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Aquarius man compatibility with other zodiac signs. Aquarius man: character, life principles, compatibility

Men born in the period from January 20 to February 18, according to the sign of the zodiac, are Aquarius. The astrological characteristic claims that the representative of this astrological period is a bright and unusual person. It seems that he is open to the whole world, but his soul keeps many secrets even from the closest people.

general characteristics

Aquarius man remains a mischievous and carefree boy for life. He has to force himself to obey numerous rules from the adult world. The personality characteristic of the representative of this zodiac sign includes the following main features:

  • unusual, sometimes defiant behavior;
  • rejection of many rules and regulations;
  • the desire to stand out;
  • charm and friendliness;
  • craving for everything new.

A guy born under the sign of Aquarius values ​​personal freedom and friends more than material goods or love relationships. The sign struggles to resist anything that can prevent him from living the way he wants. Because of this, Aquarius often has conflicts and misunderstandings with others, colleagues and bosses.

Men of this zodiac sign love to dream and want to achieve a high social status. But to achieve the goal, they lack diligence and consistency. Aquarius rushes from one venture to another, without waiting for the desired result. The sign loves to travel, can get involved in creativity or sports.

Health and appearance

Aquarius man does not resist stressful situations badly. Violation of psychological comfort can cause health problems in the representatives of the sign. Often the slightest sneeze causes attacks of panic and despondency in male Aquarius. Vulnerable places are legs, blood vessels and heart. Due to the restless nature of men of this zodiac sign, there are often injuries associated with extreme recreation or sports.

In the appearance of an Aquarius man, the main thing is big eyes with long eyelashes. They really are the mirror of his soul. Changes in mood, emotions or fatigue may not be noticeable in a man, but the expression in his eyes will tell everything. Most often, male Aquarius has large facial features, a high forehead and fair skin. Tall growth and a rather slender physique give the impression of a flimsy intellectual. But the hardness of the muscles in Aquarius is compensated by the strength of character and insane energy.

Professions, careers and business

The professional characteristic of the Aquarius man suggests that he is suitable for a job that allows the free flight of thought. Moreover, it does not have to be professions related to creativity. Aquarius can produce brilliant innovative ideas in any area of ​​interest to him.

This zodiac sign hates routine, he gets bored of doing the same thing over and over again. Therefore, you should not instruct Aquarius to perform the same type of operations. He will shirk from such a task, as a result of which the quality and speed of work will suffer. Because of the craving for new experiences and sensations, Aquarius often changes jobs. A sign can live its entire life in search of its vocation, without having decided on its favorite work.

The thinking of people of this astrological period is aimed at the future, their ideas are often not understood by their contemporaries. An Aquarius man can be a great pioneer scientist or invent something completely new.... Sociability and persuasiveness make Aquarius wonderful psychologists, mentors, teachers or consultants.

Despite the love of freedom, the sign rarely succeeds in business. It's hard for him to do only one thing for many years in a row. He has a lot of business ideas, but Aquarius can only bring the project to financial payback in a pair with someone more consistent. Representatives of this zodiac sign are not chasing money, self-realization and psychological comfort are more important for them.

Love and marriage

An Aquarius man in love avoids strong attachment for fear of losing his freedom. The guy of this sign often changes girls, he gives them a surprisingly romantic and carefree romance, while avoiding even talking about a serious relationship. In every woman, the sign sees a new peak and a secret that needs to be solved. To be a companion in the life of Aquarius, you need to try to become an insoluble riddle for him.

The amorous representative of the sign suffers from failures on the personal front, so he tries to hide his vulnerability under the guise of a cold and impassive Don Juan. An Aquarius man in love greatly appreciates friendly relations with his beloved. Without such a connection, their romance is doomed to a quick end. The sign needs support, sympathy and trust, it needs an assistant and a muse.

A guy born in the month of Aquarius trusts his girlfriend and expects the same attitude from her... He will not tolerate scenes of jealousy, surveillance or attempts to change the usual way of life. The sign is not going to abandon its friends, so it is better for his chosen one to make friends with them too. A guy with this zodiac sign is sexually active, but with age, spiritual intimacy becomes more important for him.

