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Dream interpretation dragon attacks. Why do you dream about a dragon? Video “Why do you dream about the Dragon”

Symbolic dream book

Dragon - A chthonic monster, the personification of the original chaos (cf. the dragon Tiamat, defeated by the god Marduk, in Sumerian-Akkadian mythology). According to Democritus, the dragon is “Chaos, or Spirit.” From the dissected body of Tiamat, Marduk created the world.

In the Far East, the dragon symbolizes wisdom, greatness, and power. In Chinese mythology, the dragon is denoted by the hieroglyph Ryu, which expresses the idea of ​​power and greatness and at the same time is the proper name of the dragon. Chinese dragons-lg/n personify the masculine principle - yang, light power. However, in some legends they retain a connection with the dark power of yin: dragons live underground, where they guard treasures; they know the location of the earth's veins. In one ancient treatise, which Yuan Ke quotes in his book, the appearance of the moon is described as follows: “Head like a camel, horns like a deer, eyes like a hare, ears like a cow, neck like a snake, belly , like a sea animal, scales like a carp, claws like a hawk, paws like a tiger... "

Initially, there were four moon dragons, namely: Tian-long, or the Heavenly Dragon, guarded the abode of the gods; Fu Tsang-lun, or the Underground Dragon, guarded the riches of the earth's bowels;

Qi-long, or the Earthly Dragon, commanded rivers and reservoirs; Shen-long, or the Rain Dragon, controlled the winds and rains. A later tradition divided the moon dragons into five genera according to color: huanglong - yellow, qinglong - green, chilong - red, bailong - white and xuanlong - black. All moon dragons have five toes on their paws (unlike Korean and Japanese dragons, which have four and three toes, respectively). The appearance of the moon promises good luck.

The Chinese dragons are ruled by Lung Wang, the lord of the waters. It is much larger than other dragons, its length is about five hundred meters. Each sea has its own Lun-wan, and they are all brothers of the world turtle Ao. The Longwan of the eastern sea was called Guangde (“adding wisdom”), the western one was Guangrong (“increasing favor”), the northern one was Guangze (“increasing generosity”) and the southern one was Guangli (“adding wealth”). In addition, it was believed that there were Longwans along the four main rivers of China and the large lakes.

In Chinese palace heraldry, only the emperor had a five-clawed dragon, while courtiers wore the emblems of three- and four-clawed dragons. The image of a dragon with five claws was interpreted as the power of the emperor, dominating the four elements, or elements.

If in the Far Eastern tradition the dragon is a symbol of greatness and power, then in the European tradition (and subsequently in heraldry, under the influence of Christianity, which identified the dragon with the devil) it was considered a creature of evil. Its winners are archangels and saints: Archangel Michael, St. George the Victorious - patrons of chivalry. According to V.V. Pokhlebkin, in Russian emblems the dragon was completely identified with the serpent as an emblem of the forces opposing Rus'. “This theological interpretation had a profound influence on the use of the dragon emblem in both medieval and modern European art... and even in modern human ideas.” The Russian dragon Zmey Gorynych is a folklore image of an “alien”; in his appearance the signs of this foreignness are clearly visible: he is born from a snake that has not heard a human voice for seven years, or from a forty-year-old fish, all covered with a shell, he has three, six, nine or twelve heads, he imposes tribute on people, demanding for himself eating children and girls.

European dragons are usually divided into fire-breathing dragons (English: firedrake), wyverns (snake-like and winged, with a spine on the tail) and lindwurms (wingless wyverns). It should also be noted that heraldic dragons, that is, those depicted on shields and coats of arms, are also called wyverns. Wyverns symbolize envy, anger and belligerence, while Lindwurms symbolize war and destruction.

The alchemical winged dragon is a changeable element, the wingless dragon is a stable substance. The German alchemist M. Mayer argued that the image of a dragon living in a cave symbolizes the elements of fire and earth.

