Repair Design Furniture

Lighting at the entrance of an apartment building standards. General lighting. Lighting of residential buildings. Overview of general lighting systems

For the lighting of apartments, entrances, basements and adjoining territories, there are a number of legal requirements that have clear regulated parameters. Especially, this applies to outdoor lighting, since the appearance of the courtyard and the crime situation in it, as well as injuries, depend on it. The requirements for the organization of the lighting systems of the apartments themselves are largely based on fire safety and on the rules for electrical installations and electricity metering. Of no small importance in the lighting of public residential apartment buildings is allocated to entrances and staircases, since their organization is most often entrusted to the organization providing housing and communal services.

Lighting at the entrance of an apartment building

For any homeowner's organization, stairwell lighting is a very significant expense. There are a number of rules and regulations that it must comply with. All of them are clearly described in GOST and are standardized according to VSN 59–88, and this is the law.

Here are their main requirements that the law requires:

However, over the past few years, the technology for the production of lamps and lighting systems has stepped forward and with the advent of LED lamps, as well as with a decrease in the cost of these products, new horizons are opening up in the lighting of entrances and staircases. LED light sources used for lighting have a number of advantages not only in relation to incandescent lamps, but also in comparison with fluorescent devices emitting light. They can also be equipped with motion and light sensors, which allows even more savings in energy costs, and hence funds for lighting public multi-apartment buildings.

Basement lighting of an apartment building

When organizing the lighting of the basements of apartment buildings and buildings, as well as their so-called basement floors, special strict requirements are imposed on electrical safety, as well as in relation to fire safety. The power supply for such lighting should be reduced to at least 42 volts, since there is a lot of moisture in the basements, and even the floor is made of conductive material. It is recommended to lower the supply voltage by galvanic isolation, that is, using a transformer. The primary winding of which must be rated for a voltage of 220 volts, and the secondary for 36-42 Volts, while the secondary winding must be grounded so that if this step-down device breaks down, a direct breakdown does not occur and a hazardous to a person and his health does not appear in the secondary circuits voltage.

Another of the requirements for basement lighting is the use of protective grounding of the luminaire housings. When laying and installing wiring, one iron rule should be taken into account, you can not connect copper and aluminum wires, especially in wet rooms. This contact is not durable due to the chemical reaction of these materials.

The protection class of luminaires from moisture and dust ingress should not be lower than IP 44. This will not only protect the luminaire and the lamp itself, but also ensure their reliable, trouble-free and durable operation throughout the entire service life. All lighting wiring is most often laid in an open type, or in metal pipes and corrugated special pipes, called sleeves by electricians. This will protect the wiring from mechanical damage. The metal sleeve is grounded, again to protect the person from breaking through the phase to the body. As for the illumination rate, it should be at least 10 Lx for incandescent lamps, other sources are not standardized, but experts still recommend using economical LED lamps with high IP rates for this type of lighting.

Lighting of the adjoining territory of an apartment building

The organization of good lighting of the adjacent territories is a guarantee of not only aesthetic comfort and convenience, but also security, since all thieves and robbers prefer to attack in the dark in unlit or poorly lit areas. Also, high-quality and correct lighting of the courtyard is necessary for safe movement and reducing injuries when people move on the sidewalks of apartment buildings.

To illuminate the adjacent territory of any apartment building or structure, the requirements specified in the set of rules of SP 52.13330.2011 must be clearly met. This document is the official publication stating that:

  1. A luminaire emitting at least 6 Lx of illumination must be installed at the entrance to any multi-apartment entrance.
  2. Paths and sidewalks for the movement of pedestrians must be illuminated at least 4 Lx, the same applies to the car passage of the adjacent territories.
  3. Territories related to additional (various outbuildings) must be illuminated by lamps or closed-type floodlights emitting at least 2 Lx of luminous flux.
  4. The yard luminaire can be made on the basis of any system, with the use of both incandescent lamps and LED or energy-saving lamps.

If these requirements are not met, citizens living in the building have the legal right to file a complaint with the administration in charge of the municipal economy or with the city administration. There are many hot lines for contacting the mayor of the city, hotel ministries, or directly to the court. If the entire entrance or the house subscribes to the complaint, this will only speed up the solution of the problem.


