Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself garage roof repair - the coating will be as good as new! Roof repair - installation of a new coating, the cost of repair and recommendations on the choice of tools and materials (100 photos) Do-it-yourself iron roof repair

Sooner or later, no matter what materials were used to create the roof, it begins to collapse. Leaks are formed, materials deteriorate, the appearance deteriorates and the owner of the building has to urgently take measures to repair or completely replace the roofing. Repairing the roof is easy to do with your own hands if you know the main stages of work and the materials that are used for this.

Roof inspection

Owners of private buildings rarely make scheduled repairs to the roof of a house, only when this can no longer be avoided. And in vain, since minor defects are easier to eliminate before they grow to a serious scale. After all, if at least once a year to carry out an inspection and scheduled repair of the roof of a private house, then major repairs may not be needed soon. Such prevention does not require large financial investments, but it will help save the owner from unplanned expenses and force majeure.

Serious mechanical damage

All types of repairs, according to the degree of complexity, can be conditionally divided into four categories:

  • small;
  • capital;
  • planned;
  • complete reconstruction.

Sloped roofs require less repair than flat roofs due to their advantageous design... (Repair of flat roofs is described in detail in the article of the same name). On roofs with a slope, melt or rain water does not linger, therefore, if it usually leaks, it is due to technological shortcomings during its construction or due to the limitation period of the construction.

Coverage inspection

A routine inspection is very important, so even if the ceilings in the house are dry, a regular inspection of the house's rafter system is necessary. Such examinations are traditionally carried out four times a year. In the spring, the roof is inspected for winter damage, in the summer for garbage collection, in the fall for problems before the long winter period, and in the winter for snow removal. Sloped roofs do not need to be inspected as often as flat ones and can be checked twice a year.

Based on the results of the inspection of the roof top and its wooden frame, a repair plan is drawn up with an estimate of the required materials.

Roof wear

When examining a sloped roof, you should pay attention to:

  1. Search for mechanical damage.
  2. Detection of corrosion, fungal and putrefactive lesions of wooden rafters.
  3. Determination of the temperature of parts of the structure.
  4. Assessment of the moisture content of the timber frame.
  5. Determination of the condition of roofing from a technical point of view.

Roof maintenance

In addition to routine inspections, measures should be taken to clean the roof from snow masses in winter, as well as remove contamination and do preventive maintenance with your own hands. Care should be taken when cleaning a sloped roof in winter.

When removing snow, do not use metal tools to avoid mechanical damage to the roof surface.

Dents or scratches can lead to further corrosive processes. For such events, it is safer to use wooden shovels, as well as plastic panicles or scoops. Plywood boards can be used for cleaning large surfaces.

Clearing a sloped roof from snow

In the warm season, the roofs are cleared of dirt and leaves with their own hands, and they are examined for the appearance of traces from the claws of animals.

When you are on the roof in winter, do not get too close to the edge. Installation and repair of an inclined roof should be carried out in compliance with safety rules... It is recommended to use a safety harness and only travel on special paths.

Minor defects

The result of violation of the integrity of the structure

Dampness or slight ingress of moisture can contribute to the occurrence of fungal or putrefactive lesions of the wooden frame of the truss system. This is a rather serious problem, because such a roof may require large material costs for repairs and a serious amount of work. Such lesions spread very quickly and can completely capture the entire structure, therefore, if rot is detected, the complete removal of the affected wooden element is required and replaced with a treated new one. After completing the repair of the building frame, you can, if necessary, start repairing the roofing.

Slate roof damage is usually repaired on site... Unrepairable sheets of asbestos cement are replaced, and those that are still quite intact are repaired with patches and glue. Repair of tile or other piece materials occurs in a radical way - with the replacement of damaged elements with new ones.

Reconstruction of the slate roof

Minor repairs to the roof of a private house include, in addition to eliminating leaks, its painting and cleaning... Some types of roofs, for example galvanized ones, have a rather long operational period, therefore, they need to be periodically cleaned and painted to avoid corrosion. Before painting, the corroded surface is cleaned from rust with a special compound. The frequency of painting such a roof is once every 3-4 years.

Minor repairs to a tiled roof

Repair of the truss system

Reinforcement of damaged elements

The entire weight of the roof lies on the rafters of the wooden frame, it is they who take on not only the weight of the roofing material, but also atmospheric precipitation (streams of rainwater, snow masses), as well as gusts of wind. If a routine inspection reveals damage to the rafters, then do not waste time. A broken rafter may not withstand the load and collapse along with the entire roof... The need for overhaul of the rafter system arises only if half of its entire area is damaged by rot. Most often, damaged elements are replaced.

