Repair Design Furniture

Notes on decorative drawing. Outline of nodes for decorative drawing. Lesson notes on decorative drawing

Outline of the GCD on decorative drawing on the topic “Introduction to the elements of Khokhloma painting “Rowan”

Program content:

Continue to develop in children the ability to draw a wavy line with a smooth movement, simple leaves using a stroke and berries using a poke;

Develop a sense of color, rhythm, the ability to convey the rhythm of Khokhloma;

Enrich children's vocabulary with words: curl, leaves (simple, rowan, background, border.

Previous work: acquaintance with folk arts and crafts: conversations about Khokhloma painting, examination of objects decorated with this painting, illustrations; targeted walks to compare real mountain ash with its depiction in the works of Khokhloma masters; Drawing elements of Khokhloma painting in class: curl, grass, ornament, raincoat.

Materials: watercolor paints, brushes, pokes, flat paper figures of spoons.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reads a poem

Khokhloma painting is like witchcraft,

She asks herself to sing into a fairy-tale song

And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences,

Our Khokhloma is the most wonderful of all miracles.

Khokhloma artists love to paint strawberries, raspberries, black and red currants, and mountain ash on the surfaces of their products. They call the berries affectionately, and even the same master will never paint them the same way: he will slightly change the outline of a leaf, bend the branches differently, scatter flowers and berries - and this same motif will speak to us in a new way.

The group organized an exhibition of Khokhloma products.

The dishes here are noble

Folding oh well

She is famous everywhere

You will like it too!

Carved spoons and ladles

Take a look, don't rush.

There is grass and flowers there

Amazingly beautiful.

They shine like gold

As if bathed in sunshine.

All the leaves are like leaves,

Here everyone is golden.

Such beauty people

They call it Khokhloma.

Who can tell me what color the artist uses in Khokhloma painting? (Red, yellow, black and green may be present).

What color do artists use for the background? (Red, yellow, black).

Name the elements of the pattern in Khokhloma painting (Curls, blades of grass, droplets, sedges, bushes, leaves and trefoils, berries).

What kind of berries do artists paint? (Raspberries, strawberries, black and red currants, rowan berries, cherries, gooseberries, lingonberries).

Well done boys!

Look, there are scarlet bunches of rowan, and a ripe strawberry, and curls of herbs and leaves. And most importantly - a shimmering golden background. Today we will draw such patterns.

Physical education minute.

On the table is a Khokhloma samovar,

(“puff up” your stomach, one hand on your belt).

Very important, steam coming out of the spout.

And there are painted cups around,

(spin around, drawing a circle with your hands)

There is no brighter Khokhloma dishes.

Next to them are golden spoons,

(stretch, hands clasped above head)

The “grass” on them is an ancient painting.

Here's a tray with raspberries,

(hold hands, form a large circle)

He brought us all this.

Our miracle is wonderful! (raise your arms up, lower them down through your sides)

We draw Khokhloma (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)

Unprecedented beauty! (raise your arms up, lower them down through your sides).

Let's draw grass (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)

Sunny paint (raise your arms up, lower your arms down through your sides)

Rowan berries (hands in front of the chest, one on top of the other)

Scarlet paint (raise your arms up, lower your arms down through your sides)

Khokhloma, yes Khokhloma (hands on the belt, body turns right - left)

What a wonderful miracle! (raise your arms up, lower them down through your sides).

Well done! Have a seat

Imagine that today you are a master spoon painting artist. You will give your work to your parents, so you need to try to do your work beautifully and accurately.

Each of you has a flat spoon shape. Look at the samples of spoons with Khokhloma painting and tell me: how should the pattern be placed on the spoon? (We draw the same patterns inside and outside the spoon, draw a border of the same color at the end and along the edges).

We will all paint the spoon with the Khokhloma element “rowan”. What shape and color is the rowan berry?

That's right, they are round, come in orange and red. How will we draw the berries so that they turn out smooth, round, and neat? (“Pokes”)

On what already familiar element should you draw a rowan? (Curl)

What already familiar elements can be used (leaves)

Now let's get down to business.

