Repair Design Furniture

Watering raspberries correctly in summer. How to properly water raspberries in spring and summer, and how to treat them from pests! Spring Raspberry Care: The Basics of Double Pruning

Raspberries are a healthy and tasty berry. This unpretentious berry bush grows well in the most forgotten corners of the country house and constantly thanks us for a good harvest. And if you pay a little attention to raspberries, cut them off in time, find out when it is right and the main thing - how to feed the raspberries, the yield will increase immediately at times.

Raspberry is a berry bush with thorny shoots. However, in recent years, breeders have been trying to breed varieties with bare shoots, so that it is more convenient to pick berries. Because of the delicious berries, everyone tries to plant raspberries on the site, but due to the fact that the raspberry spreads a lot and does not look very decorative, they are usually planted deep into the site, in the farthest corner and forget about it. There, in the shade of garden trees, raspberries do not bloom well and bear fruit, which indescribably surprises the owners. What else do raspberries need? Here are some tips to help you harvest a serious raspberry crop from a small area throughout the season.


The best time to plant raspberries is spring. Some varieties can be

Planting raspberries must be carried out in a sunny place. The more light the better. Raspberry, growing by itself, shades itself, it does not need companions in the form of garden trees.

Planting of seedlings is carried out in trenches or holes, into which humus is preliminarily poured. The seedlings are buried several centimeters deeper than they grew in the old place. On average, they are buried by 4-6 centimeters. The distance between the holes is about 60 centimeters, and between the rows of raspberries - about a meter.

The planted plant is well spilled with a bucket of water, having previously formed a well-deepening for watering.


Raspberry is a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, during the season, it must be watered abundantly in order to get a good harvest of delicious berries. Moisture is especially necessary for the plant during flowering, development and ripening of fruits. Therefore, the first abundant watering is done before flowering, the second after 2-3 weeks. The next watering is done at the time of harvest. The last time the raspberries are watered after pruning.

Raspberry pruning

Raspberry yields on the shoots of the second year. This rule does not apply to remontant raspberries. You need to know this in order to successfully form a raspberry bush.

The next year after planting, at the moment when the buds begin to bloom, the raspberries are formed by pruning, leaving several strong and healthy shoots. The tops of the shoots are slightly shortened, but not much, since the main fruit buds are at the top. The shoots are attached to the support.

Autumn pruning is the removal of dead shoots.

Fertilizing raspberries

Raspberries are fed several times a season:

  • during flowering and the appearance of the ovary;
  • during fruiting;
  • after the end of fruiting.

The most important micronutrients for raspberries are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen fertilizers reduce the resistance of raspberries to frost, therefore, fertilizers are applied in the following sequence: nitrogen fertilization in spring and summer, and potassium-phosphorus by autumn. Fertilizing raspberries in the summer is recommended with organic-based formulations, since raspberries respond well to organic matter. In addition, organic fertilizers have a positive effect on the quality of the crop.

Top dressing raspberries in spring

In May, i.e. in the spring, raspberries are fertilized mainly with nitrogen-containing compounds in order to enhance the growing season, shoot growth and thereby increase its yield. Mineral fertilizers should not be applied, because collecting an environmentally friendly crop is the goal of every gardener.

Fertilizing raspberries during flowering

Here are some recipes for feeding raspberries when they bloom:

  1. Top dressing with a mullein is carried out in a proportion of 1 part of a mullein to 10 parts of water. Let it brew for about a week;
  2. With a solution of chicken manure in a ratio of 1 part of manure to 10 parts of water, let it brew for about 10 days, and then use it as a fertilizer, diluting a liter can of infusion for 10 liters of water;
  3. In the infusion of chicken manure or mullein, prepared according to the rules, wood ash is added in a proportion of 1 glass per 10 liters of water, as well as bone meal, which is introduced directly under the roots, mixed with humus;
  4. Yeast in the amount of 100 grams is dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water, you can fertilize raspberries with a similar composition in spring and summer. It perfectly stimulates the growth of green mass, activates flowering and increases productivity.

Top dressing raspberries in summer

The second feeding is carried out when the berries begin to actively sing. You can feed raspberries in July with organic or biohumus compounds. You should not use mineral compositions so that they do not affect the quality of the crop.