Repair of the rafter system in case of damage to the rafter leg in stages:

  1. If there is a break in the rafters, then a jack is installed on a previously prepared board, with the help of which the parts are aligned and connected.
  2. The damaged area is well cleaned and strengthened with meter-long boards on both sides, their thickness should be at least 3 cm.
  3. The fastening of the linings to the rafters takes place with long nails.
  4. Holes with a diameter of 16 mm are made for mounting bolts (4 on each side).
  5. Bolts are inserted and tightened.

Reinforcement of rafters with overlays

With a large area of ​​damage, bar prostheses are used. Replacing the affected areas is as follows:

  1. In the place of damage, sheathing, insulation materials and roofing are removed. Then the crate is taken apart.
  2. The rafters are propped up with temporary racks, which are removed at the end of the work.
  3. The decayed parts of the structure are removed.
  4. They put on a prosthesis on the rafter leg, it should be 2-2.5 times longer than the affected part of the board.
  5. The reliability of operation is checked, after which the racks are removed.
Strengthening the rafters with a prosthesis

In a similar way, the parts of the Mauerlat that have undergone the decay process are replaced.

Sometimes it happens that the rafters are intact, but the crate is damaged, and is no longer able to bear the weight of the roof. This can cause the roof to buckle and crack. In this case, reinforcement or complete replacement of the lathing is done.... In this case, the timber is placed between the rafters, and the boards are stuffed in the transverse direction.

Roof reconstruction

Usually, do-it-yourself roof reconstruction is resorted to when there is a need to arrange an additional habitable room in the attic space.

This is a rather serious manipulation, requiring a complete change of the entire rafter system. At the same time, not only does the external decorative appearance and material of the roof change, but also all systems of hydro, heat and sound insulation.

First, the roof covering is removed, then the entire rafter system is dismantled.

If at the same time it is planned to install a roof with an attic room, then the choice of the type of roof will be carried out between the hip and half-hip roofs, which are more suitable for this option and allow you to get the maximum space.

It is recommended to install inclined roofs with your own hands using a profiled sheet and an angle of inclination of up to 50 degrees. In winter, during heavy snowfalls, snow masses will not linger on such a surface, which will significantly reduce the load on the rafter system. In this case, during the construction of the roof, it is possible to use wood material for the rafter legs of a smaller section.

The roof is one of the most important elements in the structure of the entire building. Therefore, it is necessary that it is reliable and well protected from negative weather influences.

Competent design of this structural element will reliably protect the house from precipitation and adverse weather conditions. But still, under the influence of time, many materials become unusable, and in order for the roof to continue to function properly, sometimes significant repairs or replacement of roofing materials are required on their own or with the help of friends.

Before you start repairing the roof, you need to assess its condition. First, it is recommended to inspect the inside, check the condition of the rafters and the strength of the flooring in the attic. Only then can you begin to inspect the outer surface of the roof.

Pay attention not only to the condition of the material covering the roof, but also to the joints of the covering elements, as well as whether they are tightly adjacent to the pipe, ridge or to the ventilation system. After the inspection, you need to make a decision on the volume of repairs and the upcoming costs.

If you only have an emergency repair of the roof of a house to restore local damaged areas, then such a roof repair with your own hands can be performed by a non-roofing specialist. Current repair involves the replacement of 10 to 40% of the entire area of ​​the roofing and sometimes requires the intervention of specialists. In the event of a major overhaul (more than 40% of the roof), it may be necessary to dismantle large areas, and maybe even replace the entire coating and other elements of the roof.

Basic safety rules

When carrying out work on the roof itself, you need to be extremely careful. If you are at a height of dizziness, or you are afraid of heights, then it is better to leave the roof repair to an experienced professional.

If, nevertheless, a decision is made to update or repair the roof on your own, then you should adhere to the following tips.

  • In no case, do not start work in bad weather, be it rain or wind. In this case, it becomes quite dangerous to carry out work on the roof, since the roofing material becomes wet and you can simply fall off, slipping.
  • When carrying out work, clothes should be loose enough, not restrict movement, and shoes should not slip.
  • It is best to have a ladder that has extra headroom. It should be well anchored and very stable.
  • You need to move only along the middle part of the stairs, trying not to cling to its sidewalls.
  • Taking a team-mate with you is the right decision. He, in which case, he will always be able to insure you, provide the necessary tool, and also be useful in those cases where it is difficult to carry out work alone.
  • When repairing a roof that has a very large slope, it is necessary that the staircase has special brackets, which will be convenient enough to fix it to the roof ridge. This is necessary so that during the work the load would be evenly distributed.

