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Test "fundamentals of countering terrorism and extremism." What is a test for extremism? exempt from military service

Illustration copyright RIA News

The charges in the trial of Varvara Karaulova, who tried to escape to Syria, required her to be sentenced to five years in prison. As the investigation established, Karaulova deliberately wanted to join the jihadist group "Islamic State" banned in Russia.

Obviously, in order to destroy this kind of practice in the bud, the Russian Federal Agency for National Affairs is preparing questionnaires for university students to identify among them “a tendency towards extremism.”

Knowing the procedures in Russian educational institutions, we can assume that if such a questionnaire appears, it will be impossible to avoid filling it out. But will this be of any use?

The host of the "Fifth Floor" program Mikhail Smotryaev discussesthis topic with Elena Omelchenko, Director of the Center for Youth Research at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg.

Mikhail Smotryaev: At one time, when I was first faced with the need to fill out an entry form, it seems to me many years ago, to the USA, I was shocked by the sincerity with which, as it seemed to me, completely unjustified, the local officials - the authors of the form (it is on many pages ) are asked to indicate in detail, describe whether they were a member of a terrorist organization, including those that we do not know about. I still thought then: “Here, a bearded member of a terrorist organization, which is still unknown in the USA, is sitting with a pen somewhere in the mountains and thinking: “Writing is not writing. After all, if I write, there is a high probability that the visa will be refused." In this regard, I thought that a questionnaire about identifying a tendency towards extremism among young people, even leaving aside the clumsy wording (we will return to this later), is, in principle, I think it's kind of a wild exercise, don't you think?

Elena Omelchenko: Yes, of course, this idea now looks quite provocative and probably not entirely thought out. There is, in my opinion, hope that this will not be realized for a number of reasons.

Because, firstly, among the developers I did not see any professional sociological agency or structure that would deal with this. We understand very well that this kind of questionnaire must be compiled by highly professional, qualified specialists. The questionnaire should not be biased, predetermined, and so on.

In addition, if in conducting the research itself this is decided administratively and from above - this is probably the second commandment of a professional sociologist - this is impossible to do, because professionals must also conduct research.

The presence of any administrative person or order to fill out forms like this - this practice will either fail or the results obtained will not be complete enough. I don’t know yet, we don’t have information, I looked on the Internet today who will be involved in this situation.

Finally, what you compared with filling out a questionnaire are still different things, because indeed (I also came across such a procedure) there is a certain different responsibility here. If I indicate the absence of such experience in filling out the form, and special authorities discover it, then I will not only not go to America this time, I will never go to it. This is precisely what is being tested - as it seems to me, at least this is the goal - the level of responsibility, citizenship of a person and his ability to be open - “whether he is hiding something.”

M.S.: This is a kind of honesty test, right?

E.O.: Honesty test, absolutely true. Such a person, if he is hiding something or there are certain assumptions, may be called for additional interviews. This is a situation where, of course, it is possible that a person will go unnoticed, but this is unlikely.

In the case of a sociological questionnaire, the voluntary nature of participation is considered fundamental, that is, in a sociological survey no one can be forced to participate under pressure. This is the choice of each subject, this is a common matter, especially when it comes to school. As far as I know, if this is a school, I also heard that applicants will be interviewed - this is also a matter of parental permission.

M.S.: Here we are talking, as far as I understand, about students. They apparently don’t need their parents’ permission, but here a completely different problem arises. Young people - this has been known since the advent of writing - as a rule, their views differ in the direction of, say, radicalism, probably, from adults simply for biological reasons: hormones play, everything is still quite black and white, they haven’t smelled gunpowder. In this regard, the question arises: even if we leave aside the coercive measures with the help of which this initiative, if it reaches its implementation, will be carried out, even if we assume that this is being done voluntarily, or if students honestly write that, " we are Che Guevara,” something else that is usually said at this age? - this, of course, will instantly put them at the very top of the secret lists of the Directorate “K” for the fight against extremism. Accordingly, if someone tells them: “Guys, you don’t need to write about what you like - I don’t know - Che Guevara, Osama bin Laden, some other unpopular characters among fighters against extremism, then this questionnaire loses its meaning, because, as Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky said back in Soviet times, “here is a list of your questions, here is a list of my answers,” - this is all thought up in advance. Accordingly, the question arises: can you, as a sociologist, predict a situation when this questionnaire will produce results. what's the point?

