Repair Design Furniture

How to clean stretch ceilings easily and without streaks. How and what to wash glossy and matte stretch ceilings without streaks How to wash glossy stretch ceilings

The sellers have assured that your brand new stretch ceiling will never have to be washed. That the anti-static properties of the ceiling sheet will forever prevent dust and dirt from settling on it.

Stretch ceilings, indeed, will never get dirty, but only in one case: they are installed in a sterilely clean apartment in which no one lives. In all other situations, they need regular care... There are some peculiarities in how to wash stretch ceilings at home.

There are many reasons for the cleanliness of a product. Here are just a few of them:

  • live in your apartment children... The ceiling will inevitably suffer from wise childish fun. Plasticine, water pistols, balls, soda - this is just a small part of what the product will have to experience. "How to properly wash a stretch ceiling?" - someday, yes, all happy parents ask themselves;
  • you love fresh air and ventilate the room... Street dust particles are not very selective. Covering all open surfaces in the house, they will not ignore the ceiling;
  • you cook food at home... Not a single hood will save the kitchen ceiling from soot, traces of grease and steam, even if you are extremely careful;
  • you wash yourself... Condensation, drying on the stretch ceiling of the bathroom, leaves quite noticeable imprints;
  • do you like to celebrate holidays at home... A spot on the ceiling from a flying traffic jam is still a good scenario. There could be a hole;
  • you started repair... In this case, washing the ceiling structure cannot be avoided. The building dust that covered it is, at a minimum, harmful to health and a good reason to learn how to clean a stretch ceiling without streaks;
  • you smoke indoors... Blowing off tobacco smoke is the surest and fastest way to yellow streaks and a gray ash coating on the product.

Thus, the stretch ceiling will get dirty even if you are a perfect cleanliness. If it is necessary to keep the ceiling clean - behind it need to look after... This problem is easy to deal with if you clearly know how to wash stretch ceilings.

How not to harm

Considering what the stretch ceiling is made of, washing it yourself is not a difficult task.

More than 90% of the produced ceiling panels are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the rest are made of polyester woven material. PVC is a dielectric and, indeed, does not accumulate dirt and dust well. Thanks to this excellent property, a lot of work is not required to wash a stretch ceiling. In addition, PVC is a waterproof material with low flammability, resistant to the effects of alcohols, hydrocarbons (including gasoline, kerosene), salt solutions and acids.

But for all its merits, alas, it is easily cut. Stretch fabric for ceilings is thin and very tightly stretched film which can be accidentally pierced. There is another property of this material that is important to take into account when cleaning: PVC film dissolves in acetone, chlorinated hydrocarbons, methyl ethyl ketone and other solvents.

Attention! Washable ceilings are easy to cut. Do not use sharp objects when washing it.

There are several important rules on how to wash stretch ceilings without harming the canvas. Remember them:

  • Neither powder nor paste-like abrasive detergents should be used. This is exactly the case when you can overdo it. Even their smallest particles instantly leave scratches on the material;
  • strictly forbid yourself to use aggressive chemicals with polyvinyl chloride solvents (for example, acetone) included in their composition. After such experiments, you will no longer need to know how to clean a stretch ceiling. After all, it will melt before your eyes;
  • to avoid scratches and cuts, remove rings and bracelets before cleaning. In addition to the fact that your favorite jewelry will harm the canvas, they themselves can hopelessly deteriorate from chemicals;
  • any scrapers, knives, other tools, sandpaper with which you planned to scrape off dried dirt from the film, leave it for other surfaces. The film will tear from any awkward movement;
  • even medium-hard brushes and sponges are a real threat to PVC cloth. Do not use them while cleaning;
  • Consider using a mop well. With a long handle, it is difficult to control pressure and there is a risk of tearing the blade. However, many people prefer it;
  • do not hurry. No sudden movements. Do not put pressure on the canvas to avoid tearing it. Work very carefully.

Attention! When buying a detergent, make sure that it can wash stretch ceilings.

