Repair Design Furniture

We protect the house from lightning - we make a lightning rod with our own hands. Do-it-yourself lightning rod for a country house: will there be an effect? How is a lightning rod

It would be more correct to call this building lightning rod, but from the point of view of euphony, a lightning rod is more acceptable. In a sense, this name is associated with a long-standing human fear of the forces of nature, the ancients considered thunder to be a sign of the wrath of the gods.

In fact, during a thunderstorm, a large amount of electrical energy accumulates in the atmosphere, which creates a strong electric field near the surface of the earth, the most powerful voltage occurs near all kinds of sharp conductors.

In such cases, we can see luminous discharges on the tips, which are not at all harmful to the building. The shock hits the receiver, passes through the conductor and goes into the ground through the ground. Do you need or do not need a lightning rod in the country and how to make it yourself, there will be an article about this.

Why is it dangerous to get lightning into the house?

Lightning has a certain, fairly strong destructive power and can simply damage a building. In addition, lightning, getting into the roof, will touch the electrical wiring, a short circuit will occur. If there is a special protection on the electrical wiring, then the electricity will turn off, if it is not there, a number of turned-on appliances, such as a refrigerator, will burn. But the worst thing that can be is a fire that arose from a short circuit.


It is believed that the first lightning rod-lightning rod was invented by Benjamin Franklin, he described his device in the weekly "Poor Richard's Almanack". It must be said that devices similar to lightning rods can be seen even among the ancient Egyptians: during the Middle Ages, lighthouses were equipped with structures designed to play the role of a lightning rod, and today we can see their needles.

Medieval temples and Muslim mosques could not do without lightning rods. We can safely say that lightning rods are ancient and useful devices.

Strictly speaking, this device consists of 3 parts:

DIY lightning rod

Making a lightning rod-lightning rod with your own hands is not difficult. This does not require any special skills. It is enough just to be able to use household welding, or to be able to firmly fasten the bolts and not be afraid of heights. Necessary:

  • make a lightning rod circuit;
  • stock up on materials: wire, rods, tools and a welding machine, as well as paint for staining joints. It is more reliable to make a lightning rod by welding, but bolts and nuts can be used;
  • choose a good day, work on the roof of even a country house is necessary in dry and fine, calm weather;
  • think over the model lightning rod, but it is better to draw it;
  • decide what part of the work can be done on the ground, and what will need to be done on the roof;
  • and get to work.

Note: parts can not be soldered, but simply twisted very tightly with bolts and nuts. The main thing here is that during the passage of an electric discharge there is no short circuit that can cause a fire.

Our goal is to save the house from a fire, not cause it. All soldered or twisted places should preferably be painted to protect against corrosion.
And most importantly, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to let professionals do this work.

Installing a lightning rod

Installing a lightning rod the most difficult part of the task. Having chosen the highest point of the building, it is necessary to install a metal pin on it, which in turn is attached to a wooden base.

As the highest point may be suitable:

  • chimney, they are usually located quite high;
  • horse at home, often it looks like a weather vane - it will be useful and beautiful;
  • a ledge on the roof is almost always decorative elements;
  • an antenna that can itself serve as a lightning rod if it is made of aluminum or other metal and is not painted.

As a lightning rod, sometimes a metal roof is used, arranged as a whole with a sufficient thickness of iron and equipped with appropriate protection, or a part of the roof with the same characteristics, as well as drains, provided they are made of metal of the desired diameter, or metal fences on the roof.


- this is a device that diverts a charge, often of very high values ​​\u200b\u200binto the ground, in fact eliminates its destructive power.

Given the specifics of the component being arranged, it is necessary that it be located at a distance of at least 1 meter from the wall of the building and at least 5 meters from the porch and paths, this is if accidents are not included in your plans.

Tree as a lightning rod

One of the options for a lightning rod device with minimal costs can be considered a lightning rod arranged on a tree near the house.

It only takes a few things to do this:

  • this is possible only if a large, or rather tall tree grows near the house, which can serve as a lightning rod;
  • lightning rod, after the device must be higher than the highest point of the house so that it can fulfill its purpose;
  • the location of the tree is such that the house falls into the “cone zone” (it was written about earlier), which means that the tree grows close enough to the walls of the house;
  • the pin and wire must be attached to the trunk with plastic clamps so as not to damage the bark and wood of the plant. We do not want the tree to wither;
  • remember that grounding is located away from the paths and walls of the house. This rule must be strictly observed.