If suddenly a situation occurs that it is very difficult to get to the damaged section of the roof or it is practically inaccessible, for example, if it is necessary to repair the roof on the balcony of an apartment building, then it is better not to risk it and leave this venture.

Repairing the roof of a house is not the case when it is worth risking your life and climbing anywhere on your own. It is better to seek help from professionals who work at heights, such as industrial climbers.

How to repair a natural (ceramic) tile roof?

The reasons why it may be necessary to change the tile cover are different. But the most common is that cracks form on the surface of this material, through which water enters the premises. Such cracks can appear at a sharp temperature drop, when the coating shrinks or expands sharply. Another reason may be that the mortars used to hold the tiles together may crumble over time.

As for the first case, the structure of the entire roof must be properly strengthened. To do this, you can strengthen the rafters with the help of wooden bars. In this case, the cracks can be covered with cement mortar.

In case number two, you need to replace the old crumbling mortar with a newer one. The composition of the new solution may be as follows: one portion of lime is added to two portions of sand. For a better bonding effect, tow fibers can be added to the mixture.

But the most important reason for roof leaks are the places of rupture of the waterproofing layer, which, during installation, is laid between the rafters and the laid lathing. Tiles are attached to them on top. Such defects can be eliminated in simple sequential steps:

With the help of a tool such as a trowel, in the place where it is planned to carry out repair work, it is necessary to remove those pieces of the roof that should be replaced aside. And then hammer in small wooden wedges under the shingles that are on top.

Then you need to pull out all the fasteners from the rails on the entire rafter structure.

After the manipulations done, you need to cut off that part of the waterproofing that has been damaged using a construction knife, and then apply a patch, preferably a larger one, and glue its edges with a special glue based on polymers;

Then it is necessary to measure the gaps between those ends of the timber that were cut off, and then cut those parts that will be lacking. Be sure to remember to soak these sections with an antiseptic. And of course, after processing, you need to nail in new fragments using anti-corrosion nails.

The last step will be to return to its place, but only new shards of roofing tile material.

After all the work carried out, it is necessary to protect the entire structure as carefully as possible from mold, as well as from possible moisture ingress. To do this, you need to treat the entire surface with a composition that consists of a mixture of synthetic resins and soil. This composition can perfectly protect the roofing surface, as it creates an excellent screen in the process of interaction with water, which will be reliable protection against water! Special roof paint can also provide additional protection against precipitation.

The main methods of repairing sheet metal roofing

The reasons that can damage metal roofing materials are very different. This can be metal corrosion or poor sealing during previous work on the seams on the bonded coating. Be that as it may, when identifying signs of damage, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate them, that is, to start repairing the roof of the house. Since if this is not done, then in the future this may result in additional problems.

How to repair a folded roof?

If it happened that any defects were found in the sheet roof, then you need to start fixing them as soon as possible. Since, if this is damage from metal corrosion, then it is necessary to exclude the moment of its spread to all other parts of the roof.

For minor problems, the roof can be repaired as follows:

  1. thoroughly clean the repaired area from all damage on the surface with a steel brush;
  1. you need to cut out a patch from a metal sheet, but with a margin, so that it is larger than the area of ​​the defect (at least 5 centimeters);
  1. then, where the damage occurred, carefully cover the edge of the patch and the edges of the damage with a special flux, which includes lead and zinc, and then solder them securely with a soldering iron;
  1. after the applied patch has cooled, cut off the excess solder either with a sandpaper or with a file;
  1. so that the repaired area does not stand out, you can apply a layer of facade paint on it to match the color of the entire roof.

If the damage is too large, then it is best to completely replace all sheets of corrugated board in those places where they are damaged.

Effective repair of metal roofing

Usually, the appearance of a leaking metal roof is an abundance of errors in its flooring, corrosion formed, and there are also cases when the fasteners are not firmly fixed and are significantly loosened. Damage due to cleaning of the coating is quite possible.

If scratches are found on the metal tile, then they must be immediately removed with the help of a special paint.

And if you find gaps in the gaps between the metal part of the structure and the gutter elements, and in some cases under the ridge, then they must be filled with silicone sealant.

A clear hole in the roof covering can be easily repaired with a soldering iron and a patch. If there are a lot of holes, all damaged sheets need to be replaced.

Fasteners are loosened in most cases because they may be of inadequate quality. Therefore, you need to select only high-quality fasteners. Then it can loosen, since washers, which are made, for example, of rubber, do not last very long and can still undergo a loosening process. In this case, it is better not to try to fix the washers that have already failed, but to replace them with new fasteners.

