Repair Design Furniture

Tiles street for paths in the country. Tiles for paths to the country house - choose the material and improve the site. There are different types

From paving slabs with your own hands? This is a normal and feasible desire, and here it is not at all necessary to be a professional finisher - for such work, it is enough to be able to distinguish the beautiful from the ugly, a good eye and desire. Of course, you will need a certain physical strength, but not outstanding - even representatives of the weaker sex who are familiar with domestic work can easily cope with such a task. So, to business!

A simple and beautiful version of an alley without a border

Acquaintance with paving slabs

The materials used in our time for tiled sidewalks can be classified according to at least three parameters: filler, geometric indicators and, of course, color design. A dacha or a country house for a permanent place of residence is exactly the place where garden paths and playgrounds are an integral part, so it is better to briefly familiarize yourself with the varieties of such coverage.

Classification by filler

Sidewalk paving stones with different faces

  • . Produced with a filler of granite chips in a shape resembling a brick. It cannot be said that it is heavy, that is, it does not differ in high density, but such a finish has such qualities as frost resistance from F-200 to F-400 (the figure indicates the number of cycles), resistance to atmospheric phenomena and neutrality to aggressive chemical elements . This tile will not slip when wet. Along the edges, it is distributed into:
  1. sawn;
  2. sawn-chipped;
  3. prick.

Elastic rubber paving slabs

  • Tiles with rubber filler. Of course, the word "rubber" in the consumer sense is not entirely accurate here - the material is made of EPDM with a polyurethane adhesive binder. This is an international abbreviation for ethylene propylene rubber or synthetic elastomer. Frost resistance cycle from F-300 to F-400. If there are small children in the family, then rubber-filled tiles are the best solution - when a child falls on the path, he will not break his knees and scratch his hands.

Polymer-sand tiles in different colors

  • Polymer-sand tiles. It consists of high-pressure polymers (LDPE), sand and coloring pigments - this is a fairly new product on the construction market, although the demand for it is not very high (there is no cement). Frost resistance of the product from F-400, acceptable temperature from -70⁰C to +90⁰C.

Vibrocast reinforced tiles

  • Vibrocast reinforced tiles. Differs in high mechanical durability on a break. This is possible thanks to the manufacturing technology with flat wire mesh reinforcement. Performance characteristics can be improved if the mixture is reinforced with polymer fiber. The frost resistance of such a finish from F-100 to F-300 depends on the manufacturer.

3d effect on city pavement

  • with photo printing. The manufacturing technology of such a coating involves pressing, applying an image with a 3d effect with a special printer and a polymeric protective layer (abrasion protection). The choice of images in this case depends more on the customer, that is, you can get the effect of a seashore or a water pool with fish, grass and flowers under your feet, as well as a variety of projections up to a portrait.

Geometric parameters

Dimensions and contour shapes of different paving slabs

For laying paving slabs with your own hands, you must definitely calculate its width - this will allow you to correctly select the geometric parameters of the coating. It is also important to pay attention to the thickness - this is necessary not for design, but for savings, since there are no large mechanical loads on the paving, so you should not use tiles thicker than 40 mm, and if this is the area where your car is parked, then 60 mm. Of course, a thickness of 80-100mm can be used to park a bus or a truck.

Along the perimeter, standard paving slabs of different types vary:

  1. 500×500 mm;
  2. 400×400 mm;
  3. 300×300 mm;
  4. 100×200 mm;
  5. 100×100 mm.

Note. The coating made by vibrocasting cannot be thicker than 60 mm. Therefore, it is not suitable for entering the yard or parking a truck or bus.

Video: Garden path without a curb

Stages of laying a garden path

Perhaps it makes no sense to give specific recommendations on choosing the geometric parameters of paving slabs - there are general parameters and varieties above, so you need to build on them and your preferences. But a step-by-step installation instruction for amateurs is a must and it is located below in the text.

Materials and tools

From the materials you will need:

  • paving slabs of any kind;
  • sidewalk curb;
  • crushed granite or screenings;
  • cement M400 or M500;
  • waterproofing - geotextile or polyethylene film;
  • pegs and kapron thread for marking.

From the tools you will need:

  • rubber mallet;
  • long level (at least 800 mm);
  • tubular water level;
  • grinder and diamond-coated disc;
  • bayonet and pick shovel;
  • tamper;
  • a board 50 mm thick or a bar 50 × 50 mm along the width of the track;
  • metric tape measure, marker or pencil.

Material count

First of all, you need to determine the total length of the country paths, and it is better to estimate the width after choosing a tile in order to minimize waste when trimming. That is, the trimming width should not be at all, regardless of the presence of a curb - cutting is necessary only for smooth or sharp turns and bypasses of any communications.

The optimal width for the movement of one person is from 50 to 80 cm, but if you walk together under your arms, you will need 100-120 cm already - the geometric parameters of the tile allow you to make such a choice.

Paving stone garden stairs

Sometimes a suburban area can be located on uneven terrain and in such situations it is often necessary to make a ladder for several steps. This suggests that the amount of material will increase, since not only treads are needed here, but also risers.

If the path has a smooth or sharp turn, then the coverage area for the purchase of paving slabs is calculated on the longer side of the alley. For example, with a width of 90 cm (three tiles 300 × 300 mm), the length will be 25 m on one side and 25.5 m on the other. To calculate the required amount Stotal=25.5*0.9=22.95 m2, then the total area should be divided by the area of ​​one tile: Stotal/Stiles=22.95/(0.3*0.3)=22.95/0.09=255 pieces, but if such a calculation makes it difficult for you, then you can go the other way: calculate how many pieces you need for a long row and multiply by the number of rows: 25.5 / 0.3 * 3 = 255 pieces. As you can see, both options gave the same result, so you can use either of them.

Preparatory work

Shallow trench for laying a pillow under a garden path

It all starts with the marking of the route, that is, the area along which the garden or yard path will pass (the blind area around the house also falls under this category). So that over time, under the influence of precipitation, the coating you made does not sag or float, it is laid on a compacted pillow, for which, in turn, you need a recess in the form of a shallow trench, as in the photo above. If you have decided on the width of the alley, add to this indicator the width of the curbs (one on each side) plus 2 cm for the margin. For example, you will lay 300x300mm paving slabs in three rows plus two 45mm curbs plus 20mm margin, for a total of 300*3+45*2+20=110mm or 1.1m trench width.

Attention! Further recommendations are given taking into account a flat surface on the site. That is, it can coincide with the horizon line, or be with a slight slope, but the plane must be relatively flat ± 2 cm. If your site does not meet these requirements, see the article “Leveling a suburban area - instructions and recommendations” on this resource .

