Repair Design Furniture

How to drink bee death on vodka. How much to insist bee death on vodka. Where efficiency will be low

Podmore tincture

As you might guess, the main component of any tincture of this type is the very dead. He, in turn, is nothing more than dead bees. They appear constantly, because they live quite a short time. A month, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. It should be noted that in winter, the life span of these insects is already becoming more significant, since they do practically nothing.

The main active ingredients of this result of the work of the apiary are components such asmelanin and chitosan . They are contained in the corpses of bees and are very beneficial for human health. Since simply eating dead field workers is not a good idea, humanity has long ago invented the ability to infuse them, highlighting all the useful substances and filtering out unnecessary elements.

The Tibetan recipe for an alcohol medicine based on the natural product we are considering is very popular. How to prepare it?

Interestingly, in this case we are talking about the method comprehensive health improvement organism. It is very important to observe all the nuances of its use.

The use of garlic decoctions plays a very important role in this method. But the means of beekeeping will be useful here.

As you know, insects emit poison. Of course, in large quantities it is dangerous for the human body, but in small doses, on the contrary, it is extremely useful. It is on this effect that the positive effect is based when using the natural medicine we are considering.

What is the means we are considering? In fact, these are the bodies of winged beekeepers who died a natural death. We can agree that such a medicine has a rather frightening name. However, we must not forget that behind this name lies a real storehouse of microelements useful for the human body.

The natural medicine we are considering has long been quite successfully used both in official and alternative medicine. Based on such a product, there is a huge number of a wide variety of folk recipes against various ailments.

On the basis of such a product, various medicines are specially produced. Among them you can find the following options:

  • decoctions;
  • infusions;
  • ointments;
  • mixtures.

It is the product that we will talk about today, namely the alcohol medicine based on the powder from the bodies of winged beekeepers, that has a huge healing potential. It will be easy and simple to prepare it even for beginners in the field of traditional medicine.

The only point is that it takes a certain amount of time. As a rule, our natural medicine is infused for quite a long time - about 21 days.

In this case, it is necessary to clearly understand what kind of raw materials you will use. The fact is that the product we are considering can be divided according to the season of collection:

  • winter;
  • spring;
  • summer;
  • autumn.

And it's not just the time of receipt of the product. First of all, we are talking about the healing properties of natural medicine.

The most popular option is the autumn collection. What is the reason for these preferences? The fact is that the winged beekeepers over the summer significantly gain weight. Thus, we can say that by the time of the onset of autumn, a fairly large amount of vitamins accumulates in their relatively small bodies.

But insects that died in winter or early spring should not be taken orally. Their bodies, as a rule, are severely depleted, and they are full of harmful substances accumulated in the feces.

Useful microelements there, on the contrary, will be quite small, but still they are also present. Therefore, despite the fact that it is better not to use them inside, they can be put on the outside. For example, to create various drugs based on them:

  • ointments;
  • lotions;
  • compresses.

For the manufacture of drugs according to folk recipes, only the dried version of the product we are considering is suitable. It is believed that a medicine based on alcohol from such natural raw materials is endowed with powerful healing power.

Such a product after collection is cleaned of various debris. It is best to use this cooking option, which assumes that the prepared raw materials are dried in a Russian oven.

Of course, in modern conditions this is not always possible. That is why now or in the oven at a temperature of 40-50 degrees Celsius. Properly processed powder from dead insects should be odorless, moldy and damp.

Medicinal properties of tincture on the bee sea

This substance has a lot of healing properties. It is able to improve the functioning of many internal organs, has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes toxins, destroys harmful microorganisms, destroys tumors, stabilizes blood pressure, protects against radiation, accelerates and improves the healing process of wounds, and so on.

When to take:

  • with pain in the joints;
  • with a lack of vitamins;
  • with problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to rejuvenate the body;
  • with memory problems;
  • with diabetes;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • with any viral diseases;
  • when receiving external damage;
  • in inflammatory processes;
  • for weight loss and so on.

Separately, it should be noted that in the vast majority of cases, such an alcohol-containing agent is able to quite successfully interact with drugs. It does not reduce their effectiveness, but on the contrary, significantly increases them. It is because of this that a significant part of doctors have nothing against the dosed and careful use of tincture. You can also drink itpreventive purposes which will also have a very positive effect on the human body.

In general, that just does not treat tincture of dead bees. In fact, any disease in one way or another can be cured with the help of this useful product, so it is worth refusing to use it only in special cases when there are direct contraindications.

How to prepare the medicine we are considering? We will need dried insect bodies, as well as 40% alcohol.

Pour dead insects into a bowl. It is best to use an ordinary glass half-liter jar for these purposes. You will need to remember the capacity with raw materials to about the middle.

Then put some noticeable mark on the glass of the jar. Then you have to fill the indicated container with alcohol: in order to correctly perform this procedure, you will need to focus on the mark you have set.

