Repair Design Furniture

Weaving fences from plastic bottles. A budget option for a fence made of plastic bottles. Types of "bottle" fences and methods of their construction

A recycled fence can become not only a decorative element of a summer cottage or a country house, but also an excellent alternative to an expensive fence made of metal profiles, wood, concrete slabs, brick, stone and other traditional materials. Let's see what improvised means you can use to build a fence for a summer residence with your own hands to the envy of your neighbors.

The choice of scrap materials from which you can build a fence: their advantages and disadvantages

The construction of a fence from improvised means involves the use of waste that must be recycled or materials that are available in large quantities and are suitable for the construction of such structures. Let's see what fences can be built from plastic and glass bottles, old tires and tires, vines, pallets, etc.

Glass bottles

Glass container fences can be found in many places, since for a long time this "material" has become very popular among craftsmen. To work with bottles, you will need washed sand, cement and clay.

Currently, there are several options for constructing a fence from glass bottles:

First option. Bottles are stacked horizontally across the fence wall. In the process of laying, the direction of the container must be alternated "neck to bottom". Thus, we will be able to make a sufficiently strong fence with "thick" walls (the length of the bottle).

Second option. All bottles are stacked upside down and neck inside the yard. Thus, choosing the color and shape of the bottle, you can form a certain pattern. Cement slurry is used as a binder.

The third option. Erection of a fence from empty bottles strung in a certain order on steel pins (reinforcement). To do this, a small hole is drilled or cut in the bottom, and each bottle is strung on a metal rod. Everyone can choose the way of stringing at their discretion. It turns out a good decorative fence.

The first two options for the fence can perform a protective function, and the third only decorative. Such fences are quite durable, since the bottle glass is thick and durable, and the cement slurry will serve as an additional "fastener". Skewered bottles can be easily broken, but they can also be easily replaced with others.

PET (plastic) bottles

There are several ways to build permanent and decorative PET bottle fencing. It takes a lot of time to build a solid and reliable fence. Each bottle must be filled with sand or clay, and then laid in rows and fixed with a cement-clay mortar (cement - clay - sand in a ratio of 1: 3: 6).

For the construction of a decorative fence for a flower bed or vegetable garden, you only need a few pins driven into the ground and a wire on which the bottles will be strung in one or more rows.

You can also make a wooden frame, inside which there will be bottles filled with sand and fastened to each other in a certain order.

Advantages of bottle fences: long service life, ease of construction, low cost of material. A fence from a plastic container that is not sealed with cement mortar can be easily damaged, therefore, it is mainly used only as a decorative one.

Plastic lids

To create a decorative fence from the lids, you need to collect about 15-20 thousand of them. This is a large number, but it will be easy enough to find the covers. But the work of creating a fence will be difficult and painstaking. You will need to drill holes in each lid, and then string everything on the wire in a certain order in order to get a kind of pattern.

You can make a frame of wood, and then screw plastic covers onto its facade with self-tapping screws, creating a beautiful pattern.


Old car tires can be found at every driver and service station. If you try, you can collect a sufficient number of tires for the construction of a capital or decorative fence for a country house completely free of charge.

In the process of erecting the fence, the tires are laid horizontally next to each other and fastened together with screws. Then the next row is staggered, which is screwed to the bottom. As a result, all tires must be firmly attached to each other. Soil is poured inside each tire.

In the resulting fence, each tire will have so-called "pockets" in which various ornamental plants can be planted for beauty.

Such a fence will turn out to be strong and reliable and will serve until the tires become unusable under the influence of precipitation, sun and other factors. But since the rubber from which tires are made contains strong substances such as rubber, soot, resin and other plasticizers, their service life is quite long.


From pallets, you can build not only country furniture or gazebos, but also build fences. Wooden pallets are great for any type of fencing. Of them, you can make a capital fence around the entire site. To do this, it will be necessary to install support pillars around the entire perimeter, concrete them, and then fill pallets on them in a certain order or fasten them with special self-tapping screws. You can simply disassemble pallets and build a fence from individual elements.

Gallery of fences from improvised means

A fence made of glass bottles on a metal frame Wicker Vine Flowerbed Fence Decorative fence - wattle Original dry bush fence Natural stone fence for the front garden Decorative fence made of cart wheels Fence from plastic bottles for summer cottages Decorative fence made of plastic bottles and netting Fence made of plastic lids with an ornament

Preparing for construction: calculating the area

We will build a fence from PET bottles, as they allow you to choose any type of fence.

