Repair Design Furniture

Our helpers are the senses. Sense organs are our assistants Skin is the organ of touch

Protsenko Elena Alexandrovna, Educator
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Noyabrsk

Formation of beliefs and habits for a healthy lifestyle based on valeological knowledge. Educational: Developmental: - carry out the cognitive development of children.

- develop children's perceptions. Educators: - create motivation for a healthy lifestyle and adherence to the basic principles of life support; - cultivate a caring attitude towards yourself and your health.
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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Snow White" of the municipal formation of the city of Noyabrsk

Health Academy

Protsenko E.A.

Lebedeva N.V.


2017-2018 academic year

Project passport

Subject direction

Health saving

Senior preschool age from 5 to 6 years



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Snow White" of the municipal formation of the city of Noyabrsk

Project name

Faithful helpers - sense organs

Objective of the project

Formation of beliefs and habits for a healthy lifestyle based on valeological knowledge.

Project objectives:


Expand children's understanding of the human body, its structure and functions of the senses;

Learn to observe the basics of body safety;

Involve parents in searching for information for children about the human senses, and encourage them to engage in joint activities.


Develop personal hygiene skills;

Carry out cognitive development of children.

Activate children's speech, enrich their vocabulary with new words and concepts;

Develop children's perceptions.


Cultivate a caring attitude towards yourself and your health.

To bring children to an understanding of how difficult life is for people with disabilities, to cultivate a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities.

Life presents us with many problems. The most pressing problem today is the problem of preserving the life and health of children. Since preschool age is the most favorable time for developing the right habits, which, in combination with teaching children methods of improving and maintaining health, will lead to positive results. This project was created with the intention of changing the existing attitude towards their health among students through their learning of knowledge about their body, its capabilities and protective properties. The proposed project will make it possible to comprehensively solve educational problems in the field of preschooler health.


Long-term (1 year)


Stages of work on the project

Stage I - preparatory:

Survey of children and questionnaires of parents;

Determining the content of pedagogical and recreational work, developing a plan for implementing activities;

Selection and production of didactic material, card index of games and exercises, development of event notes;

Expand parents’ understanding of the physical education events held at preschool educational institutions. Increase motivation for a healthy lifestyle;

Inform parents about pedagogical techniques for developing physical qualities in children;

Discussion of a joint plan of cooperation with preschool educational institutions.

Stage II – practical: activities within the project

For children:

Implementation of the action plan

For parents:

Implementation of project activities with parents;

Design of an information folder for parents “Take care of your health from childhood!”

For the teaching staff:

Participation and holding events;

Exchange of experience on the project problem within the institution.

Stage III – final (summarizing):

Analysis of the results of a survey of children and a survey of parents;

Comparison of expected and achieved work results;

Generalization and presentation of work experience;

Determining further directions in the physical education system

health work with children.

Project submission form


"Health Academy. Faithful helpers are the senses.”

Information resources used


Golitsina N.S., Shumova I.M. “Education of the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle in children” - M., “Scriptorium 2003”, 2010.

Lobodin V.T., Fedorenko A.D., Alexandrova G.V. “In the land of health” - M., “MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS”, 2011.

Muzova O. V. “Physical and recreational work Comprehensive planning according to the program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. - Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. Junior, middle, senior preschool age" - Volgograd, Teacher, 2011.

Utrobina K.K. “Entertaining physical education for preschoolers” - M., Gnom, 2003.

Shebeko N.V. “Variable physical education classes in kindergarten” - M., Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2003.

Shorygina T.A. “Conversations about health” - M., “Sphere”, 2008.

Electronic material:

Used information technologies and software products

Use of EER (electronic educational resources):



Interactive table.

Use of presentations: “Health Academy. Faithful helpers are the senses”, “The human hearing organ”, “What are eyes for”, “How do we smell”.


Relevance, purpose, objectives, problem (hypothesis) of the project………………………….1

Theoretical foundations and analysis of information sources..…………………..3

Practical or experimental part……………………………………………………4

Description of work stages…………………………………………………………………………………..5

Implementation of activities in accordance with the goals and objectives of the project……………..7

Performance assessment - practical and social significance of the project………….10





Health is happiness! Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. It is very important today to develop in preschool children motives, concepts, and beliefs about the need to preserve their health and strengthen it through adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

We perceive everything that surrounds us and what happens around us through our senses. Our senses allow us to experience the world. The protection of these vital organs should not be underestimated. Nature bestows them on a person once and for life. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to use them correctly.

After all, with the help of the senses, a child learns a lot not only about the world around him, about living and inanimate nature, but about himself, and, having learned, will take care of his health. Any information comes to the child through the senses: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, body surface. Each organ receives a specific type of information. But in the real world, different objects have different properties, and, therefore, types of information. In the process of including all senses in perception, the child’s individual abilities can be revealed, the ability to perceive the world around him fully, vividly, and diversely.

Relevance, goal, objectives, problem (hypothesis)


The increase in the number of children with adaptive difficulties, disorders in the emotional and personal sphere, and with negative behavioral characteristics currently determines the need to search for new methods of working with preschool children.

In preschool age, a child develops a characteristic personal style of relationships with others, and, very importantly, a self-image is formed and self-esteem develops. The emotional and sensual attitude towards life, towards people, towards oneself and the presence or absence of incentives for active self-realization that are formed during this period make an indelible imprint on a person’s future life style.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin in the garden. There are no trifles in this matter. All life activities of a child in a preschool institution should be aimed at maintaining and strengthening health. The health of a child depends on a number of factors: biological, environmental, social, hygienic, as well as on the quality of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution.

Goal: formation of beliefs and habits for a healthy lifestyle based on valeological knowledge.

Corrective goal: to activate and enrich the vocabulary with prefixed verbs, prepositions and adverbs, qualitative and relative adjectives; development of fine motor skills of the hands, accuracy of movements performed.

This goal can be achieved if the following tasks are implemented:

Project objectives:


Expand children's understanding of the human body, its structure and functions of the senses;

Learn to observe the basics of body safety;

Involve parents in searching for information for children about the human senses, and encourage them to engage in joint activities.


Carry out cognitive development of children;

Carry out cognitive development of children.

Activate children's speech, enrich their vocabulary with new words and concepts;

Develop children's perceptions.

Create motivation for a healthy lifestyle and adherence to the basic principles of life support;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards yourself and your health;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards yourself and your health.


Lack of systematized knowledge about the structure and functioning of the human body, beliefs and habits of a healthy lifestyle based on valeological knowledge.

Project hypothesis.

At preschool age, children show interest in learning about their bodies. A child should receive basic knowledge about his body, about the work of his senses, since through self-knowledge he can treat his body with care. Elementary familiarization of children with the structure of their body and organs is only a means for understanding and feeling the inextricable connection between man and nature. If you form in children ideas about the role of sense organs in human life, teach the child to take care of their health, teach the rules of caring for their body, using special games, exercises, and activities, then the child will:

There will be a desire to take care of your health independently in the future;

Develop the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle;

Perception will develop;

Your cognitive level will increase.

Children's hypothesis. Maybe if you take care of your body every day and exercise your senses, you will better see, hear and distinguish sounds, recognize the smells of products, their properties and quality. Exercises and games will help improve your health.

Parents' hypothesis. Perhaps, if you use special games and exercises to develop knowledge about your body, children will strive to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Project participants: children, group teachers, parents.

Duration: long-term (within a year).

Theoretical foundations and analysis of information sources

A brief analysis of theoretical sources on the issues of the project we are implementing confirms and expands our ideas about the importance of developing in children of senior preschool age ideas about the human senses based on interest in understanding the surrounding reality, oneself, one’s place, one’s role in this world.

D. B. Elkonin noted that the sense organs of children, already at the beginning of preschool age, are similar in structure and some features of functioning to the sense organs of adults. In his opinion, it is in preschool age that a child first develops internal ethical authorities, as well as initial general ideas about nature, about himself, and the first outline of a child’s worldview appears. Consequently, the formation of the social and moral position of the individual begins.

An analysis of research in the field of child psychology and preschool pedagogy proves the need to carry out work on training the senses of preschool children, which is important for their sensory development (M. Montessori, F. Frebel, L.A. Wenger, E.G. Pilyugina, A. P. Usova and others).

The psychophysiological state of the body also depends on the functioning of the sense organs, so modern researchers are increasingly turning to the problem of familiarizing preschoolers with the human body (N.N. Avdeeva, A.A. Vakhrushev, G.K. Zaitsev, V.N. Zimonina, S.A. Kozlova, B.V., Ryleeva, R.B. Sterkina, etc.).

A number of partial programs for the education and training of preschoolers include in their content knowledge about the human body (“Ensuring the safety of preschool children”, “Valeology program”, “Hello!”, “Discover yourself”, “Children’s picture of the world”, etc.) . However, no clear methodology has yet been proposed for the formation in preschool children of ideas about perceptive structures - about the system of sensory organs.

First of all, when selecting the material, we followed the provisions of the theory of L.S. Vygotsky about the “Intellectualization of feelings” of a child. In accordance with this theory, we consider it advisable to give children only that knowledge in which they initially show interest and emotional responsiveness or emotional disposition.

To study the structure of the sense organs and their significance in human life, we selected various books that the children and I brought from home and found in kindergarten:

Brooke John H.R. "The human body. My first atlas”, Atlas “The Human Body and Health Protection”, St. Petersburg, Neva, 2000. Atlas “How our body works” Kozlova Svetlana Akimovna “Thematic dictionary in pictures. Human world. Me and my body”, Shukshina Svetlana Evgenievna “Me and my body”; presentations were created: “Academy of Health”, “Eyes are our helpers”, “Our ears are an important organ”, “Breathing is health!”.

To study the senses, we have selected games and exercises: “Recognize my mood by the eyes”, “Convey the mood”, “Identify by the sound”, “Recognize the baby by the voice”, “Find the mother”, “Determine where the bell is ringing”, “Damaged phone”, “Let’s talk without words”, “Identify by touch”, “Touch and guess”, “Guess by smell”, “Human sense organs”.

Thus, books on the topic of the project, games for holding project events were selected, and materials were collected to create a unified educational space.

2. Practical or experimental part

The content of the project is built in accordance with federal state educational standards, with the “Adapted basic educational program of preschool education for children with disabilities (severe speech impairments) of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Snow White” (hereinafter referred to as MBDOU) of the municipal formation of Noyabrsk" . The principles for selecting basic and additional content are related to the age-related characteristics of the development of preschoolers.

This project involves taking into account the individual characteristics, needs and interests of children. In the course of solving the project's problems, conditions are purposefully created to ensure the accumulation of experience in expanding and systematizing knowledge about the senses and a healthy lifestyle.

2.1. Description of work stages

Preschool children are interested in learning about their body, how our body works, how we move, how we breathe, what helps us understand the world around us. When introducing children to the senses, the following subtopics were identified:

eye maintaining good vision, experiments “Optual illusion”, “Light-dark”, “Multi-colored pieces of glass”).

Nose (how the nose works; why there is hair in the nose; breathing exercises for normal breathing; useful and harmful odors; bad habits; how to properly care for the nose).

Ears (how we hear; what ears are needed for; how many ears a person has; what is the eardrum, cochlea, auditory nerve; how to properly care for the ears; what safety measures must be taken to maintain good hearing).

Acquaintance with the senses is carried out in classes, in games, during routine moments, and in the daily activities of children. With systematic lessons with children, it is possible to develop knowledge about the structure, functions and significance of the senses, and to reinforce the rules of caring for them and the entire body as a whole. When studying each sense organ, a comparison is made with the sense organs of animals (differences, similarities), using presentations.