Much more work is required if the "pie" from the roof itself is made incorrectly. As a rule, pitched roofs, specially insulated, as a result of the use of cheap vapor barrier materials, leak quite often. Materials such as, for example, perforated film, although inexpensive, can very poorly remove moisture that can accumulate in it.

The solution to this problem can be the replacement of the obsolete film with a more modern material, for example, a diffusion membrane. It will perfectly protect the insulation from moisture penetration. But we have to admit that this method is not cheap, because in this case, you will have to completely change the entire coverage, and this can lead to significant financial costs.

Shingle roof repair

This type of material is good because bitumen is a very versatile material, which means that all sheets and tiles can be easily replaced. True, the weather conditions for repairs must fully correspond to the work performed. The recommended temperature at which construction work can be carried out should be at least +5 degrees.

This limitation is introduced due to the physical properties of bitumen. In severe frost, this material becomes very fragile and can simply crack. If cracks appear on the tile, then you need to raise it and cover it from the inside with a layer of special roofing glue, or, alternatively, use mastic. After that, the tile must be pressed tightly and the outer part must be treated with the same composition.

  1. Defects of a more serious nature can be completely eliminated by replacing the entire roof covering.
  1. Using a small crowbar, it is necessary to very carefully lift all the tiles that are located above, and then you can remove the one on which the damage is found.
  1. The nails that secured the damaged shard must be pulled out with a nail puller.
  1. Apply glue along the inner edge of the top edge.
  1. Then you need to insert it, under the tile, which is located slightly higher in the top row. It should be fixed with small studs, which are intended for the roof.
  1. The edges that are located above and below the one that has already been laid must also be greased with glue, and then pressed tightly.

Repair of roofing from slate sheets

If you are going to repair a roof with a slate covering, you need to move around this material with the utmost care, because the sheets of slate are very fragile, and if they break, you can simply lose your balance and fall.

In the case of repairing a slate roof, it is best to use the so-called ladder ladder. Since it can contribute to the optimal distribution of the entire body weight over the entire surface of the roof to be repaired.

Do-it-yourself roof repair is not difficult. If damage is found, then you only need to close it with a cement mortar, the proportions of which are as follows: add two parts of quartz sand to one share of cement.

Sometimes a method is used to restore the tightness of the slate coating using adhesive tape, which has a butyl rubber base. To do this, clean the damaged area with a clean cloth, having moistened it with gasoline or White alcohol (white spirit).

First you need to cut a piece of tape to the required size, then remove the protective paper from it and stick it on the crack. The crack follows

overlap by about 4 or 5 centimeters. This repair tape is usually covered on the face with a non-woven, durable material that can be dyed to your desired color so that there are no visible repairs. For these purposes, there is also a special paint for roofs.

If you notice that the slate roof has started to "knock", check if the fastening of the slate with nails has not loosened. You need to change them to new ones or fix them with self-tapping screws with a fairly wide head. Due to the fragility of slate sheets, when removing old nails, you need to ensure that the load on several adjacent waves is distributed using a wooden plank.

The slate roof should be cleaned from debris or snow with a soft brush or broom. Even careful cleaning with a wooden, and even more so with an iron shovel, can significantly damage the slate roof.

Completion of repair work

After all the repairs are completed, start removing debris and other waste from the roof and around the house. It would be desirable to carry out the prevention of waterproofing with a special glue for the roof or resin, i.e. process areas around pipes, hatches, antennas. Various roof paints are available to update the color of some roof elements.

The best time to carry out renovation work is spring or autumn, it is dry, warm, but not hot outside. This is the most convenient time for inspection and maintenance work on the roof of the house.

Dare, and then the roof of your family home repaired by you will not only protect your family from bad weather, but will also allow you to be proud of your contribution to this necessary cause!

Many owners of private houses are faced with a rather unpleasant problem that can arise at any time - this is a roof leak. Of course, repairing the roof of a private house is a rather serious problem, so it must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it can lead to more significant significant troubles in the house.

To solve this problem, you can, of course, turn to the services of professional specialists who will do everything quickly and efficiently, but in this case you will have to spend a significant amount of money. Or you can do everything yourself.

As a rule, the majority chooses exactly the second option, while solving this problem will have to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time and patience. This article will help you solve the problem that has arisen, where there will be a lot of useful information.

Preliminary inspection of the roof

First of all, the overhaul of the roof must be started with an inspection, to find out the degree of damage to the roof and its extent. Inspection is preferable to carry out in rainy weather, when you can see the places of leakage. And only after a complete inspection of the rafters, waterproofing, you can draw any conclusions on the restoration work.

Everything must be carefully and carefully checked so as not to overlook anything. So, for example, you need to inspect all wooden elements for dark and damp stains, which is a sign of constant moisture.