Internal lightning protection

The presence in a private house, including a two-story one, at the dacha of electricity increases the chances of a lightning strike. Therefore, when a thunderstorm approaches turn off all electricity in the house. Now you can buy special lightning protection, it is inexpensive, but thanks to it you can protect your wiring and switched on devices from damage. In addition, it will help protect the building from fire.

One of the easiest ways to protect yourself from lightning is to unscrew the plugs when a thunderstorm approaches. It is a thunderstorm that is dangerous in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour house. This is evidenced by peals of thunder, heard at intervals of 10 seconds. You don't need any special equipment to find out, just count between the rolls of thunder.

Protection zone

The lightning rod is able to protect not only the house, but also the area around it. The higher the lightning rod, the larger the area that is under its protection. It acts like a cone, where the top point will be the edge of the pin, and the base is a territory protected from lightning.

The radius is calculated using the formula: R=1.732 x h, here h is the height of the lightning rod. Based on the above, there are two reasons to install the device so that it is the highest point of the building.

  • if there is a higher point on the building, a lightning strike will fall on it and the device will not perform its assigned function;
  • the higher the discharge receiver is located, the larger the area protected by it.

Lightning protection method in the absence of a lightning rod-lightning rod

If your house or apartment does not have a lightning rod, do not be discouraged. Simply cutting off electricity during a thunderstorm is also a very effective remedy for a lightning strike.

Go to a store or supermarket and buy protection for your electrical wiring. It is effective, quite inexpensive and a little troublesome.

To prevent such consequences during construction work lightning protection circuit is being implemented. Private houses are classified by SNiP as buildings of the third class of fire safety and are subject to lightning protection without fail. A lightning rod is planned not when the house shines with brand new tiles, but at the stage of project development. Then he makes a single architectural solution with him.

Type selection

Type of planned lightning protection depends on the initial state of the house and the conditions in which it is located. Lightning usually strikes at the highest point of a house or a nearby tree. Trees, antennas, poles, when struck by lightning, create a screen effect and neighboring buildings, cars can get into the affected area.

The second condition for a protection device is soil type, different types of which have unequal conductance and resistance, which is taken into account when choosing the cross section of the metal strip and the depth of the contour.

If your house is near a body of water or keys, then the risk of being struck by a discharge is maximum, especially if, according to climatic conditions, the number of thunderstorm periods exceeds 40 hours per year.

Lightning protection device of a private (country) house

Lightning rod principle simple - protecting the house from destruction by diverting an electrical discharge into the ground. Lightning protection is effective only in the case of a comprehensive solution. A complete system includes internal protection and external protection.

The first protects equipment from power surges during a thunderstorm. Even if a lightning strike strikes several kilometers away, a surge suppressor is required.

Installing a ready-made arrester is not difficult, but if you do not have such protection, use the most reliable way - turn off electrical appliances if the storm front is within 3 km. The time difference between thunder and lightning should be less than 10 seconds.

Outdoor lightning protection ensures the safety of the house and the people in it during a thunderstorm. The device of the simplest lightning rod: support, lightning rod, down conductor and ground loop.

Lightning rod- a metal conductor up to 1.5 m long, receiving a lightning discharge. Installed on the roof, chimney, TV antenna - any highest place in the house. This method is suitable for metal roofing.

If the roof is made of slate, a metal cable is pulled on wooden supports 1-2 m long and protected with insulators.

For tiled roofs, a lightning protection mesh with down conductors extending from it is pulled along the ridge. The down conductor connects the lightning rod to the ground loop. This steel wire is laid along the wall of the house and welded to the lightning rod and ground loop.

Lightning protection grounding- 2 electrodes connected and hammered into the ground. If there is a circuit, it's already good, but according to the rules, the grounding of household appliances and lightning protection at home should be common. The radius of the protective action of the lightning rod is determined by the formula R=1.732 h, where h is the height of the lightning rod.

