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How to find out the hidden administrators in the VK group. How to find out who is the admin of the VKontakte group, if he is hidden. How to find a job VKontakte administrator

In VK, if it is hidden , he needs precise and clear instructions. There are several ways to do this at the moment. However, they do not always work. The main reason is that non-disclosure of data allows for covert surveillance of the life of the public, fulfilling its functions, but avoiding the flow of messages with all kinds of spam, requests and suggestions. This is especially true for non-profit groups and publics.

Let's start simple. Here is a quick guide to find the group administrator when contacts are open:

  • Log into the community from your account. On the right side of the screen, find the "Contacts" block, where the administrators and the creator of the group publishes links to their profiles. Click on this block.
  • View specified contacts. Each name has a title here. It remains to find the administrator, and the task is completed!

Attention! This method works in 100% of cases. Of course, if the "Contacts" block is open to the participant.

Find a hidden administrator in discussions

Let's say right away that finding in this way is not an easy task. The fact is that the social network VKontakte firmly adheres to the position of non-disclosure of confidential information, which users considered necessary to hide. However, with the right patience and perseverance, this can still be done.

So, the instruction is as follows:

  • Log in to your VK account and find the desired group through the menu. Enter it.
  • On the right side of the screen, find the "Discussions" block. Go into it.

  • Click on any discussion and copy the content of the address bar in the browser. You can also save the link like this: while in the "Discussions" block, hover the mouse cursor over one of them, right-click and click on the "Copy link" item in the drop-down menu.

  • Create a new community: in the "Groups" section, click the "Create community" button. In this case, the name and subject matter can be absolutely anything. At the end of the procedure, click the "Create community" button again.
  • In the new group, go to the "Links" section. There, paste the previously copied link and click on the "Add link" button.

  • In the window that appears, you can read the title of the discussion, the first and last name of the administrator.

However, this method does not always lead to the expected result. In some cases, the name of the community is displayed in the window instead of the administrator's name.

Find a hidden administrator by records

This method can be very effective in communities where posts with GIF animation are published. And since the popularity of this type of content today is growing day by day, the method presented below is becoming more and more in demand.

  • Enter the community where you want to find the hidden administrator. Click on the link indicating the number of records.

  • Place the cursor in the search box and write the word "GIF" there. Press the "Search" button.

  • Below the aforementioned button is the link "Search posts only". Click on it.
  • Right-click on any of the found images. In the menu that opens, select the line "Open link in a new tab".

  • The selected picture will open in a new tab. Pay attention to the address bar of the browser. User ID is a numeric code that is located between the letters "doc" and the "_" sign.

  • Now you need to erase the "_" and all the characters that are located after it. And instead of the word "doc" you need to write "id". Then press the "Enter" key.

As a result, the system will redirect you to the personal page of the user who posted this entry. And since most often posts in groups are published by administrators, the likelihood of getting on his page is quite high. But you should always remember that the author of a particular publication can be an editor or a community creator, so you should not place high hopes on this method.

These are the basic methods for finding a hidden administrator in any community. You cannot call them completely working, but there is still a certain probability of finding the right person.

VKontakte administrator - who is this? Strictly speaking, each of us who is registered on Vkontakte is responsible for his own page.

But we'll talk about something else - about how to administer VK groups and publics and get paid for it.

There are tens of thousands of groups on Vkontakte. Among them there are also cozy communities for their own people, there are entertainment pubs, there are groups of small and medium-sized businesses.

It is clear that business owners do not run their own groups (well, if only the business is very small, its owner cannot afford to hire an administrator and does everything himself).

This is where the administrator comes to the rescue - the person who is responsible for promoting the community in social networks.

What does an administrator do?

1. (if we are talking about developing a community from scratch). To do this, you need to select the type of community (public or group), arrange it visually (create a cover, an avatar), write general information and write down the first post - an acquaintance post. If the brand or community is sufficiently promoted, hired designers are usually involved in the visual component.