Hammer wooden or metal pegs into the ground on only one side of the future path, taking into account all smooth or sharp turns, and then pull the control thread over them. Try to keep the lace at the same distance from the surface of the soil throughout its entire length (this will be needed when filling the pillow, laying the curb and paving slabs). Now do exactly the same operation on the other side, driving in pegs at a distance of 111-112 cm, this margin of 1-2 cm is provided for the free play of the shovel bayonet so as not to break the thread.

First, remove the sod - it can be cut into pieces, or rolled into a roll, and then used elsewhere. This is important, especially if you had to level the ground on a plane and some areas were left without a fertile layer, which will just replace the cuts you made. When digging, it is not at all necessary to strictly adhere to the same depth - later the bottom will be leveled with bedding. You can simply drive the shovel onto the bayonet at an angle - such a deepening will be quite enough.

Geotextile, pillow and border

I want to say right away that waterproofing, as such, is not needed for paving slabs - polyethylene film or geotextiles are used to cut off the fertile layer so as not to leave the possibility for weeds to germinate, but ... I have been doing this kind of finishing for more than a decade and, observing the coatings, where the cut-off film was not used, I came to the conclusion that, in fact, it was not needed there.

Someone will resent my conclusion, they say, we have seen more than once how weeds break through the seams, so where do they come from ?! But everything is very simple here - the seed sprouts when it falls into this very seam (birds usually bring it in) and if the grass is carefully pulled out, it will be seen that the root system is less than the thickness of the tile. And this happens either in those houses where no one lives for a long time, or near offices and shops where they are poorly cleaned.

Installation of a curb on a semi-dry cement-sand-screening mortar

Now you can start filling the pillow, which consists of several layers. Perhaps someone will be surprised by my approach to this issue, since most authors advise laying tiles a little differently, on sand, while assuring that their method is one of the best. I gained my own experience through many years of practice, as they say, through trial and error, so I vouch for obtaining the optimal result. As mentioned above, it makes no sense to lay hydrotextiles or polyethylene, although if there is a desire and extra money, this will not spoil the overall picture.

Small crushed stone or granite screenings are poured into the bottom of the trench, taking into account the height of the curb, and this pillow is carefully tamped - this protects the coating from subsidence. Now, curbs should be installed along the edges of the trench on top of the pillow on the cement-sand mortar. The thickness of the tile is also important here, which should be either flush with the curb, or a couple of millimeters higher (this is not important) - the sidewalk itself should turn out to be about 3-5 cm above the ground (it’s not worth it anymore, although this is not important ).

Now about what I disagree with most of the authors who post information on paving slabs - such a coating should not be on sand, but on semi-dry, and in some cases, even on a wet screed! From the abundance of rain or when the snow melts, the sand is gradually washed away and the tile sags. Sometimes this happens very quickly and your track may lose its appeal the very next year.

Attention! The height of the curb can be controlled with the help of an approximate thread that you pulled on the pegs for digging the trench.

Paving slabs

Paving slabs will be laid on this layer

If the installation of the curb is over, then the next day, in order for the mortar to set at least a little, you can proceed with the installation of the front cover, but before that, a sand-cement mixture should be laid on the pillow. In order not to bother with measurements of the level of the horizontal plane, you can make such a template from a thin board, as in the top photo. Its peculiarity is that with its comb, it immediately sets the desired height and the facing only needs to lightly press this layer with a grater or half a trowel and pour in the resulting hollows.

The mixture should be made dry by mixing sand with granite screenings, for example, if cement is M400, then there are 3 buckets of sand and 2 buckets of screenings per bucket, and 3.5 sand and 2.5 screenings for M500. You can mix and any capacity - trough, balia, baby bath and the like. Before laying the mixture, it is not necessary to water it - a simple watering from the hose after installation is enough, or the rains will do it for you.

Pushes the tile through the wood strip

The tiles are laid out in order, on top of a dry (sometimes slightly moistened) mixture with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than a square meter. After that, it is upset with a rubber mallet (you can even use a metal hammer, as in the top photo), but in any case, this is done through a wooden gasket. As I already mentioned in the “Materials and Tools” list, it is best to use a board or a bar along the width of the seat between the curbs (in this case it is 90 cm, but the board needs 89-89.5 cm so that it does not jam) it is much more convenient maintain a level surface.

At the end of the laying of the track, it is sprinkled with sand and the seams are rubbed with a room broom (it is better to take an old, worn broom - it is tougher and easier to work with). Sand clogs all possible gaps, but when moisture enters, it passes it onto the concrete mix. Excess sand is removed. So the dry substance turns into a semi-dry screed, and the sand in the seams hardens, and it is extremely difficult for any seeds to get there. Even if the seed is there, it can be easily removed when cleaning the path with a broom.

Video: Garden path in the country - laying paving slabs with your own hands


If you follow the recommendations received in this article, then it will not be difficult to make paths in the country from paving slabs with your own hands. I want to repeat once again that laying should only be done on a wet or semi-dry screed! This will ensure a long service life without subsidence and, as a result, without repair.

Paving slabs for paths in the country are made from a variety of materials. Rubber, wood, stone, concrete - they all have their own pros and cons, different types, manufacturing nuances and styling specifics, which you need to be aware of in order to be able to choose. The more knowledge, the easier it is to choose the material that is suitable for your dacha, making the area around the house not only utilitarian, but also beautiful.

You also need to take into account color, shape, size, styling methods, and other nuances with which you can turn design planning into a creative process and search for beautiful combinations. But it's easiest to start with materials.

Varieties of tiles

Before buying, it is important to take into account all the nuances of a particular type. Consider the most relevant tile options.


Plastic is the cheapest material in existence in any field. It does not require complex processing, polymers are cheap for it, and the performance properties are not too high as a result, but the price compensates for them.

There are different types:

Modular. It looks like a cellular lightweight tile of bright color, which has special fasteners to tie the disparate modules into a single canvas. The material is pure plastic. The cost is very low. It looks cheap, in two or three years it becomes unusable, because it is unstable to temperature extremes, it easily cracks from frost, and melts from heat. It has a specific advantage - it will not be possible to slip on it if it is not completely covered with ice.