When designing emergency lighting for residential buildings, apartment buildings, residential premises, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of current regulatory documents, building codes and regulations.

In accordance with the requirements of SP52.13330.2011 (updated edition of SNiP 23-05-95), the set of rules "Natural and artificial lighting" - emergency lighting for residential buildings and premises should be provided in case of power failure of the main (working) lighting. Emergency lighting should turn on automatically when the main (working) lighting power is lost, as well as by signals from fire and alarm systems, or manually if there is no alarm or it did not work.

Emergency lighting of residential buildings, houses, premises connects to a power source independent from the power source of the work light.

In residential buildings, houses and premises, emergency lighting must provide the necessary level of illumination along the escape routes. Evacuation emergency lighting should be tripled:
- in corridors and passages along the evacuation route;
- in places of change (difference) in the level of the floor or covering;
- on stairs - every march should be illuminated by direct light, especially the upper and lower steps;
- in the zone of each change in the direction of the evacuation route;
- at the intersection of passages and corridors;
- in the locations of emergency communication facilities and other means intended for notification of an emergency;
- in places where primary fire extinguishing equipment is located;
- in the locations of the evacuation plan;
- outside - in front of each final exit from the building.

Along with evacuation emergency lighting of escape routes, safety lighting should be provided. Illumination of high-risk areas should be provided in the premises of the input distribution devices, the main switchboard, in the premises where the emergency power supply sources are located or equipment connected to standby independent power supplies is located.

When designing emergency lighting for residential buildings, houses, premises, it is necessary to limit the glare from emergency lighting fixtures located on escape routes or in high-risk areas. Limiting glare should be achieved by limiting the luminous intensity of the luminaires depending on the height of the luminaires. The limiting values ​​of the luminous intensity are reflected in SP52.13330.2011.

In multi-storey residential buildings, along with emergency evacuation lighting, emergency lighting in elevators should be provided. Requirements for emergency lighting of the elevator car are given in GOST R 53780-2010 “Elevators. General safety requirements for the device and installation ".

According to SP-267.1325800.2016 “High-rise buildings and complexes. Design rules "- emergency lighting refers to the safety system for high-rise buildings.

In multi-storey high-rise residential buildings, emergency lighting is designed taking into account the requirements of SP 253.1325800.2016 "ENGINEERING SYSTEMS OF HIGH BUILDINGS". In accordance with these requirements, emergency lighting belongs to the 1st category of electrical receivers, for which, according to the terms of reference for design, a third, independent power source can be provided, which ensures operation in emergency mode for 3 hours. Diesel power plants (DPP) or Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) can be used as an independent power source for electrical receivers of a special group of the 1st category, which should turn on automatically when the external power is turned off.

Additionally, the set of rules SP 253.1325800.2016 defines the requirements for cable wiring lines for emergency lighting systems on escape routes.


Luminaires of emergency lighting, on the one hand, must meet all the requirements for lighting equipment for emergency lighting, and on the other hand, they must comply with the operating conditions.

For corridors, in entrances and on staircases of apartment buildings, lamps and indicators in a shockproof anti-vandal case, with protection against dust and moisture IP44 / IP54 / IP65, are well suited. As an additional anti-vandal protection, the lamps can be used in conjunction with a protective metal mesh.

Emergency lights





Finding yourself in a dark courtyard or the entrance of your house late in the evening, you feel, to put it mildly, uncomfortable. Immediately two thoughts flashed through my head: "I would like to run home as soon as possible" and "Who is generally responsible for the lighting of the apartment building and the courtyard?" Answers to the second question can be found in this article.

Who is responsible for the light in and around the entrance

Each apartment owner needs to know that in addition to residential square meters, he also owns part of the local area and all non-residential property that is located on it (playgrounds, parking lots, lawns, as well as barriers, lanterns, staircases, electrical panels, elevator shafts).

The owner is responsible for maintaining the common property in order. This responsibility is expressed in the form of a monthly payment prescribed in the receipt. The amount of electricity spent on lighting the local area and the entrance is recorded on the general house electricity meter.

Lighting standards

At the entrance of each house, the common property (corridors, vestibules, attics, staircase space, basements) should be illuminated. The method and scale of lighting depends on the type and size of the building itself.

