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Corruption of officials - rescuers - an emergency situation. Ministry of Emergency Situations: Corruption in the department An apple from an apple tree...

In the life of every person there is a certain element that
called fate if a person is destined to experience certain events,
sooner or later he will pass through them anyway. It's only a matter of time.

(Vyacheslav Eglit, Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk Region).

“During the First World War, his grandfather miraculously survived a shootout between the Reds and Whites. While still a baby, he slept soundly in his cradle, suspended from the ceiling of an old Russian hut. When the battle subsided and the frightened mother rushed to her child, she saw that there was not a scratch on her son. But the scarf holding the cradle was riddled with bullets...”

This is how Vyacheslav Eglit begins his presentation on the website of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Irkutsk Region. And it’s nothing that in the First World War (1914 - 1918), in which more than 30 countries of the world participated, the “whites” and the “reds” could not exchange fire, since the order to create the Red Army was signed by Trotsky at the end 1918, after the signing of the peace treaty. And the ceiling of an “old Russian hut” (miraculously “suspended from the ceiling by a cradle”), on the territory of Ukraine and Belarus, the theater of military operations of the Russian Empire in the 1st World War, sounds painfully ridiculous, but that’s what the general wanted, and to deny himself The chief rescuer of the Irkutsk region has been unaccustomed to this for a long time. In any case, this is what General Eglit’s colleagues say, ready to bear the burden of official duties, but not willing to serve the “general’s feeding trough,” which, in their opinion, the public position occupied by the general has become in recent years.

“I am forced to contact you at the request of employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk Region, who cannot tolerate the lawlessness, arbitrariness and arbitrariness that occurs in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk Region.”

Thus begins the statement of the former employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations V. V. Sharov, sent by him to the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev, a number of law enforcement agencies and registered by the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation of the Irkutsk Region. The statement, supported by numerous documents, contains facts that make it possible to present the real scale of embezzlement and corruption in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Irkutsk Region, as well as schemes and methods implemented by the rescue general for purposes that have nothing to do with serving the state. We invite readers to evaluate for themselves the courage and dexterity of Vyacheslav Eduardovich by posting a statement with minimal abbreviations.

“We have been conscientious about serving in this unit for many years, but with the arrival of Major General V. Eglit as head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the style of work in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has changed dramatically, not for the better, since this general established his own rules, far from not always consistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the code of honor of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. When communicating with subordinates (regardless of gender and age), they do not comply with basic ethical standards and use gross obscene language both in personal communication and in the presence of other officers and even high-ranking officials. At the same time, he often threatens his subordinates with dismissal, sometimes demonstrably bringing the threats to life...

Currently, the general continues to destroy people he does not like or those who do not want to ensure his well-being - “There is no money, look for it wherever you want - ask, get it” - this is how he turned the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees into “beggars” and “got it”. If you interview the personnel of the fire departments of the Irkutsk garrison, it will become clear what the leadership of the detachment is doing instead of performing their official duties.

Fire extinguishing does not comply with any regulatory documents, the professional training of personnel is extremely low, the arrival time of fire crews is adjusted by the deputy head of the State Administration V.N. Nelyubov. The personnel of the garrison of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region do not know the regulatory documents regulating the activities of fire extinguishing services; training with personnel is carried out formally or not at all. Firefighting equipment and firefighting equipment in most cases do not meet safety requirements. Objects burn to the ground, and firefighters only have time to whitewash and paint. Civilian outrage is growing.

Performance indicators do not correspond to reality. There is a concealment of fires, deaths, injuries as a result of these fires, that is, “adjustment” of indicators to a level showing an improvement in the situation in the region, and, accordingly, the “good” work of Eglit V.E. The leadership of UND (Argunova N.P., Pashkov V.V., Nazarov I.V.) is hiding the real picture.

How can the death toll be reduced significantly? - only if they are shown first as injured, and then “forgot” to be transferred to the category of dead. And there is nothing to say about fires.

Assessment of the activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations based on the results of the Moscow inspection (April 2010) - “UNSATISFACTORY.”

Currently, from February 15 to 18, 2011, a commission of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations worked in the Irkutsk region in connection with complaints received against General V.E. Eglit. (“We sorted out” the complaints, but it turned out that the “analysis” depended on the meeting of the commission and, accordingly, after a good meeting, the result desired by the general appeared).

Based on the results of the inspection, the commission held a meeting with the personnel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk Region, located in the building on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, 15, inviting to this meeting only selected persons close to the general, and did not mention the rest of the personnel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, although this is more than 3.5 thousand people.

Judging by the manners and working methods of the commission, it became clear to everyone - “We came to save General Eglit.” Why did you spend public money? They staged a show in the assembly hall, appointed speakers, from whose speeches it followed that all the complaints received against the general were unfounded and did not deserve attention. And the speaking speakers are those people whose names are indicated on the first pages of the promotion orders. You just need to read the incentive orders for 2010 - you can undoubtedly draw a conclusion about the circle of close associates. Bonuses are paid in the amount of 50-80 thousand rubles, or even higher, which does not apply to ordinary employees, who are breathtaking when they see the amount of bonuses of the general’s retinue. And the order based on the results of work for 2010 is not shown to anyone at all - they are afraid that ordinary firefighters will simply run away if they see amounts that they cannot earn in 5-10 years. They sent an entire lieutenant colonel to collect signatures in favor of the general - he collected them from “his own”. Bonuses of this size are subject to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as abuse (exceeding official authority).

The members of the commission did not leave empty-handed; their luggage amounted to more than 120 kg per person, which is easy to establish at the airport ticket office, since the additional payment for this luggage was made by the mourners!

Major General Eglit V.E. arrived for further service from the Republic of Buryatia. It is surprising that such a high position is occupied by a person who was previously publicly convicted of appropriating state property (at the place of his previous place of service), namely, the privatization of a service apartment acquired at the expense of the state. The fact of misappropriation of funds took place (in the form of appropriation of an apartment), but there was no reaction from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation; moreover, the general was transferred to the Irkutsk region, which gave the general a new large-scale field of activity.

In 2007, the Siberian Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations purchased an apartment with an area of ​​198.2 sq.m. using budget funds. in an elite new building of the New City company, as service housing (the cost of the apartment at the time of purchase was 5 million rubles). Subsequently, this apartment became the property of Eglit Vyacheslav Eduardovich.

Today, his first deputy, S.A. Omelyanchik, is operating according to the same scheme, who resigned from his position to receive a certificate for the purchase of an apartment, purchased an apartment and was successfully restored to his position, while the fact that S.A. Omelyanchik passed the IHC. raises doubts, since the latter does not know the location of the doctors’ offices at the VVK and would have difficulty even naming the address of the VVK location.

In 2006, when, in the process of reorganization, regional institutions for civil defense and emergency situations and emergency rescue services of the region were transferred to the operational management of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Irkutsk Region, the general’s target was the head of the Center for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, Smirnov, who has extensive experience in the field of civil defense and emergency situations. Emergency. The general, by any means and methods, forced Smirnov to resign from his position “of his own free will,” using unfounded accusations of failure to comply with instructions and orders. The set goal was ultimately achieved, after which he (the general) appointed a person he liked to this position.

