Repair Design Furniture

Cake with boiled condensed milk cream. Sponge cake with boiled condensed milk cream. Chopped cake with boiled condensed milk

Each of us has known and loved condensed milk since childhood. Its delicious taste can brighten up any confectionery (and not only) product. Remember how in childhood we devoured our favorite delicacy with pancakes, pancakes or just tea by both cheeks. Even now, many years later, we continue to pay tribute to the representative of the sweet world, albeit not in its pure form (and some do in its pure form).

Condensed milk will always inspire confectioners to come up with new inventions because it is versatile and can be combined with almost any ingredient, giving the dish a rich, unique taste. Adding condensed milk to cakes, dough or cream is a very smart and successful move. The number of such recipes is impressive; there are hundreds, maybe thousands. Many famous and popular cakes contain condensed milk. And it’s impossible to count how many analogues are born!

However, it should be remembered that using pure condensed milk as a cream is somewhat problematic, so it is often mixed or whipped with butter that is soft in consistency. Custard made according to this simple recipe is universal and is most often used in cooking. It should also be noted that it is advisable to soak the cakes with condensed cream several hours before serving, at least 6, and preferably 24 hours.

Cakes with condensed milk can be made from any type of cake layer; in all cases, the result will be delicious. By the way, speaking of cakes, let’s immediately make a reservation: the dough for them should not be too sweet, otherwise you risk getting an overly sugary cake.

Cake with condensed milk - food preparation

What do you need to have in stock to make these cakes? Naturally, first of all it is condensed milk. Culinary experts advise us to use varieties that comply with GOST: Extra, Alekseevskoye, Molochnaya Strana, etc.

Another important ingredient is premium flour, which must be sifted. If the cake recipe contains cocoa, then sift the flour together with the powder. In addition, we will need sugar, butter (butter margarine) and eggs. And then it's a matter of the recipe.

Cake with condensed milk - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Cake with condensed milk Raffaello

Raffaello sweets of love, tenderness and inspiration. The unique taste and aroma of this luxurious delicacy is simply impossible to ignore! All the ingredients that make up the sweets are so perfectly selected that once you try them, you will fall in love with the delicious taste forever. Royal chocolates are a very expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford. But everyone can try to recreate the taste of this amazing, velvety sweetness. Raffaello cake is a giant version of the popular candy. We will share his recipe with you now.

- 100 gr. chopped (or whole) almonds
- 400 gr. condensed milk
- 400 gr. coconut milk
- vanillin 1 sachet
— 250 gr. heavy cream
— 120 gr. butter
— 50-70 gr. sugar (to taste)
- flour 100 gr.
- 3 tablespoons almond liqueur (or coconut)
- coconut flakes 100-150 gr.
- apricot jam 2 tbsp. lie
- 30 gr. gelatin (instant)

1. Lightly fry the almonds without oil in a frying pan. In a bowl, mix coconut milk with condensed milk and vanilla. We dilute the gelatin according to the instructions and pour it into the condensed mixture, stirring constantly. Place in the refrigerator for 10-20 minutes.

2. Make the dough: mix crushed butter, sugar, liqueur. 50 grams of coconut flakes. Mix everything, gradually adding flour. Do not knead the dough, but put it immediately in the refrigerator for half an hour.

3. Whip the cream to a stable foam, and carefully add it to the coconut cream, pour in the toasted almonds. Mix gently with a flexible whisk so that the cream does not settle. Pour the resulting fluffy cream into a hemispherical dish lined with cling film and refrigerate it for 2-6 hours.

4. Take out the dough and roll it out into a thin round layer (its diameter should correspond to the diameter of the dish in which our cream is stored). If it doesn't turn out quite smooth, don't despair. This defect can then be corrected by trimming the edges of the cake. We put this cake in the oven (200 degrees) for 15-20 minutes. Cool the finished cake.

5. Place the cake on top of the frozen cream. Then turn the bowl with the frozen cream over into a flat plate. Thus, the cake will be on the bottom, and the cream in the form of a regular semicircle will be on top. Trim the edges of the crust if necessary. Coat the surface of the cake with confiture and sprinkle it generously with coconut flakes. The delicious dessert is ready! Enjoy!

Recipe 2: Sponge cake with condensed milk

A biscuit made with condensed milk is somewhat different from the usual one. It turns out more tender, fluffy and simply melts in your mouth. Our goal is to build a beautiful, sponge and layer cake. It’s definitely worth trying and evaluating!