In order to formulate concepts about a healthy lifestyle, to show the importance of a healthy lifestyle for each of us, we use in the project the entire arsenal of health-saving technologies: morning exercises, outdoor games, physical education classes, physical education minutes, breathing, visual, finger, corrective exercises, relaxation, walks, hardening procedures. The project is designed to instill in children the desire to be healthy by their own example, examples of heroes from fairy tales, and the use of proverbs and sayings in speech. For this purpose, we selected fairy tales, poems, and proverbs to familiarize ourselves with the human body, to develop cultural and hygienic skills, and to maintain health. Children listen and perceive with great pleasure the fairy tales “About Masha and Misha”, “How to wash your hands correctly”, “How to behave at the table”, “Ten things to do before going to bed”, “Tales about Stobed”, which were once published in magazine “Health”, “The Tale of a Cotton Ball” on the development of breathing and others.

We do gymnastics after sleep using eye exercises. Children strive for high-quality exercises that develop flexibility, plasticity and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs and the entire body as a whole.

We use children’s perceptions of a person in images, focusing on the transfer of emotions, highlighting the distinctive features of a face, and expressing in drawings children’s understanding of a healthy lifestyle. Topics can be varied, for example, “How we breathe while walking,” “Winter entertainment,” “Vitamin products,” “I do physical exercise,” etc.

We use games and exercises to develop the senses, visual, auditory, and olfactory:

For the development of auditory perception: “Determine what you hear” - a set of different sounds of living and inanimate nature, “Noisy boxes” - find quiet and loud noises from various materials, “Far - close” - recognizing voices at a distance. “What can you hear” - listening to noises on the street, indoors with your eyes closed, “Repeat” - memorizing and repeating non-speech sounds (claps, stomps), etc.;

For the development of visual perception: “What has changed?”, “Find the mistake”, “Find the differences”, “Overlaid images” - identify contour images of 3-5 objects. “Unfinished Images”, “Spot Images”, “Inverted Images”, “Cut Images”, “Memorize and Draw”. “Find a letter” - underline a letter in the text. “Fold the rainbow”, “Determine the shape of the object”, “Arrange by size”, etc.;

To develop the sense of smell: “Identify an object by its smell”, “Remember how they smell” (using pictures), “Boxes with smells”, etc.

When studying the senses, special attention is paid to developing a tolerant attitude and respect for physical differences between people, caring for both one’s senses and the senses of others, based on knowledge about the structure, operation and hygiene of the senses.

During the games “Find out with your eyes closed”, “Walk with your eyes closed”, “Understand me”, “Hear me” we show how difficult life is for blind and deaf-mute people, so that children from childhood strive to help people with disabilities, we cultivate compassion , acceptance of such people.

Parents play a large role in the work on the project; they conduct a joint search with the child for paintings and drawings with expressive images of the sensory organs of animals. Parents at home introduce their children to the collected material, and the child in the group talks about the picture or drawing in front of other children, sharing the knowledge they have gained about animals. Other children add their own information to the story.

To inform parents about the progress of the project and what help they can provide, we publish newspapers about the health of preschoolers, and hold conversations on developing a healthy lifestyle and instilling a caring attitude toward one’s body. We involve parents in activities aimed at preserving the health of their children.

2.2. Implementation of activities in accordance with the goals and objectives of the project

Stage I - preparatory

Project participants

Stage tasks

Solutions, measures

To identify the level of children’s ideas about the senses.

Discussion of the problem, getting used to the game situation.

Problem situation – 3-question method.

What do we know about the sense organs?

Through our nose we breathe.

With our eyes we look.

With our ears we hear.

We feel with our skin.

What do we want to know?

How to protect your senses?

Why does a person need a tongue?

Why does a person need skin?

Is it easy for a person to live without sense organs?

What needs to be done for this?

Seek information from different sources.

Develop a project.


Introduce the structure of the project, its educational objectives for children and pedagogical objectives for parents.

Conversation with parents (discussion of the choice of project topic, its relevance for children).

Questioning parents

Stage II - main

“Why do we need ears?”

Introduce children to the main organ of hearing – the ears. Provide insight into how we hear and what can happen with hearing loss. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your ears.

Conversation-reasoning “Why do we need ears?”


Examining a friend's ear;

Hearing acuity and its changes in different situations;

The effect of noise on hearing acuity.

Didactic games: “Guess the melody”, “Say quietly, loudly”, “When is it better to hear and why?”

Musical and didactic game “Where the bell sounds.”

Drawing up rules “How to take care of your ears.”

Self-massage “Ears”, “Ear exercises”, “Our ears”

Drawing according to the plan “Such different ears” (animals).

N. Knushevitskaya “Ears”, S. Volkov “Birch tree rustling leaves”

Role-playing game “Opening an ophthalmologist’s office.”


Exhibition of hygiene products.

Reading to children at home

K.I. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”.

Introduce children to the organ of vision – the eyes. To provide insight into how we see and what can happen with vision loss. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your eyes.


“Why does a person need eyes? Taking care of your eyes."


Structure of the eye

Eyes can distinguish color, shape, size, distance to an object

Eyes express mood

The eyes can receive signals

Determining the reaction of the pupils to different degrees of illumination

Exhibition of books on the topic of the project

Drawing up rules “How to take care of your eyes.”

Gymnastics for the eyes “Bear by

wanders in the forest", "Squirrel", "Rain"

"Our eyes."

Game "Blinking lights".

Conversation with children about blind people.

Role-playing game “At an appointment with an ophthalmologist.”

Reading fiction

E. Moshkovskaya “Doctor, doctor...”,

N. Knushevitskaya “Eyes”

N. Orlova “TV”


To interest parents, to show the relevance of the direction.

Suggest at home to develop rules for the family - how to protect your eyes?

"Olfactory organ. Why do we need a nose?

Introduce children to the organ with which we hear smells and breathe. Find out what role the villi play in the sinuses. Cultivate the desire to monitor your breathing and health.

Game-conversation “Organ of smell. Why do we need a nose?

Appearance of the nose.

Looking at each other's noses.

Introduce the structure of the nose.

Didactic game “Recognize by smell.”

Breathing exercises


"Magic Drink"


Self-massage “Cheerful noses”.

Organizing conditions for children to be on duty in the dining room.

Role-playing game: the plot “At an appointment with an otolaryngologist.”

Reading fiction by Yu. Prokopovich “Why do babies need a nose?”

V. Berestov “How to find a path” (excerpt)


Intensify the role of parents in teaching children proper breathing.

V. Bianchi “Whose nose is better?”

E. Moshkovskaya “My wonderful nose”,

Consultation “Teach your child to breathe correctly”

Systematize children's knowledge about the senses. Cultivate a desire to take care of your health independently.

Write descriptive stories about your friends' appearances

Didactic game “Show which organ, what helps you feel”, “If I do this”.

Game-situation “Learning to keep our senses clean.”

Wellness event “Travel to the country of “what can I?”

Making riddles about the sense organs.


Leisure activities “Being healthy is great!”

Stage III - final

Children, parents

Systematize children's ideas about the senses. Develop healthy lifestyle skills.

Entertainment “Being healthy is great!”

2.3. Performance assessment - practical and social significance of the project

Expected results:

For children:

Increasing body functions, its protective properties and resistance to diseases.

For parents:

Increasing parents' interest in a healthy lifestyle.

For the teacher:

Creating a comfortable, safe, health-preserving educational environment;

Creation of a card index “Outdoor games for preschool children”;

Creation of a unified educational space based on trusting partnerships between preschool employees and parents.

Practical significance of the project:

– the organization of project activities is aimed at making children aware of the need to respect their senses; teaching children the basic rules of their protection and can be used by teachers of preschool educational institutions and primary schools;

– methodological support of this project makes it possible to effectively organize educational work on the formation of a culture of the senses of pupils and members of their families.

All project materials, presented in the form of ready-made notes, are a complex of various developmental techniques and can be carried out as part of an additional developmental course in kindergarten, or included in the main kindergarten program. The undoubted value of the project is the clear logic of construction, the sequence of game activities and exercises. The presented material for the project can be used not only in kindergartens, but also in the process of home education.

Social significance of the project:

Early prevention of health and preservation of sensory organs in children;

Introducing preschoolers and families to a healthy lifestyle, creating conditions for successful adaptation in the social conditions of society.

Project products:

Creation of the album “The ABC of Health”;

Design of the exhibition of children's works “We will say “Yes” to health”;

Leisure activities “Being healthy is great!”

3. Conclusion

The role of the senses in human life is extremely great, since they are the source of our knowledge about the world and about ourselves. We learn about the richness of the surrounding world, about sounds and colors, smells and much more thanks to our senses.

The project allows you to systematize children's knowledge about the structure and functioning of the human body (sense organs), cultivate beliefs and habits for a healthy lifestyle based on valeological knowledge.

The following changes are expected during the project:

Introducing children to the principles of a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills of preschool children;

Increasing children's interest in studying their body and its capabilities;

Improving body functions, its protective properties and resistance to diseases;

Increasing parental activity in educational activities;

Increasing parents' interest in a healthy lifestyle;

Creating a comfortable, safe, health-preserving educational environment.

The result of the project is presented in the form of the exhibition “We will say “Yes” to health”, the wall newspaper “Living Healthy”, the final event with the participation of parents “Being healthy is great!” and electronic presentation “Faithful helpers are the senses.”

The project allows us to assert that activities aimed at studying the senses have a beneficial effect on the development of cognitive abilities in children, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, improving cultural and hygienic skills and the development of the child as a whole.

4. Bibliographic list of sources used

1. Golitsina N.S., Shumova I.M. “Education of the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle in children” - M., “Scriptorium 2003”, 2010.

2. Lobodin V.T., Fedorenko A.D., Aleksandrova G.V. “In the land of health” - M., “MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS”, 2011.

3. Muzova O. V. “Physical and recreational work Integrated planning according to the program edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. - Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. Junior, middle, senior preschool age" - Volgograd, Teacher, 2011.

4. Utrobina K.K. “Entertaining physical education for preschoolers” - M., Gnom, 2003.

5. Shebeko N.V. “Variable physical education classes in kindergarten” - M., Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2003.

6. Shorygina T.A. “Conversations about health” - M., “Sphere”, 2008.

Online materials:

Annex 1

Diagnostics of children's knowledge level on the project topic

Organ of vision

1.What is the organ of vision and what is it needed for?

2.What are eyelids (show) and what are they for?

3.What are eyelashes, eyebrows and what are they for?

4.What other parts of the eye do you know? (eyeball, iris, pupil).

5. How to protect your eyesight? (do visual exercises; perform massage; do not watch TV for a long time and sit at the computer; sit correctly at the table; do not poke your eyes with sharp objects, wash your face every day; if a foreign body gets in, rinse with clean water, rub it to your nose, consult a doctor if necessary) .

Hearing organ

1. Which organ is the organ of hearing and what is it needed for?

2. What parts of the ear do you know? (according to the atlas).

3. What is the eardrum for?

4. How should you take care of your ears?

5. What is harmful and beneficial for the ears? (based on pictures).

You need to turn the music up as loud as possible

Wear a hat in cold weather

Listen to music through headphones

If the music is loud, you need to turn the volume down

In winter you need to go without a hat

You should wash your ears with warm water and soap every day.

Picking your ears with any objects

Avoid getting water in your ears

Don't blow your nose too much

If your ears hurt, you need to see a doctor

Every morning, stretch your ears

Olfactory organ

1. Which organ is the organ of smell? (nose).

2. What job does the nose do? (distinguishes odors; traps viruses, germs, dust; warms the air; moisturizes the air with moisture from nasal mucus, helps to breathe).

3. Do you know how the nose works? (nostrils, nasal labyrinths, villi).

4. What are nasal villi for?

5. How should you take care of your nose? (rinse every day and if necessary with clean water; use a handkerchief; do not put sharp or small objects into your nose).

Diagnostic technique. Conversation; examination of the anatomical atlas, illustrations; acting out situations; cards with images of healthy and unhealthy foods, mnemonic tables.


Correct answer – 2 points

Incomplete answer – 1 point

No knowledge – 0 points

High level - from 35 to 50 points.

