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What is the area of ​​Eurasia and what are the two parts? Eurasia. Learning new material

Eurasia is the largest continent on the globe. It occupies 1/3 of the entire landmass. Its area is 53.3 million km 2 (54). Eurasia is equal in area to Africa and North America combined. This affects the diversity of nature in Eurasia. Eurasia is one continent, but it is formed by two parts of the world - Europe and Asia.

The conditional border between them runs along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains, the Emba River, the northern shore of the Caspian Sea, the Kuma-Manych depression, the Azov and Black Seas, the straits connecting the Black and Mediterranean Seas - the Bosporus Strait, the Sea of ​​Marmara, the Dardanelles Strait, the Aegean Sea.

Students show the border between Europe and Asia on contour maps.

“Europe” is such an ancient word that it is extremely difficult to trace its origins: the name could come from the Semitic “ereb” or “irib”, which means “west”, or from the Phoenician “Erep” - sunset. Another version: in Ancient Greece, the word “Erebos” meant darkness, darkness, the underground kingdom of the dead. Europe is a part of the world, the western part of the Eurasian continent, the part of the world where you and I live.

“Asia” in ancient times meant the Greek province east of the Aegean Sea, as well as the Scythian tribes beyond the Caspian Sea (Asians, Asians). During the Age of Great Geographical Discovery, the Greek name “Asia” returned to the eastern lands. Asia is, according to legend, one of the daughters of the titan god Ocean.

The highest point of the continent is Mount Qomolungma (Everest 8848 m) in the Himalayas in Asia, the lowest point is the level of the Dead Sea (-395 m) on the Arabian Peninsula in Jordan in Asia.

Now let’s characterize the geographical position of the mainland. Let us recall the plan for characterizing the geolocation. When characterizing the geolocation, we will compare it with the geographical location of other continents, for example with Australia, in order to see clear differences in the geolocation of the continents. During the description process, students are asked to fill out a table on their own (the table is on everyone’s desk, and there is also a plan to characterize the geolocation of the continent).

2. Determine how the continent is located relative to the equator, prime meridian, tropics, polar circles, draw conclusions. Compare the location of Eurasia with the location of Australia, highlight similarities and differences.

Students work with the outline map to answer subsequent questions. Geographical objects are marked on maps by geolocation.

3. Determine the name and coordinates of the extreme points. What peninsulas are they on? In what countries are they located?

northern - Cape Chelyuskin on the Taimyr Peninsula in Russia

southern - m. Piai on the Malacca Pol. in Malaysia

western - m. Rocca on the Pyrenean floor. in Portugal

eastern - Dezhneva metro station on the Chukotka floor. in Russia

Which extreme point has the coordinates of the opposite side of the world?

(m. Dezhneva)

The length of the continent from north to south is 8 thousand km, from west to east 16 thousand km.

4. Determine in which climatic zones the continent is located. (In all climatic zones: arctic, subarctic, temperate, subtropical, tropical, subequatorial, equatorial.) Compare the location of Eurasia with the location of Australia, highlight similarities and differences.

5. Which oceans wash the continent:
from the north - SLO

from the east - TO

from the west - JSC

from the south - IO

Which ocean does our country have no access to? (to IO)

Which ocean's coastline is longer? (JSC)

6. Which seas wash:

the shores of the Arctic Ocean - ...

the shores of the Pacific Ocean - ...

shores of the Indian Ocean -...

shores of the Atlantic Ocean -...

The continent is washed by 26 seas and 2/3 of the world's bays.

Here is the largest Philippine Sea in area and the smallest - the Marble Sea, the shallowest - the Azov Sea, the saltiest - the Red.

7. Name the inland seas: ...

Which of them are in our country?

8. What straits separate Eurasia:

from Africa-...

from North America - ...

from Australia -...

Where is Denmark, you know, but where is the Denmark Strait?

9. Now let's take a trip along the coastline. We set sail from the ice-free port of Murmansk clockwise. Why doesn’t this port freeze, despite the fact that it is located in the Arctic Ocean on the shores of the Barents Sea? (A branch of the warm North Atlantic Current enters here.) Along the route, we will name all the large peninsulas that we encounter.

What islands and archipelagos are located in the Indian Ocean?

What islands and archipelagos are located in the Pacific Ocean?

What islands and archipelagos are located in the Atlantic Ocean?