The Center for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations published an open letter to the governor asking him to protect his employees from the actions of Eglit V.E. (AS “Baikal TV”, 04/20/2006, Tatyana Klimova, Internet site In the same year, the Center for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations was reduced and in its place a new, income-generating institution, the “Regional Fire Brigade,” was formed with an annual budget of one billion seven hundred thousand rubles.

Most of the budget was spent on organizing the general’s personal well-being - arranging his office, renovating and furnishing the apartment, purchasing expensive vehicles (Toyota Camry, 2006 onwards - state number E 001 RA 38, Toyota Land Cruiser 100, 2006 onwards . - state number U 001 FROM 38). This fact is confirmed by the submission of the prosecutor of the Irkutsk region No. 7-05-2008 dated November 10, 2008, which states that the Agreement between the Minister of Emergency Situations and the Governor of the Irkutsk region should be used for the benefit of the population of the Irkutsk region, and funds should be spent on extinguishing fires. Eglit V.E. funds were spent for their own personal benefit. The cost of the items indicated in the prosecutor’s office’s submission would have provided 2-3 fire departments with fire-fighting equipment, but all this “settled in the pocket” of the general, the regional money was not used for its intended purpose.

The leadership of the regional detachment, under threat of dismissal, fulfills all the whims of the general. Thus, during an inspection of the targeted and effective use of funds from the regional budget of the OGPS EMERCOM of Russia for the Irkutsk region, carried out from January 29, 2008 to March 17, 2008, according to Act No. 18-11/9, misuse of budget funds was established, namely:

Carrying out repairs, including installing plumbing communications and installing a shower stall in the office of General V. Eglit, in the amount of 125 thousand rubles;

In December 2006 and June 2007, OGPS, in violation of Articles 38, 70, 163 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, new imported Toyota Camry and Nissan X-Trail cars were purchased at the expense of the regional budget. In fact, this official vehicle was operated by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk Region and was at the disposal of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and his first deputy in accordance with the order of November 21, 2007 No. 620 “On organizing the operation of official vehicles in the units of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Irkutsk Region, the maintenance of which is provided for by expenses obligations of the federal budget." In violation of Articles 38, 85, 161 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, non-targeted expenses in the amount of 134 thousand rubles were written off for the maintenance of these vehicles. (registration, MTPL insurance, alarm installation, maintenance, glass and hood reservation).

According to the Instructions of the OGPS EMERCOM of Russia for the Irkutsk region dated December 7, 2007 from No. 124 to No. 131, on the basis of acts of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets, expensive furniture was received from the divisions, purchased at the expense of the regional budget, and installed in office premises, occupied by Eglit V.E., in the amount of 941,991.44 rubles. In addition, at the expense of the regional budget of the OGPS EMERCOM of Russia in the Irkutsk region, expensive items were purchased (the price is higher than the market price) and installed in the office of Eglit V.E. in the amount of 467,197 rubles.

From 2007 to 2009, the general spent a certain amount of the regional budget not for its intended purpose. This is also confirmed by a letter from the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Irkutsk Region, Lieutenant General A.A. Antonov. dated November 25, 2009 No. 16/24-4827. Is Eglita V.E. really talking about such machinations? was not known to the leaders of SibRC?

And currently Eglit V.E. is trying to convince the governor of the Irkutsk region that all appointments to leadership positions in the OSU of the Irkutsk region must be agreed with him, as well as the allocated funds. If this happens, the Irkutsk region will become poorer by many millions of rubles, and the security of the region, covering territories in the sphere of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will remain a minor problem in the Irkutsk region.

Arranged by Eglit V.E. The personnel reshuffle has led to the fact that, in violation of the regulations on service and other regulatory documents, the main services of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk Region are headed by employees personally devoted to him and his wife who do not have a basic education:

N.P. Argunova - head of the State Pedagogical Service of the Irkutsk region, deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk region - colonel of the internal service - an ecologist by education;

V. Nelyubov - Deputy Head of the State Fire Service (Fire Extinguishing Service) - Colonel Ext. - trained as an aircraft maintenance technician;

O. Vyunova - Head of the Personnel Department - Colonel Ext. Trained as a physical education teacher.

In 2006, the general strangely got a brand new car, Toyota Land Cruiser - 100. The car was purchased by the Verkhnelensky Bank for patronage in the territory of Ust-Kut and the Ust-Kut region. In order to legalize this car, it was planned to lease it to the PSI VDPO under a lease agreement dated November 19, 2006. The documentation was prepared, but the chairman of the PSI VDPO Ukhanov I.P. refused to participate in this fraud and was subsequently removed from this position, not without the participation of the general. As a result, the car was transferred for temporary possession and use to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations under the vehicle use agreement dated November 19, 2006 No. 547.

According to Eglit V.E. dated 04.12.2006 No. 38/4-378, this vehicle was put on the balance sheet of the State Technical and Technical Center of the Federal Border Guard Service in the Irkutsk region, its operation was carried out entirely at the expense of the federal budget. Funds in the amount of 900 thousand rubles were spent on the maintenance of this car from the budget of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which can be verified from the reporting documents. 160 thousand rubles of federal money and the PTC budget were spent on Land Cruiser “body kits” alone. How and on what can you spend that amount of money on servicing a new car (2006) in a year? In 2008, this car became the property of the general and was registered to a figurehead (in the 2008 schedule approved by 1st Deputy Omelyanchik S.A., this car no longer exists). All this can be easily found out at the MREO of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Irkutsk (state number U 001 FROM 38).

In the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Irkutsk Region, which has impressive funding, the activities of the financial department, controlled by the general, are of particular interest. Thus, at present and for a long time, repairs are being carried out in fire departments and other departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Irkutsk Region, but the accounting department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations does not actually allocate funds for these purposes. The heads of these units borrow construction and finishing materials from entrepreneurs. Repairs of fire-fighting vehicles are carried out in a similar manner. There is also no supply of departments with consumables necessary for work - office supplies, paper, etc., office equipment is not purchased, and what is available is purchased and brought by employees personally, since at present it is impossible to work the old fashioned way, but the allocated funds the funds go to the “black” cash desk of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the holder of the “common fund” - no other term can be used in this case - is the chief accountant I.M. Golub. or during her absence - Sukhanova O.B.). At the same time, letters are sent to various organizations with the content: “... there is no money for the needs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, help as much as you can!” Although the organization is budgetary and all expenses are planned in advance.

For 5 years of leadership of Eglit V.E. The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Irkutsk Region lost many good, qualified officers who did not follow the lead of the “insatiable” general. Over the 5 years of the general’s “activity”, firefighters have forgotten how to put out fires, from morning to evening everything is painted and whitewashed, and the heads of fire departments, in order not to get on the “black list” of those disliked by the general, turn a blind eye to this.

