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Strepsils: indications and contraindications. Review of Strepsils lozenges and spray Strepsils during pregnancy. Drug overdose

Considering Strepsils one of the safest drugs for a developing fetus in utero, doctors still very carefully prescribe it to pregnant women, having previously studied their condition and possible reaction to the drug.

Medicine is medicine, and whether it is made in the form of the sweetest candies, the active substances are always present there. The prescription of the drug depends entirely on the decision of the attending physician, therefore he is obliged to carefully conduct research on the pregnant woman regarding her body’s tolerance or intolerance of the main and auxiliary substances of Strepsils, and also take into account that the components of the drug enter the main bloodstream and “travel” throughout the body, exerting a certain influence on him.

Components and their effects

The drug consists of two components with unpronounceable names, neither of which found a place in the name of the drug.

  1. Amylbenzyl alcohol– a mild antiseptic that destroys pathogenic microorganisms by drying them.
  2. Amylmetacresol– also an antiseptic substance, the peculiarity of which is the ability to suppress protein synthesis in microorganisms, depriving them of the opportunity to grow and reproduce.

Both substances complement and support each other so perfectly. that are simply not applied individually. The interaction of the components was discovered by pharmacists in 1958, and since then these two ingredients have not been introduced separately into medications - only in pairs.

What are the dangers of ENT diseases during pregnancy?

Let's start with why pregnant women are so susceptible to colds. The immune system is weakened - this fact is well known. But why does he weaken at such a crucial moment? And there is nothing surprising or outrageous about this: the body perceives the embryo as a foreign and unnecessary body that needs to be gotten rid of. To prevent this from happening, nature provided such a harsh method - it slightly weakened the maternal forces so that they were not enough to carry out such a rash action.

And against the background of weak protection, bacteriological diseases arise. Moreover, ENT diseases can negatively affect distant organs. Thus, tonsillitis serves as a prerequisite for damage to the joints and kidneys and heart valve; laryngitis can provoke bronchitis and inflammation in the lungs. Therefore, it is so important to start treatment in a timely manner, because when inflammation in the larynx or oral cavity “grows” to alarming proportions, it will be impossible to help with Strepsils alone.


Strepsils is used as an independent remedy or as part of complex treatment for:

  • acute and chronic tonsillitis;
  • sore throat;
  • pharyngitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • dental problems (one of them is the inflammatory process after tooth extraction).

Pregnant women are not insured against any of these cases, but we do not recommend taking medications blindly, even if the disease has begun. Any of the cases requires medical consultation, whether it begins as a slight tingling in the tonsil area, or a slight soreness.

Spray and tablets

The drug is available on the pharmaceutical market in two forms: as a spray and as tablets. Which one is better for a pregnant woman to choose?

When choosing, you need to focus on the recommendations of your doctor and your own well-being. Usually, if there was no allergy to the components of Strepsils before pregnancy, then it should not appear during pregnancy. But still, pay attention not only to the main components of the drug, but also to the auxiliary ones: the tablets contain essential oils and many additives: honey, lemon, herbal extracts, vitamins. These ingredients are contained in Strepsils tablets.

The spray is a combination of two active ingredients (amylmetacresol and dichlorobenzyl alcohol) and lidocaine. A strong anesthetic component instantly eliminates sore throat.

Strepsils by trimester

1st trimester

In the first months of pregnancy, when the fetus is practically unprotected, since it is still developing, it is dangerous for the mother to get sick and dangerous for treatment. Since the effect of Strepsils on the fetus has not been thoroughly studied, it is not worth risking a baby who is just getting the shape of a person. Although the instructions for the drug do not indicate pregnancy as a contraindication, it is better to refrain from taking the medicine.

2nd trimester

Doctors associate the minimum risks associated with the use of Strepsils with this period and believe that the time limits for taking the drug during pregnancy should be designated as 16 and 32 weeks, when the main organs of the child are already formed and there is no danger of their deformation or pathological changes.