Particular attention should be paid to the roof, because the main problem of leakage comes precisely from its wear or damage.

Further inspection must be carried out from the outside for damage. The first step is to turn your attention to the uppermost part of the roof - the ridge, visually inspect it if it is intact and in what condition its moisture-protective layer is.

After that, you need to inspect the joints of the roof to the drain storm pipes, since these places are the most vulnerable.

In this case, you also need to check and inspect the condition of the metal aprons on the pipes. After that, it is necessary to inspect the gutter completely, it is possible that they are clogged with foliage or tree branches that need to be removed.

Roof Leakage Reasons

A roof can leak for several reasons:

  • violation of the sealed integrity of the roof;
  • depressurization may form at the joints of the roofing material;
  • any damage to the drainage system is possible.

These are the most common and common causes of roof leaks, and this is where the problem lies in most cases.

Repair and restoration of rafters

The roof rafter system is very important - this is due to the fact that the rafters take on almost all the main load of gravity from the roof, as well as from the severity of the snow cover, from the flow of rain and squally gusts of wind.

Therefore, if there is any noticeable damage to the rafters, they must be immediately repaired or additionally reinforced with wooden linings.

If the rafter is rotten almost to the middle, then in this case it is necessary to remove the rotten part, and instead mount a metal prosthesis.

At the same time, while this prosthesis is being prepared, wooden block pads or racks are temporarily installed under the rafters. When the prosthesis is installed on the rafter, then all this is removed.

Replacement and restoration of waterproofing and thermal insulation

It so happens that due to prolonged leakage of the roof, the insulation becomes unusable, as a result of which it loses its thermal insulation properties. Therefore, it must be replaced immediately.

At the same time, it is necessary to check each insulation tile by touch with your hands, if it is damaged or wet, then it is certainly necessary to replace it with a new one.

Secrets of repair work with roofing materials

Metal tile

The metal tile is a fairly high-quality roofing material, however, such a coating may become unusable over time.

And the first signs that this coating needs to be repaired: there is rust on the sheets of metal tiles, signs of paint peeling are visible on the sheets, and there are visible deflections, cracks and chips on the roof.

All this indicates an urgent repair of this coating. Replacing a sheet of metal tile is not at all difficult. In this case, it is enough to unscrew the screws with a screwdriver and remove the damaged sheet and replace it with a new one.

Steel seam roof

Steel seam roofing is a fairly common type of roofing; it is also considered one of the most reliable and durable roofing materials. But even this type of roof can be damaged requiring urgent replacement or maintenance.

As a rule, for this it is enough for large gaps to appear in the steel roof, in this case repair work can be dispensed with. Here, the gaps can be sealed with a special waterproof silicone sealant.

If the roof has damage to the paintwork, in this case, the damaged surface is cleaned of old paint, then it is degreased and only after that paint of the appropriate color can be applied to the roof surface.

If the rotten sections of the roof are not of a significant size, then in this case it is allowed to lay a new sheet of steel on the damaged area and securely fix it using folded joints.


Slate is the cheapest and most common type of roofing material. However, it is considered the most problematic of all types of roofing.

The most common and frequent damage to this type of roof is cracks and chips. Therefore, if a sheet with such signs of damage is found, it must be replaced.

In this case, it is necessary to raise the nails a little higher on adjacent slate sheets so that it is possible to remove the damaged sheet and put a new one in its place.

Repair of the roof of an apartment building

But repairing the roof of an apartment building is a rather complicated and lengthy process. Locations of damage to the roof on multi-storey buildings are not difficult to determine; it is important to visually inspect the entire surface of the roof.

As a rule, all multi-storey buildings have roofing material as a roof. Therefore, it should not have breaks and damage, if there are such signs, then the damaged area must be removed or, if possible, smoothed out with a gas heater. After that, bitumen or a new piece of roofing material must be applied to this area.

Of course, the cost of repairing a roof can be different, it all depends on the degree and scale of the damage. You can, for example, get off by replacing one sheet of slate, or you can replace almost the entire roof entirely.

Therefore, in order not to get into high financial costs, it is necessary to inspect the condition of the roofing once a year in order to prevent overhaul of the roof.

It should be noted that the condition of the house depends on the condition of the roof. You cannot debug roof repairs for later if the situation requires it. If you do everything yourself, but you have any difficulties or questions, then you can see how this is done in the photo of roof repair. Perhaps this will help you solve your problem.

Roof repair photo

Water begins to penetrate. All this has an extremely negative effect on storage conditions. Smudges provoke the appearance of fungus, mold, and increase the overall humidity in the room. The car and other things run the risk of becoming unusable in a short time.