Certain lighting characteristics are enshrined in regulatory documents:

Each main entrance to the staircase is illuminated with a lamp from 6 to 11 lux. They should be the same in the basement and in the attic.

The illumination of the corridors should not be lower than 20 lux. In corridors less than 10 m long, one luminaire is installed in the center. If the length of the corridor is more than 10 m - two or more lamps.

The light switch in communal areas should be located in a place accessible to every resident.

To reduce the cost of street lighting, modern light sources are used: gas-discharge, LED and fluorescent bulbs. In some courtyards, special motion sensors are installed to save energy.

Energy-saving lamps are preferred in choosing a light source for the entrance. For an hour of uninterrupted operation, they generate up to 12 watts. For comparison, for the same period of time, a fast incandescent lamp consumes on average 50 watts.

The only drawback of using energy-saving lamps in porches is the likelihood that they can be damaged or unscrewed.

Who owns the lanterns in the yard

The illuminated house area is necessary to create a comfortable living, safety of the population and to prevent cases of theft and hooliganism.

Everything is clear with the common property in the house. But with the land adjacent to the building, some nuances arise.

First, you need to figure out whether the land on which the house stands is legalized, what its boundaries are and whether it has been assigned a cadastral number. To do this, any homeowner can apply for a request to the cadastral chamber.

If the land is not registered, it is still the property of LSG bodies. And this means that they are responsible for it and all the costs for its maintenance.

There is also an option in which the developer is still the tenant of the site. In such a situation, the developer must himself decide on the maintenance of the site.

And yet, in the case when the land is registered in the cadastral chamber, has boundaries, the land survey has been made, it can be considered the ownership of the apartment owners in the house to which it belongs.

Controls are responsible for lighting

To figure out who should be responsible for the street lighting of the local area and inside the entrances, you need to find out who is responsible for organizing the proper condition of all common property.

Home control methods:

  • Direct management of owners (if the number of apartments is not more than 30);
  • Homeowners Association;
  • Management Company.

The way to manage the house is determined at the general meeting of the tenants. The decision can be made or changed at any time.

In the first case, the owners independently conclude contracts with organizations involved in the maintenance of houses and the provision of utilities.

In the second and third cases, the responsibility for the maintenance of the common property of the house rests on the shoulders of the relevant governing bodies.

There is no light, where to complain

Now that it is dark in your yard or entrance, you know who will help solve the problem. And yet again, one cannot do without the personal initiative of the tenants themselves. If the lighting in the entrance or near it has disappeared, any of the tenants can draw up an act in any form. This document must also contain the signatures of your neighbors. For more reliable confirmation of the information, you can take photographs.

The entire assembled package should be in the hands of the board of the HOA, the management company, or an organization that provides lighting services for common property. It is better to draw up the act itself in duplicate. On one of them, ask to put a mark on receipt and take this copy with you. After that, all that remains is to wait for the light to turn on.

If you ask the question at whose expense the repair of the general lighting at the house is paid, it will become clear that at the expense of the tenants. By making payment for the general maintenance of the house, they make the amounts calculated for diagnostics and troubleshooting.

Not everyone has forgotten the good old Soviet times, when common property belonged not to apartment owners, but to the state. And today you have to sit in the dark until the light of truth indicates that you must replace a light bulb or fix a lantern.

When questions arise in the field of housing and communal services, it is so important to find reliable answers. You can do this on our website!

Perhaps, each of us at least once in our life had to walk without lighting along the staircase of the entrance in complete darkness in the regions of Russia. And even if in this case it was possible to successfully overcome all the steps, then all the same, the unpleasant sensations we endured remained for a long time. This means that in order to completely exclude the possibility of a repetition of this, it is necessary to properly organize reliable and comfortable lighting of stairs.

The main task in controlling stairwell lighting is to ensure safe and comfortable movement for all people passing through it. To do this, the light should be directed to the steps from above and clearly shade the contours of each of them. In addition, the light should create soft shadows rather than harsh shadows to improve the spatial orientation of people. It should also be borne in mind that well-lit walls create a sense of security in a person.