3rd trimester

When you carry inside you a ready-made baby who has nothing left to do. that born, responsibility in relation to medications should increase significantly. The expectant mother must be aware that a child’s body perceives medicine completely differently than an adult, and Strepsils lozenges are prohibited for children under the age of five (the countdown starts from zero). The spray - and even more serious - is not allowed for children under 12 years of age, so replace the drug with an alternative and safer one.

Strepsils is considered one of the most famous medications used to relieve pain in the throat. This drug belongs to the group of local antiseptic drugs, which is widely used both in dental practice and otorhinolaryngology.

The main form of release of such a medicinal product is lollipops, which surprise with the variety of their forms. It will be useful for patients to know what a medicine like Strepsils is, contraindications and indications for its use, as well as the specifics of its use when treating children and adults.

The main components present in most forms of this drug are:

  • amylmethacreazole has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, thereby destroying the membrane of pathogenic microorganisms
  • 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol helps dehydrate bacteria, which gradually causes their death.

The components included in Strepsils exhibit activity against certain gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms that are associated with pain in the throat area. Among their diversity, one can distinguish strains of diplococcus and protea.

Experts say that amylmethacreazole and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol are active against respiratory syncytial virus, which provokes the development of ARVI in the human body.

At the same time, the constituent components of Strepsils do not affect rhinovirus and adenovirus, which are considered one of the common causes of respiratory diseases.

Often such a drug is prescribed to treat a disease such as pharyngitis of fungal origin. The fact is that some types of pathogenic fungi, under the influence of which pharyngitis begins to develop, have increased sensitivity to antiseptics.

Types of medicine

Today, there are several types of medicinal products called Strepsils, among which are lozenges and spray:

  • Strepsils original is prescribed for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and pharynx caused by microorganisms sensitive to the active substances. Lollipops of this series are recommended to be taken for periodontitis and stomatitis. Strepsils original is allowed to be taken by adults and children over 5 years of age.
  • Strepsils lollipops with lemon and honey have a softening and calming effect, and the presence of mint in the composition allows you to achieve an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. These tablets are recommended for use in the treatment of throat pathologies caused by severe irritation.
  • Strepsils with menthol and eucalyptus has an analgesic and antiseptic effect, and helps in eliminating pathologies that are accompanied by a sore throat and severe nasal congestion. The presence of menthol in the composition of the medicine helps to reduce a sore throat, so lozenges can be taken to combat a dry, irritating cough.
  • Strepsils without sugar can be taken by patients who suffer from diabetes. The presence of rosemary in the product has an additional antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It should be remembered that Strepsils without sugar should not be taken by children under 6 years of age.
  • Strepsils Plus is available in the form of lozenges and spray, which can be used for severe sore throat. In addition, this medicine helps in the fight against aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and other inflammatory processes on the gums and oral mucosa.

The following forms of the drug give a good effect in the treatment of various throat pathologies:

  • Strepsils Intensive
  • Strepsils lollipops for children
  • lollipops with a warming effect
  • Strepsils with vitamin C

Before starting treatment with a drug such as Strepsils, it is recommended that you carefully read the accompanying instructions.

Action of the drug

The substances present in Strepsils are local antiseptics, thanks to which it is possible to get rid of pain.

Taking the drug allows you to achieve the following effect:

  1. has a destructive effect on bacterial membranes and causes their death
  2. destroys various types of pathogenic microorganisms
  3. has an analgesic effect due to the content of substances in the medicine such as lidocaine, menthol and essential oils
  4. kills some types of fungal infections

Most often, Strepsils is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • pathologies of the oral cavity
  • nasopharyngeal diseases

You can learn more about what diseases cause sore throat from the video:

Tsipromed ear drops: instructions and analogues

The main form of release of such a medicine is lollipops, and each type is focused on different manifestations of a cold.If the patient complains of a sore throat, it is recommended to take Strepsils original or with the addition of honey and lemon.

If nasal congestion is added to the pain, treatment is carried out using such a medicine with menthol and eucalyptus. For hoarse voice and sore throat caused by increased stress on the ligaments, specialists can prescribe Strepsils intensive.