What islands and archipelagos are located in the Arctic Ocean?

10. Name:

the largest island is...

The largest peninsula is...

The largest sea by area is...

the deepest sea is...

the shallowest sea is...

the longest strait is...

11. How is the continent located relative to other continents?

12. Name the Asian-European states.

13. What city is located in two parts of the world, what is the name of the strait separating it?

14. Which point in Eurasia is furthest from the oceans? (Dzhungar Gate).

15. Where is the geographical center of Asia? (In the capital of Tuva - Kyzyl)

Some continental records:

About the fact that Baikal is the deepestfrom

That Baikal - the deepestfrom the lakes of the Earth, every schoolchild knows.

However, the lake also holds other, no less amazing records.

Baikal is the oldest lake on Earth. It is about 25 million years old.

The lake contains 25,000 cubic meters. km of water - more than in all the Great

American lakes combined. Baikal accounts for

1/5 of all surface fresh water on the planet. About the purity of Baikal

Legends are made of water. The lake is home to more than 2,500 species of animals and

plants, most of which are found nowhere else.

To the south of Russia, between Europe and Asia, there is a huge

Caspian lake-sea. Its area is 371,000 square meters. km. At 1200 km

it stretched from north to south. When on the northern shores of this

winter still reigns in the reservoir with blizzards and snowfalls, the mountain slopes

The southern coast is already covered with green vegetation. Currently

time the Caspian Sea is not part of the World Ocean, and therefore

it would be more correct to call it a lake. But since it is the most

Large on Earth, and containing salt water, it is considered a sea.

Level Dead Sea represents the lowest point on land.

This is part of the Great Reef Valley. The Dead Sea has no connection with

The world ocean is not a sea, but a lake. Its length is

about 76 km, and the width is no more than 15 km. Translated from Hebrew name

Dead Sea means “Sea of ​​Salt”. Salt content in water

is about 300 ppm, which is about 10 times higher than average

salinity of the World Ocean. The Jordan River and other small rivers bring

water into the lake, which does not flow out anywhere. Under the influence of high

temperature, the water evaporates, but the salt remains. Salts make water thick and

kind of oily. The taste of salt is so strong that it numbs the tongue, and the slightest

a scratch on the body stings when water gets on it.

The coastlines of different continents differ in varying degrees

ruggedness. Eurasia surpasses all other continents in this regard.

There are at least a dozen large peninsulas in Eurasia alone. The largest

from the peninsulas - Arabian, Hindustan, Indochina. The first two are

fragments of ancient Gondwana and are parts of the Indo-Australian plate.

The Arabian Peninsula is the largest on the globe. Its area

is about 2.7 million sq. km. It is washed by the waters of Red and

Arabian Seas, as well as the Gulf of Aden and the Persian Gulf.

Tibetan plateau located north of the Himalayas. Its area is

just under 2 million sq. km. The predominant altitudes of the highlands are about 4800 m.

The territory of the highlands is an alternation of huge flat valleys,

framed by even higher mountain ranges. Eternal snow and glaciers

cover only the tops of the ridges. Tibet has the highest in the world

the position of the snow line is -5000-6000 m. From the melting of glaciers,

rivers. Here are the sources of the largest rivers on Earth: the Indus,

Brahmaputra, Mekong, Yellow River, Yangtze.

Place Cherrapunji in the foothills of the Himalayas is famous for its maximum

annual precipitation. More than 10,000 mm of moisture falls here annually.

A record of -13,130 mm of precipitation for the year was once recorded. It is approximately

20 times more than the annual norm in Moscow. It is interesting not only the quantity, but

and precipitation patterns. The maximum (more than 2,500 mm) occurs in summer

months - June - July. This time is characterized by the highest position

Sun above the horizon. In winter, the amount of precipitation

significantly less. This climate record is explained by a joint

the action of two climate-forming factors - atmospheric circulation and

the nature of the underlying surface.

« Fjord" translated from Norwegian means “sea bay”. These are narrow

long, water-flooded gorges with steep, steep banks. IN

Geologically, the Fjords are relatively young. They were formed

several thousand years ago, when the tongues of ice sheets and mountain glaciers slid down

tectonic cracks and river valleys, processing them. Sogne Fjord

largest of Norway's Fjords. With a maximum width of only 5 km, its length

is more than 180 km. Almost all the way, the surrounding mountains hang over

water, and eternal twilight reigns here.