Astrological characteristics indicate that the Aquarius man usually makes a decision about marriage late. The family life of a representative of this astrological period is most often filled with bright events, impressions that Aquarius himself creates. The spouse needs to support any attempts to diversify everyday life at home, since the sign does not like routine and dullness in anything.

Father Aquarius does not devote too much time to children, but they simply adore him, because only he knows how to come up with such exciting games and entertainment. The sign easily gains the authority and trust of kids. Aquarius is clean and loves order in the house, but he himself does not want to do the housework, so he will not reproach his wife for a little mess or a cold dinner.

Famous Aquarius Men

Aquarius is a strong zodiac sign that combines charm, friendliness, willpower, and independence.

Men easily find a common language with people and make friends among boys and girls. It's easy with them, they never offer sex when they first meet.

Aquarians are honest, and if something does not suit them in a person, he will not hide and will tell everything.

If you want to charm an Aquarius man, then you should find out his main qualities and consider the characteristics of temperament.

The Aquarius man is a prominent representative, he combines a rapid flow of emotions and brilliant ideas.

His life is filled with interesting events and adventures that make every moment memorable.

Its useful to note! Aquarius men have an unusual mindset and an unconventional approach to problem solving.

They are independent and act according to their own rules.

They easily enter into disputes, and when the opportunity arises, they challenge the established rules and regulations. They can safely go ahead against other people's opinions.

They do not try to hide the mood, if Aquarius is sad, unhappy, then they will not show friendliness and joy.

Mood is influenced by emotional and physical well-being. In moments of frustration, they try to retire.

Aquarius men have a number of strong and positive qualities:

  • Independence.
  • Cheerfulness.
  • Friendliness.
  • Lovingness.
  • Kindness.
  • Generosity.
  • Sociability.
  • Honesty.
  • Politeness.

The Aquarius man remains young at heart. He is full of charm and energy.

He prefers to wear jeans and T-shirts, sweaters or shirts. He is constantly developing and improving.

Aquarius men have high intelligence, which allows them to find extraordinary solutions in any situation. They are not worried about public opinion, and this annoys many.

At work, they are appreciated due to the fact that they are able to find a way out of any situation. This allows them to make good money and create new projects.

Horoscope by year of birth

When considering the characteristics of Aquarius guys, you should pay attention to the eastern horoscope. The symbol of the year of birth is of great importance.

It affects character traits, hobbies, habits, behavior:

Year a brief description of
Rat They have peaceful character traits. They do not like to enter into disputes, but do not accept other people's opinions.

They have a desire to reconcile people, to make them not quarrel. They do not always show sufficient firmness and will. Remain optimistic and focused

Bull Representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope are hardworking and stubborn. They believe in their abilities, slowly but steadily move towards their goal.

Sometimes a feeling of laziness manifests itself, at these moments they delve into hobbies. In the future, they make up for the unfinished at an accelerated pace.

Tiger They are sociable, so they like to work in a company. He is a loyal companion and a good companion.
Rabbit, Cat Aquarius-Rabbits combine several qualities - melancholy and fighting temperament. They love to fight for justice and stand their ground to the last.

They show gentleness, but if they offend him or those close to him, they can show toughness and composure

The Dragon Representatives have excessive imagination and deceptive appearance. They can promise and forget about it. They are discerning and endowed with a strong charm.
Snake Those born in the year of the Snake have great willpower. They are able to commit any deeds that can restore their peace of mind.
Horse Men have creative and sensual qualities. Easily carry out public affairs
Goat They are used to being winners. The goat is cunning and cunning, when communicating with it you need to keep your ears open
A monkey Men are very cunning and observant. They are not used to taking responsibility for themselves, they do not like to come to large companies.