How does this device work? Electric current always goes through the circuit of least resistance, and lightning is a colossal discharge of electricity with a current strength of 100,000 A.

And a properly made lightning conductor will represent this least resistance, through which the lightning discharge will go to the ground, protecting your home.

In this picture, one of the options for lightning protection for your home.

And this video tells about the nature of lightning and protection from them.

Do-it-yourself lightning protection of a wooden house

Having dealt with the lightning rod device, it is not so difficult to protect your house or cottage yourself. We decided on the type of roof, let's talk about each method of protection in detail.

Lightning mesh- a mesh of metal wire with a diameter of 6 mm, made by welding at the intersections. It is laid on the roof and connected by several current conductors to the ground loop.

Suitable for non-metal roofs when you need to protect one building, because the neighboring buildings are lower. Sometimes this mesh is laid on the roof during the construction of the house.

Lightning wire- the cable is stretched on insulators between two metal or wooden supports. They are installed on a ridge, at a height of 0.25 m. The wire diameter is at least 6 mm.

A loop is made around the pipe from this wire and connected to the lightning rod. The connection is best done by welding or soldering. From the same wire and the current lead is made. It turns out a protective zone in the form of a hut and is suitable for all non-metallic roofs.

Pin lightning rod is a metal pin with a round, square or rectangular cross-sectional shape and a length of at least 0.25 m and a cross-sectional area of ​​100 sq. mm. It takes the brunt and must withstand various thermal and dynamic loads.

Made of non-oxidizing material (copper, galvanized steel), as it cannot be painted. The minimum cross-sectional diameter of a rod or gas pipe is 12 mm. If the pipe is hollow, the end must be welded. It is mounted on the roof ridge on a mast of the required length.

Down conductor serves to direct the received discharge to the ground. We attach it by welding, soldering or fastening with bolts. The contact area in this case must be at least twice the cross-sectional area of ​​the parts to be joined.

This type of protection is suitable for metal roofs, and the roof itself must also be grounded. It creates a kind of protective umbrella. You can attach it with nails, staples, clamps.

And finally protective earth. The grounding conductor diverts the lightning current to the ground and has a small proportion of electrical resistance. It is laid at a distance of 5 m from the porch and paths. If the soil is wet and the depth of groundwater is less than 1.5 m, horizontal ground electrodes are used. His you can do it like this:

  1. Dig a ditch along the house to the width of a shovel, 6 m long and up to 1 m deep.
  2. Drive three galvanized water pipes with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 2 m into the bottom of the ditch every three meters. We leave 5 cm on the surface.
  3. Lay a wire with a diameter of at least 8 mm and weld it to the pipes. The down conductor must also be welded to the middle pipe. You can weld bolts to the pipes and connect the pipes with a copper cable.
  4. Lubricate the bolts with grease and bury the pipes.

If the soil is dry and groundwater is deep, it is possible to build a vertical grounding conductor from two rods 2-3 m long, which are driven into the ground to a depth of 0.5 m and 3 m apart. They are connected by a jumper with a cross section of 100 sq. m

This grounding can also be used to protect electrical appliances, electrical panels in the house. During a thunderstorm, it is dangerous to be close to grounding within a radius of 4 m(you can get under step voltage). Lightning protection can also be arranged on trees. This is possible if the tree is 2-2.5 times taller than the house along with the antenna and is 3-10 m away from the house. It is made from a piece of wire with a diameter of 5-8 mm, has a one-sided descent and one grounding in the form of a loop.

Lightning rods used to protect against linear lightning are ineffective for ball lightning. To prevent such lightning from entering the house during a thunderstorm, windows, doors, chimneys should be tightly closed, and ventilation units should have a mesh of copper or steel wire with 3-4 cm cells and reliable grounding.

And finally a few tips. To ground a metal roof, storm drains can be used as down conductors. For the convenience of clogging the pipe, you can first build a scaffold. If the dimensions are unknown, then the protective zone can be determined using a conventional right-angled isosceles triangle. Aim along the long side (hypotenuse) at the lightning rod. The short side (leg) is parallel to the ground.