E.O.: To be honest, I cannot imagine such a situation for the reasons I have already listed: who compiles it, who conducts it, how it is regulated - and the last question, incredibly significant: how and who will interpret the results obtained and to whom they will be and in what form they will be are provided.

For some reason, I have a sneaking suspicion that they will want to get some, if not names, then specific addresses and appearances. This undermines, frankly speaking, the general authority of sociology as a science. We conduct research related to various youth political and activist practices. We use qualitative methodology - these are “in-depth interviews”, first of all, and, of course, we write reports ourselves and try to analyze them ourselves.

Still, this is a special, completely separate type of scientific activity that cannot be played with. In general, I have a question in the questionnaire: how will they ask about this, how will they ask questions about potential - through heroes? I don’t know, to be honest, Che Guevara was, is and will be, I think, a hero.

M.S.: The question can probably be formulated more cunningly, for example: in what phases of the moon do you observe an increased tendency to eat Christian babies? - something like that. Laugh, laugh, but if we assume, let’s say, that this will be done by education officials or counter-extremism specialists from the special services, the special services, as it seems to me, probably have more potential. After all, the concept of profiling - I don’t know what it’s called in scientific language - was not invented yesterday, and it is being used quite actively. In an abstract, ideal world, the idea of ​​these kinds of surveys and compilation of these kinds of profiles is not entirely useless, right?

E.O.: I think that it is simply a matter of propensity to extremism, to radicalization, to something else - subtle things that need to be included in the broader context of the overall legal, political identity, and citizenship. This is serious business. If we really consider this kind of idea on a large scale and broadly and work with it gently, maybe some kind of effect will be achieved.

I'm just always afraid of research from which orders are expected. This kind of research took place in schools to identify subculturists. As a result, orders were made, including in relation to the police, school psychologists, in order to compile lists of subculturists. This is, of course, a violation of privacy, a violation of rights, and so on.

If the purpose here is to compile lists - this is not permissible in sociological practice - then this thing should simply be called in other words.

M.S.: They will probably do so in the end. On the other hand, you must agree, you can, of course, argue about subculturists (there’s probably nothing to even argue about here - when the distribution mechanism comes down from above along with the numbers, exactly how many of those, those, fifths and tenths you should have) , but still there is a difference between people whose main difference from those around them is that they want to wear a special kind of shoes or pink hair, and people who, although they do not eat Christian babies, but have in mind, for example , plant a truck with explosives somewhere. Still, this is not the same thing. Don’t you think—here I’m playing a bit of devil’s advocate—that to a certain extent we can understand the concern of the organs and, leaving aside the clumsiness with which they are trying to resolve this issue, assume that this kind of profiling for propensity to extremism - No matter how crazy it may sound, does it still make sense?

E.O.: I think that, of course, this question worries everyone now, this is one of the global problems of our time, and so on. I don’t think that this kind of research can provide an answer, any recommendations, or interesting ideas.

It seems to me that this is the time to assemble some kind of analytical expert group, because many things are obvious, many things concern who actually gets there. After all, young people with a low level of education, with insufficient resources to achieve an approved status in society, with insufficient access to quality education, with a certain background, deprived of an environment, a certain family history - these are not random people. Of course, there are others, like Varvara Karaulova.

Again, let's turn to this: why can the image of a tough fighter fighting for freedom become - does not become, but can become - attractive?

Then let's study gender, study some gender relations among young people, the meaning of some artifacts, including some online things. We know that now the question of religion - first of all, this applies to Islam, although fundamental sentiments can also be noted in Orthodoxy - this is a very subtle matter.

There are religious scholars who study the issue of Muslim identity among young people. I think that, firstly, they should also be consulted. We are currently conducting research in Makhachkala, for example.

We don't study extremism, we simply study youth cultures and youth cultural scenes. They react very sharply to issues related to religion, in terms of the fact that they understand quite well and are aware that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan is now very actively working to identify them.