Since 2006, the general has developed and is successfully operating the following scheme for receiving funds. Persons close to the general are given substantial cash bonuses. The circle of close associates, the number of bonuses and their size are determined by the general. A clear example is two orders No. 751, 752, both dated September 15, 2010, which indicate that the general’s people received more than 150 thousand rubles under these orders. Such orders are issued regularly at least every month (sometimes two orders in one day, as indicated above). The grounds for issuing orders and rewarding close associates are legal. Thus, one of the orders dated September 15, 2010 was issued to ensure the safety of the 6th Baikal Economic Forum, but the persons rewarded for this were not directly related to the holding of the forum, which can be verified by comparing the incentive order No. 751 dated September 15. 2010 and an order to conduct and ensure security of the forum. There are other similar orders: No. 711 of 09/06/2010; No. 413 dated May 26, 2010; No. 189 of 02/05/2010; No. 92 dated 02/04/2010; No. 542 dated July 1, 2010; No. 957 of November 19, 2010; No. 874 of October 26, 2010, and so on.

Of the bonuses received by these employees, 50% was collected in the “black” cash register, which was reflected in the relevant statements. The collection of funds and the maintenance of “black” accounting was carried out by the head of the FEO of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Chumachenko (Golub) I.M., in whose safe all the documents and money were kept.

The main fund of the “black” cash fund is formed due to the presence of about 60 vacant positions in the Irkutsk region, for which funds are allocated from the budget, but people are not appointed to these positions. For a long time, the head of the HR department was O.V. Vyunova. holds about 60 vacant positions; in fact, people are not appointed to them, but inspectors are shown a different picture. You can request Vyunova’s 2-NDFL form for 2009 - 2 million rubles!

By the way, in the information about income officially posted on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vyunova O.V. for 2009 declared 1.6 million rubles. (that’s 133 thousand rubles per month!) - but this is also three times more than the income of employees occupying similar positions. Similar amounts (according to information about income on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) were received by: Omelyanchik S.A. - 1.82 million rubles; Nelyubov V.N. - 1.62 million rubles; Gogolev E.I. - 1.5 million rubles; Golub I.M. - 1.5 million rubles; Anikeev D.A. - 1.15 million rubles; Nazarov I.V. - 1.54 million rubles; Razumnov V.S. - 1.4 million rubles; Surikova N.V. - 1.1 million rubles. The general himself in 2009 earned even less than his deputy - 1.65 million rubles. In 2010, this circle of “chosen ones” increased even more, and accordingly, the general’s financial situation improved.

Thus, during the year the “shadow” cash turnover amounted to millions of rubles. Since 2008, the Ministry has lifted restrictions on the payment of cash bonuses, after which their size was increased to 200-400 thousand rubles per employee. Now 70% of the bonuses received are collected in the “black” cash register, the turnover of “shadow” funds has increased to tens of millions of rubles a year. To limit the issuance of bonuses that come from such fees, First Deputy General Omelyanchik S.A. accused department heads of allegedly unjustifiably submitting a large number of employees for cash bonuses. The number of employees who regularly receive substantial bonuses has been significantly reduced and limited to 15-20 people, who make up this scheme (receipt, receipt of documents and return).

Currently, all supporting documentation and the “cash register” itself are located in a safe, directly in the office of the head of the FEO, whose duties were performed by O.B. Sukhanova. (for the period of maternity leave Golub I.M.). Golub herself I.M. she even returned from maternity leave a year earlier - “we need to finish building the cottage for something,” which she had the imprudence to brag about at the next corporate event.

All cars of the management staff of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Irkutsk Region are repaired and refueled “for free”, applying the principle of “protection”. These relations are formalized in the form of free receipt of fuel using personalized cards, creating the goal of legalizing this business (Eglit V.E., Nazarov I.V. have cards of Kraisneft OJSC).

The general's wife is also provided with a car and personal drivers, formally employed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations (i.e., working as personal drivers of an individual, they receive wages as employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations). The company car Volga Cyber ​​was transferred together with 2 drivers (Ruzhnikov) to the disposal of Eglit’s wife V.E. and moreover, this car was accompanied by the Military Aviation Inspectorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, headed by Major of the Internal Service V. Patsevich, who was especially close to the general. By the way, V. Patsevich was previously convicted and served a prison term under Part 1 of Article 93 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with subsequent requalification under Part 2 of Article 144 and was released on parole. During the period of inspection by investigative authorities, Patsevich was fired within 2 hours. Isn't it an abuse of power to employ convicted persons?

At the end of 2008, the heads of the 6 divisions closest to Irkutsk - Shelekhov, Angarsk, etc. (OGPS) Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations allocated funds for the purchase of furniture, and a specific supplier company was identified - SibAtom. Part of the funds was actually spent on purchasing furniture for the units, and the rest was spent on improving the general’s apartment - purchasing expensive furniture (beds, furniture, etc.). These facts are easily verifiable; information on ongoing purchases is available in the OGPS documentation for 2008, as well as in the SibAtom company.

Appeals to General Saiko A.V. - Deputy Director of the Department of Territorial Policy (on April 13, 2010 he held a personal reception in Irkutsk) about the “lawlessness” that Eglit V.E. is creating, about the personnel apparatus, which is headed by Colonel Vyunova O.V., about the legal service Major Eliseev S.V. did not give any results. As part of the EMERCOM commission, from February 15 to 18, 2011, the General Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was visited by the deputies of General A.V. Saiko.

I really wanted the truth to triumph. Over the past 5 years, 75% of personnel of all categories from private to colonel have been dismissed. It’s a pity that many simply don’t want to get involved and simply retire, they want to forget such service, cross it out as a bad dream (as a rule, these are still young, but already experienced personnel), and I believe that the state spends the necessary sums on their training and should receive returns from these people, and not spend public money on training new personnel, just because someone has become disliked by the general, since the law also exists for such commanders. The general humiliates people, while he himself indulges in “to the full” - dinners in expensive restaurants, entertainment at the expense of businessmen. They visit health centers for days, where women of dubious behavior cannot be avoided (TC “Troika”).

While Eglit V.E. fights against the elements, his family successfully develops

business. Eglit Stella Vladislavovna - whoever in the city doesn’t know this woman (the general’s wife) represents the Moscow alcohol company “Rus-Alko”.

Using her husband’s official position, she “used” the SibAtom company for free to organize her business - they helped, provided premises on preferential terms, thereby Eglit S.V. completely (as long as she needed it) patronized this company.

A similar story is with the chain of Italian dry cleaners and laundries “Pavlin-Mavlin” (Irkutsk, Shiryamova St., 11). One of the founders of this company is the general’s wife.

And why is the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Irkutsk Region so unlucky with material and technical support? Modern means of communication, office equipment, stationery, etc. are not purchased, but at the same time, the well-being of high-ranking official Eglit V.E. and his family is noticeably improving.