If the sight point is below the top of the lightning rod, then you are in the protection zone. Do not place down conductors near the doors. All metal structures on the roof are also grounded. The state of lightning protection requires care and systematic checking of connections. It is best if they are welding.

You can build two down conductors for reliability. Corrosion must not be allowed, regularly clean it from scale. Every five years, open the ground electrodes, check and replace if necessary. And your lightning rod will provide you with safe living for many years.

in this video you can see an approximate installation of lightning protection.

Historical reference or Who invented the lightning rod? A lightning rod (or lightning rod) is a mechanism that is installed on structures and performs the function of protection against a lightning strike. Commonly known as "lightning rod".

It is generally accepted that the lightning rod is an invention of Benjamin Franklin, which he made in 1752, but there is also evidence that similar structures existed before this date (for example, the high masts of ancient temples in Ancient Egypt, there were also structures at the temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem , Nevyansk Tower, Jacques Rom's kites). In Russia, the first lightning rods were created by M.V. Lomonosov and G.V. Richman in 1753.

In this article we will talk about what a lightning rod is and how it works, who invented the lightning rod and how to make a lightning rod for a country house with your own hands.

Lightning discharges are an extremely dangerous natural phenomenon, especially in a situation where structures are located in open areas, which is why it is necessary to install a lightning rod to ensure the peace and safety of your family. Installing a lightning rod will not require a huge amount of time, but, in the end, you will be sure that the buildings are reliably protected from various weather troubles.

Necessary tools and building materials

To install a lightning rod in a private house, you will need:

  • pin for lightning rod;
  • metal wire made of copper or aluminum with a cross section of 6 mm and a corrugation for a down conductor;
  • stainless steel for ground preparation;
  • welding machine;
  • saw with a disc for metal;
  • drill - electric;
  • multimeter;
  • sledgehammer or hammer;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • spanners;
  • bolts M8 or M10;
  • dowel;
  • clamps for fasteners;
  • powerful wooden pole;
  • holders.

Preparation stage

Planning must begin with determining the height of the structure. The top of the lightning rod must be placed up to 12 meters above the ground.

It should be noted that structures designed to protect buildings from lightning strikes protect buildings only in a limited area. The space around the structure itself can be considered protected. Therefore, when building a lightning rod, it is necessary to take this into account and build them so that all objects located on the site fall under protection.

There are two types of structures:

  • Type A
  • Type B

Lightning rods type A provide 99% protection, which makes them the most effective lightning protection structures.

Type B structures are less efficient than type A structures and as a result protect the structure by only 95%.

Important! The security zone created by the lightning rod will be within a radius of 1.5 times the height of the mast.

That is, at a height of 10 meters, the lightning rod will cover an area with a diameter of 30 meters. If it is necessary to protect a larger area with buildings, then the construction of two or three masts evenly spaced over the territory of the site will help solve the problem of lightning diversion. The lightning rod must be at a height of more than 2 meters from the surface in order to effectively perform the function of protecting the house from lightning.

Selection of a grounding installation site

The ground loop must be located at a distance of up to 1 meter from the foundation of the building that the lightning rod will protect, and a few meters from the sidewalks and the porch. The place of grounding during a thunderstorm is dangerous, therefore it is necessary to arrange it so as not to endanger households and guests. It would be best to find a place for her against a wall or fence enclosing the house. One option is to place some kind of flower bed or other composition of boulders, stones, etc. around the grounding zone.

The most suitable materials for the components:

It is also necessary to determine in advance and mark the locations of all structural elements.

Construction installation

  • Grounding installation.

After marking, a pit is created with a shovel in the shape of a triangle - each side of which must be at least 1200 mm, depth - 600 - 700 mm. A trench is laid from the top of the triangle towards the wall of the house. At the end point, the end of the down conductor will fit.

At the ends of the vertical parts of the grounding elements, corners are cut off with a grinder, then with pointed ends they are driven into the ground to a depth of 2 meters with a heavy metal sledgehammer. When digging the pointed ends of the ground into the ground, it is necessary to strike with a sledgehammer strictly vertically so as not to bend the structure.

Using a welding machine, pieces of the same material are welded, from which a metal triangle is formed in trenches.

  • Installation of a lightning rod (lightning rod).