In occultism and esoteric teachings, the dragon symbolizes an obstacle on the path to some spiritual treasure. As a result, myths about the hero’s victory over the dragon (for example, Siegfried over Fafnir, Jason over the guardian of the Golden Fleece, Apollo over Python, etc.) are interpreted as an initiation rite, through which the subject gains a “spiritual treasure.” E. Blavatsky says that Bel and the Dragon, Apollo and Python, Osiris and Set, St. George and the dragon are the tamed lower nature, subordinated to the higher principle.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why does the Dragon dream according to the dream book:

A dragon in a dream is considered a messenger of fate. Seeing a dragon in a dream foreshadows the acquisition of wealth, the receipt of treasures and visits from noble persons and officials. If you dreamed of an evil dragon, then you should be extremely careful in expressing your emotions and control your passions.

If in a dream a dragon attacks you, then the dream means that you are subject to your passions and allow yourself to make unkind statements about your ill-wishers. This dream is a warning: control yourself in order to avoid conflicts in relationships with people.

Talking to a dragon in a dream means that you will make a fuss out of nothing. Flying on a dragon portends perfect success in an enterprise. A fire-breathing dragon in a dream means imminent ruin, quarrels and scandals. The three-headed dragon portends strange, inexplicable good fortune.

If you dreamed of severed dragon heads at your feet, then the dream predicts that the way out of the current situation is very simple, but you, on the contrary, are looking for more complex solutions.

A dream in which you fight a dragon means that you should not get involved in matters that you have nothing to do with. If you manage to defeat a dragon in a dream, then this is an omen that you will have enough cunning and ingenuity to bring the most complicated matters back to normal.

If at the same time you manage to cut off at least one head, then you will be crowned with glory.

Sneaking up on a sleeping dragon in a dream is an omen that you have almost achieved your goal, but do not relax, but be on alert all the time.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about the Dragon, what does it mean:

Dragon - Dreaming of a dragon is a symbol of wealth. If he attacks, the protection of a high-ranking person awaits you. In addition, a dream about a dragon encourages you to try not to conflict with people, especially with ill-wishers, and not to follow your passions.

A dragon is a huge reptile with wings, spewing fire, causing fear, admiration, respect, it is a symbol of strength and power. Why does a dragon dream in a dream, for a woman or a man: how do dream books interpret such dreams? Countless riches are always associated with dragons. He can be cruel, he can kill, but he can also be a wise guardian. In the east, the dragon is worshiped and entire holidays are held in its honor. According to the dream book, a dragon in a dream is associated with wealth, big plans, and influential people.

What does it mean to see a dragon in a dream? Big, small or something else. Our article is exactly about this!

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep depending on the details

People dream of dragons quite often, because we have known about these fantastic creatures since childhood and constantly see them in books, films, and computer games. The main storylines are: trying to hide from a pursuing beast, killing a dragon, flying on it and magically transforming a person into a dragon. However, there are other details that are important to consider. Use our tips to remember all the details of the dream and find out if you dreamed of a dragon, what it could mean.

Who saw the dream: man, woman, child

If a woman dreams of a dragon, she knows about the conversations behind her back, but does not stop them in any way. These conversations are not justified, so you should not pay attention to them. It may also mean that a woman needs a strong patron. She needs a man older than her, take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps such a man is already there. Women may have dreams regarding pregnancy and the birth of a dragon instead of a child. Probably, the dream expresses a desire to be freed from the feeling of guilt for committing an unpleasant act.

If a child dreams of a dragon, this may mean that he has problems that he is not able to solve on his own.

A man's dream about a dragon means that he is close to achieving his goal, and ultimately the dragon means obstacles along the way. Kill the dragon - destroy barriers, get closer to the goal. If a dragon attacks you, it means you need protection; try to establish relationships with your superiors and senior colleagues. Gain experience to achieve your goals. Men often have dreams about catching a dragon. Such dreams symbolize the desire to curb one’s character, to subordinate aggressive aspirations to one’s will.

