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Exam test in English

Today, the most popular language passing the exam, consider English. In the USE 2017, a number of changes have been made. Even if you are confident in your abilities, you must pass the exam in English 2016 Online tests this year they have four sections consisting of forty tasks. The USE test has a maximum passing time. In 2017 it is 3 hours. To overcome the entry barrier, you must successfully pass 17 tasks. Be prepared for questions from listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary and reading. Preparation for such a test must be colossal. Every year, there is less and less luck. Without knowledge, in a certain area, it is impossible to pass it. This test will help you assess your level for the exam.

USE test in English

Question 1 of 20

    She thinks she … responsible. She has never got on well with her … friends.

    Rebecca was used to … because she was very shy and used to … very awkward sometimes.

    Mr. Stone, who seemed … about his breakfast, … to Lima in surprise.

    This island is known … by …

    It is a chance … , so they must make a list of things …

    They … very tired if they sat up … late.

    Remember … your tickets and passports before you …

    She can "t help ... that he helps her so ...

    Tom says he would rather … socccer … tennis.

    Jerry is not … man to give … secret.

    I see that … is wrong with you. But you should pull … together.

    They found … in the street full of …

    She talked to him … and looked very…

    Snow is very ... in this place, but once ... it won't stop for weeks.

    No sooner … on the light, than he saw that the window …

    The deepest of all … lakes in the world is Baikal.

    … to the law, smoking is forbidden in public places.

    … for a short period of time, the family was rather poor.

    Italian cuisine … greatly from French cuisine.

    This reward is … to obtain.


To continue the test, select one of the answer options.

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18 questions out of 20

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Oops!... Two points(((Quickly start learning English with the Lim English online tutorial. With it, you are guaranteed to get the result.

“Satisfactory”. Start learning English with the Lim English online tutorial using the unique method of Oleg Limansky. The result will not keep you waiting!

“Good” Congratulations! You do not speak English well within the chosen level. Start learning English with the Lim-English online tutorial using the unique method of Oleg Limansky. With it, you are guaranteed to improve your knowledge.

Congratulations! This is an excellent result. You are fluent in English within the chosen level. You have a great opportunity to improve your level with the Lim-English online tutorial. You will get daily practice.

Excellent result! You are fluent in English within the chosen level. There is no limit to perfection, use online tutorial Lim-English is a great way to keep fit. Test your skills in our advanced courses.

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Question # (1)
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Correct answer: (3)

USE 2017 English language 10 training options Muzlanov

M.: 20 1 6. - 160 p.

The purpose of the manual is to help students in grades 10-11 and applicants in as soon as possible prepare for the final certification in English in the form of a unified state exam. The collection contains options for examination papers that can be used as practical material to prepare for the exam. Each option is provided with keys and texts for listening.

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Preface 4
Option 1 5
Section 1. Listening 5
Section 2 Reading 6
Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 10
Section 4 Letter 12
Answer sheets 13
Option 2 15
Unit 1: Listening 15
Section 2 Reading 16
Section 3. Grammar and Vocabulary 20
Section 4 Letter 22
Answer sheets 23
Option 3 25
Unit 1: Listening 25
Section 2 Reading 26
Section 3. Grammar and Vocabulary 30
Section 4. Letter 32
Answer sheets 33
Option 4 35
Unit 1: Listening 35
Section 2 Reading 36
Section 3. Grammar and Vocabulary 40
Section 4. Letter 42
Answer sheets 43
Option 5 45
Unit 1: Listening 45
Section 2 Reading 46
Section 3. Grammar and Vocabulary 50
Section 4. Letter 52
Answer sheets 53
Option 6 55
Section 1. Listening 55
Section 2 Reading 56
Section 3. Grammar and Vocabulary 60
Section 4. Letter 62
Answer sheets 63
Option 7 65
Section 1. Listening 65
Section 2 Reading 66
Section 3. Grammar and Vocabulary 70
Section 4 Letter 72
Answer sheets 73
Option 8 75
Section 1. Listening 75
Section 2 Reading 76
Section 3 Grammar and Vocabulary 80
Section 4 Letter 82
Answer sheets 83
Option 9 85
Section 1. Listening 85
Section 2 Reading 86
Section 3 Grammar and Vocabulary 90
Section 4 Letter 92
Answer sheets 93
Option 10 95
Section 1. Listening 95
Section 2 Reading 96
Section 3. Grammar and Vocabulary 100
Section 4 Letter 102
Answer sheets 103
Appendix 1. Section "Speaking" 105
Appendix 2. Texts for listening. 107
Appendix 3. Answers to tasks 139
Appendix 4. What is KIM USE:
structure and content 153
Appendix 5. Criteria and schemes for assessing the performance of tasks in the "Writing" section 154
Appendix 6. The order of counting words in the tasks of the section "Letter" 157
Annex 7. The procedure for determining the percentage of textual matches in the task 40 157
Literature 158