Polymer sand. It looks like solid plastic tiles in a bright color, also with fasteners. Material - plastic mixed with sand in different proportions. The cost is small, but more expensive than modular. It also looks cheap because the plates look plastic. Not suitable for an old wooden or stone house, it would be appropriate only for a house sheathed with siding. More resistant to temperature extremes and lasts longer. It has a specific disadvantage - it is very easy to slip on it, since the surface remains smooth.

decking. It's also a deck board. It looks like a wooden parquet, consists of two layers. Below - a modular tile with fasteners, on top - several strips with gaps to allow moisture to pass through. The material is plastic mixed with wood chips in different proportions, most often one to four. It is quite expensive, it looks respectable and beautiful, on a par with a natural wooden surface. This is the main plus - aesthetics in the absence of the main disadvantages of wood.

Plastic tiles in general have a list of advantages:

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Instability to sudden changes in temperature, weather conditions. In the sun, the plastic burns out, cracks from the ice formed in the cracks, swells in the heat, and can be deformed.
  • Resistant to aggressive chemicals. Household acid spilled on the coating will cause it to deform.
  • Instability to high weight. A person can withstand easily, but a car is no longer there.
  • fragility. Wears out much faster than rubber and concrete coatings.
  • Unaesthetic. In very rare cases, plastic tiles look good if they are not decking.


Plastic is a good solution if you do not want to spend a lot of time and effort on styling. You can put it near outbuildings in the depths of the site, forgetting about the problem of paths for several years.


For the manufacture of rubber tiles, secondary raw materials are used - used car tires. At the same time, its price is higher not only than that of plastic, but also than that of cheap clinker or concrete tiles.

Pluses include:

  • Security. Rubber is a soft material, falling on which it is difficult to get injured. If children or the elderly will rest in the country, rubber paths will be very convenient for them.
  • Durability. Rubber slowly wears out, its service life is ten years.
  • Ease of installation and repair. Rubber does not have fasteners like plastic, but it cannot break, does not require special alignment, and is easily replaced if any element of the finished track fails.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes and moisture. Rubber does not melt in the sun, does not crack in frost, is completely insensitive to moisture. Doesn't rot.
  • Light weight and resistance to mechanical damage. Rubber cannot be broken, cannot be crushed, it is easy to transport without thinking about accuracy. It does not crack, easily withstands the weight of not only a person, but also a machine.
  • UV and chemical resistant. Will not fade in the sun, will not suffer if you spill gasoline or household acid on the track.
  • Noise isolation. For tracks in the country, this factor is not so important, but if you are annoyed by loud sounds, the clatter of heels, the noise of steps, choosing rubber is a good solution, because they are completely drowned out.

But no material is perfect, rubber also has disadvantages:

  • Lack of ice resistance. In summer, you can’t slip on rubber even after rain, but in winter, when ice freezes on top, it’s just as easy to fall on it as on a slippery stone path.
  • Flammability. Rubber burns, although it takes time to ignite. In the process, emits black suffocating smoke.
  • Possible dishonesty of the manufacturer. If the concrete tile is just going to be brittle and it will be obvious, then poorly made rubber can release harmful substances. Therefore, it is necessary to check its quality especially carefully.


Rubber is a good option to lay by the pool or in a place where children will play. But in order to give this material an aesthetic sufficient for the front yard, considerable effort will have to be made.

From natural stone

Natural stone is made simply - it is simply crushed and leveled so that beautiful shapes are obtained. Apply:

  • slate;
  • quartzite;
  • granite;
  • shungite.

For people who are not sorry for the money, there is an option to pave the paths with marble.

The stone has its advantages:

  • Durability. Natural stone practically does not wear out - this can be seen on the paving stones of old cities, which were laid many centuries ago. The paths from it are actually eternal, the maximum that can happen to them after a couple of decades of rain and snow - a beautiful even shape can become somewhat more free, grass will grow between the plates.
  • Natural beauty. Natural stone is a beautiful material that only wood can match. It is not painted like artificial materials, but the simplicity, naturalness of its colors in itself looks good, especially if they are chosen with taste, so that they fit the garden and buildings.
  • Moisture insensitive. Nothing will happen to the stone, even if it lies in the mud or in a puddle for six months.
  • Insensitivity to temperature changes, to ultraviolet, to ice. The stone does not crack, does not fade, does not melt - nothing can happen to it.
  • Reliability. Stone tiles cannot be broken, a person can pass through it, or a car can drive through it - it will withstand any weight.

But of course there are disadvantages:

  • Color uniformity. Yes, the natural colors of the stone are beautiful with their veins, with their different scales, with their variety of shades. But the brightness that artificial material possesses, the abundance of colors with which you can lay out any pattern or pattern, is not characteristic of them.
  • Big weight. Stone is a heavy material. It needs to be loaded onto a vehicle, it needs to be unloaded, it is necessary to lay out tracks for them - all this requires human labor, time, and effort. In addition, not every foundation will withstand a stone.
  • High price. Natural stone is an expensive material, especially some of its varieties tend to be the most beautiful. Using a different coating can be much cheaper.
  • Instability to some biological threats. Moss can grow on the stone, fungus or mold can grow. In itself, this will not harm him, but it can change the overall appearance of the track for the worse.
  • Difficulty with form. Hard types of stone are difficult to cut into tiles of the same size and shape, because they are often sold in a rather bizarre form, with many angles, with irregular bends. It will take effort to make a decent path out of this chaos.
  • Icing. The stone has no protection against ice; even in summer, on some of its varieties, you can slip and fall.


Stone is a versatile material. It is better not to place it near water sources, but otherwise it will look good in any area of ​​​​the site.


Paving slabs that came from Holland, invented back in the nineteenth century. It is made from clay with an admixture of dyes - first it is formed, pushing it through a hole under high pressure, then it is fired once. The resulting result is highly dense and has a whole list of advantages:

  • High durability. Clinker wears out almost as slowly and reluctantly as natural stone. You can walk on it for decades before the effect is visible.
  • Durability. Can last almost as long as natural stone. Neither rain, nor wind, nor the scorching sun can harm her.
  • Resistance to temperature extremes, frost. No heat, no cold, no ice will affect the clinker, as well as biological threats.
  • Variety of colors, shapes. Clinker is made artificially, so it can be given any color and any shape, from banal plain rectangles to fancy polygons with a complex pattern.

The cast variety is considered somewhat more fragile, but there is not much difference between the results of technological processes.

They have the same benefits:

  • Variability. Many colors, many shapes, patterns on the surface - concrete tiles are perhaps the most diverse and can even be made to order.
  • Low price. Concerning stone and clinker, concrete is starting to look like a cheap solution, although of course it costs more than rubber and plastic.
  • Sustainability. Does not suffer from temperature changes, is not subject to biological threats, does not fade in the sun, does not crack under ice, wears out for a long time.

