Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself phone stand for office, home and car: MK with step-by-step photos and video tutorials. Do-it-yourself stand - how original home-made coasters and stops are made (90 photos) Phone stand template

The mobile phone has become an indispensable attribute of modern man. And on the road, and at home, and on the desktop, a useful gadget is given the main place, otherwise “suddenly someone calls, but I don’t hear / see.” For convenient placement of a cell phone on the table, coasters were invented. You can buy them in the store, or you can do it yourself from improvised materials. Even the most useless at first glance "unnecessary garbage", like a cardboard package from dairy products or a long-used cover for a disc, will come in handy in the work.

Cardboard stand

The first option is to make a cardboard stand for a mobile phone. This is not necessarily a single piece of material; you can take a used milk bag of a small volume (0.5 ml). It does not require anything to glue: you only need scissors.

The box must be thoroughly washed, crushed and cut off the bottom. Then cut along the folds.

The work will need a central part in the form of two rectangles. Between them is a fold. It must be cut out and folded with the outside inward, clamping the fold with one hand.

Starting from the opposite end, from below, you need to cut out a figure resembling the letter "T". It is narrowed upward, but has a beveled corner.

When the shape is expanded, the bottom edges become where the phone sits. It rests on the central edge. Budget stand is ready!

Stand from the cover for the disc

Surely everyone has a couple of DVDs lying around in the house. One of the unnecessary covers can be turned into a stand for a mobile phone.

To do this, the cover must be cut in half. Then cut off all the holes and rivets so that only an even rectangle with two bent corners at the ends remains.

The plate must be clamped with tweezers or pliers and lowered into boiling water. Thus, the plastic will become soft and pliable.

Holding the plate with pliers or any other tool, it must be bent so that one of the corner-ends does not slightly reach the other. 2-3 cm is enough, and the phone will be located in this space. One of the corners is glued to the surface. It turned out to be an interesting and light stand. The device can be placed on it both vertically and horizontally!

Paper clip stand

A paperclip mobile phone stand is an interesting thing that can be done in 2 minutes. To do this, you need a large massive paper clip, which you just need to unbend correctly!

To begin with, the wire is completely straightened into a line. Then you need to clamp it and bend it again:

  1. Bend in the shape of a checkmark - U.
  2. Bend both ends at an angle of 90 ° C, starting approximately in the middle.
  3. Slightly bend the horses of each end.

Thus, an ordinary paper clip turned into a concise stand. The phone lies on it horizontally.

Toilet paper roll stand

Such good as a sleeve from a used toilet paper roll is enough in every home! Do not rush to throw away the cardboard form - it can be turned into a mobile stand in a matter of minutes.

All that is required is to properly cut off part of the sleeve at an angle. A small piece of cardboard should remain in front to create an emphasis. Such a stand will not be able to accommodate a phone that is too tall, but the standard size will “sit down” perfectly.

If desired, the stand can be decorated: painted, wrapped with cloth or pasted over with paper for gifts. And no one will believe that it was once part of a toilet roll.

all work step by step


When working with familiar things, it is important to give free rein to imagination: try on, think, experiment. Then mobile phone stands will appear in the house regularly - and always different and interesting!

Modern means of communication perform many functions, so it often becomes necessary to install a gadget on a desk. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made fixture in the nearest store, or you can make it yourself. There are many ways to make a phone stand from improvised materials and stationery.

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The most common material that phone holders are made of is plastic. To make a smartphone holder with your own hands, you can use everything that is available in every home - paper clips and binders (clips), wire hangers for clothes, paper, wooden planks, and even a children's designer. Self-made coasters will be not only comfortable, but also original in their design and size.

There are a few easy ways to quickly create functional and great gadget-friendly coasters.

From stationery binders

Students and office workers are familiar with special clips for large stacks of papers, which are called binders. If you have holders, it is easiest to make a do-it-yourself phone stand from them.

To do this, it is enough to connect 2 elements to each other, and bend 1 metal end towards the phone.

You can also fasten 2 binders with a piece of cardboard, and insert the smartphone into the plane between the metal ears. Despite its small size, such a device is able to hold even a phone with a large screen diagonal both vertically and horizontally.

From the Lego constructor

If children live in the house, there will definitely be a plastic constructor with parts of different sizes and colors. There are no special instructions for making a phone stand, you just need to select the appropriate elements and connect them in any order. The main thing is that the design is stable and attractive.

From a paper clip

Of the many ways to make a shipment for a smartphone, the fastest and easiest is the one that uses a simple, oversized paper clip.

To make a fixture, you must first unbend the clamp into a straight line. Then bend again so that the middle part creates support for the back wall, and the hooked edges prevent the phone from sliding forward.