There are two ways to install a lightning rod:

The current collector is laid on the roof, and then on the wall vertically down and attached to the roof and wall with semicircular plastic or metal clamps. The lower part of the current washer must be fixed to the ground, led out of the wall of the house.

To do this, a hole is made in the ground plate, into which a bolt with a washer, nut and lock nut is installed. The stripped (sharp) end of the down conductor is clamped with a washer, nut and bolt, together with a twisted pair wrapped around the bolt. The holes are then dug in.


The installed system must be checked with a multimeter. Perform a resistance measurement - the device should have a value no higher than 10 ohms. If the readings of the device differ from the normative ones, check all the joints of the structure - there should be good electrical conductivity along the entire contour of the structure.


A properly installed rooftop lightning rod can protect your home and nearby buildings from lightning.

It is important to note that in the case of private houses, the issue of a lightning rod is decided by the owner. There are a number of factors in the placement of buildings that minimize, in principle, the likelihood of a lightning strike into a house:

  • if the house is in a lowland, then the probability of a lightning strike into the house during a thunderstorm is extremely small;
  • if there is a higher-rise building near the house, then most likely it will be struck by lightning. Thus, the danger of a lightning strike is leveled by the presence of a higher structure next to it;
  • if a lightning rod is installed on a neighboring house, then your house may also fall within the coverage area of ​​a neighbor's lightning rod.

Thus, in some cases there may not be an urgent need to install a lightning rod. The feasibility of the installation must be evaluated depending on the above factors.

Avoiding the tragic consequences of lightning is not only possible, but also very easy. Multi-storey urban buildings, as a rule, are equipped with lightning protection at the construction stage. But it is important for owners of private housing, country houses and summer cottages to understand that no one will take better care of the safety of their property and life. A lightning rod, or rather, a lightning rod, is a metal structure for attracting and trapping an electric lightning discharge. It has a rather unassuming device, but is very effective during bad weather. Precisely because it does not take a lot of money, time and effort for its device, it is important to make a lightning rod in a private house with your own hands. Such a home-made design will serve without fail, which has been repeatedly tested in practice.

Consequences of lightning strikes.

Thunder and lightning or why you need a lightning rod

In the mid-latitudes of the European continent, May Day marks the beginning of the season when rains can be accompanied by thunderstorms. Most people are afraid of thunder, flashes of lightning. And not without reason. Statistics inexorably show that every year dozens of people die from lightning strikes in the country, and even more often fires of private buildings occur due to lightning and sparks.

A lightning rod in a private house is relevant both for owners of country cottages and for those who like to spend time in the country. Due to the peculiarities of electrostatics, in recent decades, the probability of an electrical impulse hit during a thunderstorm has increased significantly. The reason for this is the abundance in homes of electrical appliances, electrical engineering, which uses ethereal channels to exchange information. In addition, as you know, lightning is more likely to strike metal objects, if they are nearby, than trees. There are a lot of metal objects in modern housing: a metal roof, an antenna, a protective chimney cone, etc. Of course, wooden buildings need more protection from lightning, but even if they get into a brick house, the listed facts will be enough to start a fire.

Here are a few factors that can influence the decision whether or not to install a lightning rod in a private house:

  • soil composition;
  • site height above sea level;
  • climatological characteristics of the area (frequency of thunderstorms, air humidity, etc.).

Although in general, the feasibility of a lightning rod device in a private house is beyond doubt. If possible, it is better to provide your home and site with the necessary protection.

How is the lightning protection system arranged?

Lightning rod (lightning rod) structurally consists of three parts:

  • lightning rod - a high-rise metal structure above the house (rod, cable or mesh version);
  • support for the lightning rod, it may be necessary in cases where the lightning rod is installed not on the roof of the building, but separately on the site;
  • down conductor (lowering) - a conductor from the lightning rod to the ground;
  • grounding - a device for draining a lightning discharge into the ground.

Anyone can understand how a lightning rod works: a lightning rod made of metal, which is installed on a site above other buildings and elements, during bad weather “causes” lightning discharges of electricity and, through the down conductor, redirects them into the ground through the ground loop. The action of any lightning rod is, limited by area and height, cone-shaped. In practice, it is called the safety cone. The geometrical parameters of this three-dimensional figure are individual for each considered section and lightning rod.