Staircase emergency lighting should also be considered. In case of unforeseen or critical situations, it will help to avoid unnecessary risks.

The AKTEI company in the regions of Russia will be able to offer you at least 10 solutions for staircase lighting for every taste and budget. You can buy our solutions from us or from our dealers in any region of Russia.

Staircase lighting standards

The illumination level of stairwells is standardized by SNiP 23-05-95 * "Natural and artificial lighting", it ranges from 50 to 100 lux. Particular attention should be paid to the contrast of the steps when illuminating them, but at the same time the lamps should not dazzle people passing along the flight of stairs. Therefore, usually light sources are located on ceilings or high on walls.

The most functional and complete solution in the AKTEI portfolio is the CA-7008U LED lamp of the Perseus series. This intelligent product always works in the presence of people, and at the moment when there is no one on the stairs, it turns off completely or goes into standby mode. At this moment, only natural lighting in the stairwells of residential buildings is on. CA-7008U does not require replacement of lamps; when using such a solution, there is no need for any maintenance at all during the entire period of operation.

The polycarbonate housing on one side provides a high light output from the LED module, and on the other, significantly reduces glare. The streamlined shape allows the luminaires to be used as decorative elements of premises. The luminaire body is made of polycarbonate, which, on the one hand, has high light transmittance, and on the other hand, it evenly distributes the light flux without having a dazzling effect. The impact resistance of this material and a special streamlined shape provide excellent vandal resistance.

How to make staircase lighting?

In addition to the fact that the lighting of stairs and landings in the entrances of residential buildings is designed to ensure the safety and comfort of residents of the house, it must be energy-efficient and vandal-proof, that is, protected from external destruction, breakdown and theft. The use of lamps with sensors will save up to 98% of electricity on lighting. Anti-vandal protection of LED lamps is provided by a durable polycarbonate housing, special fasteners protect against theft.

Since the lamps on staircases and marches often work around the clock, the absolute value of savings, both in watts and in rubles, can be quite significant.

At AKTEI you can choose the optimal solution for your staircase from the following options:

  • LED lamps of the Perseus series - CA-7008U, CA-7006, CA-7006D, CA-7106E;
  • LED lamps DBB 64-08 and DBB 64-08D;
  • lamps and sockets with sensors for a lamp with an E27 base - CA-18, CA-19, CA-20.

LED lamp SA-7008U, Perseus series


  • Mains frequency - 50 Hz
  • Rated power consumption in active mode - 7.8 W
  • Nominal luminous flux - 800 lm
  • Lighting duration - 60 ... 140 sec. (adjustable)
  • Lighting duration adjustment - yes
  • Power factor - 0.85


  • Lighting duration adjustment
  • Soft start system
  • LEDs Nichia, Samsung
  • Multi-mode with the possibility of switching on the standby mode of operation (backlight)

Energy-saving LED lamp for housing and communal services SA-7006D, Perseus series


  • Working voltage - 160 - 250 V
  • Mains frequency - 50 Hz
  • Rated power consumption in active mode - 6 W
  • Standby power consumption - ≤2 W
  • Nominal luminous flux - 700 lm
  • Acoustic switch-on threshold - 52 ± 5 dB (adjustable)
  • Lighting duration - 50 ± 10 sec.
  • Automatic restart of the light off timer
  • Sensitivity adjustment - yes
  • Degree of protection against environmental influences - IP40
  • Power factor - 0.85
  • Electric shock protection class - II


  • For replacement in housing and communal services of lamps of the NBB, NBO and SBO type
  • The body of the LED light is made of impact-resistant polycarbonate
  • Acoustic sensitivity adjustment
  • Original patented shockproof design
  • Special fixing screws to prevent unauthorized dismantling
  • Overvoltage protection in the network
  • Soft start system
  • LEDs Nichia, OSRAM
  • Flicker-free and no stroboscopic effect
  • Typical power factor (cos φ) - 0.85
  • Electromagnetic interference suppression filter (EMI filter)
  • No protective earth required
  • Standby mode of operation (backlight)

