Repair Design Furniture

How to remove blackness in the intimate area. Reasons and methods for getting rid of dark spots between the legs. Laser whitening of intimate areas

Pigmented spots located in the intimate area violate the aesthetics of the female body - the skin looks dirty, which can cause serious complexes. How to whiten the skin in intimate areas? What tools should you use?

Why does the skin in intimate places darken?

It is worth knowing that the skin of intimate areas has a darker pigmentation - this is quite natural. The situation changes if pigment spots appear in this area - this noticeably spoils the impression. This problem is caused by:
Hormonal changes
Rubbing the skin with linen
Inner thighs rubbing against each other
Age-related changes
Skin diseases
Systemic intake of certain drugs
The consequences of injury and inflammation
Sun exposure

In some cases, pigmentation is due to heredity. The mechanism of the appearance of spots has long been clarified - in local areas of the body, melanogenesis (production of melanin) increases, or anti-inflammatory post-traumatic hyperpigmentation develops. To clarify the reason for the appearance of ugly spots, you should undergo an examination.

Professional means for whitening intimate places

The whitening process includes 2 stages:
1. Exfoliation of the stratum corneum
2. Decreased production of melanin

Exfoliation with peeling helps to remove the melanin pigment from the epidermis. The choice of peeling depends on a number of factors - earlier the active components of the products were phenol, mercury ointment or salicylic acid, but today a-hydroxy acids (ANA) have come out on top: lactic, glycolic, citric. The whitening agent should contain such components as hydroquinone, azelaic, gluconic and kojic acids, arbutin, ascorbyl 2-magnesium phosphate. Additional components: extracts of bearberry, cucumber, parsley, strawberry tree.

In the beauty salon, you will be offered to peel the problem area. The lightening procedures will have to be continued at home - you will be provided with a special whitening cream. It should be applied for 2 weeks, in the morning and in the evening. The first application of the product should occur no earlier than 3 days after the salon procedure. Peeling is carried out by highly qualified cosmetologists, which makes it possible to exclude the possibility of injury. You can whiten the skin in the labia, anus, nipples, lower abdomen, scrotum, axillary region.

Folk recipes for skin whitening

How can you whiten the skin in intimate areas? If there are no funds for whitening drugs, then folk recipes will come to the rescue.

Parsley and fermented milk product

Mix the juice of fresh parsley and lemon (1 part) with sour cream, sour milk or kefir (2 parts). The resulting composition should be lubricated with dark spots, left for 5-10 minutes and washed off with warm water. The whitening course takes 2-4 days, after which you should take a break.

Fresh cucumber

Mix the grated cucumber with the nourishing cream (1: 1). Wrap the product in cheesecloth and apply to the stains for 10 minutes.

White clay

Mix the powder of white clay with the juice of parsley or fresh cucumber until you get a gruel, apply to the problem area and leave for 10 minutes. To increase the effectiveness of the product, you can drop a few drops of lemon juice into the mixture. Rinse off the mask with cool water.


Pigmented spots can be rubbed with a lemon wedge - this also helps to brighten.


Wipe your skin with grapefruit, pomegranate, and strawberry juices several times a day. You can also use birch sap. Organic acids contribute to the elimination of melanin. After rubbing, it is worth lubricating the skin with a nourishing cream.

How to whiten the skin in intimate areas? Both salon services and home remedies will help to cope with a delicate problem. It is important to remember that folk recipes can lead to skin irritations. Be extremely careful and exclude any means of discomfort.

Any woman constantly strives to ensure that her appearance is perfect. Any detail, even the smallest detail, is essential to create the perfect look. It is very important for the fair sex to have beautiful and healthy skin, not only in those places that others see, but also in the most intimate ones. It happens that the skin in the genital area becomes dark, so modern women are increasingly performing a procedure such as whitening bikini area.