The purpose of this manual is to help students in grades 10-11 and applicants to prepare as soon as possible for the final certification in English in the form of a unified state exam (USE). It may also be useful to teachers who will find in it necessary material to work in the classroom.
The collection contains training versions of the written part of the examination paper, which can be used as a practical material for preparing for the exam. The manual is focused on adaptation to test control technologies, taking into account their new format and content.
The test work options are identical to the KIM (control and measuring options) USE in English and consist of four sections (“Listening”, “Reading”, “Grammar and Vocabulary”, “Writing”), which include 40 tasks.
Section 1 (“Listening”) contains 9 tasks, of which the first one is for establishing correspondence and 8 tasks with the choice of one correct answer out of three proposed. The recommended time to complete the section is 30 minutes.
Section 2 (“Reading”) contains 9 tasks, of which 2 are tasks for establishing correspondence and 7 tasks with the choice of one correct answer from four proposed. The recommended time to complete the section is 30 minutes.
Section 3 (“Grammar and Vocabulary”) contains 20 tasks, of which 13 are short-answer tasks and 7 are tasks with a choice of one correct answer out of four proposed. The recommended time to complete the section is 40 minutes.
Section 4 ("Writing") consists of two tasks and is a short written work (writing a personal letter and a written statement with elements of reasoning). The recommended time to complete the section is 80 minutes.
The total time for the written part of the exam is 180 minutes.

The exam, in any language, has always raised many questions. But the exam in English does not cause so much negativity. It's just that the majority of schoolchildren studied from textbooks, in which a huge number of tasks were built in the test version. Since schoolchildren are accustomed to such tasks, the exam is psychologically comfortable. But there are still many questions for future employers. Are tests able to show the level of language proficiency. After all, writing is one thing, and pronunciation and oral speech skills are another. But the rules are the same for all subjects and the format of the final exam is just that, and you need to prepare for it.

Types of preparation for the exam in English

Since oral skills will not help you pass the exam, then classes with a tutor can be wasted. If the classes consist mainly of oral communication, then they will not help prepare for the exam. The same is true with English courses. There is a huge amount of online on the Internet. So basically they improve oral skills then USE results they won't get any better. In this regard, the question arises: what is the best way to cook to USE in English?

How to prepare for the exam in English?

The first step is to identify gaps in your knowledge. After that, start to eliminate them. The best way to see your problems is to go through trial online tests of the Unified State Examination in English. On the educational portal, you can take trial USE tests in English an unlimited number of times. During the test, your time is not limited, and you can open the textbook to refresh your knowledge. To pass the tests, you do not need to register or send SMS from your phone. After you have identified topics in which you do not feel confident, you can turn to specialists or independently pull up the material. But self-study threatens with mistakes that can cost you dearly on the exam. Therefore, it is worth choosing such English courses that will focus on knowledge gaps and help prepare for the exam. Preparatory courses are best for

Have you ever tasted saltwater? I guess you have and if so you will agree with me that it's not very refreshing. In fact, drinking more than a few cups is worth killing you.

According to the United States Geological Survey, whose mission is to collect and disseminate reliable, impartial, and timely information that is needed to understand the nation’s water resources, about ninety-seven percent of the water on our planet is saltwater; the rest is stored in lakes, rivers, glaciers and aquifers underground. Moreover, only about one-third of the world's potential fresh water can be used for human needs. As pollution increases, the amount of usable water decreases.

Water is the most precious and taken-for-granted resource we have on Earth. It is also one of the most threatened resources. Increased population and possible climate change will put more and more strain on supplies of this vital resource as time goes on. What could we do in this situation? Though it may seem like science fiction, the solution could lie in outer space.

I’m not saying we’re going to be teleporting to a spring on the other side of the galaxy or colonizing another planet just to have longer showers - it’s much more mundane than that. What we could achieve realistically in this century is the successful use of the solar system’s rare metals and water, barring the invention of the matrix.

You may be surprised to learn that the metal in your keys, coins, cell phone, computer, car and everywhere else, originally came to this planet from space. When Earth formed, the heavy metals sank to the center and formed a solid core. The lighter elements formed the mantle and the crust we live on. Asteroids and comets that struck the Earth brought water and metals to the surface.

There are thousands of asteroids orbiting near Earth. Most asteroids are made of rock, but some are composed of metal, mostly nickel and iron. Probes could be sent out to these to identify useful ones. Then larger probes could push them towards the Earth where they can be handled in orbit.

In order to fuel ships and probes, we simply need to find a source of water, such as a comet or the surface of the moon. We collect the water and pass an electric current through it from a solar panel. The water separates into oxygen and hydrogen, which in liquid form is a powerful rocket fuel.

Is this really possible? We may soon find out. Private company SpaceX has already started delivering equipment to the International Space Station (ISS).

The ISS is proof that countries once at each other’s throats, like America and Russia, can work together and pull off multi-billion dollar projects.

Recently, a company called Planetary Resources Inc. made the news for getting big names like Google and Microsoft to invest in exploring asteroids for material gain. Although it will take many decades, it is wise to put the gears in motion now.

We've already landed probes on the surface of asteroids and taken samples from them. We can put something as large as the ISS, which weighs just short of 500 tons, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), in orbit.

We can make a half-million-mile round-trip to get rocks from the moon. We can do all of these things already. They just need to be applied and developed in a smart way.