Contraindications and side effects

The instructions attached to the drug state that a drug such as Strepsils intensive is contraindicated for gastric and duodenal ulcers. The fact is that flurbiprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and causes irritation of the stomach walls. If the peptic ulcer is in remission or has long passed, then taking flurbiprofen is considered completely safe.

It should be remembered that Strepsils lozenges are not allowed to be taken by children under the age of 5 years, as well as if the patient has increased individual sensitivity to some components of the drug. Medicines containing honey and lemon should be taken with caution by those patients who may develop an allergic reaction to bee products.

Experts prescribe Strepsils with caution to patients with diabetes and those who are advised to limit their sugar intake. This drug is considered conditionally safe for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The fact is that its active components do not penetrate the mother’s blood and, accordingly, do not enter the mother’s milk.

To date, there are no clinical studies on the effect of a drug such as Strepsils on the body of pregnant women.

It is for this reason that one cannot be sure of its complete safety for the developing fetus. Women in an interesting position are advised to refrain from taking this medicine in the first months of pregnancy, and in the second trimester they should start taking it only if the doctor allows it.

During pregnancy, women are contraindicated in taking Strepsils Intensive and Strepsils Plus, since the lidocaine and frubiprofen they contain are absorbed into the blood.

Dosage of the drug

When treating pathologies of the throat and oral cavity, adults are prescribed 1 tablet of the drug, which should be taken every 2-3 hours. The maximum daily dose can be 8 tablets, and the drug should be taken immediately after meals or half an hour before meals. The dosage form should dissolve itself in the mouth under the influence of saliva, so there is no need to chew it specifically.

An overdose of this medicine may cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract in the form of attacks of nausea and vomiting, and pain in the abdomen. In such a situation, it is necessary to give the patient a drink of water to rinse the stomach and induce vomiting. After this, you should consult with a specialist who will select symptomatic treatment.

Strepsils is considered an effective drug in the fight against various inflammatory pathologies, but it should only be taken after consultation with a specialist. It is important to strictly follow the instructions in the attached instructions and not to exceed the indicated dosage.

Strepsils lozenges can be used during pregnancy only as prescribed by a doctor. The drug has not been sufficiently studied, so its use must be strictly regulated.

Is it possible to use Strepsils during pregnancy?

Whether Strepsils can be used during pregnancy to reduce discomfort in the throat, the doctor must decide individually. At least that's what the instructions say. This means that Strepsils is not a candy, and it is not advisable to take it on your own.

Strepsils is a combination drug containing two active ingredients with unpronounceable names (maybe that’s why the drug is called Strepsils?)

Amylbenzyl alcohol is a mild antiseptic that does not have an irritating effect and kills microorganisms by dehydrating them (simply dries them out).

Amylmetacresol is also an antiseptic drug that inhibits protein synthesis in microbes, thereby preventing them from growing and reproducing.

These substances are not used separately, since in 1958 the so-called mutual potentiation of their effects was discovered - these drugs used together enhance each other's effect.

This “couple” is included in many medications used in the treatment of diseases of the throat and nasopharynx. Strepsils lozenges also contain it.

During pregnancy, you can only take proven and safe drugs. The active ingredients of the drug have not been studied enough. It is difficult to say how the body will react to the concentration of substances contained in the tablets. Therefore, the drug should be used with caution during pregnancy.

Strepsils during pregnancy, instructions

The prescription of the drug Strepsils during pregnancy, according to the instructions, is left to the doctor’s conscience. Only a doctor can decide whether a pregnant woman should take it, or whether it is better to abstain.

The bottom line is that Strepsils is usually prescribed for sore throats, laryngitis, pharyngitis, etc. These diseases can lead to serious complications in distant organs. Thus, sore throats can cause damage to the joints, kidneys and valvular apparatus of the heart. With laryngitis, the infection can go down and provoke the development of bronchitis and even pneumonia. Strepsils is not able to prevent the development of such complications on its own. Therefore, if these diseases occur, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe a comprehensive treatment that is safe and effective.

