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Timetable for trolleybuses in Grodno. Timetable of trolleybuses in Grodno. How public transport works

The current schedule of buses and trolleybuses in Grodno allows you to save a lot of time that is spent waiting for public transport.

The site is intended for residents of the city and its guests. Thanks to us, you will be able to correctly allocate time, and know exactly what time you will arrive in the desired part of the city.

Grodno- one of the regional cities of Belarus with many roads and a large population. Every resident can use public transport to get from one point to another for a small fee.

Public transport routes

Today there are about 80 bus and trolleybus routes in the city. They cover almost all streets of the city, so every resident has the opportunity to take advantage of a budget trip.

The current schedule of buses and trolleybuses Grodno

On average, the interval of movement of routes is 10-30 minutes (depending on the place of running).

How does public transport work?

It runs according to the established schedule, starting at 5-6 am and ending at 22.00-01.00 (depending on the route and day of the week).

How to make your trip safe

Entry and exit is carried out through any opened door. The exception is express routes, the entrance and exit to which takes place only through the door near the driver.

Payment is made by punching a coupon in a composter.

Ticket prices

Buses and trolleybuses of the city of Grodno ride according to the schedule throughout the day. The cost of one trip is 0.50 kopecks (at stops) and 0.55 kopecks (for drivers)... On express routes, travel is paid by the driver.

It is profitable to buy tickets for working days, ten days, half a month, a month. Thanks to them, you can travel by public transport an unlimited number of times.


The penalty for travel without a ticket on a bus or trolleybus is 0.5 base value... When paying a fine, they are obliged to write out an appropriate receipt on the basis of an identity document.

Our service with bus and trolleybus timetables Grodno was created so that each resident can easily navigate the city and have time for the necessary public transport. The service is available around the clock from any device (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone).

Appreciate your personal time and use the current schedule of buses and trolleybuses in Grodno, find the route you need by the name of the stop and the number of the transport, always be in time!

Models of operated trolleybuses

Grodno was the last city to actively purchase the 20101 model until its production ceased in 2010. This is where its last copy with serial number 372 went - it runs with tail number 27.
Probably, the very first BKM 20101 is also located in Grodno - with side number 33. However, this statement is controversial, since a trolleybus with the same serial number (1) was found in Vitebsk.
28 trolleybuses with a service life of more than 10 years passed the CWR at the JV Elephant and K. Some of them, having worked for several years after repairs, have already been decommissioned at the moment.

BKM 321

The second most common model in the city is BCM 321. Its first copy came to Grodno in 2010: then the trolleybus department decommissioned most of the ZiU-682, and new cars were supposed to replace them on city routes. In 2010-2011, 39 copies were purchased, all of them are working properly to this day.

By the 40th anniversary of the opening of the trolleybus system, GTU acquired 2 more new BKM 321. The new cars were numbered 19 and 38 and went on routes 10 and 14, respectively.

BKM 32102

There are 11 trolleybuses of this model in operation in Grodno. 9 of them were received in 2008, 2 - in March 2009. They can be distinguished from the newer BKM 321 by the front mask with different headlights and bumper.

Earlier in the city worked one more copy, built in 2000 and had serial number 1. Many townspeople probably remember the trolleybus number 43 by the advertisement of the festival of national cultures. In September 2013, it was removed from operation and then decommissioned, although it was assumed that a major overhaul would be carried out.

BKM 32100D

The difference between this model of trolleybuses from the rest of the BKM 321 "family" is in the availability of autonomous running on batteries. Grodno units are equipped with DriveElectro energy storage devices and Toshiba batteries and are able to travel up to 15 km without being connected to the contact network. The process of connecting to and disconnecting from the network is automatic.

All trolleybuses of this model in Grodno were built at the end of 2016 and operate on route 20, 13 km of which do not have a trolleybus infrastructure. Their cars pass in the electric bus mode. Every day there are 4 such trolleybuses on the line.
Perhaps in the future there will be more copies of this model in the city - plans were announced to launch the same trolleybuses in Olshanka after the commissioning of Grodnenskaya Street in September 2017. The desire of the authorities to increase the number of contactless trolleybuses is primarily due to the lack of infrastructure costs network and build expensive substations); also, such cars can bypass the accident site, unlike conventional trolleybuses.

ZiU-682G-016 *

The only trolleybuses of this model in Belarus operate in Grodno.
There are 2 of these machines in the city, one copy each ZiU-682G-016.02 and ZiU-682G-016 (017). All of them arrived at the depot in 2005 and have side numbers 67 and 68. Several trolleybuses from this batch have already been decommissioned.