In order not to worry about how to wash a stretch ceiling at home and keep it safe and sound, you can turn to the services professional cleaning... But is it worth spending your honestly earned money when washing stretch ceilings is not more difficult, and even easier than washing any others. You just need to follow simple instructions.

Prepare correctly

Purchase detergents specially designed for PVC films... If possible, contact your salesperson to find out how you can clean your stretch ceiling. He will surely recommend specific brands.

You can use more affordable tools with success. Choose from the following:

  • soap solution. Make it with warm (about 40%) water and soap shavings or washing powder. One last thing to be careful: the powder must be free of bleach to prevent the material from shedding. How to clean a stretch ceiling if it is made not of PVC, but of fabric? Wash with soapy water;
  • window cleaner. It should be alcohol based. They can wash the stretch ceiling without streaks;
  • m detergent for dishes. Especially suitable for kitchen ceilings because perfectly removes fat;
  • alcohol solution. To prepare it, mix ammonia with water in a 1/10 ratio. The solution cleans well a glossy stretch ceiling. Cleaning them will give an incredible shine to the product.

Whichever product you choose, try before cleaning apply it on a tiny area of ​​the canvas most hidden from view. After drying, the ceiling should not shed or deform.

Prepare a soft, lint-free, cloth such as flannel or microfiber. Soft, comfortable sponges will do as well.

How to clean the tensioning fabrics if they are difficult to reach? Take care of your convenience and use the stepladder. Of course, you can climb onto the table, but it is difficult to move it, and it is inconvenient to get off it.

If you do decide to get to the surface with a mop, be sure to wrap the working part with a soft cloth.

Attention! The mop can damage the stretch ceiling. Work carefully.


How to wash a stretch ceiling without streaks at home depends on the texture of the canvas, the nature of the pollution and the cleaning method.

Dry cleaning

Dry cleaning carried out if there are no visible spots, and the ceiling only needs cleaning from accumulated dust. To do this, gently, without pressure, walk over it with a dry soft cloth. This applies to all types of surfaces.

If there is a lot of dust, for example, you are repairing something, use vacuum cleaner... Set it to low power, and walk along the surface, holding the nozzle at least 5 cm away from it.

Wet cleaning

It is produced if there is visible contamination, for example, left traces of drinks or nicotine bloom... You will have to tinker with washing a little longer, but the result is worth it.


Taking care of a glossy canvas, it is important to understand how to wash a stretch ceiling so that there are no streaks. It is on this surface that stains are especially visible. Perfect fit here alcohol based sprays that are used for glass. Simply spray the product over the surface, wipe gently in a circular motion, then wipe dry. To make the glossy surface sparkle, you can wipe it alcohol solution.

Attention! Do not wash glossy stretch ceilings with alcohol-based products.


These canvases have a rough texture, and dirt is a little more difficult to wash off. But the divorces on them are practically invisible. Use any of the above. Dampen a soft cloth with the solution, wring out, gently wipe the surface. You can not wipe dry, there will be no streaks.


Textile products have a peculiarity - they cannot be cleaned with either alcohol sprays or dishwashing liquids. The ideal option for them is soap solution... When wetting a rag, you need to wring it out well, since the material becomes heavy from water and dries for a long time.

On the kitchen

The kitchen is the place where the ceiling sheet especially needs care. Fat and steam are the eternal companions of cooking. It is advisable to wipe the surface here as soon as stains appear, since old grease is difficult to clean. Wash the kitchen ceiling with the same liquid detergent you use for the dishes, if it does not contain abrasives. And whenever you cook, turn on the cooker hood.

Special pollution

The applied effort will be sufficient to remove, for example, soot stains. But how to wash a streak-free stretch ceiling if there are traces of primer, paint or glue on it?

Modern paint and primer are polymers. They are not very sensitive to mechanical and physical stress. It is almost impossible to remove them. But you can try.

Soak water-based paint stains with water several times. It will swell and you can try to remove it. If it didn't work out - process white spirit, and carefully remove the residue. Perhaps a faint mark will remain.

With the same white spirit or glass cleaner, you can try to remove the glue stain. It wears off better.