- 4 eggs
- 200 gr. condensed milk
- 100 gr. powdered sugar (sand)
- one and a half cups. flour
- tea spoon. baking powder
- a pinch of salt (optional)
- spoon of poppy seeds
- half a cup berry syrup
- half a glass of water
- sugar half a glass
— airy white chocolate chips

- 50 gr. soft plum oils
- 2 table. spoons of condensed milk
- 100 gr. sour cream (thick)
- sugar 0.5 cups

1. First, we’ll make 2 types of cream so that they infuse in the refrigerator. To do this, in one bowl, beat sour cream (necessarily thick) with sugar, and in the second, beat condensed milk and soft butter until smooth. We put both creams in the refrigerator.

2. Let's make dough and cakes. Beat the eggs, gradually adding sugar and baking powder. After the foam forms, mix the mixture with condensed milk and beat again. We begin to add flour in portions, kneading the dough. If you strictly follow the recipe, the dough should turn out liquid. Therefore, we immediately pour it onto a large rectangular baking sheet. Sprinkle half of the dough (already on the baking sheet) evenly with poppy seeds. Place in the oven and bake at 200 degrees for ten minutes.

3. Cool the finished biscuit slightly and cut into 4 rectangular pieces, so that 2 biscuits have poppy seeds and 2 without them. We prepare the impregnation from berry (fruit) syrup, water and powdered sugar. We soak the cakes without poppy seeds with the solution, leaving the rest untouched.

4. Take out the cooled cream and place the cake on a large flat dish as follows:

- the bottom cake, soaked in syrup, without poppy seeds, grease with sour cream
- grease the second cake with poppy seeds with condensed cream
- third cake layer, soaked, without poppy seeds + sour cream
— grease the top cake with poppy seeds with condensed cream.

So, our masterpiece, so simple but amazingly tasty, is ready. Sprinkle chocolate chips on top and serve.

Recipe 3: Honey Cake with Condensed Milk

The cake is the star of the holiday. Not a single special event is complete without this confectionery masterpiece. Our next cake turns out very tasty, rich and snow-white, and you can sprinkle it with peanuts on top if you wish. Shall we get started?

- a glass of sugar
- two eggs
- honey 2 table. lie
— 25 gr. butter
- slaked soda
- two and a half cups. flour
— 150 gr. condensed milk
- butter for cream 350 gr.
– 3 drops of aromatic essence
- vanilla
— coconut flakes 60-70 gr.
- 100 gr. peanuts
- ready-made whipped cream

1. First of all, the dough. Grind the eggs with sugar until white, add honey and drain. oil. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and remove from the stove. Spread a teaspoon. soda slaked with vinegar. Cool the mixture and pour flour into it in portions. Knead the dough (not roughly). Divide it into 6 parts and bake 6 round cakes until ready.

2. Prepare the cream. To do this, mix the butter and condensed milk and beat the ingredients with a mixer until thick foam. Next, add vanilla and essence and beat a little again.

3. We trim the cooled cakes a little along the edge, if necessary (they should all be the same size). We grease the first cake with cream, put all the subsequent ones on it, also generously greasing it with cream. We process the sides so that there are no gaps. Sprinkle the cake (on the sides too) with coconut flakes. Top with whipped cream and optional toasted peanuts. We put the dessert in the cold for several hours and enjoy it. Great mood guaranteed!

Recipe 4: Cake with condensed milk Tenderness

A multi-component bright and colorful cake will be a wonderful addition to any holiday, especially a children's party. After all, it is children who love contrast most of all in a confectionery creation. The highlight of the cake is the combination of shortbread and benzene cakes, prepared in one step, complemented by condensed milk cream and multi-colored ingredients.

- half a glass of sugar
- 200 gr. drain butter (for dough)
- 6 eggs
- tea spoon. soda
— 430 gr. flour
- one and a half cups. powdered sugar
- a can of condensed milk (or better yet, condensed cream)
- 1 tbsp. lie starch
- 100 gr. gooseberry jam or kiwi jam
- 200 gr. drain oils (for cream)
- roasted hazelnuts 50 gr.