It is quite difficult to talk about this topic; it is a matter of a subtle instrument, a subtle matter. They have their own specific explanations. Yes, they are religious, yes, they observe, yes, they are there, but they do not want conclusions to be immediately drawn based solely on their identity, their sympathy for religion, which, we know from publications, sometimes happens in the same Dagestan.

I am afraid that here, too, the question connected with religion may have a different effect. In my opinion, as a person who works with young people, a researcher, such a harsh, frontal tool is obviously not suitable here and can simply cause real harm, although it is, of course, necessary to deal with this problem, study it and analyze it.

M.S.: If you do this wisely, without the help of instructions, and based on the fact that there should be a practical result from this, there should be no harm - how to approach this correctly? It is clear that direct questions about whether you are prone to extremism are unlikely to be answered honestly, and then, in fact, what is considered a tendency towards extremism? If this is done according to science, then how to do it correctly?

E.O.: If we do it according to science, then, I think, we really need some kind of community, to create some kind of team of people, firstly, who are passionate, interested, and have experience in such research, in order to develop a competent methodology.

On the other hand, - here the last comment should be said - that maybe this is being done. I'm just not the right person to be on the committee that's working on this situation. I hope so, because if this is carried out, of course, it will affect our center, among other things.

In what sense? If this is done rudely, then this will, wittingly or unwittingly, affect the attitude: “we know you, sociologists, how you study this.” We are unlikely to be able to convince young people, as we do, of anonymity, confidentiality, accuracy, and scientific character. At least it's called "ruining the field."

If, for example, similar people already work there, then we can only hope that this will be done competently, otherwise it will, of course, be very...

M.S.: Yes, we can only hope that the people who work there are at least at the rank of lieutenant colonel, and better yet, higher, that the warrant officers were not entrusted with this. As for trust in sociology as a whole, I must say that, in general, in Russia, it seems to me, it has been undermined recently, and sociologists were complaining about this even before the dispersal of Levada. As for young people, bearing in mind their habit, as a rule, not to tire themselves of dividing into any half-tones - it is either black or white - here, yes, there really are difficulties, but I suspect sociology, having appeared on It’s not yesterday, I somehow learned to deal with it. Elena Leonidovna, thank you very much. Unfortunately, I'm afraid you and I don't have time for more today.

You can download the “Fifth Floor” podcast .

Terrorism and extremism as it is

The test brochure contains tasks, questionnaires, and posters that allow you to broaden your horizons on the topic. Get to know them carefully, try to answer the questions, I think you will succeed. The tasks are designed in such a way that they will help you develop the skills to combat this phenomenon.

1. Task

What associations do the words “terrorism” and “extremism” evoke in you?




Terrorism - the most dangerous crime against humanity, an extreme form of violence and cruelty against a person or state.

Extremism (from the French Extremisme - extreme) is a commitment to extreme views and worlds

2. Task


Like any other phenomenon, terrorism has its own distinctive characteristics.

First, terrorism generates high _____________ ___________.

Secondly, terrorism is characterized by _______________ character.

Thirdly, a feature of terrorism is the deliberate creation of___________ ____________, depression, tension.

Fourthly, it has ______ impact.

Answers: conditions of public fear, public danger. psychological

3. Task


Citizen of the country

Choose actions that will allow the person to understand that he is wrong.

Give up weapons, solve your problems with the help of other people, do not hide your face, discuss problems with other people, force people to solve state problems by force, help others, work, steal and spend money on their needs, study and explore the world.

4. Task

Match the concept with the explanation



Commits to committing a terrorist attack for selfish reasons (carrying out the task of those on whom he is completely financially dependent, or being in dire need and trying to financially provide for his family).


"for money"

A “lone wolf” terrorist suffering from various types of mental disorders (consequences of traumatic brain injury, brain diseases, alcohol and drug use).



A potential suicide bomber is, as a rule, a single woman, more often a widow or divorced, low-income, living outside her family, and easily falling under the influence of others.