To prevent this, all leaks that occur must be promptly find and eliminate... Most often, the garage roof leaks at the junction of slabs or roofing elements (rolls, panels, and so on). In addition, roof edges are at risk. Water likes to seep along the walls into the garage.

Garage roof insulation

All roofs reinforce internal waterproofing... Without it, protection from precipitation will be incomplete. For these purposes, various materials and methods are used. The most common are extruded foam and roofing felt. The base and the lathing of the roof are laid out with these materials. Fasten them with glue or nails.

In addition, to create waterproofing we must not forget about the structural elements - downpipe, ridge, and so on. Only all technical solutions in the complex guarantee the absence of water in the garage.

Surface integrity can be broken for many reasons. The two most obvious are coating wear and external influences.

The coating may itself lose its protective properties.

Each material has a specific lifespan.

Therefore, do not be surprised if the coating that has been installed 20 years ago, began to let water into the garage.

With age, it becomes covered with swelling and cracks.

This is usually the most likely prerequisite for starting a major overhaul.

The second reason is the physical impact on the surface, for example, in a strong wind, branches or other objects can damage the roof. In this case, you also cannot do without repairs, but you can limit yourself local... That is, do not change the entire canvas, but only repair the damaged areas.

In total, there are two main types of roofing - soft and tough... The difference lies in the materials used. For a soft roof, they use, for example, roofing felt and its modern counterparts. When creating a rigid roof, use corrugated board, slate... Small gaps (up to 5 millimeters) can be treated with construction polyurethane foam.

But in case of large damage, a full-fledged repair should be done. Price garage roof repair largely depends on the scale of the work, the type of roof and the material chosen. Let's consider some options.

Rolled soft roof

If by junction of slabs the roof of the garage is leaking, what should I do in this case? If you find leaks, then, as always, repairing the roof of the garage roof must begin with preparatory phase... First of all, you should climb onto the roof and clean its surface from litter, dirt, leaves. The size of the damage is then assessed.

If they are not very large, you can do without completely removing the roof sheet, stop at local repair... In this case, the damaged area is cut with an ax. The edges are folded to the sides so that they do not interfere. The surface is dried from moisture using a burner. After that, you can lay the roll.

Often, for local repairs, car owners take the cheapest and most common roll material - roofing felt... To close up a small area, it will fit perfectly.

Several pieces are cut from the roll. The size of the pieces is determined based on the length and width of the damage.

Then roofing felt patch put in place of leakage. A layer is applied to a piece of roofing material mastics.

This completes the renovation. The folded edges are folded back and sealed with them patch... Another piece of roofing material is laid on top.

But the dimensions of the second patch should be slightly larger than the first, add 10-20 centimeters in width and length.

Then again treated with resin or mastic. It is highly recommended to carry out such repairs in warm and dry weather. Instead of roofing material, you can take bikrost- a modern analogue of roofing material.

Bikrost has an increased service life, adhesion to the roof surface is much faster.

But all of this is applicable for relatively minor damage. What to do if during inspection you find a lot of smudges, large-scale wear of the canvas, in this case, how to renovate garage roof? First you need to make a complete replacement garage roofs.

To do this, use an ax, a knife, cut the old rolls at the ends and tear them off the roof. Then the surface is prepared in the same way - cleaned and dried. After that it starts stacking soft roof. The process completely coincides with the installation "from scratch". The most difficult and time-consuming repair will be repair with replacement lathing... But this happens quite rarely, the garage must be of considerable age for the crate to become unusable.

Metallic coating

The second type of coverage is rigid roof... Rigid metal roofing is quite common and popular due to its low cost. Unfortunately, metal is more prone to corrosion than rolled synthetic materials.

How to fix a leak in the roof? To start the repair, first, an assessment is carried out, it is determined how laborious the process will be. For small damages, cracks and smudges, it will be sufficient to use a special waterproofing paint, or "rubber" paint. Small gaps close up tow.

If, during the inspection, holes were found, then you should use a soft roll material, for example, roofing material.

It is laid directly on the roof surface, having previously cleaned and prepared.

How to fix a garage roof if there are large holes on the roof?

In this case, waterproofing paint and roofing material will not fit.

Roll materials sag in such an area, poorly protect from precipitation.

To do this, a sheet of roofing iron is purchased in a hardware store, a metal patch with the required dimensions is cut out. Attach the metal patch with self-tapping screws.


When repairing slate a big plus is its modularity. If the roof leaks in the garage, then the damaged slate sheets can be easily removed and replaced with new ones. First, nails are removed from the sheets, old sheets are dismantled. Then they start styling... It is recommended to lay slate, starting from the lower corner and ending with the upper one.

