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Advice to yourself social science. Project on the topic: “Advice to yourself: how to improve your learning activities

Project on the topic: “Advice to yourself: how to improve your learning activities»Author: Runkova Elizaveta Grade 6A


What is an activity?
What motivates a person to act?
Learn how to properly organize your

What is an activity?

Activity is the occupation of a person, his work. She is
divided into several types: play, work,
teaching. Many scientists believe that it is very important
type of activity is communication, because without
it is difficult for him to express himself fully

What motivates a person to act?

Human to activity
encourages transformation
only man can
transform. This is what is
the main difference between man and


The turning point in a person's life is
admission to school. Teaching as opposed to play
becomes an obligatory occupation of the child. Him
new rights and obligations appear. Student
must make full use of the time,
intended for learning, so as to enrich
their knowledge, systematically prepare for lessons,
listen to teachers without being distracted, do all of them
instructions. All these requirements not only contribute to
acquisition of knowledge and skills by the student, but also
develop human qualities, promote
the success of his activities.


To improve your learning
activity needed:
1) Make full use of the time,
intended for learning, so that
enrich your knowledge
2) Systematically prepare for lessons
3) Listen to teachers without being distracted, do everything

We learn how to properly organize our educational activities.

When starting any business, define its purpose.
Realize what you need it for.
Consider it all possible ways goal achievement.
Think about whether your actions will cause inconvenience or not
cause trouble to other people, be tactful in your
Choose the best option weighing all conditions.
Outline the stages of your work, at least approximately
set a time for each.
Constantly control your actions, try to determine
How are you progressing towards your goal?
When you're done, look at the results.
Think about the mistakes you made, try to avoid them
in future.
Try to understand why not all of your actions delivered
you pleasure.

Project theme:"Advice to yourself: How to improve learning activities"
Objective of the project: to acquaint students with the need to improve educational activities, to formulate advice on ways to improve educational activities for oneself.
Project definitions:
1. What is an activity? Activity is the occupation of a person, his work. It is divided into several types: play, work, teaching. Many scientists believe that communication is a very important activity, because without it it is difficult to fully express oneself as a person.
2. What motivates a person to activity? Transformation induces a person to activity, because only a person can transform. This is the main difference between man and animal.
3. Teaching. The turning point in a person's life is going to school. Teaching, unlike play, becomes an obligatory occupation of the child. He has new rights and responsibilities. The student must make full use of the time allotted for learning in such a way as to enrich his knowledge, systematically prepare for lessons, listen to teachers without being distracted, and follow all their instructions. All these requirements not only contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and skills by the student, but also develop human qualities and contribute to the success of his activities.
4. We learn to properly organize our learning activities. When starting any business, define its purpose. Realize what you need it for. Consider all possible ways to achieve the goal. Think about whether your actions will cause inconvenience or cause trouble to other people, be tactful in your actions. Choose the best option, weighing all the conditions. Outline the stages of your work, at least approximately determine the time of each of them. Constantly control your actions, try to determine how you are moving towards your intended goal. When you're done, look at the results. Think about the mistakes you made and try to avoid them in the future. Try to understand why not all of your actions gave you pleasure.
To improve your learning experience, you need to:
1) To make full use of the time allotted for study in such a way as to enrich one's knowledge;
2) Systematically prepare for lessons;
3) Listen to teachers without being distracted, follow all instructions;
4) Work with additional literature in your free time;
5) Observe the regime of the day and lead healthy lifestyle life;
6) Correctly plan personal time and do not leave studies for late hours;
7) Learn to independently search for the necessary information using various sources: Internet, libraries, encyclopedias, reference books;
8) Analyze the materials used, share information
9) Develop a sense of responsibility and the desire to bring things to their logical end;
10) Learn to analyze and evaluate your own capabilities.

Activity is the occupation of a person, his work. It is divided into several types: play, work, teaching. Many scientists believe that communication is a very important activity, because without it it is difficult to fully express oneself as a person. What is an activity?

The turning point in a person's life is going to school. Teaching, unlike play, becomes an obligatory occupation of the child. He has new rights and responsibilities. The student must make full use of the time allotted for learning in such a way as to enrich his knowledge, systematically prepare for lessons, listen to teachers without being distracted, and follow all their instructions. All these requirements not only contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and skills by the student, but also develop human qualities and contribute to the success of his activities. learning

Conclusion: To improve your learning activities, you need to: 1) Make full use of the time allocated for learning, so as to enrich your knowledge 2) Systematically prepare for lessons 3) Listen to teachers without being distracted, follow all instructions Conclusion

1. When starting any business, define its purpose. 2. Realize why you need it. 3. Consider all possible ways to achieve the goal. 4. Think about whether your actions will cause inconvenience or cause trouble to other people, be tactful in your actions 5. Choose the best option, weighing all the conditions. 6. Outline the stages of your work, at least approximately determine the time of each of them. 7. Constantly control your actions, try to determine how you are moving towards your intended goal. 8. Having finished the work, consider its results. 9. Think about what mistakes you made, try to avoid them in the future. 10. Try to understand why not all of your actions gave you pleasure. We learn how to properly organize our educational activities.