They try to approach harmony, do not enter into disputes and quarrels

Rooster People who were born in his year are endowed with gentleness and peacefulness. They have diplomatic qualities
Dog They have affection. Dogs are loyal companions and workers. Prefer honesty, open relationships
Pig or Boar Aquarius men who are born in the Year of the Pig love to stock up, they save money.

They have a cheerful and optimistic character. They rarely have health problems.

What kind of women does he like

Aquarius likes bright girls who stand out from the crowd, they must have something special, a zest.

He must communicate with her, make friends and learn a lot of interesting things about her. A woman should share his interests, support ideas, she should be carried away by his stories.

What kind of women does he like? It is worth considering their important features:

  • A girl must be brave, she must express desires and opinions without hesitation.
  • Aquarians often need solitude, in which case she should let him go and not ask questions.
  • Aquarians love freedom. A woman must provide the will of a man, if she shows excessive guardianship, he will quickly dodge her.
  • Relationships with Aquarius men are built on understanding and trust. Aquarians need a non-jealous and not too sensual woman.

Important! A woman should be able to maintain a conversation on any topic.

She should be well-read and smart, it will be interesting for Aquarius to communicate with her. They are attracted by representatives with a developed intellect.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

Compatibility of Aquarius with other signs of the zodiac in love, communication, work is shown in the table below:

Zodiac sign Description
Aries With this fire sign, Aquarius quickly find mutual understanding. They are brought together by an active life position, the desire to learn new and unusual
Taurus Unsuitable partners. Taurus will not stand the fickleness of Aquarius
Twins They have a lot in common. They will make a good union.
Cancer The union of Cancers and Aquarius will turn out to be unsuccessful. There will be disagreements and misunderstandings in it.
Lions The marriage between Leo and Aquarius will turn out to be quite successful, but you have to make sacrifices. Also, Lionesses are quite jealous.
Virgins Aquarians rarely have a successful marriage with Virgos. The guy will be heeded by excessive criticism of the Virgo, who will consider him frivolous.
scales The union will turn out to be balanced. Both signs will find the perfect meeting points of characters.
Scorpions The marriage between Scorpios and Aquarius turns out to be successful. True, at first there may be problems that arise due to the flirting of Aquarius
Sagittarius Both signs are considered ideal companions. It's important to show respect
Capricorn For a Capricorn woman, order is important, they are responsible and conservative. They are different, for this reason, marriage will not be possible.
Aquarians Usually a friendship develops between them. Love stories are rare
Fishes The union between Pisces and Aquarius is rarely successful. Aquarius scares off the composure and jealousy of Pisces

Aquarius men are considered charming and attractive representatives. They can find common ground with any zodiac sign.

With some, a successful love union comes out, with others they make strong friends. They know how to lead in any situation, and not every zodiac sign succeeds.

Nobility is the main feature of this sign. According to the horoscope, the Aquarius man is strong, laconic, prefers the loneliness of a noisy company. He gives the impression of a misanthrope, but it is wrong. This person loves loved ones, is ready to do everything in his power for them, and also appreciates true friendship and knows how to be friends.

Description of a man - Aquarius

By nature, Aquarius is a gentle, spiritually rich person. He seeks understanding, appreciates spiritual generosity and intelligence. Behind the external softness lies real courage, straightforwardness and honesty. For this person, material values ​​are not as important as the soul and high moral qualities, therefore, he does not strive for wealth.

According to the horoscope, the Aquarius man is an intellectual and a freedom-lover. In addition to Justin Timberlake, Aquarius was born Elijah Wood, Dmitry Kharatyan, Ronald Reagan, Nicholas Carter

Aquarians are fair and honest. They can easily bypass social norms and traditions if they deem them wrong. They will never pretend that everything is fine, if in fact they are physically or mentally ill. Aquarius will calmly cancel the appointment if they feel sick or tired.

Aquarius does not like to hurry in anything. Love is no exception. To make a relationship with him strong, you need to tune in to his wave, not fake it, accept it in its entirety. This person is not cold or withdrawn, he just takes any relationship extremely seriously. At the same time, he is distinguished by his love of freedom and sociability.

