true. The mirror-turning mirror says that the dream is overcome by some fears, and related to his sexual fantasies.

What dreams of a modern dream mirror

In a dream, look in the mirror - bad. This is to experiences, disagreements, bitten and other troubles. To see in the mirror of the reflection of others - someone very badly refers to the dream, and the reflection of the mysterious creature or the monster can make someone who promises a lot, but does not fulfill their promises.

A broken mirror, seen in a dream, also does not promise anything good: it means that someone from the nearest environment can die from the hands of the killer or become a victim of an accident. If you see yourself in a mirror in full growth, then a unfulfilled person is promoting an ambulance wedding, and the man, burdened by the Uzami Gimenta - the fast divorce. If the girl accidentally breaks the mirror in a dream, then it means that she will lose their innocence, but she will not raise his lover in his beloved.

When a loved man sees a reflection of his passion in a dream in a mirror, then this suggests that it is not true to him, and the presence of an opponent who can destroy the attitude is an obvious fact that does not matter. If not his owner looks into the pocket mirror, and a foreign person, it is soon that relations with the second half will finally ruin and it will be impossible to restore them.

What dreams mirror in dream interpretation Deniz Lynn

Sleeping with a mirror can be interpreted in different ways. According to Denise Lynn, the reflective surface is the personification of human consciousness. This is a kind of self-visiting symbol, indicating that it is time to think about yourself. To correctly interpret the dream, you need to remember it up to the smallest details.

If a broken mirror dreamed, this means that something hide something from a person, and it is unlikely that this mystery will be revealed. In the event that the owner of the mirror himself splits him, and, consciously, in reality, he will win a brilliant victory over his own enemies. It is possible that he will fall into a difficult position, but everything will end well: he will find out of it.

An absolutely whole mirror signals that the dream is waiting for unforeseen cash spending. To avoid them, immediately after awakening should be energized half a tomato, and throw another half a half, but not in the trash can, but right outside. Look in the mirror, but not seeing your reflection - to fun.

What dreams mirror in the dream dream

A man who admires in a dream with his mirror reflection, in reality is completely not guided by common sense. If he will continue to lead himself, then it sulls him ruin and full collapse. It is possible that the dream environment consists not of those people that he really needs. But he is able to independently expose liars and envious, opening their true face. Having made the necessary measures, it is possible to completely eliminate them, and it depends on the efficiency: whether they will cause harm or not.

When a person looks at his reflection and sees that his face is popcked with mud, it means that someone tries to stain his reputation or dismisses gossip. Klevetnikov and the worships can be given a worthy story, if immediately after waking up to go to the bathroom and wash the face with soap. It is very bad to break the mirror in a dream - it is very bad, for the one who did it, is waiting for very unpleasant events, because of which it will be very worried.

What dreams to see yourself in the mirror? Look in the mirror in a dream - what does it mean?

To solve such a dream, you need to remember: how, when and under what circumstances it happened. This is the same as small details are of great importance.

To see his clear reflection, having experienced incredible joy, is a good sleep that says that a person is in Lada with his own inner world. A blurry reflection, conjugate with a feeling of fear, warns about the coming troubles.

If a person looks in the mirror, but does not see his reflection, then this means that he is overpowing unaffected alarms and sad thoughts. But when he still sees his reflection, it is good, and if it does not coincide with his real portrait, then such a person has a self-esteem or the opposite - too overestimated.

If in a dream a woman saw his reflection in full growth - to be married. Or pregnancy. It all depends on what status it is. It is impossible to look at the broken mirror, this is a well-known fact, but if this happens in a dream, it was not destined to come true. The bride, looking into the broken mirror, may forget about the soon marriage, for its chosen one will prefer another girl.

A man who encompasses his reflection will soon be deceived by business partners or close friends. And if he sees his reflection in the smashed mirror, then large troubles are waiting for him in front or someone diligently tries to let his reputation, blossoming gossip and spreading incorrect information.

What dream of a broken mirror? Dream Interpretation - Smash in a dream Mirror.

If the image of a stranger, the image of a stranger, is unreleased in a fragment of a sympathetic mirror, then anything good does not foreshadow. You need to wait for trouble. Own reflection in a broken mirror says that you need to wait for news. And it is unlikely that these news will be good.

Hear in a dream, how the mirror is broken, but not to see it - also to the news. The fragments of the mirror, brilliant from the light of a single candle, is a very good vision, meaning that a new, interesting thing to start, and all disappointments, troubles and attacks will bypass. Seeing your reflection in several fragments is not very good. Perhaps a change is to be changed, but it will not be done in the new team.

The disintended broken mirror, lying on the floor, in which no one and nothing reflects, is the harbinger of silent for a dream of events: someone recognizes his terrible secret, and tells it in secret all the world. The consequences of this are unpredictable, because no one else knows which secret to the dreams in himself.

What dreams to calculate the hair in front of the mirror?

The correct interpretation of such sleep depends on many factors: to whom they belonged to their hair, in what condition they were, what is their length and even what they are calculated - a ridge, a massage brush or ordinary calculation.

For example, to calculate in a dream long hair in reality means that the dreams will make a serious mistake, perhaps not even one. The adhered cross will cost very expensive - there is a risk that the consequences of such a fatal error will "kill" the remaining life.

A man trying to comb combing tangled hair in a dream, overly incredulous and suspicious. These two qualities greatly complicate their lives, and such a dream suggests that it is urgent to change their attitude towards people. Just hairstyle means regretful about the missed opportunities. But you do not need to despair, because you can still return.

If the comb broke in the process of the calcination, then the dream rests large troubles that significantly spoil his life. If a person stands in front of the mirror and is calculated, but at the same time his hair falls out, then it will promote large financial losses, and if the hair is calculated by the dead man, then it is very bad: a big trouble will come.

Make a hairstyle in front of the mirror, which means that the starting case will bring to the end, and he is waiting for success and universal recognition. If a person sits in front of the mirror, and someone leaves his hair, the one who does it, hates a dream with all his soul. A man looking into the mirror and at the same time happing, is simply doomed to get a large profit.

What dreams mirror in hands on the wall?

If you keep not a mirror, but his fragment, and at the same time look at him, then a big misfortune happens soon. A pocket mirror with a handle predicts that there is a solid state to his owner, the main thing is, this is the mirror not to die out of the hands, otherwise - all wealth will float in an unknown direction.

A large mirror hold in your hands and look at it - you need to wait for the news that can turn all my life. And no one knows which this will be the news: good or bad. Keep a small mirror in your hands and let them "solar bunnies", which means to introduce someone in error by providing inaccurate information.

Dinking the whole and pure mirror that hangs on the wall is a warning. A cracked or broken mirror, in this case, prevents obtaining new work, and, such employment will be very successful. New work will bring not only worthy earnings, but also a fast career growth.

If the mirror on the wall is rooted to the dream again, this indicates that it is overcome by some fears and doubts in the field of sexual relations. Most likely, he is afraid of his secret desires, but these sexual fantasies do not give him any rest. Perhaps he is simply unsure of himself.