Alcohol should fill the container so that the level of the mixture is about 2-3 centimeters above the line you marked. The liquid must be infused for 2-3 weeks.

In order for the medicine to be prepared in the right way, it is required to periodically shake the glass jar: of course, this must be done with extreme caution. Before use, the medicine must be filtered.

To enhance the healing effect of the drug, it is recommended to use some tricks. For example, a component such as crushed eucalyptus leaves can be added to the mixture.

Of course, certain proportions are required. The crushed eucalyptus should be approximately 10% of the amount of the main component we are considering.

Tincture of dead bees on vodka and its application

Before proceeding with the manufacture of such a tincture, you should choose its main component correctly. It should be borne in mind that there are four types of subpestilence according to the seasons. The spring type is considered to be the most high-quality and useful, since during the previous period of their life the insects “fat” and after their death they can release more substances that are necessary and useful for the human body.

Insects that died in other seasons can also be used, but only for the manufacture of ointments and other similar products.

After the deadwood is selected, it should be dried thoroughly. In the overwhelming majority of cases, this has already been done directly in the apiary, and the product is immediately ready for further processing, but it is still worth clarifying.

If you have to dry yourself, you need to do it very carefully. Ideally, you should use a classic Russian stove, but not everyone has it.Alternative Method - the most common oven, heated to a temperature of +40 to +50 degrees (no more). The last point of preparation is grinding the bodies of insects to a state of powder.

After the mass is prepared, the cooking process itself begins. The mass is placed in a dark glass container, which can be very tightly closed. Vodka is poured into it in the ratio of 3 parts of vodka to 1 part of the mass. When this is done, the container is placed in a dark and cool place. It must first be closed carefully.

The tincture will be ready in about three weeks, but you can’t leave it alone. You need to shake it up regularly. At first, this will need to be done every day, but subsequently about 2-3 times a week will be enough.

When the liquid is infused, it should be filtered from various debris (you can use simple gauze). It is better to store it in the same place where she insisted.

It is not enough just to prepare the remedy correctly, you also need to know how to properly take the tincture of dead bees on vodka. In general, this is not a very complicated process, and it does not differ in any way from the same application of an alcohol-based remedy.

The correct manufacture of a therapeutic agent is a guarantee of its high efficiency.

The first step is to determine the dose. It's very simple. We take the number of years of the life of a person who should take the medicine and exactly the same number of drops of tincture. This will be the optimal dose for the day. It is recommended to divide it into two parts and drink it in the morning and in the evening about 30 minutes before meals. The course should last for 1 month and repeat it twice a year.

A medicine from the bodies of winged beekeepers can be prepared according to a fairly simple recipe for traditional medicine. Even the person who has never faced the need to prepare such preparations will be able to cope with its creation.

Preparations based on powder from dead insects, unlike many other folk remedies, are prepared incredibly quickly and simply. If you bought dead insects in their entirety or collected them yourself on the territory of your apiary, they must be crushed to a powder. To do this, you can use the help of such kitchen equipment as a coffee grinder or mortar.

Place the powder in a dark glass bowl. The tightness of the container you choose is also important. It is very important that the lid of the dish can close well.

Pour a small amount of powder from dead insects with vodka or alcohol. The recommended ratio of such components is 1 to 3.

For example, for 100 grams of powder from dead insects, 300 grams of the so-called fire water is taken. After mixing these components, the container must be tightly closed with a lid, and then placed in a dark and cool room.

In order for the therapy to be as effective as possible, it is very important to carefully follow the existing recommendations on the storage conditions of a natural medicinal product. Immediately after preparation, the dishes with a healing agent should be shaken regularly: it is best to do this daily.

After some time, the medicine will also need to be shaken regularly, but now it will be possible to take certain breaks between such procedures.

Shaking is required every 3-4 days. The process of infusion of the medicinal preparation must take at least three weeks (or 21 days).

After the specified period, filter the resulting mixture through several layers of gauze. Then the product should be poured into a clean glass bottle.

It is necessary to ensure that no impurities, and even more harmful substances, get into the container with the medicine. And the use of glassware helps to comply with storage conditions.

Powder from the bodies of winged beekeepers, which is infused with vodka, must also be stored in a dark and cold place. Compliance with storage conditions contributes to the most effective treatment process.

For the preparation of medicinal products based on the bodies of winged beekeepers, raw materials of both winter and summer collection are suitable. This applies to the option when you are going to use such a remedy for external use. If you are going to use the product inside, then it is better to use autumn harvest raw materials for such purposes.

If you are preparing the medicine yourself, then you will need to collect insects whose life cycle has come to an end on the territory of the apiary. Then they should be dried, and for these purposes it is better to use not the open sun, but an oven or a Russian stove, if you have such an opportunity.