Aquarius in love is charming. He will shower the chosen one with attention and care, will become an ideal husband. A woman who is lucky enough to marry a representative of this sign needs to remember: the gullibility and gentleness of a spouse does not negate his sensitivity and inner strength. The main thing is not to humiliate his manhood, to sincerely respect and fully accept.

Aquarius man and sex

Internal strength attracts the attention of the weak half of humanity to Aquarius. He does not refuse frank offers, and he is distinguished by unpredictability in intimate relationships.

Some women will be surprised by his patience and tenderness, others will be shocked by his unbridled and unbridled passion. And all because Aquarius is trying to understand the desires of a partner and give her pleasure. But he likes girls that are gentle, delicate, without hidden and obvious aggression.

The man of this sign does not attach primary importance to sex. In order to truly interest Aquarius in a sexual sense, the partner must have intelligence. The inner world of the chosen one is much more important to him than her experience and enthusiasm in bed.

Who suits the Aquarius man

Marrying an Aquarius is extremely difficult. He himself makes decisions with whom to live. He does not like to offend anyone, but he will not allow himself to behave.

The zodiac characteristic of the Aquarius man Elijah Wood is a strong, bright, subtle personality

Men of this zodiac sign are more likely to be left alone than to marry without love and respect. If you see a convinced bachelor in front of you, with a high degree of probability he will turn out to be Aquarius according to the horoscope.

  • The perfect union will develop with Taurus. A woman has all the qualities that Aquarius values: she is smart, fair, honest, mentally developed. The union will be strong and happy.
  • An equally idyllic relationship connects Aquarius with a Cancer woman. A man is delighted with her softness and delicacy, he is impressed by her spiritual qualities and ability to run a household.
  • A strong family will develop for an Aquarius man with a Libra woman. Deep spiritual closeness and respect, unabated sensuality with age will make this marriage perfect.
  • Happiness, joy, lightness awaits Aquarius in marriage with Sagittarius. Their love is sometimes called unearthly, so these people coincide in soul and body. The spouses retain love for life, and in their declining years they recall with pleasure their bright, romantic and adventurous marriage.
  • With Gemini, representatives of the air element, Aquarius may not have a good relationship. Sincerity and intellectual thirst bring these people together. If there are also common interests in a profession or hobby, then a life together will take place.
  • Surprisingly, such opposite signs as Aquarius and Scorpio coexist under one roof. This union is based on differences: spouses complement each other, do not try to remake a partner for themselves, value someone else's space.
  • Union with Pisces is favorable. The spouses have an eccentricity, they are happy to give themselves up to new impressions. The marriage will last for many years and will become the most important adventure in the life of the spouses.

Aquarius strives for a cloudless family life. He is sick of routine, he does not like separation. This is an ideal family man who does not cheat himself and does not forgive betrayal.

Who is not suitable for an Aquarius man

Judging by the characteristics of the Aquarius man, it is not so easy to become his chosen one. If his wife is not endowed with patience, the ability to forgive and tries to keep her husband in control, the couple has no chance of a long life together.

Rutger Hauer - Aquarius man by horoscope

The family relationships are worst of all for Aquarius with representatives of the elements of Fire and Earth. Before going down the aisle, weigh the pros and cons, assess the compatibility of characters.

  • An anxious, expressive, delicate Aries woman is not always able to tie Aquarius to herself for a long time. She's too pushy. The soft esthete Aquarius quickly gets bored of it, and the marriage is bursting at the seams. Only the keeper of the hearth can save the situation: she must learn to restrain her temper, be more modest, not try to remake her spouse.
  • A nervous, extremely principled Virgo cannot be sure that she will attract the attention of Aquarius for a long time. He can spend some time with her, but then he will run away from constant moralizing and psychological pressure.
  • Capricorns do not understand Aquarius's indulgence towards money. A conservative wife is extremely disapproving of her husband's love of freedom, so the marriage is unlikely to be long.
  • Lioness is the complete opposite of Aquarius. They can be pulled to each other with terrible force, but conflicts are inevitable. The couple will part very quickly, and both will breathe a sigh of relief.
  • An alliance with a representative of your sign is rarely successful. Spouses feel more friendly than sexual towards each other, feelings are too similar. But if this is what they are looking for, then they can maintain love-friendship until the end of their days.