Three types of lightning rod designs are known and allowed for installation:

  • rod (pin);
  • linear (cable);
  • grid.

Designs of lightning rods

Rod protection

Rod protection is a lightning rod made of a metal rod (tube, angle or rectangular profile) and installed on the roof of a dwelling or on a free-standing mast. Suitable for any metal coated roof. Fig 3.

Linear (rope) lightning rod

For low buildings with a roof made of slate or wood, a linear lightning rod is recommended - a cable stretched along the ridge of the roof with a cross section of at least 0.5 cm, connected to ground at each end. It is mounted on wooden supports at a height of at least 0.5 m above the roof ridge. Down conductors in this case pass along the walls of the house, in protective pipes. If the supporting masts are located correctly, then lightning electricity will go into the soil beyond the boundaries of the protected area. Fig 1.

Mesh lightning rod

Such a protective structure is made in the form of a mesh of metal rods and is laid on top of the roof of the protected house. Its nodes are fixed by welding. It is fixed on special holders or laid directly on the roof, if the temperature increase does not pose a danger to the roofing material.

Performing a lightning rod from a grid, down conductors are made around its entire perimeter. In this case, the grounding conductor is a closed horizontal loop with reinforcement at the points of connection of down conductors. Fig 2.

DIY lightning rod

Choose an installation location

Before directly approaching the question - how to make a lightning rod in the country, you should choose a place to install it. One option could be the roof of a building. It is simple and does not require high support, 3-4 meters is enough. If there are elevations on the site that exceed the height of the roof (a tall tree, a television antenna mast, a weather vane, a chimney pipe), then it would be reasonable and convenient to place the lightning rod exactly there, taking care of its reliable fixation. It is important to take into account that the whole house falls into the protected cone.

But if, for some reason, these options do not suit you, then there is always the opportunity to install a lightning rod on a mast at some distance from your home. Although this method is more laborious, because a high, strong mast is required, and has the following nuances:

  • the farther from the building, the higher the mast is needed;
  • The lightning rod must not pose a danger to neighbors.

Equipment selection

Since this article is devoted to how to make a lightning rod in a private house, the most versatile and budget option will be considered in more detail - the arrangement of a rod lightning rod in the country. This fully complies with the requirements of domestic standards in the field of electrical safety, in particular, the manual to RD 34.21.122-87 "Instructions for the installation of lightning protection of buildings and structures", which states that:

"…ToIII category includes small buildings in rural areas, where combustible structures are most often used ... ... their lightning protection is carried out in simplified ways that do not require significant material costs.

Everything you need to make a lightning rod can be purchased at a regular hardware store. To build a typical rod lightning rod, you will need:

  • for a lightning rod: a metal rod - steel, copper or aluminum with a cross section of 50, 70 or 35 square millimeters, respectively.
  • for the down conductor: preferably a copper cable, at least 16 square millimeters in diameter;
  • for the mast: asbestos cement pipe (2-4 meters above the house);
  • for grounding pins made of copper;
  • fasteners.

Having everything you need at hand, you can proceed with the installation of a lightning rod.

Preparing for installation

Performing a lightning rod with his own hands in the country, the owner of the summer cottage must understand that the issue of reliability and safety of the structure falls entirely on his shoulders. Therefore, already at the installation stage, he must take care of safety. What should be done:

  • carefully consider and prepare the fastening of the lightning rod parts. In the absence of reliable fixation, all high-rise elements can be blown away by the wind, which means that the building itself, parked near the car, or injuries to residents may occur;
  • smoke channels, brought out above the roof, also need to install lightning rods. A chimney made of ceramic pipes or bricks inevitably loses its insulating properties during operation, which means that it can easily transfer a lightning charge to a dwelling. Stainless and similar chimneys need to be grounded;
  • antennas (including satellite ones) must be connected to ground, because they are connected to the power grid and attract lightning very well.

Manufacturing instructions

Installation of a lightning rod

The installation of a lightning rod begins with digging a hole or trench with a depth of 1-1.5 meters and a length of 3 for laying a ground electrode. The grounding conductor should not pass near the house itself (porch, walls), as well as garden paths.