If you do not have the opportunity to prepare a healing mixture on your own, you can buy former winged workers in specialized stores, at agricultural fairs or directly from beekeepers who own apiary farms. Before purchasing raw materials, it is necessary to clearly understand how to choose the right components.

Pay attention to the smell: first of all, the substance you choose should smell pleasant. In no case should raw materials be moldy.

Ask how the bees were treated, if they were pesticides. Such a powder from former winged beekeepers is suitable exclusively for external use. It's not worth it to take it internally.

Of course, vodka for the preparation of the medicine must be selected as carefully as possible. It is definitely not worth saving on such a product. Alcohol should be well purified, of high quality.

Most often, a powder from dead insects is used in the form of an alcohol healing mixture, and various preparations are also made from it. The following types of medicinal substances are most popular:

  • aqueous solutions;
  • decoctions;
  • ointments.

To find out how to properly take such a drug, it is necessary not only to study the existing information about the features of the application, but, above all, to consult with a specialist.

It is very important to be aware of possible contraindications. Most often this may be due to allergic reactions and intolerance to the components of bee venom.

It is impossible to use such a remedy based on former winged beekeepers for young children, especially under the age of 3 years. In addition, you can not use a similar drug and pregnant women.

With caution, use such a remedy for medicinal purposes for people suffering from liver diseases. It is strictly forbidden to be treated with a remedy if an allergic reaction to any of the bee products has been noted.

The drug is used both externally and internally. Depending on the disease, the dosage of the drug also varies. Therefore, the advice of a specialist will be useful.

In order to cleanse the body, it is recommended to take a powder based on dead insects prepared with vodka for a month. It is best that the course of treatment takes place every six months. The number of drops of a healing agent at one time is equal to the number of years of the patient.

For the treatment of adenoma, use a spoonful of a tablespoon of the drug with water twice a day, before meals. At the same time, traditional healers are advised to drink the medicine with water and honey. The course of treatment lasts a month, then a two-week break, and the course is repeated.

Effective results are obtained by the use of tincture in gynecology for the treatment of uterine fibroids. In the early stages of diabetes - take a 5% mixture of alcohol 15 drops after meals, which allows you to keep the sugar level within normal limits.

With giardiasis, the prepared extract is taken for a whole month, 25 drops after meals. An alcoholic medicine based on a powder from former winged beekeepers has a beneficial effect when it is necessary to resist the development of other pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines.

For the prevention of diseases and raising immunity, the substance is taken twice a day. The daily dosage of drops is equal to the number of years of a person, that is, if you are 30 years old, then 15 drops are taken twice a day. The course of prevention is 30 days, every six months.

Tincture of bee deadness on alcohol

To create a tincture of this type, you will first need to do the same with the podmore as indicated above. True, the cooking process itself will be somewhat different. You will need the most common jar with a volume of half a liter, into which the mass is poured approximately to the middle.

After that, a mark is made on the very middle to which the substance was poured, and alcohol is poured there so that its level is about a couple of centimeters higher from the line. The further process of infusion and use is absolutely identical to the previous scheme. For simplicity, you can dilute alcohol to a level of 40 degrees and use it instead of vodka with the same success. It should be noted that in addition to dying on alcohol, other beekeeping products are also prepared, for example -.

Newcomers to the field of traditional medicine often have many different questions regarding the treatment process. Here are just a few of them:

  • how to choose raw materials;
  • how to prepare medicine;
  • how to apply for various diseases.

Some people are worried about the price of this or that drug. Of course, this indicator depends on many different factors, so it can be quite difficult to give an exact figure.

If you want to buy such a tool, you must understand how to choose the right raw material for you. For example, for oral administration, preference should be given to insects collected in the autumn season.

For which patients can this method of treatment be suitable? Here you can list many different ailments:

  • from the joints;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT);
  • with varicose veins;
  • from pressure.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on compliance with all existing recommendations for the manufacture and use of traditional medicines. As a rule, if all the recommendations are followed, then patients will be able to get a fairly serious effect from the treatment, which is confirmed by their numerous positive reviews.

Another recipe for tincture of dead bees

In addition to the "alcoholic" options for the tincture of dead bees, there is also a more "childish" option, in which it is proposed to infuse the substanceon the water . This will require all the same dead time, which must be poured into half a liter of cold water and then simmer for about 1 hour.

After that, the medicinal infusion is ready for use. It should be remembered that it is not stored for more than 14 days, however, it is better not to bring it up to such a period. The best option would be to prepare the medicine about once every 4 days.

Equally popular is a medicine based on winged beekeepers cooked on water. To prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of such a product.

The powder must be poured into a special container and diluted in 0.5 liters of cold water. The mixture needs to be simmered for about 60 minutes.