It is in a dream in a room, the walls of which are hung with mirrors, which means that some work will appear soon, requiring non-odd knowledge and applications. In general, the mirror room can dreamed by a person who is deceiving all the time, and not only others, but also himself.

What dreams clean or dirty mirror?

The pure mirror, without a single scratch, herds and stains can dream of a person who does not suffer from remorse. That is, his conscience is chista, he does not feel guilty and does not cord himself for some acts. If the dream gave a clean mirror, then soon it will take some profitable business.

To see a dirty mirror in a dream, it means that the dream is surrounded by bad people. Perhaps this is his close friends or relatives. They are so false and fake that you can wait for anything. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to such a dream. This is a signal that you need to be alert and wait for the impact in your back (which can be prevented).

The muddy and dirty surface of the mirror prevents the situation in which to understand independently it will be impossible, therefore, it will have to be involved in solving the problem of foreign people. A large dirty mirror is the harbinger of the appearance of gossip. Perhaps the dream will be drawn into some kind of intrigue, but everything will end well.

What else is the mirror:

  • eyes in the mirror - happiness;
  • man in the mirror - new love;
  • the mirror without reflection - the views on life will change;
  • black mirror - change to the worst;
  • many mirrors - someone wants to impose their own opinion;
  • a man in the mirror - a desire to look at yourself from the side;
  • the girl or woman in the mirror is some kind of injustice;
  • fragments of the mirror - bad news and tragic events;
  • new mirror - love suffering;
  • the old mirror is to break up with a loved one;
  • wash the mirror - its own well-being depends on the efforts attached;
  • paint lips in front of the mirror - to a love diction;
  • closed mirror - to the dead man;
  • beat the mirror - only one who beats him is to blame in all his troubles;
  • enjoy himself in the mirror - the cause of the upcoming conflict should be sought in itself;
  • the old woman in the mirror - gossip capable of hardly harm;

Dream mirror The mirror is to smash - loss through betrayal, separation; see your face - to be in from afar, profit in the personal, the birth of children, as you look like - this is your attitude around; see one's whole - to the disease; No person - illness, failure; unfamiliar - big change. The mirror - for the maiden - innocence; Break - losing innocence, get married. Dream of flowers

Dream mirror Watch in a dream in the mirror - to the unexpected result of your sexual activity. After a while you will learn that not so long ago, sexual contact will bring unexpected fruits for you. Also, the mirror seen in the dream can warn about the high probability of infection with a venereal disease. Intimate dream book

Dream mirror Mirror - if the mirror is dark. - Unfortunately. In a broken mirror you see a reflection of a person. - foreshadows misfortune. Mirror - dream clear, light mirror. - Fortunately. Dark mirror. - Unfortunately. We take, take the mirror. - You will find a good wife. You see your reflection in the mirror, - will be in afar. You see the reflection of another person in the mirror. - trouble with his wife or concubine. You take a mirror belonging to another person. - Birth of a noble son. Another man holds your mirror in his hands. - foreshadows misfortune with his wife. The mirror is broken. - foresaw the separation of her husband and wife. Dream of Zhou-Guna

Sleep value mirror In order not to dream anything, it is not necessary to look at the event of the sun in the mirror. How to dream mirror: a naked girl; Miloders - the change of her life; Everyone is to see himself in the mirror so that another face is in an acne, - a change in life to welfare, wealth. See mirror in a dream - shame will be. If a married woman sees himself in a dream with a young girl who is absorbed in front of the mirror, then does not blow back the disease. If you dream that you look in the mirror, - love someone. Ukrainian dream book

Sleep mirror In general, the mirror in a dream is a sign of possible deception or difficult obstacles. For a woman, such a dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce. Look in the mirror in a dream means to come to the disagreements between the close; Perhaps the cause of your suffering will be someone's illness. To see in the mirror of others - the foresology of their unfair actions towards you. Animals in the mirror foreshadow disappointment and loss. A broken mirror in a dream often predicts a large mountain, suffering and tears, a sudden death of a relative. A young woman broken mirror promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage. Modern dream book

Dream mirror If you dreamed that you see yourself in the mirror: a lot of stunning events will happen to you, and the disease will cause your failures and troubles. See the broken mirror: the prediction of the unexpected or violent death of any of your friends or loved ones. To see in the mirror of others: it foreshadows that some people to achieve their own benefits will behave unfairly in relation to you. Animals seen in the mirror: an omnation of disappointment and failure. Sleep, in which a young woman breaks the mirror: foreshadows insincere friendship and unhappy marriage. If she sees his beloved in the mirror pale and emaciated: it predicts the misfortune or parting. If he looks happy: expect only a short waving. A young woman to see the mirror in a dream: it will prophete that she will soon face a deception and disagreements that will lead to tragic consequences and parting. Modern dream book

Interpretation of a dream mirror The mirror seeing you in a dream may be due to the famous melas of Basni: "There is nothing to make a mirror, if the crown of a curve" or with a notity, on which the mirror is divided into misfortune. If you see a few mirrors, as if at the exhibition, this means that you are in the center of attention of others, you are waiting for some act. To see its reflection in the mirror - you will make a wrong step, make something like that, then you will be ashamed and awkward. Slide the mirror in a dream - a bad sleep that foreshadows an unpleasant event that you will be hard to worry. It looks into the mirror, but not seeing its reflection in it - this dream is promoting to you, which will touch first of all your inner world, your views on life. Dream Ezopa

Dream mirror Mirror - self-identification; Seen in a dream means an attempt to look at himself, from the side, to make sure of his own image. Confirm your "I". Speaks about some insecurity. Russian dream book

Dream mirror Mirror: This symbol means look at your inner world. If what you see in the mirror is pleased, then you do not have internal conflicts with you. If your own appearance is scared, it means that something is wrong with your soul. Check, do not oppress you bad thoughts, envy or bad intentions. Try to find out the reason for your discrepancies with yourself, honestly admit yourself that something is wrong. After that, you can hope that the nightmare will no longer repeat. Children's dream book

Dream mirror In a dream, this is a wife. If anyone in a dream sees herself looking into the mirror and his wife at this time is pregnant, she will give birth to him a boy like him, and if she is not pregnant or there is no wife in general, then he will be removed from his post and his place will take other. If a wife sees such a dream and she will be pregnant, she will give birth to a girl like himself, and if not pregnant, then the husband marries the second wife. If a little boy sees herself looking into the mirror, then a brother call him, and if a girl sees it, she is called her sister. Some explosive scientists say that in a dream the mirror means becoming a victim of deception and betrayal by hypocrites pretending to your friends or benevolers. Islamic dream book