If groundwater is found in the pit during digging, then this is only a plus: moist soil is an excellent conductor, a lightning discharge will evenly drain into the ground.

Further, the lightning rod is fixed on the top of the support or roof with metal clamps. The next step is to attach a down conductor cable to the existing structure, which will run in an asbestos-cement pipe.

The lower end of the cable is clamped with contacts or welded to the ground electrode. Then the ground loop is buried (driven) into the soil and, well rammed, covered with earth.

Important! The lightning rod should not have a decorative coating (coloring), because it can significantly worsen its conductive function!

Design calculation

In order to mount a lightning rod with your own hands, you need a simple calculation. There is a formula for this:

h=(r x +1.63h x)/1.5

In it h is the height of the lightning rod,

h x - the height of the house,

r x is the radius of the base of the protection cone,

1.63 and 1.5 are calculated coefficients.

That is, if it were necessary to protect a suburban area with a radius of 10 meters, having in its center a house 5 meters high, on the roof of which a lightning rod is installed, then by substituting these numbers into the formula, you can get the result:

h \u003d (10 + 1.63 × 5) / 1.5 \u003d 12.1 meters.

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account that all buildings on the site must fall within the radius of the lightning rod, and correctly calculate the height.

Today we will talk about how to protect a private house from a lightning strike.

What is lightning?

Many owners of private houses try to make their home as comfortable and safe as possible, but at the same time they forget about the possibility of a lightning strike at home.

Lightning is one of the most unpleasant phenomena that can cause tremendous damage to a home.

As you know, it is a high-power electrical discharge, so even if it enters the house indirectly, it can damage electrical equipment in the premises.

It is good if there is a tall building near the house, equipped with lightning protection.

In this case, you do not have to worry about the possibility of lightning entering the house, since such houses often have lightning rods with a large protection zone, which will cover the area with adjacent buildings.

A feature of lightning is the discharge to the highest point. Therefore, if the house stands on the outskirts, it is the highest point, unless, of course, a tree grows next to it, which is taller than the house.

But the tree is also not a guarantee of protection. The danger of a home being struck by lightning increases many times over if there are reservoirs, strong streams, and swampy areas near the house.

So, if a private house is not surrounded by high-rise buildings, it is better to be safe by providing a home with lightning protection.

Striking factors of lightning

But before you figure out how to protect your home from a possible lightning strike, you should consider the damaging factors of this phenomenon.

There are two of these factors.


This is a direct lightning strike into the house, as a result of which it can get structural damage, there is a possibility of a fire. This factor is the most dangerous.


It is less dangerous for the house and residents. This factor is reduced to the appearance of electromagnetic induction in the wiring of the house during a lightning discharge near the house.

Due to induction in the wiring, there is a significant power surge that can damage all electrical appliances in the house that are connected to the network.

And if you can protect yourself from the secondary factor without additional equipment by disconnecting all devices from the network during a thunderstorm, then it is impossible to protect the primary factor in this way, you need to equip the house with lightning protection.

Ohio, a house that was struck by lightning.

Since lightning is just an electrical discharge, albeit of great strength, it acts like any other discharge, that is, it moves along the path of least resistance.

Ensuring this path is the task of lightning protection.

If lightning hits a house equipped with this type of protection, then the electric discharge through it will go into the ground without causing damage to the building.

In the people, such protection is called lightning rods, lightning rods.

As for the latter, the definition is not entirely correct, because thunder is just a sound accompaniment that occurs when lightning strikes.

Criteria and types of lightning protection

Now let's analyze the types of lightning protection.

Here, this equipment has several criteria that divide it into types.

The first criterion is the method of protection.

According to it, lightning rods are divided into:

  1. Active;
  2. Passive.

Active appeared relatively recently. They have a lightning rod, which is discussed below, is equipped with a special ionizer, which “provokes” lightning with its impulses.

In fact, this device specifically attracts lightning to itself, which completely eliminates the possibility of a secondary factor of lightning strike.

Passive ones are not equipped with anything like that, lightning can discharge on it, or maybe not. This type of protection is used everywhere.

The second criterion is the types of protection.