I would like to know where the controlling and supervisory authorities are looking when implementing the presidential decree on the fight against corruption? You begin to believe the general’s words that he “easily” understands all structures. All this allows him to currently build his personal cottage in the Irkutsk region in the village of Novo-Lisikha (one of the prestigious and expensive places in the suburbs of Irkutsk). It is not difficult to guess which government agency’s resources are being used for this construction. Employees of the OSU at the Gorka station are working on the construction of a cottage, and this is not all that is being done for the general. Osharov I.D. - the head of the RVPCh OGU (a friend of the general) created a private enterprise on the territory of the regional center (Gorka station) and even managed to place his daughter (Belyaeva E.I.) - first in gasoline control, and now in the department of supervisory activities of Irkutsk .

Although the President of Russia instructed the competent authorities to organize a final inspection in the 1st quarter of 2011, we urge you to conduct an inspection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Irkutsk region and bring the perpetrators to justice in accordance with the current legislation both for the specified facts and to pay special attention when checking the activities accounting, personnel department, legal service, logistics department, especially the fire extinguishing service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Irkutsk Region.”

Whether Vyacheslav Eglit is destined to survive, as follows from his quote at the beginning of the article, “certain events” in the position of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk Region and the rank of general, time will tell. We hope that among those who will carry out the inspection, there will be honest and worthy employees who are faithful to their duty, and then the resignation from office and the trial of the rescuer general will become only a “matter of time.”

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Moscow Region continues to confirm the status of one of the most corrupt structures of this department. A little more than a year has passed since, on May 2, 2012, General E. Sekirin, who headed the Moscow Region Ministry of Emergency Situations, was dismissed by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, but there have been no significant changes in the style of work of this organization. Officials of this structure continue illegal activities to collapse the fire service and misuse budget funds. The bloated staff of the main department and the crisis management center is maintained by “cutting” the staff of the fire service at the regional level. It is normal to demand that instructions be followed without the necessary funding.

The heads of district fire service units are given orders and instructions, the implementation of which requires material costs, but funds and technical support to carry out the necessary measures for this are often not allocated. Officials from the main department demand that the leadership of the fire service units “resolve all issues locally.” At the same time, it is completely unclear where the federal budget funds “go”, with which, in accordance with Russian legislation, these measures must be “supported” (Article 23 of Federal Law No. 68-FZ “On the protection of the population from man-made and natural emergencies”; Art. .10. Federal Law No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety").

The “normal” style of work of officials of the Moscow Region Ministry of Emergency Situations is a boorish attitude towards subordinates, violation of their legal rights and freedoms guaranteed by Russian legislation, as well as shifting the functions of the Central Control Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Moscow Region onto the shoulders of fire service officials to the detriment of the performance of official duties and the main tasks of the fire service services defined by Russian legislation (Article 4; Article 22 of Federal Law No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”).

I can’t speak for the entire Ministry of Emergency Situations, but the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Moscow Region works in relation to subordinate structures according to the principle: “We have assigned you a task, but we don’t care how you carry it out. You are obliged to carry out the order.” Those who served in the army know that if the sergeant major assigns a soldier the task of “digging from here to now,” he is given a shovel for this purpose. Here the principle is this: “Dig from here to now, but where you get the shovel doesn’t bother us. Decide on the spot.” Interesting, yes. Now imagine if the army told the soldiers: “Tomorrow you are going on the attack, but just look for the machine guns yourself. You can ask for a loan from a neighboring unit, you can buy them with your own money or steal from someone. These are your difficulties.” . Absurd? Sheer! But for officials of the Moscow Region Ministry of Emergency Situations, this is a “normal” principle for organizing their “subversive” activities.

Of course, it is their subordinates’ own fault for enduring boorish attitude and remaining silent, fearing that they will be fired without being allowed to work until retirement. However, with this attitude they only contribute to the flourishing of corruption, without informing the relevant authorities about the facts of violation of the law. Meanwhile, the “appetite” of Emergency Situations Ministry officials is only growing.

A typical example of this is a real “masterpiece” of legal literacy, Order No. 220 “On measures to organize operational management in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Moscow Region when responding to emergencies,” or rather Appendix No. 3 of this order “Regulations on the operational group of the fire brigade garrison,” which should not perform the functions of the fire extinguishing operational headquarters, but those functions and tasks that are assigned and are within the competence of the crisis management center of this department. Of course, there is nothing illegal in the very fact of creating such an operational group, if a staff of personnel is created for this matter, the necessary equipment is allocated in accordance with the necessary list. Ah, no. You guessed wrong. According to this “Regulations...” the operational group is non-staff and to ensure its activities (daily duty) fire service officials are involved, who, according to their direct job responsibilities, are responsible for the combat readiness of fire departments and this in conditions of a disgusting supply of spare parts for the repair of fire equipment, the number of personnel was “cut” below regulatory requirements and the fleet of firefighting equipment was only partially updated due to wild fires in the summer of 2010.

I would like to ask a completely reasonable question to officials from the Ministry of Emergency Situations: “For now, a fire department official, being on daily duty in this operational group (with a daily work schedule for official duties), is engaged in the “games” of the central control center in the form of video conferences, goes out when there is a break in sewers, a power outage etc. (does the fire department have any forces and means to eliminate these accidents?), and at fires, instead of leading the fire extinguishing and rescuing people, or leading his own department, he runs around with a camera and a video camera, and then organizes for the TsUKS online video via a laptop (in some villages, during a fire, you can get a pitchfork in the side from the residents for this), who is responsible for the combat readiness of his unit And who will be responsible if some emergency occurs in the unit (God forbid)? " But after a daily duty, a person is also entitled to rest. No, we are not even talking about the 3 days of rest required by law. God willing, let me sleep for a day.

It seems that officials from the Ministry of Emergency Situations do not particularly bother with the answer to these questions: their shirt is closer to the body. After all, in order to create full-time task forces, you will most likely have to “cut down” your overly bloated staff a little. Remember Saltykov-Shchedrin’s one work was called “How one man fed two generals.” So this is about the fire department and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, since soon for one firefighter (given such trends) there will be, well, if not two generals, then certainly two officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Of course, an ordinary person can say: “What does it matter to me what is happening in this department?” And he will be wrong, since soon the “survivors” (i.e., those who have not been reduced due to the “inflation” of the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations officials) representatives of the fire service, due to their small number, instead of extinguishing fires and rescuing people from them, will only be engaged in “fixing” these fires using photo and video equipment as directed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And there will simply be no one to put out the fires.

And officials from the Ministry of Emergency Situations (specifically the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Moscow Region) do not give a damn about all this. They are busy with other, more “important” things. And it seems that they no longer have enough funds from the federal budget for their needs; they need to gain access to the regional one. It is impossible to explain otherwise the fact that for duty in these operational groups, by the same order No. 220, alternately with officials of the federal fire service, they decided to involve officials of the fire and rescue service of the Moscow region on their equipment and with their personnel. It seems that the officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are completely overplayed in their “military games” (it is no secret that the backbone of the bureaucratic apparatus of the Ministry of Emergency Situations consists of former officers of the Ministry of Defense) and do not study Russian legislation at all if they think that they can give such orders to civilian organizations, not having coordinated them neither with the management nor with the trade union committee and in flagrant violation of Article 7 of Federal Law No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”, which states that, unlike employees and military personnel of the federal fire service (who are guided by the “Regulations...” on service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces) “Employees of the State Fire Service are subject to the rights, obligations and benefits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation,” i.e. Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Collective Agreement, agreement between the employee and employer. The employer for employees of the Moscow Regional Fire and Rescue Service is the head of this organization, and not the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Moscow Region, i.e. there is direct interference in the labor relations between employees and employers.