IN Himalayas Eleven of the world's fourteen mountain peaks are located

having a height of more than 8000 m. Including the highest point on the surface of the Earth -

Mount Chomolungma (8848 m). Mount Kanchenjunga is slightly inferior in height to it

(8588 m). Another mountain, Rakaposhi (7788 m), has the steepest slope in the world. Most

the highest rise is on the southern slope of Mount Annapurna (8091 m). Other

The name of the peak Chomolungma translated from Nepali means “Goddess”

Mother of the Snows." This image can well be attributed to all the Himalayas

(they are called “Abode of Snows” - translated from Hindi).

From the history of research.

Hard-to-reach Central Asia and adjacent territories began

study is relatively late, only in the 19th century. Even distant Australia at that time

knew better.

A great Russian traveler was a great explorer of the nature and peoples of Central Asia N.M. Przhevalsky. His travels brought world fame to Russian geographical science. N.M. Przhevalsky made his first trip to the Ussuri region, the nature of which he fascinatingly described in his book “Travel to the Ussuri region.” He spent all the subsequent years of his life (118 years) on expeditions to Central Asia. Przhevalsky explored a vast area from the southern borders of Siberia to the Himalayas. The traveler conducted four long expeditions, explored Mongolia, the sources of the Yellow and Yangtze rivers, the Ordos Plateau, the Gobi Desert, Tibet, the Taklamakan Desert, Lake Lop Nor and the Tarim River, crossed many mountain ranges and rivers.

Russian Geographical Society in the second half of the 19th century. organized an expedition to the Tien Shan. It was headed by a geographer P.P. Semenov. The study of the nature of the Tien Shan mountainous country led to a number of geographical discoveries. It was found that the Chu River does not flow from Lake Issyk-Kul, as previously believed, but begins in one of the mountain valleys. Having made several ascents into the mountains, P.P. Semenov described extensive glaciers, established in general terms the location of the ridges, the height of the snow line, substantiated the dependence of the relief on the geological structure, identified natural zones in the mountains and characterized them. For the exploration of the mountainous country of the Tien Shan, the second part was added to Semenov’s Surname - “Tien Shan”.

A significant event in the accumulation of information about South Asia was the discovery of a sea route to India. In 1497 ships Vasco da Gama left Lisbon and headed around Africa to India. The southwest monsoon in the Indian Ocean led Portuguese ships from the eastern coast of Africa to the mountainous coasts of India, covered with lush tropical vegetation. In May 1498, the squadron approached the beautiful, populous city of Calicut, located on the southwestern coast of the Hindustan Peninsula. This journey marked the beginning of the European conquest of India and its transformation into a colony.

Hiking Alexander the Great, if you look at them from a geographical point of view, they allow you to classify this commander as a great explorer. The warriors of Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) made a huge and difficult journey almost to the very borders of the ecumene known to the Greeks at that time, crossed many countries, and reached the Indus Valley. During these campaigns, the Greeks discovered many new lands. "State" accompanying the army
scientists” compiled descriptions of new areas; they collected information on geography, botany, zoology, and ethnography. On the way back from India, part of the army moved by sea. A report was compiled on the voyage from the mouth of the Indus to the mouth of the Euphrates and further upstream of this river.

A lot of information important for geography about the nature and peoples of distant Asia was obtained by the Italian traveler Marco Polo. At the end of the 13th century. he, along with his father and uncle - Venetian merchants, traveled to China, where he lived for about 17 years. Marco Polo traveled through difficult and long caravan routes throughout Central Asia, living in Mongolia and China. For several years he served at the court of the Mongol Khan and visited many Chinese cities. Polo returned to his homeland by sea, crossing the Indian Ocean. The “Book,” written in his words, is one of the first sources of European geographical knowledge about the countries of the East.

Among the first Russian travelers to visit distant countries was a brave Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin. More than five hundred years ago, in the middle of the 15th century, he made a bold journey to the then mysterious India. During his travels, Afanasy Nikitin visited the countries of Western Asia and walked from Ormuzd to Hindustan. He visited the interior regions of this country, where no European had ever been before. Almost three years (from 1471 to

1474) was spent by a traveler in India. He lived among the Hindus, imbued with respect for the people, their way of life, beliefs and morals, and became acquainted with crafts and artistic monuments. Notes of Afanasy Nikitin after his
death were published under the title “Walking across the Three Seas.”