The water remedy in its healing properties is in no way inferior to the alcohol version. In some cases, you can be treated with either one remedy or another. For example, it is better not to use alcohol-containing preparations for those patients who suffer from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

True, sometimes you can combine alcohol and water healing mixtures. Both drugs can complement the beneficial effects of each other.

For prevention: 1 drop per 1 year of life. The dose should be divided into 2 doses: morning and evening. For example, if you are 30 years old, you take 15 drops in the morning and another 15 in the evening. You need to drink the remedy half an hour before breakfast and dinner. Course - 30 days 2 times a year.

When treating any disease from the above list, the dose is initially determined according to the same scheme, but doubles over time. Treatment, depending on the form of the disease, is carried out throughout the year with periodic breaks.

The shelf life of such a medicine is 3 years, provided it is stored in a dark place where there is no access to direct sunlight.

How to buy a tincture of dead bees

In order to buy a product and not fall for scammers, in the most ideal case, you should purchase it from acquaintances or friends who are independently engaged in its manufacture. Alternatively, it is also possible to buy the tincture from the official points of sale of various enterprises, but quality certificates must be required.

Points of sale by priority:

  1. friends, relatives, acquaintances;
  2. certified points of sale with all documents on hand;
  3. online stores (requires verification and analysis of the store);
  4. market, hand-buying, and so on.

It is not recommended to purchase medicine from the hands, in the markets or in any places where there are no confirmatoryproduct quality documents, as well as the ability to somehow check this very quality, and even more so, in case of problems, hold the seller accountable.

Only a quality product can provide the desired medicinal and preventive effect.

Online stores are considered a good option, but it requires a thoughtful approach and a desire to spend enough time looking for reviews both about the store itself and directly about the selected product. But as a reward for effort, you can get a quality product at a lower price.

Podmore has such healing properties that help relieve swelling and relieve discomfort when walking, with varicose veins. This is due to the fact that bees are a carrier of elements such as heparin, which relieves inflammation, restores blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels in the body. In addition, the integument of bees includes a complex of biologically active components that stimulate immune processes and improve the body's response to harmful environmental factors.

Podmore is also rich in antioxidants, which in the human body prevent the development of mutations and slow down the aging process of cells.

In particular, to prevent the development of varicose veins, as well as for preventive purposes, they take dead bees, which are rich in heparoids or natural blood anticoagulants. Thanks to heparoids, it is possible to treat various inflammatory processes, as well as stabilize blood pressure, significantly improve the condition of blood vessels, get rid of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of the brain.

Dead bees are used in apitherapy - the treatment of a number of diseases with bee products. In another way, it is also called bee droppings, poison, propolis. It has healing properties, takes part in many biological and chemical processes in the body, restoring and improving them.

What is a dead bee

Dead bees are the bodies of healthy bees that have died naturally. On average, the life cycle of honey plants is from 1 to 9 months. Longer live winter, less - summer individuals. Dead bees are collected in spring (most often), summer and autumn periods (optional).

Podmor can also be obtained artificially:

  1. Collect the bodies of insects after a session of apitoxin therapy (treatment with bee venom).
  2. Close the bees for 10 days in a hive without food, which will lead to their death.

The second method of obtaining useful raw materials is used extremely rarely.

Podpes represents the bodies of naturally dead bees, which have healing powers.

Chemical composition

Knowing what a dead bee is, you need to familiarize yourself with its chemical composition. The bee pestilence consists of biochemical substances useful for humans:

  • melanins;
  • vitamins;
  • chitin;
  • amino acid compounds;
  • mineral elements;
  • heparin.

Melanins are pigments that give the skin, eyes and hair a dark color. They are natural potent antioxidant compounds. They have the ability to absorb ultraviolet rays, protecting the human body from negative effects. These substances help to normalize the natural microflora in the body, remove toxic elements.

The product is enriched with minerals that are easily and quickly absorbed by the human body: sodium, potassium, silver, calcium, phosphorus, chromium, magnesium, barium, iron, zinc, aluminum and sulfur.

Heparin inhibits blood clotting, expands the vascular walls, lowers the content of bad cholesterol. Helps improve vascular patency. Due to these properties, bee subpestilence is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the vascular system.

the product has a rich chemical composition that has a positive effect on human health

Bee venom is useful. Due to its mild effect and safety, it can be used in people with contraindications to apitherapy. Dead bee venom does not lose its therapeutic properties even after heat treatment. This substance regulates the work of the central nervous system, calms, treats insomnia. Helps to raise hemoglobin and improve appetite.