2. Publishes posts. Not as his left leg pleases and not once a week, but constantly, regularly, in order to accustom subscribers to new portions of content. Ideally, the admin should, according to which he publishes the entries. There can be several of them per day, preferably 6 - 8 for a large community and 2 - 3 - for smaller groups.

3. Communicates with the participants. In order for the group to become alive, so that people want to communicate, you will have to start with yourself. Be sure to respond to all comments and messages from the group so that their author does not think that he is speaking into the void.

If the group is new and there is no activity yet - write comments yourself, and such that you would like to answer them. Further. Create polls, ask subscribers for opinion on any issue. This can be done right in the post, the most banal example, ask: “What do you think about this news”?

Ask questions to your subscribers. They love to answer them!

It is not always appropriate: trolls can come to the group and do something wrong: offend other subscribers, send information that falls under the article about inciting ethnic hatred, etc. And okay trolls - you can just ban them. But any subscriber can pour out their negativity in the comments, and you will need to do something about it.

5. Conducts contests, makes sure that there are no markups, selects the winner, contacts the participants and informs them about the results. If the company whose community you are moderating does not have a marketer, you may have to generate your own contest ideas.

If a company positions itself as an open and creative brand, repost contests alone are not enough, please come up with something interesting. For example, a contest for the best photo, the best slogan for the company, the best story related to the goods and services of the brand.

Do not work to get away with it, make sure that the ad gets the maximum effect. If the advertiser gets a good response, they will most likely contact you again. And you can get a bonus from the owner of the group.

What should an administrator know and be able to do?

A common mistake of many newbies is to think that if they have been on Vkontakte for many years and are active users, then they will cope with the duties of an administrator.

No matter how it is! It is not enough to clean up the comments and publish some insignificant post once a day.

We tell you what a VK administrator should know and be able to do.

1. Post interesting and useful content. The main thing is to guess the interests of your subscribers and deliver them quality content without interruption. Let's say you are moderating a group dedicated to new movies. The subject is the broadest, write and write.

This means that you must constantly monitor thematic sites, news, other publics, choose the most interesting publications and make original posts out of them. These can be new photos of actors, interviews, trailers, movie announcements, audience reviews, etc.

Now let's talk about small and medium business groups. For example, take the community of an online women's clothing store. On Monday you can acquaint subscribers with the new products in the assortment, on Tuesday - write an informational article about the trends of this fall, on Wednesday - compose a photo selection of the store's products (for example, 10 fashionable coats), on Thursday - come up with an interesting competition, on Friday - to please subscribers with an entertaining a picture or an interesting test (“What is your style of dress”, “Who are you from the heroes of the series,” “Which image of ours will suit you,” and so on).

Under no circumstances should you copy posts from other communities or sites - firstly, this is punishable (VKontakte recently launched the Nemesis algorithm, which tracks stolen posts and issues strikes to violators), and secondly, subscribers will not be interested.

Let's say you were offered to lead a group of companies selling plastic windows. And what, for the millionth time to write about the advantages of windows, about how to install them? All this has been published a thousand times in other groups and wanders from community to community without bringing any benefit.

What to do? Rewrite in your own words, add interesting facts, photos, videos, look for chips that will hook the reader. Who said it would be easy? The administrator must have the makings, otherwise it is better not to take on this business.

2. Possess initial skills, master Photoshop and other graphic editors. There are many instructions on the Internet on how to design a community cover - it's easy to learn.

3. Know the basics of marketing: understand which group - that is, who reads it, and focus specifically on this audience. For example, if you have undertaken to administer a community like "Overheard" - focus on young people, and if youth slang does not work as an administrator of the "Plant seeds wholesale and retail" group, you need to speak a language understandable to readers. And the readers in this case will be middle-aged people, mostly women.

Partially, information about the audience can be viewed in the group statistics - the age, gender and place of residence of subscribers are indicated there. Better yet, ask the customer for information - the business owner or company manager.

4. Be a good psychologist, understand the motives and mood of people. The Internet is often used as a place to drain negativity. As we already wrote, offended or angry people can come to the group and write a complaint.