With a primer, everything is much more complicated. Wipe off the fresh stain with white spirit, and if the stain is old - we invite professionals from the cleaning service or just put up with it.

Useful video

Let's see in the video how to wash stretch ceilings without streaks:

Wash ceiling curtains only when necessary. Regular wet cleaning protects them well from dirt. If you keep the apartment clean, then you will need to wash the stretch ceilings only once every two years.

Stretch ceilings have long become a popular product and are available in many apartments. All owners have periodic problems with their cleaning. An improperly selected product can damage the structure cover, and gentle methods will not be as effective. In order for ceilings to be in good condition, they must be properly and regularly cleaned. In this case, it is imperative to follow some rules.

Selection of detergents

This is the first question to think about before starting work. Suitable substances, as well as their positive and negative qualities, are shown in the table.

Table. Comparison of detergents for stretch ceilings

Cleaning optionsAdvantagesdisadvantages
Special polishes and aerosols with alcohol in the compositionEase of use, no need for additional steps for preliminary preparation. High efficiency and elimination of streaks. Shine.The appearance of a persistent specific odor. Chemical composition harmful to the skin. Danger to mucous membranes. Possible damage to the material.
Non-abrasive liquid consistencyGood performance. Gentle effect on the material of the ceilings. Shine.Requiring additional steps for cooking. Smell. Danger of dripping on the face during work.
Warm water with the addition of ordinary soapAvailability. Relative skin safety. Pleasant aroma.Possible divorces. No guarantee of complete cleaning.
A solution of water and vodka or 10% ammoniaEasy accessibility. Relatively high efficiency. Shine.Persistent specific odor. Negative effect on the skin and the material of the suspension structures.
Dry method using a soft, lint-free clothEnvironmental protection and complete safety for health. Ease of use.Does not remove stubborn stains. Mediocre performance.

The most convenient option will be using a spray or spray. It is strictly forbidden to use tar soap, corrosive chemical powders, acetone, chlorine-containing products, as well as any cleaning agents in granules or other structures that can damage the materials. As a result of their use, scratches, microcracks occur, and the paint loses its brightness and shine, takes on a worn look.

How to wash glossy stretch ceilings

Ideally, the selection of a particular tool should be checked against the operating instructions that are received during installation or requested from the manufacturer. You can also ask the workers who install the outbuilding about the best cleaning methods - often these specialists are competent in such questions or are able to at least recommend sources from which you can find out the answers of such a plan.

Which washing tool should you choose?

The type of cloths and cleaning devices depends on the type of cleaning procedures. For the wet option, the following products are suitable.

Dry wiping is practically not required, since the ceiling coating has an antistatic effect and does not retain dust particles, therefore this type of cleaning is rarely necessary.

In some exceptional situations, as well as to get rid of the cobweb, the following options are used.

  1. Gentle fabrics, napkins, sponges... Devices should not be easily soiled. It is better not to use rubber copies - they will pull the glossy film. The absence of powder substances, even in small quantities, is pre-checked. Options with a border, tassels or other types of ornamentation and decoration will not work. A special broom is a good choice.
  2. Vacuum cleaner... Requires careful use at the lowest intensity setting. The brush is replaced with another type of brush. If the device still strongly sucks in air, you need to keep it at a short distance from the surface of the structure. To clean the corners, nozzles are not required at all; a suction pipe will suffice.

Preparation for work

When starting the process, a number of actions should be performed, in particular:

  • purchase and put in the room where cleaning will take place, the necessary tools and detergents; the latter, if necessary, must be diluted in advance or whipped into a foam without residues of crystalline granules;
  • if the elimination of contamination will do without vacuum cleaners and mops, a stepladder or ladder is installed (near the wall);
  • after using chemicals, the room must be ventilated;
  • protective gloves and masks are desirable;
  • a kerchief or any old unused headdress is thrown over the hair, work clothes are preferred, which must be comfortable and not hinder movement;
  • all jewelry like bracelets, rings and rings are removed so as not to damage the materials; the most careful should be women with long nails, especially those of artificial origin;
  • furniture and other things in the room, if possible, are covered with a protective film or old fabrics;
  • in cases where the ceiling has significant cracks, a deformed shape of the coating or the base itself, it is worth using the services of repair workers and postponing the cleaning work until the integrity is fully restored.