The average level is from 17 to 34 points.

Low level - from 0 to 16 points.

Appendix 2


Dear parents! Each of you would like your child to be healthy. To do this, it is important to pay special attention to the development of children. To help us help you improve your health, please answer the following questions:

Is there a daily routine for your child at home?__________________________

Do you have sports equipment at home? Which? ______________________________

Do you do morning exercises at home? Mom (yes, no), dad (yes, no), children (yes, no, regularly, sometimes, never).

Does your child follow the rules of personal hygiene: washes hands before eating, after using the toilet, washes his face, brushes his teeth, washes his ears?________________________

Do you carry out hardening activities at home?___________________________

How many hours does your child sleep at night?_____________________________________________

Does the child sleep during the day on Sundays and holidays (if so, how many hours) ___________________________________________________

Which family member walks with the child more often and for how long?________________

Do you think that your child is independent?___________________________

What types of activities does your child do after returning from kindergarten and on weekends?

Outdoor (sports) games

Board games, construction

Drawing, modeling, music lessons

Adults reading to children

Watching TV, computer games, PSP, etc.

How much time does your child watch TV or play computer games every day?___________________________________________________________

Has your child been sick often over the past year?

I've never been sick

Very little 1-2 times

I got sick 3-4 times

I got sick 5-6 times

Very often more than 7 times

What do you think are the causes of morbidity? _______________________________

In order to raise a healthy, harmoniously developed child, do his parents need to actively participate in the educational work of the group that the child attends?

This is critical

It doesn’t matter if upbringing in the family is properly organized

Haven't thought about it

Thank you for your cooperation!

Appendix No. 3

Summary of direct educational activities

for children of senior preschool age with elements of health conservation “Health Academy”

Goal: to continue to form ideas about the role of the senses: eyes, ears, nose in human life; discuss issues of hygiene of the organs of hearing, vision, smell;

teach children to take care of their health. Encourage children to want to take care of their health.


Multimedia presentation, audio recordings, water, 2 cups, spoon, paper, pictures for the game “good for you, bad for you,” a cup of garlic, with water, chocolate, bell.

Progress of the lesson:

So the morning has come,

It's time to get up.

But Stobed ​​is a prankster

He likes to sleep for a very long time.

The alarm clock rings, Stobed ​​yawns, tosses and turns, and stretches.

Stobed ​​(gets up to sad music, he doesn’t feel well)

Oh! Ay! Oh oh oh!

What's happened? Everything hurts?

Maybe I'm disabled?

Who will help me get back

Good health?

I remembered! There is a wonderful kindergarten.

I'll ask the guys there.

What should I do and what should I do?


Beyond the seas, beyond the mountains

There is a magical country

It is called the land of health.

Guys, I invite you on a journey, let’s go to the land of health in a “healthmobile.” Let's get ready, let's go...


A sad Stobed ​​comes in and greets everyone.

Educator: Hello, Stobed! What happened to you? Why are you so sad?

I honestly admit

That I was too lazy to wash my face,

Get up early and brush your hair.

I was also lazy

Start your day with exercise.

And so Khvorai bewitched me.

What should I do now, friends?


Don’t cry, Stobed, tears won’t help your grief. Come with us to the land of health. There you will learn to take care of your health and take care of it.

So guys, let's go on a trip.

While we're driving, tell me:

How does a person communicate with the environment? (using the senses)

What organs help us perceive the world around us? In order to be healthy, you must know your body and love it, because no one can take care of you better than yourself.

And what we will talk about today, you will find out if you guess the riddle:

Two brothers live across the street

but one does not see the other. (Eyes)

Which animal do you think is the smartest?

It is well known that the eagle has the keenest eyesight. It soars at a high altitude and looks out for prey from behind the clouds. The owl sees best at night. She can easily find a mouse in the dark. Man is not as keen as an eagle. And in the dark he does not see, like an owl, but the eyes are the main assistants of a person. (Slide eagle, owl, man)

Why? (They help to see everything that is around, to distinguish and recognize objects, their color, shape, size)

Turn around and look into each other's eyes. What beautiful eyes we have! How do they talk about eyes to convey their beauty? (beautiful, clear, pure).

(Slide eyes by color, shape)

What is the color of the eyes?

What size are the eyes?

How are the eyes located?

You can tell a person's mood by the eyes (Slide)

Show a diagram of the structure of the eye (Slide)

Nature carefully protects the eyes: they are located in special recesses called eye sockets (houses). This “house” is closed by a special “door” called the eyelid. And if danger appears, the eyelids will slam shut at lightning speed on orders from the brain. Only when the eyes are covered with eyelids are they at rest. When the eyes are open, a person constantly examines what is in front of his eyes. They move left, right, up, down, as if feeling the image. The eye is the organ of vision.

Experiment. (One child is blindfolded and must walk between the children, the other walks with his eyes open)

Who do you think had an easier time passing? Why?

The tissues of the eyes are very delicate, so the eyes are well protected.

How are your eyes protected? (eyelids, eyelashes)

What else protects your eyes?

We have eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids not only for beauty. They protect the eyes from dust, wind and sweat.

Why does a person need tears? (also protects eyes from dust).

The sun played hide and seek with the clouds

(close, open eyes)

The sun of the flying cloud counted:

Gray clouds, black clouds

(eyes to the right, eyes to the left),

Lungs - two things

(eyes up)

Heavy - three things

(eyes down).

The clouds said goodbye, the clouds are gone

(cover your eyes with your palms)

The sun is shining in the sky

(open your eyes wide).

And if your eyes hurt, you need to see an ophthalmologist.

D\Game “sick and healthy eyes” (girls choose what is harmful to the eyes, boys - vice versa)

Now let's repeat it with you

Rules for taking care of your eyesight: (slides)

Wash your face in the morning

Watch TV no more than 1-1.5 hours a day

Sit no closer than 3 m from the TV

Protect your eyes from foreign objects getting into them

When reading and writing, the light should illuminate the page from the left

The distance from the eyes to the text is 30-35 cm.

Eat enough plant foods (carrots, onions, parsley, tomatoes, sweet red peppers)

Doing gymnastics for the eyes

Strengthen your eyes by looking at the rising (setting) sun.

Educator: Well, Stobed, you know how to take care of your eyes. Let's travel further, get into the "health car" and let's go...

Hands on the belt

Head up

One - bow, two - bow.

Feet on heels, now on toes,

Let's clap our hands

We've arrived, stop.

The dialogue plays out:

Hello, Aunt Katerina!

I have a basket of eggs.

How are your family doing?

The eggs are fresh, yesterday's!

Wow what a conversation!

Maybe I'll sell out before lunch.

Stobed: I didn’t understand anything, and you guys?

Teacher: “Guys, what happened? Why didn’t two people understand each other?”

It caught the sound of the rain,

hears if something is wrong! (ear)

(Slide ear)

Speech and sounds help us hear the organs of hearing—the ears. Unlike the eyes, which are closed for centuries, our ears are constantly open, which means they constantly hear and pick up some sounds, even when a person is sleeping. Therefore, ears are one of the first to tell us about danger. Hearing is a great value for a person.

Educator: Let's try to close our ears tightly with our palms. What happened?

All sounds immediately disappeared. You stopped hearing. With the help of our hearing organs, we are subject to a whole world of sounds: the sound of rain, a mother’s lullaby, music, the speech of people around us.

Slide the structure of the ear.

Educator: Here, guys, let's look at the structure of the ear. The ear consists of three parts. The pinna, together with the external hearing aid, forms the outer ear. The external auditory canal ends at the eardrum. Behind it, deep in the skull, is the middle ear. When the auricle picks up a sound and transmits it through the external auditory canal to the ear, the eardrum begins to vibrate under the influence of this sound and transmits it further to the inner ear. The inner ear is a complex device. Through it, sound is transmitted to the brain. There it turns into words.

You and I know that sounds are different. Try to determine what I will do now.

(hiding his hands behind the screen, the teacher performs actions: pours water, rustles paper, knocks with a spoon, stirs a teaspoon in a glass, tears paper, etc.)

But it turns out that the ears are not only an organ of hearing.

There are many points on the auricle that are connected by invisible threads to all our organs (heart, liver, stomach, etc.), so it is good to do self-massage of the auricles.

"Let's play with the ears"

Organizing time.

We sit in a circle.

Let's listen to the silence

Come to me my friend

And quickly sit down in a circle.

2. Main part.

Exercises with ears.

Find your ears

And show me soon

(put your palms behind your ears and bend them forward)

This is how we flapping our ears.

(Press it to your head and release it sharply.

Now let's pull everything down,

Don't fall off your ear!

(grab the earlobes and slowly pull them down, release them)

And then, and then

Twisted the tragus

(slowly squeeze and turn the tragus in all directions for 20-30 sec.)

My ear seems to be frozen

You can warm it up this way.

(put your palms to your ears and carefully rub them all over the auricle: 1-2,1-2.

So the game is over

And once the game is over,

Ti-shi-na came.

Have you ever paid attention to your ears? After all, by their shape and condition you can determine how healthy you are.

If you look closely at the auricle, you can see the resemblance to a human embryo. It is known that the organs of the body are projected onto the auricle, and they are located as if the person was lying upside down. (slide)

The organs of the head are located on the earlobe. It has been noticed that if the earlobes are short, stunted, crooked, wrinkled, this is bad. Most likely, this indicates poor physical development and poor health. You can and should take care of your ears.

D\Game “sick and healthy ears” (boys choose what is harmful to the eyes, girls, vice versa)

And now Stobed, listen to the rules, what is necessary to preserve your hearing organs: (slide)

Protect ears from loud noise

Protect your ears from the wind

Don't pick your ears

Don't blow your nose too much

Avoid getting water in your ears

If your ears hurt, consult a doctor

Clean your ears correctly (with a soapy finger)

Wash your ears every day

Every morning, stretch your ear.

Educator: So, what are ears for?

(children's answers)

Physical education minute. (Baba Yaga)

Let's continue our journey.

Here is the mountain, and at the mountain

Two deep holes.

The air wanders in these holes,

It comes in and out (nose)

Why does a person need a nose? Let's find out from the poem (narrated by the children):

“Why do babies need a nose?” Yu. Prokopovich (slide)

There are straight noses

There are snub noses...

I really need every nose

Since he has grown to his face.

Hot summer on a meadow

The nose smells the flowers.

In a clearing of strawberries.

There are ripe strawberries in the garden.

The nose smells in the garden

Where the garlic and onions have grown.

This can happen at home.

The spout will also come in handy:

He will find jam in the cupboard.

Where are the candies and cookies?

Where are the chocolates in the buffet?

Or the juice in the bottle is sweet.

Who brought the oranges?

Everything will be sniffed out by our nose.

He even remembers what it's like

The smell of mom's perfume

The nose should not be cold.

We all need a healthy nose,

So that sleep, when it comes,

Sleep quietly with your mouth closed.

You can also wish:

Don't put your finger in your nose,

Don't sit in the sun during the day -

The nose may get burned.

And in winter there is great frost

Don't stick your nose out!

Well, now you understand.

Why do babies need a nose?

Stobed: Yes, now it’s clear what a wonderful poem, you told me everything about the nose, thank you.


Some people believe that the nose is just an ornament to the face. Others think that nature gave us a nose to turn it up. There are even expressions: “Look, you turned your nose up!” or “Well, are you hanging your nose?” It's a joke. In fact, even the smallest nose is a very important part of the body. We breathe through our nose. The nose also helps to sense and distinguish smells. The nose is the organ of smell. This is what we will check now.

Game “Identify by smell” (use a collection of smells)

Using the spout you can do breathing exercises and self-massage your nose.

If you get sick, you need to go to see a doctor.

Don't be afraid of the doctor.

ENT is a special doctor who treats the ears, nose and throat.

Our friend the dog Barbos was once going to see an ENT specialist.