Dream mirror The mirror: an image that makes it possible to observe, consider the meaning of some kind of attitudines and someone's behavior, manners of thinking. Often, "in Syo" uses this image to point out the fake of someone's belief. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream mirror To see the mirror in a dream - the forever marriage, and for people who are married such a dream means treason. Watch in the mirror - to strengthen the disease for patients and to the disease for healthy. See how someone looks in the mirror, foreshadows a lot of doubts and a fallen mood because of misfortunes in the family. See yourself in the mirror - the forever, you will meet with evil, deceptive and fake friends. To see the reflection of your face in the mirror - foreshadows discontent due to the inability to organize their affairs in such a way that they bring the desired result. If in a dream you look at the freckle in your face in your face, Introduces it foreshadows that your short happiness will be overshadowed by the unaitable final: you lose your lover. To see in the mirror on his face bruising, which you really do not have, - such a dream means that you can participate in entertainment without any concerns that you will introduce you to in the near future. See yourself in the mirror as ugly and shaggy - to rapid enrichment and glory. To see in the mirror instead of other people foreshadows their unfair deeds towards you. If you saw in the mirror, looking into it, some animal - Introduces it foreshadows frustration and loss. A mirror showing in a dream of a pale and exhausted lover is a sign of his early death or your failed engagement. If he is healthy and looks cheerful - it means that there will be a break between you, but after a while you will become happy. To see a broken mirror in a dream - a sign of unsuccessful friendship and a completely unsuccessful marriage. Smash in a dream mirror - get the news that your favorite relative is at death. To see how someone breaks the mirror, - by the head of fast deception or difficult obstacles for unmarried, and for marriage - domestic battles that can bring to the divorce. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream mirror Mirror: Narcissism, which is selfish and low-value, it can be auto-erotic or homosexual. Mirror: It can also be a symbol of cognition of self and shadow, that is, narcissism can be creative. The symbol is found both at the stages of narcissism and during regression. Reflections in water, mirror: correspond to the saw seen another, which is perceived as its own, indicating a possible projection. The mythical door through which the other world can invade this one. Magic symbol of unconscious memories. Associated with a double or friend image. Reflections. Consciousness reflects the features of their own nature, both positive and negative. The unconscious occasionally seems like a mirror opposite to conscious, in which everything is distorted, including time. Reflect yourself. What we see each other and thus our appearance. The unconscious can use this image, indicating the fundamental unity of the two opposites, for example, good and evil, which the individual in his reflections considered various. Plato recommended a mirror with young people to observe virtue or viciousness visible on their own face. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream mirror To see yourself in full growth in the mirror: to look at your face to your face: big changes in life, a steep turn, large events break down: to defeat ill-wishers, get out the winner of a difficult situation. Russian dream book

Dream mirror The mirror is freedom, wedding, groom (maiden), change in life (modules) // friend will deceive, treason, bad, shame; look - to carry out from afar // Disease, death (patient); look and not see reflections - illness; see yourself in pimple - change for the better, wealth; see one's own - illness; split - betrayal, separation; give - reconciliation; will give - a wedding (maiden); Lose - sadness. Small Velezov Sonnik

Dream mirror If in a dream you look in the mirror, in real life you will quarrel with your chosen one. A broken mirror - ominous omen, meaning the death of a beloved. Such a dream is also a bad marriage and quarrels. If the girl sees a loved one in the mirror, which seems pale and sick, it means that she will soon survive his loss. Also, this dream means an unsuccessful engagement. If the chosen one in the mirror looks happy, it means that there will be a light beveling between lovers, which will soon be resolved happy. If you dreamed a simple mirror, it is very likely that in your family there will be a wave. Dream interpretation for lovers

Dream mirror Mirror: reflects our inner essence. For example, a dream sees a witch in the mirror: it is she herself. Also split the mirror: losses, failures. See yourself in the mirror in another form: to change. The direction of change will tell the image in the mirror. ABC Interpretation of dreams

Dream mirror Large dream book

Dream mirror Old, cracks, dark or broken. The dreams sees himself in the mirror in an unsightly form and considers his face with surprise and fright. It is typical for black magic dreams\u003e. Dream of black magic

Dream mirror Saw in a dream herself looking into the mirror - disagreements and experiences await you ahead. The cause of your sufferings may be someone's illness. Saw someone else in the mirror, we fear unfair actions in relation to you. A broken mirror foreshadows a sudden death of a relative. A young woman broken mirror promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage. To see in the lover's mirror, pale and emaciated, - to the failed grout. If he looks happy, it is possible a slight distance between you, which will soon disappear. Just see the mirror in a dream - a sign of possible soon deception or obstacles. For a woman, this dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce. Nostradamus interpreted the dreams of mirrors as follows: The mirror is a symbol of duality, secrets. You will see their reflection in the mirror in a dream, then I will get an unexpected news. If in a dream you broke the mirror - in reality you will experience because of a treachery of a person close to you. The dream in which you saw in a mirror reflection of the monster, indicates the insincerity of your promises and internal devastation. See a huge mirror with a muddy surface - to become a victim of intrigue and slander. Do not see in a dream its reflection in the mirror is a bad sign. To guess in a dream in front of the mirror means fear, doubt, inability to make decisions yourself. Wanta believed that if a person looks in a dream to his reflection in the mirror, then in real life it is very interested in what other people think about him. "You often look at your life as if by, trying to analyze your actions and affairs. If you look in the mirror, but do not see your reflection, then such a dream says that you are in the power of the unclean strength that the evil peaks. Contact God, for you are waiting for a hard life, "the Bulgarian appearance advised. According to Vangi, to see a broken mirror in a dream - the prophecy of great grief. You are waiting for suffering and tears. In front of the mirror is guessing - a sign that in real life you are overly interested in your future. You want to know literally everything: is rich and happily you will live, how many children you have, will you respect you surrounding and even the day of your demise. Remember that "the paths of the Lord are non-defined", and none of the now living can answer all your questions with accurate confidence. Constantly referring to various predictors and guessing themselves, you only attract the attention of unclean power. A D. Lofoff wrote in his dream book: "In the dreams of the mirror, it is clearly reflected by something, the objects reflect, bringing any changes, like the case of Alice in Wonderland serve as a door to another reality. The mirror is often concerned about the ability to show us what awaits us ahead, forcing it to interpret what they saw and think about it, I like it or not. If the mirror inconsisibly reflects the items, adds or removes parts, then it represents a mapping of life perception against the background of the real position of things. In this case, sleep indicates to you the wrong interpretation of moving environmental motives, which is manifested in the reluctance to take these motifs "for a clean coin" (who or what is added or removed from the mirror?). Finally, the mirror as a symbolic door to another world is usually generated by a fantasy subconscious. " Large universal dream book

Dream mirror Look at yourself in the mirror - this is a dream that in reality you are not guided by common sense in affairs and soon try to collapse if you do not organize them properly. This dream also means you are surrounded by treacherous people who soon expose you to successfully. They will open their true face, trying to bother to bother you. Do not be too trusting and do not give up a draw. Although you are not prone to suspicion, be careful and insightful, try to penetrate into the essence of human intentions. In love with the opponent: he firmly intends to displace you from the heart of his beloved and take your place. Vintage English Dream Interpretation

Dream mirror Look in the mirror: without seeing his face to merry. Split the mirror: unfortunately, tragedy in love. Give the mirror: refuse themselves from their own happiness. Receive the mirror: wait for the trick, gifts not from the pure heart. Many mirrors: confused, get lost, you will not know who to believe. Esoteric dream book