Causes of darkening of the skin in intimate places

The appearance of pigmentation in intimate places provokes the active production of melanin, which performs a protective function for the skin. The reasons why the skin may darken may be:

  1. Age-related changes.
  2. Being overweight.
  3. Wearing underwear made from unnatural fabrics and the wrong size.
  4. Mechanical damage to the skin, appearing after shaving, hair removal, leading to the appearance.
  5. Malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  6. Fungus or existing diseases of an infectious origin.
  7. The period of waiting for the birth of a baby, as a result of which the hormonal background in the body of women changes, provoking a change in skin tone.
  8. Genetic predisposition.
  9. The influence of drugs.
  10. Varicose veins, which disrupt blood flow in the pelvic region and the skin cover of the intimate organs.
  11. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation, in which the perineum was not lubricated with sunscreen.
  12. Negroid acanthosis is a disease, the symptoms of which are darkening of the labia.
  13. Diseases of the internal organs.
  14. Vitamin deficiency in the body.

Who needs bikini whitening?

Bikini whitening is not necessary for absolutely everyone, but there are times when it is simply necessary to do it. The procedure is recommended for women with severe pigmentation in intimate areas, or folliculitis.

Possible limitations and contraindications

Even a simple procedure for whitening the bikini area has certain contraindications:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • inflammatory processes accompanied by a febrile state;
  • the presence of individual intolerance to the composition of the agent used for the procedure;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • the presence of injuries or cracks in the skin;
  • taking contraceptive drugs.

How is bikini area whitening done in salons?

In order to whiten the bikini area in the salon, there are the following procedures:

  1. Grinding. This is a peeling that helps to remove dead dark cells of the skin, while lightening it. This is done quite painfully, so women should prepare for a sensation similar to the friction of sandpaper on the skin.
  2. Phototherapy. The procedure is carried out thanks to flashes and various impulses. The effect of light on the skin provokes the onset of biochemical processes in them that contribute to lightening. At the same time, women do not experience pain and discomfort. The only drawback of the procedure is its high cost.
  3. Laser whitening... This method is in demand among famous personalities and stars. To avoid pain during the procedure, an anesthetic cream is first applied to the intimate place. Then, using a laser, the skin is polished. After that, redness of the skin remains, which will disappear very soon. After a few days, the skin begins to peel off, and when it completely peels off, not only the whitening, but also the rejuvenating effect will become noticeable.

Cosmetic creams for whitening the bikini area and where to buy them?

In order to whiten the bikini area, there are a huge number of creams, different in composition:

Lakshma MAXXI

This is a cream that whitens intimate areas. The components in the cream make it possible to have a double effect on the darkened skin in the bikini area, reducing the production of melanin to almost zero.

Lactacyd White Intimate

This cream provides delicate skin care and whitening of intimate areas. You should not choose this cream for people prone to allergies, because it contains chemical fragrances. The tool is quite expensive and gives a result no earlier than a month and a half after the start of application.

Finale whitening cream

Thai cream with a whitening effect, containing multivitamins. The advantages of using such a cream include its rejuvenating effect, restoring the skin in the bikini area, giving them elasticity and firmness. The cream is absolutely safe to use. The whitening effect is provided by the peeling process that removes the dead layers of the epidermis. The results from applying the cream will be in a week. The only drawback is the high price.

Eveline "Extra soft Whitening"

A cream that helps to whiten the bikini area, eliminate pigmentation and even out skin tone. Suitable for the most delicate skin prone to allergic reactions. Also, the tool is available at a price to any woman, so they often opt for it. Moreover, the results are not long in coming.

These are not all creams that help to whiten the skin in intimate places. You can buy them at a pharmacy, cosmetic stores, or order them online from official representatives. Before deciding on the choice of cream, be sure to read the composition and principle of its action!

Is it realistic to whiten your bikini area at home?

A huge number of plants and products can have a whitening effect: bearberry,

  • yarrow;
  • licorice;
  • lemon;
  • cucumber;
  • parsley, etc.

All these ingredients, in the composition of creams or folk recipes, make it easy to whiten the bikini area at home.

5 best recipes to quickly whiten your bikini area at home

The question how to whiten a bikini area at home, a huge number of women are often interested. Using folk methods for the procedure, you need to understand that it will take a lot of effort. Too quickly the result will be impossible to achieve, you also need to be patient.

