Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself heating boiler for long burning on wood. We make a long-burning boiler with our own hands. DIY solid fuel boiler - video instruction

Residents of the private sector, who decided to purchase a solid fuel boiler for heating a house, are primarily interested in the thermal power of the equipment, the price and duration of combustion from one load. These parameters are interconnected: with a higher power and duration of operation, the price of the device is higher. There is an option in which costs are halved - homemade boilers for long burning on wood.

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    Characteristics and types of boilers

    In suburban settlements (where there are no gas pipelines), the issue of improving the quality of heating of houses is constantly being addressed. Conventional coal and wood-fired stoves have become ubiquitous, and now, with new technologies, they are not the only way to heat.

    It is perfectly possible to replace old stoves with wood-fired long-burning boilers, which are relatively new designs that run on solid fuels. The power of such a device is enough to heat not only residential, but also industrial premises.

    The duration of combustion corresponds to the processes taking place inside it, which will depend on the design of the device. A solid fuel boiler differs in operating technology from a conventional wood-burning stove in that first the upper part of the wood burns, gradually capturing the lower one along with decay products (ash, soot).

    In old stoves, firewood ignites from below, and then the rest ignite, while the fuel burns quickly and the stove cools down, so you have to watch the combustion process and often put firewood on it. It is generally considered that the duration of the burning depends on the duration of the smoldering with air restriction. But this is an ineffective way of burning wood and coal.:

    1. 1. At maximum combustion, the efficiency of wood-fired boilers reaches 75%, and in the smoldering mode, the efficiency of the device drops to 40%.
    2. 2. Smoldering wood releases a small amount of thermal energy, which affects the complete, high-quality heating of the house.
    3. 3. The impossibility of burning by the smoldering method of freshly cut wood such species as willow, poplar and low-calorie fuel.

    The duration of combustion depends on the enlarged fuel chamber in the boiler, it is its size that affects the process: the more firewood put into the furnace, the longer it will burn and generate heat. Household units can work for 10-12 hours with one load of firewood, and with a portion of coal up to a day. There are these types of solid fuel boilers:

    • classic, which have a forced air supply;
    • operating according to the overhead combustion method;
    • pyrolysis models;
    • mine-type heat generators.

    Such devices for solid fuel boilers can be done independently. To do this, you need to have the necessary tools and welding practice.

    WHICH boiler is BETTER: considering all options # 2

    Classic unit type

    This type is used with the use of forced pressurization, which is necessary to avoid the smoldering regime and for economical combustion of solid fuel.

    The principle of operation is as follows:

    1. 1. Firewood is placed in the firebox, the volume of which is 112 liters. After that, all the doors are closed tightly, and with the help of the automatics, a fan is started to blow air.
    2. 2. As soon as the temperature reaches the set value, it stops in standby mode. A very small amount of air enters through the channel, closed by a gravitational flap, so that the wood does not go out.
    3. 3. When the temperature sensor detects the coolant cooling in the boiler tank, the fan will automatically turn on and the process will be repeated.

    With the help of automation, several modes of air injection are carried out in accordance with the used wood of different quality and moisture. The standard type of boiler has the following technical characteristics:

    • rated power - 22 kW;
    • efficiency - 77%;
    • maximum working pressure - 3 bar;
    • firebox depth - 460 mm;
    • the size of the opening where the firewood is laid - 36 by 25 cm;
    • chamber volume - 112 l;
    • burning time on wood fuel - about 8 hours.

    The boiler is distinguished by a simple device: a firebox elongated in height, equipped with grates at the bottom, and at the top with a heat exchanger consisting of 4 pipes and placed inside the tank. The forced air enters the ash chamber through a channel from a 60 x 40 mm profile. To keep out dirt and dust, the automatic block and the fan are located on top of the boiler.

    Types of solid fuel boilers

    Top fired heater

    The device of long-burning hot water boilers is the same stove, supplemented with a water jacket. The principle of operation of the boiler is considered relatively new and consists in supplying air from above (where the combustion zone is) through a pipe, at the end of which a heavy metal disk is welded. As it burns, the wood sags under the weight of the load, and the movement of air flows is carried out in a natural way due to the draft of the chimney.

    Based on user reviews, this type of long-burning devices is not very popular. Here are some reasons:

    • they are inferior in efficiency to classical types due to the location of the intensive combustion zone in one plane;
    • the complexity of filling the firebox with wood - it is necessary for the previous portion of fuel to completely warm up;
    • impossibility of quick extinguishing, if necessary.