Some admins solve the problem simply: they ban the complainant and delete the comments. Do not do this under any circumstances - you will ruin the group's reputation. You need to find an approach to each of the people: to smooth out the situation, bring it to a constructive and positive.

Here are some examples. The simplest: someone comes and starts whining: "The group is a turd, posts are not interesting, dismiss the admin immediately." Take your time to be offended: ask what, in his opinion, should be changed in the group? Sometimes subscribers come up with original ideas that you can bring to life.

Now more difficult. You are the community admin of a company that installs air conditioners. Your group is found by a dissatisfied client and begins to write a complaint: “Sharashkin's office! Prices are above the ceiling! Employees are boors! I was not licked affectionately enough from all sides, but the client is always right! ”.

Just a cry from the heart, from which, however, it is not clear what happened to the person there. In this case, you must first of all apologize (even if the client, to put it mildly, is not adequate) and ask what exactly did not suit him.

If it's about prices, give statistics on the cost of air conditioners for your region and explain what the price is based on. If the service is bad, write that the employee has already been dragged out and punished.

The main thing is to show that you are solving the problem, and not dismissing the visitor like an annoying fly. It so happens that a person just needs to speak out and drain the negative. In this case, get off with a neutral comment.

In especially difficult cases, it is necessary to involve the company's management and jointly think about what to do next. Often directors or their deputies also have administrator rights - so let them take the rap. In the end, your business is a group; you don't have to delve into disassembly within the company.

1. Create and follow group rules that clearly define the rights and responsibilities of the administrator and subscribers. Well, for example, subscribers to a public dedicated to movies are allowed to communicate only on the topic - otherwise your wall will be spammed with unnecessary information.

In the group, swearing, spam and flooding, insults to participants, and personalization are prohibited. The administrator has the right to delete such comments and block the subscriber. The rules are needed in order to minimize conflicts between the admin and the subscriber.

So that for each question “Why was my comment removed?”, “Why does he call him names?” you were able to present the rules and reason for your actions.

2. Work as a team. It's always easier when someone helps. The administrator can take a moderator as an assistant - so that he can clean comments, remove spam and flood and always be on the alert, if you are distracted by work on another group, leave the computer, go about your business. Just keep in mind: the actions of the team must be coordinated.

Who can become a VKontakte admin?

In theory, anyone, be it a student, a young mother on maternity leave, or an ordinary office worker who needs a part-time job. Higher education is not required here - it is enough to confidently swim in the ocean of VKontakte and possess all the qualities that we have just written about.

Choose a topic that you are more or less versed in: it will be easier for you, and the posts will not be tortured and fake. Fortunately, there are many communities on VKontakte - just choose.

Where to look for a job as a VKontakte administrator

There are several proven options.

1. Yes, in VKontakte itself! Go to freelance groups - admins are constantly required there, and often full-time. You can also post a resume in job search discussions.

2. Another option is copywriting exchanges, where they are looking for those who will publish posts in communities. The work will go through the exchange, which means that you have one hundred percent guarantee that the customer will not cheat.

3. By word of mouth. Surely among your friends and acquaintances there are those who started their own business or run the VK community. Pay attention to urban communities - admins are often required there too. In short, use your personal connections to the fullest.

How much does the VK administrator get

It depends on many factors: the presence of administrative experience, the number of duties (some administrators are not engaged in advertising), the size of the load (agree, 1 post per day or 8 is a big difference).

On average, a group administrator with minimal responsibilities (1 - 2 posts per day) receives 3-6 thousand rubles. Accordingly, if there are more groups, multiply their number by this sum.

If the administrator works full time and fully leads the group (writes and publishes posts, selects photos and puts copyright on them, holds contests, communicates with advertisers), his income can be from 20 thousand rubles per month. However, he will also spend more time - in parallel he will be able to lead a maximum of one or two more groups.

Advice: before you start earning as an administrator, “practice on cats”: try to lead a group of an acquaintance, friend, or create your own from scratch. This way you will gain the necessary experience and learn how to communicate with subscribers.

