Repair Design Furniture

How to overtighten a stretch ceiling. How to remove a stretch ceiling? Is it possible to tighten it again after dismantling with your own hands, how to remove it yourself and how to dismantle the stretch ceiling. Step-by-step installation with your own hands

This article will help you understand all the intricacies of dismantling work: you will learn how to remove a stretch ceiling in stages, what tools are needed and how long this procedure takes. We guarantee that after studying this information, you will be able to make a decision: invite specialists to remove the ceiling or do it on your own.

Reasons for and types of dismantling work

The need to dismantle stretch ceilings can be both forced and voluntary. Most often, dismantling is carried out in the following situations:

  • If you are flooded with neighbors from above
  • During the renovation of a building or major repairs in the premises
  • When tears, holes or other defects appear on the ceiling
  • If you are tired of the drawing or appearance of the ceiling
  • In case of damage to hidden communications
  • If there have been significant changes in the interior of the room, and the stretch ceiling violates the overall harmonious picture

So, how to remove the ceiling yourself if one of the above situations arises? Before answering this question, you need to find out what type of ceiling is installed in your room.

  1. 1. PVC (high temperature is required for their installation / removal).
  2. 2. Tissue.

The next important point to consider before removing ceilings is partial or complete dismantling?

Partial dismantling of the ceiling involves the release of a certain area in order to gain access to the desired objects. For example, to repair damage to an electrical cable (if you know where it is or if you have a diagram).

If the neighbors who live in the apartment above you have a broken water supply and they flooded the ceiling, then it is enough to remove a small section of the canvas to drain the collected water. That is, in this situation you need to partially dismantle the ceiling.

When the ceiling is completely dismantled, all its elements are removed along with the main part. These works are carried out when a stretch ceiling is being replaced or you need full access to the communications that are under it.

Applied methods of fastening stretch ceilings

It is impossible to dismantle a stretch ceiling with your own hands if you do not know how it is attached to the main ceiling or wall. This information can be obtained from the wizards who installed it.

Today, as a rule, the following methods of fastening stretch ceilings are used:

  • Harpoon. A hook-shaped edge is provided along the edges of the ceiling sheet. It enters the profile, which is mounted on the wall, and clings to the teeth. This method is relevant only for PVC stretch ceilings. The film itself is gradually stretched using a heat gun, which creates a high temperature. In order to eliminate the gap that forms between the stretch ceiling and the wall, experts recommend using ceiling skirting boards.
  • Cam / clip. Designed for both PVC (polyvinyl chloride film) and fabric stretch ceilings. The material can be left unheated. The canvas is held by the profile plates. A fairly cheap and reliable fixation method.
  • Shtapikovy. In this case, the canvas is tightly pressed against the profile walls with the help of “cams”. This method is used for PVC stretch ceilings.
  • Wedge. In this case, the blade enters the profile hole and is fixed with a special wedge. A very simple design that allows you to quickly and reliably install and dismantle the stretch ceiling.

The information provided will help you dismantle stretch ceilings with minimal effort and time.

Tools Required for Removing Stretch Ceilings

Before proceeding with dismantling work, you need to prepare tools, without which it is impossible to carry out this procedure. Study the information provided carefully! You will also need specific equipment that is rarely used for repair work.

So, it is advisable to dismantle stretch ceilings having:

  1. 1. Spatula (preferably hard).
  2. 2. Special (construction) knife.
  3. 3. Bent screwdriver.
  4. 4. Pliers with elongated smooth jaws.
  5. 5. Clothespins for fixing the ceiling panel.
  6. 6. Screwdriver.
  7. 7. Hair dryer (or heat gun).
  8. 8. Stepladder or "goats".
  9. 9. Gloves.
  10. 10. Wide transparent tape.

An important point! To carry out work on dismantling stretch ceilings, you will need an assistant (a wife will not work). This is especially true in situations where a heat gun is used or if you have no experience in carrying out these works.

Dismantling of stretch PVC ceilings

The process of dismantling ceilings begins with the removal of various decorative and lighting elements.

First, remove all lights, chandelier and other items that might interfere with the removal of the canvas.