    There are drawbacks, but you can independently add something to the equipment device or fix it. For example, for the manufacture of a zone chamber, mount the bottom and grates. It is possible to eliminate the disadvantages of additional fuel loading by placing an additional door between the fuel opening and the ash-ash door.

    Pyrolysis models

    Pyrolysis boilers operate with a stage-by-stage separation of the combustion process, which increases the efficiency and extends the life of the generator. The firebox of the pyrolysis device is divided by a special nozzle: firewood burns in the first chamber, releasing gas, in the second, wood decay products are burned. And at the same time, a minimum amount of ash remains, and soot does not accumulate in the chimney.

    Pyrolysis units are used for heating private houses with an area of ​​more than 100 sq. m. On one load of firewood it can function for about two days. The price of the product depends on the brand of the manufacturer, as well as on what power and degree of automation the unit is equipped with. It is more difficult to make such a long-burning boiler with your own hands than a conventional one with a simplified design, but it is possible.

    Wood-fired pyrolysis boilers for heating a private house

    Mine heat generator

    The difference between a mine unit and others lies in the duration of combustion and the peculiarities of its design. It is equipped with a large fuel chamber, therefore it does not require frequent loading of fuel, combustion takes place in a slow mode. There are two types of such boilers: with conventional combustion and pyrolysis. They have a similar device, they are equipped with two chambers: the first is designed for burning fuel, and the second is equipped with a heat exchanger.

    The device of a fuel device with a conventional type of combustion is simpler. The main part of its body is made up of a spacious loading chamber, it is called a mine. When upright, it can hold a large amount of fuel. On the side or on top, there is a hatch for storing firewood.

    If you look into the combustion chamber, you will find that it resembles a mine, hence the name of the boiler. An ash pan is located under the combustion chamber, separated from it by a grate. Through the door, you can access the ash pan, as well as the firebox. Using a gate located under the door, you can regulate the air flow.

    The second part of the boiler is a chamber with a built-in heat exchanger filled with water. If the unit will not be used to heat the house with water heating, a fire-tube heat exchanger is used. Gases from the furnace through the hole enter the chamber with the heat exchanger, heat the water in it and are eliminated through the chimney. Hot water flows through pipes into the heating system, and heated air into the room.

    The construction of a mine-type pyrolysis boiler is almost the same. However, in it some additional elements are present:

    1. 1. Two chambers, in one of which fuel is burning, and in the other - carbon monoxide gases burn out.
    2. 2. Several perforated pipes through the openings of which air enters, enriching the combustion and afterburning chambers.
    3. 3. Gate valves that separate the chambers.

    The principle of operation of the pyrolysis apparatus is somewhat different. The combustion process takes place with a restriction of air intake, therefore, slowly and with the release of a large amount of gas. It enters additional chambers through perforated pipes and burns there. Such boilers are used with any type of solid fuel: coal, wood, pellets.

    You can heat the room for 30 hours with one laying of firewood, and up to 5 days with a portion of coal. With complete combustion of fuel and its decay products, the generator achieves high efficiency - up to 90%.

The greatest efficiency is endowed with a tube heat exchanger, which is not easy to manufacture. The dimensions are determined directly by the manufacturer.

A blowing chamber with a grate is installed on a solid concrete foundation. Then a heat exchanger is placed and lined with high-quality bricks around it. During the masonry process, two doors are built in. The lower one is mounted at a level convenient for laying and setting firewood, as well as for cleaning the firebox and blower from ash. Firewood, coal or pellets are loaded through the upper door, which can be placed on the front surface of the device or from above in the form of a hatch.

The heat exchanger must be positioned so that the outlet of the hot coolant is located at the highest point. This prevents air pockets from forming in the system, thereby improving water circulation. Brickwork should be done with bandaging the joints for greater strength of the walls, which should protrude 3 cm above the heat exchanger. The chimney can be laid out of bricks or installed in metal.

Pros and cons of wood heating

Homemade wood-burning structures are often used for heating both small country houses and large private households, next to which there are no gas mains. Heating of the premises is carried out with wood or coal.

Due to the high cost of coal, users prefer wood fuel, on which the units operate with such merits:

  1. 1. No permission is required to carry out installation and operation of the equipment.
  2. 2. Cheap operation when compared with electric heating. And if there is a source of free firewood, funds are spent only on material for assembling a heating device.
  3. 3. Heating does not depend on electricity - this applies to the simplest units that are not equipped with electrical components.
  4. 4. Ability to take advantage of long burning times, allowing for reduced approaches for refueling.
  5. 5. Cheap assembly. The cost of a self-made device will be lower than the factory counterpart.