So, decide if you have the necessary knowledge and skills, test your strength on a trial group and go ahead - to find an administrator vacancy. We are sure you will succeed!

Every administrator of a group or public page should know how to write to the VKontakte administration - only with them can most controversial situations be resolved. This information will be useful not only for admins, but also for ordinary users with personal profiles - each person may have questions about innovations, changes and other everyday moments in the course of using VKontakte.

Do you know how to contact the VKontakte administration from the phone and computer, how to call them, what questions to contact and how to ask a question so that they can be answered quickly and comprehensively? If not, read our article, in it we analyze how to write the administration correctly.

How to contact the administration via PC?

In the first section, we will explain how to write to the VK administrator on the support page, for this you need your computer connected to the Internet and your account:

  • Log in to VKontakte;
  • From any block, click on the small avatar in the top right corner of the screen;
  • Select "Help" from the list of commands;
  • You will find yourself on a page where all the popular questions are divided into categories. Find your option or start typing your problem in the upper center field;
  • As you enter, the appropriate keys will pop up - choose the one that is closest to your situation;
  • Pay attention to the headings on the right in the list of questions section - they can also help;
  • If you do not find a suitable request, choose any one. Then scroll through the answer to the end and find two keys "This does not solve my problem." and solve the problem. If you click on the first option, you will be asked to answer why this answer does not fit.
  • Click on the second option and you will see a new question form.

Please note that the "Contact support" button does not appear in all blocks - you may simply be asked to indicate why the answer does not solve the problem: it is unclear or you do not like how everything works. After choosing one of them, you will see a message that your vote has been taken into account, and that's it. In this case, look for another version of the question. We recommend to enter: "How to get back deleted messages"... In this block, the key "Write to support" as if there are administrations from you!

How to write to the administration from the phone?

Now we will tell you how to write to the VKontakte moderator from your phone - you also need to log in to your profile and find the "Help" section:

  • Go to the VKontakte application;
  • Click on the three horizontal bars at the bottom of the screen on the right;
  • Scroll the list of sections to the end and click on the "More" link;
  • Find the section "Help" / "Support" and go there.

Then proceed according to the same principle - enter your problem and look for the key "Contact Support"... Recommend request "I accidentally deleted content from the page"- we checked, there is a necessary button at the bottom.

If you are interested in alternative ways of contacting the VKontakte administration - phone or email, then we will disappoint you: you cannot connect with them in any other way.

Useful tricks

If you think that you just need to go to the administration in VKontakte, write them a letter to the support service and your problem will be instantly resolved - you are mistaken. Just imagine what kind of daily assault they reflect, how many letters they receive, and, moreover, a huge part of them are minor problems that could be solved through the rubricator. They reserve the right to filter out such requests and not respond to them at all (or do it for a very long time).

Thus, you must write to the administration in such a way that they will certainly answer you - for this, read our tips:

  1. When you manage to contact the VKontakte administrator - communicate politely, contact you, be emotionally calm. Do not allow harsh phrases, accusations against the administration, condemning phrases in the letter.
  2. Don't bombard Support with letters - it pisses everyone off. Write one appeal, state the problem in detail and clearly, apologize for distracting, but specify that you will be very grateful for the answer.
  3. Many users recommend to say in incomprehensible and controversial situations that they did not know the rules - this often works. But do not get carried away, you should not explain all your mistakes that way.

So, let's summarize the above: you can contact the VKontakte administration, ask a question and write a complaint only through the feedback form on the social network website in the "Help" section. You need to apply only on the case, to state the essence of the issue as accurately as possible. Be polite, delicate, submissive, ready for anything (just kidding)!

Be sure to make sure that you really cannot deal with the situation without the help of the administration! First, look at the solution on the Internet, study the ready-made answers on the site.

Do not look for a phone number - there is no hot line or call center on VKontakte, any communication is carried out through the above section.

When exactly is it worth contacting?