The first step is to peel the intimate area so that the dead skin peels off and melanin comes out of the epidermis. The second stage of whitening already consists in using folk methods. There are 5 recipes that have been repeatedly tested in practice and are popular among women:

Recipe number 1:

Rub a fresh cucumber on a grater, then mix it with a moisturizing hypoallergenic cream. The resulting composition is wrapped in cheesecloth, and applied as a compress to an intimate place that needs to be bleached for 15 minutes.

Recipe number 2:

A tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide is mixed with half a tablespoon of ammonia. The resulting product is applied to the desired area of ​​the body and kept for 3 to 5 minutes. At least ten such procedures are needed for the necessary whitening effect to begin to appear.

Recipe number 3:

Take the juice of parsley and lemon, mixing them with sour cream in a 1: 1 ratio. Then the mixture is applied to the intimate area for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure for four days, then take a break. The result will not be long in coming and will certainly be appreciated.

Recipe number 4:

You will need coffee grounds and lemon juice. Thoroughly mixing the ingredients, apply the composition to the bikini area in a circular motion. After 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. This recipe acts as both a peeling and a whitening agent.

Recipe number 5:

A tablespoon of cosmetic clay is diluted with cucumber and lemon juice (a couple of drops each). A thick mask is applied to the cleansed skin of the intimate area for 10 minutes, then thoroughly washed off with water.

Side effects that may occur after bleaching the bikini area

When agreeing to whitening the intimate area in the salon, or at home, you must always remember that there is a risk of adverse reactions. After procedures in the salon, it often happens:

  • redness of the skin;
  • the appearance of allergies;
  • rash;
  • irritation.

The same side effects can occur after home procedures, but do not forget that using folk recipes for whitening the bikini area and incorrectly calculating the required amount of ingredients, a woman risks not only the appearance of allergies, but also burns!

How to prevent darkening of the skin in the bikini area?

To minimize the risk of darkening in the bikini area, you need to:

  1. Wear only underwear made from natural fabrics and of suitable size (especially in hot weather!).
  2. Monitor your weight.
  3. Try to avoid mechanical damage to the skin by using a special cream for sensitive skin for depilation.
  4. When exposed to ultraviolet light, be sure to protect the intimate area with a special sunscreen cream.
  5. Provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals by adjusting your diet.

If a woman has not been able to avoid the appearance of pigmentation and needs whitening of the bikini area, do not be afraid. After consulting with a beautician, in the absence of contraindications, you should not delay the procedure. The results will not be long in coming, and the skin in the intimate area will again acquire a beautiful, natural shade!

Not so long ago, modern women began to practice such a procedure as whitening at home and not only. Such lightening of darkened skin is becoming more and more important: not only girls, but also men want to look perfect even in rather delicate places.

Whitening of intimate areas on video:

Whitening itself came to us from the west: the population of hot countries has darker skin, which sometimes looks unkempt and dark. To give the skin a lighter shade for many women in Europe means to show their consistency and reverent attitude to the aesthetics of their body. For example, in India, young women visit special salons or use improvised means to whiten their skin: the lighter its tone, the more attractive the girl's appearance is considered.

Western cosmetologists have long been providing whitening services for various parts of the body, including intimate areas. This procedure can be carried out in almost every beauty salon: it has not been a novelty for a long time.

What is this procedure for?

In European countries, women use intimate whitening products to maintain their appearance in perfect condition. Quite often, women of fashion feel embarrassed in front of their men for pronounced pigmentation in some delicate areas of the body: for many, a darker skin tone is associated with some neglect.

Women can be complex, for example, about hyperpigmentation of the labia and deprive themselves of the opportunity to wear beautiful and revealing underwear. At the same time, the sexual life of partners becomes monotonous, a woman cannot completely liberate herself. The same goes for trendy open-toe swimwear. Not every girl can boast of a uniform skin tone in the bikini area. If the pigmentation is pronounced enough, the fashionista has to wear more closed models, hiding the problems of the delicate zone from prying eyes.