  • To lay the capital fence, we need cement mortar and 100 plastic bottles (per 1 sq. M. Area).
  • A decorative sectional fence will require 30 bottles (per 1 sq. M.) And strong wire or metal rods.
  • For fencing small flower beds and front gardens, you need about 10 bottles (1 running meter / meter).

The fence can be built from any PET bottles. The main thing is that they are the same in size and shape in order to avoid deformation of the structure.

If you collect bottles of different colors, then you can build a fence with an original pattern or ornament.

  • Plastic bottles should be selected only in good condition: no damage, dents or other defects.
  • It is recommended to wash and remove the labels from all bottles before starting work. It is best to use bottles made of durable plastic.
  • For the construction of a capital fence, a certain amount of cement, washed sand and crushed stone will be required.

Advantages of plastic (PET) bottles as a building material:

  • Availability and low cost. You can collect or find bottles for collection yourself in a few months. And if you buy a lot of mineral water or lemonade in the summer, then you will have the right amount in a week.
  • Strength, elasticity and lightness. A variety of structures resistant to mechanical damage can be built from PET bottles.
  • Water and moisture resistant. Plastic bottles are not afraid of water, they are resistant to the development of fungi and mold. They do not fade in the sun. On contact with fire, the plastic will only melt.
  • Plastic bottles have good thermal insulation properties.


  • Plastic can be strongly deformed from temperature extremes. In the hot sun, it can shrink and shrink, and crack in the cold.
  • Some people think that plastic is not a sufficiently environmentally friendly material, but everyone has a personal opinion on this issue. Since plastic products surround us everywhere, a fence made of PET bottles is unlikely to greatly harm the environment and human health.

Calculation of the material for the structure

  • To build a solid fence 20 meters long and 1.5 meters high, we will need about 3000 plastic bottles if we build the fence in one row.
  • If you want to build a small decorative sectional fence around the front garden, then for a 10-meter fence 1 meter high, you will need 300 bottles.
  • For a low fence of a flower bed, with a circumference of 6 meters, we need about 60 bottles.

We may also need wooden and metal pillars for the construction of supports. When installed every 2 meters for a ten-meter fence, we need 6 bars - 2 meters long.

To create a frame, you need 10 or 20 wooden boards, depending on the method of fastening the fence. The size of the boards is 2 meters.


To build a fence from bottles, you will not need a lot of tools, since here you will have to work more with your hands.

  • Concrete mixer;
  • Trowel, spatula;
  • Building level;
  • Roulette;
  • Plumb line.

DIY plastic bottle fence - step by step instructions

Capital structure

  1. We will be making a fence around the house. First, we need to make a kind of "bricks" out of the bottles. We pour sand or ordinary earth into each bottle and close them with a lid.
  2. We mark the place where the fence will pass, and remove garbage, grass and other vegetation from the territory. We level the site and, if necessary, arrange a small strip foundation. To do this, we pull out a shallow trench, make a formwork and fill it with concrete mortar in the ratio: 1 part of cement, 3 - sand and 5-crushed stone. Before pouring, we dig in metal or stone pillars at a distance of 1-2 meters from each other. This is necessary for greater structural strength.
  3. Preparing a binder solution. It can be different. For example, an engineer from Germany Andreas Froes, who is the developer of the ECO-TES technology, advises using a mixture of clay, soil, sawdust and cement for the construction of various structures from plastic bottles. Such a solution will be the most durable and, most importantly, the cheapest. But ordinary cement of the lowest grade can also be used.
  4. We lay the bottom row on the prepared foundation. We put the first row of the fence on the mortar very tightly. The back of the bottles should "face" the street. Thus, in a checkerboard pattern, we lay row by row until we have built the entire fence. Its height should be no higher than 1.5 meters, otherwise the design will be unreliable.
  5. After the masonry is completely dry, the facade of the fence must be plastered, leaving the bottoms of the bottles in sight. If you stack bottle bricks of different colors, you can create a beautiful pattern or mosaic.