Energy-saving lamp SA-18 optical-acoustic


  • Working voltage - 180 - 250 V
  • Mains frequency - 50 Hz
  • Incandescent lamp power (LN) - up to 60 W
  • Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) power - up to 18 W
  • Power of a light-emitting diode (LED) lamp - up to 10 W
  • Optical threshold of operation - 5 ± 2 Lux
  • Acoustic switch-on threshold - 52 ± 5 dB (adjustable)
  • Lighting duration - 55 ± 10 sec.
  • Own power consumption - ≤0.2 W
  • Lamp base type - E27
  • Sensitivity adjustment - yes


  • Direct replacement of NBB and NBO type luminaires with A 85 threaded connection for a diffuser
  • Standard Threaded Diffuser Mount
  • Compatibility for mounting holes with NBB and NBO lamps
  • Can be used in conjunction with FL, CFL or LED lamp
  • Flame retardant polycarbonate housing
  • Acoustic sensitivity adjustment
  • Lamp inrush current limitation
  • Turning on the lamp when the supply voltage goes through "zero"

Outdoor lighting plays a very important role in the infrastructure of any settlement. It is especially important for urban areas. Moreover, great importance should be given to street lighting of the local area.

Outdoor lighting of the area around the house

Lighting of the local area should be based not only on the law established by the authorities, but also on the relevant requirements and norms. What you should know in this case, our today's article will tell you.

House territory and its features

The adjoining territory represents the honor of the land plot, which is adjacent to the apartment building.

Note! According to the law of the Russian Federation, the right of ownership or use of all owners of a particular apartment building extends to the adjacent territory.

Part of the yard near the house

According to the law of the Russian Federation regarding urban land plots, the network-wide property within the adjoining territory includes:

  • land plot on which a house with many apartments was erected. The boundaries for the land plot of an apartment building are indicated in the state cadastral registration;
  • elements of landscaping, landscaping (lighting systems);
  • other objects that are intended to serve this house. This may include heating points, various transformer substations, as well as garages or collective parking lots, playgrounds. But all the objects described must be within the boundaries of the land plot established by the cadastre.

Therefore, in order to understand the real boundaries of the cultivated territory, which the law of the country speaks about, you need to have on hand detailed information about this land plot. To do this, you must submit an application to the appropriate state cadastral registration authority. Here they issue a cadastral extract about a specific land plot. This statement should contain the following data:

  • the size and boundaries of the local area;
  • information about the owner.

As an owner, i.e. the one who is responsible for this territory can be:

  • city ​​(municipality);
  • the right to use is granted to the owners of this apartment building;
  • adjoining territory, which is owned by the owners of the house.

Any delineation of powers between residents (users) and the city (owners) must be enshrined in a special agreement, as the law says.

Note! The law also says who pays to cover the area around the apartment building.

Courtyard lighting

A copy of the contract must be kept in your HOA or management company, as well as in the local administration.
The signed contract for the ownership of urban areas contains the following information:

  • operating conditions of the land plot (lighting, etc.);
  • the right and responsibility for the lease of territories to third parties.

But in a situation where ownership rights to the adjacent territory belong only to the owners of an apartment building, there are certain nuances.

Features of the tenants' ownership of the adjoining territory

In a situation when its tenants act as owners of a land plot around an apartment building, the law will contain the following points:

  • The Housing Code of the Russian Federation states that residents of city houses for a large number of apartments are required to pay the costs that go to the maintenance of common property, including the street lighting system, in proportion to their share in the common property right. This means that it is no longer just the municipality that pays for street lighting;

Note! The share in the right to common ownership will be proportional to the total area of ​​the premises that belongs to the person who has the right of ownership.

  • according to the Housing Code, owners are required to choose one of the options for managing an apartment building. This can be the management of an HOA, the management of a specific organization or other specialized consumer cooperative.

As a result, responsibility in this situation will be assigned to one of the above persons. Therefore, before demanding the installation of high-quality lighting of the attached territory, it is necessary to establish not only what the law says about this situation, but also who has the ownership right to this land plot and is responsible for it (who pays, repairs, etc.). As stated in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the entire cost of maintaining the street lighting system is included in utilities, as well as the structure of the payment for housing.

