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How to marinate crucian carp. Successful recipes. Bream and crucian herring Recipe for pickling crucian carp

Preparing noble varieties of fish is not difficult at all. Sprinkle the salmon with salt - and after 48 hours you have a delicious appetizer. Pour some cream on it and put it in the oven, and you have an exquisite delicacy for lunch. But experienced housewives know how to serve even the simplest fish in a way that will make your mouth water. Today we are learning how to marinate crucian carp so that it is really tasty.

Note to housewives

Of course, the fish is bony. This is especially true for small individuals. If your husband brings a net of small change from fishing, do not rush to scold him. Having learned how to marinate crucian carp, you will get an excellent dish. What is the point of the marinade? Crucian carp meat is slightly sweet, which not everyone likes. It also smells like mud, which is no good at all. It is to remove this natural shade, as well as to make the meat juicy and tender, that this procedure is performed.

The best option

You can marinate crucian carp in different ways. Today we will try to kill several birds with one stone. Get rid of small bones, make the fish spicy and juicy and prepare it for future use. For this you will need fresh fish. Try to negotiate with a fisherman you know. If crucian carp lies in the air for a day, its taste will not be the same. You will need:

  • Crucian carp - 1 kg.
  • Lemon - half.
  • Adjika - 2 tablespoons.
  • Dried basil and suneli hops - 1 teaspoon each.
  • Oregano - half a teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil and soy sauce - 20 g each.
  • Parsley and dill - 20 g each.

Let's get down to business

You need to marinate crucian carp after the initial preparation of the carcass. If the fish is still alive, then put it in the freezer for a couple of hours so as not to catch fluttering crucian carp all over the bathroom. Clean it with a knife and gut it. The fish should be washed well and dried with a napkin. Now for the final preparations. It is advisable to marinate crucian carp after removing the bones. Your family will be very pleased that the fish is obtained with virtually no need for them.

Notches on the carcass

Crucian carp has many small bones along the back and tail. You can get rid of them as follows. You need to place the fish on a cutting board and use a sharp knife to make cuts along the carcass. The distance between them is 5-7 mm. But the smaller it is, the better. So you need to shred the entire carcass on both sides. During the process of frying, baking or stewing, the cut bones soften and are almost not felt.

How to marinate crucian carp

Now you need to prepare the marinating mixture. The greens need to be chopped, mixed with adjika and soy sauce, spices and vegetable oil. Finely chop the lemon along with the peel. The result is a fragrant composition that will turn our fish into an amazingly tasty dish. The resulting mixture should be rubbed onto each carcass. If you are not ready to heat treat it now, then feel free to put it in the freezer. Spicy and very tasty fish will now be ready at any time.

Quick marinade

Let's look at another recipe. Your family will love marinated crucian carp because it is really very good. But you don’t always have a large amount of spices on hand. Let's make do with what we have at home. For the marinade, it is enough to take dry mint and balsamic vinegar. Crumble the mint onto the carcass, add salt and a few tablespoons of vinegar. After an hour, you can roll in flour and fry in hot oil.

Grilled fish

It turns out very tasty when cooked on the grill. If possible, be sure to try this option. Crucian carp marinated at home will remind you of fishing and a fire on the river bank. You will need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • The fish must be gutted, cleaned and washed.
  • For the marinade you need to take onion rings and bay leaves. Add pepper and cloves, oil and a little salt, squeeze half a lemon.
  • Place the fish in a pan, add the listed ingredients and mix well. You can add a little water.

For now, you need to build a fire and prepare the coals. The fish is fried for 15 minutes on each side. It turns out wonderful, smelling of smoke and very tasty.

Crucian carp baked in sour cream

This recipe uses black pepper, salt and onion as a marinade. You can add balsamic vinegar. The carcasses need to be kept in the marinade for about an hour, then rolled in flour and fried in vegetable oil. The filling is prepared separately. To do this, fry a teaspoon of flour in a frying pan, add 200 g of sour cream, salt and pepper.