Only with constant cleaning of the equipment and performing scheduled repairs will the devices work stably and efficiently for the entire period of operation. But there are also disadvantages of do-it-yourself solid fuel boilers:

  1. 1. The complexity of making a home-made boiler, especially with a heating circuit.
  2. 2. Errors in assembly may occur, which will affect the efficiency of the device.
  3. 3. They do not look very attractive, although it depends on the skill of the manufacturer.

Undoubtedly, the aesthetics of in-house production cannot be compared to the design of factory equipment. However, the assembled structure meets the requirements of its own heating system. It should also be noted that the assembled heat generator will be at least twice as cheap as the factory one.

Providing warmth for your home for the winter is a very important task. And if in the city its implementation is undertaken by special services, then outside the city very often you have to do everything with your own hands, in particular, make and install units for heating.

In this article, we will talk about homemade long-burning boilers that run on wood.

Of course, a heating boiler that runs on various types of fuel can be purchased commercially. However, the same gas boiler will not be able to work everywhere, but a wood-fired boiler can heat a house no matter how far it is from the gas main.

Among other things, homemade boilers long burning compared to simple stoves are characterized by a longer period between firewood loads, while the efficiency of heating the room does not decrease. In addition, we invite you to watch a video on the topic of assembling long-burning boilers with your own hands.

The principle of operation of a long-burning boiler

The burning time of a wood-burning boiler depends on its design and the processes taking place from the inside. The principle of operation of boilers is as follows: fuel is burned from top to bottom, and not vice versa, as in a conventional wood-fired stove. In the firebox of a conventional boiler or stove, the bottom layer first burns out, after which the hot streams rise and draw all layers into the combustion, while the firewood burns out very quickly and must be added every few hours, otherwise the stove will cool down.

In boilers with long burning, the upper layer first burns, and then the fire goes lower and captures each subsequent layer of firewood. One tab of fuel allows it to smolder for about within 30 hours, and after its complete combustion of ash and soot, a minimum remains.

The adjustment mode allows the wood to smolder for a very long time - more than a day, and after they have completely burned out soot and ash, a minimum remains.

But it is worth remembering that do-it-yourself boilers for long burning it is better not to put in living quarters as they cannot guarantee your safety in use. It is best to equip them with such premises as:

  • technical;
  • production;
  • greenhouses;
  • houses under construction.
  • residential buildings until the installation of the main heating system.

Pros of a homemade long-burning boiler

Despite the fact that do-it-yourself wood-fired boilers cannot be installed everywhere or used as a temporary solution in residential premises, many prefer them because they are easy to operate and have a high heating efficiency.

The advantages of such boilers:

How to assemble a wood-burning boiler with your own hands

In the regions of the country where there is no natural gas, solid fuel is highly valued, on the basis of which heating boilers operate. Moreover, in almost every such region there are special enterprises that can supply solid fuel.

Long burning boilers can work not only on wood, but also on solid fuels such as:

  • sawdust;
  • pellets;
  • peat;
  • coal.

DIY materials for making a boiler

To assemble a boiler with your own hands, you need material for the body. For this, the following may be suitable:

  • large diameter metal pipes;
  • barrels;
  • round tanks;
  • gas cylinders and other containers.

Most often capacity come in steel and cast iron, let's look at how these two materials differ in characteristics:

Steel boilers are more popular with users. If you want to assemble the boiler yourself, remember that you need to ensure correct air supply with the ability to regulate the process of burning firewood. To achieve this, you need to do the following:

  • correctly calculate the power of the structure;
  • choose quality materials;
  • preliminary prepare a design drawing;
  • be able to make high quality welds;
  • strictly observe the technology for installing the structure.

Now let's look at the simplest designs of long-burning boilers that can be assembled by hand:

  • based on an iron pipe;
  • barrel-based;
  • potbelly stove;
  • "Slobozhanka".

Iron pipe structure

Construction parameters should be like this:

At the bottom of the structure, there should be a door for adding firewood, and grates should be installed to blow and clean the container from soot.

Inside the structure you need to place pipe with a smaller diameter, connect to the pipeline that goes through the room for the natural movement of the coolant. Then the system is filled with water, which can be heated for domestic needs and used for heating. From the outside, we install dampers that control the amount of water coming from the tank.

Barrel boiler design

The work in this case looks like this:

  • cut off the upper rim of the barrel and align;
  • on the lid, which can be hermetically closed, we cut out a hole with a diameter of 150 mm to remove carbon monoxide;
  • the chimney should be placed at a slight angle to the vertical surface;
  • the cover must be strong and fireproof. Make another 100 mm hole in it for oxygen access;
  • we put the pipe so that the gases can come out vertically;
  • the choke should not be placed too low so that the fuel does not burn out earlier than necessary.

