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Tips on how to improve your curriculum. Presentation on the topic "Project on the topic: "Advice to yourself: how to improve your learning activities""

1. Do regular exercise between studies

If you've been working hard for a while, take a break. Get up and do some simple exercises. Lack of blood circulation is a common cause of lack of concentration. So take time to rest, do not be lazy to move in between studies!

2: Eat breakfast

Breakfast is very important! Since the food that was consumed the previous day is digested at night, and you wake up with an empty stomach in the morning.

Some people skip breakfast in the morning and this is not good for health. Training on an empty stomach does you no good. This negatively affects your concentration, and in turn, affects your productivity.

3: Reduce stress

Studies have shown that stress reduces the ability to remember information, thereby reducing productivity. Find ways to reduce stress to improve your studies. It can be a daily jog, a walk in the park, listening to classical music, deep breathing or meditation.

4: Have enough sleep!

You need at least 7-8 hours of sleep. And at the same time, too. For example, make sure you go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 7am. This will improve your concentration.

5: Take a break

After every hour of study, rest for 10-15 minutes. Having breaks will allow your mind to have a chance to rest and relax. It's better than cramming information.

6: Use mnemonics

A mnemonic is a means of memory - it's a great trick for recalling information. With its help, you will be surprised that you can remember information easily, even after many years.

7: Use knowledge cards

Make of your lectures and teaching aids knowledge map. On a piece of paper, place the central concept/topic in the middle and slowly move away from it. Mind maps are great helpers. They act as a short summary.


First you need to get rid of some factors that kill the incentive to study. In the first place is the computer, the useless use of the Internet, endless games take up a huge amount of precious time. Often a person can sit at the computer "all day". Try to spend less time at the computer, use it for self-development purposes. In second place is the TV, you can simply turn it off. In third place is laziness, in order to stop doing nothing, you need to get together and do something sensible. Each list of factors may be different. Remember that in addition to the computer and TV, there are many other ways to have a good time.
If you have already stopped being distracted and overcame laziness. Now you should conscientiously do all the work assigned at school at home. Try to do it perfectly, do not limit yourself only to school textbooks, use additional literature. Strive to answer every lesson, earn grades. Over time, you will enjoy positive grades and you will become interested in studying, besides, studying will become much easier than before.
Try to be a conscientious student who wants to gain new knowledge. Good relationships with teachers have never hurt anyone.
Your classmates are also your friends. Try to get along with everyone good relationship. If you can, help them with their studies, next time they will help you too.


1. At the lesson, you should try to listen to the teacher. 2. Write and study additional literature on holidays or in your free time for you time. 3. Do not be distracted by conversations with a neighbor on the desk. 4. Do all the lessons on time and learn all the terms that the teacher spoke in the lesson. 5. Go to bed on time and stay up late at the TV or at the computer. 6. Do not be late and come to class on time, as you can get 2. 7. In case of illness or for some other reason of missing school, try to find out homework from your classmates. Independently revise at home the topic that they took in class. 8. News healthy lifestyle life because it is the key to success!


In order to improve your learning activities you need to: 1) Make full use of the time intended for learning, so as to enrich your knowledge; 2) Systematically prepare for lessons; 3) Listen to teachers without being distracted, follow all instructions; 4) Work with additional literature in your free time; 5) Observe the daily routine and lead a healthy lifestyle; 6) Correctly plan personal time and do not leave studies for late hours; 7) Learn to independently search for the necessary information using various sources: Internet, libraries, encyclopedias, reference books; 8) Analyze the materials used, exchange information 9) Develop a sense of responsibility and the desire to bring things to their logical end; 10) Learn to analyze and evaluate your own capabilities.


We all dream of our favorite profession in the future and those who come from it. good income. And we all know that if you do not take up your head and start learning in time, all dreams of a happy career will fail. But in order to improve your quality of study right now, it doesn’t take much. I'll tell you how to do it!

1. So, first you need prepare your workplace.
- First of all, it should be comfortable, so as not to be distracted by an uncomfortable chair or a narrow space on the table, initially prepare the place of work.
- Secondly, you should not listen to music with text while working, the brain will be distracted, processing it. But you need to remember that your mind can be distracted by ordinary classical music.
- It is better to remove such equipment as a laptop and phone from the table and take them to another room. Or get away from these things. These are one of the most distracting factors.
- It is also better to initially collect everything you need to complete homework. Looking for a ruler, pencil or notebook can significantly distract you from work.

2.-remembering information, better to do short notes and make diagrams, this will help you remember what you need more easily.
- When reading paragraphs, it is also desirable to underline the important things with a pencil or highlight with a marker, this will also speed up your memorization of the necessary information.
- It is advisable to use associations or add acronyms of words for memorization. This will make memorization easier and more fun.

3.- For the best understanding topics, you can ask excellent students to help you. Or ask a few questions to the teacher, which he will be immensely happy about. After all, "if the student asks, then the student thinks."
- If you are really bad at the topic, you can hire a tutor. Perhaps the methodology of another teacher will be better perceived by you.
- Let's get some rest. Constant monotonous work stops adequate thinking. So, preferably every 45 minutes, take breaks of 5-15 minutes, this will help you absorb the old information and prepare for the upcoming one.
- It is also good to divide the work into stages, rather than putting everything off until the last moment, assuming that you have time.

4. Very important in this regard health.
- If you do not get enough sleep, then the concentration will be useless. It is better to sleep 7-8 hours a day.
“Nutrition is also important. Proper and balanced nutrition will improve brain function.

5. And of course, your attitude.
- When doing homework or sitting in class motivate yourself, imagining your mom's joy when you get a passing grade, or imagining how you get into the university of your dreams.
- Write notes and solve problems with a smile and positive, because you get new knowledge that will help you succeed.
- You need to start treating your studies not as a place where you are forced to go and listen to boring lectures, but as an incredible opportunity, a path that will lead you to a happy future.

Project on the topic: "Advice to yourself: how to improve your learning activities" Author: Runkova Elizaveta Grade 6A


What is an activity?
What motivates a person to act?
Learn how to properly organize your

What is an activity?

Activity is the occupation of a person, his work. She is
divided into several types: play, work,
teaching. Many scientists believe that it is very important
type of activity is communication, because without
it is difficult for him to express himself fully

What motivates a person to act?

Human to activity
encourages transformation
only man can
transform. This is what is
the main difference between man and


The turning point in a person's life is
admission to school. Teaching as opposed to play
becomes an obligatory occupation of the child. Him
new rights and obligations appear. Student
must make full use of the time,
intended for learning, so as to enrich
their knowledge, systematically prepare for lessons,
listen to teachers without being distracted, do all of them
instructions. All these requirements not only contribute to
acquisition of knowledge and skills by the student, but also
develop human qualities, promote
the success of his activities.


To improve your learning
activity needed:
1) Make full use of the time,
intended for learning, so that
enrich your knowledge
2) Systematically prepare for lessons
3) Listen to teachers without being distracted, do everything

We learn how to properly organize our educational activities.

When starting any business, define its purpose.
Realize what you need it for.
Consider it all possible ways goal achievement.
Think about whether your actions will cause inconvenience or not
cause trouble to other people, be tactful in your
Choose the best option weighing all conditions.
Outline the stages of your work, at least approximately
set a time for each.
Constantly control your actions, try to determine
How are you progressing towards your goal?
When you're done, look at the results.
Think about the mistakes you made, try to avoid them
in future.
Try to understand why not all of your actions delivered
you pleasure.