Marriage is sacred for Aquarius, but it is not easy to please him. The chosen one must be impeccable in everything: smart, beautiful, pure.

Aquarians are freedom-loving, deep, subtly organized. They will not tolerate the slightest pressure on themselves, they value equal relationships and intelligence.

Check out the exact description

Almost every representative of the weaker sex fell under the spell of the Aquarius man. No wonder. Charisma, lightness, excellent sense of humor - Aquarius is fully gifted with all these. Easily visible in any company, he becomes a real heartthrob over the years.

Is it so easy with this guy in a relationship? And what pitfalls can you stumble upon when giving your heart to Aquarius? If these questions haunt you, our article was written especially for you.

Found a cool video about Aquarius - everything is as they say

What is an Aquarius man in love?

The guy born under the sign of Aquarius is a dreamer. Regardless of his image of a womanizer, falling in love, he becomes naive and helpless. Feelings completely overwhelm him. Moreover, sometimes so much that there is no energy or time left for everything else. Study, career? The guy in love will leave all this for later.

But do not rush to rejoice! The air element takes its toll, and Aquarius cools down as sharply as it flares up. His many friends (by the way, not rarely female) will be able to win back your prince from you, and leave you with nothing. To prevent this, Aquarius will have to become not only a beloved woman, but also a faithful friend. And in order to know what to prepare for, familiarize yourself with the behavior of your beloved at each of the stages of love.

How to understand that Aquarius is in love?

Before connecting "heavy artillery", you need to make sure that the object of your sighs experiences reciprocity. In the case of Aquarius, this is not so difficult. He is the image of a classic young man in love: charming and ridiculous.

  1. Humor. Jokes to the point and not - the first sign of an Aquarius in love. Trying to impress you, he will dump his entire humorous arsenal. Moreover, his jokes can be unfunny, inappropriate and even offensive, but his charming smile will not allow you to be angry for a long time.
  2. Thirst for attention. This guy will do everything for you to notice him. Spending the evening in a large company, he will constantly be next to you and demonstrate his achievements. Most likely, Aquarius in love will suddenly change his hairstyle or go in for sports. In general, shocking is his middle name. Be prepared for the unexpected. Moreover, all his actions will be delightfully awkward. It’s like a big child in front of you, trying to grab his share of everyone’s attention.
  3. Conversations. In a sense, Aquarius, in their love of conversation, will give odds even to Sagittarius. Philosophical conversations on eternal topics are something they cannot live without. Accordingly, they also strive to infect their beloved with a thirst for reasoning. It should be noted that these arguments are really very interesting. For the most part, Aquarians are incredible intellectuals. But if your beloved did not get into the majority, then fascinating and interesting stories about his life await you. Believe me, the guys of this zodiac sign definitely have something to tell. You can write books about their lives!
  4. The desire to spend more time together. It seems to sound trite and commonplace. Every guy wants to spend more time with his beloved. If you think so, you just haven't seen Aquarians in love. From his proximity, you literally block the air. This is the same guy who unexpectedly turns up for a visit or calls at 2 am with an offer to ride around the city at night.

How to build a relationship with him?

Did all the signs coincide, and your relationship became official? This is not a reason to relax. Rather, the opposite is true. Remember the airy essence of your chosen one. He is like the wind - here today, there tomorrow. Your relationship is a constant effort to maintain intrigue and tension. Otherwise, Aquarius will get bored and he will just run away. But if you manage to keep yourself engaged, you have an almost perfect companion:

  1. Generous. Yes, yes, gifts from a loving Aquarius flow, as well as from a cornucopia. It has a need to surprise. Unusual bouquets, huge toys, and sometimes even poetry - all this awaits you in a relationship with this amazing person.
  2. True. This is pretty hard to believe. Girls will constantly hover around him. Many of them can bother you with attention or even threaten you. But believe me, they are all helpless in front of a truly enamored Aquarius. His loyalty knows no bounds.
  3. Delicate and sensitive. This facet will open to you a little later and will pleasantly surprise you. It turns out that this joker and merry fellow is a real romantic. Aquarians can even afford to defend a mean male tear. However, it is still better not to bring it up to this.