Tips on how to improve your learning activities, how to build the process of obtaining new knowledge without compromising health, how to increase the rate of assimilation of new information - this is what will be discussed further.

Features of modern man

In the life of every person there are periods of obtaining new knowledge. Alas, the realities of modern life are such that it is no longer enough just to get an education and receive a “fee” for it until the end of your days.

To remain in demand in the labor market, modern man but is obliged to constantly improve: to acquire new professions, expand their horizons, build up existing professional skills, and so on.

Medical experts conclusively argue that study is the hardest work, requiring remarkable abilities from the human nervous system. Increasing loads on the brain, over time, can lead to the development of mental overwork, which will not only negatively affect the rate of fixation of new knowledge, but in the future can bring significant harm to health.

Consequences of mental overload

What kind of health hazard can we talk about? The first thing that will begin to make itself felt, no doubt, is the nervous system. Persistent headaches will appear, sleep will be disturbed, the ability to maintain the ability to concentrate will decrease.

Secondly, one should be wary of problems from the side of cardiac activity. As a rule, there are, albeit not too dangerous, but at the same time disturbing violations of the heart rhythm.

Thirdly, the digestive system will respond. Dyspeptic phenomena appear, expressed in bloating, loud rumbling, diarrhea, mixed with constipation, heartburn, constant nausea, and so on are characteristic.

Last but not least, we should expect a noticeable decrease in immunity, which will lead to frequent colds, intestinal infections and so on.

To prevent a negative scenario, you should adhere to simple recommendations, which will help to avoid health problems, and improve academic performance.

So what do you need to do to improve your performance?

Rational alternation of work and rest

In the learning process, you need to learn how to properly compose the learning process. It will be an unforgivable mistake to practice 10 to 16 hours a day. Such study is allowed only during the session and can last no more than 2 - 3 weeks.

The nervous system needs to rest. Under mental stress, the metabolic reactions occurring in the nervous tissue are significantly accelerated, which leads to the formation a large number final products.

I believe that many people know the situation when, after heavy physical exertion, muscles hurt. This is due to the excessive accumulation of metabolic product muscle tissue- lactic acid. This is what causes the characteristic pain. There is not much benefit in training when such a condition appears. Better to let the body recover.

With nervous system the situation is similar. It takes time to remove the end products of the metabolism of the nervous tissue and restore lost abilities. Long hours of study will only lead to a decrease in mental abilities. In light of this, the alternation of sports and study looks especially rational.

Nutrition Features

The brain also needs nourishment. Nervous tissue is primarily sensitive to a reduced content of simple carbohydrates. It is these substances that are intensively utilized in the brain.

Because of this, you should eat a little more of what is commonly called useless carbohydrates: cookies, sweets, chocolate, and so on. Of course, you need to do this wisely, avoiding the appearance of trouble in the form of excess weight. Focus on the readings of the scales and personal feelings.

Restorative therapy

During periods of significant physical exertion, you can resort to affordable and safe, so to speak, doping. We are talking about adaptogens (for example, tincture of ginseng) and vitamins. But here you need to do the right thing.

“Prepare a sleigh in the summer,” says folk wisdom. You should start taking such doping about a month before the exam time. These drugs will relieve fatigue, slightly increase mental abilities (not at times, of course), protect against the development of diseases (primarily colds), and give a charge of positive and energy.

Taking them constantly, firstly, it makes no sense, and secondly, it can be dangerous. As a rule, such prophylaxis can be carried out no more than 2 times a year, just before the sessions.

In order to improve performance, you need to understand the following:

What is given to one may not be available to another.

The Creator created each of us in his own image and likeness, but unfortunately (and maybe fortunately) endowed all of us with different abilities. It's no secret that some people are higher, others are lower, some are stronger, others are weaker. Based on this, it is reasonable to assume that some of us have more learning abilities, others less.

In the educational process, you can immediately identify such leaders who easily assimilate new material, have developed analytical thinking, develop quickly and almost do not get tired at the same time. As a rule, such people do not spend a lot of time on training, easily coping with the task in quite standard time.

Of course, such abilities are difficult to develop, if at all possible. It is, without a doubt, a gift from above. Each of us has our own “ceiling”, above which it is impossible to jump, and if we try to overcome this line through titanic efforts, health troubles will become a reality.

Of course, this information is difficult to accept immediately, especially in adolescence or youth. However, realizing this, it will be easier to cope with the difficulties of a difficult period of study by intelligently building a study schedule and redistributing the load. In addition, you may be able to discover new, hitherto unknown talents in yourself.