It is advisable to withstand overlap(10-15 centimeters). Waves of sheets are stacked one on top of the other. All excess protrusions are cut off with a grinder. Nails are used for fastening. Cracking is avoided by creating holes. Nails are driven into these holes. The roof edges are additionally protected with plastic overlays. They will prevent chipping.

If the damage is not so significant, you can do without styling new sheets of slate.

How to fill the roof of the garage so that it does not leak? The surface is cleaned and the composition is kneaded. The composition includes PVA glue, cement, asbestos material. Three parts of asbestos is added to two parts of the cement. Water and glue are poured into the resulting mixture, they are taken in proportion one to one.

The workpiece is mixed until a thick consistency is obtained. After that, the damaged slate is primed with PVA glue. The slots are treated with the composition two to three times. Such repairs will extend the life of the roof covering by approximately for five years.

Bituminous shingles

The roof of the garage is leaking, what should I do? Renovate bituminous shingles not difficult.

Sheets that are damaged are removed along with the nails. To do this, use a regular nail clipper.

Pull the nails out carefully, otherwise normal shingles can be damaged.

After that, adjacent sheets are lifted to create free space.

A new sheet of bituminous shingles are laid on the damaged area, and again fastened with nails. It is advisable to work with a partner, since the sheets are quite heavy.

The complexity of the work depends on flow sizes, but in general, the repair looks exactly the same for any scale of damage. Particularly vulnerable points are joints with pipes and hoods.

To enhance the protection of joints, use coiled bitumen and sheet metal. The tin patch is bent around the pipe and then wrapped with a roll of bitumen.


To ensure reliable protection of the garage from precipitation, several design solutions are used. The most important, of course, is roofing and installation. roofing materials... But it doesn't end there.

A full roof must be reinforced from the inside with an additional waterproofing layer. For this, use roofing felt or extruded foam.

When repairing a garage roof with their own hands, roofing material is actively used. It is used on roofs with a soft roll roof and on metal roofs. Roofing material is suitable for metal roofs only for small smudges and holes. Otherwise, it is better to use metal patch... It is cut out of the sheet, and then fastened to the damaged place with self-tapping screws.

Useful video

Watch a video about repairing the roof of a concrete garage:

The roof of the garage is leaking, what should I do? Watch the video below and find out about the correct roof repair:

Although metal roofs are considered very durable, however, during their operation, routine repairs will periodically be required to replace damaged areas of the coating. During this, patches are mounted, cracks are eliminated, and painting is carried out.

Types of iron roofing

For the manufacture of metal roofing, galvanized iron, titanium-zinc, aluminum or copper can be used. To protect the roofing iron from corrosion, paint, metal oxides or special polymers are applied to them.

How to prepare a metal roof for repair

The repair of a metal roof is preceded by the preparation of its surface. The first step is to remove dust, rust and other contaminants: a broom and brush are used for these purposes. Cleaning of rusty places is carried out with metal brushes, with the obligatory cleaning of the resulting dust. Also, the surface is inspected for cracks and holes: usually this is the result of careless handling of a shovel while removing snow from the roof.

When repairing the roof of a private house with your own hands, it is inconvenient to inspect it alone, it is advisable to enlist the support of at least one assistant. One person is placed in the attic, given a long stick, the second is on top of the roof, having chalk with him. From the inside, it is much more convenient to detect holes, which the assistant with a stick informs about by knocking on a metal sheet. Sunny days are most suitable for such a procedure, which will make it possible to notice even the smallest holes. A companion on the roof immediately marks the location of the defect with chalk. Upon completion of the survey of the entire roof area, you can proceed to eliminate the flaws found.

Ways to repair an old roof from leaks

Local repair of a metal roof from leaks is carried out using patches of two types: along the width of the picture and intermediate ones. In the first way, defects on the plane are eliminated, in the second - in the ridges or near them. As a patch, sheets are used with the necessary margin for the size of the place of wear (allowances are needed for joining). The damaged area is opened and patched to the old coating. If gentle slopes are being repaired, then the connecting sections can be soldered.

Before installation, the patches are coated with linseed oil, and after installation they are painted with a weather-resistant composition. In the same way, it is necessary to process the connecting areas to avoid rusting. If the size of the hole does not exceed 200 mm, tarpaulin, burlap or thick fabric is used to make the patch. To close a small hole up to 30 mm, hot bitumen, red lead putty or special mastic are used. Around the defect, it is necessary to clean up an area of ​​30-40 mm, followed by a double-sided coating.