From a wire hanger

If you have a wire clothes hanger, you can make an original stand for a smartphone or tablet. To work, you only need pliers and a little patience:

  1. First you need to bend both edges of the hanger so that they are located from each other at a distance equal to the width of the gadget. The edges are compressed with pliers until they are completely connected.
  2. At each end, 2 folds are made about 3-4 cm in size.
  3. In the next step, the hook is bent at an angle of 90° and turned towards the wings.
  4. Then, a hook is made at the end of the upper part, for which the inner element of the hanger is hooked and fixed.

The design can be improved with rubber tubes, which will provide an anti-slip effect and make the product more attractive.

Shampoo bottle version

An empty shampoo bottle can be turned into a convenient and beautiful phone holder. The advantage of such a device is that it can be hung on the power supply of the charger and eliminate the risk of hooking the wires and dropping the gadget on the floor.

To make the holder, you will need a plastic container of the required size, a marker and a stationery knife. First, markings are applied to the bottle for future cuts, taking into account the depth of the phone, the location of the holes for the plugs and the dimensions of the power supply. After the layout is carefully drawn, all the lines are cut out with a knife, and the edges are cleaned. If everything is done correctly, the holder can be easily put on the charger plug and plugged into a power outlet. The gadget itself will fit freely in the bowl, excluding the bending of the wires.

To make the device look more attractive, its surface can be pasted over with a cloth or bright paper, painted with paint suitable for plastic. The advantage of such a stand is its cheapness, since the material intended for discarding is used. In addition, a wide range of colors and container sizes are available.

Popsicle stick option

Do not rush to throw away popsicle sticks. You can also make a beautiful stand for your phone out of them. Depending on the project, the design consists of several elements or includes a dozen components. Sticks can be glued with PVA or a glue gun. After the holder is ready, it is recommended to paint or varnish it.

From paper

One of the most common materials used to make a DIY smartphone stand is paper or cardboard. With proper design, a fairly strong product will turn out.

The easiest way is to create 2 triangular blocks of different sizes. One will serve as a base, the other - a support for the bottom end of the phone. After the blanks are completely dry, they are fixed on 1 paper rectangle.

It is impossible to imagine a person who would not have a mobile ...

Now it is almost impossible to imagine a person who would not have such a technical device as a mobile phone.

With the invention of this technique, life has been greatly simplified: if you need to call urgently, the phone is always with you, besides this, it is also much easier to find someone ... In general, it makes no sense to describe all the advantages of a mobile phone, since they are really obvious and do not need advertising.

However, today, when we talk about mobile phones, we most often mean modern smartphones, which, in addition to ordinary calls, are capable of performing a lot of different functions. A modern phone is able to instantly access the Internet and find the necessary information there, receive and send e-mails, take amazing photos and video clips of excellent quality, etc. That is why we most often use the phone not as a means of communication, but also as a multifunctional gadget.

It is for this reason that you always want your phone to be always at hand, in the field of maximum availability. In addition, sometimes you need to view photos or videos on your phone, so you want it to be located in the most convenient way for this.

In order to satisfy all these needs, one must, of course, use mobile phone stand. Today in stores you can find a lot of different shapes of accessories. So, for example, many people probably remember the phone holders in the form of a female hand that were popular a few years ago. Nowadays, coasters have become not only more attractive and elegant, but also functional. They are able to charge the phone's battery, report a call, tilt the phone to view from a variety of angles, etc. So everyone, even the most demanding and demanding consumer, will always be able to purchase a product to their liking.

DIY mobile phone stand

However, if you prefer things made by your own hands, which will be a real exclusive, we will tell you how you can make an attractive one yourself. phone stand. There are many different ways to do this, but we will talk about the simplest, and at the same time unusual.

DIY mobile phone stand - 1

The first option is perfect for a phone with a wide display and a fairly long body, such as an iPhone or any phone from the Samsung line. The stand is incredibly comfortable to use and really functional. It only takes 2 minutes of your time to make it.

  1. You need a binder (a kind of clip that is used to fasten papers together), as well as a suction cup, which is used to attach, for example, towel holders. So, attach the binder to the suction cup in the place where it has a hook. Voila! A simple and convenient stand is ready.
  2. Attach the suction cup to the back of the phone (don't be afraid, it won't damage it and leave no residue when removed) and position the phone however you like, vertically or horizontally, either way the viewing angle will be perfect.

DIY mobile phone stand - 2

The second option is suitable for truly creative natures. In order to make it, you need to master the art of origami.

  1. To make such a stand, you need to make 24 white checkmarks and 23 pink ones. Check marks are made in the same way as cranes.
  2. Then the white checkmarks are fastened in a circle so that a kind of circle eventually forms. Insert one pink tick between each pair. Thus, you get a cone tapering upwards.
  3. Continue the construction to the desired height. Place a mobile phone in the center, and boldly admire the creation of your own hands!

Homemade mahogany smartphone stand.

Hello to all! Today we will make for a mobile phone in the form of a dog - a symbol of the year.