Next you need carefully remove the plugs, which are at the junction of the wall and canvas. It is enough to pry them with a spatula or screwdriver (do not forget to wrap the metal part of these tools with paper).

The next step in this procedure depends on the method of attachment stretch ceiling.

With the harpoon method fixing, you need to pry the "hook" with a spatula with a rigid spatula or a wide screwdriver and slightly lift it. Using pliers, you need to grab the free edge of the blade and remove it from the profile. After completing these steps, you can safely get out the freed canvas.

To make the process faster and easier, you need to warm up the harpoon with an ordinary hairdryer (well, or with a heat gun, if you suddenly have one).

Here are the real masters talking in great detail about all the stages. removing stretch ceilings using auxiliary tools ( start watching from 01:59).

If the ceiling was installed using the glazing bead method, then you need to squeeze the outer wall of the profile with a screwdriver, and pick up the glazing bead itself. The canvas will be free and you can remove it without any problems.

Performing the dismantling of the ceiling, which is fixed by means of "cams", it is necessary to act very carefully. In this case, you need to use two screwdrivers that will contact the canvas, therefore experts recommend wrapping the tools with tape so that there are no sharp corners.

In order to remove the stretch ceiling, you must insert a screwdriver between the cams in the corner of the room, and then after half a meter. You will be able to free a small section of the canvas, and by repeating the procedure, you can get the entire film.

Experienced craftsmen dismantle stretch ceilings that are cam-mounted using a spatula. To do this, you need to insert the tool between the cams and squeeze the movable element, which will free the canvas and gradually dismantle the entire ceiling.

Features of dismantling fabric stretch ceilings

Fabric stretch ceilings are most often installed using a clip-on fixing system. Dismantling such ceilings has one advantage - to perform this procedure, you do not need to heat the ceiling with a heat gun. But there is also a drawback - the large weight of the canvas.

Important. The fabric ceiling must not be partially detached, it can come loose from the clips and be damaged (the reason is the heavy weight).

Therefore, you need to start dismantling work from the middle of the walls. If the blade is fixed with cams, then it must be removed using a spatula with sharp corners wrapped in tape. With the wedge-shaped method of fixing, the procedure for dismantling a stretch ceiling made of fabric does not differ from removing PVC cloths.

Is it possible to remove a stretch ceiling made of fabric by yourself, without an assistant? Practice shows that such work, despite the fact that in this case a heat gun is not used, it is better to perform at least two people (this is due to the large weight of the ceiling).

So, that's all we wanted to tell you about how to remove a stretch ceiling. As you can see, dismantling can be done even without being a professional. The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations presented, not to rush, and also to resolve the issue with the tools, even before the dismantling of the suspended ceilings begins.

Stretch ceiling is a coating that can last long enough. It does not fade and does not lose its appearance even under the influence of moisture, a wide range of temperatures and other negative factors. Having installed a tension structure, you can forget about the need to repair the ceiling for many years. However, there are times when a partial or complete dismantling of the coating is needed. In such situations, customers ask specialists a question whether the stretch ceiling can be reused. And it is quite natural, because few people would like to order the production of a canvas again, spending their time and money on it.

When is dismantling required?

Before proceeding to consider the question of whether a stretch ceiling can be reused, it should be understood in which cases it may need to be dismantled. Quite often, it is necessary to remove the canvas when the room is flooded by neighbors from above or water appears in the canvas as a result of a roof leak. To remove the accumulated liquid, many use the method of partial dismantling of the coating. If rusty, soapy or just dirty water has collected in the stretch ceiling, it may be necessary to completely remove the canvas. Such a measure will allow not only to remove the liquid, but also to clean the seamy side of dirt.

If repair work is planned in the room, during which a large amount of dirt and dust is formed, or there is a high probability of damage to the ceiling covering, it may also be necessary to dismantle the stretch ceiling. The same procedure is carried out if it is necessary to repair the communications passing under the base ceiling. These can be pipes, electrical wiring, ventilation or air conditioning systems. To gain access to them, you will definitely have to partially or completely remove the stretch ceiling.