Type of dragon: land, flying, water

  • The land dragon means that you are firmly on your feet, confident in yourself, it is very difficult to change your point of view. Also a likely sign of pride. Remember, it manifests itself not only in an arrogant attitude towards others.
  • A creature flying in the air is a sign of clarity of the problem. You know about it, but it’s difficult to solve it because you don’t have enough strength to fight. Often a flying dragon symbolizes unexpected news. It depends only on you whether you will run away from him, or whether you will boldly look into his eyes and wait for what news he will bring.
  • But flying on a dragon in a dream has a different interpretation. You are strong, self-confident, capable of achieving any goals. A great mood enhances your charm and attractiveness in the eyes of members of the opposite sex.
  • The water dragon is a sign that you are immersed in some problem. The inability to rise above the horizon deprives you of the chance to see yourself from the outside and appreciate what is happening. You may have a desire to get away from the struggle, despondency.

What color were the dragon's scales?

Why do you dream of a golden dragon? The golden dragon shines and blinds, it is painful to look at. You are blinded by someone's beauty or power. Take a closer look at this person, is his influence so strong and is he as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside? Dragon scales are strong, but they can be penetrated. Fighting a golden dragon in a dream can also mean a struggle with your own egoism, an attempt to learn to understand other people, an attempt to shed your golden skin, to become real.

A red dragon in a dream symbolizes a strong woman in your life.

Why do you dream about a red dragon, as dream books interpret it? The red dragon is a symbol of the powerful feminine principle. If a man dreams of a red dragon, this symbolizes an adult woman who has a strong influence on him. This could be a mother, mother-in-law, boss at work. Fighting a red dragon means trying to reduce its influence on your life. Ride the red dragon - get rid of or reduce the influence of a woman. This may mean a change in management, if this means the boss. Or moving from mother or mother-in-law to another apartment.

If a woman dreams of a red dragon, it means a strong rival. Perhaps your other half is not as faithful to you as you think. A dragon flying above you means a young beautiful person appearing on the horizon. Find out if a new employee has joined your husband’s team. Forewarned is forearmed. Flying on a red dragon for a woman means a strong tandem with a strong friend. You can become excellent business partners who complement each other. You may have to adjust to each other sometimes, but the result is worth it.

Why do you dream about a black dragon? The black color of the skin symbolizes rottenness and disease. If you are attacked by a black dragon, you may have to undergo treatment, try to pay special attention to your health. If a black flying snake has blocked the river along which your ship is sailing, health problems are preventing you from achieving your goal. These could be illnesses of your relatives and children. Pay more attention to them, they are not serious, and with their departure new horizons will open. Killing a black monster in a dream means achieving success in sports, you can win competitions.

Was the monster big or small?

The little dragon means throwing. It's like you're split in two, one half of you wants more, and the other half is afraid that you won't be able to cope. Try to connect your parts into one coherent whole, lower the bar for what you want to achieve. Divide the path into several small segments so that the stages of achieving the goal are clearly visible. You can move towards it in small steps.

A huge dragon dreams of a meeting with large-scale affairs. You can deal with them. A many-headed snake dreams of money: soon you will receive a win or an increase in your salary!

What exactly was the dragon doing in your dream?

The golden dragon may hint at your selfishness and selfishness.

Seeing a sleeping snake means achieving perfection in something, reaching a new level. You can safely take on new things in which you will succeed. Or take up the old ones again, which will unexpectedly open up from a new side, and many new solutions will come to your mind.

To see a dragon in a dream in front of the entrance to a fortress or castle - joy and good luck await you ahead, you just have to open the door to it. Be prepared for it, otherwise it can turn into trouble. Success and wealth come only to those who are ready to accept them. Wealth and success corrupt the unprepared and make them unhappy.

A dragon devouring its own tail is a symbol of closed space. You walk in circles and don't notice the obvious things around you. All you have to do is take a step left or right to see the many opportunities opening up to you. It depends only on you whether you decide to take this step, or whether you will return to the starting point again and again.

The dragon guards something, for example, untold riches or the entrance to a cave where treasures are kept. You have to be smarter. You can't go ahead, it won't work. You need to come up with ways to get around the obstacles that stand in the way of your intended goal. A serpent lying on top of a mountain means that the path is open, you just don’t see it. You continue to bang against the closed door, trying to pick up the keys, but in vain. But it’s enough just to approach the problem from the other side. It also means good health, you don’t even have to worry about it.