There are, of course, downsides:

  • Relative fragility. Concrete begins to crack and crumble earlier than clinker and natural stone - these are its characteristics. This happens especially quickly if the goods were produced in one region and are used in another.
  • Installation difficulties. If a mistake was made during the installation process, it will be difficult to correct it and you will have to start from the very beginning.


Concrete is a versatile material that is suitable for any part of the site.

Planning and design

If you can choose a material, guided by a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site and tastes, then this will not work with the rest of the characteristics. The design of the tile should match the design of everything else, it should fit into the overall concept.

To make this possible, you need to approach planning sequentially:

  • Make a site plan. It is necessary to put a house, outbuildings, the largest flower beds and beds on it - everything that has at least something to do with the landscape.
  • Make a plan for future tracks. Paths should lead from the house to the outbuildings and to the gates, and they should go the way the inhabitants of the house walk, and not the way it seems beautiful on the plan. Go around large obstacles, take into account "little things" like hanging over the place where the path should pass, branches.
  • Assess prospects. According to the plan, you can figure out what the tile should be so that everyone is comfortable. If the site has a well or a pool, you need to take a rough texture and material that is not afraid of moisture. If the site has weak soil, which crumbles easily and does not hold gravity well, it is better to forget about natural stone. Also estimate the budget of the enterprise and whether cars will drive along the paths, think about how much the maximum temperature difference is. How much heat and how much cold will the path have to endure? How many will walk on it?

The rate of abrasion depends on how much they walk. From maximum temperatures and differences - the necessary frost resistance. If a car will drive along the paths, the tiles should be thicker. And it depends on the budget how expensive it will be.

Having decided what the technical characteristics should be, you can move on to more pleasant and complex matters: design.

You need to take into account:


According to the norms, footpaths should be no narrower than seventy-five centimeters, so that an adult can easily walk along them.

When the plan is ready and the final laying pattern is selected, you can take on the selection.

The nuances of choosing a tile

First you need to focus on the exact characteristics. Size, shape, frost resistance, wear resistance - all this you should know before you go to the store. And already directly in the store, you need to imagine how a good tile should look like, how it differs from low-quality tiles, and what documents to ask the seller for.


Each tile has a set of characteristics that you need to consider when buying. The first one is size. Exists:

  • Small. This is good because you can lay out any pattern or pattern on a narrow country path from it, and also because you don’t have to think too much about the base and whether it will withstand. But there is a big minus - it will take more work. After all, laying out three large tiles in a row is much easier than forming a row of a dozen small ones.
  • Average. Universal option. The drawing will no longer work, but here is a beautiful complex pattern - completely. It is not necessary to think about the foundation yet; difficulties with laying should not arise either. Ten by ten centimeters is an example of a good medium tile.
  • Big. The patterns are only the simplest, and you will have to think about the base - if it is not strong enough and even, the tile can sag on one side or crack. But if you have the strength and time to prepare, and you prefer the monochromatic beauty of a geometric order to complex patterns, this is a good choice.

The average size of the product is a universal option

After the size, you should decide what shape should be:

  • Square. For square tiles, simple patterns are suitable - they can be laid out in a checkerboard pattern or create a semblance of a brick pattern. It is best if they are multi-colored and this will make them look more fun.
  • Rectangular. It is also possible to lay out a chessboard, but not so effectively, but a brick pattern, a “herringbone”, laying in waves will look. You can create a pattern with different colors.
  • wild stone. This is the name of natural stone tiles, which are made not according to the shape, but according to the way the stone split. Patterns with them will not work, and in order to form a path, you will have to make an effort. To facilitate the work, you can first carry it out on paper.
  • complex shapes. Clover, hexagons, circles, stars - they are all a pattern in themselves. It is enough just to lay them according to the picture.

Very small tiles can be used to make a meaningful drawing, regardless of the shape - a stained glass window is made according to the same principle. Also, if you want to do something specific, fantasy, invented on your own, for which there are no necessary forms, you can always contact the manufacturer and place an order.

It will cost twice as much as a regular product - or even five, depending on the complexity of the form.

Then choose the thickness:

  • Two to four centimeters. Used for footpaths. If you are going to lay paths in the country solely in order to walk on them, this option is suitable for you.
  • Six to eight centimeters. Will withstand very intensively moving people or a car. Hardly needed in the country.
  • Eight to ten. It can withstand the weight of any cars, it is usually used at enterprises, gas stations and in private yards where a car will be parked.

To give a thick tile is definitely not needed - and this is good, because the thicker it is, the more expensive it is.

After that, you need to choose purely technical parameters. Abrasion resistance is indicated on the package, the higher it is, the more reliable the track will be that you get. Frost resistance is indicated next - the value shows how many freeze-thaw cycles the tiles can endure.

The best options have an indicator of more than two hundred and you should focus on them.

The last parameter to pay attention to is color. It depends on him how impressive the resulting track will look.

Lots of options:

Having decided for yourself what the material should be according to all its characteristics, you can go to the store and choose a specific batch there.

What to look for when buying?

The tile must not only fit the site in terms of design, it must also meet quality standards. Determining whether they are going to deceive you is quite simple. Necessary:

  • Ask the seller for documentation. Any batch of goods must be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, which confirms that it is manufactured in accordance with state standards, as well as a test report, which contains all information about wear resistance, frost resistance, and other qualities of the product. If the seller is hustling, trying to change the subject, there is a high probability that something is wrong with the goods - it is better to go to other people.
  • Check a random tile from a batch. Even if the product that you are offered is bad, the top, visible layer in the package will be done well so that you do not guess anything. The request to get the tile from the middle is normal, especially if you are ready to buy this particular package later.

So, you will definitely be interested in paving slabs for paths in the country. Prices for this type of finishing material fluctuate in a fairly wide range, allowing you to choose the right option for your family budget. We offer to get acquainted with the existing varieties.

Read in the article

Advantages and disadvantages of street tiles for paths

The choice in favor of such material is made due to:

  • a large assortment. You can always choose tiles for the garden of a suitable shape, texture and color;
  • presentability. The beautiful appearance of each element will allow you to achieve the perfect design of the site with the implementation of the most complex design project;
  • ease of installation. Installation work can be done independently;
  • the absence of puddles on the finished path. Excess moisture is quickly removed through the inter-tile space;
  • wear resistance. Street tiles for paths are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and temperature fluctuations;
  • long service life. Durable material can last at least 15 years;
  • maintainability. Damaged elements, if necessary, can be replaced with new ones.