  • (ask to contact your friend or relative's support);
  • You are insulted or blackmailed;
  • Someone uses your photos for;
  • Your situation is not displayed either in the heading or in popular questions;
  • You have encountered copyright infringement;
  • You need (or a separate entry in it), and all other ways to report a violation have not worked;
  • In the process of manipulating finances (with the Voices), you have problems;
  • You want to report another account;
  • You want to thank the social network for the quality work;
  • Other problems that really cannot be solved without the administration.

And it is highly undesirable to seek help in doubtful situations (such as, or how to get them back). It will be difficult to come up with an intelligible reason for recovery, other than "I need it," and, accordingly, the chances are not enough.

So, now you know that there is no way to call the VKontakte administrator for free or for a fee, but you can always write to him. Do not hesitate and do not postpone the appeal if the reason is really serious. On average, the technical department responds within 24 hours, but sometimes delays occur. Be patient and wait another day, only after that you can write again.

Comments (1)

  1. Abdurakhman

    Good afternoon, everyone, but how to call the VKontakte administration - I am writing to them for the third day in a row and everything is useless, why don't they answer?

  2. Ivan

    Good evening. Please help me, the application has been deleted from my phone. I download again but I can not enter what is the problem

  3. Nina

    I tried to enter VKontakte from a new place of residence - no way. The same password and login. I tried to recover, asked for a photo with and without a passport. And as the conditions were met - the application was rejected.

  4. Evgeniy

    Good evening. Help me figure it out. I deleted the old account, now I can not create a new one. This number is already in use. How to be? (((Thank you in advance!

  5. Evgeniya

    Hello. My page was hacked from the beginning and then blocked. Please tell me how can I unlock it? Thank you in advance.



  7. Olga

    Hello. Please tell me and help to update the old page. It is very necessary to update, because there is the necessary information
    for me.
    I tried all the ways that they offer on the internet, all the options and nothing worked for me. They explain that they cannot restore it. Because there are no photos on the page
    I don’t know the login. Not the password .. only there is a link to this page.
    Please help me votonovit. Who will I ask for help ??
    If there are any links and addresses where you can contact write.
    I will be grateful to you.

  8. Olya

    Hello, you can find out why the application is being considered for so long

  9. farit

    hello, please help me to restore the page in contact, recently I lost my phone. but I found the phone, I could not enter my page. from my number tried to enter another account. from my number I do not open the page how to help me

  10. Vladimir
  11. Dima

    Good night. A question arose. My page (fake) is constantly being banned for what I did not even do. What are these bans connected with? This time they froze for some spread of a swinger video, what nonsense.

  12. Catherine

    Hello, I updated the applications on the phone when I entered VK, forgot the password, abandoned the page restoration, I received a notification with the transition to VK, I enter a new password and the soap to which the restoration came, then writes that it is incorrectly maintaining the mail how to be further does not allow to restore because of the mail, although it is on is this address coming recovery?

  13. stas

    not a single button works, including help ...
    checked for viruses, cleaned registries, cleaned history ... deleted all hosts, downloaded again
    what to do?

  14. Marina

    Hello, I'm endlessly frozen or blocked, what's the matter? Thank you in advance.

  15. Natalia

    Hello. This morning I went to my page. At 13.00 I tried to enter - I could not. Writes that login is not correct, then mail. I tried to recover my password, to no avail. When I enter my phone number, it says that it is linked to another page. What should I do, how to restore the page?

  16. Tatiana

    Hello. I forgot the password, a new one came in not the first time, then I began to write that the login or password was entered incorrectly. I sent a repeated application write that it is possible to submit no earlier than July 30. What shouldn't be done before?

  17. Natalia

    please block id ******* page id ******* it was hacked and there is a horror that the day has been going on

  18. Svetlana

    Good afternoon. Help please, I deleted the VKontakte page, but now I can’t restore it, I forgot my password, did everything as indicated, no password via SMS did not come right away, the password change window was opened, changing the password, I tried to enter, the wrong username or password is written, but everything is printed correctly, what to do how restore?