You can also slow down the process of settling firewood with the help of cargo. Together with a movable air distributor, this design will provide firewood burning for 60 hours.

Potbelly stove and its features

Almost everyone knows about this design. They consist of a water circuit that can provide heat to several radiators in rooms up to 30 square meters. It can be used in rooms such as:

  • greenhouses;
  • summer cottages;
  • houses under construction;
  • construction sites;
  • utility rooms.

How to assemble a Slobozhanka boiler with your own hands

The principle of operation of this design is quite simple. There is two casings: one is internal, and the second is external, there is an air gap between them. From the bottom comes cold air, which is warmed up by the hot walls of the inner casing and rises up, then exits through the hole in the outer casing.

To assemble such an assembly with your own hands, prepare the following:

  • thick pipes;
  • metal sheets;
  • fittings;
  • metal corners;
  • gas cylinders or pipe sections;
  • welding machine;
  • grinder;
  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • electrodes.

The order of work will be as follows:

Long-burning solid fuel boilers can be used for various household needs... There is no better and economical option for use in a summer cottage or in construction. In this case, you will not have to load fuel as often as in traditional stoves, and you will also save on buying a boiler.

Solid fuel boilers are the most economical way to heat any room. The availability of fuel, independence from the energy system, ease of operation - all this determines the immense popularity of boilers among the population. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to purchase really high-quality equipment, so many of them are looking for how to make a solid fuel boiler for long burning with their own hands - drawings, diagrams, explanations and reviews. In our article, you will learn on what principles heating equipment works, what are the features of the structures and their subsequent operation.

Varieties of boilers

All existing solid fuel boilers can be conditionally divided into 3 groups:

  • pyrolysis;
  • classic;
  • pellet

There are a number of other classifying features, but it is the principle of fuel combustion that is decisive when choosing a boiler.


In boilers of this type, the fuel burns slowly with minimal air access, due to which the amount of combustible gas increases and when it is re-burned, the boiler efficiency increases to 85-90%. And although some believe that it is very difficult to make such a boiler with their own hands, we will tell and, most importantly, show how, as a rule, to make a pyrolysis solid fuel boiler for long burning with our own hands (see drawings below).


Structurally, this is a standard wooden stove, where, due to the smaller size of the combustion chamber, the fuel burns a little more slowly. As a rule, it is these boilers that they prefer to make on their own. You will also learn how to make such a classic unit in the article.

The design of such boilers is remarkable not only for its ease of manufacture, but also for the possibility of connecting a second circuit to obtain hot water simultaneously with heating.


These are the most efficient boilers, the efficiency of which is close to 95%. The main advantage is the fully automatic process, where the pellets loaded into the hopper are poured into the combustion chamber by means of an auger. The complex design and automation make it difficult to independently manufacture.

Fuel types

Today, there is a large assortment of solid fuels on the Russian market. This:

  • firewood, including euro (compressed coniferous or deciduous sawdust),
  • granular biopellets (compressed sawdust, peat, agricultural waste, etc.);
  • coal - all varieties and fractions of stone and anthracite;
  • waste from woodworking and agricultural production.

In order for heating to be profitable, it is recommended to purchase or manufacture a universal boiler that can operate on any type of fuel. If you decide to purchase such equipment, pay attention to those that run on alternative fuels, and switching is very quick and easy. These can be the following options:

  • electric combos;
  • solid fuel combos;
  • universal, using any combination of fuel.

Design and principle of operation

The principle of operation of such a boiler is relatively simple - cold air is drawn from below, passing through the walls of the chamber, it heats up, rises and heats the room.

In long-burning boilers, in contrast to traditional ones, air access should be as limited as possible. In order to increase the duration of combustion and reduce the amount of free space in the combustion chamber, it is necessary to load the fuel as much and as tightly as possible.

Required materials and tools:

  • pipe 0.3-0.5 cm;
  • metal sheet 0.5-0.8 mm;
  • metal corners;
  • fittings;
  • a pipe with a diameter of 25 cm (you can use an empty gas cylinder);
  • Bulgarian;

Manufacturing process

  1. We are building an air intake controller. To do this, weld a large bolt to the pipe. Next, cut out a circle along the diameter of the pipe with a grinder, make a hole at the edge so that the bolt freely enters and connect the cover and the bolt with an ordinary nut. In the future, this circle will allow you to control the amount of incoming air and, accordingly, the intensity of combustion.