Sex with a man Aquarius

Paradoxically, the case with Aquarius is moving towards bed very slowly. At the first meeting, it may seem that he is a hero-lover. But this is exactly the case when the first impression is deceiving. Sexually, Aquarius is a real snow king.

Physical intimacy for Aquarius is more like a game. Vivid emotions of platonic love are more important to him than polished and virtuoso sex. Such a guy is not inclined to dominance, he easily allows his partner to take the initiative. Just do not immediately shock him with your exotic addictions! If you have a violent temperament, it is better to start a sexual relationship with Aquarius smoothly, without frills.

In sex with Aquarius, ingenuity, sociability and ease are encouraged. You should not aggressively demand his attention and bombard him with requests - there is a risk of facing indifference. Lacy lingerie and role-playing games will not work here. You can't keep Aquarius for a long time. But intelligence is one hundred percent means to turn on your beloved. Therefore, if you want a rich sex life, you will have to constantly prove that you are not a dummy. You should be like a fish in water to navigate world news, politics and be very well-read.

What kind of women does Aquarius love?

And finally, some tips on how to preserve and increase the love of Aquarius:

  1. Do not encroach on his freedom. You should not call him every five minutes and actively read the correspondence in all social networks. networks. Like any "air" sign, Aquarius values ​​freedom. Blind jealousy is also categorically unacceptable. If you want a long-term relationship, you have to learn to trust and suppress women's curiosity.
  2. Don't argue with him. An argument with Aquarius is a real avalanche. It will not work here to disperse peacefully, remaining unconvinced. This intellectual will stand his ground to the last. So if you want to win a battle, be prepared to lose minor battles periodically.
  3. Show him how much you need him often. Being someone's hero for Aquarius is the highest pleasure. Feel free to ask for his help. You shouldn't forget about gratitude for your help either. In the case of Aquarius, there is never too much flattery. Just do not be zealous with epithets! Being honest and vulnerable, your chosen one will easily see through the falsity.
  4. Engage in self-development. A relationship with Aquarius is a great reason to start a new life. Go in for sports, cooking, read more and watch analytical programs. By the way, even if the relationship ends, the knowledge gained will never be superfluous.

As you can see, the relationship with Aquarius is not as simple as it seems. At first glance, this is an easy guy, but deep down he is vulnerable and capricious. It takes a lot of work to build a truly strong relationship. This work will fully justify itself only if you are sure that this guy is the one. And therefore, having weighed all the pros and cons, feel free to get down to business! And remember: there are no absolutely incompatible zodiac signs in a relationship. There are unions in which you have to work a little less or a little more.

People who are born from January 21 to February 19 belong to the eleventh sign of the zodiac, called Aquarius in astrology. This is one of the most unpredictable and self-confident signs. The representatives of this zodiacal constellation have their own characteristic features that distinguish it from others, this is especially pronounced in the Aquarius men.

The characteristics of this zodiac sign are very controversial and ambiguous. The Aquarius man has an open nature.... By nature, he is reasonable and calm. A loyal friend will always help in difficult times, sacrificing their own interests. Aquarius-man, as a representative of the element of air, is capable of crazy actions and some kind of extravagance, is rarely tactful. He is a rebel, can shock with his behavior, often acts contrary to the opinion of others and gets satisfaction from it. This inevitably leads to conflict situations. The choice of the direction of communication directly depends on the physical and psychological well-being.