Chitin is a natural polymer that makes up the internal skeleton and outer shells of bees. It has a positive effect on the human digestive system, improving the process of digestion of food. Promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat cells.

reception of bee subpestilence has a positive effect on pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and joints

What is useful bee death. Indications for use

Treatment with dead bees has a beneficial effect on all vital systems of the human body. The medicinal properties characteristic of bee deadness are:

  • restoration and strengthening of the immune system;
  • increase the body's resistance to viruses and infections;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • alignment of hormonal levels;
  • strengthening of bone and cartilage tissues;
  • providing a neutralizing effect on toxic substances and poisons;
  • restoration of the natural intestinal microflora;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • resorption of blood clots and prevention of their re-formation;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • strengthening nails and hair, restoring skin tone and elasticity;
  • activation of the process of cellular regeneration.

It is recommended to take bee subpestilence as a remedy for the following diseases:

  • neurological disorders;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • pathology of the organs of vision;
  • violations of the functioning of the heart and vascular system;
  • loss of strength, weak immune system;
  • diabetes mellitus and other pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland, hormonal failure.

Dead bee extract is used in the complex therapy of cancer along with medications. The healing properties of the subpestilence have found application during the recovery period after serious illnesses and surgical operations.

dried bees have a positive effect on both the female and male body

For women

Effective treatment with deadly gynecological diseases and mastitis. In diseases such as mastopathy and mastodynia, the bee product manages to stop pain, eliminate swelling and swelling of the mammary glands.

It is recommended to take a podmore for women with menopause. It softens the course of the transition period, reducing the intensity of unpleasant symptoms. It is recommended to use a subpestilence in the treatment of uterine diseases: polyps, cysts, fibroids and fibroids. The use of this product helps to stop the symptoms of pathologies of the uterine cavity and speed up the healing process.

In addition to curing various gynecological diseases, it is used by women as one of the methods of combating excess weight.

For men

Found dead bee application for men. This is one of the best remedies for restoring and strengthening male sexual power. The biologically active components that make up the product help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, stimulate an erection and maintain its stability. Men who take a healing remedy forget what sexual impotence is.

Podmore is used in the complex treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis, eliminates the inflammatory process, restores the functioning of the organ and strengthens local immunity.


Before using a useful product, you need to familiarize yourself with the limitations and contraindications to its use:

  • allergy to honey and other bee products;
  • chronic diseases of the heart and vascular system during the period of exacerbation;
  • the presence of liver failure;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • mental diseases;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

In addition, podmor has an age limit for use. It should not be used in the treatment of children under 5 years of age. In what cases a dead bee brood cannot be used, the doctor will tell in more detail.

The harm of dead bees

A natural remedy can only be harmful if used incorrectly. Any bee product is a strong allergen, so it must be taken with caution. Failure to comply with the recommended dosages can lead to intense allergic reactions. Allergies can occur to chitin, dust and poison.

for the preparation of medicinal products, you can use raw materials purchased in finished form

Recipes for drugs based on dead bees

For medicinal purposes, decoctions, ointments and drops, tinctures, steams and powder are used on the basis of this product.

  1. Decoction. Pour 50 g of the substance into 500 ml of boiled water. Put the container on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 2 hours. Leave to cool for another 2 hours, strain.
  2. Raspar. Pour boiling water over 100 g of the ingredient so that the water covers it a little. Infuse for 15 minutes, drain the water through gauze folded in several layers.
  3. Powder. Podmore fry in a small amount of vegetable oil. After cooling, you need to grind in a mortar or coffee grinder to a powder state.
  4. Ointment from subpestilence at home. 1 st. l. grind the product. Slowly pour vegetable oil into it, constantly stirring, to get a thick (like sour cream) consistency.
  5. Podmore tincture. It is recommended to cook with vodka or alcohol. 1 st. l. pour 1 liter of medicine or vodka. Insist in a dark place for 21 days. After cooking, strain the liquid through cheesecloth.
  6. Eye ointment. 1 st. l. raw materials must be burned to a state of ash. Mix it with 100 ml of water and 1 tsp. honey. Mix thoroughly until smooth.

Podmor powder can be prepared at home and taken for medicinal purposes

To enhance the therapeutic properties, other bee products can be added to the prepared infusion or decoction. Propolis vodka tincture with dead bees is used in the treatment of prostate diseases in men. To prepare it, you need to mix 20 ml of tincture of the dead with the same amount of propolis alcohol tincture and add 1 tsp. honey.