  1. We install wooden supports along the entire length of the future fence. You can simply bury them in the ground and tamp them well. And you can fill it with concrete for greater reliability.
  2. We assemble a frame from wooden planks. Its size is calculated depending on the number and width of the bottles. We attach longitudinal lintels between the side parts of the frame inside. The distance between them should be equal to the height of 2 bottles.
  3. After that, on the jumpers using self-tapping screws, we fasten the covers at a certain distance from each other. When everything is ready, we simply screw the bottles to the screwed caps with their bottoms to each other.
  4. Then we insert the resulting sections between the support tables and fasten them using special screws or other hardware.
  5. You can simply pull a strong wire onto the frame, make holes in the bottles and string them in a certain order. Such a fence will be an interesting decorative solution.

Low fence for flower beds

Rebar structure

  1. We will make a meter-long fence on the fittings. To do this, we take metal pipes and dig them into the ground along the entire length of the fence at a certain distance. If desired, the supports can be concreted.
  2. Next, we take the required number of bottles at the rate of 5 pieces per rod. In four bottles we cut off the bottom, and the fifth remains intact. Thus, we do this procedure with all the material.
  3. Then, one by one, we put on all the cut ones on the whole bottle as shown in the figure.
  4. We do not throw out all the cut-off bottoms, since they will serve as a kind of separator between the rows of bottles. We string all the assembled posts onto the reinforcement together with the bottoms as shown in the photo and fix it between the metal supports.

For finishing the capital fence made of bottle "bricks" we need paint and whitewash. We can paint all the bottoms of the bottles that remain visible with oil paint in different colors, and just whitewash the rest of the fence space.

In the same way, we can paint bottles on any decorative fence.

If you turn on your imagination, you can make a real "work of country art" out of an ordinary fence. Bottles painted in different colors in the fence will certainly attract the attention of neighbors and people passing by.

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Video: original fencing of plastic bottle caps

A fence made of colored plastic bottles will be an excellent solution for your summer cottage, if you decide to do something unusual and original. A capital fence made of plastic "bricks" can reliably protect your territory, and decorative fences made with your own hands can decorate your clubs, flower gardens and front gardens. Structures made of this "building material" will be inexpensive, durable and original.

The use of plastic bottles in the country for creating various decorative elements today reaches the level of art. If we also take into account their incredibly high practicality and low cost, then we will get the ideal material for the construction of a fence. Such constructions will be discussed in this article.

General Provisions

Why did PET bottles get such an unusual application?

Let's take a look at their features:

  • Low price . However, they are rarely bought on purpose, and are usually a waste of the purchase of a drink. Consequently, such material can be considered generally free.

  • Readily available... It also stems from the previous point: purchasing soda, beer and even plain water along the way will provide you with an empty plastic bottle. If you don't throw it away, but put it off, then after a while you will have accumulated a sufficient number of products suitable for construction.
  • Water resistance. The initial task of a PET container is to store liquids in itself, so that it is not afraid of any precipitation.

  • DIY ease of use... Low weight, elasticity and ease of cutting with a conventional knife or scissors provide a lot of engineering possibilities.

  • Durability. To understand how long the products for giving out of plastic bottles can last you, let's look at a comparative table of the decomposition times of various materials in the open air:

Types of fences

Mini fence

This type of fence is used to separate the various zones of your site.

Installation instructions are very simple:

  1. We fill bottles with earth, sand, broken glass or other colored filler.

Tip: you can use alternation of products of different shapes and combinations of different fillers.
This way you can achieve greater aesthetics and variety.

  1. We bury them along the previously applied markings.

Wire fence

This design is most often used for fencing flower beds and beds with tall plants. Its installation requires a little more diligence, but it is also not very difficult and consists in stringing empty bottles on a wire.

Advice: if you want to make this type of fence more stable, it is recommended to fasten the containers in several rows.

Fence made of plastic cloth

A very interesting option is the use of the walls of large PET containers. They can be used to build not only a fence, but also a canopy or even walls.

It looks like this:

  1. We take the required number of bottles with a volume of two to ten liters.
  2. Cut off the cones leading to the neck and bottom.
  3. The resulting original bracelets are cut into two parts for convenience.
  4. We fasten them to each other with a stapler, creating a one-piece plastic sheet.
  5. We install it on metal posts or in window frames.

Fence rack

Such a fence can already be safely installed from the street side of the site. First of all, we bury the pillars, mount the transverse strips, but then you can go in two ways:

Fence from lids

"Beauty requires sacrifice" - this phrase is perfect for the construction in question. When creating it, only bottle caps are used, which may require from ten to fifteen thousand. Then you need to think over a suitable ornament and, in accordance with it, fasten the products with wire.