What else you should know about the local area and its lighting

The law (for example, the Housing Code, etc.) states that outdoor and indoor lighting of urban infrastructures (apartment buildings, adjoining territory, etc.) must rely in their organization on certain norms and requirements. All the norms established for urban adjoining land plots are spelled out, as well as for internal premises, in SNiP. Here, first of all, in the matter of organizing street lighting, the role is assigned to the level of illumination.

Illumination standards of the local area

The fact is that each object of the local area (entrance, driveway, flower beds, etc.) must have its own specific level of illumination, which is based on both the purpose of the object and the human visual system. This means that the illumination of each object in the local area should not cause discomfort to the observer, as well as create full-fledged lighting.
This means that when organizing outdoor illumination of the courtyard of urban apartment buildings, the structures branching off for this (determined by the municipality) must rely on the norm established in the SNiP. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to underestimate the illumination level below the established limits.

Requirements for the organization of courtyard lighting

The regulatory documentation (SNiP) indicates all the requirements that must be observed and adhered to when organizing outdoor lighting in the adjoining territory of any apartment building. Today, according to the law (the housing code of the Russian Federation and other documents), these include the following requirements:

  • illumination should be organized for any entrance. This means that the entrance to the staircase must be lit at night;

Entrance lighting

  • the number of luminaires installed along the carriageway must be such that the light emanating from them is not lower than the established illumination level;

Note! The management company or other organizations responsible for the organization of outdoor lighting, based on the level of illumination, determine the style of the lamps, their limitation in functionality, etc.

  • high-quality and full-fledged lighting should be organized for the roadway, as well as playgrounds and parking spaces.

Achieving the required level of lighting in different parts of the city can be achieved in the following ways:

  • installation of wall lights above the entrance to the staircase. In this case, the height of the lanterns can be different. The higher the lantern and the more powerful the light bulb in it, the larger the circle of light formed by the lighting fixture;
  • lampposts placed along the roadway. With the help of such lamps, which are placed on the top with a pillar, you can qualitatively illuminate all parts of the yard: playgrounds, parking spaces, sidewalks and the roadway.

For optimal outdoor illumination of the adjacent territory of an apartment building, it is worth using both lighting options: facade wall lamps and lampposts. In such a situation, it is possible to achieve the optimal level of illumination of the yard at minimal cost, which will be balanced by economical light sources, as well as the number of lanterns and wall lamps. In this case, darkened areas of the territory can be avoided with a high probability.

Features of the supply of outdoor lighting

For urban apartment buildings, the building itself is used as a power source for the outdoor lighting system.

Lighting in the courtyard of a high-rise building

To account for the consumed electricity in this situation, a general house electric meter is used. In this regard, the costs will be distributed to all owners. In this regard, in order to reduce costs under this item, economical light sources began to be installed for lighting streets and courtyards located near apartment buildings: fluorescent, gas-discharge and LED bulbs. From this list, the maximum energy savings can be achieved by using LED light sources.
Some believe that motion sensors can help reduce the cost of paying for electricity consumed by an outdoor lighting system.

Motion Sensor

These devices have shown high efficiency at home, but on the street as an element of the outdoor lighting system of the adjoining territory of an apartment building, they showed a less successful result. The fact is that here the work of motion sensors will not be entirely correct. This is due to the fact that although the time for turning on the lighting can be programmed depending on the natural level of illumination, the device can react to the flight of a bird or the movement of pets. As a result, the frequency of false alarms in those moments when the light is not needed will be several times higher.

Note! Frequent switching on and off of lights is often more negative for the outdoor lighting grid than a constantly burning light.

Modern lighting devices HOA and ZhSK, equipped with photocells, to a certain extent, are devoid of the above problems, since they have several modes of operation (for example, on duty).

Additional features of outdoor lighting

Since the outdoor lighting fixtures for the adjoining territory of any apartment building can be located within the reach of a person, without the use of additional means (for example, stairs), additional protection of the fixtures from vandals is needed. In this regard, all lighting installations located in the courtyard of an apartment building must be equipped with anti-vandal devices.

Anti-vandal lamp protection

This will prevent premature damage to the luminaire.


It is necessary to approach the organization of lighting in the local area of ​​any apartment building not only taking into account the letter of the law, but also the norms that must be adhered to. This will allow high-quality lighting of the house and spend a minimum of effort, time and money on maintaining this system.