Very often, residents of country houses that are not heated during the cold season wonder whether it is possible to remove a stretch ceiling when leaving for the winter and reuse it in spring or summer. The fact is that vinyl canvases at low temperatures lose their elasticity and can crack. To preserve the coating, some resort to dismantling and storing them in heated rooms. Of course, this option is not the easiest, but feasible.

Stretch ceiling reuse is real!

To understand whether a stretch ceiling can be reused, you must first figure out what material the structure is made of. You also need to understand what method of fastening the canvas the masters used.

Today stretch ceilings are made of polyester fabric and vinyl films. Fabrics are predominantly installed on profiles with a clip system. In this case, precise cutting of the canvas is not required: the material falls on the object in the form of a cut that slightly exceeds the size of the ceiling. After the coating is tucked into the profile, the craftsmen cut off the excess material. If you remove the ceiling, there won't be enough fabric left to re-stretch. That is why, after removing the fabric ceiling, you will have to re-order the canvas.

A similar system is used when installing bead ceilings. It is applicable for the installation of tensile structures made of polyester fabric and PVC foil. In this case, an approximate cutting of the coating is also performed, and the excess material is cut off. Therefore, it will not be possible to reinstall the dismantled ceiling.

It will be possible to use the stretch fabric again only if the ceiling is made of vinyl film, which is harpoon-fixed into the profiles. This method implies precise cutting of the canvas to the size of the ceiling, taking into account the shrinkage of the material. Along the perimeter of the PVC film, special hooks are welded, which are inserted into the profile and provide a strong and reliable fastening. Such a ceiling can be dismantled and reused an unlimited number of times. The main thing is to remove the canvas correctly and with extreme care.

How to dismantle and reinstall a stretch ceiling?

So, we figured out whether the stretch ceiling can be reused. Now you should familiarize yourself with the features of the process of dismantling and installing the removed coating. To remove and re-install the harpoon-fixed PVC film ceiling, follow the instructions below.

  • Removing the decorative insert... As a rule, after installing stretch ceilings using the harpoon method, a technological gap is formed between the coating and the wall. To hide it, a special flexible masking tape is used. Before dismantling the ceiling, it must be removed. To do this, you need to carefully pry the tape anywhere and simply pull it out of the profile groove.
  • Warming up the room... The stretch ceiling made of PVC film is always in a sufficiently strong tension. Therefore, if you remove the canvas without preheating, it can simply deform or tear. To prevent this from happening, it is important to warm up the canvas before removing it and thoroughly warm up the film in the place where the harpoon is attached. This will increase the elasticity of the material and simplify the dismantling process. It is recommended to use a gas heat gun for heating.

  • Dismantling the ceiling. First of all, you should decide what kind of dismantling is necessary in a particular situation: full or partial. Then you can start removing the canvas. To do this, you need to bring an ordinary straight spatula into the profile and carefully bend the groove of the baguette in a small area. Having pressed on the canvas, we remove the harpoon from the profile. We remove the required part of the ceiling or carry out a complete dismantling.
  • Reinstallation... To reuse a stretch ceiling, you need to straighten the canvas and fix it in the corners of the room using special crabs. Then the film is warmed up and loaded into the profile again. The re-installation process is no different from the original ceiling installation. First, the canvas is wound into a profile in the corners of the room, then in the middle part of each wall and along the perimeter of the ceiling.

Independent dismantling and installation: pros and cons

Now you know if the stretch ceiling can be reused. But is it worth doing this work yourself? The specialists of the AstamGroup company categorically do not recommend removing and installing the ceiling with your own hands. The fact is that in this case the customer loses the right to warranty service of the structure. In addition, any inaccurate action can damage the coating and the need to completely replace it. Therefore, without experience in working with stretch ceilings and special tools, you should not risk the integrity of the canvas. It is better to entrust the dismantling and re-installation to the masters of the AstamGroup company. Our experts will cope with the work quickly and efficiently so that you can enjoy a flawless and perfectly flat stretch ceiling for many years to come.