Using podmor to heal specific diseases

When treating various pathologies with a beekeeping product, the dosage and duration of the course should be followed:

  1. Hormonal disruptions, thyroid dysfunction: alcohol tincture is taken for a month.
  2. Diabetes mellitus - 3 times a day, 15 ml of tincture after meals. The duration of therapy is 1 month, if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 2 weeks.
  3. Oncology treatment: the therapeutic course begins with 10 drops of decoction 3 times a day. After a week, the dosage is increased every day by a few drops until it reaches 1 tbsp. l. The course is 1-2 months.
  4. Pain in the joints and muscles: an ointment is used, which is rubbed into the affected area up to 4 times a day. In the same way, alcohol or vodka tincture can be used.
  5. Overweight, obesity: a decoction or alcohol tincture is used in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  6. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: steam is used. After cooking, the water is drained and steamed bees are laid out on gauze. Raspar is applied to the affected area for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day. The steam must be freshly prepared and hot. This tool gives the same therapeutic effect as ready-made pharmaceutical preparations from subpestilence, for example, Pchelovit ointment for joints and bones.
  7. Treatment of acne, boils: a cotton swab is moistened in an alcohol tincture and acne is spot-treated. If acne on the face is multiple, a cotton pad is used, the skin is rubbed with it. Manipulations are performed 2 times a day.
  8. Eye diseases: 1 tsp. fried subpestilence is taken 2 times a day with a glass of milk. The course lasts 1 month, repetition is possible after a break of 2 months.
  9. Gynecological diseases, prostatitis and impotence in men: Podmore powder mixed with vegetable oil, use 1 tsp. before meals. To enhance the effectiveness of the drug, it is recommended to drink goat's milk. The duration of therapy is up to 2 months.
  10. Mastitis. The raspar is laid out in gauze and applied to the chest, fixed with cling film, covered with a warm cloth. Keep the compress until it cools down.

Podmore is used in the treatment of pathologies of muscles and joints, providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

During the period of influenza, SARS and acute respiratory infections, a decoction of subpestilence is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day for 2 weeks. This will help strengthen the immune system and prevent infection.

The use of podmore in cosmetology

In cosmetology, decoctions and tinctures based on subpestilence are used for external skin treatment and ingestion. It is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. decoction or 1 tsp. alcohol tincture 3 times a day.

The powder can be added to face creams. The tool helps to smooth out age and mimic wrinkles, even out the tone of the face and restore skin elasticity.

water and alcohol tinctures with dead bees are used for cosmetic purposes for face and body skin care

In the summer, when the dermis needs to be moisturized, it is recommended to wash your face daily with a decoction of dead wood or wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in it. Chitin, which is part of the product, has the ability to retain moisture in the skin, so that it is well hydrated.

Podmore starts the process of regeneration of the epidermis, restores elasticity, protects against the negative influence of environmental factors.

To obtain a quality product, certain collection rules must be observed.

Collection and storage of dead

The collection and preparation of raw materials occur according to the following algorithm:

  1. It is recommended to collect young bees. You can do this in autumn, spring or summer. The best and most useful product is harvested in the fall, when the bees are already strong enough and their body is saturated with essential minerals and vitamins.
  2. Bee carcasses need to be sifted through a sieve, removing dust, dirt and other debris.
  3. Dead bees should be dried. To do this, use a heater or oven. It is recommended to dry them at a temperature of +40… +50°С.
  4. After cooking, pour into cloth bags.

For decoctions and tinctures taken orally, it is necessary to choose bees that have not been treated with poisons, pesticides and other chemicals during their lifetime. Bees must be carefully inspected before cooking. They should not be mold, fungus and other damage.

In order for the product to retain its useful properties for a long time, it is important to adhere to the rules for storing dead wood at home. Packed in cloth bags, bees should be kept in a room with good ventilation and low humidity. Instead of a linen bag, you can use a cardboard container.

Podmor can be stored in the refrigerator and freezer, but it is strictly forbidden to defrost it. The longest shelf life of high-quality dried bees, folded in a suspended mesh bag. Following the recommendations will help to preserve the product for a long time and protect it from the appearance of mold.

Beekeeping products produced by small workers are used by man almost completely. Honey, wax, pollen, perga, propolis are used in the food industry, medicine, and cosmetology. But even after death, the bees continue to be useful. From their dried bodies, they produce a “cure for a thousand diseases” - dead bees.

It would be easier to answer the question of what this amazing medicine does not cure. The powder contains a little bee venom, melanin, chitosan, and also:

  • amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • hormone-like substances.

With regular use, it frees the body from toxins, metals, which are practically not excreted by anything else, as well as:

Dead bee is a unique medicine. Dried bee bodies are used to prepare tinctures for oral use, ointments for external use, decoctions with the addition of medicinal herbs and honey, and are also simply taken in dry form with coffee or tea.

Podmore infusion on water or medicinal herbs is acceptable in the treatment of even very young children, as it is considered completely safe and rarely leads to allergic reactions.

Podmor is also used in cosmetology, for the treatment and disposal of:

  • wrinkles;
  • age spots;
  • redness and inflammation of the skin;
  • burns and small cuts;
  • pimples and blackheads.

It is very important to properly prepare the medicine in order to get the maximum benefit from it. Prepare from the powder infusions on alcohol, vodka, clean water.

The effectiveness of alcohol tinctures is higher, but for women, children and the elderly it is better to choose water ones - they do not have any destructive effect and are completely safe.