A person can be pushed to commit a terrorist attack through blackmail (taking hostage, threatening to make any information public) or by decision of a Sharia court for crimes committed (a deeply religious person is thus forced to atone for his guilt before God). Such a person believes that he is sacrificing himself out of “despair.”



Mental processing of a person (usually using hypnosis and psychotropic substances), in which he receives a “setting” for a specific action.

4. Task

Tragedy in Beslan.

On September 1, 2004, school No. 1 was captured by terrorists in Beslan (North Ossetia). 1,128 people were taken hostage - children, parents, and school staff. For three days the terrorists kept them in the building, denying them the most necessary things. On September 3, explosions and a fire broke out at the school, causing the building to partially collapse. Federal forces launched an assault. During the shootout, including with the participation of civilians using personal weapons, 28 terrorists were killed (three, including one of the suicide bombers, died on the first day.

As a result of the terrorist attack, 334 people were killed and over 700 were injured. :

Children from 1 to 17 years old - 186.

Relatives, guests and friends of students - 118 died; School staff - 17 killed; FSB special forces soldiers - 10; Emergency Situations Ministry employees - 2; Policemen - 1

1. The cause of extremism

A) religious movements

B) people's subconscious

C) socio-economic discontent of the people

D) financial problems

E) sustainable development of the state

2. The concept of “terrorism includes”

A) socio-economic discontent of the people

B) sharp growth within a religious group

C) an extreme form of violence and cruelty towards a person or the state

D) activities aimed at achieving political goals

E) a compromise between the state and the citizen

3. Who has a special role in the prevention of terrorism and extremism?

A) people

B) legislation

C) citizen

D) the president

E) law enforcement agencies

4. What is the manifestation of extremism and terrorism associated with in the country?

A) with Islam

B) with Christianity

C) believers

D) with the religious consciousness of people

E) with law enforcement agencies

5. Task

Read the leaflet "Signs of Explosive Devices"

Select the correct chain of actions

    Make sure that people move as far as possible from the dangerous find.

    Start to get nervous

    Do not shake, throw, bend, or open.

    Urgently tell everyone and take a photo of the find

    Do not use electric lighters or other sources of fire or spark-producing objects, as well as communication devices (mobile phones, portable radios).

    start unpacking the box and invite people around you to do this

    Do not touch with hands or other objects.

    Immediately report the incident to law enforcement authorities.

    Wait for the arrival of the operational investigation team.

6. Task

Make a cluster using the poster “Interaction between law enforcement agencies and government bodies and citizens of the state.”

7. Task

To counter terrorism we need:







    responsibility for civic duty

Rank the number from 1 to 7 in order of importance to you

7. Task

Using the map, make a rating on the topic "Terrorist acts in countries of the world"

8. Task

After reading the memo “The threat of a terrorist attack,” will you conduct a self-analysis of the possibility of this phenomenon in the territory where you live?

Questions to prepare

1. What is terrorism?

2. What actions should you take if you receive a call or a threatening letter?

3. List the actions you need if a threat occurs in your institution, using an evacuation plan?

4. By what indicators can you determine that there is no threat??

9. Task

test: How susceptible are you to aggression?

17-19 points you are slightly susceptible

20-24 points you are moderately susceptible

25-28 points you are highly susceptible

10. Task

“If everyone is tolerant of each other, then together we will make our world tolerant.” Add your associations to the word “tolerant”

11. Task

Using a poster" Possible places for installing explosive devices" make a memo - "Actions during evacuation"

using: personal documents, assistance in evacuating elderly and seriously ill people, panic, hysteria, organized, permission of accompanying persons.

Head: Oleinik S.M.

Literature: Textbook for grade 9 "Fundamentals of Religious Studies" G. Yesim and others, Bilim publishing house 2013

Textbook for grade 10 "Basic military training" K.R. Amanzholov and others. Publishing house "Mektep" 2014

Magazine "Fundamentals of Safety and Life" posters and illustrations


Thematic knowledge control

for 7th grade students according to the section

“Fundamentals of countering extremism and terrorism in the Russian Federation”

1. Extremist activity not only cannot improve the lives of citizens, but, on the contrary, can become the basis for an extreme form of extremism, which is...(1 point)

A) vandalism;

b) terrorism;

V) hooliganism;

G) kidnapping of citizens;

d) robbery.