Those who once decided to install a stretch ceiling hardly regretted it at least once, but there are times when you have to work with it additionally. If your coating cracks, breaks, or your neighbors flooded you from above, you will have to dismantle the entire ceiling surface, fix the problem, and then carry out the installation work again.

In order for everything to be done correctly, it is important to know the basic rules and subtleties of the process of removing a stretch ceiling


Stretch ceilings are increasingly used for apartment renovation, and therefore, after some time, various problems may arise with them in operation. In order to solve everything quickly and efficiently, it is better to use the services of a professional. If you want to do everything yourself, then you need to clearly know the sequence of actions and features of the process.

Reasons for dismantling

  • Breakthrough of drainpipes from neighbors from above. Over time, water will reach your ceiling and begin to accumulate on the inner surface of the film. The PVC ceiling will begin to sag, and drops will break through from the fabric surface.
  • Stretch ceiling coating damage. If you incorrectly operate the harness and apply too harsh cleaning products to it, then after a while the coating will begin to crack or simply burst. In some cases, you can glue the problem area if it is very small, and in case of global problems, you need to completely replace it with a new material.

  • In the case of a complete renovation in the room, it is better to remove the ceiling covering so as not to spoil it and have access to the ceiling for all the necessary work.
  • If necessary, gain access to wiring or other electrical structures that are hidden behind the ceiling system. Replacement of wiring, partial or complete repair of it requires the ability to reach the ceiling without any obstacles
  • .The desire to change the texture, color or pattern on the stretch cover. If you have been using the same covering on the ceiling for a long time, then sooner or later there will be a desire to change it, especially if renovations are brewing at home with a change of furniture, wallpapering and other changes.

To cope with any of the above problems, you need to be able to work with a ceiling covering and carry out dismantling work in part or in full. If you need to work only with a part of the surface, then the profile with decorative elements remains intact, the entire holding structure remains in place. With a complete dismantling, you will need to remove completely all the elements that are present on the walls and ceiling.

Partial removal is required in situations with flooding of your neighbors, when it is important to extract all the water that has leaked to you and the inside of the system. If the coating was damaged in some place, but it can be restored, then you need to remove it from the profile and carry out repair work. They completely remove the ceiling in case of big problems with the coating or when they just want to replace it with a new one, more interesting and suitable for the new interior.

How is the ceiling structure arranged?

For those who plan to independently carry out the dismantling of a stretch ceiling, it is important to enrich their knowledge on this topic. The first thing you need to know about is the material from which your ceiling is made, because working with different coatings takes place using different methods. The next, no less important factor will be the type of attachment of your cover, on which your actions will depend.

There are three types of stretch ceiling mounts, these are:

  • Wedge type - the blade is fixed in the groove using a special wedge. This is the easiest option to dismantle;
  • Cam type - the blade is clamped using a moving cam. It strongly presses on the edge of the film when pulled, thereby holding the ceiling tightly. This option is the most difficult to shoot;
  • Harpoon type - the canvas has a hook-shaped edging, with which it clings to the inner wall of the baguette. This option is easy to install and remove.

The harpoon system is used for vinyl floor coverings that are installed with a heat gun. Along the length of the baguette, parts are attached to this film - a wedge-shaped plate. It is fixed with teeth to a U-shaped groove installed on the wall. In order not to see the joints, they are covered with a decorative plinth.

In the case of fabric ceilings, use a cam mount, which is several times higher than the price of a harpoon. This is where the self-tightening system comes into play. The baguette can be mounted to a wall or ceiling. It is important that it be reinforced: the edge of the canvas is brought into it, which is evenly pulled along the perimeter. You can fix it with a glazing bead, which is called a cam. Under the influence of the weight of the fabric, the glazing bead is pressed against the fixed baguette. This system can be used with seamless flooring. This method is very popular because it is relatively cheap and easy to install.

The wedge system is needed for seamless fabric ceilings. This option is also not expensive, but it is convenient to carry out installation and dismantling work with it.

If we talk about the construction of a stretch ceiling, then profiles are used for them. The materials from which these elements are made: aluminum and polyvinyl chloride.