  1. On the same pipe, cut out small horizontal gaps with a grinder - air will flow into the firebox through these holes.
  2. From a metal sheet, cut a circle with a grinder with a diameter of 0.5-1 cm less than the diameter of the firebox. On the circle in the center, make a hole where you insert a pipe with a plug. Weld it 200-300 mm from the end.

  1. Prepare the boiler drum. If a gas cylinder is used as a base, it is necessary to remove its upper part with a tap, if a cylindrical pipe Ø 25 cm, weld its bottom hermetically.

  1. Chimney making. In the upper part of the cylinder, stepping back from the edge of 10 cm, cut out a circle Ø 100 mm with a grinder and weld on a thick-walled pipe.

  1. Installing the air supply pipe, for which you cut a hole in the bottom of the furnace under the pipe and insert the pipe so that the blower goes beyond the boiler body. Be sure to place it below the chimney to ensure proper air circulation in the system.

  1. Manufacturing of a heat-dissipating screen. To do this, cut out a circle of Ø 20-22 cm from a sheet of 10 mm. To make it convenient to use the screen, you can weld a handle to it, for which fittings are suitable.

  1. Convection casing manufacturing. From a sheet of metal, make a cylinder with a diameter of 5-7 cm larger than the diameter of the firebox. Welding together the base of the oven and the convection chamber. The boiler is almost ready.

  1. Manufacturing of the upper cover for the boiler. If a gas cylinder was used, the previously cut off part will act as such a cover. If the boiler was made from a sheet, cut out a circle of a similar diameter from it and, for ease of use, weld handles from the fittings to it.

In order to ensure optimal air circulation, we recommend welding the legs or support to the bottom of the boiler 25-30 cm high. Metal corners or a channel can be used as a material.

You can see the principle of operation of such a long-burning boiler here:

Video 1 The principle of operation of the boiler model "Slobozhanka"

Video 2 Long burning boiler

When manufacturing the boiler, keep in mind that it is the body that is to a large extent responsible for the safe operation of the boiler. For its manufacture, it is necessary to use heat-resistant thick-walled steel with a thickness of at least 5 mm. The thicker the steel, the slower the case heats up and the longer it stays warm.

How to do it yourself

The fundamental difference between the pyrolysis unit and the traditional one is the presence of 2 combustion chambers, where the first one burns the fuel, and the second one produces the combustible gas. Between these chambers, a grate is mounted through which air circulates.

The principle of movement of the coolant through such a boiler is shown in the figure

To make a pyrolysis boiler, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • sheet 4 mm;
  • pipes 2 mm thick;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • grinding wheels;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill;
  • strips, fittings and corners.


How to correctly and in what sequence to assemble the pyrolysis boiler, you will find in the video.

Video 3 Manufacturing and testing of a solid fuel boiler 15-25 kW

A solid fuel boiler for long burning can be made by hand. To do this, you need blueprints, materials, correct calculations and patience. As a result, you get an energy-efficient and inexpensive heating system that will work reliably for decades.

Solid fuel is considered the cheapest of modern combustible materials in everyday life. This category includes coal, firewood, peat, briquettes or pellets. Traditional stoves provide cheap and easy heating for homes. However, a constant fuel load is required. This way of working makes it difficult to heat the whole house. An excellent solution to the problem is a long-burning boiler with a water circuit.

The installation and operation does not require the permission of the supervising structures. Therefore, the heating unit is easy to make and assemble with your own hands. This will require minimum financial costs, boiler drawings and detailed manufacturing instructions.

Principle of operation

The units are an improved form of solid fuel stoves. Powerful boilers are capable of efficiently heating not only residential buildings, but also industrial, auxiliary and commercial premises. The boiler technology with a water circuit is based on the delayed combustion of solid fuel with a high degree of heat transfer. The boiler is a volumetric furnace with a limited ignition area. Firewood or pellets are laid every 12-18 hours. By adjusting the air flow supplied from above, intense combustion is converted into slow smoldering.

The exhaust gases are discharged through the chimney. It passes through the heat exchanger and heats the water for the heating system. Thus, the fuel is loaded at infrequent intervals, and the system operates almost continuously.

Varieties of boilers

Wood-fired heating units are an excellent alternative to gas appliances. They are characterized by multiple benefits:

1. High efficiency - thanks to the delayed combustion of fuel, the efficiency reaches 90%.

2. Long-term activity - a volumetric furnace with a powerful blowing fan is capable of providing continuous operation for up to 7 days.

3. Environmental friendliness - when fossil fuel burns, a small amount of carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere.

4. Economy - built-in electronics helps to set up the optimal boiler loading mode.

Delayed combustion heating units are presented on the modern market in three varieties.

  • Classic.