In addition to the original trolleybuses, there were other, modernized ZiU-682G numbered 215 and 218. After the KVR in 2008, new doors were supplied, the front masks were replaced. Their exact model has not been established, but they are probably closest to the ZiU-682G-016 trolleybuses.


The only valid copy with the number 187 is "Retro-trolleybus", painted like the first trolleybuses in the city. Old photographs of the city and the trolleybus network are pasted on the windows. There is a poster in the salon, which shows all the travel documents of Grodno. The inscription “Padarozha ў minulae on the“ Retra ”route” (“Journey into the past along the“ Retro ”route") is put on the board. Outside on the back of the trolleybus there is information about this particular vehicle, such as its model and year of construction. Interestingly, the latter is indicated with an error: 1990, not 1989, as it actually is.

Passed the CWR in March 2013, after which he became a "retro trolleybus". At the moment it is the oldest trolleybus in Grodno (28 years old).

The trailer was removed and since then has been used as a small warehouse on the territory of the depot. After repairs and trimming, the trolleybus traveled for several more years, already operating on route 9. Decommissioned in June 2011.
In addition, several years after the opening of the system, there was a ZiU-5G under the number U1 in the city, transferred to Grodno in 1974 and used to train drivers.

Interesting Facts

  • Route number 3 has remained unchanged since the start.
  • Grodno is one of the few cities in which, with a well-developed network, trolleybus routes do not enter the railway station.
  • Grodno residents pay only 66% of the cost of trolleybus lines.
  • Routes 4, 5 and 6 were missing for a while.
  • There might not have been a trolleybus in Grodno, since in Soviet times, trolleybuses were relied on in cities with a population of more than 250 thousand people, and at the time of launch, only 160 thousand lived in the city.
  • In Grodno, trolleybuses are rented. The first to use this service were the newlyweds. Decorated with wedding tinsel, the trolleybus drove the newlyweds and their guests along the streets of the ancient city for 6 hours. About 40 participants in such an unusual trip competed in various competitions, including for the right to take a seat. Approximate passengers bought travel coupons from young people, and the "hares" had to drink 100 grams of "penalty" each.
  • Grodno is the second city in Belarus to operate trolleybuses BKM 32100D, the first city was Gomel, where one copy was delivered in 2016 (tail number 1851). It is worth noting that in Gomel the trolleybus operates on regular routes, while Grodno units use autonomous running on the line every day. Unlike BKM 32100A with a diesel generator operating in Brest, BKM 32100D produce significantly less noise.

Hello! How can we help you?

Bus / trolleybus / tram deviated from the schedule

According to the Rules for the carriage of passengers by road, approved by the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 30, 2008 No. 972, for urban passenger transportation, deviations from the schedule from -5 to +3 minutes are permissible.

More significant delays in time may occur due to traffic congestion, difficult traffic conditions, etc.

You can contact the bus, trolleybus or tram fleet of your city with a question.

Bus / trolleybus / tram did not come

We are a reference site and are not responsible for drivers' adherence to timetables.

Often the lack of transport is associated with a breakdown or traffic situation in the city. You can contact the bus, trolleybus or tram fleet of your city with a question.

There is also a possibility that the schedule has been changed and the site is out of date. You can inform us about this if the bus stop has a different schedule from ours. We will immediately check and make changes so that other people do not get into your situation.

Thank you for your help!

The site has an incorrect schedule

If you find that the site displays an incorrect schedule, then write to us about it by mail [email protected] site or click on the "Other" item at the end of the list of questions to call the site's contact form.

! Make sure you are not mistaken:

Users often view transport schedules in the opposite direction from the desired one, which misleads them.

I lost my things in public transport, help me!

Don't worry, we receive several emails on this topic every day. The good news is that you (or your child) are not alone in this trouble;)

To find your belongings, you need to contact the dispatcher of the bus / trolleybus fleet in your city.

ZhD: I did not receive a ticket to the post office, what should I do?

  1. Check the spam folder in your mailbox.
  2. If the mail is empty, but you received an sms with the order number, then log in to. If the purchase is successful, then there will be your ticket and the opportunity to go through / cancel electronic registration. If you have made several purchases, then a separate account is created for each order number.
  3. The payment may not have gone through, check your account for declined transactions or refunded funds.
  4. In case the problem is not resolved, send the order number to the mail [email protected] site, or click on the last item of this window "Other" about leave your message.