Profiles are divided into the following types:

  • fasteners - used only to hold the canvas around the entire perimeter of the room;
  • connecting - used to connect the surface of the coating over large areas, which prevents them from sagging;
  • corner - these are bars that have a square section type, extend over a long distance. They have only one perforated side. An angled profile type helps you create a wireframe with jagged or curved lines.

Baguettes (profiles) can have different types of fastening:

  • ceiling - used in cases where the walls are not so reliable and can not withstand the weight and tension of the suspended structure. The minimum allowable distance from the bearing plates is two centimeters. Of the minuses of this type, only the impossibility of installing spotlights can be noted;
  • wall - applied at any height of the carrier from the wall. Having installed the baguette at a height of fifteen centimeters, you can use lamps of any shape and type.

When creating the structure of stretch ceilings, additional elements are also used, such as lamps with shades, spotlights and LED strips. The light can be controlled both using standard switches and using a remote control. With it, you can easily adjust the power of the light, for a comfortable stay in the room, turn on and off certain lighting elements.

How to remove a stretch ceiling yourself?

For cases of quick and successful removal of the stretch ceiling, it is important to prepare all the necessary tools. If the ceiling is made of PVC film, then the use of a gun will be mandatory. In addition, the main tools for such work will be: a spatula, it is better if it is small, pliers, which will not have chipping, and a knife. If the work will be carried out with seamless polyester ceilings, then the gun will not be needed.

It is important to properly prepare the tools themselves so as not to spoil the coating. The edges must be smooth, for which they are processed with fine-grain sandpaper. You can also use reinforced tape, which is wrapped around the uneven edges of the tool to avoid damage to the ceiling. In the process of removing the ceiling film, it is important to have an assistant, especially when working with the gun.

In order to dismantle the PVC ceiling, you must first remove the decorative rubber inserts. Only after that you can start heating the canvas with a gas gun. In the place where the coating will be removed, it is important to heat with maximum intensity.

With a wedge-type fastening, it will be quite simple to dismantle the canvas. After removing the decorative element, the wedges weaken and you need to slightly expand the edge of the groove with a spatula, then the wedge together with the canvas will easily come out of it. The work is carried out starting from the corner and moving on.

If you use a cam type of attachment, then in your work you need to use a plastic shovel for mounting the blades, which is inserted into the self-clamping mechanism. After such an action, it will be enough to simply push on the cam and remove the ceiling cover from it.

With the harpoon version of the fastener, the work is carried out using pliers and a flat screwdriver. To remove the canvas, you need to make sure that the screwdriver picks up the edge of the harpoon edge, after which you can slowly begin to pull it towards you.

If you need to dismantle fabric canvases, then it is important to take into account both the material and the type of fastening. If this is a clip system, then partial dismantling will simply not be possible. If you use the wedge method, then you can disassemble the ceiling only from the middle, otherwise you will not succeed. With the help of a spatula, the profile is lifted, the wedge clings and carefully removed together with the ceiling covering.

If your stretch ceiling has minor injuries, there is a crack or a hole on it, then these problems can be easily eliminated with your own hands. In order to eliminate the cause of the violation of the integrity of the coating, it is necessary to remove only the part where the repair will be carried out.

The instruction here is quite simple, after freeing the cover from the frame, you need to glue it with liquid wallpaper or a piece of the same canvas as yours, cover it with paint and put it back in place again. It is important to use transparent glue so that it does not leave marks on the ceiling surface. The paint is matched exactly to the tone of the ceiling covering to hide all traces of gluing.

If it is important for you to dismantle your ceiling while preserving it and then installing it in the same place, then all work must be done correctly, in compliance with technology, without haste. It is best to work with a partner who will always help and insure, because you have to act at a height, which is not very convenient and not at all safe.

Installation of ceiling covering

If you want to remove your stretch ceiling for some reason, but then reinstall it, it is important to know some of the nuances of this process. So, if you have a glazing system of fastening, then it will be impossible to re-tighten it and you will have to do a complete reinstallation of the coating.

If you have a harpoon mounting system, then you can dismantle the cover and then hang it back in the same place.