Strepsils, indications and contraindications

Indications and contraindications for Strepsils depend on the form of release. Strepsils tablets are indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.

Tablets are contraindicated for children under 5 years of age and people who cannot tolerate any of the components of the medication. The drug should be taken with caution during pregnancy.

Strepsils spray is prescribed for the same diseases as the tablets. Its only difference from the tablet form is, in addition to the method of application, a change in the concentration of the substance towards its decrease.

Due to the smaller amount of active substances in one dose, the drug can be used during pregnancy with greater confidence. True, you still shouldn’t avoid visiting a doctor due to possible complications of the disease. The spray is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

Strepsils has proven its effectiveness as an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx. This is a fairly safe drug that eliminates pain when swallowing and reduces inflammation. However, Strepsils should be taken during pregnancy under medical supervision; it is necessary to monitor its effectiveness in each specific case and, if necessary, abandon its use in favor of more effective means.

Strepsils is a medicine for topical use in the form of lozenges and spray.

Helps with throat diseases, relieves pain when swallowing. It is used in dental practice and to prevent inflammatory processes and infections after operations in the oral cavity.

The active ingredients of Strepsils have a pronounced antiseptic effect. They lead to suppression of growth, reproduction, and death of various pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms, including gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria, and fungi.

Strepsils in the form of lollipops is very popular because, in addition to its effectiveness, it is available in a wide variety of flavors and colors.

Clinical and pharmacological group


Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buy without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Strepsils cost in pharmacies? The average price is 165 rubles.

Composition and release form

  1. The composition of Strepsils honey-lemon flavor for resorption includes 0.6 mg of amylmetacresol and 1.2 mg of dichlorobenzyl alcohol. Additional substances: honey, peppermint oil, tartaric acid, lemon oil, yellow quinoline dye, hardener made of liquid sugar and glucose to produce a tablet weighing 2.6 grams.
  2. 1 Strepsils lozenge contains 0.6 mg of amylmetacresol and 1.2 mg of dichlorobenzyl alcohol. Additional substances: levomenthol, peppermint oil, tartaric acid, anise oil, carmazine edicol, ponceau edicol, hardener made of liquid sugar and glucose to produce a tablet weighing 2.6 grams.
  3. 1 Strepsils lozenge with eucalyptus and menthol flavor contains 2 mg of dichlorobenzyl alcohol, 8 mg of levomenthol and 0.6 mg of amylmetacresol. Additional substances: indigo carmine, eucalyptus oil, tartaric acid, hardener of liquid sugar and glucose to produce a tablet weighing 2.6 grams.
  4. The composition of 1 Strepsils lemon flavor lozenge contains 0.6 mg of amylmetacresol and 1.2 mg of dichlorobenzyl alcohol. Additional substances: quinoline yellow dye, tartaric acid, lemon flavor, sodium saccharinate, isomaltose, maltitol syrup.
  5. 1 lozenge Strepsils with Vitamin C contains 1.2 mg of dichlorobenzyl alcohol, 100 mg of vitamin C and 0.6 mg of amylmetacresol. Additional substances: sunset yellow dye, levomenthol, propylene glycol, red-orange flavoring, ponceau edicol, tartaric acid, hardener from liquid sugar and glucose to produce a tablet weighing 2.6 grams.

Strepsils Intensive

Although these are the same lozenges for resorption, they are separate from the above drugs. And its main difference is the main substance. In Intensive there is only one, it is flurbiprofen, which belongs to the group of NSAIDs, that is, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The advantage of flurbiprofen is its ability to quickly and significantly relieve pain in the affected areas and its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. But the list of indications for the drug is different.

It is used:

  • for throat diseases of infectious origin, for example, laryngitis and tonsillitis;
  • when smoking;
  • with severe strain on the vocal cords, possibly caused by professional activity;
  • when substances that cause dryness and irritation enter the nasopharynx.

Adverse reactions of the drug are:

  • distortion of taste perception, ulceration of the oral mucosa;
  • nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, gastropathy;
  • abdominal pain, bleeding, increased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia, heart failure, anemia;
  • headaches, dizziness, drowsiness or insomnia;
  • asthenia, depression, tremor;
  • amnesia, agitation, impaired consciousness;
  • nephritis, swelling, rash, urticaria.