Take a baking dish and put a little sauce in it, fish on top, and potatoes along the edge. Pour the rest of the sauce over everything. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated cheese. Place pieces of butter on top. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Instead of a conclusion

If you don’t like crucian carp, then most likely you simply don’t know how to cook them. Therefore, take the recipes listed above and head to the kitchen. They allow you to get a simple and tasty dish and at the same time get by on a minimal budget. If you have the opportunity to catch crucian carp in the summer, do not neglect it. Bony and unsightly fish just need to be cooked properly.

Crucian carp belongs to the carp family. In nature, they can grow up to 5 kg. The taste of meat depends on its habitat and diet. Since Soviet times, Russians have loved dried crucian carp. The best time for pickling and drying yourself is autumn and winter.

At this time, the crucian carp accumulates the most fat. Therefore, even dried meat remains elastic and aromatic. It is better not to use fine salt for pickling. You need to choose between coarse table salt and sea salt.

Before salting fish, it must be prepared. Small ones should be rinsed well to remove mucus under running water. You don't have to clean the scales and insides. After this, rub well with salt, sprinkling the mouth and gills. To speed up the work, you can put the crucian carp in a container in layers, sprinkling it with coarse salt.

If carcasses weigh more than 1 kg, then more thorough preparation is necessary. Before salting, the fish must gut and wash well. It is not necessary to remove the scales. Its presence will protect against severe drying out. In order for large specimens to dry evenly, it is necessary to make a deep cut along the ridge.

Dry salting method

A quick and simple recipe for pickling crucian carp.

  • First you need to take a wooden box and cover its bottom with canvas. The size of the box depends on the number of fish. If there is not enough of it, then you need to take a box in which you can arrange the fish in several layers.
  • The fish must be laid in layers, positioned head to tail. Sprinkle each layer generously with salt. Take salt at the rate of 1.5 kg per 10 kg of crucian carp.
  • You need to put a board on top and a heavy load on it. This is necessary to prevent air from entering and bacteria from developing.
  • Place the box in a cool, dark place.

After one or two days, juice will begin to release, which should come out through the cracks in the box. After a week, the crucian carp according to this recipe is ready.

Wet salting method

This recipe is no more complicated than the previous one. But he has many fans among culinary experts. Dried crucian carp with this method of salting turns out tender.

  1. For salting, you need to take preferably an enamel pan.
  2. Place the crucian carp in layers, belly up, sprinkle with salt and sugar. For 10 kg of fish you need to take 1 kg of salt and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid of a smaller diameter and place a weight on top.
  4. Place in a cool place. After two days, juice will begin to release and cover the entire fish. After a week it can be dried.

Preparing for drying

After the fish is salted, you need to know how to dry crucian carp. First of all, you need to get the fish and wash away excess salt and mucus. After this, place the crucian carp in clean cold water for several hours.

Each fisherman has his own recipe for calculating the soaking time. The most acceptable way is to soak for as many hours as the fish has been salted for days. That is, if the crucian carp was salted for 7 days, then it takes 7 hours to soak it.

After this, place in a colander to drain the water. Then pat each carcass dry with a paper towel.

To prevent flies from landing on crucian carp during drying, they need to be treat with vegetable oil or a weak vinegar solution. At this point, all preparatory work is completed and you can proceed directly to drying.

Drying fish

You need to dry the fish in limbo. Thick fishing line, wire or twine are suitable for this. You can hang crucian carp by making a hole in the tail, lip or through the eyes.

The place for drying must be chosen most carefully. It must be sunny and well-ventilated. It can be a closed room, but it must have a draft. To protect crucian carp from flies and other unpleasant insects, you need to cover it with gauze. You can purchase special hanging multi-tier mesh dryers in fishing stores.

You can make a similar design for drying with your own hands. To do this, you need to put together two rectangular frames from slats, which are connected to each other with cuts of a block. The result should be a frame in the shape of a parallelepiped.

Pin a mosquito net or gauze folded in 2-3 layers onto the sides. The bottom and top can be covered with pieces of plywood after the fish has been fitted inside. This design will protect the crucian carp not only from insects, but also from cats. You can dry it in a homemade device in a barn or attic.

During good weather, small carcasses of crucian carp dry in 1–2 weeks. You need to check the readiness on the back. It should be dense and elastic.

How to store dried fish

Finding a suitable salting recipe, preparing and drying the fish is good. But it is important to know how to preserve it.