The tool for this is the same as for dismantling. It is also desirable to work in pairs, because it will be very difficult to do everything yourself.

When planning to remove a stretch ceiling with its subsequent installation back, it is important to pay maximum attention to the removal process. With careless actions, the canvas may simply break and it will be impossible to install it back. If this is your first experience, then it is best to use the services of professionals who will quickly and efficiently help you both remove the canvas and return it to its place. You can also learn from specialists the necessary knowledge, techniques, and skills.

If the installation process is a familiar thing for you, then there are no problems here. You are familiar with the entire front of work, the main thing is to set a goal correctly, follow the sequence of actions and be accurate.

Along the perimeter of the room, you need to arrange the profiles, and then warm up the room with a gun. Using special tongs, fix the PVC film in the corners, and heat the rest with a gun. When everything is ready, the rest of the film is driven into the grooves of the baguette with a special spatula. At the end of the work, you need to install decorative skirting boards and admire the result.

Installation of a fabric ceiling requires extreme concentration. As soon as you fix the material, its position cannot be changed in any way, therefore you need to act very clearly, accurately calculating your strength.

The next stage is the installation of lighting fixtures. There should not be too many of them, so as not to deform the tension of the web. The place for the lighting fixtures is thought out in advance and is clearly calculated: the hole made is no longer possible to glue, remove or hide. The distance from the fitting of the lighting element to the baguette should not be less than 25 mm.


A thermal ring is glued to the place of the future luminaire and only after that a hole is cut through, where all the wires are drawn. After connecting the wiring, a special decorative profile is installed and the position of the object is adjusted along the height of the canvas. The spring elements are pressed, the luminaire is slightly pressed into the hole, after which it finally takes its position.

Observe the safety rules! You can connect a chandelier or lamp for testing only after completing their installation.

Installing stretch ceilings is expensive, so you should be fully aware that you have a suitable space that will not need to be repaired every year. Repeated exposure to the ceiling will render it unusable and you will simply be wasting your money.

If you plan to install or dismantle a ceiling covering, then it is very important to free the room as much as possible from furniture and all that is superfluous. Items made of plastic should be taken to another room, otherwise they will deform and deteriorate when the gas cannon is operating.

In the event that you need to work with a small area of ​​PVC fabric, you can take a good hair dryer and use it to warm up the stretch cover. It is important to thoroughly warm the surface to make the film soft and pliable.

All tools that will come into contact with the film must be prepared so that they do not have sharp edges, otherwise the risk of material damage will greatly increase, which will make it impossible to re-install it. For those cases when work with the ceiling is carried out to remove water that has got to you from neighbors, it is important to turn off the electricity, otherwise the risk of a short circuit increases.

When approaching the process of repairing the ceiling surface, it is important to prepare well and know exactly in what sequence what and when to do, this is what will ensure the success of the entire event.

Recently, stretch ceilings have become more and more popular. Their advantage is the speed of installation, the variety of colors, patterns and textures, the duration of service. Also, if you are flooded by neighbors from above, the PVC sheet retains all the water on itself and thus saves the house from major repairs. Moreover, it does not need to be overtightened often, and when damage appears, they can be neatly masked.

But during the renovation, when you want to change the interior and atmosphere in the house, there is a desire to remove the old stretch ceiling and replace it with a new one. This process is not very simple and requires a lot of knowledge and experience. In this case, they turn to the masters. Before ordering the service, you need to find out how much it costs to dismantle a stretch ceiling, the price plays an important role during the repair.

Reasons for removing a stretch ceiling:

  • The ceiling is flooded with neighbors from above. After such a case, a replacement is not always necessary, but still sometimes you have to go to extreme measures.
  • Damage. Despite the strength of the material, there are situations when the canvas is so mechanically damaged that it can be restored to its integrity or masked. Then you have to dismantle the old ceiling.
  • During renovation, if it is necessary to redo walls or other structures that are in contact with the stream. In order not to damage the material and work calmly without hesitation, it is better to remove the canvas.
  • If communications are out of order. For example, you need to repair the wiring that is hidden under the stretch ceiling, and you need to open access to it.
  • Tired of drawing. To change the interior, you often want to change the color or texture of the ceiling.
  • The appearance of spots or cracks. If moisture accumulates on the canvas, then this can have unpleasant consequences in the form of red stains.