Strepsils Intensive contains only one main substance, flurbiprofen. Its advantage lies in the ability to quickly and significantly relieve pain in the affected areas and in its pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

pharmachologic effect

The action of the active substances of the drug Strepsils is aimed at destroying the cell membrane of bacteria, as well as dehydrating the cells of microorganisms, due to such activity a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect is ensured.

The following are sensitive to the action of the drug Strepsils: Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus salivarius, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella aerogenes, Proteus spp., Diplococcus pneumoniae Aerobacter spp, etc. aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms. The drug has a fungicidal effect against fungi of the genus Candida, this is an important factor in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the throat and pharynx, aggravated by fungal infections.

The line includes five variants of Strepsils tablets, in each of them the antibacterial and fungicidal effect of the active substances: amylmethacreazole and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol, is complemented by such components as: vitamin C, menthol, eucalyptus, honey, lemon, which provides a more effective therapeutic effect .

Strepsils Original is a classic version of the drug Strepsils; in addition to antibacterial and fungicidal components, it contains essential oils of peppermint and anise. The essential oils included in the preparation have a softening effect on the mucous membrane of the throat and pharynx by enhancing the secretion process of the salivary glands. With an increase in the amount of saliva secreted, the antibacterial effect increases, since saliva contains the natural enzyme lysozyme, which has an antibacterial effect. Also, essential oils, when they get on the mucous membrane, cause hyperemia, which promotes microcirculation at the site of use. The pharmacokinetics of the drug Strepsils has not been fully studied.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, Strepsils lozenges are indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases to relieve pain when swallowing or speaking. They relieve swelling and hyperemia of the oral mucosa, kill pathogenic viruses, bacteria and fungi.


  • children under 5 years of age; tablets with a warming effect for up to 6 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, fructose intolerance, sucrase or isomaltase deficiency (with the exception of lemon-flavored tablets that do not contain sugar).

Strepsils should be taken with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Prescription during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the minimal extraction of drug components into the blood, Reckitt Benckiser has not conducted pharmacokinetic studies of the drug. For the same reason, the effect of Strepsils products on pregnancy has also not been studied. An exception is Strepsils intensive, the active ingredient of which is clearly contraindicated during pregnancy.

All other lozenges are conditionally approved for use during pregnancy. However, before starting treatment, it is still better to notify your obstetrician. It is up to him to decide whether it is safe to take the drug at the moment.

The use of Strepsils during breastfeeding has also not been clinically studied. It is worth considering that the likelihood of the active ingredients of the drug passing into breast milk is extremely low. Therefore, as a rule, all forms of the drug, except Strepsils intensive, are also used to treat nursing women.

Dosage and method of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, the tablets are intended for topical use by placing in the mouth and slowly dissolving.

  • Recommended dosage: 1 pc. at intervals of 2–3 hours, but no more than 8 pcs. in 24 hours. Course duration – 3 days.

If there is no clinical effect (symptoms persist) after three days of treatment with the drug, you should consult a doctor.

Side effect

In general, this drug is well tolerated. Sometimes, after resorption of the tablet, allergic reactions may develop, which are characterized by the appearance of a skin rash, itching, and urticaria (changes on the skin that resemble a nettle burn in appearance).

If allergic reactions occur, the use of this drug should be stopped and contact a medical specialist who will determine the possibility of further use of the drug.


In case of an overdose of Strepsil, patients most often experience gastrointestinal discomfort.

Treatment in case of overdose is symptomatic (gastric lavage).

There is no specific antidote to the drug.

special instructions

You should not use the drug if you have increased individual sensitivity to any component included in the drug. Diabetics should note that each tablet contains approximately 2.6 g of sugar (0.22 XE).

Interaction with other drugs

There is no evidence of the existence of clinically significant interactions with other drugs.