Afterwards I cleaned my ears with cotton wool, gargled with soda,

And at the same time, he gave advice to everyone who listened:

Don’t worry and don’t be afraid, children, to visit an ENT specialist.

If he asks you to open your mouth, you need to open it wider.

Can an ENT specialist check your ears to see if they hear well?

The ENT will also look at the nose - is it breathing well?

A doctor has a lot of different instruments.

Don't be afraid, friends, it's safe.

And it doesn’t hurt, the ENT looks at them carefully.

He helps a lot where possible!

Thank you guys, it’s a very interesting journey, and I also know the game, let’s play.

Game “Body Parts” (Stobed ​​shows parts of the body, children repeat, then shows incorrectly)

After the game he praises the children and says goodbye:

Stobed: Well, with the help of you guys, I learned today that the eyes are the organ of vision, the ears are the organ of hearing, the nose is the organ of smell. I learned how to properly care for my senses, to take care of them, now I know that in order for the senses to be healthy, you need to do visual exercises for the eyes, breathing exercises for the nose and massage of the ears, and if they get sick, immediately consult an ophthalmologist or ENT specialist. Thanks guys, I have a surprise for you.

Goodbye, see you again!

Educator: Our journey has come to an end, it’s time to return to kindergarten.

The teacher summarizes the lesson.

Appendix 4

Conversations - reasoning

Why do people need eyes?

The eye is the organ of vision. Eyes are needed to see the wonderful world, each other, the sun, toys.

It is not for nothing that they say that “It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.”

Look at your eyes in the mirror, you will see a round colored spot in the middle. Everyone has a different color: brown, gray, green, blue. This is the iris. A black dot (hole) is visible in the middle. It's called the "pupil". Through it, light rays enter the eye and draw a reduced image on the retina. There is also an eyeball inside, which is covered with a hard shell (sclera), like an egg with a shell.

Nature carefully protects the eyes.

Sweat flows from the forehead - it will be stopped by the thick hedge of eyebrows.

The wind will carry dust into your face - it will be held back by your eyelashes.

And if a few specks of dust get into the eye, they will be immediately licked off by the blinking eyelid.

On the inside, the eyelids are wet, they work like “windshield wipers” - windshield wipers on the glass of a car.

If any object appears close to the eye, the eyelids will slam shut before you think about it.

There are people who don't see. These are blind people. Their life is much harder than ours. They do not see the world around them, a new toy, mother, etc. Without eyes there is no joy in life. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.”

Rules for eye protection:

Don't rub your eyes with dirty hands.

You need to protect your eyes from piercing and cutting objects.

You can’t watch TV up close or for a long time.

You can't play computer games for a long time

You need to train your eyes, do exercises, look into the distance.

What do you call a person who has lost his sight?

How do you imagine the life of such people?

Offer to perform simple tasks blindfolded: bring a toy, tie shoelaces, draw a picture, play ball.

Would you help blind people if they needed help?

How would you help if you were an inventor?

Why do we need ears?

To capture and distinguish sounds, humans have a special organ - the ears.

How many ears do you have?

In fact, you and I each have 6 ears: two external ears (two auricles), two middle ears, two inner ears.

The ears constantly perceive surrounding sounds. Imagine this situation: you are sitting on a bench in a park and looking at pictures in a book. And an angry dog ​​wants to attack you. She runs towards you barking. It is the ears that “tell” the brain that danger is approaching. And the brain will “wake up” you and order you to run away from this danger.

If it weren't for our ears, we couldn't talk. Of course, we don’t speak with our ears, but in order to learn to speak, young children first listen for a long time and remember what and how the people around them say. If a person is born deaf, he usually cannot speak.

Animal hearing is different from human hearing. Dolphins, bats, hedgehogs, dogs, owls and other animals hear best.

You should not pick your ears with sharp objects (pencil, stick, match, etc.).

Don't listen to too loud music.

It is necessary to protect your ears from strong cold winds.

You should wash your ears every morning with soap and water or clean them with a special stick.

After bathing, you need to dry your ears thoroughly.

3. Why do we need a nose?

And why do we need it? Only suffering with him. You'll fall down the hill and break your nose. Then he sneezes. We can breathe through our mouths too. So? Yes, yes and not so. Our nose is no less important than other organs. And it is advisable to breathe through your nose, not your mouth. Why? But listen.

Once in the nose, the air passes through two corridors, the walls of which are covered with hairs. The hairs act as guards. They do not allow dust particles to enter the nose. The air then passes through the labyrinth. (Show the picture - a cross-section of the nose.) The walls of the labyrinth are covered with a sticky liquid - mucus. Microbes stick to it and try to get into our body along with the air.

Passing through the labyrinth, the air warms up and enters the lungs already warm and free of germs.

When there is a lot of mucus with adhering microbes, we sneeze. And the nose clears.

And the nose is also the first to inform the brain that the air is unbreathable.

We can enjoy the wonderful smell of flowers because we have a wonderful nose!

Hygiene and safety rules

You should not pick your nose with your finger, much less with a sharp object.

Do not put foreign objects into your nose.

When you have a runny nose, you should not blow your nose too much or suck in mucus. This can lead to middle ear disease.

You cannot use someone else's handkerchief. The handkerchief should be personal to each family member.

Appendix No. 5


Structure of the eye

“Two brothers live across the street, but don’t see each other.” (Eyes)

Close your eye and feel it with your fingers through your eyelids. Describe how you feel. This is the eyeball. Take a mirror and look at your eye. There is a white membrane in the eyeball (children are watching). And the middle is no longer white, but colored. What color is this shell? (Ask several children). Take a close look at the eye. Is there a small dot in the middle of the colored circle? (Answers.) What color is it? (Answers.) This is not a point, but a hole. It's called a "pupil". Light enters the eye through the pupil. Rays of light irritate the nerves; the signal travels along the nerve to the brain, and a person not only sees, but also understands what he sees.

Eyes can distinguish size, color, shape, distance to an object

Let's see if your eyes can determine the shape. What is the name of this figure? (Circle). And this? (Square.) Well, can they? (Answers.) What color is the circle? (Answers.) Square? (Answers.)

So what else can the eyes detect? (Answer: color.)

Tell me which stick is farthest from you: the one in my hand, or the one attached to the board? (Answers.) So, the eyes can determine the distance to an object? (Answers.) Which of these sticks is longer? Who told you about this? (Answers.) So what else can the eyes detect? (Size.) To summarize: what can the eyes detect? (Answer: color, size, shape, distance to objects.)

Eyes express mood

Take mirrors, look at your eyes and show that you are having a lot of fun. (Children do it. The teacher spares no time for this stage of the lesson, waiting until all the children understand the essence of the task and complete it.)

And now you're sad. Look how your eyes have changed. (Children try. Wait until everyone completes the task.)

Now you are angry. (Children do.) They were surprised. They were scared.

Bottom line. What else can our eyes do? (Answer: show what mood we are in.)

Now I'll show you the word. (The teacher shows a piece of paper on which the word “mom” is written. The children read it quickly.) What else can the eyes do? (Answer: read.)

And can they read? Well, they definitely don’t know how to count. You can’t count how many points there are, can you? (The teacher shows a sheet with drawn currents. Children quickly name their number.) And can they count? Well, there are so many things our little eyes can do!

The eyes can receive signals

The teacher silently gestures to all children: stand up, sit down. (Children do.) Then, in the same way, silently, he beckons one of the children towards him with his finger (brush). He gets up and comes over. The teacher points to the door, closet, any object. The child performs an action and approaches the object. Calls him over again. The child comes up.

Who helped you discern the signals I was giving? (Child’s answer: eyes.) So, the eyes can distinguish signals? (Yes.)

Determining the reaction of the pupils to different degrees of illumination

Children use a mirror to examine their pupils, first in good lighting. Then they go into a darkened or dark room for a few minutes. After they come out of it, they immediately examine the pupils in the mirror. They independently draw conclusions that in a lit room the pupils are constricted, and after staying in a room without light for several minutes, the pupils dilate (in order to catch as much light as possible and restore the ability to distinguish objects in the twilight."

Examining a friend's ear

Let's look at each other's ears. What is visible from the outside? (Answers.) What you described is called the auricle. Let's repeat. (Choral response.)

What else do you see? (Answers. The teacher directs the children’s attention to the external auditory canal.)

Examine your ear with your finger. Tell me how you felt. (Answers.) How far does the external auditory canal go? (Answers.)

To prevent dust and germs from penetrating into the ear canal, its walls secrete a special substance called sulfur. Sulfur is thick, sticky, and dust and germs stick to it. And then the wax comes out of the passage, and when we wash our ears, we remove it along with the dirt. I saw one boy who did not like to wash his ears. A lot of dirt accumulated in his ears. And why is this harmful, who guessed? (Answers.)

Could you reach the end of the passage with your finger? (Answer: no.) Nature made it so that no one could climb there. Because at the end of the passage there is a thin, thin film. It's called a membrane. Let's repeat this word. The sound hits this membrane and we hear it.

Hearing acuity and its changes in different situations

Let's check if your hearing is good and if your eardrum is intact. I will say the words and you will repeat them. (The teacher pronounces individual words first in a normal voice, and then more and more quietly. The last words are pronounced so quietly that only some children can hear them. A very important point in the lesson, to which attention should be drawn, is the children’s listening to very quietly spoken words. )

When is it better to hear: when words are spoken quietly or loudly? (Answers.) What did you do to hear the still small voice? (Answers.)

Now I'll turn on the music. We will close our ears tightly with our palms and open them. We do everything according to my instructions. (The teacher will turn on the tape recorder. First, he closes and opens his ears at short intervals, then faster and faster. Children, repeating these movements, hear a vibrating sound.) Describe what you heard? (Answers.) Why? When is it better to hear, with your ears open or with your ears closed? (Answers.) Why?

Let's do a familiar experiment. Let's plug the funnel with cotton wool. Why don't we hear the impact of water on cardboard? (Children's answers: the water does not reach it.) The sound also does not reach the membrane if the ears are closed.

Effect of noise on hearing acuity

The last experience will be noisy. I'll tell you the word. You will repeat it. When I wave my hand, you will scream loudly; when I wave my hand a second time, you will immediately stop screaming. Let's start. Christmas tree. (Children repeat. Then they act according to the described method. The noise lasts no more than 3-5 seconds. During the noise, the teacher pronounces another word in a normal voice, for example, “hare.” After silence is restored, the teacher asks what word was named during the noise. It turns out that that no one heard it. This serves as a basis for discussing the harmful effects of noise on our ears.

Note: this experiment can only be carried out if the teacher has complete control of the team and if the shouting does not bother anyone. Otherwise, it is better to refuse it.

How to breathe without a nose?

Invite children to close their nose with their thumb and forefinger. Is it comfortable to breathe like that? Why is it inconvenient? (You will have to always walk with your mouth open).

Consider and tell us.

Invite children to look at their noses using a mirror. Determine what shape it is. Which relative's nose does your own resemble? Show the wings of the nose, nostrils. Try to see small hairs inside the nostrils. (What are they needed for?). They help trap dust and germs.

Appendix No. 6

Didactic games

Musical and didactic game “Guess where Mishka traveled”

Purpose: Exercise children with the help of tape recordings in the perception of various sounds.

“Say it quietly, loudly. When is it best to hear and why?”

Goal: Development of children's hearing, activation of their attention to the strength of the voice, formation of a culture of speech.

"Find out who called"

Goal: Development of auditory attention, the ability to recognize each other by voice; creating a positive emotional background.

Children stand in a circle and choose a driver. He stands in the center of the circle and tries to find out by the voice who called him.

Goal: Development of auditory attention, consolidation of the ability to identify birds by voice.


Cards with images of these birds.

“What musical instrument does it sound?”

Goal: To consolidate the ability to identify a musical instrument by sound.


Screen, metallophone, bell, drum, rattle, rattle, whistle.

Children determine by ear which musical instrument was played.