They work on coal, wood or wood briquettes. Thanks to the small firebox, the burning period of one bookmark is shortened. To ensure continuous operation during the day, the fuel has to be filled up 4-6 times. The advantage of classic boilers is the low price.

  • Mine.

Design with large hopper and wide loading aperture. Dry bulk materials are used. Automatic control optimizes the combustion process. Depending on the load, a powerful boiler works from 6 to 24 hours. The efficiency is no more than 75%.

  • Pyrolysis.

They function on the principle of burning wood gases released during the slow decay process. The design provides high efficiency of heat transfer and rapid heating of the coolant. The furnace operates on one load until the fuel is completely burned out, the KDP - 85%.

Diagram of a wood-burning stove with a water circuit

Boilers according to the drawings of Vasily Pustovoichenko are simple and affordable installations that you can do yourself. As a basis, an all-welded pipe, a steel barrel or a used gas cylinder is used. The thickness of the metal walls must be at least 3-4 mm. This reduces metal burnout and ensures long-term trouble-free operation of the equipment. The base height varies from 800 to 1000 mm. The volume of a single fuel load depends on the value of this parameter.

The diagram of a wood-fired heating boiler consists of three parts:

  • loading hopper - a container for storing fuel, the height of which changes as it burns out;
  • combustion chamber - an area where there is a slow smoldering of wood and the generation of gases;
  • complete combustion zone - a closed pan where wood gases are burned, ash accumulates and smoke is removed.

The combustion chamber is limited by an air distributor. It is a 4-6 mm thick metal circle with a hole in the center. A telescopic (or solid) tube passes through it, supplying oxygen to the combustion zone. The distributor disc is in motion, therefore its diameter is slightly smaller than the boiler drum. Air enters the discharge pipe from the atmosphere, penetrating through the upper damper.

Exhaust gases are discharged through a chimney fixed at the top. At the bottom of the wall there is a door through which ash and ash are removed. In long-burning boilers, solid fuel is burned almost completely, so waste is removed infrequently. In addition, the design provides for points for connecting the supply and return of water. Also determine the place of fixing the thermometer and the draft regulator.

There are two ways to heat the coolant in the water circuit:

1. Make a remote storage tank, inside which to pass the pipe. The exhaust gases move along the chimney and simultaneously heat the water.

2. Pass the heat exchanger tube through the combustion chamber. Connect the coil to it, which is located in the storage tank.

The efficiency of the second method is higher. However, the execution technology looks much more complicated.

DIY Crafting Guide

If there is not enough money to buy a finished heater, you can try to make it yourself. First, you will have to study the drawings, read the instructions and calculate the possible costs.

To create a boiler, you will need the following materials and devices:

  • Thick-walled metal pipe with a diameter of 300-400 mm.
  • Sheet steel 4 mm thick.
  • Two metal pipes: Æ 60 mm for air supply and 100 for removal of combustion products.
  • Reinforcing bars 20 mm thick.
  • Blower fan.
  • Automatic circuit.
  • Welding machine, grinder.

In accordance with the drawings, you need to make a separate housing, chimney, air diffuser, door and cover for the upper part.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Cut the pipe with a grinder so that its length is about a meter. Align the edges well. On one side of the workpiece, weld a round bottom cut from a steel sheet. The reinforcement legs can be attached here immediately.

2. Make an air distributor:

  • Cut a circle out of sheet steel, the diameter of which is 20 mm less than the inner diameter of the body.
  • Drill a 20 mm hole in the center.
  • Weld the impeller on one side. The blades should be made of sheet metal up to 50 mm wide. This is the bottom of the distributor.
  • In the center of the upper side, weld a Æ60 mm blower pipe. Its length should be the same as the boiler itself.
  • On top of the pipe, fix the damper, which regulates the air supply.

3. In the lower part of the body, a grinder cut out a square opening through which it is convenient to clean ash. Then the hinges are welded on and the door with the latch is hung.

4. In the upper part of the casing, close to the edge, cut a round hole. A threaded sleeve is welded to it, on which a Æ100-150 chimney is fixed. An area up to 500 mm long must be located strictly horizontally. Further, the pipe passes through a heat exchanger made in the form of a storage tank.

5. A cover with a hole in the middle should be made of sheet metal. The distributor pipe will pass through it. To ensure that the lid fits snugly against the combustion chamber and does not allow smoke to pass through, a seal made of asbestos cord is laid along the cut diameter.

Since the equipment does not run on gas, but on wood, you can also install it yourself.

1. All self-made boilers for long burning have a large mass. When loaded with wood, the structure becomes much heavier. Therefore, a strong and even foundation is needed for it. The installation manual recommends pouring with reinforced concrete mixed with rubble or rubble. Alternatively, you can lay out a brick base.