During pregnancy, young mothers are susceptible to many diseases, including respiratory viral infections. A pregnant woman's body's defenses weaken, and the risk of catching a cold, especially in the cold season, increases significantly. In addition, due to decreased immunity, a woman may experience worsening chronic diseases: tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, which require immediate treatment. Among the effective medications that are prescribed for sore throat, in the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process in the oral cavity, is Strepsils. The drug has a local anesthetic effect and has an antibacterial effect, protecting the oral cavity from the proliferation of viruses and microbes. Is it possible to take Strepsils during pregnancy, as well as about the peculiarities of using the drug at different stages of pregnancy, read this article.

Strepsils is a combined antibacterial drug with fungicidal action, which is widely and successfully used for the treatment of ENT diseases and in dentistry. Strepsils contains 2 active components:

  • Amylmetacresol is an antiseptic and antimicrobial substance with an analgesic effect. Capable of destroying the membrane of microorganisms, stopping their further growth and reproduction.
  • 24-dichlorobenzyl alcohol - has a mild antiseptic effect on the oral mucosa without irritating it. Possessing antimicrobial and antiviral effects, it promotes dehydration (dehydration) of pathogenic microorganisms and their destruction.

Both substances combine well and complement each other’s action, enhancing the therapeutic effect of the drug. Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, as well as some types of fungi, including Candida, are sensitive to their effects.
In addition to the main components, the drug contains tartaric acid, sucrose, carmazine edicol and essential oils, which help reduce swelling, making it easier to breathe after using Strepsils. Strepsils spray, which has an immediate analgesic effect, includes a third additional component - lidocaine.

Strepsils during pregnancy - indications for use

Strepsils is prescribed by the attending physician as an independent drug for sore throat due to acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, and as part of a complex treatment of diseases such as:

  • Angina.
  • Tonsillitis in acute or chronic form.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Gingivitis, stomatitis.
  • It is used as a prophylactic drug to prevent infection of the gums after tooth extraction.

Strepsils during pregnancy: release forms

Strepsils is available in the form of lozenges or spray.

Strepsils tablets during pregnancy

Strepsils tablets are available in several versions. Each option is based on the same amount of active ingredients (one tablet contains 0.6 mg of amylmetacresol and 1.2 mg of dichlorobenzyl alcohol), supplemented with natural ingredients and excipients for a more effective effect on certain diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx. The lollipops are round in shape and vary in taste and color. Inside the cardboard box there are from 1 to 3 blisters containing from 8 to 12 tablets.

Spray Strepsils Plus

Spray used for severe sore throat. In addition to the main components, the spray contains a substance that has an analgesic effect - lidocaine, as well as levomenthol, essential oil of mint and anise. The drug is also prescribed for stomatitis, periodontitis, and gum diseases.

Strepsils, instructions for pregnancy

When taking any drug during pregnancy, including Strepsils lozenges, it is important to strictly adhere to the instructions and follow the recommendations of your doctor.

At the beginning of the disease, at the first signs of a cold, with sore throat and painful swallowing, it is permissible to take up to 8 tablets per day; you need to slowly dissolve the lollipops every three hours. Take the drug 30 minutes before or after meals. Then the number of tablets should be reduced to three per day. The course of treatment with Strepsils is no more than 5 days.

For acute sore throat, as well as for the treatment of sore throat, Strepsils Plus spray is prescribed. It is used 30 minutes before or after meals, using 1-2 sprays. On the first day of using the product, up to 6 presses are allowed, then spray treatment is reduced to 1-2 sprays per day, the course of treatment is no more than 5 days.

Strepsils during pregnancy: contraindications and side effects

Strepsils during pregnancy is considered to be an effective and safe drug. The active substances of the drug do not penetrate into the blood and do not affect the fetus. However, as with all medications, there is a contraindication to it - hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug, the appearance of allergic reactions to them. There are rare cases of an allergic reaction to lidocaine contained in Strepsils in the form of a spray or to honey or herbs in lozenges. In some cases, patients experience loss of sensation in the tongue, pharynx, esophagus, or changes in taste sensations in the mouth.