According to it, lightning rods are also divided into two types - external and internal.

Everything is simple here - the outer one protects the house from the primary factor of lightning impact, and the inner one - from the secondary one.

And the third criterion is design features.

But here the division into types is more related to lightning rods. According to them, the lightning rod is divided into pin, cable and mesh.

Lightning protection design

Now, regarding the design of lightning protection, let's talk only about the external one.

It consists of only three elements - a lightning rod, down conductors and a ground electrode.

Lightning rod.

It takes on a lightning discharge, so it is fixed on the roof of the house so that the receiver itself is the highest point.

The simplest is the rod type of the receiver.

A metal rod with a diameter of 10-18 mm and a length of 250 mm is considered standard.

You can also use a pipe, but only its ends must be welded.

The number of receivers is calculated from the size of the building. For small houses, one is enough, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house exceeds 200 square meters. two rods are installed with a distance between them of 10 m.

So that the discharge through the receiver does not go to the house, it is fixed on the roof with wooden bars or special fasteners.

Some, in order not to spoil the appearance of the house, install the lightning rod on a separate support near the house.

Some, if possible, mount an additional lightning rod directly on the tree.

There is no particular difference, since even with a nearby lightning rod, the protection zone will cover the house.

The main condition for installing the receiver is that it should be located above the house, as well as other buildings near it.

Another type of lightning rod is a cable.

A cable is used, which is stretched along the entire length of the roof ridge and fixed on wooden supports. An important condition is the tension of the cable - it should not touch the roof.

The third type of receiver is a grid.

It is made from any wire (steel, aluminum, etc.) with a cross section of at least 6 mm.

It is stretched over the area of ​​​​the entire roof, the cells of this grid should form a square of about 6x6 m.

At the same time, the mesh should also not touch the roof, it is fixed on wooden or special non-conductive supports at a height of 6-8 cm from the roof.

There are no strict requirements for the use of one or another type of lightning rod, any one can be used, they are all quite effective, so they are chosen at will.

Their main task is to transfer the discharge from the receiver to the ground electrode.

Most often, steel wire with a diameter of 6 mm or more is used as down conductors.

If the walls of the house are made of brick or foam block, in general, from any non-combustible material, then the down conductor can be fixed along the wall in any inconspicuous place, most importantly, not near windows and front doors.

It is possible to use a metal tape as a down conductor, but with a thickness of at least 2 mm and a width of 30 mm or more.

The down conductor is attached to the receiver using a welded, bolted or soldered connection.

The number of down conductors depends on the number of lightning rod ends.

If only one rod receiver is used, then one outlet is attached to it. When using a cable receiver, two outlets are already needed.

Also, two down conductors are used with a grid receiver.

On soils with a high level of groundwater, it is better to use a horizontal position of the ground electrode at a depth of 0.8 m. In this case, a metal corner or strip with a width of 50 mm and a thickness of 4 mm should act as a ground electrode.

The grounding conductor is connected to the down conductor only by a welded joint.

Features of installation of lightning protection

Based on the above, it can be understood that it is quite possible to make lightning protection yourself, having only the necessary materials.

To protect your home from lightning, you must first take measurements.

It is necessary to find out the height at which the receiver should be located, as well as determine the method of its attachment.

Then you need to calculate the length of the down conductor. Here it is important to take into account that the path of the lightning charge to the ground electrode must be as short as possible. Therefore, you should not make any contours, bends, etc. And even more so, it is impossible to form rings from the branch.

As for the ground electrode, it should be located at least 1 m from the nearest wall of the house. After all the calculations, you can proceed with the installation.

You need to start with the ground electrode.

If it is made of rods, it is enough to dig a trench 0.5 m deep and 3 m long.

At the edges of this trench, drive rods at least 2 m long into the ground.

Then, using a welding machine, weld a jumper to these rods.

If the ground electrode is horizontal, then you will have to dig a trench much deeper.

An important condition must be observed here - it should not come into contact with the roof of the house, therefore, to fix it, use only wooden supports.

Or you need to fix it directly to the non-conductive structures of the house.

Then a down conductor is attached to the receiver and the ground electrode, which can then be attached to the roof with special devices, and then to the wall of the house.