Another common complex of young girls is the beautician's embarrassment when epilation of the intimate zone. Women often experience discomfort knowing about the darker skin in the bikini area, and each such procedure in the salon leaves an unpleasant aftertaste for the fashionista.

Today, to create a perfectly even skin tone in intimate places, it is enough just to visit an experienced beautician. Having done the lightening once, a woman can forget about discomfort for quite a long time.

Possible problem areas

Unattractive darkening of the skin can be expressed to varying degrees in certain areas of the body:

  1. Labia;
  2. Anus;
  3. Nipple halos.

Most often, women use a cream to whiten the labia. It is this area that is most susceptible to pigmentation due to age-related and hormonal changes. The bikini area is clearly visible during outdoor activities in an open swimsuit and stands out in shade when wearing revealing underwear, for example, lace. It is this part of the body that women strive to give an aesthetic appearance in the salon of a beautician. Girls with fair skin type especially suffer from hyperpigmentation: any changes in shades are clearly visible on their body.

Anus whitening is also popular with young women. And although this procedure is much more expensive, many girls give the most positive feedback on the result. It is interesting that not only the beautiful half of humanity resorts to bleaching the anus, but also many young people. External grooming is of great importance for many, it helps to get rid of complexes and increase self-esteem. Ugly darkening of the skin of the anus is no longer a problem thanks to modern cosmetology.

Darkening of nipple halos occurs in almost half of women due to age-related changes. Hormonal imbalance in the form of pregnancy or lactation can change the lighter shade of the nipples to a darker, sometimes bright brown. At the same time, the chest does not look so fresh and well-groomed. Especially often fair-skinned women with large nipples suffer from such hyperpigmentation: the color can change dramatically. Modern cosmetologists will help to effectively solve this problem: the result before and after sometimes turns out to be simply amazing. The chest looks much more well-groomed and attractive.


Age-related changes can be considered the most common reason for darkening in the intimate zone. You can see a photo that shows how different skin tones can be. This can be especially pronounced in women after forty years. This also includes hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and lactation. These two periods are due to the increased production of certain hormones responsible for darkening the skin. Quite often, pregnant women can see a darkened line along the abdomen from the navel line to the pubis.

Another factor in the development of hyperpigmentation is wearing tight underwear. Constant friction and contact with the surface of the fabric makes the skin coarser and darker.

Varicose veins and excess weight also lead to darkening of the skin in the intimate area. The increased load on the veins can give some parts of the body a bluish tint due to the close location of the capillaries to the surface.

Tips for underarm skin:

Laser treatment

The most important is whitening of the skin of intimate areas using a laser. The procedure does not take much time, and the achieved effect is noticeable almost immediately. It is this method that allows you to save the result for a rather long time.

The procedure includes three stages:

  • Hair removal;
  • Getting rid of dead epidermis;
  • Grinding.

For high-quality treatment and discoloration on the skin, hairs are first removed. Then the specialist cleans the skin of dead cells to obtain the perfect result: if you skip this important step, the skin can bleach unevenly. After that, the laser processing itself takes place. Specific wavelengths and frequencies help to lighten melatonin and inhibit its production. At the same time, a special cooling cream is used for pain relief.

Laser whitening is the safest and most gentle method of combating hyperpigmentation. The only thing that should be considered after such treatment is mandatory skin care. Cosmetologists do not recommend visiting baths and saunas within a week after visiting the salon, and also advise to moisturize and nourish the lightened surface as much as possible.


Another way to get rid of darkened skin in the delicate area is chemical peeling. Its price is not too different from the cost of laser processing, but the technology is completely different. Discoloration of the selected area is carried out using peeling with the use of special substances. This can usually be a hair dryer, hydroquinone, or some organic acid.

The procedure itself does not cause pain, but it should be understood that this method has a traumatic effect on the skin. And although the products act quite delicately, the treated surface needs good nutrition and care.

Whitening Creams

To whiten the intimate area, you can buy a cream in pharmacies and specialized stores. Typically, the action of such gels is based on the decolorizing properties of certain acids. The most effective is a cream containing hydroquinone, but many experts do not recommend using it. It gives quicker results, but it can cause severe irritation and burning of the skin.