  1. Apply compositions based on vermicompost, diluting according to the instructions for the preparation;
  2. You can feed the raspberries again with infusion of mullein or chicken droppings;
  3. Stimulate productivity by feeding with yeast infusion.

Fertilizing raspberries during fruiting is necessary for the plant to increase yields, improve the quality and taste of berries.

Autumn feeding

During the period of autumn feeding, it is recommended to introduce herbaceous plants, for example, vetch, clover, and mustard, into the soil. Over-heating, the grass loosens the soil and provides additional fertilization to the raspberry roots. In addition, a mixture of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is applied under the plant, which will enable the plant to lay flower buds for the next season.

  1. Mix 30 grams of phosphorus and 20 grams of potash fertilizer, the dry mixture is embedded in the soil around the bush;
  2. Pour under a bush and close up up to 1 kg of wood ash per square meter of raspberries; fertilization of raspberries with ash is recommended to maintain the optimal amount of potassium in the soil

Feeding raspberries with yeast

Feeding raspberries with yeast greatly stimulates the vegetative process, flowering and fruiting of the bush. Therefore, you can feed the raspberries during the ripening of the berries with yeast. In addition to the fact that such a top dressing will become a stimulant, it will also strengthen the plant's immunity, increase yields and have a positive effect on the quality of the crop.

Caring for a raspberry tree includes such an important point as watering: in order to get a good harvest of this tasty and healthy berry, you need to properly moisturize the site. We will share with you our knowledge about how often to water raspberries in the open field, whether it is possible to water raspberries during flowering, whether it is possible to water raspberries with cold water or not, and what can replace drip irrigation of raspberries.

Watering raspberries

How often to water raspberries

On average, soil moistening in raspberries is carried out 5-7 times per season, but the exact amount of watering is determined by weather conditions. The greatest need for moisture in raspberries occurs during the period of flowering, the formation of ovaries, filling and ripening of berries. Young bushes also need regular watering for a month and a half after planting. Here is a rough diagram of watering raspberries:

  • watering in spring, before flowering - 1 time;
  • in summer, during the ripening of berries - 2 times;
  • watering after fruiting - 2 times.

In an abnormally hot summer, additional watering of the site may be needed, since raspberries are difficult to tolerate dry air. After August 10, experts do not recommend watering raspberries: the wood of young shoots will not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather, and besides, the shrub can get sick with purple spot.

The last time the soil is moistened in the raspberry tree is carried out at the end of October, during the leaf fall. This watering is called water-producing and is carried out only in an abnormally dry autumn.

As you can see, it is not so often necessary to moisten the soil in the raspberry tree. Strawberries, for example, are watered literally every other day in the heat. However, the specificity of moisturizing the raspberry tree is to wet the soil to a considerable depth - up to 35-40 cm. It is at this distance from the surface that the root system of the raspberry bush lies. To achieve this result, you need to spend up to four buckets of water for each m² of the plot.

It is easier and more convenient to water the raspberry by sprinkling, but it does not provide uniform soil saturation to the required depth. Drip irrigation is, although expensive, but the optimal solution in this case, allowing you to achieve the desired result and at the same time use water sparingly.

If you cannot afford to purchase a drip system, it remains to water the raspberries by hand, using water that has been settled and heated in the sun: tap water is too hard and contains a lot of impurities harmful to the plant, so you need to let it stand so that these impurities settle ... The most convenient way is to collect rainwater or settle tap water in a large container - a tank or an old bathtub installed in the garden in the sun.

Dig furrows up to 15 cm deep at a distance of 40 cm from the rows of raspberries and fill them with the correct amount of water. When it is absorbed, cover the furrows with soil. This method allows you to soak the soil in the raspberry tree to a depth of 50 cm, however, in order to keep this moisture in the ground, you need to mulch the surface of the site with organic materials - sawdust, bark or straw. Mulch will save you not only water, but also time: you do not have to loosen the soil in the raspberry plant after each watering.