Preparing to wash the ceiling: 1. Prepare everything you need. 2. Install the ladder. 3. Ventilate (after work). 4. Take care of protective equipment. 5. Put an old hat over your hair. 6. Remove jewelry. 7. Cover the furniture with protective sheeting. 8. Have recourse to repair (if necessary).

After completing and checking all the preparatory procedures, you can safely proceed to the main type of work. If for some reason such measures are inconvenient or impossible for the apartment owners, then there are special services and companies whose employees deal with such issues for a relatively small fee. Their help will be especially appropriate if minor damage is present on the structural composition.

Cleaning steps

Full spring cleaning and cleaning of stretch ceilings presupposes a certain algorithm for performing actions and passing several mandatory stages at once.

Do not use the hot air of a hair dryer on separate areas, as its pressure will lead to unsatisfactory results and complications.

After completing the work, the room needs to be ventilated.

Washing procedures are not limited to the choice of suitable products, cleaning tools and the most step-by-step cleaning instructions. For performance to be of the highest level, all necessary actions aimed at eliminating dirt and streaks must obey the general rules.

Video - What and how to wash stretch ceilings?

The prestigious glossy stretch ceiling, absolutely maintenance-free, is the pinnacle of modern fashionable design.

White and multi-colored, with or without patterns, these ceilings do not crack, do not turn yellow and do not collect dust, that is, the question of how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling arises only in rare cases, or when it fades slightly from time to time.

Six basic rules for washing stretch glossy ceilings

In order for the gloss of the ceiling to always sparkle, like new and festively delight us, you should know several main conditions on how to properly wash a glossy stretch ceiling.

Rule 1: soft sponge

  • All hard sponges and even more so brushes can hopelessly scratch the beautiful gloss, deform and even break through the film material.
  • Only a soft sponge soaked in a slightly soapy solution will do, so as not to leave streaks on the ceiling: they will then have to be thoroughly washed off.
  • We wash the ceiling with light circular movements in the direction of the weld (see for more details).

Experts advise, before washing glossy ceilings, to remove all jewelry from your hands so as not to accidentally scratch the ideal surface with them. And it is a pity to spoil these products themselves during such cleaning.

Rule 3: minimum mechanical stress

  • Do not use cleaning agents with various abrasive additives for such washing: they will leave scratches on the delicate gloss.
  • You also need to abandon all kinds of creams and powders with any solid particles, including soda.
  • We will prefer a safe modern spray: with a minimum of mechanical stress on the luxurious glossy ceiling, the annoying possibility of accidentally ruining it completely disappears.
  • Experience tells us that all glass cleaning products containing ammonia are ideal for washing a glossy ceiling - they are guaranteed not to leave soap stains and will not complicate our work.

Rule 4: the harmlessness of the detergent

  • For high-quality cleaning of glossy ceilings, products with acetone are categorically unsuitable. Therefore, when buying, you should clarify the composition of the selected detergent (see), so as not to spoil the PVC film.
  • The reaction to some chemicals is very unexpected: softening, turning into ugly wrinkles, complete disappearance or discoloration, and other troubles.
  • The test for the safety of the purchased detergent is simple: we put a drop of this substance on a secluded, inconspicuous part of the ceiling and wait 10 minutes - this time is quite enough to find out the degree of safety of the tested product.
  • You can also find out how to wash a stretch glossy ceiling by reading the instructions for using special polishes designed for just such a job.

Rule 5: no pressure

  • I wash the ceiling without much pressure, and even more so we do not use a mop for this.
  • You should also not selflessly polish the gloss, so as not to accidentally deform it: the film should not come into direct contact with the base - the ceiling itself.

The optimum temperature of the aqueous solution from + 30 to + 40 degrees will save you from delaying the washing process - the dirt is erased with one movement of the hand.