2. If a plane hijacked by terrorists is released by the hijacking group, the hostages must: (2 points)

A) take advantage of the turmoil and try to get out of the plane on your own;

b) lie down on the floor and remain there until the end of the operation, without interfering with its implementation;

V) try to snatch the weapon from the terrorist and help the attacking group;

G) if there is no other possibility, hide your head behind the back of the chair in front and cover it with your hands;

d) try to pick up your belongings from the luggage rack, since after an explosion or fire this will no longer be possible.

3. Extremism threatens: (4 points)

A) active recreation in nature;

b) fire safety in the house;

V) compliance with the rule of law in the state;

G) the occurrence of natural emergencies;

d) safety of performing household work;

e) legitimate political rights and freedoms of citizens;

and) civil peace and national harmony;

h) spiritual, religious tolerance in society.

4. Situations arising as a result of illegal actions of individuals or groups of people are called: (1 point)

A) criminogenic;

b) atypical;

V) extremist;

G) antisocial.

5. Insert suitable words into the text: (2 points)

A) …? - desecration of buildings or other structures, damage to property on public transport or other public places.

b) …? - the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing government decision-making related to intimidation of the population and other forms of illegal violent actions.

Terrorism, hooliganism, vandalism, extremism.

6. Rules that must be followed to reduce the risk of kidnapping include the following: (5 points)

A) it is necessary to know well the area of ​​residence, its safest areas;

b) you should not open the apartment door if you do not know who is calling, especially if you are at home alone;

V) if a stranger seems kind and nice to you, it is better to immediately trust him;

G) you should open the apartment door to representatives of utility services or police officers, because they may have an urgent matter that concerns many residents of the house;

d) you should safely get into any car if you are late for the agreed meeting time, since your lack of punctuality can seriously offend the people waiting for you;

e) You should not get into a car with strangers or unfamiliar people;

and) if someone is following you, you need to turn around and check your suspicions. If these suspicions are confirmed, you should change the direction, pace of walking or flee;

h) It is advisable to avoid evening walks through vacant lots and construction sites.

Information sources:

1. Fundamentals of life safety. 7th grade: educational. for general education organizations/ A.T.Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov; edited by A.T. Smirnova – 5th ed. – M.: Education, 2016.

2. Electronic supplement to the textbook by A.T. Smirnova, B.O. Khrennikova. Fundamentals of life safety. 7th grade.


Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The maximum number of points is 15.

1 – B

2 – BG


4 - A

5 – A-vandalism, B-terrorism


I like the very idea of ​​testing students, because it is clear that the main danger in Russia comes from students. Below is a version of the questionnaire

Here, in connection with the attempt of student Karaulova, now Ivanova, to flee to her fiancé in ISIS, his name may be banned everywhere, they are proposing to test students for extremism. It is not clear what is in their heads. Recently, however, sociology has proven its inconsistency several times - it did not predict Trump, it was wrong with Brexit, and the rating of the current Russian government is clearly inadequate, otherwise why would there be so much fuss and pressure on the remnants of the public opposition on the NTV channel? And in general, the situation with teenage psychology in our country is not good, judging by the fate of two Pskov teenagers who were never dissuaded from committing suicide. But I like the very idea of ​​testing students, because it is clear that the main danger in Russia comes from students. This is what Konstantin Pobedonostsev, the main ideologist of the current Russian statehood, thought.

Below is a version of a questionnaire for testing Russian students for extremism. It can be used directly, in the form of a test - children are accustomed to this form of interaction with the state thanks to the Unified State Exam.

1. Do you feel needed by your homeland?

Yes – 0 points, no – 50, don’t know – 100.

2.Do you want to fight for social justice?

Yes – 50 points, no – 0, doubtful – 100.

3. Do you think that there are values ​​in the world higher than stability and prosperity?

Yes – 0, no – 50, I don’t know such words – 100.

4. Should the government change every few years or does such a change hinder the development of the country?

Should – 50, interferes – 0, leave me alone with your nonsense – 100.