Patches made of fabric and burlap are impregnated with liquid oil paint, which contains natural linseed oil with crushed lead or iron red lead. The fabric must be well dried before impregnation. The impregnation time is 10-15 minutes. Then the patch is wrung out and placed over the hole: smoothing and fixation is carried out with a stiff brush. Close attention is paid to the edges of the patch. It usually takes about a week to dry the patches, after which you can paint the entire roof surface. Repair of gutters, overhangs, gutters and eaves overhangs is carried out much more often, due to the greater vulnerability of these areas during the removal of snow and ice.

If defects account for most of the entire roof area, then it must be changed completely. This procedure has the same algorithm of actions as the laying of new material. The dismantled sheets can be used to decorate the southern side of the slopes, having previously cleaned, cut and covered with paint or linseed oil. To arrange a valley, eaves or other critical roof section, it is recommended to use only new metal sheets. Before pressing, all folds are treated with putty on iron lead.

Use for the repair of roll materials

A cheaper option for repairing a metal roof is to use roll materials.

In this case, the following procedure is observed:

  1. Repair of the lathing.
  2. Restoration of gutters, gutters and slopes.
  3. Fixation of swollen and torn fragments on nails.
  4. Cleaning the roof with a metal brush.
  5. Laying roll material in the longitudinal and transverse direction to the standing seam.
  6. Padding on both sides of triangular battens of the same height with rebates.
  7. Hot bitumen laying and roofing felt.

The procedure is carried out from the eaves to the ridge: each next row should have an overlap of 8 cm on the previous one. To make the transverse strips easier to lay, the standing folds are bent to the plane of the roof.

Using "Polikrov"

Overhaul of the iron roof can be carried out using a polymer coating: in this case, it is not necessary to remove the old finish.

The composition of "Polikrov" contains polymer and bulk components:

  • Reinforced fiberglass on a roll basis "Polikrov - AR".
  • Mastic "Polikrov - M", for fixing the material to the base.
  • Self-leveling coating "Polikrov - L", laid in several layers.

The roll base is quite easy to lay and glue, and the self-leveling base contributes to the formation of a monolithic film. "Polikrov" is presented for sale in a rich variety of colors. The most popular color is silver: its reflective characteristics ensure the cleanliness and novelty of the coating for a long time after installation. During operation, the lower roll base of "Polikrova" is reliably protected by an upper layer, which can be renewed if necessary.

Strengths include the following:

  • Possibility of laying on the previous surface.
  • After the repair, the parameters of the renewed roof increase significantly.
  • Laying does not make the roof much heavier.
  • Practically waste-free method (connections and joints are isolated with residues).

Algorithm for laying the roll-polymer composition "Polikrov":

  1. Bending the folds.
  2. Cleaning the base from debris.
  3. Application of mastic for gluing fiberglass or burlap. The width of the strips is 15-20 cm.
  4. Installation of insulating material and "Polikrova".
  5. For finishing the ridge use strips "Polikrov-AR-130" or "Polikrov-AR-150".
  6. The roof surface is varnished with "Polikrov-L-1".

If the roof can be covered with one strip (20-22 m), a continuous laying from the ridge to the overhang is chosen for covering. Repair of an old roof of a large area begins from the bottom.


  • Operating temperature - from -60 to +140 degrees.
  • There are 20 m2 of material in rolls, with a width of 90 cm and a thickness of 2 mm.
  • The mastic is packed in barrels or cans of 20-200 liters.
  • The service life is 25 years.

The most vulnerable areas of the metal roof are the joints. If there is a violation of the temperature and humidity regime, then these can also include the gaps between the battens, along the attic side. This is due to the fact that non-galvanized steel nails, bolts and other fasteners in the joints with galvanized sheets form a destructive electric steam. To prevent such phenomena, it is recommended to use roofing felt pads.

How to paint a metal roof

Painting is the final stage of the iron roof repair. Water, hydrogen sulphide, air, carbon dioxide, sand, dust and smoke affect the paint layer in a destructive manner. In order to minimize their influence as much as possible, painting must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. When applying, it is important to achieve evenness and smoothness of the layers, which will prevent the accumulation of various contaminants.

In the case of uneven application, cracks usually occur: the water flowing into them will begin to quickly destroy the roofing material. For reliability, it is recommended to apply the paint in 2-3 layers. Correct preparation of the substrate, which must be completely clean and dry, is of particular importance. As for the temperature regime, most roof paints are designed to work in freezing temperatures.

If everything is done correctly, then a repaired metal roof can last a long time. If the slightest defect is found, it is advisable to immediately eliminate it, otherwise the problem will worsen over time.