1. Beat the yolks (do not discard the whites) with sugar, add butter and soda to the mixture. Stir and add flour. Knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator. Next, beat the whites, gradually adding powdered sugar. You should get a thick meringue. Add starch to it and beat again. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it out into 2 identical rectangular cake layers. Place them on a baking sheet and evenly spread jam or kiwi jam on top. Spread the top layer of meringue. Sprinkle everything with hazelnuts and place in the oven (temperature 160 degrees) and bake for 40-50 minutes.

2. While the cake base is baking, prepare the cream. Beat condensed milk or cream with softened butter and refrigerate until needed.

3. When the cakes are baked, take them out and let them cool. Next, put the first cake on a tray, take out the cream and generously grease the cake with it (all the cream should come out). Cover the top with the second cake layer and place the Tenderness cake in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours. A delicious product for a children's party is ready!

Recipe 5: Shortcake with condensed milk

A simple, easy to prepare cake. However, this does not make it any less tasty or attractive. After all, a dessert with boiled condensed milk (this is what we will use) simply by definition cannot be tasteless.

- three glasses of flour
- three yolks
— 250 gr. drain butter (or butter margarine)
- one stack. Sahara
- half a teaspoon of baking soda, slaked in lemon juice
- cinnamon and vanillin (to taste)
- a jar of boiled condensed milk (cream)
- 200 gr. butter (for cream)

1. Grind the softened butter with sugar, yolks and slaked soda until white. Gradually add the amount of flour specified in the recipe and make a dough (not too rough). Then we divide it into four parts, which we put in the cold for 20-40 minutes.

2. While the dough is cooling, prepare the cream. Beat condensed milk (boiled) with melted butter and vanilla until a thick, fluffy foam. That's basically it.

3. Take four pieces of dough out of the refrigerator and roll them out into four round layers. Preheat the oven to 230-250 degrees and place the cakes there for 12-16 minutes. Let cool and begin to form the cake.

4. Trim the cooled cakes at the edges and stack them on top of each other, liberally coating each with cream. Next, coat the cake again and sprinkle it with crushed cake scraps. We put the dessert in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, after which we brew tea and enjoy the ingenious simplicity.

Recipe 6: Cake with Iceberg condensed milk (no baking)

Sometimes you don’t want to stand at a hot stove, especially in the summer, and bake cakes, but you really want to try something out of this world. There are so many cakes that don't require baking and turn out just great. Let me introduce you to one such Iceberg cake recipe.

- a jar of condensed milk
- 90 gr. Sahara
— 500 gr. fat cottage cheese
— berry-fruit mix (strawberries, bananas, peaches, etc.)
- porous white chocolate

1. Beat cottage cheese (necessarily fatty, not dry and fresh) with 90 g. Sahara. Beat thoroughly so that not a single crystal of sugar or a single grain of cottage cheese remains.

2. In a separate bowl, beat the condensed milk a little. Then carefully mix the condensed milk and curd mass and beat everything again with a mixer. Next, put half of the resulting mixture into a mold, place a layer of chopped berries and fruits on top and cover with the remaining curd-condensed base. Decorate the dessert with grated white chocolate on top and refrigerate it until it hardens. We take it out and eat it. Bon appetit everyone!

Before cooking, all ingredients, including condensed milk, should first be removed from the refrigerator and allowed to warm up to room temperature. This is the only way to ensure the ideal quality of the cake.

Any cake with condensed milk will turn out very attractive and appetizing if you cover it with condensed milk cream on top. You can also draw decorative elements on the surface of the dessert using a pastry syringe. As a rule, the cream is plastic and holds any shape well.

Oddly enough, housewives, when preparing confectionery, very often forget that a magnificent, delicate cream for the same cake can be made from boiled condensed milk.

Previously, when boiled condensed milk was not on sale, you had to spend about three hours on the cooking process in order to then prepare the cake. But these days, most grocery stores offer a selection of boiled condensed milk from different manufacturers.

And I must say that the quality is quite acceptable for everyone to make a cake with this condensed milk. Without risking anything, you can buy the cheapest boiled condensed milk - the cake will still taste unique.

Cake with boiled condensed milk and delicate cream from it

Most importantly, don’t forget to buy condensed milk!

Confectionery products with boiled condensed milk have a unique taste. Just remember the famous “nuts with boiled condensed milk,” which was a super popular dessert in almost all families of the Soviet Union.

Let's see what can be done original with boiled condensed milk today, when “the bicycle has already been invented.” I would like to bring to your attention a delicious cake with boiled condensed milk and cream made from it.