Recipes for tinctures from dead bees

Dried powder from bees can be used in combination with honey - mixing a tablespoon of sweet mass with half a teaspoon of subpestilence. The resulting composition is taken twice a day before meals.

To enhance the effect, a variety of tinctures are prepared, the recipes for which are many.

Alcohol tincture of bee deadness

The most popular tincture is on medical alcohol. How to prepare a tincture of dead wood? You will need:

  • a tablespoon of dried and carefully ground bees with a mortar;
  • 200 ml. alcohol.

Podmore and alcohol are combined in a glass container, the powder must be kneaded for several minutes. Then the mass is poured into a dark glass bottle, closed well with a lid, wrapped in a towel and put away in a dark, cool place.

The medicine is infused for about three weeks, every two to three days you need to take it out and shake the bottle.

Since it is difficult to get medical alcohol today, you can prepare medicine on ordinary, good quality vodka.

Tincture from dead bees on vodka

To prepare the medicine you will need:

  • small bottle 0.5l. quality vodka;
  • 2 tbsp with a hill of dry bees.

Before insisting on vodka, the product must be carefully ground in a coffee grinder. The infusion is prepared in the same way as on alcohol, but it is infused for at least 2 weeks.

Setting on the water

For children, pregnant women and people who do not recognize alcohol even in minimal doses, an infusion is prepared on the water.

In a cold liquid, useful substances from the dead do not dissolve well, so the medicine must be boiled. At the same time, part of the useful vitamins is destroyed, but most of the trace elements and enzymes retain their properties.

Preparing an infusion of subpestilence at home on water is as simple as a decoction of medicinal herbs:

  • 50 gr. ground subpestilence;
  • 0.5 l. pure water.

Water is poured into a saucepan with a thick bottom, then the dry matter is poured out, everything is mixed and brought to a boil. Then the fire is reduced to a minimum, the pan is covered with a lid and the medicine languishes for about 20 minutes.

In a natural way, the product is cooled, then filtered through several layers of thick gauze, poured into a bottle and put in the refrigerator. A decoction of dead bees, unlike tincture, is not stored for too long - about two weeks.

Tincture for external use

To enhance the effect in diseases of the joints, sciatica, muscle pain in athletes, a more concentrated tincture is prepared:

  • a glass of dry bee bodies ground in a coffee grinder;
  • a small bottle of vodka (about 5l).

Bee dead on vodka to insist in the same way as on alcohol, about 3-4 weeks. Then the resulting remedy can be used - applied to sore joints, muscles or used for compresses in the treatment of throat and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Tincture of bee deadness application

The application depends on the disease to be treated.

You can also take the remedy for the prevention of diseases during the period of the influenza epidemic and acute respiratory infections, to strengthen the body's defenses, and general rejuvenation.

In the absence of chronic diseases, the infusion (on ethyl or water) is drunk 20 drops in the morning and before bedtime, diluted in a glass of warm fruit drink, dried fruit compote or rosehip infusion. The course of admission is at least 40 days in a row, without interruptions.

For external use, 5-6 drops of tincture are added to the ointment for joints, cream or evening serum for the face (it is better to take it on water, since alcohol dries the skin too much).


The medicine has very few contraindications. Treatment with dead bees on vodka and alcohol is not recommended:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children under 12;
  • with severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage;
  • with intolerance to any bee products.

It is not worth drinking dead water on the water only for allergic reactions and for very young children - up to three years.

It is difficult to buy a ready-made tincture - it is not sold in pharmacies, so the easiest way is to prepare an infusion of subpestilence (on vodka or water) on your own and take it at least for several weeks in a row. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor, but the drug has very few contraindications and treatment, subject to the dosage, can be carried out without fear.

Most of us know what magical healing properties bee products have. But, most likely, few people know that even dead bees (podpes) have powerful healing properties! Dead bees are the bodies of dead bees that ended their lives naturally, sometimes it is also called bee scree.

Until recently, treatment with this remedy was considered charlatanism, a grandmother's remedy, and a positive result of treatment with deadness was just a placebo effect. But a few years ago, scientists proved the effectiveness of this substance, and although it is not an official medical product, many people are hunting for it.

In this article, we will tell you about how to take dead bees, its unique beneficial properties, how to cook it, and much more.

Where can I buy a bee podmor

If you are going to experience the miraculous properties of subpestilence, you can:

  1. Collect bees in the apiary. Of course, if you have your own apiary, you will be sure that the bees have not been fed or processed by anyone, and this is by far the best option. You can also go to a familiar beekeeper and collect bees near the hive. Please note that the bees should be beautiful, without mold and musty smell, and should smell slightly sweet.
  2. Buy a dead bee in a specialized store of beekeeping products. When choosing a preparation, make sure that the bees are whole and smell like roasted seeds. The smell should be pleasant, this is a prerequisite.