Rule 6: follow the instructions

You can read in detail how to properly wash glossy stretch ceilings in the instructions from their manufacturers, who even advise cleaning glossy ceilings with vacuum cleaners (see details). But it is safe only when the installers have properly fixed the film. Therefore, it is better to remove the cobweb with a rag or broom.

And the dust on the glossy ceiling does not settle: it has an antistatic, dust-repelling coating, so we will not bother ourselves in vain searching for dust particles on our ideal ceiling.

Specific cleaning of glossy ceilings

Special solution

If color is lost, first wipe it off with a soft suede cloth or regular paper towel. If this does not help, experts suggest another, more effective way that helps to renew its color: you need to use a 10% alcohol solution of ammonia.

Carefully apply it to a separate section of the ceiling, and then wipe it dry - the purity and color are restored.

Dissolved powder

Contamination of glossy stretch ceilings, obtained during repairs in an apartment, can be washed off even with ordinary washing powder, stirring it well until all its components are completely dissolved in water. With light, smooth, non-aggressive movements we wipe the places of strong pollution, and the remaining solution on the ceiling is well washed off and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

These methods are offered both by the manufacturers of these ceilings and by the manufacturers of special detergents, as well as by professional washers. However, we remember the main thing: such a gentle cleaning of the film coating without any chemical and mechanical damage will greatly extend its service life and return its former gorgeous look.

Any dirt is visible on the shiny surface of the glossy stretch ceiling. It easily attracts dust, but only if it is not properly maintained. Stretch ceilings should be cleaned regularly using a set of suitable tools and products for treating a glossy surface.

Types of stretch ceilings contamination

Stretch ceiling stains spoil the interior

A stretch ceiling made of any material does not need to be washed for a long time after installation. But some contamination needs to be removed regularly:

  • Soot and grease, which most often appear in the kitchen as a result of cooking.
  • Dust that accumulates a few months after the ceiling is installed - the period depends on the dustiness of the apartment.
  • Splashes from liquids - they must be removed immediately after they appear, otherwise they will be absorbed and dry out.
  • Limestone deposits and rusty streaks after flooding or repairs.
  • Handprints after repair or installation of equipment, communications.
  • Plaque from nicotine smoke if people smoke frequently in the room.

In families with particularly inventive children, glossy ceilings are put to the test of drawing with markers. But they can be removed from the surface by choosing the right product and acting while the stain is fresh.

Dirt that can't be removed

It will not work to wash the glossy stretch ceiling if the following dirt appears on it:

  • old traces of markers, paint, ink;
  • burnt spots from sparklers, matches;
  • extensive traces of scotch tape, dried gum, plasticine;
  • ingrained tobacco smoke;
  • discolored areas after using improper household chemicals or folk methods, especially on colored coatings.

Most fresh stains can be removed if done within 2-3 days of the appearance of the dirt.

Rules for cleaning glossy surfaces

To properly wash the coating, you need to adhere to a certain algorithm exactly. If you break it, streaks will remain on the ceiling, and the gloss may become dull.

These are the rules:

  • Application of soft materials and sponges. Do not use hard accessories: metal sponges, brushes with any bristle.
  • Before the procedure, hard things are removed from the hands. Even a wedding ring can scratch the shiny finish.
  • The sequence of movements. With a prepared sponge, wash the ceiling in circular slides along the seam.
  • Prohibition on the use of aggressive funds. Any powders and detergents with granules should not be used. Soda, any solvents, chemicals with chlorine and acetone are dangerous for the shiny ceiling. Alkaline and acidic solutions are also prohibited.
  • The most convenient form of detergent is spray. It is easier to apply, smear and rinse off with minimal amount of chemistry.
  • The choice of a harmless substance. If the selected product is used for the first time, a special test must be carried out: apply a little product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the coating. If nothing appears after 10 minutes, you can use it.

The best blend for fighting dirt and grease on shiny surfaces is alcohol based. But any tool is used strictly according to the instructions that come with it.