“What happens?”

Target. Development of children's taste perception.


Glasses with sweet, sour, salty water; cards depicting foods that have sweet, sour, salty taste.

The child takes one of the glasses and determines the taste of the water. Then he finds cards with products that have the same taste and places them next to this glass.

"Find a pair."

Goal: selecting a pair for an object based on tactile sensations (blindfolded).


Buttons, cubes, apple, pencils, small objects.

Having chosen an object, the child must, blindfolded, choose the same one from a pile. At the end of the game, the presenter asks to explain what helped the child correctly identify different materials by touch.

“If I do this.”

Goal: to develop in children a caring attitude towards themselves and other people, the development of thinking and intelligence.


A set of incentive items: chips, stars.

Children are given the task of finding two ways out of the proposed situation (threatening and non-threatening to life and health). After listening to the teacher’s story, the children continue it after the words: “Danger arises if I do...”, or “There will be no danger if I do...” children raise a red card if there is a danger, yellow - if a danger may arise with certain behavior, white if there is no danger. Complete answers and significant additions are rewarded with a chip or an asterisk.

Game "Guess by smell".

Goal: development of the sense of smell.

Having previously blindfolded the child, ask him to guess what is in the saucer by smell. Objects with a bright characteristic smell are selected: onions, garlic, orange, etc. Ask the child to explain how he was able to guess without seeing the object.

Appendix 7

As part of the project, children were introduced to their senses, during which children identified sounds and smells using experiments

Studying the structure of the ear How we see what surrounds us

We smell

Listening to sounds

Appendix 8

“Being healthy is great!” Fun in the senior group with parents

Goal: To develop in children the ability to creatively use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers and parents.

To consolidate knowledge about the main components of health, to create a desire to engage in physical exercise and hardening, and to follow the rules of hygiene.

Introduce a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports;

To develop in children activity, the desire to achieve success, endurance and perseverance, honesty in relationships with peers;

To develop the need for physical education in the whole family;

Strengthen family relationships through physical leisure.

Types of activities: gaming, motor, cognitive, recreational.

Equipment: gifts, certificates, musical accompaniment, sports equipment, large golden key and small keys according to the number of children.

Progress of entertainment

The hall is decorated with balloons, flags, and posters. Fun sports music sounds. The participants of the game (teams of children and parents) enter the hall to applause.

Host: We ask you very much, don’t be shy,

Have fun, have fun,

You frolic with us,

Have fun with us.

Hello, dear participants of the fun family game “Journey to the Land of Health”! We are glad that you will take part in an exciting event and show your dexterity, attention, and friendship.

Guys, if we say hello to someone, what does it mean?

Children: We wish him health!

Leading. What is health?

Children's answers: This is strength, beauty, dexterity, purity, flexibility, good mood

Host: And we are in a great mood, our teams are ready for the competition and we are very pleased with the presence of moms and dads.

If it's just the two of us with mom,

Let's have a great time!

If dad is with us -

We don't care about difficulties

To the sports ground

We invite everyone now.

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us.

Now let's ask our teams to greet each other. (Task: come up with a motto and choose a captain for the teams; the captains must be children.)


Team "Big Men":

To be faithful to the sport forever

Maintain health from youth

Don't cry and don't be sad

Don't offend your opponents

Competition to love

Try to be the first in games.

Team "Veselchaki"

Cheerfulness of spirit warms,

Tells you to be healthy

Drives away illnesses

and sore throat and bronchitis,

Be cheerful, not gloomy

Physical education will help us!

Team "Strong"

Let's play sports!

Let's toughen up

And don’t forget to wash your hands,

And celebrate health day.

Presenter: Well, all the teams are already assembled and ready for the competition, we are glad to welcome our participants - the teams Strong, Veselchaki, Healthy. On today's holiday we will learn to be healthy. But before we start our holiday, I will tell you an old legend: “Once upon a time, the gods lived on Mount Olympus. They became bored, and they decided to create man and populate planet Earth. They began to decide what a person should be like. One of the gods said: “A person must be strong,” another said: “A person must be healthy,” the third said: “A person must be smart.” But one of the gods said this: “If a person has all this, he will be like us.” And they decided to hide the main thing a person has - his health. They began to think and decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others - behind high mountains. And one of the gods said: “Health must be hidden in the person himself.” This is how people have lived since ancient times, trying to find their health. But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods.”

Dear children and parents, let's all go together in search of "health", but to find it, we need a magic key, and it is hidden in a chest, and the chest is on the mountain, and the mountain is high and you can get to the top using a magic staircase, the steps of which You will be responsible for paying out the points you earn. And my assistants will count the points and show the competitions: Two from the casket, identical in appearance. Come on, show up and do a little work! (Two people appear.)

Two: What should the hostess do? We are ready to help children and their parents find the magic key.

Host: You will help the teams complete tasks, but first, let's start our holiday with a physical warm-up.

Physical warm-up

Straighten your back together.

We'll do a warm-up.

We woke up early in the morning.

They stretched and smiled.

It's time for us to have fun.

To exercise the kids.

Participants stand in a circle. To the music "If you are kind."

Presenter: Our participants tried their best, but to be healthy, it’s not enough to exercise, you need to eat right. Now we will check whether our mothers, fathers and children know which foods are good for the child’s body and which are harmful.

"Healthy and harmful foods."

Teams are asked to collect healthy and unhealthy foods in separate baskets.

Conclusion: Children, healthy eating means eating wisely. The diet should be varied, contain a range of meat and fish products, various milk porridges, bread, and the diet must include vegetables and fruits.

Host: In this competition we learned about the rules of proper nutrition, but to be healthy, it’s not enough to eat right, you need to know and strictly follow the rules of hygiene because

In a deep black dungeon

Terrible microbes live

And patiently, day and night,

They are waiting for unwashed children.

It will go into your mouth with unwashed hands.

Nasty little microbe.

He will climb quietly, like a spy,

And he will do such a thing!

Relay race “Carry hygiene items”

To achieve victory for you,

You need to work hard.

In games you know the rules

And do it well.

Opposite each team, against the opposite wall, there are tables on which there are various items (soap dishes, toothbrushes, combs, toys, etc.). Children need to run up to their table one by one, select a hygiene item and go back. The winner is the team that completes its task faster and without errors. (No errors - 3b. 1 error - 2b. 2 - 3b.).

Host: Well, we have already passed the step of our magic ladder, but the path is still difficult... Well, shall we continue? (Yes.)

Are you ready for your next challenge? The relay race is called "Ball or ball on a racket."

Relay race "Ball or ball on a rocket."

Each team must pick up a badminton racket, put an inflatable ball on it and carry it to the flag and back. The team that did not drop the ball receives 3 points, dropped it once - 2 points, more than twice - 1 point.

Two from the casket sum up the results of the competition.

Host: And now I suggest the captains test their dexterity. I announce the “Auto Racing” competition.

Competition "Auto Racing".

There are ropes tied to the cars, with sticks attached to the other end. The child winds the rope around the stick until the car is at his feet. The winner will be the team that completes this task faster - 1 point.


Well done, captains! We tried! Every minute we are getting closer and closer to our key. And now, the “Guess the sport” competition.

Competition "Guess the sport".

Gives one of the team members a picture of a sport, the participant must show this sport without words, and the rest of the team guesses. The team chooses who will show. (Basketball, skiing, football, gymnastics, volleyball, hockey, swimming, boxing.) For the correct answer on the first attempt - 3 points, on the second attempt - 2 points. (Each team has 4 attempts.)

Leading! Keep it up! And now the next relay race.

The relay is called the “Great Race”. The first participant - dad jumps in a bag to the chip and comes back, the second participant - mom jumps rope around the chip, comes back, the third participant is a child, jumps with a ball in his hands, goes around the chip and jumps back, passes the baton and so on until the last participant ( 3-2-1 point).

Presenter: From “Solnyshka” - warmth and light,

Love and help for mothers.

Be, "Sunny", for many years

Wonderful! The very best!

Relay race “Collect the sun”.

Children, one by one from the team, run up to their table at the opposite wall, take one piece of the sun, run to their team, and lay out the sun in the hoop. The team that collects its sun the fastest wins. (3 points)

Presenter: We are already very close to the golden key, but I see that you are breathing heavily, are you tired?

Breathing exercise.

Started the car, Inhale.

Shhhhhh, Exhale.

Inflated the tire, Inhale.

Shhhhhh, Exhale.

Smile more cheerfully. Inhale.

And let's go faster, Exhale.


Presenter: Is your breathing okay? We have one last obstacle to overcome.

Relay race "Who is faster".

Run to the cube and come back, pass the baton to the next one.

The winning team is given the letter "Z".

Relay race “Carry the ball”.

Children have two balls in their hands, run around the landmark and pass the balls to the next one.

The winning team is given the letter "D".

Relay "Olympic Fans"

Run to the chair, wave your plumes and loudly shout “Hurray.”

The winning team is given the letter "O".

Relay "Hoop"

Run to the hoop, climb through it, return to the team, pass the baton.

The winning team is given the letter "R".

Presenter: Our girls are tired, now our courageous, strong boys - future Olympic champions - are entering the fight!

Relay "Tunnel".

Run to the hoop, put it through yourself, return to the team, pass the baton.

The winning team is given the letter "O"

Relay "Siamese Twins". Two participants stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands tightly. They run sideways. The backs of the players should be pressed tightly against each other, run around the pins, and return to the team. (3 points.)

The winning team is given the letter "B".

Relay "Hockey Players"

Use a stick to pass the balloon between the pins.

The winning team is given the letter "b".

Relay race "Jumpers".

Children jump on large balls to a landmark and back, passing the baton to the next one.

The winning team is given the letter "E".

Presenter: In our kindergarten, all the children are strong, brave, dexterous, and fast! You received letters for your won relay races, let's make a word from the letters!

Children collect the word HEALTH.

Then the children find a big key, which contains small keys, the keys to our health.

Summing up, awarding the winners, diplomas of all participants, gratitude to the participating families, awarding certificates to the participants of the “We are for Sports” exhibition.

Two from the casket: You are all brave, dexterous, skillful teams!

We wish everyone good health,

Are we offering you a tasty prize?

Two from the casket: The joyful holiday was a great success,

We think everyone liked it.

Goodbye, goodbye, everyone be happy.

Host: And we would like to wish you goodbye:

May all people in the world be healthy.

May mothers, fathers and children be healthy.

May all roads be open to you,

And showered with happiness and love too.

Lesson summary "Our helpers are the senses"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of the physical development of pupils No. 15 "Chamomile"

(Middle group)

Teacher of the 1st qualification category Tagachakova Nadezhda Anatolyevna

Goal: Consolidating children’s knowledge about the senses, their role in a person’s perception of the world around them.


  • consolidate children's knowledge about the brain and sense organs (hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch).
  • to clarify what significance sense organs have for a person when he perceives the world around him.

Developmental: develop tactile, visual, auditory, taste sensations.

Educational: to cultivate children’s caring attitude towards their senses, a culture of their protection.

Methods and techniques:

  • Visual (show, demonstration);
  • Verbal (fiction, conversation, question-answer);
  • Gaming (finger games, didactic games, outdoor games, surprise moment);
  • Practical (exercises, experiments).

Pedagogical technologies: student-oriented, research, gaming.

Health-saving technologies: breathing exercises, dynamic pause, eye exercises.

Means of education:

Demo material (a dummy or color table depicting the brain, cards depicting the sense organs)

Jars with foods of different tastes

Children enter the group and are greeted by Dr. Medunitsa

M. - Good afternoon. Guys, my name is Doctor Medunitsa. Today I invite you and my other guests to "Institute of Health" . Please take a seat on the chairs.

Guys, why do you think my institute has such a name? (Children's answers).

You are right, I study human health. And health depends on how the various organs of our body work.

Want to know something about them? (Yes).

Okay, I'll be happy to tell you about them... but first answer my question.