Capital fence

This method is also characterized by a high level of labor intensity and the use of additional materials. But at the exit you, on the other hand, will get a solid wall of stone and plastic. In this case, the containers filled with sand play the role of bricks and are fixed with cement mortar.


We looked at how to use plastic bottles in the country when arranging fences. There are several ways, and they all differ in their complexity, installation method and end result. But in any case, you get a cheap and unique design.

Be original and economical!

Plastic bottle. What inventive minds did not make of her. The plastic bottle (PET) can be seen everywhere. Today it has ceased to be a recyclable material, it has also ceased to be intended exclusively for industry. A plastic bottle in skillful hands easily turns into all kinds of decorations: flowers, crafts in the form of animals, palm trees, garden paths, curbs, fences. Recently, the owners of private houses began to use it as a material for the construction of fences. It is very easy to make a plastic fence from bottles with your own hands.

General Provisions

Why PET has received such an unusual use. The whole secret is in its features:

  • First of all, it is the price. Of course, separately, as a product, it is not sold, being a waste after drinking drinks. In fact, it is generally considered free material.
  • Easy accessibility. Follows from the previous point.
  • Water resistance. Since it was originally created for storing liquid, therefore, it tolerates the effects of temperature conditions with ease.
  • Ease of use. Low specific gravity, elasticity, ease of cutting, provide craftsmen with a lot of fantasies.
  • Durability. PET production technology is able to maintain its quality for 180 years.

In addition to the positive characteristics, the fence made of plastic bottles also has disadvantages:

  • It is very easy to break it using mechanical force.
  • It is not a good defense against intruders, thieves.

Therefore, it is advisable to use such buildings only as a decoration or when zoning a site.

Advice ! Given the fact that the plastic bottles themselves are very light, in order to make them heavier, it is recommended to pour sand or earth inside.

Varieties of bottle fences

Today, craftsmen have come up with and implemented the following types of designs from plastic bottles:

  • Frame fences.
  • Low decorative railing.
  • Capital structures.

How to construct a do-it-yourself bottle fence? A worthy use of this material can be a light transparent fence for a flower garden, front garden, or even a whole fence. Given its unique properties, it is an ideal raw material for creating outdoor structures.

Variations in creating fences

There are many of them. Any part of it can be used in business: lids, bottoms, main parts of PET. Which part of the bottle to choose for designing your fence is up to you. One thing is important - your work will solve two problems at once: the issue of disposing of it as garbage and the creation of a decorative fence for your own site:

  • Flowerbeds in the country.
  • Framing or zoning a flower garden.
  • Garden path design.

A sufficiently large number of bottles will be required for work, therefore, most likely, you will need to contact neighbors or loved ones for help. To create a full-fledged and relatively strong structure, you will need, in addition to PET, the availability of consumables, and these are:

  • Binder solution.
  • Supports.
  • Meshes, on which, if necessary, you will have to attach plastic.

Low fences

The bottom (bottom) is very similar to a flower. If you paint it beautifully with paints, and then fence off the perimeter of the flower bed, it will turn out to be very original.

Advice ! To prevent the paint from fading, not peeling during operation, it is best to paint the workpiece from the inside.

How to make a low fence with your own hands for a flower garden? It is designed quite simply: a plastic bottle is cut off, then dug into the depths of the ground. It is very important that the height is level.

Frame constructions

The photo below shows the layout of the bottles.

To create such a fence, it is necessary to make a wire frame in advance or install wooden supports.

You can, as an option, use a mesh-netting, but choose the size of the cell for the cylinders. Then insert PET matched in color into it exactly if you plan to create an ornament or drawing. Such a structure is able to refresh any hedge, breathe new breath.

How to make a meter-long fence out of bottles with your own hands: step by step instructions

Diagram of designing a fence from plastic bottles with your own hands:

Before proceeding with the construction, you need to stock up on the necessary amount of PET at the rate of at least 5 pieces per picket fence. Cylinders are pre-cleaned from dirt and labels. If you take 5 pieces for one picket fence, then in 4 you need to cut the bottom. In other words, for all but the last one, you need to do a similar operation. Then, as shown in the picture, a whole plastic bottle is put on alternately all cut ones.

The next step to take is to make a hole in the middle from top to bottom. The diameter of the hole must strictly correspond to the wire that will subsequently be inserted into it.

Collect all spans as required for your wire fencing fence. The number of such shtaketin can be very different. It all depends on what kind of opening you plan to build.