Strepsils during pregnancy. Drug overdose

During treatment, it is important to follow the dosage of the drug; if the average daily dose is exceeded, the following symptoms can be diagnosed:

  • the appearance of increased excitability;
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • headaches and nausea.

Can Strepsils be used during pregnancy?

Strepsils is a broad-spectrum antiseptic drug approved during pregnancy. Having an antibacterial effect, it stops the growth and reproduction of microbes in the oral cavity and prevents the complications of a cold or viral disease. Without being absorbed into the blood and without penetrating the placenta, it has a local effect on the source of infection in the throat. Strepsils is absolutely safe for expectant mothers and babies. The exceptions are two forms of the drug - Strepsils Plus spray, containing lidocaine, and Strepsils Intensive lozenges, which contain flurbiprofen. Treatment with these drugs is not recommended for pregnant women. In addition, taking the drug at different stages of pregnancy has its own characteristics.

Strepsils during pregnancy 1st trimester

In the 1st trimester, during the formation and laying of all fetal organs, the drug should be taken with caution and be sure to consult with your doctor. If possible, avoid treatment with any medications, and use traditional safe methods of treating colds.

Strepsils during pregnancy 2nd trimester

The 2nd trimester is the safest period for taking the drug. There is no risk or consequences for the fetus.

Strepsils during pregnancy 3rd trimester

When taking the drug in the later months of pregnancy, you must take it responsibly and consult a doctor. It is worth noting that lollipops are prohibited for use by children under 5 years of age, and the spray is prohibited for use by children under 12 years of age, so treatment with Strepsils in the later stages is undesirable.

Strepsils during pregnancy: reviews

According to reviews from most pregnant women, treatment of sore throat with Strepsils absorbable tablets during a cold, acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection was successful and quick. Lollipops have a quick anti-inflammatory effect, relieve swelling, and eliminate a sore throat. The sooner you start taking the drug, the faster the recovery. The main advantage of Strepsils lozenges, which is appreciated by all expectant mothers, is the absence of influence of the active substances of the drug on the unborn baby and the absence of contraindications to its use, especially in the 2nd trimester. At the beginning of pregnancy and before childbirth, the drug should be taken only after consultation with the doctor.

Natalia: " The doctor prescribed Strepsils at 16 weeks of pregnancy, with a severe sore throat - it was very difficult to swallow. I felt the effect immediately, the pain gradually began to decrease, and after a few days it completely disappeared.”

Inna: " I am a supporter of traditional medicine, I try to avoid chemicals, and candies contain dyes and flavor enhancers, so when I have a cold, I save myself by simply rinsing with soda and furatsilin solution.”

Uli's mom: " Strepsils became my salvation; just before my maternity leave, I got sick with a sore throat - my throat hurt unbearably. After contacting doctors, Strepsils was prescribed as part of a complex treatment in the form of a spray. The result is noticeable immediately, the unpleasant pain subsides. Within a day I felt better.”

Strepsils during pregnancy: analogues

The following medications are no less effective for colds and sore throats:

  1. Suprima-ENT is an analogue of Strepsils, which has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. Available in the form of absorbable tablets and spray. Allowed during pregnancy, but effective only in the first days of the disease, at the first symptoms.
  2. Cameton is an antiseptic used for ENT diseases; the main active ingredients of the drug are camphor, eucalyptus oil, menthol. Available in aerosol form. During pregnancy, it is allowed to use no more than two days.
  3. Angilex is a spray that relieves inflammation in the throat and is used in dentistry. Before treatment, consultation with a doctor is required.

Expectant mothers should remember that the use of any medications during pregnancy is undesirable. For colds and sore throat, do not forget about traditional methods of treatment, such as gargling with decoctions of medicinal herbs: infusion of chamomile, linden, calendula, as well as furatsilin solution, baking soda. If folk remedies do not bring the desired effect, then you cannot do without taking pharmaceutical remedies. Do not start the disease; at the first symptoms of a cold, contact a doctor who will prescribe an effective and safe drug that can quickly relieve a sore throat and will not harm the baby.