If you will collect dead bees yourself, you should sift it from debris before cooking. Consider the fact that in winter, bee bodies have fewer useful properties than in summer, spring or autumn. It is better not to ingest winter bees, as they contain bee feces. Such bees are used in creams or ointments.

The preparation of bee dead depends on the time of year. In the summer, in the most intense heat, you can lay out the bees on the balcony and dry for two to three days. During the rest of the year, bee bodies are dried in an oven at a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

The benefits and harms of bee deadness

Like all beekeeping products, bee bodies have unique healing properties, as they contain many beneficial acids and other elements.

Useful properties and elements in the composition:

  • The main useful property is an increase in immunity. Everyone knows that with strong immunity, the human body is able to fight any disease.
  • The chitosan included in the composition is able to quickly and effectively get rid of deep wounds and cuts, mimic and even old wrinkles. Chitosan can also be used as an anesthetic and hemostatic agent.
  • Melanin, which is also part of the subpestilence, is able to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. It is often used in creams, as it has bactericidal and regenerating properties.
  • Together, these substances can inhibit the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, intoxication of the body, and also help lower cholesterol.
  • Dietary fibers, which in sufficient quantities are part of the body of the bee, free the body from toxins and are excellent sorbents.
  • Bee fat, when it enters the human body, can increase the body's resistance to various bacteria and even destroy cancer cells!
  • Heparin helps thin the blood.
  • Podmor bee is able to fight many diseases, such as mastitis, mastopathy, varicose veins, myopia, muscle and joint pain, Giardia and Streptococcus, hypertension, prostatitis, prostate adenoma and even impotence!
  • Liver protection.

Is there any harm?

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of this drug. However, like any medication, it can cause an adverse reaction in some people.

About 2% of people are known to be allergic to bee products. In this case, it is not worth taking bee deadness in any form. Also, do not take drugs with this substance for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, who have had a stroke or heart attack, with anemia, impaired liver or kidney function.

How to take a dead bee?

You can buy a subpestilence as part of an ointment, tincture, or as an independent medicine.

In order to make your own tincture, you will need 100 grams of podmor and half a liter of vodka. Mix the ingredients (grind the bees in a coffee grinder) and let it brew for three weeks, or longer. After that, filter through several layers of gauze 2 or 3 times. The tincture is ready!

It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to prepare the tincture in a glass container, preferably dark. It is a glass vessel that will allow you to save as many useful properties of the substance as possible.

The use of this tincture is based on the principle of 1 drop per 1 year of life. That is, a twenty-five-year-old person will need twenty-five drops of tincture. It can be taken neat, but because of the not very pleasant taste, it is better to mix with a little water. Take the tincture should be 1 time per day before meals.

Many are interested in the question of how long in a row you can take bee deadness. It is believed that it is best to take this tincture in a course for a month 1-2 times a year. This tincture has many medicinal properties, but is also ideal for a healthy person in order to increase immunity. This is especially true in the autumn-winter period.

If you do not want to take a tincture of alcohol, you can prepare it with water. To do this, boil 2 tablespoons of subpestilence in 0.5 liters of water, then cook over low heat for 40-60 minutes. Such a decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Take 50 ml 1 time per day.

Treatment with bee deadness: recipes

  1. In diabetes, take 15 drops of 5% tincture after meals 1 time per day. Course - 1 month, repeat no more than 2 times a year.
  2. To improve vitality, increase vigor and activity, insist 2 tbsp. l. submora in 1 glass of vodka for two weeks and take 20 drops once a day for a month. As a result, you will feel a surge of strength and energy, an improvement in your overall physical condition.
  3. With mastitis, mastopathy and varicose veins, pour 150 g of subpestilence with boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. Then squeeze out the finished broth, moisten a cloth in it and attach it to the sore spot.
  4. For various kinds of pain, for example, in the lower back or in the joints, you need to prepare such a solution: pour 20 grams of dead wood with a glass of hot olive oil. Gently rub into skin as needed.
  5. To cleanse the liver, take 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day for 1 month.
  6. With myopia, fry 1 tablespoon of subpestilence in oil for 20 minutes. Cool and grind in a coffee grinder. Take orally one teaspoon before meals for one month.

The use of the drug during the diet

Having learned that bees can be used for weight loss, many ladies are wondering if they really need to be eaten in their pure form. It is known that bee subpestilence has an excellent effect in losing weight. To do this, you need to boil 2 tablespoons of the substance in a liter of boiling water for an hour and take such a decoction in a tablespoon before meals. Such a drug quickly saturates and eliminates the feeling of hunger.

So if you have not tried this beekeeping product on yourself yet, if you suffer from weak immunity or you periodically suffer from joint pain, hypertension or other ailments, bee deadly remedies will definitely ease your condition!