In this case, the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Moscow Region, before “waving a saber,” would do well to study, in addition to its own “Regulations on Service,” also the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which guarantees the rights and freedoms of workers, including the right to rest and the right to work in your specialty. After all, again, for daily duty, fire service officials are involved, responsible for the combat readiness of fire departments, who, moreover, have direct official duties and work regulations in the form of a 5-day week and 2 days off. Even in overtime work, the employer has the right to involve an employee without his written consent in accordance with Article 99 of the Labor Code only when performing work necessary to prevent a catastrophe, industrial accident, or to eliminate such a catastrophe, accident or natural disaster, as well as during the performance of work , the need for which is due to the introduction of a state of emergency or martial law, urgent work in emergency circumstances, i.e. in cases threatening the life and normal living conditions of the population. But in order No. 220 we are not talking about trips to emergencies (in which the fire service with fire engines alone cannot effectively resolve these issues), but about daily duty on an ongoing basis. Those. again, instead of solving fire safety issues (prevention and extinguishing fires, rescuing people from them), fire service officials, to the detriment of the life safety of the population, must engage in activities that do not correspond to their job functions. But even the employer, in accordance with Article 74 of the Labor Code, does not have the right to this: “In the case when, for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions (changes in equipment and production technology, structural reorganization of production, other reasons), the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties cannot be preserved, they can be changed at the initiative of the employer, with the exception of changes in the employee’s labor function."

And the duration of overtime work in accordance with Article 99. of the Labor Code should not exceed 4 hours for each employee for two days in a row and 120 hours per year, and in accordance with Article 91 of the same Code, the normal working time cannot exceed 40 hours per week. So it turns out that if a fire official spent a day on duty in the task force (with a work schedule of 5 days a week and 2 days off), then he only has 2 days left this week to perform his official duties. Wow, EMERCOM, well done! It turns out that the country burns with a “blue flame”, the main thing is personal interests. It turns out that the state has doubled their wages this year, but they not only don’t want to work, but also dump their responsibilities on others. And everything would be fine, but the population could also suffer from this. Thus, the Ministry of Emergency Situations does not deal with emergency situations, but rather provokes them. Do we even need such a Ministry of Emergency Situations? Although no, let’s not speak for the entire Ministry of Emergency Situations for now - do we need such officials from the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

I would like to believe in the best, but if we continue to remain silent, we will never defeat rudeness and corruption. Our silence only provokes them to more and more “feats.” Apparently the time has come to inform the relevant authorities about the violation of the law. After all, only Order No. 220 of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Moscow Region violated 4 Russian federal laws, including the Constitution and the Labor Code. Mr. General I. Panin - draw the appropriate conclusions, or the authorities monitoring compliance with the rule of law will do it for you!

April 3rd, 2017

It's good to be a minister. And a minister-reformer is even better. You reform yourself as God wishes, but of course, taking into account your interests, and in the Kremlin you talk about “changes for the better” that are about to begin. Well, very soon - in a year, two, three, twenty, fifty. And the most amazing thing is that even if the ministerial business concerns the main thing - saving people, their lives, then a well-trained minister will be able to tell his superiors another story about difficult circumstances, about the lack of funding, about the lack of good specialists. This is what happens. And then, in my opinion, the minister turns into unsinkable ballast, that is, he, the minister, seems to exist, pretends to be doing something, imitates the desire to do “the best,” but based on the results of his work, it seems to be absent. And the overall situation is getting worse and worse, moving into a position of outright danger.

It is clear that we are talking about the head of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, Lieutenant General of the Reserve Vladimir Andreevich Puchkov.

And so that no one doubts everything said above, I will simply cite some facts and figures that Mr. Minister of Emergency Situations, it seems to me, prefers not to remember, including in reports to the country’s leadership. But I still dare to remind you, since the actions of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation Puchkov, allegedly aimed at implementing the “Plan for the construction and development of forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for 2016 - 2020”, judging by the facts given below, jeopardized the effectiveness of the functioning of the entire system of ensuring national security .

Story one. Personnel and money.

Misuse of financial resources by the leadership of the Ministry and violation of the rules of the budget code, specified in the Report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2016, ultimately led to a budget deficit for the Ministry of Emergency Situations for 2015-2016. And as a result of the deficit, wage arrears at the beginning of 2016 amounted to about 4.5 billion rubles.

What does Minister Puchkov do in this situation? Does he appeal to the Chairman of the Government, the President, repent of his own oversight, write a letter of resignation or a confession to the Prosecutor General's Office? No. Vladimir Puchkov finds another equally exciting solution. To compensate for arrears of wages, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations is beginning the largest reduction - to date, more than 30% of the employees of the ministry responsible for rescuing citizens have been fired.

And further. Of course, it is not the officials of the central apparatus, nor the assistants, advisers and secretaries of the minister who are being fired, but the operational staff of the fire departments of the territorial bodies of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Think about these words. Proof? Please:

And now some numbers. More than 60 percent (sixty percent!!!) of employees of the State Fire Supervision, 100 percent of all firefighters over 45 years of age are being laid off (without taking into account their qualifications, work experience and the degree of demand for specialists, that is, the most experienced professionals are being laid off), more than 50 percent of aviators, rescuers of various services, including paramilitary mine rescue units of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, which in the future are planned to be completely destroyed. Of course, one can present this mass layoff to the authorities as economic “optimization,” but in fact, vast areas of the country were left without cover and protection of the population from the consequences of emergencies and incidents.

So in 2014, there were twelve and a half thousand vacant positions in the ministry, and in 2017, thanks to layoffs using the “Puchkov method,” 58 thousand (fifty-eight thousand!!!) vacancies were created in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, that is, five times more. Moreover, the majority of highly professional rescuers were fired. And now the question is: for what purpose is such a massive vacancy of positions taking place? In my opinion, the answer is very simple: the fact is that the wage fund, financed from the federal budget, is not decreasing at all, but is growing, regardless of massive layoffs. That is, money for salaries of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is allocated in the planned amount, but the number of workers decreases and, accordingly, thanks to the presence of 58 thousand “dead souls”, huge financial surpluses are formed. It turns out that the bill amounts to billions of rubles, which are used to pay off both long-standing wage arrears and other expense items using cunning paper adjustments.

The second story. Manual statistics or where fires go

Also no less fascinating are the statistics of the “victories” of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which Minister Puchkov heroically achieved. With the help of amazing digital reporting games, "the number of fires and fatalities is decreasing year after year." But this number is decreasing, as can be seen from the documents, not because of the wise management of the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but due to manipulations with statistics.