The main disadvantages include the high price of most high-quality and durable materials.

Types of paving slabs: distinctive features of the material

Manufacturers offer paving slabs of various types. Choosing the right material for the tracks in your country house, you should focus not only on its price, but also on its features. We offer you to get acquainted with the existing varieties, so that it is easier for you to choose the appropriate option.

Vibrocast paving slabs

During the production of vibrocasting elements, the concrete mixture is placed inside a permanent vibrating mold to ensure sufficient density. Then the blank in the form is sent to a warm room, wait half a day and remove it.

This production technology allows you to create a product with a smooth surface. The shape and color of the element can be any. However, the strength characteristics of such products are relatively low, which significantly limits the possible area of ​​use. Such tiles for paths in the country do not retain their characteristics well at low temperatures, but are inexpensive.

Vibropressed paving slabs

In the vibrocompression process, the concrete mixture is poured into a mold and then placed inside special vibrating equipment. The generated pressure provides an increase in the density of the material. The method does not allow you to form elements of various shapes and colors, but you can always form an interesting ornament.

Finished products have high performance characteristics. They are wear-resistant, not afraid of low temperatures, almost like a stone. Due to the porous structure, the material has shock-absorbing properties, which makes it possible to use it in the construction of areas intended for the storage of vehicles.

Ceramic and porcelain stoneware paving slabs

Ceramic products are obtained by pressing. The raw material of the first is clay with the addition of a certain amount of sand and minerals. The pressed billet is annealed. Available in matte and glazed. The first option is preferable for giving, as it has a uniform color throughout its thickness.

Porcelain stoneware is also obtained from a composition whose main component is clay. Low-melting clays vitrify under the influence of high temperature. As a result, a monolithic product is formed, the color of which depends on the amount and characteristics of the dye added to the raw material. In terms of wear resistance, such outdoor garden tiles are superior to ceramics, capable of absorbing a minimum amount of moisture. The thickness of the finished products is a maximum of 12 mm. They can be polished or unpolished. From a safety point of view, the second option is preferable, since it is easy to slip on a polished surface.

Polymer concrete paving slabs

For the formation of such products, a mixture is used, consisting of 60-70% fine sand of plastic fillers, heated to a melting temperature. The result is products with a low coefficient of thermal expansion. To give the desired color, dyes are introduced into the composition. Due to the high strength characteristics, polymer concrete blocks can be used in the formation of paths with various operational loads. They have an acceptable price.

Options for choosing tiles for garden paths

When choosing a road tile for a summer residence, it is worth considering:

  • cottage location. For regions in which there are quite severe and frequent frosts, granite or vibropressed products that can withstand temperature fluctuations are preferable;
  • load. If vehicles will drive into the site to be mounted, the choice should be made in favor of vibropressed blocks with high strength characteristics. To form beautiful walking paths, vibrocast products can be used;

Attention! For the device of footpaths, products having a thickness of 3 mm are suitable.

  • price. For giving, from the point of view of cost, vibropressed products are preferable;
  • color. Bright blocks get their color due to the addition of special dyes. Cheap additives often reduce the density of the material and reduce its strength.

Design techniques for paving paths in the country on the example of popular models of paving slabs

The same material can be laid in different ways. We offer you to get acquainted with design techniques that you can always use when paving paths in the country with tiles of a certain shape and size.

Paving slabs California 300 × 300 × 30 mm: laying options

Externally, California paving slabs measuring 300 × 300 x 30 mm are similar to ordinary brick-laid ones. The pattern imitates a square in the center and four long bricks. The name of the material was in honor of the US state, where this paving option is especially popular.

Paving slabs Scales 245 × 190 × 60 mm: paving options

The material got its name due to its characteristic shape. It can be obtained by vibropressing and vibrocasting. Possesses high strength characteristics. The weight of one element is 3.6 kg.

Paving slabs Wave 237 × 103 × 60 mm: interesting ideas for implementation

Figured products allow you to create a beautiful pattern that imitates a sea wave. Made from . Differs in high operational characteristics. The weight of one element is 3.05 kg. We offer you to see a photo of the tracks in the country from paving slabs:

Paving slabs 12-Bricks 50 × 50 × 5 cm: ideas for implementation

Due to their large dimensions (50 × 50 × 5 cm), 12-brick paving slabs are laid relatively quickly, forming an even, beautiful coating. With its help, you can form not only a monophonic pattern, but also a multi-colored one. The latter option is preferably used when landscaping a large area.

Paving slabs Vostok 40 × 40 × 5 cm: color schemes

Paving slabs East 40 × 40 × 5 cm in size are presented in a wide range of colors. You can always choose the right option for your site. Due to the presence of a pattern, a monochromatic coating is most often formed. Although other styling options are possible.

Features of laying paving slabs in the country: an algorithm of actions

If you decide to perform, familiarize yourself with the procedure for performing installation work. Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of the base, so that the finished coating turns out to be perfectly even and lasts long enough. Let's find out how to achieve this.

Foundation preparation

When starting to prepare for the tracks, the fertile layer should be removed and a trench 17-20 cm deep should be formed. Guides should be installed along its perimeter, when calculating the width of which, the dimensions of the curb must be taken into account. A sand cushion is being prepared: sand is poured and evenly distributed over the surface of the future base.

Attention! At the path leading to the house, a slope from the building should be provided to ensure the drainage of water.

The thickness of the pillow should be about 15 cm with a trench depth of 20 cm. One cube of sand is enough to form 7 squares of a sand layer. The sand is carefully compacted using special equipment or tools. The compacted layer is abundantly wetted with water and leveled.

Advice! In the absence of a gasoline rammer, make a tool from a wooden beam.

Technology of laying paving slabs

We do it as follows:

  • we put each element in place, upsetting with a rubber mallet and controlling its spatial position. If there are deviations, we pour sand under the element, or vice versa, we remove the excess. Between adjacent elements we leave a gap of 5-7 mm;
  • install a border. Its upper surface should be flush with the track being formed. Between the laid canvas and the border, we leave a gap equal to the width of the seam;
  • close up the seams. Scatter dry sifted sand over the formed surface. Using a wide brush with stiff bristles, fill the gaps between the tiles with sand. Sprinkle the path with water to compact the sand.

What is better to buy paving slabs: the opinion of our editors

The choice of the appropriate option will depend on financial capabilities, design project and operational load. Preference should be given to products from trusted manufacturers and having positive reviews.