Analysis: select 2-3 masters who will select the works they like most and analyze them.

Questions for analysis:

How neat and beautiful is the work done?

What painting elements are used?

What colors are used to paint the pattern?

What color combination?

And when the works are dry, we will give them to their parents.

Summary of a lesson on decorative drawing in

preparatory group of MDOU "Rodnichok"

Art teacherI categories

"Composition in Ural painting"

Program content:

1. Expand children’s knowledge about the artistic features of Ural painting: introduce them to different options for its compositional solution.

2. Continue to develop children's pattern making skills.

3. Exercise children in well-known painting techniques (“animations”).

Dictionary enrichment: scheme, composition.

Materials and manuals:

v Variable schemes of compositional solutions of Ural painting.

v Background maps.

v Round brushes No. 2.

v Products decorated with Ural painting (cutting boards, panels, etc.).

Progress of the lesson


Guys, this morning strange things started happening to us: this folder appeared on my desk. Let's look together at what lies in it. (The teacher takes out the diagrams and shows them to the children.) Some drawings! I wonder what it is? Guys, can you tell me what this is? (The teacher, together with the children, examines the patterns, compares them. Finds similarities and differences in the location of identical elements of the patterns.)

I guessed what it was! What about you guys? Look at this cutting board and this drawing. How are they similar? (Children's answers.)

You noticed correctly: the flowers in the painting on the board and the flowers in the drawing are in the same places, as are the leaves and buds. This drawing is called a painting scheme, i.e. a drawing that tells the master how to arrange flowers, leaves, buds, birds and other elements of the painting.

Each pattern has different elements, but they can be the same, only the master can draw flowers, leaves, buds differently: they can differ in both shape and color (show on objects).

Let's play: who can quickly find painting elements that are identical in location to this scheme (the teacher suggests a painting scheme with a circular composition).

Well done, such a painting on a round panel." alt="scan0004" align="left" width="349" height="475">А теперь найдите роспись вот к этой схеме (симметричная композиция «Куст в вазе» или «Куст»).!}

That's right, this bush mural fits this scheme. How are they similar?

Guys, the arrangement of pattern elements (flowers, leaves, buds) in a certain order (in a circle, in the form of a bush) is called composition. This is the word that artists use.

Now let's rest a little.

Physical education “Scarlet Flowers”

Our scarlet flowers open their petals...

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway...

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals...

They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep...

(Smoothly opening your fingers, waving your hands in front of you and smoothly lowering them onto the table)." width="192" height="187">Guys, on your tables you have background card sheets and sets of cut out elements (flowers, leaves , buds).

Decorative and applied drawing in kindergarten. Senior group

Summary of a lesson on decorative drawing on a three-dimensional form in the senior group on the topic: “Dymkovo Cockerel”

Author: Tatyana Gennadievna Borodina, teacher of the senior group of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 289 (kindergarten No. 1867) in Moscow.
I offer you a summary of drawing for children of senior preschool age. This material will be useful to teachers of older groups of kindergarten. This lesson is aimed at cultivating interest in the history of the Dymkovo toy and conveying what is seen in the image of the toy.
Topic: “Dymkovo Cockerel.”
Program content:
Educational objectives:
- Teach children to paint a toy figure with patterns based on folk (Dymkovo) motifs.
Use different painting elements (straight lines, wavy lines, dots, rings, circles, ovals, diamonds).
- Improve the technique of painting with gouache paints - paint with the tip of the brush on a three-dimensional form, turning and examining it from all sides.
Educational tasks:
- To develop in children taste, a sense of color, and the ability to talk about their work and the work of their comrades.
Developmental tasks:
- Develop communication skills.

Materials and equipment for the lesson:
* Dymkovo toys (for viewing);
* samples of painting elements on the board;
* palette, brushes (thin and thick), napkins;
* gouache paints: blue, red, green and yellow;
* glasses of water;
* golden foil diamond shapes.

Teacher training:
- I make notes;
- preparing materials for class.