Dream mirror "Reflect on the mirror": objectivity, visibility, the evidence of a broken mirror or trough ": Loss, trouble" Conduct time at the mirror ": aimless pastry time" Coolhouse ": otherworldly, unavailable, secret parallel world" Curler ": reflect, copy "Curve mirror": distortion. Idiom dream book

Dream mirror The mirror, it is different from the real, turned on right to left the world of imaginary volumes and forms. The mirror in a dream (also different from the reality of the world): a very complex image, a combination of various measurements, allowing you to catch and reflect the inner past of the human soul. With attention should be taken to such a sleep: it is absolutely necessary - it gives space. Everyone lives in his own world, which creates as he himself seems correct. Come related, own behavior - all these are already derived from the past first understanding, how to live. Everyone chooses and in the future only the actors is worked out the image that was once chosen, bringing it to (the image of him) to possible perfection - the same effect on the effect of the impact on the public / surrounding. But it is the static. And the statics are always unfavorable, especially - the state of the soul! Seeing his reflection from the past in the mirror: there is the perception of its true world: a present, unaczzle and undistorted attitude towards himself. Own face in the sleep mirror: It is as it was, while the spiritual make-up artist-acter image was actively started - a role. The consequence of sleep should be the analysis of all its actions from the point of sleep reference (face in the mirror) to the present moment (after sleeping in the morning). To see the reflection of ourselves in the mirror in a dream as if from the future: Sleep knows that his face in the mirror, but he never recognizes himself never yet, nothing to remember. It, as in the first case, the perception of his true face, but it was not what it was, and what it will be if nothing changes in the real behavior. Actions after sleep is made as desired, depending on whether the face like it in the mirror or not. But such a dream, as a rule, demonstrates the need for any changes: the tips above should not be neglected. Do not recognize yourself in the mirror in a dream: a complete contradiction between the necessary way, and the understanding and vision of his surrounding, which actually exist. Such a dream is a sign of a permanent depleting power of the dynamic stress to maintain a false image, a sign of approaching the nervous breakdown. To enjoy the contemplation of its reflection in a dream in the mirror: a sign of lack of fighting with himself, the complete adoption of all the events that happened. Disconnection to its reflection in a dream: a sign of a constant depleting struggle for saving the selected behavior scheme, inconsistency of the selected goal and its own capabilities. Each act performed to achieve the goal brings disappointment and loss of forces. Covering mirrors in a dream and the inability to see in it at least approximately their own features: the chosen scheme of behavior is incorrect to the complete erasing of his own person (and revealed the broken mirror - a bad sign). Perhaps complete submission of someone else. The sleep is very unfavorable, the urgent change of behavior, goals, valuables and the doctor's council are required. Specific immediate consequences, such dreams are usually not predicted. But remote consequences are bad. To see instead of yourself in the mirror of another person: complete submission of someone else's will (could happen in childhood). If the reflection is familiar: review your relationship with the original, regardless of whether it is alive or has already died. Minded study in this case frees, and mentally given debts give liberation. You can consider this sleep favorable, since such a show is help. To see in a dream, some other place reflected in the mirror (the dreams in a dream is in the room and sees the road in the mirror, for example) or another person (not instead of yourself): It means simply using the possibilities of the mirror for transmitting information (for some reasons for some reason Otherwise, it was impossible to show it). In this case, it is necessary to interpret the seen in the mirror as an independent dream. Imperial dream book

Dream mirror Mirror: This is a bright symbol having many values. Mirror: may mean your imagination or your consciousness reflecting the world around. It may also be a symbol of self-pressing, which points to you that it is time to draw thoughts deep into yourself. Some psychologists associate mirrors: with hidden subconscious memories. In China, the mirrors were used to reflect or dispel hostile influences: look at the accompanying signs to reveal the meaning of this image. In folklore and in the magical fairy tales of the mirror: associated with magic. This is a door leading from our world to other spheres. Explore the magic of your life. Mirror allows you to: take a step towards from reality and look at life in a new, more fully run. Do you need to see the reflection of what actually happens in your life, and understand who you are actually? It may be familiar to look into your eyes and see yourself in full growth. It allows you to see yourself as they see you surrounding. Dream Interpretation Deniz Lynn

Dream mirror Mirror: Freedom, Wedding, Groom (Device), Change in Life (Molodha), friend will deceive, treason, bad, shame look: to watch from afar, disease, death (sick) look and not see reflections: a disease to see yourself in acne: change For the better, wealth to see ourselves entirely: the disease broke: betrayal, separation to give: reconciliation will give: Wedding (Device) Lose: sadness. Small dream book

Dream mirror Mirror. See in a dream herself looking into the mirror - means that you will come across a lot of discrepancing disagreements; The cause of your sufferings will be someone's illness. To see a broken mirror in a dream - foreshadows the sudden death of a relative. See others in the mirror - foreshadow their unfair actions towards you. To see in the animal mirror - means disappointment and loss. Young woman seen in a dream broken mirror promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage. To see in the mirror of the lover, pale and emaciated, - to his death or failed grinding. If he looks happy, then a slight distance between you will increase. But after a while, consent reigns in your hearts. Just see the mirror in a dream - a sign of possible fast deception or hard-solid obstacles. For a woman, this dream can be the oppression of home contradictions or divorce. Furniture dream book

Dream mirror Mirror - mirror reflects our inner entity. For example, a dreamy sees a witch in the mirror - it is she herself. Also - anxiety about your image, about how people perceive us. Split the mirror - loss, failure. See yourself in the mirror in another form - to change. The direction of change will tell the image in the mirror. Sonniest Medea

Dream mirror In general, the mirror in a dream: a sign of possible deception or difficult obstacles. For a woman, such a dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce. Look in the mirror in a dream: means to come to the disagreements between the closest possible, the cause of your sufferings will be someone's illness. To see in the mirror of others: the foresology of their unfair actions towards you. Animals in the mirror: foreshadow disappointment and loss. A broken mirror in a dream: often predicts a big grief, suffering and tears, a sudden death of a relative. A young woman broken mirror: promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage. Dream of a modern woman

Dream mirror Seeing your reflection: to unhealthy, the sign is enhanced if you are considering yourself, being naked. The mirror: sad news, the situation is enhanced if it broke. Newest dream book

Dream mirror Dream Mirror - self-identification; Seen in a dream means an attempt to look at himself, from the side, to make sure of his own image. Confirm your me. Speaks about some insecurity. Russian People's Sonniest

Dream mirror The mirror reflects our inner essence. For example, a dreamy sees a witch in the mirror - it is she herself. Also - anxiety about your image, about how people perceive us. Split the mirror - loss, failure. See yourself in the mirror in another form - to change. The direction of change will tell the image in the mirror. The mirror in the dream often performs in the magical light. In it, the dreams often sees himself, but with another appearance. In this appearance, its true idea of \u200b\u200bitself is reflected or, on the contrary, desired.