Creams based on bearberry or paper mulberry are considered popular due to their delicate effect. These natural ingredients are rich in natural organic acids, which help to achieve the desired result. You can ask your pharmacist for the names of these popular gels. But unlike products with chemical components, such gels need to be used for a longer time. The result will become noticeable after a course of several weeks.

The main rule when using such creams is adherence to the rules of application. Each remedy has its own contraindications: it is impossible to violate the dosage and increase the maximum period of use. You should also limit contact with the sun's rays: some gels can give completely opposite results. If a woman decides to take up whitening, then this procedure should be started before the summer season.

Another way to reduce hyperpigmentation in different parts of the body is to use a specially formulated intimate whitening soap. It works very delicately, but the effect will be quite insignificant. It will not be possible to completely get rid of dark skin at all, only a slight lightening is possible.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods are based on the same property of organic acids as whitening creams. The disadvantage of such procedures can be considered their insecurity: sometimes it is difficult to calculate the dosage, and allergic reactions may occur. Pharmacy products have a more gentle effect and contain various nutrients. But if you approach the preparation of the whitening mask correctly, you can achieve a good result at home.

The banana method:

The most common ingredients for such masks are cucumber and lemon juice. For example, cucumber gruel can be mixed with sour cream and applied to darkened areas of the skin for a few minutes. Parsley juice, also mixed with sour cream, can serve as a substitute for cucumber. In any of these recipes, you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to enhance the effect. Each such recipe is quite simple and does not require much money.

White clay also has good whitening properties. It can be used as a standalone product, or it can be combined with red berry juice. The berries are rich in organic acids to help fight hyperpigmentation.

Whitening of the intimate area with hydrogen peroxide can also be considered popular. It is combined with ammonia in proportions of 1: 1/2. With this mixture, wipe the selected place a couple of times a day. But you should be careful: unlike natural components, such substances act quite aggressively. Do not allow the mixture to come into contact with mucous membranes to avoid burns and irritation. The procedure is performed no more than once a week. The duration of one procedure is 3-5 minutes.


In order to preserve the effect of whitening for a long time (it does not matter in what way it was performed) and to restore the surface, high-quality care is required for the renewed skin. Any lightening process is a shallow trauma to the epidermis, which should be minimized.

The intimate skin should be kept clean and supplemented with nourishing and revitalizing creams. The choice of underwear should also be taken seriously: it should not chafe the skin.

You should refuse to shave with an ordinary machine. It is best to choose gentle hair removal methods that minimize injury.

Before buying any whitening product, be sure to consult with an experienced dermatologist. He will help you choose exactly the right product for the selected skin type. Before applying the product, you first need to familiarize yourself with the composition or check the product on a small area of ​​the skin for an allergic reaction. Apply it on the skin of your hand for about 30 minutes - if there are no discomfort or skin changes, then it can be used in intimate areas.

Strictly observe the dosage and adhere to the course of use. Skin irritation may occur with prolonged use. If you experience itching or any other discomfort, you should immediately stop using the product. It is also necessary to refuse whitening for various injuries of the skin of the intimate zone: microtrauma, abrasions, cracks. You need to apply the cream carefully, without affecting the mucous membranes.

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Every girl tries to follow her beauty, a well-groomed appearance should also touch delicate areas. Therefore, it is so important to know how to lighten the skin in intimate places. The procedure can be easily performed at home. Let's take a look at the simple and effective methods of whitening the bikini area in order.

How to Lighten Intimate Skin - 20 Best Methods

If you are thinking about how to whiten your intimate area, it is important to take into account a possible allergic reaction to the components that make up the products. By following simple instructions, you can achieve the desired result at home.


Take 60 ml. fermented milk product and add 15 ml to it. lemon juice, 5 drops of olive oil. The combination of these products brightens the skin and prevents tissue drying. Any age spots disappear. Rub in a homogeneous composition and wait a third of an hour. Rinse off with warm water, repeat the procedure after 2-3 days if necessary.