Despite the well-known love of raspberries for moisture, a particularly careful approach is required to the irrigation process. Illiterate watering is quite realistic to ruin the plant. Raspberries are characterized by a fairly close location of the root system to the surface, as well as an impressive evaporating surface area, which causes its increased vulnerability to a lack of moisture.

How to water raspberries?

Raspberries requires rare, but abundant enough watering for the development of its root system and its growth into deeper soil layers. In the period from the last decade of May to the first decade of June, raspberries, as a rule, grow in a fairly short time, letting out a lot of new shoots that form dense growth - not without reason, the biggest drawback of raspberries is their ability to grow to uncontrollable sizes in a short period of time.

At elevated air temperatures, raspberries suffer from increased air dryness, which they try to compensate by evaporating large volumes of moisture through the leaves and stems. That is why gardeners are strongly advised to thoroughly moisten the soil to a depth of at least 30-35 cm, after which the soil must be loosened.

During the summer period, raspberries need seven waterings.... They begin in the last decade of May, during the germination of replacement shoots, during which watering is carried out at the rate of two buckets of water per one running meter of a row of raspberries. The next two waterings should be organized in June at the rate of 2-3 buckets per linear meter, then in July - identical to the June scheme.

Further watering falls at the beginning of August, but only under the condition of a complete absence of rain, and the last time the raspberries should be watered before the irrigation network is closed - at the end of October. Watering is most necessary for raspberries during the summer months of June, July and August, but remember that watering later than August 10th puts the plant at high risk of getting purple spotted. At the beginning of summer, before watering, it is necessary to remove the excess replacement shoots, leaving the most developed ones in an amount not exceeding 10-15 pieces.

Raspberry watering options

Today, the most common are two main types of watering raspberries - sprinkling and furrow irrigation.

Sprinkling is the most widely used method among gardeners and is done with a hose. The procedure for irrigation in the furrows is more specific and requires some effort: on both sides of the row, at a forty-centimeter distance from the raspberries in the soil, it is necessary to make furrows about 10-15 cm deep, letting water through them and allowing it to be absorbed. Thus, the soil is moistened to a depth of 50 cm. After the procedure, the furrows must be filled up and the soil loosened.

The main advantage of this method is the complete absence of water contact with the crown of the plant. Whereas the advantage of sprinkling and watering with a sprinkler is more economical in terms of water consumption. In no case should you overdo it with the amount of water - raspberries do not tolerate liquid stagnation and waterlogging.

The last watering, known as moisture charging, must be carried out during the fall of leaves, keeping in mind that it is allowed only in the absence of autumn precipitation, which is a sufficient basis for moisturizing raspberries.

Watering raspberries is carried out 5-7 times per season, depending on weather conditions. The watering scheme will look something like this: watering raspberries in the spring, before flowering - 1 time, watering the raspberries in the summer, during the filling and ripening of the crop, - 2 times, watering the raspberries after fruiting - 2 times, plus two more watering as needed (heat and absence rains). It is required that the water soaks the soil by 20-30, or even 40 cm (the depth of the roots of this shrub). For this, three to four buckets of water are given for 1 "square" of raspberries.

This is how it looks briefly proper watering of raspberries... And now, for anyone interested, we suggest talking in more detail when and how to water raspberries and why it is so important.

How to water raspberries correctly?

The simplest and most common method of watering raspberries is by sprinkling. Of course, it cannot be called ideal, since sprinkling does not provide uniform moisture impregnation to a depth of about 30 cm.Drip irrigation is an excellent solution for any garden and horticultural crops, but not everyone can (or wants) to afford it, so you can use drip irrigation ...

The main mistake that gardeners make is frequent and shallow watering, which gives moisture only to the top layer of the soil, where only adventitious roots are located.

Watering raspberries in spring carried out only once, maximum - twice, before flowering.

Watering raspberries in summer carried out more often, and these are the most important waterings. The berry is shed in June, when the berry begins to pour, and again or twice during fruiting. It is these irrigations that are most important: without moisture, the bush will not be able to feed the tasty sweet berry, and you will get a dry, "boney" crop. Watering raspberries during fruiting should not be carried out before picking berries, but immediately after it. Thus, by the next harvest, the earth will have time to dry out. In the summer, when the harvest has already been harvested, the raspberry tree is shed again, but no later than mid-August.