Preliminary work:
- Modeling cockerels from salt dough during a modeling class;
- Decorative drawing in an art album
"Dymkovo toy";
- Examination of sculpted toys;
- Painting the cockerels with white paint mixed
with PVA glue.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment: children sit in a semicircle on chairs on the carpet, in the center there is a table on which Dymkovo toys are placed.
- Today we are setting off on an interesting journey into the world of art, where we will once again get acquainted with Dymkovo toys.

Painted clay toys were made in the settlement of Vyatka for a very long time. They were sold at spring auctions and fairs, where people flocked to the festive festivities - “whistling”.
- What kind of clay whistles did the craftswomen sculpt for this day!

- What are these toys called?
- That's right, Dymkovo.
- List the names of the toys that you see on the table.
- We see a young lady and an accordion player, a turkey, a cockerel and a horse.
- What material do craftsmen make toys from?
- That's right, made of clay.
- So, what kind of toys?
- That's right, clay.
- What elements of painting do you see on toys?
- Straight and wavy lines, dots, rings, circles, ovals, diamonds.
- What colors did the artists use to paint the Dymkovo toy?
- Blue, red, yellow, green, crimson colors. Also black and gold.
- That's right, all the colors are bright, elegant, festive.
- The patterns in Dymkovo toys are not random, but traditional.
- “Many, many years ago, craftswomen began to paint their toys in circles, straight and wavy lines. Everyone liked these patterns and loved them. These craftswomen taught other craftswomen - their daughters and granddaughters, and those their daughters. And today, craftswomen in the village of Dymkovo continue to paint toys the way their grandmothers and great-grandmothers did.”

Creating a Dymkovo toy is a labor-intensive manual production. It is not for nothing that among folk craftswomen there is such a story about the birth of the Dymkovo toy:
“Before the toy becomes like this, a lot of work needs to be put in. After all, a toy must be born 3 times.
The first time it is born is when it is sculpted. It is brown and brittle.
The second time she is born is when she is burned to make her stronger.
The third time is born when she is painted.

Our cockerel is loud
In the morning he shouts hello.
On his feet are boots,
He has earrings on his ears.
There is a comb on the head
This is our cockerel.

Now you and I will sit at our desks and paint our cockerels.
-Let's look at our sculpted cockerel again.
- What body parts does a cockerel have?
- That's right, head, torso, tail, paws;
on the head there is a comb and beard, a beak, and eyes.

The pattern on the tail runs in rows from top to bottom and along the body. First you need to draw all the vertical lines. It is better to do this with a thin brush. Then the lines are horizontal. And then put dots - around the circles or along the already drawn rows.

I draw a diagram on the board showing the sequence of work and invite the children to start working.

I remind the children that we paint the cockerel the same way on both sides, don’t forget to rotate the toy, and alternate the pattern.

I advise you to be careful, blot the brush on a napkin, apply paint thickly.

The final moment is “gold” - diamonds of golden foil that children use to decorate the rooster’s tail.

After completing the work, the children leave the cockerels on a free table to dry.

The guys look at the cockerels and select the brightest, most festive one.
Explain their choice. They tell why they liked this or that cockerel.

Software tasks:

1) Introduce children to the technique of drawing the new element “gooseberry”.

2) Practice composing a pattern, drawing the main and additional elements of the pattern on a wooden surface.

3) Clarify children’s knowledge about Gzhel, Zhostovo and Khokhloma paintings.

4) Improve the technique of painting with the end of the brush, the entire bristles, a poke, a toothpick.

5) Develop a sense of composition, the ability to find a successful combination of colors.

6) Cultivate a love for beauty, for the art of Khokhloma painting.

Materials and equipment:

tables with a set of Gzhel, Zhostovo and Khokhloma dishes, flat forms and a set of elements of Khokhloma painting, tinted wooden blanks according to the number of children, stands for brushes, brushes No. 2, No. 3, pokes, toothpicks, water containers, palettes with gouache, napkins.

Preliminary work.

Examination of objects, illustrations with Khokhloma painting, reading fiction.

Progress of the lesson.