Now you need to make a stand for it. To do this, we cut out a circle with a diameter of 70 mm from wood. Sand it down with sandpaper.

We take a few gears that are so small.

We also take epoxy and hardener.

We take plasticine and apply a thin layer on one of the sides of the internal cavity of the figurine and glue it with polyethylene on the same side.

We knead the epoxy glue according to the instructions and pour about 2 mm into the cavity of the figure. This will be the first layer. We are waiting for the solidification of this layer. Then lay out our pattern of gears and fill in the rest.

Our dog is dry.

We remove plasticine. We take sandpaper and bring everything into a divine form.

We mark with a pencil on the figure the point where the hole will be.

Drill make a small indentation.

Now we make a wooden chop that will fix it all. We insert the chopstick into the stand, spread it with PVA glue and also the lower part of the figure with a thin layer so that the glue does not protrude. We connect. Leave until completely dry. Next, we rub our entire product with herbalist impregnation.

Here's what we got.

With a phone holder, you will not spend a lot of time looking for a mobile device. It will also be well protected. It is less likely that someone will drop it, step on it or spill tea, and most importantly, while driving a car, you will not be distracted. For aesthetic reasons, it can be an excellent decor for the interior of a car.

The simplest holder is a handlebar design with silicone loops. The adjustable bracket on the panel, into which the gadget is inserted, is characterized by the fact that it is compact and the phone is easy to install. Another very simple holder is a ball on a magnet.

Designer coasters are made of various materials, have different shapes - it all depends on the creativity of the master. For example, there is a lawn on a plastic stand, and a phone holder at the bottom.

The gadget holder can be made as an elegant wooden stand. For example, in the form of a tree with a hollow or improvised stumps. A neat wooden stand with randomly arranged slots where a mobile phone is inserted will look original.

A wooden stand can be very concise and resemble a photo frame where a smartphone is inserted. A wooden organizer on the panel can have not only a cell for a gadget, but also for pens and watches. A wooden stand in the form of a figurine supporting the phone looks original, only it needs to be well fixed.

Sometimes phone holders in the absence of a gadget are a nice souvenir. For example, a gadget stand in the form of a rotary phone looks original, showing the connection of times. Or look unexpectedly creative when the holder is an alarm clock into which a mobile phone is inserted.

Conceptually, the holder looks like a marble figurine holding a gadget in its hands. Even in winter, a shell stand will evoke memories of the sea. The stand can look like your favorite food, like sushi, a hamburger, or a caviar sandwich. In such souvenirs, the craziest fantasy can turn into reality.

The highlight of the holder in the style of minimalism will be the original mount. For example, on the principle of a table lamp attached to a clothespin to the table. Even an ordinary stationery binder will look original in the form of a phone holder.

It is worth looking at things with different eyes and arrange a cozy soft pillow or chair for the phone. If a woman is driving, it can be a fluffy basket, an original fabric pocket, a soft envelope on a pretty hinged loop. Knitted animals in the form of a coaster will always help to keep a good mood. Stylish bright accessories will not only serve you by performing certain functions, but will also help you think positively.

The holders can have a flexible cord for fastening, a suction cup, an adjustable bracket.

In choosing a stand for the phone, everyone is guided by their taste preferences. In terms of functionality, the holder must have a good fit so that the phone is secure.

How to DIY

From paper clip

A device that supports the phone can be made by hand. Such a stand will definitely be exclusive.

Homemade holders can be of three types:

  • spoiling the salon;
  • not distinguished by strength;
  • representing a whole work of art that requires real skill.

We take the binder, remove the staples, bend them so that a holder is formed, wrap them with a thread and put them in their original place, securing them with an ordinary rubber band. It remains to attach a simple device to the duct. The phone is secure. The only negative is that the phone cannot be quickly removed from the holder.

From wire

In order to fix the phone on the wire holder, you will have to sacrifice the integrity of the front panel of the cabin, since holes will need to be drilled on it. The holder is made of strong wire, bending it in an appropriate way and inserting it into the holes. The phone must be firmly attached to the holder.

Aluminum column

It will take a little effort to make a stand out of aluminum. In any hardware store, you can inexpensively purchase connecting tubes with angles of 45 and 90 degrees, as well as an aluminum pipe with a diameter of 47 mm. You will need more ice cream sticks, an old phone case.

You can start creating the holder after the place where it will be located is determined. Now the necessary measurements are made. The pipe is cut into three parts. The short part is attached to a 45 degree angled tube. The horizontal part is held in 45 and 90 degree angle tubes. The longest part - a vertical pipe, 10 - 13 cm long, will hold the rack.

For greater strength, all fasteners are first lubricated with glue. A couple of cuts should be made in the case into which the ties are inserted. The cuts are on the tube. A long pipe is pulled together with ties. Wooden sticks are glued between the aluminum pipe and the case. The final step is to attach the connecting tube to the car.