This cake comes out moderately sweet, with delicate cake layers and a delicate, weightless cream made from boiled condensed milk. Its taste permeates every cell of the cake. This is due to the fact that condensed milk is used not only in cream, but also in cakes.

So, let's begin. What do we need to make this incredibly delicious cake?

For the cakes: Sour cream 200 gr., Soda-2 gr., Flour-240 gr., Baking powder-5 gr., Eggs-2 pcs., Sugar-200 gr., Boiled condensed milk-150 gr.
For cream: Cream 33% (chilled) - 250 gr., Butter - 100 gr., Boiled condensed milk - 250 gr. For sprinkling: Walnuts-150 gr.

Let's start preparing the cake with boiled condensed milk:

  1. First of all, we prepare the cakes, the baking of which will not take much time.
  2. Accelerate the oven to temperature 170.
  3. Grease an extendable pan with a diameter of 24 cm with butter. Line the bottom with parchment and sprinkle the edges with flour to prevent the baked goods from sticking.
  4. Mix sour cream with a small amount of soda.
  5. Combine flour in a prepared deep container with baking powder.
  6. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until light and fluffy.
  7. Add boiled condensed milk to the resulting mixture, continue to beat until the condensed milk dissolves.
  8. Next, add sour cream, beat with a mixer again until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  9. Sift flour mixed with baking powder into the egg and sour cream mixture. Stir with a silicone spatula, and then beat with a mixer until smooth. There is no need to knead for a long time - the cakes will not be soft.
  10. Baking the cakes: immediately transfer the prepared dough into a pre-prepared pan. Level the surface with a silicone spatula. Baking is done in an oven heated to 175. Baking will take 40 minutes. When the time is up, check the cake with a dry wooden skewer/toothpick, placing it in the center of the cake.
  11. Cool the finished cake in the pan for a quarter of an hour. Then transfer from pan to cooling rack for 4 hours.
  12. Once the cake has cooled, thinly trim off the top layer and divide into three equal cake layers. Our sour cream cake will not be very high.

Preparation of the cream:

  1. Take chilled cream. They must be whipped to stable peaks (so that the cream holds its shape tightly). Be careful, don't interrupt! To speed up the whipping process, chill the container and whisk in advance in the freezer.
  2. To make the cake very tender, in a separate container, beat soft butter (the best oil temperature for this is 20) with boiled condensed milk until a light, fluffy mass - about five minutes.
  3. Next, you need to put the whipped cream into the resulting cream. Very carefully, using bottom-up movements, mix them into the cream.
  4. By this time the cakes that will go into the cake will have cooled down. They need to be soaked in cream and lubricated well with cream, dividing it into three equal parts in advance.
  5. Apply a thin layer of cream to the first layer and the cake itself (sides). We use what is left to pipe the pattern with a pastry bag.
  6. Sprinkle the cake (sides) with finely chopped nuts. When you sprinkle the crumbs, press them lightly with your hand.

Here, you and I should get such a wonderful cake with boiled condensed milk. There are no big difficulties in preparation. Baking the cakes takes the most time. If you follow the specified recipe and cooking technology, you will never go wrong.

Of course, if you are confident in yourself, you can vary the ingredients, adequately replacing one with another. You need to experiment and imagine, within reason, of course. Well, and, most importantly, do everything with soul, then works of confectionery art will always come out of your hands.

Be creative, and your home will always be full of joy and gratitude from admirers of your culinary talent. Bon appetit!

If anyone remembers, in Soviet times there were such “wet” sponge cakes with butter cream.
This cake is an ode to those childhood cakes. There is no exoticism or crazy combinations in it, but it is so dear and familiar.
Dedicated to lovers of soaked biscuits:)
Very detailed information about the sponge cake and tips for preparing the cream...

for 500 g dough :
4 whole eggs
140 g powdered sugar
140 g flour
40 g butter

150 g water
150 g sugar
50 g of alcohol (cognac, rum)

300 g boiled condensed milk
200 g butter at room temperature (but not too melted)
2 tsp cocoa