Weld the finished spans by welding or reinforce it in another way, for example, screw it with wire to the installed supports.

You can make a wooden frame, screw caps to it with screws, and then screw plastic bottles into the caps.

Visual zoning of the site

Very low fencing (curbs) are widely used in suburban areas for zoning the territory. In this case, plastic bottles are dug in half into the depths, the lower half remains on the surface. Making a border with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, you need to fill the bottles with earth, sand, and other bulk materials.

Advice ! To create a special decor for such a border, you can use beautiful stones or broken colored glass as a filler, or simply paint it with different colors, as shown in the photo.

Plastic fence rack

How to make such a fence out of plastic bottles with your own hands? The photo shows that for this fence you need to make and install wooden supports with transverse racks-racks around the perimeter of the site, before installing plastic bottles on them, the surface of the rails must be carefully greased with construction glue, to make them heavier and more tightly fit, they are pre-filled with sand or ground.

DIY plastic bottle fence video:

Advice ! If you don't have building glue on hand, you can attach the bottles with small screws to the slats at the top and bottom. At the same time, it is necessary to fill them not completely, but halfway so that they do not come off. This method of fastening is less reliable than with glue.

How to make a fence using plastic sheeting

This method is very unusual, it is used very rarely. This is explained by the laboriousness of the work. In order to get the desired canvas, you need to cut the middle part vertically in two-liter cylinders. The resulting canvases are connected with a stapler. The canvas can be used not only for a hedge, but also, for example, during the construction of a summer cottage at a summer cottage.

Fencing with your own hands from plastic bottle corks

PET is gradually accumulating in many Russian families. They can be thrown away like unnecessary garbage, or you can build an original fence in a country house or build a children's sculpture in the courtyard of an apartment building, decorating a playground. To make a fence from corks from plastic bottles with your own hands, the photo shows a good example, just like from the bottle itself, and choose the shape and pattern at your discretion.


You already know how to make a fence from plastic bottles with your own hands for giving, you can see an example of decorating a fence with lids from them in the photo. It is quite simple to create any structure on your own. This does not require large investments. All that is required for this is patience, imagination, handy materials. In most cases, this is a unique way for fencing, zoning a summer cottage. PET is a unique material for homemade products. It can be used to build any structure or decor for a country house. Below is a small gallery in the form of photos of finished handicrafts, structures, structures.

The accumulation of used plastic containers in the country is a perennial problem. Of course, you can burn it, but you really don't want to poison the clean air, which rarely manages to breathe, with acrid smoke! Therefore, we will try to find a worthy use for it. For example, let's think about how to make a fence out of plastic bottles.

For a long time they have been making a variety of crafts - decorative and quite utilitarian, so why not use them as a building material for fencing a garden plot or at least part of it?

How to use bottles

Food-grade plastic, from which disposable dishes and bottles are made, is a fairly durable material that does not lend itself to destruction from exposure to moisture, sun, high or low temperatures and other environmental influences. Therefore, it is perfect for the construction of not only fences, but also various other street buildings. For example, an original gazebo, shed or greenhouse.

Most often, cylinders are used as they are - as a whole, with plugs. But they can be cut lengthwise, by removing the bottom, into several pieces of picket. Or you can take only the bottoms or corks and decorate the old wooden fence with them.

There are many options, but if you are faced with a double task: to build a fence and dispose of plastic cylinders, then we will consider only those of them that imply "waste-free production." Rest assured that.

Most likely, your stocks will not be enough for you, and you will either have to replenish them by driving through friends and acquaintances, or build in stages, as new bottles spontaneously appear on the site and in its vicinity.

Types of "bottle" fences and methods of their construction

Fences from plastic bottles can be very different both in appearance and in purpose.

  • The easiest option is to fence flower beds, flower beds, garden paths, their visual highlight.

  • Frame fence. Light, transparent or translucent (depending on the color of the bottles), serving as a decoration rather than a reliable barrier for uninvited guests.
  • Capital fence- the most expensive option, involving the use of a binder solution. But the price of cylinders filled with sand or earth is, nevertheless, incomparable with the cost of a brick or stone, therefore, we will consider this option as well.

Plastic bottles have long and firmly entered the life of most people. At least a few of these bottles are sent to the trash bin every week. And they can lie in a landfill for many decades, and as some experts say - for centuries, polluting the entire planet and causing many problems to descendants.