As a result, in the absence of a well-functioning system of departmental control (including in connection with the liquidation of regional centers), the formation of objective fire statistics in each specific subject of the Russian Federation remains solely “on the conscience” of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, for whom fire reduction indicators are one one of the main criteria for evaluating its activities by senior management. Today, facts of violations of the statistical accounting procedure are revealed everywhere, but it turns out that these facts are hidden by the top leadership of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Here are just a few terrible examples of recent times: in April 2016, based on the results of consideration of a complaint and an inspection carried out in one of the Main Directorates of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the facts of “failure to register” 4 dead in 2015 were established, and in 4 months of 2016 - already 18 dead. To understand the scale of the all-Russian fire disaster, it makes sense to consider the number of fire departments responding to reports of fires and fires. Thus, at the end of 2015, the official analysis of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations recorded 385,696 trips to sunbathe, while at the end of 2013 this figure was 275,939. So, there was an increase in the number of trips over two years by 40 percent (forty percent!!!). But, with an increase in fires of forty percent, the official reporting figures from Mr. Puchkov’s department are surprising. Attention! It turns out that the number of registered fires in 2015, compared to 2013, somehow mysteriously decreased by 4.5% (152,959 fires occurred in 2013, 145,686 in 2015). I doubt that citizens are one and a half times more likely to call firefighters by mistake or to a fire in a nearby trash can.

Story three. How much are tanks today?

In addition to the exciting games listed above with reports on fires and thousands of “dead souls” paid from the budget, the citizen minister-rescuer, judging by the facts given below, is actively involved in certain commercial enterprises that make it possible to ensure comfortable retirement years. I, of course, cannot claim that there were direct kickbacks in favor of Minister Puchkov himself, one of his associates or relatives, but the strange stories that occur with the purchase of expensive fire-fighting equipment at the expense of the budget raise vague doubts about the crystal honesty interested parties. Here's just one of those stories.

So, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, including to “provide the World Cup in 2018,” needed additional firefighting tankers “with improved tactical and technical characteristics of a medium type with a tank volume of at least 3.2 cubic meters.” They were needed in quite large quantities and in 2016 a decision was made to purchase one hundred tank trucks. Of course, from the budget. Moreover, in 2015, the cost of one such tank for the Ministry of Emergency Situations was 16 million rubles, but in 2016, in the bowels of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the price in the “purchase plan for the year” for some reason is corrected to... 18 million rubles, for some reason increasing their cost by 200 million rubles

However, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow, contrary to the wishes of the minister, conducted an independent review of market offers and found the average price for tanks, again, only 16 million rubles. In addition, the disobedient Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow informed the authorities that in accordance with the law, if the purchase amount exceeds one billion rubles, it is necessary to hold public hearings. Which is exactly what was planned.

And suddenly, in May 2016, Minister of Emergency Situations Puchkov unexpectedly canceled the purchase of fire-fighting tankers, and a month later, in June, now the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Crimea announced the purchase of the same fire-fighting tanks, with the same technical data and in the same total quantity. But the number turns out to be divided into several positions, which made it possible to do without “useless” public hearings. And at a price... 20 million rubles for each tank! That is, the total order amount of 1,600,000,000 rubles turned from 2,000,000,000 rubles, forming a “top” of 400 million rubles that disappeared from the budget!

And imagine, the auction for the “GU EMERCOM of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Crimea” successfully ended and the victory was won by a certain company JSC “PO Special Fire Extinguishing Equipment”, which, as it turned out, over the last year, probably by a strange coincidence, has already received more than 50 percent of the entire budget ministries according to the “procurement plan”.

Here is a price comparison table for completely identical “firefighting tank trucks” with improved tactical and technical characteristics of a medium type with a tank volume of at least 3.2 cubic meters. On the left is the purchase by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, made on December 10, 2014 at a price of 15,951,241 rubles per unit, and on the right is the “Crimean purchase” of the same product, made by the Ministry of Emergency Situations in June 2016, but at a price of 24,000,000 rubles per unit. Feel the difference:

And please note that “one application was allowed: CJSC Production Association “Special Fire Extinguishing Equipment”. How did this happen? And this happened because the other two “applicants” were simply not allowed to participate in the auction.

And another no less fascinating and inexplicable fact. Here is an extract from one of the official reports of the Ministry of Emergency Situations about the held (and failed) auctions for the purchase of those same “medium type fire tankers with improved tactical and technical characteristics with a tank volume of at least 3.2 cubic meters.” As already indicated, in order to bypass public hearings, the total tanks purchased were divided into several lots. Here is the official history of one of the lots of ten units:

See for yourself: on May 11, 2016, the auction for the purchase by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of ten fire tanks at a price of 217 million 475 thousand rubles was successfully canceled in Moscow, and on June 29, 2016 (a month and a half later!!!) it was successfully held in Crimea, but at a price... 240 million rubles. Where did the difference of 22 and a half million rubles go? And this is only for ten out of hundreds of fire tanks. Oh yes. According to the technical conditions, all fire tanks were to be delivered not to Crimea, where the auction took place, but to... Noginsk near Moscow. Well, that's just an addition.

I wonder why the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Vladimir Puchkov, knowing full well about such, if I may say so, “purchases,” remains politely silent? Maybe he's just busy? Or is he thinking about saving Russian citizens? Moreover, he has room to think. Let's say, in a luxurious VIP super-liner or in luxury cars bought with budget money.

Story four. About a beautiful life

It’s interesting how it turns out - as soon as a person turns into a minister, his needs immediately increase significantly, and in strict accordance with the position he holds. Of course, if he is a minister, then he is supposed to have a plane and a limousine. This is a no brainer. But for some reason, in most cases, a minister-person is somehow unaware that the level of his personal benefits (comfort of flights, travel, and so on at the expense of the state budget) should be at least minimally consistent with the general situation in the department entrusted to him. That is, if the ministry is in complete trouble, say, with salary payments, transport aviation and other priority tasks, then it is somehow not very ethical to buy expensive VIP airliners and luxury limousines for yourself, your loved one, at the expense of the budget.

So, I’ll start with, perhaps, the most striking example that occurred in the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief.

For some reason, items aimed at developing the priority areas of the Ministry’s activities almost completely disappeared from the procurement plan for the needs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for 2016. Thus, last year the acquisition of two IL-76 aircraft and a Mi-26 helicopter was excluded, and the provision of equipment to rescue military units, Arctic centers, and specialized fire and rescue units was significantly reduced. At the same time, the purchase of machinery and equipment for equipping the airmobile hospital of the Tsentrospas detachment was excluded, subsidies for the fulfillment of state assignments by aviation rescue centers of regional centers, subsidies for equipping training and methodological centers of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia disappeared somewhere.

Well, at the same time, by the way, in June 2016, in a number of regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations,... anti-corruption departments were cut.