The glossy stretch ceiling should be washed only with warm water - up to 40 ° C, then there will be no streaks on it. Do not press on the sensitive surface, otherwise dents will appear and the film will be damaged.

Effective household chemicals for cleaning PVC stretch ceilings

You can wash a glossy stretch ceiling at home without streaks using washing powder, glass cleaner or dish gel. For each of them there are special rules of application.

Washing powder

In order for the chemistry to turn into a substance safe for the ceiling, it must be thoroughly diluted with water. Only then can the surface be cleaned without risk of damage. For light dirt, a powder solution is suitable, as for washing. If grease and dust have accumulated on the coating for a long time, use a more concentrated mixture.

After washing, the solution is washed off with clean water 2-3 times in a row. Without waiting to dry, polish the surface with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth, such as microfiber.

Glass products

Glass cleaners contain alcohol - a component that quickly removes dirt and is well suited for shiny surfaces. With him, the risks of getting ugly divorces are the lowest.

Cleaners are used to wash coatings in the kitchen or in another room according to the classical algorithm:

  1. Apply funds in the form of a spray to the ceiling, without pressing, wipe it.
  2. Polish with a dry cloth to remove streaks.

When choosing a wiper, pay attention to the composition - it should not contain acetone and other prohibited substances. The alcohol content in the recipe should be low - it is better not to choose products marked “concentrate” or “enhanced formula”.

Dishwashing detergents

If there are a lot of grease and other dirt on the ceiling, you can clean them with a simple kitchen cleaner. It, like powder, is diluted in water, but in a more concentrated form, and then spread over the ceiling with a sponge. Before removing soap from the ceiling, add 2-3 drops of ammonia to clean water.

Professional dirt removers

Special products for suspended ceilings include components that do not damage the glossy PVC coating. Here are the popular products:

  • Aron,
  • Bravaokna,
  • Premier,
  • D'Efre,
  • Amway Home,
  • New Life.

Their cost is higher than the price of glass cleaning products. But a bottle of solution is enough to clean all the ceilings in the apartment. Most of the products come in the form of sprays, which are convenient to apply to the surface. After use, the ceiling is polished with a soft cloth.

Household chemicals and specialty products for cleaning ceilings from dirt, dust, grease and ingrained nicotine work well for most stains. But with such nebulizers it is better to work with a respirator and gloves.

Folk remedies for cleaning gloss

Ammonia is the best folk remedy for cleaning a glossy surface

Sometimes it is not possible to use household chemicals due to a reluctance to breathe aggressive compounds, asthma or allergies from one of the family members. There may be many reasons, but there is only one way out - the use of folk methods.


At home, you can wash the surfaces with ammonia diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and poured into a spray bottle. It is not necessary to wash it off - it is enough to polish the PVC with a dry cloth.

Laundry soap

This product does not include many fragrances and additional surfactants. It can be used to safely clean surfaces:

  1. For convenience, a piece is rubbed on a fine grater and added to a bowl of water.
  2. Thoroughly dilute to form copious foam.
  3. Wash the ceiling with a soft sponge dipped in a solution.
  4. Rinse abundantly with clean water with the addition of 2-3 drops of ammonia for shine.
  5. Rub with a dry cloth.

When choosing laundry soap, preference is given to classic recipes without adding additional components.

Alternative methods are suitable for removing not too abundant and stubborn dirt. If soapy water does not help, you can use alcohol. If stains persist, it is best to use a professional product.

Stretch ceiling processing tools

To clean glossy ceilings you need thick sponges and soft wipes.

For safety and convenience during work, you will need the following tools and accessories:

  • A stepladder, and preferably two. On one they put a basin with clean water and put the tools, on the second they climb.
  • Empty spray bottle. Soap composition, alcohol solution, other products are poured into a spray bottle and quickly process the ceiling;
  • Microfiber cloths. They do not contain fibers that can remain on the shiny surface and polish the ceiling well.
  • Soft sponges for washing. They should be high and large, 2-3 times more than classic utensil foam rubber in order to better lather the surface.

Gloves, face shield, or goggles will also be required if there is a risk of dripping.