Dried fish can be stored refrigerate up to 2 months. Before doing this, you need to wrap it in parchment paper.

If the fish is better dried, then it can be put in a canvas bag and store in the kitchen cabinet for a whole year.

Every fisherman should know how to salt and dry crucian carp. Over time, an individual recipe for salting and drying subtleties will be developed. After all, such a delicacy from the Soviet past fits perfectly with a glass of beer in the company of friends.

Small river fish, which we most often fry or use for aspic or fish soup, can still surprise us!

Of course, pickled crucian carp is tasty, fast, unusual and completely natural, and what else do busy housewives need in the modern world. The appetizer is prepared within 12-18 hours, but can be stored for several more days without losing tenderness, aroma and nutritional value. properties.

Of course, we will need large crucian carp - little things other than bones will not please us with anything, but fleshy, fatty fish are what we need! Whenever possible, we use only fresh fish to prepare the appetizer; this will make the marinating process a little faster and the dish itself much more tasty.

Classic marinated crucian carp


  • Fresh fish - 600 g;
  • Onion (large) - 1 pc.;

Marinade for crucian carp

  • Refined vegetable oil - 5 tbsp;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp. (with a slide);
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp;
  • Spices: nutmeg, cloves, bay leaf, black and allspice - to taste, but not less than 1/3 tsp.

How to marinate crucian carp

  1. We wash the fish thoroughly, then remove the fins and heads, remove scales and gut them.
  2. Wash again in running water and cut into portions 1.5 - 2 cm wide. Place in a deep bowl.
  3. First sprinkle the fish with salt, then pour vinegar and add sugar. After each operation, be sure to mix the pieces so that they are better saturated with brine. Water the crucian carp with vegetable oil.
  4. We peel the onion, cut it into rings, send it to the crucian carp along with the spices and mix again.

If it is difficult to determine the proportions of seasonings and which ones are best suited, you can take a ready-made set “for fish”.

Now you need some pressure. We put the fish in a glass or enamel bowl, cover it with a plate on top, on which we place a weight - this can be a bottle of water or a saucepan.

You need to marinate crucian carp in this way for at least 2 days. Every 12 hours we stir the fish so that it is better soaked.

After time has passed, remove the fish and serve! An unusual snack is ready.

Crucian carp marinated according to the following recipe differs not only in the usual set of spices, but also in that it is done much faster.

Pickled crucian carp: express recipe

  • As in the previous recipe, we clean and cut 4-5 large fish. We cut them into portions and put them in a pan. Sprinkle generously with coarse salt on both sides and leave to salt for 4 hours.
  • After the time has passed, wash off the salt from the fish.
  • At the bottom of a half-liter jar, first place a couple of bay leaves and 3 black peppercorns, then the first layer of chopped crucian carp slices.
  • Place a layer of onion rings on top, then fish again, and so on to the top. Now pour 1.5 tbsp. table vinegar and up to half a jar of sunflower oil.
  • For 600 g of fish you will need approximately 2 half-liter jars. Cover them with a lid and leave at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours, then turn it over and keep for another 2 hours.

Now we hide the pickled crucian carp in the refrigerator for 12 hours and you’re done! Appetizing fish can be served to the table!

As you can see, the recipe is very simple, but there are some subtleties that are worth remembering when starting to cook.

  • For marinating, we use only metal dishes if we are going to use pressure. In this case, the glass jar or mold may not hold up and break, so it’s better not to take risks.
  • To add more depth to the taste, we use cinnamon and turmeric. In the first case, the aroma will be more spicy, in the second, we will get a bonus of a bright golden hue of the fish, which will make it even more appetizing.
  • Those who do not like the exotic taste of seasonings can marinate crucian carp not with white onions, but with red ones. It is more spicy and piquant, and avoid spices altogether.
  • You need to store pickled crucian carp in a glass jar. After we decide that the fish is completely ready, we transfer it into a suitable container and close it with a lid.

Now you know how to make marinade for crucian carp in different ways and prepare simple river fish in a new and unusual way. Try a new recipe and share your impressions in the comments!