And shortly before the above-mentioned “exceptions,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in violation of the main functions and tasks, purchased an aircraft based on the short-haul aircraft RRJ-95LR-100 (Sukhoi Superjet), equipped with a 19-seat VIP cabin and other oligarchic pleasures. And why “in violation of the basic functions and tasks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations”? But because this aircraft does not provide such additional functionality as fire extinguishing, medical evacuation, or parachute delivery of cargo. And the colors of the acquired luxury, approved by the minister, do not at all correspond to the “color scheme for painting the aircraft of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.”

Thus, from the federal budget allocated to ensure the activities and implementation of the tasks of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, funds in the amount of (attention!) 1.9 billion rubles (32 million dollars at the exchange rate!) were diverted for the purchase of an aircraft that did not meet the main goals and tasks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (the luxury of a minister is clearly not included in the main goals and objectives). And it looks especially strange against the backdrop of the overall difficult situation in aviation support for the activities of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, associated with the aging fleet of aircraft of the IL-76 and BE-200 class, and the lack of funds for scheduled and major repairs of aircraft. Thus, the BE-200 ChS aircraft No. RF-32767 was repaired for more than a year and a half.

But this is not all that Minister Puchkov wished for. As the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation managed to find out (which was confirmed and supplemented by my investigation), in violation of the requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2014 No. 1084, limiting the luxury of official cars, on February 6, 2015, the Ministry of Emergency Situations purchased two BMW 750 Li Drive cars with the maximum configuration for price... 13.6 million rubles. And the most interesting thing is that in the procurement these two luxury sedans were designed as a “mobile control center”.

Also, on December 14, 2015, the Ministry of Emergency Situations purchased an AUDI A8 L car in the highest configuration at a price of 7 million 600 thousand rubles, and for some reason this car was also called a “mobile communication point.” And three days later, on December 17, 2015, another BMW 750 Li X-Drive was purchased for the leadership of Russian rescuers for 4 million 100 thousand rubles, and this car-miracle, of course, was also called a “mobile communication point.” Not bad? It's true? Can you imagine any rescue operations taking place with the help of these multimillion-dollar luxury special equipment?

And, as we managed to find out, two luxury BMW 750 Li Drive cars purchased for 13 million 800 thousand rubles are assigned to the Minister of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief Vladimir Puchkov (I don’t understand, why two? On one - the Minister work, and on the other - my wife to the store?), and the rest of the cars are in the reserve of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations “for management”.

Here is just a small part of the stories about the “main rescuer of Russia” and his exploits in the field of saving his compatriots. And I would like to hope that the General Prosecutor’s Office and other regulatory authorities will still clarify with Minister Puchkov about where the money owed to the “dead souls” goes, and also how identical fire tanks were first purchased with budget money for 16 million, and then for 24 million, and where did the difference go?

Boiler room of the VNIIPO EMERCOM of the Russian Federation in Balashikha. Photo source:

The target of the crime was the boiler room of the Fire Defense Research Institute in Balashikha, in which the social, rather than the financial, aspect acquired the greatest weight. High-ranking officials of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia signed acts of acceptance of the work performed without checking the fact of execution of the state contract.

Since Soviet times, this boiler house not only heats the institute itself, but also the nearest 13 residential buildings, in which about three thousand people live. And also a kindergarten, which is attended by more than a hundred children from those same houses.

5 years is not a period, but a life lesson

Investigators did not take up this case immediately - almost five years passed between the institute’s employees’ appeal to management and the decision to initiate a criminal case.

Back in 2012, the Capital Construction Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations found money for the overhaul of the above-mentioned institute: the reconstruction of the pilot production and maintenance workshops of robotic complexes, as well as the boiler room. Highlighted 83 million rubles and independently controlled the spending of these same millions.


The construction was carried out by the company ZAO SU-336. This was not the first experience of developers. Previously, they repaired the Research Institute named after. Priorov and a number of other objects. The total amount of contracts in recent years, according to the SPARK system, is approximately two billion rubles. Only recently, things have not been going well for ZAO SU-336: so “not so good” that a bankruptcy trustee has already been appointed, and subcontractors and contractors are waiting for the bankruptcy procedure to be completed. It is also not surprising that the telephones in the SU-336 office are silent and it is almost impossible to contact businessmen.

At the time construction began, there were no complaints against the contractors - everything went according to plan: SU-336 independently carried out the work and reported on all stages in front of the customer. By the end, representatives of the institute itself shuddered nervously at the mere mention of contractors: “they didn’t finish it here, but here, too, it’s somehow not as it should be.” But representatives of the Capital Construction Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations dismissed all the claims of the institute’s employees as insignificant.

The institute's complaints were ignored by the management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

And in the end, as expected, they poked their noses at the “Balashikha” people’s papers and said: signature or “chairs”. Thus, the leadership of the institute found itself between two fires: on the one hand, the high Moscow leadership, which, perhaps, made money on renovations, and on the other - 3.5 thousand people, and a kindergarten, who risk being left without heat.
The management of the institute even thought about putting the equipment into operation at their own expense: well, so as not to quarrel with the management and not to leave the children without heat. But the amount turned out to be unaffordable. Millions of rubles.

Own investigation

Realizing that problems could not be avoided and that they would have to either sign reports of uncompleted work or quit, employees of the Fire Defense Research Institute turned to a private Moscow company for an independent examination of the work performed. Based on its results, it turned out that the fears of the institute’s engineers were justified:
Heat supply equipment has not been put into operation in the boiler room
Roof tiles not re-tiled
No glazing done
The ventilated façade has not been built

And there is still a lot of things that have not been done or have been done in such a way that it would have been better not to have done them.

The total amount of discrepancies impressed even the EMERCOM officers themselves: 37 million 840 thousand 541 rubles 70 kopecks. A huge amount. Having wiped the sweat from their foreheads, the institute’s employees refused to take responsibility for putting the boiler room into operation.

The department's leadership ignored the complaints of the research institute's employees. Balashikha engineers began to write statements to various authorities. One of them took off: it took up the topic of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, having initiated a case under the article “Abuse of official powers”, and this is up to 10 years in prison. The head office employee who signed the acceptance certificate runs the risk of receiving such a period.
Unfortunately, it was not possible to obtain an online comment from the official representative of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, but the PASM editorial board is keeping the situation under control. Moreover, we managed to find out that this year money was again allocated for the repair of one of the boilers in the same boiler room, which was never properly completed.

Refusal to hold a tender for boiler repairs.

In the amount of 3,829,983 rubles. True, at the last moment the Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for some reason canceled the tender - they have this right by law. Moreover, it was canceled on August 3, 2017, after which VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia did not announce new tenders for the repair of boiler equipment, which means that the residential area of ​​Balashikha and the kindergarten entered the heating season with a boiler in need of repair.

Ministry of Emergency Situations in detail: have there been problems with warning about natural disasters before? How much does it cost to send an SMS to all residents of the capital? What violations in the Ministry of Emergency Situations did the Accounts Chamber reveal? Eduard Belozerov found out.

The flood in Krymsk, Krasnodar Territory, which began on the night of July 7, 2012, became the first serious test for the new head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Shoigu. Including because of warnings about an impending disaster: according to local residents, there were no SMS or other signals - alarm sirens or ringing bells.