"Who is the commander?" (Children's answers)

Do you know that such a “commander” lives inside each of us?

(The teacher shows the children a model or a color chart depicting the brain.)

How many of you know his name? (Brain)

This is the brain - our most important organ, without which we cannot live. (The teacher invites the children to show themselves the location of the brain.).

That's right, the brain is securely hidden in our skull. The human brain is complex, but the most important part of it is the cerebral cortex.

What does she look like? (Shows half a walnut without a shell and suggests comparing it with the “twisting, tangled wrinkles - grooves” of the cerebral cortex.)

The convolutions of the brain have a complex pattern. Each person has different convolutions.

You know, children, our brain has a secret, do you want me to tell it to you?

Our "commander" - the brain - has memory. He can remember many smells, pictures, sounds for many, many years and never forget them.

What organs do you think help the brain remember all this? (Eyes, ears, nose, fingers.)

That's right, these are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hands.

They help us understand the world around us, and that is why we call them our assistants.

Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it.

Two windows at night
They close themselves
And with the sunrise
They open on their own. (Eyes)

Well done!

Eyes are one of the most valuable human sense organs.

Q - Guys, I suggest you find out through an experiment why a person needs eyes?

We'll play with you.

Children stand up randomly in a group. One child is blindfolded with a scarf and asked to walk from door to window, trying to avoid his friends.

So why does a person need eyes? (To see)

That's right, guys, thanks to our eyes we receive almost all the information about the world around us. But in order for our eyes to see them well, we must take care of them. Do you know the rules for eye protection? Children list the rules:

  • Don't rub your eyes with dirty hands.
  • You need to protect your eyes from piercing and cutting objects.
  • You can’t watch TV up close or for a long time.
  • You can't play computer games for a long time
  • You need to train your eyes, do exercises, look into the distance.

B- Well done, you know the rules well. And now I will teach you how to do special gymnastics for your eyes. (A complex of visual gymnastics is carried out)

Gymnastics for the eyes "Squirrel"

The squirrel was waiting for the woodpecker, - (Move your gaze sharply to the right - to the left)

She treated the guest deliciously:

Come on, woodpecker, look - (Move your gaze up and down)

Here are the nuts: one, two, three! -

A woodpecker had lunch with a squirrel - (blink your eyes)

And he went to play burners. - (Close your eyes and stroke your eyelids with your index fingers)

Now listen carefully to the 2nd riddle:

The mystery Masha listens in the forest to the cuckoos calling,

And for this our Masha needs: (ears)

Hearing is a great value for a person. To keep your ears healthy and to hear all sounds well, you need to take care of them and take care of them.

Q - And we know the rules for hearing protection.

Q - And now I want to check whether your hearing is good.

Everyone stands in a circle, the leading child is in the center. Children holding hands walk in a circle and say:

Alyosha (Sasha, Masha, etc.),

You're standing in a circle
We call you: "Ay!"
Close your eyes
Find out who called you!

The driver closes his eyes. One of the players calls his name. The driver must determine by voice who called him.

Here is the mountain, and at the mountain
Two deep holes.
In these holes the air wanders:
It comes in and out. (Nose)

Why does a person need a nose? (To breathe, smell.)

To help your noses breathe well, I suggest doing breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises:

One two three four five!
We all know how to count.
We also know how to relax -
Let's put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher
And let's breathe easily.

(Take a deep breath, through the nose, slowly raise your arms, bring your palms together. Rise on your toes, pull yourself up, holding your breath. Slowly deep exhale with the sound AAAA, arms fall down in time with the exhalation)

Guys, there's something hidden under these napkins. Let's try to guess by the smell what is there. And our nose assistants will help us with this.

Game "Recognize by smell"

With their eyes closed, children are asked to identify by smell what is in the jars. (Chocolate, orange, onion, lemon:)

Q- How else can you tell what a product is without seeing it? (To taste.)

Q- Does it help us identify foods by taste? Correct tongue The surface of the tongue has areas, each of which perceives a specific taste. Tell me, what do the foods taste like? (Bitter, sweet, sour, salty).

Guys, do you know that the tongue helps not only to determine the taste of foods, but also to pronounce sounds correctly.

B- In order for the tongue to be sensitive and pronounce sounds correctly, let’s teach it to perform special exercises.

Articulation gymnastics is performed:

"Smile" Lips and teeth are closed. Stretch your open lips and pronounce the sound I for a long time.

“Bagel” Round your lips and hold for a count of ten.

"Biting the tip of the tongue"

“Clock” Open your mouth slightly, touch the corner of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and slowly move your tongue left and right.

"Horse" Click your tongue.

"Blow on the tip of your tongue"

Well done. Now let's check if our tongues have become more sensitive?

Children with their eyes closed taste different foods: apple, banana, carrot, cabbage.

Your assistants, look
A dozen friendly brothers.
How nice it is to live when they
They are not afraid of work. (Fingers)

Finger gymnastics "Berry"

Raise your arm slightly in front of you so that your relaxed hand is approximately at face level. The fingers are relaxed, hanging down.

I pick berries from a branch

With the fingers of your other hand, stroke each finger from the base to the very tip, as if removing an imaginary berry from it.

And I collect it in a basket.

Place both palms in front of you in a cup.

It will be a complete basket.

Cover one cupped palm with another cupped palm.

I'll try a little.

I'll eat a little more.

One folded palm imitates a basket, with the other hand we take out imaginary berries and put them in the mouth.

The path to home will be easy!

Imitating legs, middle and index fingers on both hands "run away" as far as possible.

We trained our fingers very well.

Guys, look at what a wonderful box I have, would you like to know what’s in it? (Yes)

– What assistants will help us with this? (Fingers)

The teacher calls the children one by one and asks them to determine which toys are in the bag.

B- Our tour of "Institute of Health" comes to the end. Please close your eyes. Imagine that a large color screen appears before your eyes, like a TV screen. And on TV they show a film about our excursion to "Institute of Health" from the beginning to the end. Open your eyes. Tell me what you managed to see on the screen of your magic TV. (Our excursion)

And I saw how we talked about the importance of our senses, about how they help us. What is the “commander” of our body called... (children continue). We have learned that our brains have memories. And they help him remember our... (sense organs).

V- Well, guys, it’s time to go back to kindergarten.

And now we will smile,
Let's hold hands tightly
And goodbye to each other
We will give good wishes.

Used Books:

  • Voronkevich O. A. – "Welcome to ecology" , M: "Childhood-Press" , 2007
  • Kartushina M. Yu. – “Logorhythmic activities in kindergarten” , M: "Sphere" , 2004
  • Kozlova S.A. - Thematic dictionary in pictures: “Me and my body: Human sense organs,” M: “School Press” , 2005
  • V. V. Tsvintarny. “We play with our fingers and develop speech” , M: "Karapuz" , 1998
  • Shchetinin M. N. "Strelnikovsky breathing exercises for children" M: "Iris-Press" , 2008

Lesson summary for children of senior preschool age

“Our helpers are the senses”

Target : to develop in children the ability to consciously relate to compliance with cultural and hygienic requirements; form an idea of ​​the rolesense organsin the perception of the surrounding world.

Tasks : Introduce children to the senses and their significance for humans. Learn to make simple conclusions.

Develop tactile, visual, auditory, taste sensations. Develop the ability to conduct simple experiments and experiments; develop friendly relationships when communicating in everyday life.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.

Equipment : illustration of a person, markers, diagram« Sense organs » , blindfold, bell, paper, glass of water, empty glass; 3 identical boxes with holes in whichare : orange peel, a clove of garlic, cotton wool soaked in perfume; 4 transparent glasses with different watertastes : sweet, salty, sour and simple; "magic box", in which there is a piece of cotton wool, a pebble, a rubber ball, a ball of woolen thread, etc.

Preliminary work :

Conversations from the series"Getting to know your body" , educational situation“Why does a person need a nose?” , a game“Complete the picture” , reading a poem by V. O. Sviridov“What are eyes for?” , guessing riddles on this topic.

Methods and techniques :

Visual(show, demonstration)

Verbal(literary word, conversation)

Gaming(didactic game, surprise moment)

Practical(entertaining exercises, gymnastics, experiments) .

Progress of the lesson

Circle of joy “Hello, day!”

- I invite you all to our “circle of joy”. Let's all stand together in a circle, side by side, shoulder to shoulder. Now let’s hold hands and start our lesson with a wonderful song called “Hello” (words by V. Kostrov, music by L. Quint).Hello day, hello friend,

Hello, generous circle of songs,

Hello world, hello century,

Hello, good man!

When people say hello, what do they wish each other? (Health, hello)

Guys, what is the most important thing for a person?(Health)

Guys, a parcel from a cheerful artist was sent to our kindergarten today.

(Shows drawings of people)

Educator(IN) : Guys, look carefully at these drawings? What's wrong with them? What did the artist forget to draw?

Children : The artist did not draw the boy’s eyes, the girl’s mouth, the woman’s nose and palms.

Educator: That's right, the artist wants to see how attentive, smart you are, and what you know about the human structure.

Educator : What can you call all theseorgans in one word? And why are they called that?

Children : All theseorgans are called sense organs. They were called that because all theseorgans help us feel.

IN : Let's help them get it backsense organs? Do you agree?

To learn more about theseauthoritiesYou and I will go to the training laboratory. Do you want to become scientists? Who are scientists? If you complete all the tasks, a surprise awaits you!

Let's turn into scientists! Wear your robes!

They sit on chairs near the first laboratory.

IN : Guys, which one do you think?sense organs are the most important?

Children express their assumptions, including the mainorgan of the eye.

IN : Yes, that’s right, scientists believe that we receive most of the information about the objects around us through vision, that is, with the help oforgan of vision - eye.

Here we are in the first laboratory.

Guess the riddle :

Two windows at night
They close themselves

And with the sunrise

They open on their own.

How to call it scientifically?( organ of vision )

Experience No. 1 : Now let's check how well your eyes can work. Close your eyes.(Showing the doll)

What have I done? (we don't know)

And nowopen your eyes. Here's what I did(showing the doll)

Your eyes were closed and you could not know what was happening around.

Conclusion : Eyes can see.

What is the name of the figure?(Circle, square)

Conclusion : Eyes can detect shape. - What color is the circle? Square?

Conclusion : Eyes can detect color.

Tell me, which figure is larger, smaller, which is further from you? Closer?

Conclusion : The eyes are able to determine the distance from an object.

-Which is larger? : apple or orange?

Conclusion : Eyes can determine size.

Summarize : eyes can determine the color, shape of an object, distance, size.

What should we do to ensure that our eyes never get tired and always remain healthy?(Answers children )

How should you take care of your eyes?

Rules :

    Keep away from objects and dirt.

    Do not rub with dirty hands.

    Sitting at the table is correct.

    Don't watch TV for too long.

    Do not play for a long time on a computer or tablet

Gymnastics for the eyes.

The head does not turn, only the eyes move

Eyes to the right, eyes to the left,

And we'll go around in circles.

Fast - fast let's blink

And let's rub a little !

The teacher offers one ofdraw children"person" eyes.

IN : It's true, eyes play a big role in our lives.

Q: With the help of what other senses can we learn about the objects around us?

Now you and I will find out.

Experience No. 2 . The teacher ties one of thechildreneyes and asks you to guess what sounds the child will hear. Another child produces the followingactions : crumples paper, pours water, rings bell.

Conclusion : Our ears can hear and distinguish sounds.

IN : With the help of whatorgan we were able to find out, What are these sounds? Did we need eyes for this?

Children : We learned these sounds with the helporgan of hearing - ears. But our eyes didn’t help us find out.

IN : Do you think ears are importantorgan? This means that not only eyes are important for a person. Let's remember how to take care of our ears.(Answers children ) .

My friends' ears want to hear everything.

Girlfriend ears ask the guys:

Wash us more often, make friends with water.

Don’t be lazy to wash your girlfriend’s ears!