2. The outer walls of the casing in the area of ​​the combustion chamber become very hot. Even if a water jacket is located around the firebox, this does not protect the surface from overheating. As a rule, all home-made long-burning boilers have a single casing. Therefore, the minimum distance to the nearest wall should be 50 cm.

3. If the room is finished with flammable materials, a protective surface should be made of galvanized sheets with an asbestos gasket. You can also fold brickwork.

4. The space 25-30 cm wide between the ceiling and the chimney is filled with stone wool and sewn up with galvanized steel with an asbestos layer. All these actions significantly increase the total cost of a long-burning boiler, but they guarantee fire safety.

The drawings of solid fuel boilers for long burning with your own hands placed in the article will help you understand the principle of operation of this power generating unit.

Any reader with a little bit of plumbing skills will be able to make this relatively simple, but very useful and profitable device at home.

Purpose, layout and principle of operation

For a general understanding, a long-burning solid fuel boiler (TKDG) can be represented as a large furnace with a limited combustion zone.

In it, the combustion process is regulated by the supply of oxygen.

Simple, but ingenious, the principle of operation is based on thermal decomposition of fuel cells with long-term release of thermal energy.

Interesting information: TKDG owes its birth to the talented engineer Edmuntas Stropaitis, who in 2000 patented a completely new principle of combustion in solid fuel boilers - from top to bottom with regulation of oxygen supply.

The most important advantage in the principle of its operation is that one fuel filling is sufficient for a long period of burning time from 10 hours or more.

Typical scheme and principle of its operation

Combustion processes occurring in TCDG are similar to pyrolysis units, where heat is generated not during the combustion of coal or firewood, but from the gasification of solid combustible material.

The released gas moves to the burner nozzle, where it mixes with oxygen.

The oxygen supply is regulated by the air damper so that the fuel does not burn, but smolders, giving off heat. The burner temperature is 1200 degrees.

Design features

The operation of this unit is also based on the slow combustion (smoldering) of solid combustible materials. At the same time, they burn out completely and practically without waste.

This power unit is designed in such a way that oxygen is dosed into the furnace where the fuel is placed, regulating the slow combustion (smoldering) process. Burning takes place from top to bottom, and not vice versa, as in traditional stoves.

Good to know: the advantage of this type of boiler: any combustible material available in the household can be used as fuel: old clothes, blankets, peat, debris, foliage.

The slow burning rate allows the boiler to be loaded once every several days. TCDH differ from each other in the location of the combustion chamber.

Upper zone. In this case, the solid fuel moves inside the chamber as it burns.

Advice: if you are planning to make a boiler with such a combustion principle, then for the walls it is necessary to use a metal sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm, since the spread of high temperatures occurs from bottom to top along the entire height.

Lower zone. In this case, as a result of combustion between the walls and the fuel, there is a free space for gas formation. Since the occurrence and impact of high temperatures occurs at one point, it is necessary to choose a thicker metal for the manufacture of the boiler.

Advantages of boilers:


  • Inability to regulate the temperature regime;
  • Low efficiency;
  • Labor intensity of the process of preparation and loading of fuel;
  • To maintain high efficiency, the boiler must be cleaned regularly;
  • Time consuming commissioning work.

We make with our own hands

Alternatively, you can use the below proposed drawing of the future boiler. It gives an overview of the design of the unit. It can be improved and adapted directly to the boiler room of your home.

  1. Thermal complex controller
  2. Fuel loading door
  3. Ash container (ash pan)
  4. Smoke exhaust pipe
  5. Thermal Fuse Sensor Adapter
  6. Emergency connection
  7. Heating circuit inlet
  8. Cold water supply point
  9. K. Hot water outlet
  10. L. Return loop inlet
  11. Emptying connection

Required materials and equipment


  • Welding machine with electrodes;
  • Grinding and cutting machine (grinder);
  • Grinding and cutting discs with a diameter of 230 and 125 mm.


  • Pipe - diameter 500 mm, length 1300 mm, wall at least 3 mm thick;
  • Pipe - diameter 450 mm, length 1500 mm, thickness 3 mm;
  • Pipe - diameter 60 mm, length 1200 mm;
  • Steel sheet 3 mm thick;
  • Metal rings - diameter 500 mm, width 25 mm;
  • Metal fittings - latches, hinges;
  • Asbestos cloth;
  • Asbestos sealing cord.

Step-by-step instruction

The boiler manufacturing process does not present any particular difficulties, it is enough to follow the proposed recommendations.