How much does it cost to dismantle a stretch ceiling? Price depending on the type of dismantling

Based on the reasons for the damage, the ceiling can be removed in whole or only partially. If it is necessary to dismantle only a fragment, then decorative elements, profiles and most of the canvas remain in place. With complete dismantling, absolutely the entire structure is removed.

Partial removal is suitable in the event of local damage, for local repairs to utilities, or during flooding to release accumulated water.

Complete dismantling is required in the event of severe mechanical defects. In case of flooding of an apartment with a fabric stretch ceiling, it will also need to be completely replaced. Also, in all cases when it is impossible to remove the defect, it is better to remove the material completely.

To carry out dismantling, you need to know the following details:

  • Material. It can be either fabric or PVC film.
  • Mount type.

The mechanism of its dismantling depends on how exactly the canvas was fixed:

  • Wedge mount. The web in the groove hole is fixed with a wedge. This view is the simplest and it is easy to work with it when dismantled.
  • Cam mount. The material is clamped using a special cam. When the fabric is taut, the edging is pressed in tighter. Removing such a ceiling is the most difficult thing.
  • Harpoon mount. The edging of the canvas has a hooked shape. It is securely fixed inside the baguette. Convenient during installation. Remove carefully.

How much does it cost to dismantle a stretch ceiling: price

The portal "Remontik" offers to get acquainted with the average prices for dismantling a stretch ceiling. More detailed information can be found using the convenient feedback form.

In the case of seamless PVC ceilings, the use of a heat gun is not required. And when working, do not use tools with sharp corners, they will easily tear the fragile stretched canvas.

First, the decorative insert is removed, namely the rubber band. Sometimes there are small skirting boards. They need to be peeled off. Further, if necessary, we use heating with a heat gun. It is not necessary to warm up the entire surface, namely the place of dismantling.

They remove the canvas from the corner and, depending on the mechanism, do it carefully and in stages. The wedge fastening becomes weaker when the decorative tape is removed. Then push the groove a little with a spatula and the wedge will easily come out of the mount. Cam fasteners are a little more complicated. To remove the blade, insert a spatula into the groove and press down on the mechanism. Then pull out the material with a slight movement. The harpoon attachment is removed using long-nose pliers.

An important rule: do everything slowly, carefully and carefully. Otherwise, there is a risk of spoiling the material.

Stretching the stretch ceiling is more expedient than a complete replacement, since there are several cheaper, due to deduction from the estimate for the purchase of a profile and installation / dismantling of the profile structure, as well as a unique offer from Master-Shelf PROMOTION -25%!

We serve as physical and legal entities.

We invite organizations to cooperate: Management Companies, Business Centers, Shopping Centers, Hostels, Developers, shops, office buildings, and other companies. Types of work: installation, replacement, repair of stretch ceilings, lighting, smoke detectors, ventilation and other services for stretch ceilings. Efficiency of work and urgent arrival - we guarantee!

Quite standard situations when you need to replace the canvas:

  • Draining water from the ceiling - the flood by the neighbors was unsuccessful and the canvas burst, there were stains, I wanted to protect myself from the development of fungus and mold, or you have a glazing system of fastenings
  • Old canvas - the honorable age of the canvas negatively affects its elastic properties, it darkens over time or fades, cracks appear, there is a possibility of not withstanding the flood
  • Damage - punctures, cuts and other various defects of the tension cloth that cannot be restored, due to the distance from the wall and the large diameter
  • Renovation work indoors - interior change, re-laying of tiles in bathrooms and swimming pools, various works requiring the dismantling of a stretch ceiling
  • Replacing the wiring - global rework and transfer of lighting, change of wires to new ones

Job data equate the same applies to repair work on stretch ceilings, as well as to the initial installation. In most cases, the lack of purchasing a profile for a client insignificantly affects the total amount, since the work on dismantling / installing the tensioning web and the profile itself is almost exactly the same as during the first installation. Accordingly, the cost when stretching the canvas is no more than 15-30% cheaper than a complete redistribution of the ceiling.