200-300 g strawberries

Shape ø18cm


Pâte à génoise sponge cake
Heat the oven to 175 0 C. Grease the pan with oil.
Melt the butter until liquid.
Prepare a water bath. To do this, pour some water into the pan and bring to a boil.
Place eggs in a heatproof bowl and add powdered sugar. Place the bowl over a pan of boiling water. The fire should be low so that the boil is not strong; the bowl should under no circumstances touch the surface of the water.
Constantly whisking the eggs and sugar, heat them to a temperature of 55-60 degrees.
Remove the bowl from the water bath and continue whisking for about 10 minutes. Until the egg mass cools to room temperature and increases in volume several times. The result should be airy foam flowing from the whisk like a ribbon, and the ribbon should lie on top of the mass without spreading instantly.
The oil should be liquid, but not hot (just warm). We take a few spoons of the egg mass and mix it with the butter using the folding method, that is, rotating the spatula from bottom to top, as if scooping the mass and wrapping it.
Now mix the egg-butter mixture with the egg mixture using the folding method.
And lastly, add the flour, continuing to mix everything using the same method. Gently but confidently mix until smooth, trying to maintain the airy structure.
Place the dough in the mold and smooth it out carefully. You can “twist” the mold once so that the dough is distributed and, thanks to the centrifugal force, a little more “goes” to the edges. This way there won’t be a too high “hump” in the center, and what rises during baking will settle during cooling. Bake for about 30 minutes (depending on the oven).
Genoise is ready when the dough at the edges begins to lag slightly, and when you lightly touch the surface of the sponge cake with your finger, the dough jumps back, the finger mark immediately disappears.
Cool in the pan. Ideally, the biscuit should mature for 8 hours, then when cutting it will not crumble too much. In addition, this sponge cake lends itself perfectly to freezing, that is, it can be prepared in advance, and then taken out of the freezer a few hours in advance and allowed to thaw.
I have step-by-step photos of preparing Genoise sponge cake.

Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Boil. Turn off the fire. Cool the syrup, add alcohol.
Other impregnation options can be viewed

The ingredients for the cream should be at the same temperature - room temperature.
Beat the butter until fluffy. Then gradually add condensed milk and continue whisking.
But! It is important not to overbeat so that the butter and condensed milk do not begin to separate in “grains.” If you notice that this has begun to happen, then the cream can be saved by warming it up a little. Place the bowl of cream in a water bath and stir; as soon as you see that the cream has begun to combine again, immediately remove and continue whisking. You should not overheat, otherwise the butter will melt, its properties will change and then the cream will no longer work.
Although in fact, the cream is very easy to prepare :)

Cut the biscuit into 2 layers. Soak them in syrup.
Spread one cake layer with ¼ cream, cover with the second cake layer. Coat the sides of the cake with ¼ cream. Mix half of the remaining cream with cocoa and spread it on the top of the cake. Transfer the rest of the cream into a pastry bag and decorate the cake with it.
Wash the strawberries, dry them, remove the sepals. Cut the berries and decorate the cake.
Place the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to soak and combine the flavors.
Before serving, remove the cake from the refrigerator so that the cream becomes softer.

Enjoy your tea J

The cake, which is based on sponge cakes and soft buttercream, is the most popular delicacy offered with hot drinks in cafeterias and restaurants. Due to the fact that many components can be purchased in the public domain, anyone can prepare a cake and enjoy a hearty pastry. In addition, it can be decorated with mastic elements, cream or chocolate icing, and presented as a gift or the main dish on a holiday table.

Sponge roll

It will take you no more than an hour to prepare a biscuit roll with boiled condensed milk, and you will probably have all the necessary ingredients at home, but as a result you will get real homemade cakes.


  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Baking powder or slaked soda - on the tip of a knife
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Powdered sugar


According to the recipe, this biscuit roll is prepared with boiled condensed milk, however, if you don’t have it, you can take regular milk and cook it yourself. To do this, you need to pour water into a small saucepan, cover the bottom with a cloth napkin and immerse a can of condensed milk for 40 minutes.
At this time you can prepare the dough. Add eggs and sugar to a deep bowl and beat thoroughly with a whisk or mixer until foam appears.

Sift the flour along with the baking powder and add to the eggs. Mix everything thoroughly again. Be careful not to form any lumps. The consistency of the finished dough should resemble thick sour cream.

Cover the baking sheet with foil, including the edges, then grease the entire surface with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Pour the finished dough into the pan and make sure that the amount is equal at all edges of the pan.

Preheat the oven to 180˚C and place your product in it for 15 minutes. The biscuit is ready when a golden brown crust begins to appear.
As soon as you remove the biscuit from the oven, you must immediately coat it with filling and roll it into a roll.