Cottage cheese

Grind 50 gr. high-fat cottage cheese. Add 3 ml to it. hydrogen peroxide concentration of 3%. Then add the egg yolk to the gruel. Convert the ingredients into a homogeneous mass with a blender. Apply the mask to problem areas. Remove with water after a third of an hour.


Since you can lighten the skin in intimate places with the help of the presented product, you should use a simple recipe at home. Combine in a 60 ml container. warm milk, 20 gr. yeast and 10 ml. lemon juice. It is recommended to apply a homogeneous mass just before bedtime. Rinse off after waking up.


Add 3% hydrogen peroxide to the powder of this product. Get the ingredients to creamy grounds. Distribute with massaging movements. Leave the product on for half an hour. Rinse off and moisturize the skin with cream.

Herbal collection

To understand how to whiten the skin in intimate places using medicinal plants, you must follow the instructions. Take 6 grams each. dry collection of St. John's wort, chamomile, hop cones, yarrow and currant leaves. Fill in the components with 300 ml. boiling water and leave for 1 hour at home. Then strain and add 30 ml of egg yolk. lemon juice. Stir the product and wipe problem areas with it every day.


Grate a medium-sized cucumber on a fine grater. Combine the gruel with 30 gr. nourishing cream. Convert the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Take a gauze cloth and fold it in 2 layers. Apply the product to a tissue and apply to the problem area. After half an hour, wipe the intimate area with a dry napkin.

White clay

Dilute 30 g. clay with fresh cucumber juice. Convert the ingredients into a thick, uniform composition. Further, it is also recommended to add 10 drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Spread the mask over the intimate area and wait 10-12 minutes. Then remove the compound with cool water.


It is not hard to guess how you can lighten the skin in intimate places with simple products. Mix 15 ml in a container. parsley juice, the same amount of lemon juice and 30 gr. fatty sour cream. Stir until smooth. Apply the mask for half an hour. The procedure must be carried out 3 days in a row at home.

Coffee grounds

Combine equal amounts of lemon juice and coffee grounds. Treat problem areas with a ready-made product with massage movements. Rinse off after 5-7 minutes. Be sure to treat your skin with a nourishing cream.


Grind 1 green apple and horseradish root on a fine grater. The number of components must be equal. The active acids in the presented products effectively eliminate pressing problems. Rub the composition into the skin for 5 minutes. Then wash it off.

Infusion of parsley

Turn 30 g into gruel. fresh parsley. Pour 200 ml into the composition. boiling water. Insist the product until it cools completely. Strain the composition and moisten gauze napkins with it. Apply to darkened areas. Wait half an hour. This procedure is allowed to be carried out twice a week.


Thinking about how to lighten the skin in intimate places, you should use the presented recipe at home. Take a medium-sized root vegetable, wash and grind on a fine grater. Enter 30 gr. Into the gruel. flower honey and 30 ml. milk. Apply a homogeneous composition to the skin, wait half an hour. This procedure can be performed 2 times a week.


Combine in a suitable container of 30 ml. 3% peroxide and 10 ml. ammonia. The finished solution is applied 2 times a week. The procedure takes about 5 minutes. In order not to face a possible allergic reaction, test in advance on a separate area of ​​the skin.


Warm up the beekeeping product in a steam bath to 30 degrees. Enter an equal amount of lemon juice. The product must be distributed to clean and dry areas of the body. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

Moisturizing cream

Pass a medium cucumber through a blender. Combine the thick with 30 gr. nourishing cream. Such a remedy must be applied to napkins and applied to problem areas. Expect about half an hour. Rinse off the mixture in the usual way. Apply the cream three times a week.


When deciding how to lighten intimate skin, consider using dairy products at home. Grind 70 gr. cottage cheese and 30 ml. cream. Add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide to the composition. This remedy is very effective and suitable for any type. Spread it over the problem area for 20 minutes.

Apple vinegar

You don't need any special knowledge to make an effective pasta. Combine enough apple cider vinegar and baking soda to create a thick paste. Spread the product over the darkened areas and wait for it to dry. Rinse off the paste, carry out the procedure daily for 1 week.