A mop, even if it has a foam pad, can damage the thin glossy film, so it's best not to use it.

Prevention of pollution of glossy ceilings

Once a year, any coating is cleaned with a mild soapy solution and treated with antistatic agents that repel dust.

In order to maintain the quality of the coating in the presence of stubborn and old stains, they contact a cleaning company. Specialists have professional equipment that effectively, quickly and safely removes stubborn dirt.

Compliance with these rules for maintaining a glossy ceiling will help increase the amount of time between cleanings.

Stretch ceilings have firmly chosen their place in apartments and houses. They are unpretentious in terms of cleaning. Many of them have an antistatic coating, dust does not settle on them. But this does not mean that there is no need to clean such a ceiling. Over time, the dirt will climb up and up.

Cleaning features

The matte stretch ceiling fits perfectly into almost any interior. But various kinds of pollution can spoil any positive impression, even from the most sophisticated design. In addition, the daily inhalation of dust is not conducive to health. Although the canvas has an antistatic effect, like on any other surface, dust will settle over time, and this effect does not save you from other types of dirt.

Splashes of champagne and soda, traces of the vital activity of various flies, lime condensate, soap deposits, traces of soot, smoke and grease - these are not all possible ceiling contamination. To wash them at home is quite within the power of any housewife. The main thing is to know the features of the material to be cleaned.

Matte stretch ceilings are most often made of PVC film. This material does not tolerate harsh brushes, abrasives and rough handling. Too strong forces can form cracks or even holes, in addition, the canvas can be inadvertently deformed. Such a surface cannot be cleaned with acetone-based products; an aggressive composition can "eat through" the coating.

There are several ways to wash the ceiling without streaks:

  • Dry cleaning - the surface is wiped with a dry or slightly damp soft cloth, a special microfiber cloth. Usually used when only dusting is required.
  • Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner - you only need to use a special nozzle with a very soft bristle.
  • Wet cleaning - can be carried out both with plain water (the temperature of which should not exceed 40 degrees), and with the help of special solutions (purchased or made with your own hands).
  • Steam cleaning - respectively using a steam generator.

The surface of fabric ceilings is best cleaned using dry methods. When installing fabric canvases, it is necessary to clarify whether such a coating is capable of withstanding wet cleaning. Not all fabrics used for ceiling decoration are impregnated with special compounds. And if you do wet cleaning of such ceilings, then you can inadvertently spoil the appearance of the coating.

How and with what to wash?

It is not difficult to take care of the matte ceiling if it is located in the living room, hallway, bedroom. The canvas can be taken care of every few months, every six months. Depending on the load of these rooms.

Another thing is the ceilings in the kitchen, bathroom. These premises are characterized by increased "dirt accumulation". Soap stains, limescale deposits are often seen on bathroom ceilings. Traces of soot and grease remain on kitchen surfaces. And unscrupulous smokers can leave reminders about themselves in the form of traces of burning and smoke.

It is quite possible to clean the ceiling from any kind of pollution using improvised means., and specially designed for these purposes. To do this, it is enough to wash the ceiling and wipe it dry so that there are no traces of stains.

Tools and tools

Regardless of how dirty the ceiling is, you will need to clean it:

  • rags (cotton, for these purposes you can put old bedding on the rags) or napkins (they should be soft from non-woven, lint-free materials, microfiber), soft sponges without a hard base;
  • a good stable stepladder (or a stand from which you certainly won't fall);
  • when cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, the device must be equipped with a special nozzle with a soft bristle;
  • water, detergent, or soapy water;

  • spray bottle - this can be used to facilitate the application of diluted detergents if they are not in the form of aerosols or sprays;
  • when using chemicals (even if they are made of their own), gloves will not be superfluous, which are simply necessary if the person cleaning the surface has a wonderful manicure on long nails;
  • mop - it should be used very carefully. Its working bar must be completely covered with a cloth, which in case of something will not slip or fall;
  • a steam generator, if such cleaning is practiced.