  1. I.Consolidation of the studied material.(Front survey on geolocation and research history.)
  2. II.Assessing the knowledge of students actively working in class.
  3. III.Generalization of knowledge.
  4. IV.Homework:

Paragraph 59.

Mark geographical objects on contour maps:






Mark geographical objects on contour maps:

Seas: Barents, White, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukotka, Bering, Okhotsk, Japanese, Yellow, East China, South Chinese, Arabian, Black, Aegean, Marmara, Adriatic, Northern, Norwegian, Baltic, Caspian, Aral;

Bays: Finnish, Bothnian, Biscay, Aden, Persian, Bengal;

Straits: English Channel, Pas de Calais, Skagerrak, Kattegat, Kara Gate, Bering, La Perouse, Malacca, Bosphorus, Dardanelles;

Islands: Spitsbergen. Franz Joseph Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, Novosibirsk, Wrangel, Kuril, Sakhalin, Japanese, Taiwan, Philippine, Greater Sunda - Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi; Sri Lanka, Cyprus, Crete, Sicily, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland;

Peninsulas: Kola, Taimyr, Chukotka, Kamchatka, Korean,

Indochina, Malacca, Hindustan, Arabian, Asia Minor, Balkan, Apennine, Iberian, Scandinavian.

Fill out the table:

Plan for describing the geographical location of the continent.

  1. 1. Determine how the continent is located relative to the equator, prime meridian, tropics, and polar circles.
  2. 2. Find the extreme points of the continent, determine their coordinates and the extent of the continent from north to south and from west to east.
  3. 3. In what climate zones is the continent located?
  4. 4. Determine which oceans and seas wash the continent.

How is the continent located relative to other continents?

Leave your comment, thank you!

Everyone knows the indisputable fact that Eurasia is the most extensive continent on our planet. But not everyone can tell accurate and even approximate data regarding its size offhand. In this regard, for, so to speak, general enlightenment, I will tell you what the exact area of ​​​​the giant continent is.

What is the area of ​​Eurasia

Eurasia is located in the Northern Hemisphere. This circumstance concerns the continental territory, since, if we take into account the islands classified as the mainland, they also affect some part of the Southern Hemisphere. Eurasia extends from a point corresponding to 9°W to a point corresponding to 169°W.

The continental length from west to east is 18 thousand km. As for the length from north to south, it is 8 thousand km. The area of ​​the giant continent is 53.4 million km². At the same time, the island Eurasian territories have an area of ​​2.75 million km². If you add up the areas of all the continents of the earth and compare this figure with the area of ​​Eurasia, you will find that this continent alone occupies 36% of the entire landmass.

A well-known fact is the division of the vast continent into Europe and Asia. In territorial terms, the first indicated part of the world is significantly inferior to the second. The area of ​​Europe is approximately 10 million km². The rest of the Eurasian area, accordingly, falls on Asia.

The largest objects in Eurasia

For greater clarity, I will mention the area of ​​the largest components of the Eurasian continent - islands, peninsulas and, of course, countries. I will compile a kind of Top 3 applicable to each category of objects. So, I'll start with the Eurasian islands:

  • Kalimantan - 0.743 million km²;
  • Sumatra - 0.473 million km²;
  • Great Britain - 0.229 million km².

The largest Eurasian peninsulas are as follows:

  • Arabian - 3.25 million km²;
  • Asia Minor - 0.506 million km²;
  • Balkan - 0.505 million km².

And finally, the three largest mainland countries:

  • Russia - 17.1 million km² (I wonder if there are people in the country who don’t know about this?);
  • China - 9.6 million km²;
  • India - 3.28 million km².

Subject: Physiographic location of Eurasia.

Lesson type: formation of new knowledge.

Goals and objectives:

· To consolidate the concept of the geographical location of the continent and the ability to compose a description of the geographical location.

· Study the outlines of Eurasia, the size and history of the development of the continent.

· Ability to work in groups.

Means of education: maps (physical of the world and Eurasia), atlases, interactive board, stickers.

Methods and forms of training: travel, game.