Products deserve attention:

  • BRAER. The manufacturer uses the technology of modern double vibrocompression, implemented on an automated line. An innovative dyeing method allows you to obtain products of a wide range of colors. You can always choose a product of the desired color and shape;

Feedback on paving slabs "BRAER":

Read more on Otzovik:

paving slabs «BRAER»

  • "Gothic factories". Production is carried out on modern equipment. The manufacturer's catalog contains paving stones and a number of related products. The manufacturer offers rectangular, square and triangular tiles, as well as products of a more complex configuration. The production of tactile tiles aimed at the visually impaired is being carried out;
  • Brikus. The company offers a variety of collections that are in high demand. The Profi collection has an affordable price. "Natur" belongs to the middle price category. The elite class is represented by the Premium collection;
  • "LSR Group". The Russian manufacturer offers high quality clinker in various colors.

Feedback on paving slabs "Old Town":

Read more on Otzovik:

paving slabs "Old Town"

Advice! If you want the finished path to be beautiful and non-standard, pay attention to vibrocast tiles. If a reliable coating is required, vibropressed elements will be the best choice.

Paving slabs for paths in the country: prices and the best place to buy

The cost of the product depends on the technology of its production, size and design. The better the tile, the more you have to pay for it. We offer to figure out where to buy paving slabs so that its price is not excessive for the family budget.

Where is the best place to buy paving slabs: the best solution

The cost of the same product can vary significantly. If you buy paving slabs directly from the manufacturer, you can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing material.

Share in the comments what kind of paving stones for paths you have in your country house, indicating the price in your region.

One of the final stages of the arrangement of the backyard territory is the design of paths. The answer to the question of which material is optimal is not always obvious. Paving slabs for paths in the country are among the most successful options for paving. This article will introduce you to the types of paving products and the advantages of the most popular ones, help you understand the shapes and sizes and not drown in a sea of ​​proposals. Paved with suitable tiles, paths and platforms will not only protect you from dirt and dampness, but will also become a bright decorative detail of the site.

Tiled flooring does not retain water Source

Types of tile coatings

The demanded types of sidewalk coverings presented on the construction market include five types of products:

    From natural stone. Granite, marble or basalt flooring blends in with any landscaping and features improved strength, abrasion resistance and durability. The high cost of the material is the main limitation of use.

    Clay. Road and sidewalk clinker (fired clay brick or tile) is a decorative and durable material. Not widely used due to the high cost and structural features (poor-quality material may become covered with salt stains).

    Concrete. The most common option, durable and environmentally friendly. Tiles are made by vibrocasting and vibropressing from a mixture of cement, water and plasticizers.

    Polymer sand. The combination of sand and polymers allows you to get high-quality products with anti-slip properties.

Tile imitating paving stones Source

    Rubber. A product of recycled tires, this tile is flexible, waterproof and hygienic. It is advantageous to use it for a children's playground, an area around the pool or in an area with wet ground.

About concrete tiles: varieties, production methods and characteristics

No matter how beautiful the track is conceived, its main quality should remain strength. Pedestrian pavement in a suburban area is subjected to daily (sometimes significant) loads, so concrete is considered one of the best materials for tiled products. Concrete paving slabs for paths in the country are produced in two main ways, allowing you to get products with different properties.

Vibrocast (vibrocasting) tiles

When vibrocasting, a liquid cement-sand mixture is used. The forms fixed on the vibrating table are filled with the prepared composition. Due to continuous vibration, the mixture is compacted, after which the workpieces are placed in a heat chamber, where they gain strength. Vibrocast tiles have a glossy surface (vibration removes air) and the following characteristics:

    Lifetime from 20-25 years old.

Vibromoulded tile flooring Source

    Compressive strength. The parameter shows what load the product can withstand; is 300-400 kg/cm 2 .

    Frost resistance(the number indicates the guaranteed number of freeze-thaw cycles): F300-F400.

    Abrasion. The lower the indicator, the longer the pavement will last. The abrasion of vibrocast products does not exceed 0.3 g/cm 2 .

    Water absorption. The less moisture the product absorbs, the more durable it is; the indicator is 4.5% of the volume.

The advantages of such products include fast production, low cost and the ability to produce stylized surfaces (by adjusting dyes and additives, you can get marble or granite tiles).

Vibropressed tiles

Vibropressing makes it possible to obtain products with a rough (matte) surface. In this case, the concrete mixture is placed in a mold and compacted not only due to the vibration of the base, but also with the help of a press. The finished tile is not subjected to heat treatment and has the following characteristics:

    Life time from 15-20 years old.

    Compressive strength: 300 kg/cm2.

Vibropressed coating Source

    Frost resistance(over the winter there are 5-7 freeze-thaw cycles): F200.

    Abrasion: 0.4 g/cm2.

    Water absorption: 6% by volume

For the manufacture of such tiles, more serious equipment is needed. Products are characterized by a smaller selection of colors and the uniformity of shapes (most often it is a square or rectangle).

7 reasons to choose concrete paving slabs

In modern suburban construction, concrete paving slabs are replacing traditional concrete and asphalt everywhere, creating serious competition for clinker bricks and natural stone. The material is widely and deservedly popular due to its positive qualities, which include:

    economy. The tile is a modern technological material, in terms of price / quality ratio superior to clinker and granite paving stones. Laying also does not require large expenditures.

Paving the garden path will not take long Source

    Aesthetics. Tiled paths are much more attractive than asphalt or concrete paths (unless you are a fan of minimalism). Manufacturers offer products of various shapes, colors and shades, allowing you to give the suburban area an individual look and emphasize any style.

    Environmental friendliness. Paving slabs for paths, unlike asphalt, do not emit substances hazardous to health, which is especially valuable in hot weather. The basis of most types of tiles is concrete, an environmentally neutral raw material.

    Durability. Service life starts from 15-20 years.

    Strength. The material withstands mechanical stress, is resistant to atmospheric moisture and temperature fluctuations.

    Functionality. Water does not accumulate on the tiled surface, the paths are always clean and dry, which is especially convenient in regions with frequent and prolonged rains.

    Easy installation and repair. Laying tiles in compliance with technological methods is easy; replacement of a damaged part is also not difficult.

Two-tone coating of paths and adjacent area Source

Dimensions, shape and method of use

Since GOST does not regulate the size and shape of tiles, manufacturers set product parameters based on their own needs and capabilities. For the buyer, the main performance indicator that you need to pay attention to is the thickness of the tile. Paving slabs for garden paths are divided into several groups by thickness:

    Pedestrian. The thickness of the product reaches 30 mm. Budget option, suitable for paving the adjacent blind area, the space around the gazebo or porch, barbecue area, garden paths. Such a coating can easily withstand the load from a bicycle, pedestrian or stroller, but is not suitable for a driveway.