Also, in almost all cases it is worth changing the canvas to a new one... For example, with a glazing bead system, the material for the stretch ceiling is measured and cut with millimeter accuracy, which is practically leaves no chance after removal, put it back. Again, there is a risk that the old canvas will go or burst... There are cases that the material installed by the client was originally of inadequate quality, with factory defect or with very low elastic properties due to the low cost, the repair company in this case does not bear responsibility and recommends immediately ordering new canvas.

At multilevel white ceiling replacement is more than recommended completely at all levels in order to preserve shade canvases.

With all this, the banner of the canvas in any case costs several cheaper than a complete replacement, the more that there is an opportunity to put back the existing canvas at the client (when necessary).

Material on which "Master Ceiling" works

Due to the large volume, it is possible to purchase material at wholesale prices from 55 rub m² and work with world-class manufacturers:

  • Fabric stretch ceilings (manufacturers: Clipso, Descor, Cerutti)
  • PVC stretch ceilings Russia (SAROS DESIGN, C-Light, ELINE, IvNIIPIK, ISKOG-kazan)
  • PVC stretch ceilings China (MSD Flex, Gline, HALEAD, Pin Pai)
  • PVC stretch ceilings Belgium (PTCM Polyplast, MonLange, DPS)
  • PVC stretch ceilings Germany (Pongs, Lackfolie, Renolit, Mattfolie)
  • PVC stretch ceilings France (Barrisol, Alkor Draka, Extenzo, NewMat, SEF, L'ETE, CTN, DE MIEL, Carre Noir)
  • PVC stretch ceilings Italy (Malpensa)

Price to pull the stretch ceiling similar to installation because the work is the same. And first of all, you should pay attention to the cost of the canvases, because this is a great chance to replace the canvas with a better one, given that you save on the profile. Useful sucks: fabric ceilings are more interesting in texture, but practically do not hold water in the event of a flood, the liquid also leaves permanent stains.

Manufacturer country up to 20m² 20m² - 50m² 50m² - 100m² from 100m²
Departure of the measurer is free
Spring discount for replacement / hauling -25%
Russia - white / color (glossy + 12%) / m² 80 70 67 55
China - white / color (glossy + 10%) / m² 255 240 223 195
Belgium - white / color (glossy + 14%) / m² 460 440 410 380
Belgium - textured (glossy + 14%) / m² 550 520 480 430
Germany - white / color (glossy + 12%) / m² 510 480 465 420
Germany - textured (glossy + 12%) / m² 650 620 590 560
Descor - fabric / m² 650 635 610 580
Descor - fabric, allupigment / m² 950 870 780 710

The types of work that will be performed when replacing the canvas in a room where there is already a stretch ceiling can locate the master, it is impossible to predict them in advance. As with the primary installation, it is necessary to accurately measure the room, including diagonally using laser centimeters and levels.

Only some types of work necessary to replace the stretch ceiling. All employees work exclusively according to the price list of the Master Ceiling company and in accordance with treaty.

Why is it worth calling our company?

"Master Ceiling" works since 2006 in the field of stretch ceilings and provides exceptionally high-quality services. All personnel undergo appropriate extra education if necessary in State Employment Center... In the state of the company 7 permanent brigades... Official cooperation with Management Companies the city of Moscow on an ongoing basis.

Cooperation with individuals and legal entities is carried out exclusively officially at the conclusion of the contract. More than 3000 satisfied customers and about 100 organizations trusts our firm for ceilings.

Manufacturers of stretch fabrics and components work with us directly, all products have the necessary certification and conclusions from suppliers, which speaks of deep trust in our employees.

And most importantly, on one's own replace the stretch ceiling impossible... A full-fledged work experience in this area, the blades are very fragile when installed with a large amount nuances... The presence of a specialized instrument, professional gas equipment and the ability to use it brings its own complications, assigning to these works high difficulty category.