Dream mirror

Over time, human habits change, customs. The ancient population of the planet belonged to the reflective face of the surface is wary. For our ancestors, the mirror was a magical subject, since it was the opinion that through its surface you can get into the otherworldly world.

Medieval magicians and healers used a mirror smooth for rites, rituals. For a modern person, the reflection that appeared in dreams is identified with the inner world. How among many values \u200b\u200bto choose a suitable providence? What dreams of a mirror?

As the dream book, the mirror is a sign of future change, and the appearance or action shown by the stitch will indicate the possible development of events, which will warn about the occurrence of obstacles.

There is also a belief that such dreams personify hopes, hidden desires.

A secret mirror can be dreamed of a secretly immersed in his own world, which makes anything, for example, wants to carry out a childhood dream or achieve unprecedented heights in the working path.

General value

The symbolism of the vision, due to the uniqueness of the perception of images by a person, will certainly be special. Many years of experience of folk interpretations, together with the omensing of seams, the sickness provides several of the most popular variants of the analysis of secret signs.

Dreamed a big and bright subject of the interior

  • If the reflection in dreams showed an unfamiliar person, then the reality of the dreams meets new love.
  • Good eyes were progress - to unlimited happiness, and Distorted Lick warns about the coming trouble, which exists a threat to health.
  • What dreams a big mirror? The sign of this kind hints at an overestimated self-esteem, inappropriate reality.
  • See the mirror gender - to appear before a heavy choice.
  • A broken mirror surface is a symbol of misfortunes, mental unrest, suffering, experiences.

When in the plot I happened to look at my own reflection, then the action personifies the desire to know your inner world, reach harmony with the inner "I," to make sure that feasible actions and a perfect choice.

Characteristics of dreams in dreams

To see the mirror from the side in the dreams, according to a small vellis, the interpreter is to gain freedom, get rid of parental care. The disease will be dealt to the one who watched the reflection movements. Also, the vision predicts unpleasant news, which will make sleeping special to worry.

According to the female interpretator, the mirror is a unique sign that hints for a possible deception and betrayal of loved ones, dishonest intentions of others, granting the spouse.

Listen to your desires, be guided not only by the mind, but also by the heart of the heart recommends Magnetti, after a dream about large reflective planes.

Cracked dreams of conflicts

Because of the disagreements of the house there will be a stressful atmosphere, oppressing all the households, - this is how the image of the mirrors family interpreter. A broken trumpently symbolizes the sudden death of a loved one.

The French interpreter warns about the insincerity of the person, which shows interest in your person, if the cracked mirror was crushed on the eve, and the esoteric interpreter relates similar dreams to joyful precursors, promising an interesting pastime, rest.

Psychoanalytic Sembling Miller

Several interesting interpretations provide Miller's dream book. Given the features of human perception, psychoanalyst considers signs during sleep, as the most exciting person life situations.

  • I had to observe the reflection? There are disagreements between the opinion of the sleeping personnel and its surroundings.
  • The fear of death, stay lonely and helpless, personify nightmares, where the dreams seemed to be suddenly established.
  • To see in a dream the mirror is broken - a bad sign that predicts the loss of the most valuable. This may be confidence of the second half, others will lose authority.
  • It will be difficult to overcome obstacles, but hard work and perseverance will give a positive result - so Miller interrupts the image of a clean surface without reflected objects.
  • The huge hall of mirrors and glass is the fears that will be shoved in person, do not give her to reveal the creative potential, to show leadership qualities.

Financial difficulties expect someone to see the reflection of the dead in dreams.

Valga Providence

Bulgarian provincial interpurs so ambiguous subconscious signals, given the accompanying full picture of the vision.

If there are obsessive visions, where the sleeping is constantly considering the face in the mirror, then the man does not depend on the opinion of others, the person is guided by fear not to justify other people's hopes, whether parents, spouse, bosses or children.

They are fond of magical rituals, attract unclean power, try to contact the otherworldly people who dream dream: "divination opposite the mirror." Visions of this kind warn of unpleasant consequences after the deeds, and assistance will come only after sinking sins.

See in a dream

Evil thoughts do not give rest during the day nor at night, when the mirror is shaky and without reflection.

What awaits a dream on Freud

Sigmund Freud reflection in the mirror identifies with the innermost desires of the sleeping person, which the brain does not allow to think, fantasize.

  • As the dream interpretation assures, problems with sex life will affect a person who tried to clean the dirty surface from dust.
  • Dreams will remain only at the level of fantasies, they are not destined to come true if the scenario is cracked or crashed.
  • He will tell the dream book, which dreams the mirror is small, but neat. The vision in this way speaks of satisfaction with life, satiety, self-confidence.

Try to remember the words spoken by reflection in dreams, especially if it was an interesting guest, as a dream will open for you the secrets of the future.

Interpreter Hasse

Medium Miss Hasse is sure that standing in dreams in front of the ship is ready for the upcoming changes.

A clear face speaks of the sincerity of others, benevolent intentions towards the family of sleeping.

See your reflection during dance

Material well-being and other all sorts of benefits await someone who has been settled by pyruetics in front of the mirrors. The value will change when black outfits appear in concomitant. Such dreams are bad signs that are stolen by adversity, poverty.

If you happened to stand in front of a mirror in dreams, then it came to sum up the results, consider myself from the side, recognize the shortcomings and start a new life stage purified.

Scene features

With interpretation, not only the person of the sleeping person is important, but also all associated events. From insignificant, at first glance, the details value drastically changes.

When a mirror was dreamed of a friend, then an excellent business will arrive at the new business idea, and the career would go to take off.

In a completely different interpretation of dreams, the gift of the object is in a cruise in a dream. A female and quarrels get together between the spouses, the relationship is cooled due to misunderstanding.

A love adventure is to be survived to those who dressed in front of the mirror, and the bare parts of the body symbolize vulnerable sizes.

What was reflection

In a dream in the mirror saw her face? Think about: perhaps in reality you offended a close person, and now dreams hint at the experienced sense of guilt.

See in reflecting beautiful hair

  • The desire to change the boring rim of events, to experience unforgettable feelings, does not give rest sleeping if he carefully considers the face in the mirror.
  • Beautiful and well-groomed hair in reflection is an exceptionally favorable symbol hinting at the long-awaited change.
  • It's time to engage in self-knowledge, if there was a reflection in the plot.
  • What is terrible to appear, the more serious violation between the inner world and the environment.
  • Worried for parents or children to be sacrament, which is a tired view in the mirror surface.

Do not worry when wrinkles or graying are shot, because this sign symbolizes the acquired experience and wisdom.

Value for women

The beautiful half of humanity is endowed with more emotional perception of events, both in dreams and in reality, for this reason the interpretator provides unique interpretation for the ladies.

  • If you had to paint lips - expect a date, after which the dreaming is stopped in the puchin of passion, will lose his head from surging feelings.
  • Proven to itself as a reliable employee and a faithful friend will be part of the person, which in the dreams tried in front of the luxury outfits.
  • To see a mirror for married ladies in a dream - a kind sign that foreshadows the resurrection of feelings to the spouse.