5. Are you regularly sexually active?

It’s none of your business – 50, daily – 0, my sex life is replaced by sport and participation in Anti-Maidan protests – 200.

6. Do you masturbate?

Never - 50, always, and now, excuse the crooked handwriting, - 0, yes, but I can only imagine the Anti-Maidan movement - 100.

7. What would you do in the nineties?

Would be involved in business or racketeering - 50, would try to enter the FSB academy - 0, would leave the country because living under liberals is beneath my dignity - 150, would move to St. Petersburg - 500.

8. What do you think of when you hear the word “sovereignty”?

Kalashnikov assault rifle - 50, Iskander - 150, sausage sandwich - 0, I always think about one thing - 100, you yourself know this person - 200.

9. If you are offered the choice of two weeks in the USA or a year in the army, what will you choose?

A year in the army - 0, two weeks in the USA - 50, get out, I don’t want to deal with dirty provocateurs - 100.

10. If your father, mother, or close relative is having Russophobic conversations at the table, you:

If you report - 0 points, if you ask them to shut up - 100, if you try to dissuade them - 300.

11. Why are you not yet in the ranks of the DPR defenders?

I don’t recognize the self-proclaimed republics – 50, I’m going there now – 0, I’ll be more useful as a student – ​​100.

12. What is higher – law or mercy?

Law – 0, mercy – 50, law is mercy – 100, I don’t know what law is – minus 100, I don’t know what mercy is – plus 200.

13. Do you drink alcohol?

No - 0, only beer - 50, I prefer drugs - minus 100, only for the health of your parents - plus 100, only for your health - 150.

14. Why are you studying at a university?

To become a specialist and benefit the Motherland - 0, to avoid military service - 50, to get a deferment to choose a profession - 100, so that later I can enter the FSB Academy - 200, I go in for sports and don’t think about such nonsense - 300.

15. Why are you answering this questionnaire?

That’s what they told me – 0, I have no secrets – 50, what is a “questionnaire”? – 500.

Let's summarize. If you score 500 points and above, you should immediately be transferred to the FSB Academy or, alternatively, to any of its branches, even to the Higher School of Economics, because people who often answer: “I don’t know” and drink only to the health of their superiors constitute the future elite of the nation. If you score between 200 and 500, you are a typical average citizen who poses no danger. But if you have a score from 0 to 200, then you are a real extremist, because you lie all the time, pretend to be a loyal citizen and are ready to agree with any absurdity for the sake of this. Such a person must be hired immediately. As, indeed, anyone else who generally agrees to answer such questionnaires.

Test name

Test for propensity for psychoterrorism

Short name



The questionnaire is designed to diagnose a tendency to psychoterrorism, that is, to intimidate others with one’s words and judgments. Can be used both for self-testing and in professional psychodiagnostics.

In professional psychodiagnostics aimed at drawing up a psychological portrait, it is highly recommended to use this questionnaire in a battery of others.

Estimated test time: 10 minutes

Qualities assessed

Age category


Order of conduct

The examinee is given a list of questions and an answer form. There is no time limit.


Below are pairs of judgments. In each of them you have to choose the one that is closer to you and more reflects your worldview. There is no time limit, but try not to overthink your choice.


Of the two phrases, choose the one that, in your opinion, is closer to the truth.

Processing the results

To process test results, use the key provided below.


Test Avoidance Scale

For each question: If there is no answer, then +1.

Scale "Psycho-terrorism"

1) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

2) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

3) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

4) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

5) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

6) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

7) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

8) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

9) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

10) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

11) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

12) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

13) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

14) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

15) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

16) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

17) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

18) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

19) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

20) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

21) If 1, then -1. If 2, then +1.

22) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

23) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

24) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

25) If 1, then +1. If 2, then -1.

Analysis of results

Avoiding testing

The result is reliable.

Avoidance of testing was detected, the result is unreliable.


[-25,-14] Low level of psychoterrorism (tendency to intimidate others). It does not bring any joy to the person being tested when a loved one or acquaintance worries about possible troubles and misfortunes. Not prone to hypocrisy. Presumably not prone to manipulation.