    Universal. It has a thickness of 50 to 60 mm. The cost of arranging paths from such tiles will be higher, but this will be technically justified. She can lay out not only paths, recreation areas and a yard; coating with honor withstands the weight of a car or minibus. Suitable not only for building a driveway, it can also lay out the floor of the garage.

Popular models of vibrocast tiles source

    monolithic. Products with a thickness of 70-80 mm or more are expensive; styling will also cost a pretty penny. You will rarely see such a tile on a suburban area. It is designed for the harshest operating conditions and easily transfers the load from trucks.

For the arrangement of the territory of a suburban area, tiles with a thickness of 30 to 60 mm are recommended. Other important product parameters, length and width, are used to calculate paving consumption. The dimensions and shape of products can be systematized as follows:

    Square. In private construction, the most popular is tile for paths with parameters of 300x300 mm; no less popular options with a side of 350 and 400 mm. Plates with a side of 500 mm are rarely used.

    Rectangular. A classic shape that has retained its relevance in modern design. Paths lined with "paving stones" or "brick" will decorate any site. Average dimensions range from 200-250 mm in length and 100-125 mm in width (more significant deviations are on the manufacturer's conscience).

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About the variety of paving slabs in the following video:

    curly. The boundary dimensions approximately fit into the following framework: from 295x295 mm to 120x180 mm, and the flight of fancy in the execution of the form is not regulated in any way. The more complex the shape, the more time and effort it will take to pave the path. An interesting result can be obtained by combining color and shape.

    Special tiles. Tactile tiles designed for visually impaired people. Such a tile is made in the form of a square and has reefs on the surface, which helps to set the direction of movement.

    Additional elements. Often, the manufacturer offers steps, side stones (curbs), edge trays (for rainwater drainage).

Fans of original innovative ideas will be interested in unusual types of tiles:

    LED tile. Garden lighting, paths and landscaping elements can be implemented using LED sidewalk lights. Tiles with LEDs are made of impact-resistant polymers, they are characterized by a high degree of wear and moisture resistance, do not slip in wet weather. Glow in the dark paving slabs are not only beautiful, but also a functional idea for decorating a garden.

Garden path with LED elements source

    three-dimensional paving slabs. The production technology allows applying the image chosen by the customer to the tile. At the same time, the pattern is additionally covered with a protective layer and does not fade in the sun. A path or playground covered with a 3D pattern can be an effective solution for a suburban area.

Tile is an unpretentious material, but, nevertheless, its operational characteristics directly depend on the quality of workmanship. To make sure the quality of the chosen coating for the tracks, you should pay attention to the following signs:

    Manufacturer. It must be legal. Buying handicraft tiles somewhere along the road, from a truck, can lead to the fact that beautiful paths will not survive the first winter; the tile will begin to crack and delaminate.

    Certificate of conformity. A legal manufacturer (seller) will be happy to provide a certificate, where you can get information about the production technology and the composition of the tile.

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About led pavers in the following video:

    Tile options. You must know in advance which products of what thickness and dimensions are suitable for your purposes, and be guided by them when choosing. The vibrocasting method makes it possible to obtain tiles up to 6 cm thick. If the thickness exceeds this dimension, the product is obtained by vibrocompression.

    Visual inspection. The tile must have a uniform color of the front surface and a uniform composition of the reverse side (without spots and heterogeneous inclusions). Cracks and voids are a sign of a violation of production technology and indicate insufficient strength. A very bright color of the product can mean an overabundance of dye and poor quality.

    Choice based on needs. Smooth tiles are not the best option for a footpath; with a high degree of probability, such a coating will slide in wet weather. Not only thin, but also large tiles are not suitable for organizing an access alley; it is easy to pull it out of the masonry by driving the wheel to the edge.

    Sound quality check. If the sound when two tiles are struck is sonorous, this indicates a uniform structure and good quality; a dull sound is the opposite.

Combined styling Source

    Warranty. Allows replacement if part of the material differs in color or quality.

    Price. Before buying, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the average prices for the products you are interested in. Sometimes, in order to reduce the price, the manufacturer saves on dye by adding it only to the front (top) layer. Tracks with such a coating will quickly wear out and lose their attractiveness.

    Calculation of the required quantity. It is considered correct to purchase material 5% more than necessary. This will allow you to maneuver in case of color discrepancy and have a margin for repairs.

Paving slabs are used not only for paths - you can often see in private houses and.

Styling features: what to look for

The quality of the tracks depends not only on the characteristics of the purchased material. Laying paving slabs in the country is an important stage in the arrangement of the pedestrian zone, on which the strength and durability of the pedestrian zone also depend. Laying consists of several intermediate stages:

    Training. The method of paving is determined, depending on the type of soil on the site. The tile coating does not fit well on wet and clay soil. In this case, it will be necessary to organize a drainage layer (sand and gravel with a thickness of at least 15 cm).

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About the turnkey laying project in the following video:

    Marking on the ground. Simplifies construction and is carried out taking into account the unevenness of the site. If there is a difference in elevation along the marking path, steps may be required.

    Foundation preparation. The top layer of soil of the required width and thickness up to 15 cm is removed. The recess is compacted, borders-limiters are installed (if provided by the project).

    Pillow preparation. A properly made pillow is the key to the durability of your tracks. For backfilling, a sand-cement mixture or layers of crushed stone and sand are used, after which the coating is leveled.

    Paving. The tile is laid in the chosen way, the seams are rubbed.

    Subtleties. So that rainwater does not linger on the surface of the track, a slope of up to 5% is organized (from the center line to the edges).

Garden path paving source

About prices for tiles and their laying

After studying numerous options, finally, paving slabs for paths in the country are purchased, its price will depend on many parameters. The cost is influenced not only by its dimensions, thickness and manufacturer, but also by decorative characteristics - color and shape. The cost of some types of concrete tiles in Moscow and the region (per 1 m 2) is as follows:

    A budget option. A domestic-made tile with parameters of 300x300x30 mm (with a pattern) costs 330-450 rubles; with parameters 400x400x40 - 400-570 rubles. Similar foreign-made material can be found at a price of 550-650 rubles.

    Popular Options. Paving slabs (200x100x60 mm) and spool tiles (198x165x60 mm) will cost 450-590 rubles. Similar prices for products of a more complex shape - rhombus, clover, puzzle, wave.