Sleep value for men

The commission of frivolous actions is characteristic of young girls, when dreams about combing Kurdrey before reflection in the mirror.

Interpretation of men

For a strong sexual sex with reviewing its facial and hairstyles are the subconscious fear of baldness, loss of attractiveness for women.

By paying attention to the business, the man will achieve confession in the eyes of colleagues, his opinion will become authoritative when the plot happened to observe the appealing gray on his head.

As a dream book, mirrors, a lot of glass fragments are a symbol of uncertainty. Fear not to satisfy the requests of the ladies makes a guy shaved, detached.

It is necessary to find out the relationship with his wife to have someone who in the plot broke the mirror, inadvertently dropped him, and the acquisition of a new ship in dreams acts as a symbol of victories concomitant of luck.

The surface reflects another person

How to interpret dreams if I had to see in the mirror of another person? Such strange visions will help to disassemble the modern interpreter.

According to the modern interpreter, the children's glance in the mirror is the desire of a person again to feel the feeling of carelessness, calmness, the desire to free themselves from the work of work.

Sleeping actions

Fight alone with troubles will have a dream after dreams about washing a mirror surface. What other actions will help to look at the sleeping person into the future?

  • As the dream book says, buy a new mirror - start a new life stage.
  • I had to get rid of an ancient tremor or a mirror cabinet? It will be possible to leave dry out of the water, it turns out to cope with the troubles without consequences.
  • Floor mirror mirrors in dreams - hide cunning plans from close people.
  • As the dream interpretation assures, wash the mirror - trying to justify your own actions.

Recognize false in the words of a native person, to be disappointed in the second half a sleeping person who bought tremor in a dream.

What dreams mirror

Dream Miller

See in a dream herself looking into the mirror - means that you will come across a lot of discrepancing disagreements; The cause of your sufferings will be someone's illness.

To see a broken mirror in a dream - foreshadows the sudden death of a relative. A broken mirror usually indicates only negative events in life, as well as this damaged object of disappointment, troubles, serious obstacles to the achievement of goals, illness.

See others in the mirror - foreshadow their unfair actions towards you.

To see in the animal mirror - means disappointment and loss.

A young woman seen in a dream broken mirror - promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage.

To see in the lover's mirror, pale and emaciated - to his death or failed grinding. If he looks happy, then a slight distance between you will increase. But after a while, consent reigns in your hearts.

Just see the mirror in a dream - a sign of possible fast deception or hard-solid obstacles. For a woman, this dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce.

What dreams mirror

Dream of Freud.

Images in the mirror are your fantasies, desires.

In the mirror you see yourself as you want to be - you have manifestations of narcissism.

If you see a mirror in a dream - you tend to indulge in sexual fantasies and actions that do not decide to make real life.

Dirty or dove mirror - symbolizes your dissatisfaction with your sexual life.

Wash or wiping mirrors - symbolizes sexual intercourse.

A broken mirror - symbolizes your collapsing and unfulfilled dreams.

A mirror inverted to the wall - symbolizes your sexual fears.

What dreams mirror

Dream Vangu

Watch in a dream on its reflection in the mirror - a sign that in real life you are very interested in what other people think about you. You often look at your life as if by, trying to analyze your actions and affairs.

If you look in the mirror, but do not see your reflection - then such a dream says that you are in the power of the unclean strength that the evil peaks. Contact God, for you are waiting for a hard life.

To see a broken mirror in a dream - the prophecy of great grief. You are waiting for suffering and tears.

In front of the mirror is guessing - a sign that in real life you are overly interested in your future. You want to know literally everything: is rich and happily you will live, how many children you have, will you respect you surrounding and even the day of your demise. Remember that the "ways of the Lord are non-evortion" and none of the now living can answer all your questions with accurate confidence. Constantly referring to various predictors and guessing themselves, you only attract the attention of unclean power.

What dreams mirror

Family dream book

Saw in a dream, looking into the mirror - disagreement and experiences await you ahead. The cause of your sufferings may be someone's illness.

Saw someone else in the mirror - we fear unfair actions in relation to you.

A broken mirror foreshadows the sudden death of a relative.

To see in the lover's mirror, pale and emaciated - to the failed grinding. If he looks happy - it is possible a slight distance between you, which will soon disappear.

Just see the mirror in a dream - a sign of possible soon deception or obstacles. For a woman, this dream - can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce.

What dreams mirror

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

It looks in a dream in the mirror - a sign that in your life there are normally or amazing some important events that require collections and concentrations. Such dreams are usually shot to people in front of large changes in life. If you saw a mirror in your dream, then such a dream foreshadows unexpected changes in your life.

If, looking at yourself in the mirror, you are satisfied - such a dream means that your chances of success are very high and you can safely take for a new business.

To see in the mirror instead of reflection something strange - a sign of confusion. Looks like you are poorly controlling the situation, and your life events can become uncontrollable.

To see someone else's reflection in the mirror instead of a sign of deception and empty illusions. Most likely, you are seriously mistaken, appreciating your capabilities.

Get frightened by seeing a strange reflection in the mirror - means that an incorrect assessment of the situation may cause you serious harm.

A cracked or broken mirror is a sign of sudden changes that threaten to knock you out from the rut.

Too narrow mirrors - a sign that you look at things too one-sided and therefore risks to allow serious mistakes.

Truma in a dream - it says that you are clearly lacking for concentration, and it can badly affect your affairs.

What dreams mirror

Newest dream book Ivanova

To see your reflection - to unhealthy, the sign is enhanced if you are considering yourself, being naked.

The mirror is sad news, the situation is enhanced if it broke.

What dreams mirror

Spring dream book

Break something to the mirror - to exemption from the envious.

To smash the mirror to smash - to the loss of relatives.

Shard of the mirror - to the destruction of health.

Look to the mirror - to old age.

What dreams mirror

Summer Dream

To smash in a dream the mirror to smithereens - very bad sleep: to the disease or to bankruptcy.

What dreams mirror

Autumn dream book

To see in a dream that you broke the mirror to smithereens - your family life will be crashing.

To dream of a fragment of the mirror - to the remnants of your family happiness.

What dreams mirror

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

To see the mirror in a dream - the forever marriage, and for people who are married such a dream means treason.

Watch in the mirror - to strengthen the disease for patients and to the disease for healthy.

To see how someone looks in the mirror - foreshadows a lot of doubts and a fallen mood because of misfortunes in the family.

See yourself in the mirror - the forever, you will meet with evil, deceptive and fake friends. To see the reflection of your face in the mirror - foreshadows discontent due to the inability to organize their affairs in such a way that they bring the desired result.

If in a dream you are looking at the freckles in your face in your face - Introduces it foreshadows that your short happiness will be overshadowed by a sad finale: you lose your lover.

To see in the mirror on his face bruising, which you really do not have - such a dream means that you can participate in entertainment without any concerns that you will introduce you to in the very near future.

See yourself in the mirror as ugly and shaggy - to rapid enrichment and glory.