On July 8, Alexander Tkachev, who was then the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, said: information about the flow of water flowing into the city became known to local authorities three hours before the peak of the flood. The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations himself admitted mistakes two days after the flood began.

“Mistakes were made on the part of local leaders and individual services... Not the entire population was notified in a timely manner,” Puchkov told the press.

The sudden flood killed 171 people. True, the natural disaster was not sudden for everyone: some local officials took the family out of the danger zone in advance. For example, the head of the Krymsky district Vasily Krutko, the head of Krymsk Vladimir Ulanovsky, the deputy head of the Department for the Prevention of Emergency Situations and Civil Protection of the region Viktor Zhdanov and the head of the Nizhnebakansky rural settlement Irina Ryabchenko.

Krymsk, flood, photo -

They later appeared in court: Krutko received six years in a penal colony and was released on parole in February 2016. Ryabchenko was given a suspended sentence of 4.6 years in a penal colony - they were convicted of negligence, and Ulanovsky was sentenced to 3.6 years for official forgery. Zhdanov received 4.6 years in prison: he tried to receive compensation as a flood victim.

A similar story happened on May 29, 2017, when most Muscovites did not receive notifications about the hurricane from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The ministry shifted part of the responsibility to the forecast of Roshydromet - supposedly it did not fall under the category of “emergency situation”. The operators themselves reported that it was the slowness of the Ministry of Emergency Situations that was the reason for such late notifications: people received messages by phone when news of the first victims appeared. In total, 16 people died from the disaster and more than 170 residents of the capital were injured.

However, no one has yet been held accountable for such a failure in the Ministry of Emergency Situations or other government bodies. As an anonymous employee of the special headquarters for the investigation of what happened in the capital department of the Investigative Committee of Russia reported, active work is not yet being carried out in it: “Everyone is waiting for political will. There will be a team and the search will begin for those who installed the collapsed bus stops, advertising structures, who monitored the condition of the trees, who did not notify.”

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is responsible for warning people in the “All-Russian Integrated System of Information and Warning of the Population in Places of Mass Population” – abbreviated as OKSION. Among such warning means are large screens in crowded places in 44 cities of the country. Television channels, radio broadcasts, SMS messages and the Internet are also used.

The system began to be created in 2006. Over two years, about 2 billion rubles were spent on its development, and the exact amount of total costs for the system is unknown. The cost of servicing in Moscow alone costs approximately 800 million rubles, and throughout the country - 6 billion rubles.

However, even the simplest and cheapest method of notification - via SMS - does not work.

HEAD of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

None of the top management can complain about earnings in the defense department. In 2012, when Puchkov had just taken the post of head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, his annual income was 5.2 million rubles, and his wife’s earnings were 2.4 million rubles. In addition, Puchkov owned 4.5 apartments with a total area of ​​217 square meters. m (part of the living space in joint ownership with his wife and children), a plot of land (1500 sq. m) and part of the garage. The wife owns a Toyota Camry and a garage.

In 2016, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations began to earn 12 million rubles a year, and received a residential building of 403.1 square meters for use. m. His wife managed to change two cars in two years - a Mercedes-Benz E-class and a Mercedes-Benz GL-class. This is not surprising, because her income grew steadily by 2 million rubles a year: in 2013 she earned 4 million rubles, and in 2016 her annual earnings amounted to 11.8 million rubles.

Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov at a demonstration exercise to eliminate emergency situations, photo - Grigory Sysoev/RIA Novosti

In September 2016, the press began to talk about Puchkov’s possible resignation from the post of minister. Quite a number of claims have accumulated against him: the death of the rescue team at the Severnaya mine in the Komi Republic, the death of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Primorsky Territory during a flood, the loss of the Il-76 air tanker and its crew that flew out to extinguish a fire near Irkutsk, and the systematic underestimation of the area of ​​forest fires .

Problems with fires are associated with bureaucracy - with a significant reduction in personnel in 2012. It was planned to reduce the staff of the Federal Fire Service by 20% - by 40 thousand people. In 2014, problems became known in one of the fire departments of the Altai Territory: according to ordinary employees, staff reductions took place in gross violations of the law. Because of this, local firefighters even went on hunger strike. In 2016, Kurgan firefighters complained about a painful reduction in wages - by 5 thousand with a salary of 15 thousand rubles.


Not everything is in order with the department’s government procurement. In 2016, the internal audit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations revealed violations amounting to 10 billion rubles; 3,587 violations were discovered in the accounting of property and material assets. The largest shortfall was in the North-West - 78.1 million rubles. In 2015, 2,492 cases of underpayment of wages amounting to 12.1 million rubles were reported.

In the North-West region, former deputy heads of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Murmansk Region, Mark Davidenko and Yulia Kondratyeva, became involved in criminal cases in 2014. Also under investigation were the head of the Federal State Institution "1st FPS Detachment for the Murmansk Region" Andrei Lebedev and his deputy Sergei Artamonov.

According to the Investigative Committee, from 2009 to 2011, Davidenko, as part of a criminal group, stole more than 200 million rubles, which were intended for bonuses to department employees, for which he was sentenced to 4 years in prison in a general regime correctional colony and a fine of 900 thousand. rubles in the report itself, in 2014–2016, new employees responsible for public procurement in the department did not have “appropriate education in the field of procurement or placing an order for public needs.” Procurement plans and schedules, deadlines for signing additional agreements and concluding government contracts were violated.

Inflated prices were discovered for the purchase of 110 firefighting tank trucks with improved performance characteristics: they were bought for 15 and 16.6 million rubles, although the average cost of conventional tank trucks based on KAMAZ is only 6.6 million rubles. In 2015, the federal government agency “Activity Support Center” (DC) purchased four special fire and rescue motorcycles for 2.6 million rubles apiece, although the estimated cost was 923 thousand rubles lower.

Storm in Moscow, photo - pwebbru

Some funds were simply spent inefficiently. For example, in 2014, the same data center entered into a contract with Zlatoust Arms Company LLC for the supply of 15 sets of dragoon sabers and 15 sets of award-winning officer sabers for a total amount of 8.8 million rubles. These weapons were planned to be awarded to Russian citizens. Apparently, there was no one to reward: 360 sets had accumulated in warehouses over two years.

The purchased BMW 750Li XDrive (cost 6.9 million rubles), Audi A8L (cost 7.6 million rubles), Chevrolet Tahoe (cost 4.2 million rubles) are not being properly used, the Accounts Chamber noted.

Separately, the report touched upon violations under contracts related to the purchase and construction of housing. As of December 31, 2015, the accounting records of the Ministry of Emergency Situations included 63 unfinished housing construction projects worth 5.7 billion rubles.

Most of them - 3.4 billion rubles (59.7%) - fell to the share of the Federal Institution "UKS EMERCOM of Russia", the report noted. In total, financial violations as a result of the audit by the Accounts Chamber revealed more than 3.5 billion rubles.