The children come in and say hello.

Peddler. - Attention! Attention!

Wide celebration!

Hurry up, honest people,

The fair is calling you all!

Educator. Guys, do you want to go to the fair?

Children. (They answer.)

Educator. Here is the miracle gate on our way,

You all repeat after me to pass.

(Phonopedic exercise according to the method of V. Emelyanov.)

Educator. There's a hubbub at the fair.

Educator. Laughter at the fair.

Educator. There are a lot of goods here.

Educator. Enough for everyone!

Educator. Now we can go through the gate.

They go through the gate.

Peddler with whistles.

Peddler. - Those are small birds,

You’ll start blowing, and they’ll “Whoop!” Fut!

Educator. What wonderful whistles, let's try to whistle.

Peddler. – Come in, look how many different goods I have here.

Children approach the dishes with Gzhel painting.

Educator. Look how delicate the pattern is on this dish. Do you recognize this painting?

Educator. What is special about Gzhel painting?

Educator. What are the elements of Gzhel painting that you know?

Educator. Modern masters paint not only ceramics, but also metal utensils. Here, for example, is a tray.

Peddler. – There are other trays at our fair. Look at them. Did you recognize this painting? (Zhostovskaya.)

Educator. Why is it called that?

Educator. Why was black background a favorite among Zhostovo masters?

Educator. And besides berries and fruits, what other motifs are found on Zhostovo dishes?

Peddler. - Look, the dishes here shine like gold.

Educator. What kind of painting is this? (Khokhloma.)

Educator. Where did this name come from?

Educator. How is a Khokhloma product created?

Educator. And who knows how the craftsmen achieve the “golden” effect, because in fact the dishes are made of wood.

Educator. Tell me, what is special about Khokhloma painting?

Educator. Look at this dish and name the elements of painting that are familiar to you.

Educator. What colors do Khokhloma masters use?

Educator. Would you like to paint wooden products like Khokhloma craftsmen?

Educator. Then I invite you to the workshop where the craftsmen came up with a pattern, which they then transferred to the dishes. Here you can practice making a pattern. Choose blanks.

(Children complete the task.)

Educator. What elements did you use for your pattern? (Several people.)

Educator. But I made this pattern. I used a new element. Look carefully, what element do you think this is?

Children. (Gooseberry.)

Educator. Today I will teach you how to draw it. Please come to the easel, we will now take a better look at the new element. So, the gooseberry has the shape of an oval, there is a central line inside it, it is straight, and there are arcs on both sides of it. We also see a twig on top and cilia on the bottom.

Guys, what is the name of the new element?

Educator. Guys, what does the new element consist of?

Educator. What else is there in the new element?

Educator. And now I will show everyone how to draw a gooseberry. Please note that gooseberries can be red or green.

So, first I draw a branch on which the gooseberry will be held, then I draw an oval, draw a central line, and to the right and left of it - arcs. Now our gooseberries need to be revived. Let's remember what we use to revive the elements?

Educator. So, take a toothpick and draw three eyelashes below with black paint.

Educator. Let's repeat how we will draw a gooseberry. What will we draw first?

Educator. And now you can choose a blank that you will paint. Go to the tables. First, let's give our fingers a rest.

(Finger gymnastics.)

But before you paint your product, you can practice drawing a new element on a piece of paper.

(Children paint wooden dishes.)

Place it on the table.

Educator. Guys, did you enjoy being Khokhloma masters? Who wants to talk about work that aroused admiration?

Children's answers.

Educator. Which of these works would you decorate your kitchen with?

Children's answers.

Educator. Who will tell you about their work?

Children's answers.

Educator. Which work is the brightest?

Children's answers.

Educator. What would you draw differently? What else can you add?

Children's answers.

Educator. You guys made me happy today. What a wonderful dish!

Peddler. – I really liked this dish! This is exactly what I need at my fair!

Educator. Guys, let's give our products to the peddler!

Peddler. – The fair is over, thank you, kids, you did an excellent job, with a bang!

Educator. Well, it's time for us to return to the group.