Killing a dragon means showing courage and honor. In life, you are a purposeful and strong person, a real person. By demonstrating your best qualities, you can achieve career advancement. But in relationships with the opposite sex, such pressure can be harmful. If he cried when he was killed, then you can hurt someone who is dear to you. Try to pay more attention to your loved ones; perhaps you don’t see that any of them need help.

A dragon that incinerates or consumes you is evidence that you are unable to restrain your own emotions; they literally burn you. The positive side is the feeling of relief that comes from accepting yourself as you are. A dragon imprisoned in a cage, bound in chains - you suppress aggression without realizing it. If you can withstand the presence of a dragon, but are not able to look him in the eyes, you are not ready to fight your fears.

A dragon in a dream can be kind, tame, and a good conversationalist. According to the dream book, good-natured dragons can symbolize you or your loved ones. Often you have to protect the dragon while it is small and defenseless, or take care of the creature even before it emerges from the egg. This means that in reality you are trying to protect what is dear to you.

Interpretation in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

Dreams in which dragons appear to us are unique, because these amazing creatures are a product of human imagination. Like any other mythical characters, dragons are endowed not only with the ability to speak, but also with character traits inherent in people, moreover, the most unsightly ones. Obviously, in a dream, a dragon will also symbolize your passions and vitality.

Miller's Dream Book - be kinder to your neighbors

According to this dream book, a dragon in a dream is a symbol of susceptibility to the influence of emotions, selfishness and coldness in relationships with others. Such behavior will inevitably lead to discord in relationships, so you need to be extremely careful and prevent the manifestation of your negative qualities. Learn to control your emotions, even when it comes to enemies. Be taller and smarter, very soon you will leave the situation behind.

Vanga's dream book - you are in danger of problems

The dragon guarding the treasure symbolizes problems on the way to the goal.

A dragon flying across the sky is a harbinger of a serious misfortune that could happen to the dreamer or members of his family. But if it turns out to be drawn or not real, misfortune can be avoided. The water dragon is a harbinger of a difficult period characterized by need.

Fighting a dragon in a dream is a harbinger of a major conflict or confrontation. A dragon hiding in a cave is a symbol of cunning and intrigue. A dragon sitting in a cage means that you will be able to curb your emotions.

A dragon spewing fire means that a gift of fate awaits you. But we need to gather all our strength into a fist and work hard. Then the gift of fate will not keep you waiting. Be friends with him - expect the birth of a child. To be burned by a dragon's flame means you need to think about spirituality, pay attention to your inner world, and pay more attention to internal development.

Freud's Dream Book - changes in personal life

The world-famous Sigmund Freud argued that a dragon appearing to a woman in a dream foreshadows global changes in her personal life. A mythical creature that appears in a man’s dream speaks of his penchant for wicked pleasures, and this can turn against him. Flying on a dragon means increased importance of intimate life. Hiding from him - a dream warns of the imminent emergence of problems in the sexual sphere.

The dragon is the powers of the animal in man. If you dream of a dragon, you have too much animal strength, you pay a lot of attention to sex. You need to pull yourself together and overcome your animal instincts. Feeling afraid of him means lack of confidence in your own abilities in bed. If a woman sees a dragon with one head, it means that very soon she will meet a passionate man. Seeing a snake with several heads means a painful choice among several contenders.

Modern dream book – conflicts and quarrels

The dragon you saw in your dream represents poor control over your behavior. You blindly follow your desires. A dragon has many heads - disagreements, quarrels. Receive serious injuries while trying to overcome the dragon - become a victim of intrigue and false rumors spread about you.

Aggressive dragon - expect trouble in the near future. A benevolent creature - to new pleasant acquaintances, the emergence of true friends. Taking the life of a friendly dragon is an unseemly act that will have serious consequences.

Family dream book - beware of gossip

Three-headed dragon - contradictions, fragmentation of actions and thoughts. You need to stop and think, collect all the pieces of the picture into a single whole. The painful choice will resolve itself. Many-headed dragon (hydra) - be afraid of gossip that will begin to spread behind your back. It is better to immediately shut the mouths of gossipers, no matter how difficult it may be.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation - you have enemies

Seeing a dragon in a dream means having ill-wishers in reality. If in a dream you did not experience fear of a dragon, it means that some joyful event will occur in your life, this is a symbol of positive changes and beginnings.