To see other people in the mirror instead of themselves - foreshadow their unfair deeds towards you. If you saw in the mirror, looking into it, some animal - Introduces it foreshadows frustration and loss.

A mirror showing in a dream of a pale and exhausted lover - is a sign of his early death or your failed engagement. If he is healthy and looks cheerful - it means that there will be a break between you, but after a while you will become happy.

To see a broken mirror in a dream - a sign of unsuccessful friendship and a completely unsuccessful marriage. Smash in a dream mirror - get the news that your favorite relative is at death. To see how someone breaks the mirror - the head of the soon deception or difficult obstacles for unmarried, and for marriage - domestic battles that can bring to the divorce.

What dreams mirror

Sonner Simon Kananita

Mirror - evil, deceptive friends.

What dreams mirror

Dream "Fedorovskaya

Look in the mirror - to a serious illness.

Split the mirror - to great misfortune.

In a dream, you saw someone broke the mirror - someone from your loved ones await big trouble.

Buying a mirror - you can soon find out what your friends think about you.

You dreamed that you sold the mirror - you can quarrel with one of your friends.

If you dreamed that you hung the mirror on the wall - you will be coming big, in vain troubles.

What dreams mirror

Esoteric dream book

Look in the mirror - without seeing his face to merry.

Split the mirror - unfortunately, tragedy in love.

Give the mirror - refuse their own happiness.

Get the mirror - wait for the trick, gifts not from the pure heart.

Many mirrors - confused, get lost, you will not know who to believe.

What dreams mirror

Dream of a modern woman

In general, the mirror in a dream is a sign of possible deception or difficult obstacles. For a woman, such a dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce.

It looks into the mirror in a dream - means to come to the disagreements between loved ones; Perhaps the cause of your suffering will be someone's illness.

To see in the mirror of others - the foresology of their unfair actions towards you.

Animals in the mirror - foreshadow disappointment and loss.

A broken mirror in a dream - often predicts a big grief, suffering and tears, a sudden death of a relative.

A young woman broken mirror - promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage.

What dreams mirror

Dream Azara

Mirror - fake friends.

What dreams mirror

Dream Dream Eugene Tsvetkov

The mirror is broken - loss through betrayal, separation; see your face - to be in from afar, profit in the personal, the birth of children, as you look like - this is your attitude around; see one's whole - to the disease; No person - illness, failure; unfamiliar - big changes; Mirror for the maiden - innocence; Break - losing innocence, get married.

What dreams mirror

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you see yourself in the mirror - a lot of stunning events will happen to you, and the disease will cause your failures and troubles.

To see a broken mirror - the prediction of an unexpected or violent death of any of your friends or loved ones.

To see in the mirror of others - foreshadows that some people to achieve their own benefit will behave unfair in relation to you.

Animals seen in the mirror - a disappoinment of frustration and failure.

Sleep, in which a young woman breaks the mirror - foreshadows an insincere friendship and unhappy marriage.

If she sees his beloved in the mirror pale and emaciated - it predicts misfortune or parting.

If he looks happy - expect only a short waving.

A young woman to see a mirror in a dream - it prophes it to come up, which will soon face a deception and disagreements that will lead to tragic consequences and parting.

What dreams mirror

Eastern Dream

Look in the mirror - to the ambulance in life; A broken mirror - to the crash of hopes.

What dreams mirror

School Schiller Dream

evil, deceptive and fake friends.

What dreams mirror

Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

What dreams what does the mirror mean in a dream - you dream of a mirror - in real life you will come across a deception; You will be reality in distorted form - perhaps even, everyone will appear on the contrary: the left will be right, and the right left; An obstacle with whom you will come across, it will be difficult to overcome and will long delay you. A woman dreams mirror - unfavorable sleep; disagreement with his spouse will lead to a quarrel; Frequent quarrels will lead to divorce; In the middle of the way, this woman can stay alone. You seem to look in the mirror - someone from your loved ones will get sick; You may have disagreements with colleagues; You will be in impact, want to work with a light, but others will not support your enthusiasm. You dream that someone looks in the mirror or you see the reflection in the mirror of other people - these people actually cost you unfairly; During the harvest, they will stand aside, but when you prepare to eat fruit, you will be moved to the background. You see that the mirror reflects any animals - get ready for disappointments; Someone who you have ever respected, will not notice you, but it will even notice your young spouse. You look in the mirror, but do not see yourself in it - your reflection is missing - you are awaiting a disease that can have sad consequences. You seem to give a mirror - a sentence from a person who you constantly thought you will be pollen. You give someone to someone the mirror - the one who you thought was in a taught, suddenly offer you my friendship; You should take this friendship - you saw a person in the worst hypostasis, do not reject it in the best. The mirror in a dream broke or cracked - some of your relatives suddenly dies. A young woman sees a broken or cracked mirror in a dream - she was so happy for marriage; Now the dream tells her that marriage will be unhappy; The heart of this woman will be broken. The young woman dreams seem to be in the mirror - the face of her beloved; This face is pale, exhausted - sleep says that a woman will not be able to tie his destiny with this beloved; There is a parting; It is likely that the death of the lover will be the cause of separation. Young woman sees in the mirror reflection of a joyful face of a beloved - relationship between lovers was cool for some time, but soon everything will return to the older; Love will break up with even greater force.

What dreams mirror

Dream Stranger

Mirror - self-analysis, self-consciousness.

See your reflection - thinking about your position; Break - unfortunately, the death of a loved one.

The mirror for women is pride, whims; To a date.

What dreams mirror

Akulina healer dream book

What does the mirror mean in a dream - to see himself beautiful in the mirror - to profits, ugly - to the disease. Imagine that you look in the mirror and see yourself beautiful, blooming, cheerful. If you broke the mirror, imagine that the fragments turn into water and evaporate.

What dreams mirror

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Berti

The mirror is duality, doubt and desire to clarify everything.

What dreams mirror

Dream Kopalinsky

The mirror is to dream of any unexpected turn in life, to change, to a love adventure.

What dreams mirror

Dream of black magic

The mirror is old, in cracks, dark or broken - dreams sees himself in the mirror in an unsightly form and considers his face with surprise and fright.

What dreams mirror

Dream Interpretation Krada Veles.

Peel yourself in the mirror of smeared soot - problems with a reputation, quarrel, friends were slandered, scandal, fight.

See yourself in the mirror evaporated in soot, but then wash and see yourself in the mirror clean - it will be possible to fix the reputation, get rid of the slander on you of your false friends

What dreams mirror

Folklore Dream

The mirror is broken - to trouble.

What dreams mirror

Universal dream book

Interpretation of a dream room: a broken mirror - to troubles, diseases, disappointments. If the dream has seen before some important event: the signing of a business contract, the wedding, a long-time trip, will not be so smooth, as I would like difficulties. If you are overcome doubts, it is better to give up the venture or at least transfer the event at another time.