  19. Helena

    Dear VKontakte LLC administration 06/03/2019 I sent a letter to the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media "Roskomnadzor", which was forwarded to the General Director of Vkontakte LLC Dobrodeev B.O. district within the framework of the investigation of a criminal case on libel of a user with the nickname "************" (https: // vk. com / id). I ask you to inform us about the measures you have taken, namely: when you answered my request and sent a response to the inquiry of the investigator for criminal case Tedeeva D.S.

  20. Olga

    Good afternoon, for five years I have not been able to get the support service to have my pages deleted, they were finally deleted, but the link on the Internet to my page remained, with comments from your employees that I violated the rules of your site, I I have never violated them, I am a law-abiding citizen and false information about me in the media is at least a violation of the law on personal data, which entails administrative and criminal liability. Put your site in order. You are asking to be treated well, every user of your site has the right to be treated with respect.

  21. Anastasia

    good evening .. tell me .. messages from VK are duplicated to e-mail. but unfortunately if the message is not too small, then in the mail I can only read its first part ... is it possible to make the messages coming from VK I can fully read on the mail ….thank you in advance

  22. Ilmira

    Hello! Blocked the page. Should have unlocked yesterday. The code was sent - they write incorrectly. I sent the numbers from the phone. They also write it wrong. And now they generally write that it is now impossible to make a call. What kind of administration is this that is not interested in retaining its subscribers. It is simply impossible to contact any kei. Okay, there is no call center, but there is no mail either

Let's deal with the situation when you requires an administrator or editor for your group or public Vkontakte... We will find out really working ways, how can you find a sensible admin or editor in the group.
Before looking for an administrator, it is important to spell out his key job responsibilities.

Usually, the administrator is required to create and post in the group first. That is, a person is given the rights of an administrator or editor, he, in turn, writes and publishes posts on the wall of your group.
Also, the tasks of the editor may include interaction with the audience. Namely, working with comments. If this is a community of a company, then often on behalf of the group, the admin answers questions in comments, topics and messages about the work of the company.
In addition, sometimes the tasks of the administrator may include: holding competitions, sending invitations, preparing reports and other tasks.

At the first stage, it is important to decide what exactly you need an administrator or editor for and write basic job descriptions for him. The simpler and clearer his work will be, the cheaper it will cost you.
After you have decided what exactly you need an administrator for, you can start searching.

Working ways how to find an administrator or editor of VK.

1. Search among subscribers.
If you already have a subscriber base in the group, then you can offer them the role of an admin. Very often in groups of entertainment topics with a formed interested audience, there are those who want to play the role of an administrator or editor. Sometimes such people are ready to work for little money, in rare cases even just for an idea. This is the main advantage of this method.
However, it is important to consider the cons. The person you appoint to lead the group will most likely be without experience, and the results may not suit you. If you have found a person who is ready to work for an idea, then it should be borne in mind that work on enthusiasm, as a rule, cannot last any long time. Therefore, in commercial groups, this method is usually not used.

2. Sponsored posts in other groups.
If you are still interested in finding someone more professional, then it makes sense to attract people with experience. You can find such people in specialized communities. For example, in the community cerebro target among the topics you may meet group administration suggestions.
Sometimes in specialized groups you come across branches where you can place an ad about the search for an admin yourself.
There are not so many really sensible groups that performers regularly review. Most groups are abandoned and spammed, and looking for an administrator in such communities is unlikely to be an effective exercise.
Be extremely responsible in your search and selection, as this can determine the success of your group in the future.

3. The project is freelance.
In addition to internal VK sites, there are also external resources where professional freelancers gather. Freelancers are people who work over the Internet. Among them, including those who provide services for maintaining VKontakte groups professionally.
Among the popular demanded sites now are, and
You need to register on the site and post your project. This can be done, both paid and free, depending on the conditions of a particular platform. After posting the project, you will receive offers from freelancers. Among them, you can select a performer to work with.
It is important to understand that professional performers will not work for an idea. You will need to pay the person for the time they spend leading your group. Salary levels can vary greatly; on average, a full-fledged administrator costs from 5,000 rubles a month.