1. Organizational moment

2. Repetition of what has been learned

Working on a physical map of the world. Determine which continent we are talking about:

· A continent covered with a layer of ice. (Antarctica)

· A continent separated from Antarctica by the widest strait. (South America)

· On what continent is the Great Sandy Desert located? (Australia)

· Atlas, Drakensberg and Cape Mountains are... (Africa)

· Which continents are separated by the strait connecting the Arctic and Pacific oceans? (Eurasia, North America)

· Lazarev and Bellingshausen discovered... (Antarctica)

· J. Cook discovered... (Australia)

3. Learning new material

Locate Eurasia on a physical map. Eurasia - the continent on which we live. This is the largest continent on earth. It occupies one third of the planet's total land mass. The area of ​​Eurasia is equal to Africa and North America combined. - From west to east the continent stretches for 16 thousand km, and from north to south - to 8 thousand km.

Asia - translated from Arabic “asu” - east, part of the world, part of the continent of Eurasia. It occupies the largest area of ​​Eurasia and lies to the east of Europe. Even 500 years ago, Asia attracted Europeans. It was from Asia that traders brought precious stones, tropical fruits, the finest fabrics and spices (pepper, cinnamon, nuts). Europeans have long dreamed of Asian riches. Europe - The word is so ancient that it is extremely difficult to trace its origins. The name could come from the Semitic “ereb” or “irib”, which means “west”, or from the Phoenician “Erep” - sunset. Another version: in Ancient Greece, the word “Erebus” meant darkness, darkness, the underground kingdom of the dead. Europe is a part of the world, the western part of the Eurasian continent.

Lesson rules - Students work in groups independently using cards. There is a collective discussion of the assigned tasks in stages. When working, you can use the text of the textbook, atlas maps, and additional sources of information. There are stickers on the tables, the correct answer is written on them and the answers that are on the cards are attached to the physical map around the Eurasian continent. When the cards run out, looking at the physical map of the world, a continent emerges, Eurasia, which we studied in class.

CARD No. 1

1 task.

Determine the name of the extreme points of Eurasia. Find out which countries have the extreme points of the continent (use an atlas).

Northern - … - Southern - … - Western - … - Eastern - …

Task 2.

What oceans wash Eurasia?

From the north - ... - From the east - ... - From the south - ... - From the west - ...

Additional questions:

· What ocean was discovered by F. Magellan?

· Which ocean was originally explored by the Arabs?

· Which ocean must be crossed to get from Europe to North America?

3 task.

Which seas wash:

The shores of the Arctic Ocean - ... - the shores of the Pacific Ocean - ... - the shores of the Indian Ocean - ... - the shores of the Atlantic Ocean - ...

1. Name the inland seas.

CARD No. 2

1 task.

1. Which continent is Eurasia closest to? 2. On the territory of which states is the border between Africa and Eurasia located?

Task 2.

What straits separate Eurasia:

From Africa - ... - from North America - ...

1) Find and show the Suez Canal on the map. 2) Explain the difference between the concepts of strait and channel.

Suez Canal - was opened in 1869. Length 161 km, depth 13 meters, width 120-150 meters, without locks. It is the main channel for transporting oil from Asia to Europe.

3 task.

In which hemispheres is Eurasia located?

Stage 4: Musical physical exercise

CARD No. 3

Nomenclature. Find and display the listed geographic features.

1 task.

1) What is an island? 2) Show islands on the map: Iceland (103 thousand sq km), Ireland (84.42 sq km), Great Britain (229,848 sq km), Sicily (25,711 sq km), Sri Lanka (65,610 sq km), Sakhalin (76,400 sq km),

Task 2.

1) What is an archipelago? 2) Show on the map: Spitsbergen (61,022 sq km), Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, Kuril Islands, Japanese Islands, Philippine Islands.

3 task.

1) What is a peninsula called? 2) Show the peninsulas: Iberian, Scandinavian, Kola, Taimyr, Chukotka, Kamchatka, Korea, Indochina, Hindustan, Arabian.

Interesting Facts:

· The largest island off the coast of Eurasia is Great Britain.

· The largest peninsula is Arabian.

· The largest sea by area is the Mediterranean.

· The shallowest sea is the Azov Sea.

· The largest Bay is the Bay of Bengal.

· “Colored seas” - Black, Red, Yellow, White.