A dragon is always a symbol of something very big, be it wealth, strength, power or trouble. You will either get everything or nothing. Decide which tactics you will choose. And pay attention to your dreams. The Universe is sending you a guide to action!

Video “Why do you dream about the Dragon”

Sometimes I have dreams with fairy-tale characters... Why did you see a dragon in a dream?

Why do you dream about a dragon?

To see such a dream is a sign of conflicts and quarrels, initiated by the dreamer himself. Despite your determination, it is sometimes necessary to show gentleness, which will ultimately give a much better result than achieving something with aggression and pressure.

In addition, a dream with a dragon may foretell the patronage of an influential person or climbing the career ladder.

If you had a dream with this creature from Wednesday to Thursday, then you should expect some troubles and troubles.

When from Saturday to Sunday, the dream says that a favorable period has come for the implementation of your plans.

If a child dreams of such a fairy-tale creature, then this is a sign of success. The little dreamer will either win some competition or bring home good grades.

How many heads does a dragon have in a dream?

If you dreamed of a three-headed dragon, then this means that you should decide between business and feelings, otherwise you can lose everything.

When a dragon has many heads in a dream, this means that you should be careful, as gossip will begin to spread about the dreamer.

Why do you dream about a calm or aggressive dragon?

While fighting a dragon, cutting off his head - such a dream foreshadows a prestigious position taken instead of someone.

If you dream of a calm dragon, this portends some unexpected profit; perhaps the dreamer will win the lottery or unexpectedly receive an inheritance.

If you dreamed of an aggressive fire-breathing dragon, then the dreamer is surrounded by ill-wishers who are ready to take advantage of any opportunity to harm him.

A dragon attacks - this means that the person seeing this dream has attracted the attention of an influential person and soon an offer will be made that requires responsibility.

If you defeat a dragon in a dream, then in the near future an act will be committed that the sleeper will greatly regret.

Why do you dream of a red, white or black dragon?

To see a beautiful dragon with brightly colored scales is a very good dream for creative people. Their ideas will come to life and bring them success.

If you dreamed of a red dragon, then the dreamer's emotions may soon get out of control. Such a dream is like a warning that you should restrain yourself, otherwise everything may turn out not in favor of the sleeper.

When such a dragon attacked, but the dreamer managed to fight it off, then the troubles that would happen in reality would be successfully resolved.

If you see a white dragon, then the dream warns of danger, but not external, but internal. After such a dream, you should shake off despondency and look around differently.

When you dream that a black dragon is flying over the city, it means that the dreamer is under reliable protection, thanks to which troubles will be successfully resolved.

To see a dragon in the water in a dream means the successful implementation of your plan. It is considered very auspicious to dream in which the sleeper is immersed in water, sitting on the back of this fabulous creature.

When you dream that a dragon is standing in front of the gate, it foretells prosperity and a further happy life.

If a dragon dies in a dream, then in reality the sleeping person will be appointed to a high position.

A flying dragon in a dream says that soon everyone will know the place to which the dreamer will be assigned.

Why do you dream of a flying dragon?

When a dragon flies high in the sky, this dream is a warning that the sleeper is in danger from a side from which he does not expect it at all. Having seen such a dream, you should be especially careful.

If you dreamed about a dragon rising up, then your plan will definitely come true.

In a dream, flying on the back of a dragon - this portends great success in business and endeavors.

If the dragon flies into the well, then in the future you will have to suffer humiliation from a high-ranking official.

Other sleep options

When you dream that you are riding a dragon into the market, a high position awaits the person sleeping in the future.

If you dream that the dragon is in a cave, then this means that the goal is very close, there is still very little effort left to make.

If you dreamed of a dragon lying on a mountain, then you should expect very important events.

When a dragon is guarding something in a dream, the dream foretells improved health.

If you see how a snake turns into a dragon, then the dreamer is guaranteed the support of an influential person.

If you dreamed that a dragon was crawling through the door, this means that your financial situation will soon improve significantly.

When you dreamed that a dragon helped in something, it means complete harmony in life.

To see in a dream how this creature kills a person, then this dream foreshadows great troubles and misfortunes.