Black currant

To create an effective tool requires about 30 grams. unripe berries. Turn the raw materials into a homogeneous gruel. Enter 25 gr. liquid honey. The result should be a homogeneous thick. Rub the composition into the skin and wait half an hour. Remove and treat the intimate area with cream.

A tomato

Make a cross-shaped incision on a ripe tomato and send it to a container with boiling water. Wait 1 minute, then transfer the vegetable to cold water. Remove the shell from the fruit, turn the pulp into porridge. Add 90 gr. red currant, 20 gr. strawberries and 40 gr. flower honey. Pass the ingredients through a blender. Spread the mask over the darkened areas for half an hour. Rinse off in the classic way.


Wash the citrus fruit and chop into small pieces along with the zest. Send the raw materials to the blender. Enter 40 gr into the finished gruel. honey. Place the finished composition in a glass container for several hours. After insisting, distribute the product over the dark areas of the skin. Wait 10-12 minutes, rinse.

If you follow the simple instructions, it is easy to understand how to lighten the skin in intimate places using simple methods at home. To achieve the desired result, the procedures must be carried out regularly. Be aware that some foods can cause allergic reactions.

Today, more and more women come to cosmetologists and dermatologists with complaints of darkening of the epidermis in the groin area. Despite the fact that this question is quite intimate, the young ladies still decide to visit a doctor, since the darkening of the tissues in the bikini area causes discomfort and a feeling of embarrassment. This problem is especially relevant in the summer season, when there is a need to put on a swimsuit.

Dermatologists warn that you need to think about solving the problem earlier, since the clarifying procedures will have to be carried out for at least 1.5-2 months. Why does the skin darken in intimate places? The causes of the disease can be very different, and before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out what is the primary source of darkening in a particular case.

The saturation of the shade of the epidermis in any area depends on the amount of pigments secreted by the cells. If the metabolic process is disrupted, the pigment may be released in greater quantities, which will cause darkening of the tissues.

In most cases, dark skin in intimate places is the result of the negative effects of the following factors:

In addition to the above factors, pigmentation disorders in the delicate area can be caused by improper care or the use of inappropriate care products.

Reference! If the darkening of the tissues occurs rather quickly, and the process progresses, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist, who will tell you what is the primary source of the problem.

Shaving reasons

If a woman uses a shaving razor or to remove vegetation in the bikini area, depilation will always be accompanied by minor trauma to the surface layer of the skin.

Also, these types of depilation often lead to irritation and redness, which is often accompanied by excessive pigmentation.

Shaving and often lead to ingrown hairs in the bikini area.

Spots from them, in the absence of proper treatment, also may not go away for several months, due to which the epidermis will become darker.

To reduce the risk of such a complication, it is recommended to carry out depilation of the intimate area under the supervision of a professional.

How to get rid of darkening skin

Today, it is not particularly difficult to reduce pigmentation in the bikini area, since special bleaching agents can be found in pharmacies.

Despite the fact that such drugs have a powerful effect and are able to solve the problem in the shortest possible time, due to their specific composition, they often cause side effects (dermatitis). You need to use them with extreme caution, strictly following the instructions.

To achieve the best result, tissue bleaching should be carried out in 2 stages: first, you need to exfoliate the stratum corneum, and then reduce the synthesis of melanin. For exfoliation, it is best to use an alpha hydroxy acid based product such as citric acid or glycolic acid.

Folk remedies

Before proceeding with whitening procedures, you need to prepare the skin. Depilation is required a couple of hours before the session, since smooth skin perceives bleaching compounds much better.

2-3 hours after depilation, you need to make a peeling and leave it to act for 5 minutes. After this time, the remnants of the product are washed off with warm water. When the keratinized particles are removed, you can proceed directly to whitening. How to get rid of dark skin in the bikini area?

The following remedies have proven themselves very well in the fight against this ailment:

It must be remembered that in order to get rid of pigmentation in intimate places, you will have to use folk recipes for at least 2 months.

Reference! It is possible to use masks and gruel based on lemon juice only if there are no scratches and abrasions, otherwise such treatment may cause irritation and pain.