The ubiquitous crucian carp can be used to prepare many excellent dishes. Many people know how to prepare crucian fish soup, how to smoke fish at home, etc. This article will discuss how to prepare pickled crucian carp, the recipe for which does not require special culinary knowledge. All ingredients are available and always present in every kitchen. The result is a delicious dish that will appeal to many fans of fishing cuisine.

The main thing when preparing fish dishes at home is to pay special attention to the sterility of utensils and cutting utensils.

When buying fish at retail outlets, it is important to check the degree of freshness: the absence of foreign odors and unusual mucus, bright gills, etc.

To prepare pickled crucian carp you will need (based on 0.5 kg of crucian carp):

Fresh crucian carp. It’s better to buy live fish, and it’s even more interesting to figure out how to catch crucian carp and prepare it yourself;

One tablespoon of salt;

A tablespoon of 9% vinegar;

5 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

A teaspoon of sugar;

Two medium onions;

Ground black pepper, bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, other fish seasonings - to taste.

It is necessary to prepare the dishes and bend them according to their size in advance.

Sequence of preparation of marinated crucian carp:

1. The fish must be gutted and scaled. Rinse thoroughly under running water.

2. Prepared crucian carp is cut into pieces, which are placed in a bowl.

3. The laid fish is thoroughly mixed with salt.

4. Sugar and vinegar are added. After mixing, vegetable oil is added.

5. The onion is cut into rings and laid out on the fish.

6. Spices are added and everything is thoroughly mixed again.

7. A pressure is placed on the dishes, under which the crucian carp is marinated for about a day. When under pressure, it is advisable to stir the fish 2–3 times.

After 24 hours, the pickled crucian carp is ready to eat.

To prepare pickled crucian carp without oppression, you can use the following recipe.

Preliminary preparation of fish is carried out in the same way as in the recipe described above. The fish laid out in a bowl is generously sprinkled with salt and left for several hours.

After 2 - 3 hours, the salted pieces of fish are washed one by one from the salt and placed in a glass jar of a suitable container, at the bottom of which several pieces of allspice and a bay leaf are first placed. You can use several jars of smaller capacity. The fish is placed in one layer, which is covered with onion cut into rings. This is how the jar is filled layer by layer. After this, add 1 - 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 150 -200 grams of sunflower oil.

The jar is covered with a lid and left for 2 hours. After the time has passed, the jar must be turned over and placed on the lid, bottom up. Inversion is performed 3–4 times every 2 hours. After this, the jars of crucian carp are sent for pickling in a cool place, where they remain for about 12 hours. After this, you can take a sample.

Recipes for marinated crucian carp are easy to implement, and the results obtained exceed expectations and bring a lot of pleasure.

Bon appetit!

In the hearts of Soviet film lovers, the memories of that colorful scene where Batalov beats a rather well-fed battering ram on the table are still alive. Looking at this picture, you just want to enjoy the same snack with a glass of “foamy”, but not many people know how to salt crucian carp for drying correctly. You seem to wonder if science is great, rub it with salt and hang it out. But in reality it turns out to be true nonsense, so today we will learn the basics of fish drying.

Crucians are an ideal target for our training. These waterfowl belong to the carp family and are divided into two main subspecies: gold and silver.

In some parts of Russia, mainly in Siberia, some individuals are capable of growing up to five kilograms in size. These fish belong to commercial species and are bred in special ponds and fresh water bodies. But the taste of the meat of these scaly, tailed creatures directly depends on their geography of residence and, of course, on their diet.

Salting and drying crucian carp is most optimal in the winter-spring period, when the fish gain enough fat. Indeed, in this case we get, although dried, elastic, aromatic meat. For salting, it is better to give preference to coarse table salt, since it perfectly removes moisture from the product processed with it, while fine salt can burn the fillet without the necessary drying.

Preparing and salting fish

Salting crucian carp involves preliminary preparation of raw materials. Small and medium-sized specimens can be salted entirely without unnecessary cleaning. You just need to remove the mucus from the surface of the fish’s body, rub it with salt, and also sprinkle the gills and mouth thoroughly. In general, “fine fish” can be placed in layers in a basin or saucepan by simply sprinkling them with “white gold”.