In one dream, a dragon and a bear gathered, then the birth of an heir is expected soon.

When you dreamed of a dragon in human form, this is a sign that the dreamer will be able to avoid mortal danger.

For seriously ill people, a dream with a dragon can foretell imminent death.

To tame or command a dragon in a dream means success in some serious matter.

Video on the topic of the article

according to the dream book of Mythical animals

A universal and very complex symbol. The dragon, or winged serpent, combines snake and bird, spirit and matter. At first, its symbolism was entirely favorable and meant the waters carrying the life of the serpent, and the breath of life of the bird. He identified with the heavenly gods and their earthly representatives - emperors and kings. Subsequently, its symbolism became ambivalent, denoting the beneficial rains that follow thunderstorms, and, at the same time, the destructive forces of lightning and flooding. In the East, the dragon, as a rule, is the Heavenly Power that brings good, while in the West it becomes chthonic, destructive and evil. The dragon can be solar and lunar, male and female, good and evil. In the Far East, it symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, strength, hidden knowledge, the power of waters that bring life. This is the emblem of the emperor as the Son of Heaven and, after him, a wise and noble man. Monotheistic religions portray the dragon as an evil force, except in certain cases where it may represent the Logos, the animating spirit, or an omnipotent deity, the Pleroma. The dragon and serpent are usually used interchangeably in symbolism representing the implicit, the undifferentiated, the chaos, the latent, the untamed nature, as well as the vital force of water. When he spews out thunder and lightning, a transition occurs from the world of the unmanifested to the created world of form and matter. And here the dragon has dual symbolism: it can act both as the god of rain and as his opponent, who prevents the rain from falling. It is associated, on the one hand, with the sea and the depths of the sea, on the other, with mountain peaks, clouds and solar eastern regions. Acting as monsters, dragons are the autochthonous rulers of the earth, with whom heroes, conquerors and creators have to fight in order to capture or develop the earth. They are also the keepers of treasures and access to secret knowledge. The battle with the dragon symbolizes the difficulties that must be overcome in order to master the treasures of inner knowledge. Victory over the dragon represents the resolution of the conflict between light and darkness, the destruction of the destructive forces of evil, or the victory over a person's own dark nature and the achievement of self-control. To save an immaculate maiden from the clutches of a dragon means to release pure forces, crushing evil ones. The dragon often confronts the dying god. In alchemy, the winged dragon personifies the “flying”, and having lost its wings it is “fixed”, captured. In Chinese alchemy, the dragon is mercury, blood and seed. Among the Celts it is a symbol of supreme power, the master. The red dragon is the emblem of Wales. The dragon and snake are inseparable in Chinese symbolism. The dragon represents the highest spiritual power, the supernatural, infinity, the spirit of change, the divine power of change and transformation, the rhythms of nature, the law of becoming, supernatural wisdom, strength. He is the “Heavenly Deer”, the Sun, light and life. Heaven, supreme power, yang male power. The cloudy dragon also means a thunderstorm and life-giving rain, deep waters and Spring. Blue Dragon “Lun” - the highest lives in heaven and is a life-giving spirit, heavenly power, supernatural and infinite power. On earth, the blue dragon is a sign of delegated imperial power, the sign of the emperor. In the imperial dragon it is also called "harrier"; five claws, its head is directed to the South, and its tail is directed to the North. He represents the East and life-giving rain. The ordinary dragon "mang" has four claws on its paws and represents temporary power. An earlier form of the Chinese dragon was the three-clawed dragon. This form of dragon was subsequently adopted in Japan. The hornless dragon “li” lives in the sea and controls the depths of the sea; it also symbolizes the scientist. The chiyao dragon lives in the mountains or on the ground and represents a statesman. According to Wang Fu, the dragon has “nine correspondences”: “Its horns are like those of a deer, its head is like that of a camel, its eyes are like those of a demon, its neck is like that of a snake, its belly is like that of a snail, its scales are like those of a carp, its claws are like those of an eagle, its soles are like those of a tiger, and its ears are like those of a cow.” Two “fighting”, competing dragons looking at each other represent the dualism of the yin-yang forces, all opposing and complementary forces, the forces of heaven and earth; usually between them either the Sun or the “pearl of heaven”, the Moon, is depicted. The dragons turning their backs to each other represent the principles of yin-yang. When they are depicted chasing each other's tails, it is a symbol of the mutual creative action of the yin-yang forces. Often the dragon is depicted with a "dragon ball" or a "flaming pearl". There are different interpretations of these images: they are either thunderclaps, or it means that when the Moon, the bearer of rain, wanes, the dragon swallows it, and when it arrives, it is a sign that he gradually spits it out. In Taoism and Buddhism, it is the “pearl that fulfills all desires,” the pearl of perfection, in other words, wisdom, the torch and the spiritual essence of the universe. She may represent a Boddhisattva in the process of continuous enlightenment. The dragon, depicted together with the Phoenix, is a symbol of the union of Heaven and Earth, the emperor and the empress, the divine potentiality that contains all opposites, the interaction of the macrocosm and the microcosm, the two aspects of the androgyne, the rhythms of evolution and involution, birth and death. Their symbol is also a double spiral. A dragon depicted with a tiger can mean voluptuousness, while the tiger in this case will symbolize anger and hostility. In Christianity, the dragon is considered a serpent, “that old serpent,” a force of evil, the devil, the tempter, the enemy of God. He represents, in addition, death, darkness, paganism and heresy. In the Old Testament, the “abode of dragons” is associated with the “shadow of death”, Psalms 44:19 and the depths of the waters. The “abode of dragons” was considered a place of desolation and death. Dragon slayers are portrayed as triumphants over the forces of evil and heresy. A dragon with a tied tail represents defeated evil, since it was believed that the strength of a dragon is in its tail, like that of a scorpion. Archangel Michael, slaying the dragon, represents the victory of the sun god over darkness, which in Christianity was transformed into a version of the defeat of Satan. Dragons are attributes of Saints Cado, Clement of Metz, George, Kane, Margaret, Martha, Samson, Sylvester and the Apostle Philip. Among the Egyptians, the dragon is the emblem of Osiris, the god of the dead. Apep, the dragon of darkness and chaos, is defeated every morning by the Sun God Ra. In Greco-Roman culture, this is an attribute of Hercules, the conqueror of monsters. Sometimes dragons are depicted harnessed to the chariot of Ceres. Among the Jews it is considered a symbol of desolation; desert dweller. In Hinduism, the dragon is a manifest force, a spoken word, an attribute of Soma and Varuna. Indra killed the dragon. In Iranian culture - an attribute of Haoma. For the Japanese, a dragon with three claws on its paws represents the Mikado, imperial and spiritual power. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology - “adversary”, the force of evil.