There is a breakdown mirror, if you hear in a dream just how it is broken or aware of this fact, but I don't see the subject itself, indicates that in the near future you will learn large news. Sing the mirror yourself - wait for trouble. If you are watching your relative, a friend or acquaintance beats a mirror or see his reflection in it - in reality you will become the main reason for the problems of this person.

What dreams mirror

Dream Interpretary Prince Zhou-Guna

Mirror - if the mirror is dark. - Unfortunately. In a broken mirror you see a reflection of a person. - foreshadows misfortune.

Mirror - dream clear, light mirror. - Fortunately. Dark mirror. - Unfortunately. We take, take the mirror. - You will find a good wife. You see your reflection in the mirror, - will be in afar. You see the reflection of another person in the mirror. - trouble with his wife or concubine. You take a mirror belonging to another person. - Birth of a noble son. Another man holds your mirror in his hands. - foreshadows misfortune with his wife. The mirror is broken. - foresaw the separation of her husband and wife.

What dreams mirror

Lowish dream book

The girl dreams that it looks in the mirror - if this girl has not yet waved his hand to his personal life, it should pay more attention to his appearance.

What dreams mirror

Star Sonnik

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book: What does the mirror mean in a dream - look in the mirror - to deception, lies and betrayal. Your hopes will not come true. Loneliness. Split the mirror - to great misfortune.

What dreams mirror

Modern dream book

Mirror - evil, fake friends

What dreams mirror

English Dream

You dreamed of a mirror to what the mirrors allow you to see your own reflection, see, without turning around, which is behind the back, and light dark angles, reflecting the light. They are associated with thousands of thousands of years and even now cause admiration for people with imagination. What dreams dream: what was the mirror in a dream? To reflect something? To check how you look, and if so, then it shows you the way you are, or what you want to be? Can you take steps to achieve this form? Maybe you, like Alice, Lewis Carroll, entered through the mirror glass into another world? Or did it show you behind your back figures, perhaps something that you are trying to deny or ignore?

What dreams mirror

Dream Artemidora

You dreamed of a mirror - see the mirror - Comrade will deceive. Oval mirror foreshadows troubles, round - good luck, rectangular - entertainment. A cracked mirror - to the disease. Broken mirror - to painful experiences, failures and losses. Self smash the mirror seen on Monday night, means that you will fall under the influence of a person who will not do anything good for you. Dinders on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, he means that you will part with a close person (perhaps for a while). On the night of Saturday or Sunday, - to a steep change in life.

What dreams mirror

Dream name A.Mindel

You dreamed of looking into the mirror - you look in a dream in the mirror - soon learn a lot of interesting things; Entertaining information will simply collapse on you. You look in the mirror - I hid something for a long time, but you will soon recognize it; You will consider the problem from different sides, and it will save you from an error.

What dreams mirror

Intellone dream

Mirror - to marriage.

What dreams mirror

Vintage Russian dream book

The mirror - visited in a dream, means treason; It is observed in the mirror of the patient marks death, and a healthy disease.

What dreams mirror

Psychoanalytic dream book

Mirror - see also reflection. 1. The dream of a mirror involves excitement about its own appearance. We are worried that others think about us, and we need a thorough study of ourselves to function properly. There may be some excitement about aging or death. 2. Look in the mirror - an attempt to see the idiot back. We can worry our past behavior. We may also need to "reflect" on something that we have done or said. If the reflection in the mirror is vague - we have difficulties in understanding ourselves. If the image speaks with us - it is necessary to listen carefully to your inner J. 3. The mirror involves the knowledge of himself. To understand yourself at a deeper level, in a real talk to your mirror reflection, the discoveries made can be very surprised.

What dreams mirror

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

Mirror - mirror reflects our inner entity. For example, a dreamy sees a witch in the mirror - it is she herself. Also - anxiety about your image, about how people perceive us. Split the mirror - loss, failure. See yourself in the mirror in another form - to change. The direction of change will tell the image in the mirror.

What dreams mirror

Home dreamy

You dreamed of a mirror - image; Communication with the subconscious. A modified person or several images in the mirror - understanding and making character traits that were not recognized before.

What dreams mirror

Russian dream book

What does the mirror mean in a dream - the reflection of our thoughts and desires; The ability to self-analysis, reflection, religion of belief. Often - a sign of lies, false, illusory of your belief.

What dreams mirror

Female dream book

Which means to see the mirror in a dream - in general, a mirror in a dream is a sign of possible deception or difficult obstacles. For a woman, such a dream can be the foresight of home contradictions or divorce. Look in the mirror in a dream means to come to the disagreements between the close; Perhaps the cause of your suffering will be someone's illness. To see in the mirror of others - the foresology of their unfair actions towards you. Animals in the mirror foreshadow disappointment and loss. A broken mirror in a dream often predicts a large mountain, suffering and tears, a sudden death of a relative. A young woman broken mirror promises unsuccessful friendship and not very happy marriage, so interprets the dream of a mirror.

What dreams mirror

Magic dream book

You dreamed of the mirror - look at your reflection - interest in what people think about you. Look in the mirror and not see yourself - the intervention of the unclean power. Broken mirror - bad prophecy. For women to see the face of another woman in the mirror - to treason. If the mirror holds another person - to carry out from afar. To guess in front of the mirror - interested in your future. For a girl in front of the mirror wedding outfit - a quick successful marriage. If the middle-aged woman sees his young face in the mirror - she will have a partner younger than her.

What dreams mirror

Dream interpretation housewife

Watch in the mirror - the desire to understand what the impression you do on the people around you.

What dreams mirror

Dream Dashka

self-identification; Seen in a dream means an attempt to look at himself, from the side, to make sure of his own image. Confirm your "I". Speaks about some insecurity.

What dreams mirror

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Mirror - to marriage.

What dreams mirror

Dream Maya.

Good denied you dreamed of a broken mirror, then very soon you will learn that you have been hidden from you for a long time. To make it a pleasant news, draw a red circle on the mirror and throw it out the mirror.

Bad denied you dreamed of a whole mirror, in the near future unforeseen expenses await you. To make them not so much, eat half of the tomato, and throw the second half to the street to eat rats.

What dreams mirror

Dream of winged phrases

The mirror is "reflected both in the mirror" - objectivity, visibility, evidence. "At the broken mirror or trough" - a loss, trouble; "Conduct time at the mirror" - aimless pastime. "Locker" - otherworldly, inaccessible, secret; parallel world. "Curler" - reflect, copy; "Curve mirror" - distortion.

What dreams mirror

Italian dream book Meneghetti

The mirror makes it possible from the side to take a look at your behavior, attitude to life, image of thinking. Often, the In-CE uses this image to show the falsity of man's belief. Symbolizes the deviation monitor and following other people's advice.

What dreams mirror

Dream Svuvalova

Often this image indicates a falsehood, fake of your own beliefs or beliefs or the values \u200b\u200bof any other person imposed on you.

What dreams mirror

Old Russian dream book

split - loss through betrayal, separation; see your face - to be in from afar, profit in the personal, birth of children; No person - illness; unfamiliar - big change.

What dreams mirror

Explanatory Dreaming Dictionary

Look in the mirror - well-being.