Rules : wear a hat in cold weather, nose hygiene, do not insert objects into the ear, wash your ears.

Ear massage

So that your ears don't hurt

Let's warm them up first (Use your fingers to gently knead the auricle)

We bend everything, let go

And we repeat everything again (Bend the ear with your fingers and release it)

We run a finger along the ear (Run your index finger along the edge of the ear)

AND let's press them with our palm ,

Let's rub it very, very hard . (They vigorously rub their ears with their palms)

The teacher offers to finish drawing the person’s ears.

After this, the children sit on chairs in the next laboratory.

IN : let's name another onesense organ? Nose. What do you call it scientifically?( olfactory organ) . The sense of smell is a human abilitysmell.

How does the sense of smell help us in life?(with its help smells are distinguished)


T. Kersten

Dad asked me a question: - Why do we need nose ?
I found different answers -

Not one, but ten at once!
You need a nose for beauty,
To sneeze when you have a cold,
To breathe flowers in spring,
To bury your face in your mother's shoulder.
Nose - to snore at night.
Wipe Ilyushka’s nose.
And he's also wearing glasses,
Scarves live for him,
Freckles on the nose
And the flies visit like their own.
I answered the question
And he lifted his nose in happiness.

What smells are there?(strong, weak, pleasant, harsh)

Can smell warn of danger?(spoiled food, in case of fire, food burned on the stove) . A product or object can be recognized by its smell without seeing it.

Experience No. 3 : “Identification of objects and products by smell”. Children sit around the table.

Let's do an experiment. You need to identify an object by smell.

(A blindfolded child identifies orange, onion, garlic, lemon, chocolate, perfume by smell). Then we check -open the boxes.

Conclusion : Organthe sense of smell helps us distinguish odors.

IN : What kindthe authority was right: eyes or nose?

Rules : do not put small objects into your nose, protect yourself from colds.

Let's check how your nose breathes.(Take turns closing the nostril and breathing) . If someone’s nose is breathing poorly, then you need to massage your nose. Let's rub near the nose and click on the dots.

After this experience, the nose is added to the drawing.

IN : Guessriddle :

Always in my mouth

But you won't swallow it.(Language)

What do you call it scientifically?( organ of taste )

We use our tongue to taste food. What is the taste like?(bitter, sweet, sour, salty)

Experience No. 4. There are 4 identical glasses with clear water on the table.

IN : What do our eyes see?(4 glasses with water) .Whatfeels nose? (nose not feels no smell ) . To prove that the glasses contain different tastes of water, we will use....(tongue) .

Guys, what needs to be done?

4 children are called in turn to determine the taste of water in glasses.

Conclusion : organtaste is needed to determine the taste of food.

The teacher offers to finish drawing the mouth(language) .

Fizminutka . We stomp-stomp with our feet, clap-clap with our hands,
And then jump and jump. And one more time.
And then squat down,
and then squat down,
And then squat down, and again - in order.
Let's run along the path one, two, three!
And let's clap our hands once, twice, three times!
And let's shake our heads once, twice, three times!
Everyone dance with us one, two, three!

The teacher reads a poem

What a miracle - miracles! One hand and two hand

Here left palm , Here right palm ,

And I’ll tell you, without hiding, Everyone needs hands, friends. !

Guys, what do we need hands for?

Let's checksensitivityyour fingers using different objects.

Experience No. 6. "Magic Box" .

We can touch what is in the box and try to determine what it is.

Performing an experiment : Children put their hand into the box and determine what the object feels like(hard, soft, smooth, rough) .

After the experiment, the children complete the drawing of the person« palms » .

IN : Skin protects ourorganism, so it needs to be protected. What do you think is harmful to the skin?(Scratches, bruises, burns, frostbite.) What is useful?(Water, soap, washcloth, cream. Rules : keep your hands clean.) .

IN : Let's now try to answer againquestion : Whichthe organ is more important?

Children : Allorgans are important. They complement each other, help each other work. We must protect them and look after them.

Surprise moment : The Artist appears.

He examines the drawings in which the children completed drawing the sense organs, praises the children for their knowledge, for the fact that they did an excellent job with his task, and for this the artist gives

You have completed all the tasks and for this the artist gives the childrenbowl of fruit .

And now we will smile,

Let's hold hands tightly.

And goodbye

We'll say goodbye to everyone.

Lesson notes

"Our helpers are the senses"

Target : Consolidating children’s knowledge about the senses, their role in a person’s perception of the world around them.

Tasks :

Educational :

Strengthen children's knowledge about the brain and sense organs(hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch) .

Clarify what significance sense organs have for a person when he perceives the world around him.

Developmental : develop tactile, visual, auditory, taste sensations.

Educational : to cultivate children’s caring attitude towards their senses, a culture of their protection.

Methods and techniques :

Visual(show, demonstration) ;

Verbal(conversation, question and answer) ;

Gaming(didactic games, surprise moment);

Practical(exercises, experiments) .

Educational technologies : personality-oriented, research, gaming.

Health-saving technologies : dynamic pause, change of activities.

Means of education:

Demonstration material, ICT, experiment kits.


Guys, a parcel from a cheerful artist was sent to our school today. Let's unpack and take a look. (There is a letter in the coloring package).


Dear guys, I am a cheerful artist. I am sending you these drawings and I think that a person does not need eyes, a mouth, a nose, ears, because there are so many problems with them. The main thing for a person is his head, because in his head there is a brain that is responsible for everything. Guys, help me understand this issue.

(Shows drawings of people) - Guys, look carefully at these drawings? What's wrong with them? What did the artist forget to draw?

The artist did not draw the eyes, mouth, nose, ears. The artist wants to see how attentive, smart you are, what you know about the human structure, today we will check all this during the lesson, and at the end of the lesson we should have all the missing organs appear in these drawings. Now I will distribute these drawings to you and throughout the lesson we will finish them.

Do you want to gain new knowledge about your organs and your body?(Yes) .Then let’s start working on the topic of our unusual lesson “Our helpers are the senses.”

Today you will be a researcher and with the help of various practical experiences, surveys, individual work and various games you will learn which organs are sense organs, why a person needs them and how to care for them.We need to prove to the artist that without our assistants - the senses, we will not be able to fully exist and feel the world around us.

At the end of the lesson, we will summarize, and you will evaluate yourself as you see fit according to your work for the lesson. To do this, you have little men on your desks, and a ladder of success is drawn on the board, and you attach your little men to the corresponding step.

Tell me whosuch a commander of our body?(Children's answers)

Yes, that's right, it's the brain, look at Slide #1.

Tell me why we call the brain a commander?

You know, children, our brain has a secret, if you want, I’ll give it to youI'll open it ?

Yes, the brain really controls the entire body and it contains a lot of different information. Our brain has the memory to remember sounds, smells, colors, objects, and what organs help it with this?

What do you think?organs help the brain remembers all this(Eyes, ears, nose, fingers.)

That's right, these are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hands. Theyhelp we need to know the world around us and feel everything around us, and that’s why we call themour assistants sense organs.

As you already understand, today you will awaken your senses.

1. To help you understand which first sense organ you will study, guess the riddle: “Two brothers live across the road, but they don’t see each other.” (eyes)

Let's do the first research with you: close your eyes, what item did I get now? You don't know why? That's right, because you don't see. Open your eyes and see what I have in my hands. Describe this item. It turns out that with the help of your eyes you can see what is happening around you, what objects are in front of you, you can describe the color, size, shape, material.

Now close your eyes again and try to find a pencil on your desks. Tell me, was it easy? Vision also helps to navigate in space.

After these studies, who will tell me why we need eyes?

That's right, the eye is the organ of vision.

Look at SLIDE No. 2 - this is the structure of the eye. How many of you know anything about the structure of the eye? Tell me, why do you think we need eyebrows and eyelashes? Why is the eye sometimes called the eyeball?

Vision must be protected; a lost eye cannot be replaced by anything. Who knows how to take care of your eyesight?

Now we will play a game of attention: if it is dangerous for our eyes, you cover your eyes with your hands, and if it is useful and necessary, then show it like this (thumbs up).

    Piercing and cutting objects;

    Rub your eyes with dirty hands;

    There are vegetables;

    Play computer games for a long time;

    Protect your eyes from the sun;

    Watch TV closely;

    Wash your face with soap;

    To walk outside;

No wonder they say: it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. We have proven that we need eyes to see. Let's draw eyes for our people.

Repetition: eyes are the organ of vision

2. Can you guess what the next study will be devoted to if you listen carefully to the poem?

At the dog's watch,

To better hear the thief.

Cat - to hear the mouse

And a boy on the street.

The hare has ears on the top of his head

Know about the wolf at the edge of the forest.

Ushanka - to keep you warm in winter

Us when we run home.

Well, big brother on ears

She's screwing Katyusha.

Bird S.

Yes, well done, you guessed correctly - these are ears. Do you think that without seeing, but only listening with your ears, you can guess what is happening around?

Let's do another experiment: now you will listen to different sounds, you must listen carefully and remember what you heard, and then you will tell what you learned.

Let's start:

    The first audio recording of the sounds of nature.

    second recording musical instruments.

Tell us what you were able to hear and understand.

Which organ helped you hear sounds? (Ears)

Guys, help me find a scientific definition. Ears are an organ of what? (rumor)

Let's look at SLIDE No. 3 to see what our ears look like inside and out. Who knows why they say the auricle? It determines where, i.e. Which side does the sound or sounds come from?

The eardrum is located in the ear canal; if you clean your ears carelessly and deeply with a cotton swab, you can damage it.

Remember what rules for caring for your ears do you know?

Let's repeat all the rules again.

1. You should regularly wash your ears with soap and clean them only with cotton swabs.

2. Never pick your ears with matches, pins or other sharp objects. This can damage your eardrum and completely cause you to lose your hearing.

3. Loud noise, sharp sounds, loud music spoil hearing and have a bad effect on the entire body. Rest more often in the forest, in the meadow, by the river, in the silence.

4. Protect your ears from cold and strong wind.

5. If you feel pain in your ear or a bead or insect gets there, consult a doctor!

Has everyone remembered how to take care of their ears?

Let's now check what kind of hearing you have and play the game “Find out by voice.” One person comes to the board and stands with his back to everyone, I point to the student, he says the name of the person standing, and he must find out who said it.

Well done, your hearing is excellent and your ears are in perfect order, but our people in the pictures are still left without ears, let's add ears to them.

Let us repeat: The ears are the organ of hearing.

3. Solve the following riddle:

Here is the mountain, and at the mountain

Two deep holes.

In these holes the air wanders:

It comes in and out. (Nose)

Yes, you guessed right, another sense organ is the nose.

Who can tell why we need a nose?

The nose actually smells. Let's do a little research with you. Now you will take turns coming up to me and by the smell you will determine what it is. (garlic, orange, washing powder, coffee, soap, salt, water, perfume, medicine).What we do not see or hear, we can distinguish by smell, however, if this object has a smell. For example, water and salt do not smell like anything.

The human ability to distinguish odors is called the sense of smell. The nose is the organ of smell.

What else do you think the nose is needed for? Of course, to breathe, but also to talk.

Next experiment: pinch your nose and say something, the speech has become unclear, nasal and unpleasant, so the nose is needed for correct and understandable speech and a good voice.

Let's look at the structure of the nose, SLIDE No. 4. You see that the nose is connected to the oral cavity and to protect us from dust, germs and cold air, there are hairs in the nose that trap dust, and while the air passes through the nose it also heats up.

Let’s also let this important organ of smell – the nose – appear in people’s pictures.

Let us repeat: the nose is the organ of smell.

Phys. just a minute

4. There are glasses on the table in front of you. They contain salty and sweet water. Can you use your senses of sight, hearing, or smell to determine what kind of water is in each glass?

What needs to be done for this?