In the case of a large carcass weighing over 1 kg, a more responsible approach is required. Firstly, you need to gut the belly, and secondly, for faster drying, you should make a shallow cut along the entire length of the fish from the tail to the head along the ridge.

There is no need to remove the scales; on the contrary, their presence will protect the meat from salt combustion and drying out.

Having rinsed the fish, we proceed to salting the crucian carp. We thoroughly treat the body, abdominal cavity and head of the fish with salt, put it in a deep vessel, where it will rest for the next 5 days. However, this is not the only pickling option. The dry method is rightfully considered the highest priority.

Dry method

We take a wooden box and line its bottom with canvas, where we lay out the carcasses, placing them “head to tail.” We salt them generously (for 10 kg of fish we take 1.5 kg of salt). We place a wooden board or disk on top, and place a heavy load on it so that our crucian carp are under pressure, which will prevent the entry of air, which will have a most beneficial effect on the quality of the meat, and will also slow down the development of bacteria.

After a day or two, the fish will begin to release juice, which will find its way out through the cracks of the box. After a week, the raw materials will be thoroughly salted. All this time, our structure should be in a cool place.

Along with these types of processing, there is also a wet salting method, which also has its fans among culinary specialists.

Wet method

In order to properly and most importantly tastefully salt crucian carp for drying, you need to know exactly how to prepare the brine and how long to keep them in it.

For this simple procedure, we need a deep vessel, preferably enameled, or made of non-oxidizing metal. We put the prepared carcasses in it with their bellies up, cover them with salt with minimal addition of sugar at the rate of 1 kg of “white gold” + 1 tbsp. granulated sugar for every 10 kg of fish.

We need sweetness to add tenderness to the taste of the finished product. Then we press the crucian carp on top with a board with pressure and leave it cool. After 48 hours, the resulting salty solution will cover all the carcasses, which is what we wanted. Now you can wait a week and then start drying.

After the time allotted for complete salting, we must wash the fish from mucous secretions and excess salt, and then fill it with clean cool water and keep it in it for about two hours.

The next step is pre-drying. To do this, we remove the carcasses from the liquid into a basket or large colander, wait for the remaining moisture to drain and wipe with paper napkins.

Now we need to treat the crucian carp with a weak vinegar solution (3%) or sunflower oil. This measure will protect our snack from fly larvae in the future. And only after this, with a clear conscience, can we proceed directly to drying.

It’s probably no secret that fish is usually hung to dry. This can be done using fishing line, nylon thread, thin wire, hooks made from paper clips, if you pierce the base of the tail, or make a hole in the fish’s lip. Some craftsmen even manage to hang the poor fellow by the eye hole.

The best place for drying crucian carp is a sunny, well-ventilated space or a closed, through room. To protect tailed swimmers from various winged nastiness, you need to throw a piece of gauze over the “fish gallows”. You can also use special mesh multi-tiered hanging dryers, which are sold in fishing or travel stores.

But for especially handy and economical fishermen there is an opportunity to express themselves and make a drying structure on their own. It's not difficult to do. You need to put together two identical frames from slats and connect them together with small bars about 15 cm long, so that you end up with a frame parallelepiped.

We nail plywood on the bottom and top with small nails, and cover the sides with gauze or a mosquito net. Inside such a miracle - a casket, our fish will be completely safe, both from flies and from the ubiquitous cats.

If the weather favors us, the dried fish will be ready in 5-15 days.

In winter, you can make ram from crucian carp both in the kitchen and in an electric dryer.

And now these long-awaited days have passed, and now we can enjoy dried crucian carp. But you can’t use them all at once. And a new question arises: how can we save them now?

For those who plan to eat fish within 2 weeks, you can keep the product either in a kitchen cabinet or in the refrigerator. But for longer storage, the carcasses need to be well packed in parchment and placed exclusively in the refrigerator. So dried they will last up to 2 months.

If we talk about dried fish, which has a harder and dried consistency, then such a product can lie in a canvas bag in a dry room for up to 1 year.

Every self-respecting fisherman simply must know how to pickle crucian carp for drying. After all, only by acting in accordance with the prescribed culinary rules can you get delicious dried fish, which will become an excellent appetizer with a glass of dark porter.