4. Copywriting exchanges.
If your budget is very limited, and you really need an admin in the group and you don't want to write content yourself, then one of the most affordable options for the price will be content exchanges.
Of course, these are not the services of an administrator in their usual sense, however, it is working with content that is a large part of the administrator's tasks. That is why a copywriting exchange is a real way to close the main work of maintaining a group.
Among the well-known exchanges where you can order content writing for your group are advego and qcomment. On content exchanges, you will not pay for the artist's time, but for the result that you get in the form of content that they write to you. On average, you can get a post for your group at a price of 5-10 rubles.
You create a project, set a price for creating a post, and different performers write content for your group.
The peculiarity of exchanges is that the quality of content can vary greatly depending on which performer is writing for you. If you want posts to be immediately published on behalf of the group, then you will have to do it yourself, since you cannot publicly share access to the admin account.

5. Outsourcing.
The final option, which we will tell you about, is the solution of group administration tasks through outsourcing.
Outsourcing, in simple terms, is when a team of other people undertakes a set of group administration tasks. Prices for this kind of professional services depend on what kind of tasks you need to solve. There are companies offering a full range of group management and promotion services. There are teams that specialize in certain types of work.
In particular, our team specializes in writing and posting content in the group - these are posts on the wall, comments, topics and messages in discussions.
The cost of a post is formed based on the specific requirements of the customer and averages 10 rubles. For the price, it is somewhat more expensive than what is offered on the exchange, but this service is devoid of the drawbacks that we talked about above. Namely, posts are laid out on behalf of the group through the rights of the editor, which you give to our nickname. As a rule, individual performers are assigned to the project and the quality of posts can be adjusted if necessary. More about our service for filling and maintaining VK groups you can find out from the link.

Globally, all methods can be divided into 2 directions: with payment for hiring an administrator and with payment for the result in the form of posts that they write to you.
If we compare these 2 directions in cost, then an administrator in the state can cost you from 5,000 rubles, and if you take only writing posts, then at the classic rate of 5 posts per day, about 1,500 rubles will go out per month. It is important to understand that ordering the writing and posting of posts does not completely solve the administration problem, but it is a way to get rid of the main routine and time consuming.

Summarizing all of the above, we can talk for a long time about which method is better for solving the tasks of the group administrator... Nevertheless, each group owner must decide for himself, try different options and find the best one for himself.
At this point I would like to end the article, and wish you every success in the development of groups.
You can find all the relevant services provided by our team.
For ordering services, write ICQ 275129,

I'll tell you right away that if you want to find in this article how to find out the password of the admin group VKontakte, then you have come to the wrong place. We don't know ourselves 🙂

In this article, you will only learn how to find the admin of the VKontakte group.

The contacts of the administration of a public or a group may be needed if you want to offer cooperation, complain about users who violate the rules of this community, order advertising, mutual PR, ask the editors and ... in general, there are many reasons.

How to find out the admin of a group or public:

The easiest way is to look at the "contacts" block. Usually, in this block, each link is signed (administrator, editor, etc.).

How to find out the admin of a public if he is hidden:

This is more complicated. You can ask in the comments who is the admin, or you can try find group admin in the search, put the name of the public in the column "place of work".

If this does not help, then perhaps the most effective way is the following.

We go to the community and do a search by posts by typing gif into the search bar. That is, we need to find at least one GIF image that the community administrator uploaded to the group.

How do I search records? - click on the number of records ("all records") and in the line that opens above the records to enter search details - do a search by records.

We saw the list, went down to the very first GIF. With the right mouse button, select the "open in a new tab" item from the drop-down menu. Now let's turn our attention to the url that was displayed in the line with the image address.

You need to change doc to id, and simply cut off the end of the address, starting with the underscore. Now go to the resulting address - you will see the personal page of the administrator of the community you are interested in.

As you can see find out who is the VK admin community is not difficult. The main thing is that he does not forget to upload the gif)) Also, the problem may arise if the community is large, and users can upload gifs. But in large communities, as a rule, you will see who to contact in contacts, since such communities are often interested in advertising orders. So there is no point in hiding for the administrator.