Men of this sign do not know how to pretend and adapt to the mood of other people, if in reality they do not feel joy or sadness. They are able to interrupt communication for a while. Men of this astrological period have many weaknesses: they are two-faced, full of contradictions. They take into account only their own opinion and do not want to reckon with others. The main weapon is sarcasm, used both to relatives and friends, and to unfamiliar people. The people around are offended, but Aquarians do not take what is happening seriously.

At the same time, they are vulnerable, responsive, can live by the interests and hobbies of close people, they themselves are very secretive and do not show their problems. The man of this sign is endowed with great creative potential, loves everything beautiful, appreciates art. Often, representatives of this zodiacal constellation are very talented and famous, but indifferent to material wealth. Money doesn't play a big role in the life of an Aquarius. The characteristic of this sign, a description of its characteristic features, is one of the most diverse.

Typical character traits:

Aquarius needs a person who is attentive to himself, his difficult character, able to withstand and understand his periodic mood swings.

In a relationship, a man is most often shy and incapable of action... He is not looking for a permanent partner, he is rather windy and frivolous. Avoids attachment, values ​​personal space and freedom. Easily ties up and ends relationships, often offends partners, not thinking about what is causing them pain.

First of all, he needs a woman friend, a like-minded person who can understand and support in difficult times. A woman who wants to please Aquarius must always share his hobbies, not be intrusive and remain a mystery. He is not jealous, trusts his partner, is confident in himself and believes that there should always be mutual interest between a man and a woman.

A guy born in this astrological period will not swear in eternal love, does not want any responsibility. A woman needs to make every effort so that Aquarius remains attached to her for a long time and they legalize the relationship.

The Aquarius husband does not accept control from the spouse... Noticing that he is being manipulated or trying to take advantage of him, he prefers divorce. You can talk about strong relationships in marriage only if the spouses have remained faithful friends for each other and the partner sincerely loves, without trying to change the Aquarius man. It is difficult to say which of him is a family man, but he will put his family first if his life partner is completely satisfied with him. Loves adventures, bright events in relationships, which he most often creates himself. A woman should support any of his undertakings and, together with him, bring variety to their gray everyday life.

Aquarius does not do housework, although he loves order and cleanliness, preferring to shift all household responsibilities onto the shoulders of his wife. The attitude towards children is warm and friendly. She is sincerely interested in the life of her children. He easily gains their trust and becomes an authority.

Compatibility with other signs

It is difficult for a representative of this astrological constellation to find a common language with others; it is impossible to say with certainty who exactly suits the Aquarius man according to the horoscope.

Successful alliances

The sign is compatible with the same loners sharing his interests:

Bad combinations

Not with all signs the Aquarius man will be able to build a good relationship. There are unions that are best not to create:

Attitude to work

Tedious, routine work is unacceptable for Aquarius.... He always tries to bring some creativity and personality into it. Relations with colleagues are friendly, but he will never go against his principles for the sake of profit. At work, he is absent-minded, therefore he rarely occupies a leadership position, is not able to give orders and make decisions on his own.

Achieves great results in the role of a subordinate. He does not take risks, does not give himself up to work completely, often misses the opportunity for promotion. First of all, the work should be as interesting as possible. Aquarius needs frequent rest, he lives one day. He can easily change his workplace, feeling the control and pressure from his superiors. He tries to find like-minded people for himself when creating something new, since they always need support. Aquarians love to experiment, explore and gain new knowledge, easily conquer new heights and achieve their goals.

To him, as a person who knows how to speak and convince, suitable for creative professions that involve communication with people:

  • journalist;
  • sociologist;
  • teacher;
  • psychologist;
  • politician;
  • actor.

Aquarius men do well in the role of public relations specialists, astrologers and politicians, inventors and artists, poets and architects, musicians and researchers. Wherever creative flight of thought is needed. Among them you can often find famous, outstanding people. These are astronomer Galileo Galilei, composers Franz Schubert and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, poets Jord Byron and Boris Pasternak, scientists Dmitry Mendeleev and Nikolai Copernicus, singers Fedor Chaliapin and Vladimir Vysotsky, actors John Travolta and Dmitry Kharatyan.

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