You can wash the stretch ceiling canvas even with the most ordinary water. It should be warm, but never hot! Maximum 40 degrees. The temperature of any cleaning solution should not exceed this mark. To enhance the effect of water, you can use dishwashing detergent or soap (not very alkaline, for example, baby).

When using products that dissolve well and form abundant foam, you can not soak rags or sponges in the solution, but use the foam. It will cope well even with old stains, and in terms of effect it will be less aggressive than the solution itself. So, for example, you can wash a matte canvas with the help of foam from diluted washing powder. Take a powder for hand washing (an “automatic machine” will not work for this purpose), beat it into a lather with a mixer and apply to the surface.

Glass and mirror cleaners, especially those containing ammonia, have proven themselves well. Alcohol is excellent at removing fat. Apply, wait 15 minutes, then rinse and dry the surface. But when using glass cleaners, you should always be careful about the composition. If acetone is contained, then it is absolutely impossible to use it.

"Mister Muskul", "Vanish" - have a rather sparing composition which nevertheless removes dirt perfectly. And of course, in a hardware store you can buy a product specially designed for cleaning stretch ceilings, which will clean the dirt, will not harm the coating and will not leave streaks.

The ways

You can remove dust from a matte canvas only with a dry soft cloth. The main thing is to wipe the surface correctly when cleaning, not pressing too hard, not rubbing with effort. The ceiling is a structure of a frame and a stretched canvas. With too much exposure, the PVC film can deform - stretch into ugly stripes, wrinkles can form. Only professionals can eliminate this kind of defect.

When dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment, there is no need to bring the device close to the ceiling. It should be kept at a small distance of 1-2 cm.

When cleaning the ceiling with a steam generator, point the tool towards the dirt. Steam the surface, then immediately remove the formed condensation by wiping dry.

When wet cleaning with a mop, you should also be very careful. If the fabric suddenly slides off the work bar, then trouble is inevitable. The surface can be scratched. In addition, when using this tool, you cannot control the degree of exposure, as when working with a rag, sponge or napkin.

If the ceiling is cleaned by hand, then there should be no jewelry on the hands, it is best to wear gloves. Often, several rags or napkins may be needed to clean the entire ceiling surface. Some for removing stains, others for drying and removing possible streaks.

It is better to clean the ceiling in fragments. One segment after another. It is more convenient to move around, besides, the canvas is always contaminated unevenly, somewhere a more thorough and painstaking effect may be needed, and somewhere one movement with a hand with a damp cloth is enough.

When there is a lot of dirt on the ceiling, general cleaning has not been carried out or has been for a long time, for example, several years ago, decisive action is necessary.

The technology of deep cleaning of the web itself takes place in several stages:

  • Dry clean first. Cobwebs are swept away from corners and lamps, dust is removed.
  • Then a cleaning compound is applied to the surface.
  • There is a certain time waiting. (If the stains are very strong for the detergent to take full effect. If the stains are small, then you can proceed to the next step).
  • The composition is washed off the canvas.
  • Next comes drying. Wipe the surface with a dry napkin, rag. Until traces of soap stains are removed.

In order for a matte ceiling to always please with its appearance, it is better to regularly dry clean it, and if stains appear, do not postpone their removal until later, but immediately remove them while they are fresh and easy to clean.

For the living room, hall, bedroom and other rooms in which dirt does not accumulate so much, it is enough to clean it once six months, a year.

Do not forget to ventilate the room where the stretch ceiling is installed.

All work is best done in the morning, when additional lighting is not required.

It is advisable to wash the stretch ceiling in the bathroom after each use. It is enough just to remove condensation and soap deposits - wipe dry with a cloth. If such cleaning is not possible, then you need to take it as a rule - periodically do a general cleaning in the room, starting from the ceiling.

Means containing ammonia will help to cope with a greasy bloom. Even in spite of the most powerful hood, the ceilings in the kitchen should be cleaned regularly and more often than, for example, in the living room. Dirt accumulates imperceptibly, but thoroughly.

Kitchen, bathroom, balcony - these are the most favorable places for the appearance of all kinds of pollution. Therefore, the cleaning of the ceiling is done more often here.