When your sponge roll has cooled, sprinkle it generously with powdered sugar.

At this point the dessert is ready. That's it, in just an hour you got natural homemade baked goods. Now you can safely invite guests for a cup of tea with a delicious biscuit roll.

This recipe is prepared with a minimum of ingredients, and the result is a moderately sweet cake.


  • chicken egg - 6 pieces;
  • refined sugar - 190 g;
  • food baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • premium flour - 250 g;
  • creamy spread - 300 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • nuts (almonds or walnuts) - 400 g.


Beat the eggs using a food processor. After the mass begins to rise and foam forms, add granulated sugar in small portions. You need to continue beating until the sugar-egg mixture becomes dense in structure.

In a separate container, combine the bulk ingredients - flour and baking powder. Add them to the eggs so that their density is not affected. Grease the mold with a small piece of butter and place the resulting dough into it. Bake it at 200 - 220˚C for 20 minutes. The finished sponge cake will take on a golden hue, and there will be no raw dough left on the wooden skewer. Once cooled to room temperature, cut the biscuit into three or more pieces as desired.

Prepare the cream: mix boiled condensed milk with butter (or margarine) with a spatula. Assemble the sponge cake with boiled condensed milk, alternating a layer of sponge cake with cream. Leave to soak in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

From the specified amount of ingredients in the recipe, a cake is obtained with a height of about twenty centimeters and a diameter of 18 cm.

For the test:

  • granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • distilled water - 1.5 cups;
  • premium wheat flour - 520 g;
  • salt (not iodized) - 0.25 tsp;
  • food baking powder - 0.75 tsp;
  • granulated sugar (vanilla) - 2 tsp;
  • cocoa (powder) - 80 g;
  • chicken egg - 12 pcs.

Cream and impregnation:

  • butter - 1.12 packs;
  • boiled condensed milk - 2 packages;
  • brewed coffee - 150 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp.


Break the eggs, separate each into white and yolk. Beat the protein mass with a food processor until it forms a stable foam, add salt. In a separate glass container, mix the egg yolks with the specified amount of sugar, as well as vanilla sugar and warm water. Sift flour and baking powder into the mixture, stir in the protein foam. Divide the batter into two parts.

Add cocoa powder to one of the parts to give it a brown tint and a chocolate flavor. Bake the dough in the oven for about 60 minutes. Check readiness with a skewer.
Bake the second part of the dough at the same temperature according to the recipe.
Cool each cake to room temperature, cut into two parts. Prepare an impregnation from coffee and sugar and thoroughly soak the cakes. Assemble the finished product by coating each biscuit with cream made from boiled condensed milk and butter.
If desired, the finished dish can be decorated with chocolate chips or factory-made sweets. For example, Kinder sticks or chocolate nuts, raisins, sesame seeds and exotic fruits - figs, carambola.

The finished dessert according to the recipe thins out the aroma of coconut, resulting in a velvety and delicate taste. Thanks to the unusual assembly and taste of the finished cream, it can be served at a reception of important guests, a birthday party or as a gift.


  • almond nuts - 150 g;
  • condensed milk - 500 g;
  • coconut milk - 450 ml;
  • high fat cream - 300 ml;
  • vanillin - one and a half sachets;
  • butter - half a pack;
  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • coconut flakes - 350 g;
  • almond liqueur - 4 tbsp;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 80 g.


Fry the almonds in a hot frying pan without oil for two minutes. In a separate bowl, mix coconut milk, condensed milk and vanilla sugar. You can cook condensed milk yourself, or you can buy it ready-made in the store. Dilute gelatin according to the instructions indicated on the package and mix with the condensed mass until completely homogeneous. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Prepare the dough according to the recipe: mix butter, granulated sugar, liqueur and coconut flakes, gradually add wheat flour. Place the dough in the refrigerator for thirty minutes.
Whip the cream until stiff, mix with coconut cream and stir in the roasted almonds. Leave the resulting fluffy cream in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator, roll out into round layers, bake at a temperature of two hundred degrees for about 20 minutes.
Place all the cream on the crust, sprinkle with coconut and nuts. If desired, you can decorate with confiture.