As you know, you can’t see anything in a dream! Moreover, along with real events, we may also dream of fairy-tale ones or We invite you today to find out what a dragon means in a dream. For this purpose, let us turn to several of the most complete and accurate collections of interpretations.

Why did you dream about the dragon: Dream Book of Gustav Miller

This dream book interprets the answer to the question of why dragons dream as a reflection of the situation that has developed in your real life, in which you are so at the mercy of passions that you allow yourself not only unkind, but also threatening statements addressed to your enemies and enemies. If this is true, then try to take control of your emotions to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

if you dreamed of a dragon

This winged fairy-tale monster is interpreted by the compilers of this collection of interpretations as a symbol foreshadowing the acquisition of wealth in the foreseeable future.

Fairytale winged Modern dream book

Dragons are considered in this collection as a warning that due to your tendency to succumb to passions and emotions, you risk very quickly finding yourself at the mercy of your enemies. To avoid such a situation, you need to learn to control your feelings and carefully weigh your every action.

Children's dream book: baby dragon

This promises success for little dreamers. Perhaps you will win some competition or earn the best grades in your class in a particular subject.

If you dreamed of a dragon: Islamic dream book

Dragons, according to the authors of this source, are the personification of a strong and dangerous enemy whose existence you did not even suspect. Moreover, the more heads a fairy-tale serpent has, the more powerful and terrible it is. Why do you dream of a dragon in the form of a person? Such a vision promises the dreamer the opportunity to avoid mortal danger, which will prolong his life. For seriously ill people, the image of a fairy-tale winged monster in a dream can mean imminent death.