Video description

About the intricacies of choosing tile products in the following video:

    Elite paving slabs. Paving elements from different collections and from different manufacturers have a wide range of prices. Prices for the most popular shapes and sizes are in the range of 1300-1600 rubles.

Construction companies offer turnkey paving services for garden paths. The arrangement of the tracks is carried out taking into account the wishes of the customer, with strict observance of the laying technology; a professional approach allows you to get an aesthetic and long-term coating. The price of paving (per 1 m 2) depends on the nature of the work:

    On the finished base. Standard paving: 600-700 rubles, decorative: 650-800 rubles.

    With the preparation of the base of crushed stone and sand. 1200-1450 rub.

    With concrete base preparation. 1500-1900 rub.

    Installation of curbs. The price increases by 300-550 rubles.

Path and recreation area in the same style Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer a turnkey landscaping service. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


Even budget tiles, made and laid according to technology, will last for many years, while maintaining a cozy and well-maintained look of your suburban area. And vice versa, it is more desirable to complete all construction work by spring, paving the paths in the cold, ruined a lot of work and finances, regardless of the quality of paving slabs. If you want to transform your site - wait for stable warm weather.

- a modern way of decorating the territory near the house. It allows you to create paths and surfaces with unusual patterns, different colors and textures. Let's take a look at what this material has advantages, varieties and how to do it yourself.

Advantages of paving slabs for

This material has the following advantages:

  • Huge range of shapes, shades and textures. The paths in the country house made of paving slabs are especially beautiful, they allow you to realize a complex design idea and;
  • Ease of use. Puddles do not form on the paths, as excess moisture is removed through the seams of the tiles;
  • Wear resistance. The coating is not destroyed by ultraviolet exposure, precipitation and temperature changes. This is a durable material that can be used for 15-20 years;
  • Maintainability. If the coating element is damaged, it is easy to replace it with another component;
  • Ease of installation. Even a novice can install tiles; this does not require any special tools.

Varieties of paving slabs

The product is made of cement and sand or concrete mixture with the addition of granite chips. There are two types of material: vibrocast tiles and vibropressed tiles.

Features of vibrocast tiles

A special plastic form is filled with concrete mix and placed on a plane that constantly vibrates. Concrete is compacted and set in a warm place for half a day, and then removed. The technology allows you to create a perfectly smooth coating and give any shape. Then the item can be any color. However, the vibrocasting technology also has disadvantages:

  • low strength
  • low degree of resistance to low temperatures
  • complexity of production
  • high price

Features of vibrocompression

The concrete mixture is placed in a mold, which is installed in a special vibrating equipment. The material is subjected to pressure, which compacts it. Such a product cannot be given a variety of shapes, colors and make a smooth surface. However, vibropressed tiles are wear-resistant and resistant to low temperatures. Its surface is porous, so the material has shock-absorbing properties, that is, it can be installed where there is traffic. You can also create unusual ornaments on the coating.

As for the price, vibrocast tiles are more expensive than pressed ones, since manual labor is used for its manufacture. And for the production of vibropressed tiles, automated equipment is used, which simplifies production.

Advice! If non-standard geometric shapes and a variety of colors are important to you, vibrocast tiles are a great option. If you want to make a durable track, it is recommended to choose vibropressed products.

Options for choosing paving slabs for giving

  • Composition and features of production. These parameters are usually indicated in the seller's certificates or on the label of the building material;
  • Tile thickness. If the path will be used for walking, its thickness can be no more than 3 cm. If transport will move along it, the thickness of the product must be at least 5 cm;
  • Tile sizes. Small elements are harder to break, while large tiles can crack from any strong impact;
  • Tile quality. It is quite easy to determine just by looking at the product. For it is not recommended to buy smooth coatings, as they will slip from moisture;
  • Good appearance. There should not be any spots or inclusions on the back side of the tile, the composition should be uniform, which guarantees high wear resistance of the product.

Of course, these are only the main selection criteria, but even using them, you can choose a fairly high-quality product.

Advice! To check how high-quality a tile is, hit one element against another: if the sound is sonorous, the product is good, if it is deaf, various mixtures were added to it during manufacture.

Choice of installation method and paving option

The method of laying the tiles is determined, first of all, since it depends on it what the shape and dimensions of the product will be, and how much material is required. Popular installation methods:

  • Classic variant. This is the laying of paving slab tracks in the traditional way: the elements are arranged one after the other. Usually tiles are used in the form of a square or rectangle (they are easier to join).

Tip: to make such a track more unusual, you can use tiles.

  • With offset. This is also a fairly standard method of laying paving slabs: the elements are arranged in such a way that their joints do not match. Here, too, you can use a combination of multi-colored elements, but their shape should be the same.
  • Herringbone. Tiles are laid at a right angle or at an angle of 45 degrees. Curly parts or rectangular elements are used for installation. You can also use a more complex styling option - braided: the elements are also installed at an angle, but alternate, first along, then across. To give the picture clarity, it is recommended to use only 2 colors.
  • Chess. For laying, square-shaped elements of two colors are used. This method seems simple, but it allows you to create quite spectacular tracks.
  • Geometry. A variety of geometric shapes are created from the details: squares, rectangles, zigzags, etc. You can use different colors, but the shape of the elements must be the same.

Features of installing paving slabs

You can lay out the track yourself by making the necessary elements with your own hands. On the one hand, this seems to be more time-consuming than buying a ready-made coating. On the other hand, you will be sure of its quality. In addition, you can create a unique ornament, which would take a lot of time to find in the store.


  1. Make a solution. Mix sand and cement in a ratio of 1 to 3, add water and mix well.
  2. Prepare the form. The average parameters of the formwork are 35 by 35 cm, the height is about 7 cm. To prevent the elements from sticking to the walls of the formwork, they can be treated with oil. You can also supplement the mixture with dyes so that the tile is not gray.
  3. Level the surface and let it dry. At the same time, the sun's rays should not fall on the tile.
  4. After about 7 days, the elements can be removed, but it is not necessary to lay them yet - they must dry for some more time. When the tile is completely dry, you can start laying it.
  5. Prepare the surface. clean up the grass, stones, etc. You can install tiles on any surface: concrete, sand, gravel, or simply on the ground.
  6. At the installation site of the tile, create a mound of cement and sand, compact it with your hands and level it with a rule. As a result, an even strip with a thickness of about 20 centimeters should form.
  7. Make drains and bevels for precipitation, fix the curbs.
  8. Install bedding. To do this, you can use sand without clay.
  9. Fix the slats to level the surface
  10. Paving the path. Any method can be used: herringbone, braid, scatter, etc. Fill the distance between the elements with sand or soil.