It looks like a fence made of plastic bottles

However, today many people have found a solution to this problem. They not only do not send bottles to the landfill, but also use them with considerable benefit for themselves. They are used in the manufacture of a wide variety of buildings, including fences. Of course, a fence made of plastic bottles looks very unusual and even eccentric. But a lot of people like it.

As a result, the popularity of such unusual fences is growing quite rapidly. More and more often, both in small villages and in large settlements and even in the private sector of cities, you can see fences made exclusively from plastic bottles.

To some, the decision to build a fence from plastic bottles may seem extremely unusual and even indecent. But still, every year, such fences are becoming more and more common. What is the reason for this?

Multi-colored fence made of plastic bottles

First of all, this is savings. Still, to buy a sufficient amount of bricks, wooden boards, or even, you need to spend from several thousand to several hundred thousand rubles. Not to mention that. Plastic bottles can be collected for free.

As practice shows, it is enough to ask relatives, acquaintances and work colleagues not to throw out the bottles, but to save them, with a promise to pick them up if possible, so that several dozen bags of bottles accumulate in your garage, dacha or shed in a few months.

Pay attention - you won't have to pay a single penny for them!

Durability and reliability are equally important factors. These characteristics of food grade plastic used to make bottles have long been legendary.

Food use in plastics in the fence

Plastic without harm to itself withstands compression and strong impacts, high humidity can in no way harm it, and this material does not seem to notice frequent changes in temperature and direct sunlight. Therefore, you can be sure that a properly erected fence can easily serve you for many decades.

Don't forget about originality. Many people are willing to spend a lot of money to make their site or noticeable and stand out from others. Well, a fence made of bottles will definitely highlight your site, contrasting well with iron and stone fences. So, the use of plastic bottles can be called a very good solution. It will also be, because you will not spend money on its creation and construction.

What fences can be built from bottles

Today, craftsmen make a variety of fences from plastic bottles - from tiny, decorative fences, suitable only for marking the boundaries of a flower bed, to permanent fences that can protect your site from unwanted guests.

Read also

How to make a gate in a fence

Installation diagram of plastic bottles in the fence

Have you decided to refine your flower bed, making it more well-groomed and attractive? Collect a sufficient number of identical bottles, fill them with earth or sand. Now dig a small ditch around the perimeter of the flower bed, about 20 centimeters wide and about 30 centimeters deep. Place the bottles in the ditch with the neck down, close to each other, and cover them with earth.

It is advisable to select bottles not only of the same size and shape, but also of color. If necessary, the bottoms of the bottles sticking out of the ground can be painted in a suitable color. You will be surprised how much more attractive your flowerbed has become.

Or maybe you need a more serious plastic fence? Then dig in several posts around the perimeter of your site with a distance of 2 to 2.5 meters. Prepare the steel wire. Now it remains only to carefully pierce the bottles near the bottom and closer to the neck, and pass the wire through the holes.

Assembling a fence from bottles using a wire

String the bottles on the wire, trying to fit them close to each other. When the wire is filled with bottles the same length as the distance between the posts, just wrap the wire around the post and continue working. As a result, you get an unusual, sturdy fence that most likely cannot be blown down by the wind.

However, it can transmit light (unless you use brown and green bottles). It is also important that you can use as many rows of bottles as you see fit, creating a fence with a height of 30 centimeters to infinity.

If you want to get a more serious fence that intruders cannot overcome, then the fence made of plastic bottles will not let you down again. Stock up on the right number of bottles - it is relatively easy to calculate the approximate number, knowing the height and length of the fence.

long fence

Try not to use bottles without caps - you will need them. Fill bottles with sand or earth.

Clear a site around the perimeter of the construction site.

If you wish, you can even fill in a small foundation - about 40 centimeters wide and 20-30 centimeters deep.

Place a row of bottles on the prepared area. Try to keep the bottles flat. To do this, use a long, thin board, pressing it against the necks so that the bottles do not stick out of an even row.

The distance between the bottles should be about 1-2 centimeters. Place a layer of mortar about 5 centimeters thick on top of the bottles. The concrete should fill the gap between the bottles.

Now place the next row of bottles - each bottle should fit into the cavity between the bottles of the first row. Then fill the bottles with more concrete. You need to repeat this procedure until the height of the fence has reached the one you need. But do not forget - if you need a fence made of plastic bottles more than one and a half meters high, then you should not erect it in one go.