Icelandic dream book: dragon

If you dreamed that you tamed a huge one, then in life you will enjoy all sorts of honors and respect and will be able to achieve great success.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: if you dreamed of a dragon

If the fairytale serpent in your dream looks calm and peaceful, then perhaps you will soon gain unexpected wealth in the form of a large lottery win or inheritance. If you see that a monster is spewing flame and preparing to attack, then thanks to your rash words and rash actions in real life, you risk incurring the wrath of others. Therefore, this vision serves as a warning about the need to reconsider your behavior.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers: Dragon

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations, this creature, seen in a dream, warns of the need to carefully weigh your own words, since you risk greatly offending or hurting your lover.

The ABC of dream interpretation: a vision of a dragon

This fabulous creature can serve as a reflection of the fear you experience, the nature of which you cannot understand. If you are constantly in a state of anxiety and cannot overcome this feeling, it may make sense to seek professional psychological help to return to normal life.

A dream in which a dragon has huge, beautiful, strong wings promises you the support of a very powerful person. If the monster tries to attack you and spews flames in your direction, then you, on the contrary, risk ending up in the hands of a powerful and rich person.

Fairytale snake with wings: American dream book

The authors who compiled this dream book consider dragons as a symbol of vitality and a harbinger of great opportunities opening before you. Don't miss your chance and take advantage of fate's gift. Seeing in a dream a dragon releasing flames in your direction means internal cleansing. If you dreamed that you killed this monster, then you will be able to overcome all your fears.

Denise Lynn's dream book: if you dreamed of a dragon

This fabulous monster is considered by the collection as a symbol of vitality and potency. Perhaps the time has come for the dreamer to enter the time of full bloom of his powers and, as they say, gain the power of the dragon. If you dreamed that you were able to kill a winged monster spitting fire, then in reality you will be able to take control of all your fears and achieve amazing success.

If you dreamed of a dragon: Gypsy interpreter

How does this dream book explain such a vision? Dragons here act as harbingers of some dangerous enterprise. Therefore, if you see a winged serpent in a dream, in reality you should exercise caution and carefully consider your every action. If you dreamed that you defeated this monster, then fate will give you every chance to achieve great success. Don't miss your opportunity!

Mythological dream book: dragon

This fabulous monster with the wings of a bird or bat and the body of a reptile is present in the mythology of many peoples of the world and is considered as a symbol of wealth and power. Therefore, if you saw such a monster in a dream, then in real life you will receive patronage from a very influential person, a promotion and success in business.

Fairytale winged serpent: Dream book of a modern woman

A dream about a dragon, according to the authors of this collection of interpretations, reflects your tendency towards overly emotional and unrestrained behavior towards people you dislike. Try to take control of your feelings, otherwise you risk making enemies and being judged by the people around you.

Newest about dragon

This symbol can also be considered as a sign that the dreamer has been damaged, the evil eye, or even a curse. To cleanse yourself of negativity, it is recommended to visit a church. In addition, such a vision can serve as a harbinger of a situation in which you will become a victim of gossip and intrigue.

If you dreamed of a dragon: Dream book for the whole family

If a man saw this fabulous creature on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, then it acts as a warning about impending danger. Why do you dream about a dragon from Saturday to Sunday? Such a vision is considered extremely favorable and speaks of the opportunity to realize any plans and ideas, since fate will favor you.

The three-headed dragon is seen as a sign of the need to make a difficult choice between feelings and deeds. As they say, you can’t sit on two chairs, so you can lose everything. A dream in which you saw a winged serpent with many heads warns that you may become a victim of gossip and intrigue. If the dragon in your vision looks threatening and spits out flames, then be on the lookout - your enemies are beginning to become more active and make insidious plans against you. Defeating a monster means committing an act that you will regret for a long time.

For representatives of the fairer sex, a dragon in a dream is a warning about the need, as they say, to watch your tongue. Because in an emotional outburst you are capable of saying unnecessary things to people you don’t like, which can make them your enemies.

For children, a vision of a fabulous snake spitting fire portends success at school.