Hello, my young culinary friends! I was thinking here the other day and realized that it’s been a while since I made you delicious cakes. Yes, and I didn’t make any tasteless ones either. But in vain, I think. It's time to stir up something festive, since the New Year is just around the corner. Actually, I wasn’t even going to write a recipe for this cake with boiled condensed milk - I’m running out of time now, I made it, as usual, in a hurry... in a hurry... I forgot to take a photo in a hurry, well, and everything like that.

But the guests liked this cake so much, both externally and internally, that they literally persuaded me to publish its recipe, they said that hiding this cake from the people and leaving it into oblivion was a great stupidity, they even photographed it themselves, without my participation, really, really - background, but with knowledge of the matter. In short, we persuaded!

I prepared this wonderful cake with boiled condensed milk for my nephew’s birthday, knowing about the boundless love of my husband’s entire large Pontic family for this miracle of Soviet cooking. And I was right. Although 5-year-old birthday boy Zhorka did not even try this cake. He had no time for cake. He had a bucket of nuts with condensed milk, and he didn’t need anything else in this life. But in vain. By the way, this cake is very tastes like nuts with condensed milk, because, like nuts, there is a lot of condensed milk and nuts.

The cake turns out to be moderately sweet, with soft, moist but elastic cake layers and a light, airy cream with a distinct taste of boiled condensed milk. Because we put condensed milk here not only in cream, but also in cake layers. The result is incredible!

I want to devote a separate paragraph to the cream. We've all made cream from boiled condensed milk more than once, right? But usually we have this classic combination of tasty but heavy butter with condensed milk. Here our favorite butter cream is complemented fluffy whipped cream. And this completely changes the whole concept. The butter is here only to ensure the stability of the cream: only 100 g. for 250 gr. condensed milk

Cake recipe with condensed milk

We will need:

For the cakes

  • sour cream - 200 gr.
  • soda - 1 pinch
  • flour - 240 gr.
  • baking powder - 5 gr.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • boiled condensed milk - 150 gr.

For cream:

  • heavy cream, from 33%, cold - 250 gr. + 100 gr. for impregnation (you can buy here )
  • butter - 100 gr.
  • boiled condensed milk - 250 gr.

For sprinkling:

  • walnuts - 100−150 gr. (optional)


First let's prepare the cakes

  1. Preheat the oven to 170ºC. Grease a springform pan with a diameter of 24 cm with butter, cover the bottom with baking paper, and sprinkle the sides with flour.
  2. Stir sour cream with a pinch of soda, thoroughly mix flour with baking powder in a separate bowl.
  3. Using a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar until an airy white mass forms.
  4. Add boiled condensed milk to the resulting mass and continue whisking until the condensed milk dissolves.
  5. Then add sour cream and beat again until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  6. Sift the flour mixed with baking powder into the sour cream-egg mixture, mix lightly with a spatula, and then with a mixer until smooth.

    Knead the dough quickly! Kneading for a long time can result in a hard crust.

  7. Immediately pour the resulting dough into the prepared pan, level the surface with a spatula and bake in an oven preheated to 170º for 40 minutes.
  8. After 40 minutes, check the readiness of the cake using a dry skewer by inserting it into the center.
  9. Cool the finished cake in the pan for 15 minutes, then remove from the pan and leave to cool on a wire rack for 4 hours.
  10. After the cake has cooled completely, cut off the very top of it and cut it into three equal cakes.
    This sour cream cake is not very tall.

Then prepare the cream

  1. Whip cold cream until it reaches stiff peaks (i.e. when the cream holds its shape steadily). Be careful not to interrupt!

    To speed up the beating process, it is also advisable to cool the bowl and whisk in the refrigerator or freezer.

  2. In a separate bowl, thoroughly beat the softened butter (the ideal temperature for whipping oil is 20º) with boiled condensed milk until fluffy - about 5 minutes.
  3. Then add the whipped cream to the buttercream and very carefully, using folding movements from bottom to top, fold the cream into the buttercream.
  4. Soak the cooled cakes in cream and coat them with cream, after dividing it into three equal parts.
  5. Cover the top layer and sides of the cake with a thin layer of cream, and pipe a decorative pattern from the rest using a pastry bag.
  6. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with chopped walnuts, pressing gently with your hand. But that's up to your taste. In my opinion, walnuts simply go amazingly with boiled condensed milk.

Here is such a simple cake that I bet you can cut it off that your guests will love!

Therefore, I look forward to your satisfied comments and beautiful photo reports!

I have a selection of the best creams for cakes.

Good luck, love and patience.