4. Homework

And also along the straits connecting Chernoye and. The name "Europa" comes from the legend that the Phoenician king Agenor had a daughter, Europa. Almighty Zeus fell in love with her, turned into a bull and kidnapped her. He took her to the island of Crete. There Europe first set foot on the land of that part of the world that has since bear its name. Asia - designation of one of the provinces east of, this is the name of the Scythian tribes to the Caspian Sea (Asians, Asians).

The coastline is very indented and forms a large number of peninsulas and bays. The largest are and. The continent is washed by the waters of the Atlantic, Arctic and. The seas they form are deepest in the east and south of the continent. Scientists and navigators from many countries took part in the exploration of the continent. The studies of P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky and N.M. acquired particular importance. .

Relief of Eurasia complex. The mainland is significantly higher than the others. The highest mountain in the world is located in the Himalayan Mountains - Chomolungma () with a height of 8848 m. 14 peaks of Eurasia exceed the highest peaks of other continents. Eurasia is distinguished by its enormous size and stretches for thousands of kilometers, the largest of which are: East European, Indo-Gangetic, East China. Unlike other continents, the central regions of Eurasia are occupied by mountains, while the plains are occupied by coastal areas. Eurasia also has the deepest land basin: the shores of the Dead Sea are located 395 meters below sea level. Such a variety of relief can only be explained by the historical development of the continent, which is based on. It contains more ancient sections of the earth's crust - platforms to which the plains are confined, and folding zones that connected these platforms, expanding the area of ​​the continent.

On the southern borders of the Eurasian plate, where it meets other lithospheric plates, powerful mountain-building processes have occurred and are occurring, leading to the emergence of the highest mountain systems. This is accompanied by intense and. One of them destroyed the capital of Tokyo in 1923. More than 100 thousand people died.

The relief of the continent was also influenced by the ancient glaciation that captured the north of the continent. It changed the surface of the earth, smoothed out the peaks, and left numerous moraines. Eurasia is exceptionally rich in both sedimentary and igneous origin.

Eurasia is a continent of great contrasts. This is the only continent where everything is represented: from the Arctic to the equatorial. Over 1/4 of the territory in the north of the continent is occupied by hot deserts and semi-deserts. In Eurasia, the pole of cold is located - in the northeast of the continent, on. Here the air is cooled to -70°C. At the same time, the temperature in summer rises to +53°C. On the territory of Eurasia there is also one of the wettest places on earth - Cherrapunji. Many rivers flow through the territory of Eurasia, the length of many of them is about 5 thousand kilometers. This , . The largest lake in the world is also located on the mainland. The deepest part is also located here. It contains 20% of the fresh water on Earth. Continental ice is an important reservoir of fresh water.

Eurasia- the most populated continent. More than 3/4 of all the world's inhabitants live here. The eastern and southern regions of the mainland are especially densely populated. In terms of the diversity of nationalities living on the mainland, Eurasia differs from other continents. Slavic peoples live in the north: Russians, Czechs, Bulgarians, and others. South Asia is inhabited by numerous Indian and Chinese peoples.

Eurasia is the cradle of ancient civilizations.

Geographical position: Northern hemisphere between 0°E. d. and 180° east. etc., some of the islands lie in the Southern Hemisphere.

Area of ​​Eurasia: about 53.4 million km2

Extreme points of Eurasia:

  • The northernmost point of the island is Cape Fligeli, 81°51` N. sh.;
  • the extreme northern continental point is Cape Chelyuskin, 77°43` N. sh.;
  • The easternmost point of the island is Ratmanov Island, 169°0` W. d.;
  • the extreme eastern continental point is Cape Dezhnev, 169°40` W. d.;
  • The southernmost point of the island is South Island, 12°4` S. sh.;
  • the southernmost continental point is Cape Piai, 1°16` N. sh.;
  • The westernmost point of the island is the Monchique rock, 31°16` W. d.;
  • The westernmost continental point is Cape Roca, 9°30` W. d.

Climatic zones of Eurasia: , subarctic, temperate, subtropical, Mediterranean, tropical, subequatorial, equatorial.

Geology of Eurasia: On the territory of Eurasia there are the East European, Siberian, Chinese-Korean, South Chinese, and Indian platforms.

Pacific and Indian oceans; the length of the continent from west to east is 16 thousand km, from north to south – 8 thousand km; More than 4.3 billion people live in Eurasia.