This means we need one more study - to taste. Give it a try. How do you feel? (Children determine by taste: which glass contains sweet water, salty water, plain water)

What organ do you think helped you taste liquid? (language)

What conclusion can be drawn? (Using the tongue, a person determines taste)

Language – is an integral part of the body – i.e. organ. Maybe you guessed the organ of what?

The tongue is an organ of taste.

The tongue, the organ of taste, helps us distinguish bitter from sweet, sour from salty, tasty from tasteless, and this is done by small papillae located on the surface of the tongue. The organ of taste helps us get acquainted with the properties of an object when the organs of vision, smell, and hearing cannot help us.

We have proven that a person needs a tongue, otherwise we would not feel the taste of food. The tongue is protected and kept in the mouth. Let's add mouths to our people too.

Let's repeat what sense organs we learned:

eyes are the organ of vision

ears - organ of hearing

nose is the organ of smell

tongue - organ of taste

5. Study of the organ of touch

Game "Find out what's in the bag"

Students are asked to identify the object in the box by touch. All items are selected according to size (rubber ball, tomato, ball, orange, apple, etc.).

Try to identify the object in the bag by touch. (Students put on a mitten and try to identify the object) (rubber ball, ball, orange, apple) Do all objects feel the same to the touch? - How do you feel? Can you identify the object? (Children describe the object, say that it has the shape of a ball, but cannot name it exactly.)

Now take off your mitten and try to identify the object. (Children guess the item and take it out of the box)

Guys, how were you able to guess the objects? With what? (Using hands)

But at first you used your hand, albeit in a mitten, and you couldn’t guess the object. (With the help of skin, there is skin on the hand.)

So, skin is also our helper?

What do we feel with its help?

On the skin of our body there are many sensitive cells that perceive the effects of heat, cold, shape, and size of an object. Skin is an organ of touch. The skin is a very large organ. It covers our entire body.

6. Lesson summary

This is where our research ends. It was a pleasure to work with smart, observant and diligent researchers.

What did you explore today?

What are these organs called?

What sense organs did you recognize?

How many sense organs does a person have?

Why do people need them?

Did we help the cheerful artist figure it out?

Can we call our senses our assistants?

How do our senses help us?

The senses are our helpers. (They help us find out what is happening in the world around us and make our lives easier; they show us different signs and properties.)

7. Application of new knowledge

Now we will check how well you understood today's lesson.

Task: Connect with an arrow the pictures of objects and the senses that will help you recognize them. Appendix No. 1.


A ladder of success is drawn on the board:

    first stage - I didn’t understand anything and didn’t remember anything for the lesson

    second stage - I understood everything, but did not remember everything

Yuzhaninova Tatyana
Lesson “Our helpers are the senses”

Class"Our helpers are the senses"


Consolidating children's knowledge about sense organs, their role in human perception of the surrounding world.



Strengthen children's knowledge about the brain, about sense organs(hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch);

To clarify the importance of hearing, vision, smell, touch, taste for a person in understanding the world;

Clarify what meaning they have for a person sense organs when he perceives the world around him;

Learn to take care of your health.


Develop tactile, visual, auditory sensations;

Train visual and auditory sensations, improve perception;

Develop skills in research and cognitive activity.


Cultivate children's caring attitude towards sense organs, the culture of their protection;

Foster friendly relationships between children. Promote the development of self-confidence.

Methods and techniques:

Visual (showing illustrations, demonstration);

Verbal (fiction, conversation, question-answer);

Game (finger games, didactic games, outdoor games, surprise moment);

Practical (exercises, experiments, research).

Educational technologies:

Personality-oriented, research, gaming.

Health-saving technologies: - breathing exercises, dynamic pause, eye exercises, finger play, self-massage of the ears.

Means of education:

Demonstration material (color table with a picture of the brain, cards with a picture of sense organs, cotton swabs with the smell of garlic and perfume,).

Progress of the lesson:

Good afternoon. Today I invite you and my other guests to "Institute of Health". Please take a seat on the chairs.

Guys, why do you think the institute has such a name? (Children's answers).

You are right, they study human health here. And health depends on how different things work organs of our body.

Want to know something about them? (Yes).

Okay, I'll be happy to tell you about them, but first answer my question.

"Who is the commander?" (Children's answers).

Do you know that such a “commander” lives inside each of us?

(The teacher shows the children a colored table with a picture of the brain.)

How many of you know his name? (Children's answers)

This is the brain - our most important organ, without which we cannot live. (The teacher invites the children to show themselves the location of the brain).

That's right, the brain is securely hidden in our skull.

You know, children, our brain has a secret, do you want me to tell it to you?

Our "commander" - the brain - has memory. He can remember many smells, pictures, sounds for many, many years and never forget them.

What do you think? organs help Can my brain remember all this? (Children's answers.)

That's right, these are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hands.

They help we need to understand the world around us, and that’s why we call them our assistants.

Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it.


Two windows at night

They close themselves

And with the sunrise

They open on their own. (Eyes)

Let's say it together: "Eye - organ of vision» . What are eyes for? (children's answers). Let's do an experiment. close your eyes (Showing hand).

What have I done? Now open your eyes. Here's what I did. Your eyes were closed and you could not know what was happening around. Now for another experiment, let’s see if your eyes can discern the outlines of objects.

Game "Overlay Drawings" (Target: distinguish the contours of 4-5 objects superimposed on each other)

Eyes are one of the most valuable human sense organs.

So why does a person need eyes?

That's right, guys, thanks to our eyes we receive almost all the information about the world around us. But to our the eyes saw well, they must be protected. Do you know the rules for eye protection? (Children list the rules):

Don't rub your eyes with dirty hands.

You need to protect your eyes from piercing and cutting objects.

You can’t watch TV up close or for a long time.

You can't play computer games for a long time

You need to train your eyes, do exercises, look into the distance.

No gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes can't live!

Well done, you know the rules well. And now we will remember special gymnastics for the eyes. (A complex of visual gymnastics is carried out)

Gymnastics for the eyes "Squirrel"

The squirrel was waiting for the woodpecker (Move your gaze sharply to the right - to the left)

Treated the guest deliciously:

Come on, woodpecker, look - (Move your gaze up and down)

Here are the nuts: one two Three!

A woodpecker had lunch with a squirrel (blink your eyes)

And he went to play burners. (Close your eyes and stroke your eyelids with your index fingers)

And also needed for the eyes vitamins:

Remember the simple truth -

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots,

Or drinks carrot juice.

Now listen carefully to 2nd riddle:


Masha listens in the forest to the cuckoos calling,

And for this we need our Masha: (ears)

The ear is organ of hearing. Shall we check? Cover your ears tightly with your palms (I speak in a whisper). What did I say? What, you didn't hear anything? And why? (children's answers).

Let's conduct another experiment (Behind the screen, I pour water from one glass into another, stir it with a spoon in the glass, rustle with paper).

What did I do? Well done, you guessed it! Ears help us distinguish sounds, and even if we are in complete darkness, your ears will help you to navigate the space. Let's check.

Physical exercise. A game "Blind Man's Bluff" with a bell

Hearing is a great value for a person. To keep your ears healthy and to hear all sounds well, you need to take care of them and take care of them. But as? (wash, do not poke into them with sharp objects, do not listen to loud music)

And also useful for exercise our ears:

We'll rub our palms together

We will boldly take your ears,

We'll pinch them from top to bottom,

I'll rub it with my fingers.


Doctor, doctor, how do we be:

To wash ears or not to wash?

If we wash it, then how should we be:

Wash often or less often?

The doctor answers: Hedgehog!

The doctor answers angrily:

Hedgehog, hedgehog, every day!

(E. Moshkovskaya)


Here is the mountain, and at the mountain -

Two deep holes.

There is air in these holes wanders:

It comes in and out. (Nose)

Why does a person need a nose? (Children's answers.)

Let's check if this is true? Cover your nose with one hand and your mouth with the other. What did you want to do? (Breathe). That's right, that means we need our nose to breathe. But he also has one more responsibility. And the next experiment will show us this. (I suggest the children smell the cotton swabs - the cotton swab is soaked in garlic and perfume).

What do you felt? (smell of garlic and perfume).

This means we also need a nose for that. To distinguish odors. Nose - olfactory organ(repeat together). Should you take care of your nose? How do you know? (do not put foreign objects into it, do not climb with dirty fingers, do not smell strong odors)

To help your noses breathe well, I suggest doing breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises:

One two three four five!

We also know how to relax -

Let's put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher -

And let's breathe easily.

Exercise “Rocket” (Take a deep breath, through the nose, slowly raise your arms, bring your palms together. Rise on your toes, pull yourself up, holding your breath. Slowly deep exhale with the sound AAAAAA, arms drop down in time with the exhalation)

How else can you determine what kind of product it is without seeing it? (To taste.)

What will we talk about now?


Always in your mouth, but can’t be swallowed?


Right. All alive organisms feed Therefore, everyone needs to distinguish between what is tasty and tasteless, healthy and harmful.

Tell me what you can’t taste? (Medicine, unfamiliar berries, mushrooms, unwashed vegetables and fruits, spoiled foods).

And determine the products to taste for us helps? That's right, the tongue. The surface of the tongue has areas, each of which perceives a specific taste. ---Tell me, what do the foods taste like? (Bitter, sweet, sour, salty).

Guys, do you know that language helps not only identify foods by taste, but also pronounce sounds correctly.

In order for the tongue to be sensitive, and pronounced the sounds correctly, let's teach him to do special exercises.

Open your mouth wider

Tongue forward come on

Left - right, tick and tick

The time is right on the clock

We open our mouths wider

We direct the tongue to the right

We open even wider

We direct the tongue to the left

Left - right, left - right

Tongue and this way and that

It's a tick-tock clock!

Well done. Now let's check if they have become our tongues are more sensitive?

Who knows tongue twisters?


Yours assistants, take a look,

A dozen friendly brothers.

How nice it is to live when they

They are not afraid of work. (Fingers)

Which our assistants will help us with this(Hands, fingers).

That's right, hands! What do we need hands for? What do we do with them? (Children's answers)

What is the name of the top layer that covers your hands? A riddle for you will help:

Soft and hard, sharp, dull,

Hot, cold, wet, dry:

It's difficult to figure this out.

Us ours will help: (Children's answers)

Skin is organ of touch(repeat with the children). It is with the skin of a person feels the roughness or smoothness of the surface being touched. With our skin we feel heat and cold, wind and heat. Skin can help us decide what is good for us and what is bad. Skin is another guardian of our body.

Finger gymnastics "Good morning":

Good morning, hello Ivan!

Good morning, hello Stepan!

Good morning, hello Irina!

Good morning, hello Arina!

Hello and little Alina!

(Paired fingers, starting with the thumbs, connect (kiss, and then cross from right to left (hug).

We trained our fingers very well.

Guys, look at what a wonderful box I have, would you like to know what’s in it?

Didactic game "Identify by touch."

Now let's see if we can recognize each other by touch.

Practical task "Connect the dots"

In order to connect correctly, you need to remember the count from 1 to 10.

So, guys, we found out about everyone human senses!

Let's remember them:

One says

One sniffs

Two people look

Two people are listening

Two people touching

Who are they? (Children's answers)

Q: What do you think must be done to sense organs"served you faithfully"? What's better not to do?

Observe the following rules hygiene: treat with care, keep clean; do not overcool; don’t get burned; don’t sit too long in front of the TV and computer so that your eyes don’t get tired;

Do not play music loudly, especially with headphones.

Our tour of "Institute of Health" comes to the end. We talked about the importance our senses, about how they tell us help. What is the “commander” of our body called…. (children continue). We have learned that our brains have memories. A help him remember our(sense organs) .

What questions are on the topic? classes would you like to ask each other?

Who do you think did the best work today?

Well done to those who studied well today and completed the task correctly "Connect the dots", I gave you a rating "Five" and I want you say: (children put the numbers in order and then turn them over). Who will read what is written here? "THANK YOU!"