Watering raspberries in autumn It is carried out as required. The fact is that excess moisture, starting from the end of August, can prevent young shoots from lignifying, and also contribute to the development of the disease - purple spot. But if the weather is dry in August-September, you can and should water the raspberries. The last watering of raspberries occurs in October, when the seedlings need to be properly charged with moisture, which will provide them with a good wintering.

But you should not pour raspberries either - this plant does not tolerate stagnant water and will quickly die from lack of nutrition and

We hope our article answered the question of how often to water raspberries. This should be done rarely, but abundantly. After watering, raspberries are imperative - this will help to retain moisture in the ground and protect it from the active pressure of weeds. If you are worried that due to a lack of water, it may be so, but most likely it is about a lack of nutrients or diseases.

And now we bring to your attention a video where an experienced gardener talks about the features of watering raspberries.

Tatiana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board

Despite the fact that raspberries are very fond of moisture, such a process as watering should be approached very responsibly. The fact is that illiterate watering will simply ruin it. Since the root system of raspberries is very close to the surface of the soil, which explains its vulnerability with a lack of moisture, as well as with its excess. Below we will take a closer look at such a question as how often to water raspberries so that they please with a good harvest and excellent growth.

How to properly water raspberries

Raspberry is an unpretentious plant to care for, which can delight the gardener with a generous harvest. But at the same time, there are several rules that should be strictly observed in such a matter of how to water raspberries, namely:

  1. Raspberry bushes are rarely watered when planting, after planting, but abundantly, in order to achieve the full development of the root system.
  2. From the end of May to the beginning of June, the raspberry root system grows especially intensively, therefore, during this period of time, increase the number of waterings.
  3. If the weather is hot outside in summer, then the plant begins to suffer from increased dryness of the air, therefore moisture evaporates from the raspberry bush in large volumes. In this case, it is necessary to regularly carry out abundant moistening to a depth of 30 cm, with the obligatory loosening of the soil.
  4. During the three hot summer months, a minimum of seven abundant waterings should be done.
  • raspberries are watered in the spring for the first time at the end of May with 3 liters of water for each bush;
  • the next two irrigations are performed in the middle and at the end of June, 6 liters of water for each bush;
  • then a similar June irrigation scheme is duplicated in July;
  • and with the onset of August, one watering is performed up to 15 numbers.

It is worth noting that as far as August is concerned, the above-described system will be relevant only if there is no rain during this period.

Raspberry bushes do not require regular watering, this procedure is necessary only during the fruiting period and at the time of intensive foliage growth, but at the same time, many experienced gardeners insist that it is necessary to perform the seventh watering in October.

In general, the above scheme is a good example of how to properly water raspberries. But in practice, it is imperative to monitor the condition of the bush. If the leaves are drooping, then you need to moisten the soil.

It is this principle that should form the basis for caring for this amazing berry and answer the question of many novice gardeners, watering raspberries how often.

What are the ways to water raspberries

At the moment, there are three effective ways to water a raspberry bush, namely:

  • drip irrigation of raspberries, one of the most gentle on the root of the plant;
  • trench watering, for this you need to make grooves about 15 cm deep next to the bushes. Then fill them with water and wait until it is completely absorbed, and then fill in the previously made grooves;
  • irrigation of the raspberry tree with a hose.

When it is very hot outside, then you need to use the first or second method, which helps to significantly reduce water consumption and minimize the appearance of various defects. In this case, it is very important to carry out the correct calculation of the water. The fact is that, as described above, the soil should be moistened to a depth of no more than 30 cm.

Ice water is the biggest enemy for many plants, it is for this reason that novice gardeners have a question whether it is possible to apply cold jets of water to the raspberry tree. In this case, such an undertaking can turn out to be very negative for the raspberry bush.

Better in hot months the water, before you start watering, heat the water in the sun, and then water the plant, this approach will accelerate its absorption and will not damage the root system of the bush.


Raspberries are a very tasty and healthy berry that is very easy to grow with your own hands. The main thing is to properly water and care for this plant, which will give a rich harvest at the end.