Let's start making the case:

  1. Two pipes (500 and 400 mm), nested one into the other, are welded together using a ring;
  2. We weld the bottom of the small pipe with a round plug with a diameter of 450 mm. The result is a "barrel" with a diameter of 450 mm with a welded water-heating jacket;
  3. At the base of the barrel we make a rectangular hole measuring 150 x 100 mm. This will be the ash pan door. We weld on the hinges and install the doors, and do not forget to weld on the container for collecting ash.
  1. To supply (load) fuel, cut a rectangular hole in the upper part of the structure. We choose any size. The main condition: convenience when laying firewood. To reduce heat loss, we make a double door of the firebox, consisting of two metal sheets with an enclosure of asbestos material inside. The door contact points are also lined with heat-insulating material.
  2. We weld the outlet pipe into the upper part of the structure. It will discharge exhaust gases into the chimney.
  3. Having welded the pipes, at the bottom and at the top of the water circuit, we have the connection points of the boiler to the heating system of the house.

Take a note: pay attention to the quality and tightness of the seams. Elimination of defects will be difficult or even impossible without dismantling the equipment.

Manufacturing and installation of air distributor:

  1. Cut a circle out of sheet metal, the diameter is slightly smaller than the internal size of the boiler. In the center we drill a hole corresponding to the diameter of the smallest prepared pipe (60 mm). This will be the air diffuser.
  2. A pipe is inserted into the hole;
  3. Plates simulating a turbine are welded to the inner plane of the disc.

Another variant of the air diffuser

  1. For the convenience of working with the distributor, a convenient loop is welded onto its body from above. At the same time, a damper is being made, which will regulate the air supply to the furnace.
  2. To attach the air distributor to the boiler, cut out another circle with a diameter equal to the outer contour. It also drills a hole to fit a small pipe. The lower disc is inserted into the inner circle, and the upper (larger in diameter), after threading it through the pipe, is superimposed on the outer ring. Finally, the circle is welded to the boiler and used as a top cover.

The easiest way to make a solid fuel boiler is considered here. Craftsmen complicate and modernize the design using an automation system and forced air injection.

The most popular models and their cost

Karakan 10 TPE

Karakan 10 TPE

Country of origin: Russia.

Price: 16.8 thousand rubles.

Bastion M-KST-12 P

Country of origin: Russia.

Price: 33 thousand rubles.

Bourgeois-K Standard-10

Country of origin: Russia.

Price: 36.8 thousand rubles.

Rival KT12

Country of origin: Russia.

Price: 39 thousand rubles.

Lavoro Eco L12

Country of origin: Russia.

Price: 45.9 thousand rubles.

Traian T10

Country of origin: Russia.

Price: 47 thousand rubles.

Hardtop Bear 15

Country of origin: Russia.

Hardtop Bear 15

Price: 75 thousand rubles.

"Bourgeois-K" Exclusive-12

Country of origin: Russia.

Price: 104.6 thousand rubles.


Viktor Arsentiev, Timoshevsk, Kuban 03/22/2017. If you buy boilers without any frills, then their cost is the same. I was advised "Bourgeois" for 100 thousand - tempting, but the price bites. I would like to know how much it will pay off and how much I will win. And so, probably, while I think about it.

Nikolay Sazonov, Vyatskiye Polyany, 03/20/2017. I agree with one that these boilers save a lot of money. Another concern is carbon monoxide. Something I have not seen the system of forced removal.

Bourgeois-K Exclusive-12

As far as I remember, it is heavier than air. How to remove it from the basement? Or build a ventilation system or a separate boiler room. And what will it come out?

Anatoly Zviglo, Goryachy Klyuch, Krasnodar Territory, 03.24.2017: I installed Troyan at home - I don’t know grief. Savings from all sides. I am waiting for an objection, they say, the forest is nearby. I will not lie - the firewood is "free". I agreed with the forester for sanitary cleaning, I am taking out the dry forest. So he is also grateful. Well, there really is anyone who can. And as for the area without resources, here you need to scratch and count the poppies.

Independent production of TKD, which implements surprisingly ingenious, in their simplicity, inventions is not an illusion - it is reality. Step-by-step instructions will help you in this matter. This simple machine will save you a significant chunk of your seed budget.

Keep in mind: a heating boiler, regardless of its design, is a potentially dangerous device. Do not forget not only about the fire department, but also about safety in general at all stages of the manufacture and operation of the boiler.

Correct installation of the boiler guarantees not only its safety, but also an additional opportunity for heating other (utility) premises of the house.

How to make a solid fuel boiler with your own hands at low cost, see the following video: