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Star of Rus' or Star of Lada: history, action, who will suit it. Lada Day of the Virgin Mary Lada Star tattoo for women

The Star of Rus' occupies a place of honor among ancient Slavic amulets. The amulet of the goddess Lada with the image of the square of Svarog helps its owner to reveal the mystery of the universe and look at the world with different eyes. What is the significance of the amulet for men and women and what can it be made of, how to charge it correctly and how to wear it - all these details are very important for the correct operation of the amulet.

The meaning of the Slavic symbol - the amulet of the Virgin Mary

The Star of Rus' symbolizes the unity of the real and divine worlds. It connects the future, past and present. Our ancestors were endowed with sacred knowledge, lived in harmony with themselves and nature, understood how the Universe works and respected its laws. They revered their Gods and were under their protection.

The amulet is a symbol of the unity of spirit, soul and body, and also personifies the inextricable connection of the past, present and future. Earthly life continues only through the unity of these symbols. At first it is difficult for an unprepared person to understand what the amulet is. True understanding comes after looking at the amulet for a long time.

Externally, the talisman symbol resembles a square placed on one of the corners; two ovals passing through it are connected to each other in the center.

The amulet involuntarily attracts people's gaze: its image is symmetrical, has a beautiful ornament and a finished appearance. If you look at it more closely, you can understand that the masculine and feminine principles are connected here (the spindle and the circle). Only through the connection that arises between representatives of opposite sexes is the continuation of the human race possible. The four lines that extend beyond the perimeter of the square symbolize the four cardinal directions. This indicates that the goddess Lada watches each of us and sees what actions we commit. It can not only ward off trouble and warn of impending danger, but also make a person unhappy.

According to legend, the patroness of the amulet was the goddess Lada, who is considered the mother of the Slavic people

On a note. The sun sign, denoting movement in time, constant development and improvement, became the basis of the symbol.

The amulet got its name due to the fact that it really looks like a star in some way. In addition to the traditional one, it has two more names:

  1. Svarog Square. If you look at the symbolism for a long time, you can see a hearth and a flame blazing above it. The symbols of the hearth, which sensitively guard the fair sex, are the square and the oval.
  2. Star of Lada the Virgin. This is a female symbol that embodies regularity, wisdom, the ability to understand the laws of nature and live in accordance with them. These qualities have always been important for Slavic women. They helped them find personal happiness, intuitively feel the impending disaster and avoid it, and also become true keepers of the hearth. Lada was the wife of Svarog. Thanks to their strong union, all the Gods of Rus' were born. In addition, the patroness of the family is the Mother of God. In prayers to her, women ask for well-being in everyday life and family happiness.

The hammer of Svarog is often combined with other Slavic symbols. The combination with the Star of Rus' is quite popular.

The origin of the Star of Rus' amulet goes back to ancient times. It is known that the symbols were embroidered on the clothes of princes Vladimir the Saint and Svyatoslav Igorevich.

According to legend, our ancestors made this talisman in order to pass on their wisdom and knowledge gained during life to future generations. There is another legend. According to her, the Star of Rus' was a personal amulet of the strong-willed Slavic goddess Lada.

The Star of Rus' is often combined with the Hammer of Svarog. This Slavic amulet looks like a blacksmith's hammer. On one side it depicts the Alatyr rune, and on the other - the sign of the sacred flame of Svarog. This combination allows you to enhance the effect of talismans many times over. They will awaken in their owner the ancient memory of the family, give them the knowledge of their ancestors, wisdom and strength.

Amulet Star of Rus' for men and women

According to legend, this talisman was intended for women who wanted peace and comfort in their home. In addition, the symbol helped fight depression and laziness, and calmed.

Girls and young women who dreamed of getting married wore a talisman in order to attract love into their lives and find personal happiness.

Today, the amulet is worn not only by the fair sex, but also by men. Sometimes this amulet is presented as a gift to a child, but this is not entirely correct. And all because the owner must understand the deep meaning of the symbol, only in this case it will bring him goodness and help him in life. Children cannot understand the essence of symbolism.

Today, the amulet is worn not only by the fair sex, but also by men.

The Star of Rus' has various magical properties. The amulet can be used:

  1. As a talisman for the whole family. To do this, you need to place it on the wall in the room where all family members most often gather (for example, in the kitchen or living room).
  2. As a personal amulet. Then the symbol is transferred to a pendant that is worn on the chest in the area of ​​the heart.
  3. Men, but then it will be called Svarog Square.

The Star of Rus' amulet symbolized harmony, rebirth and fertility for our ancestors

The amulet is suitable for military personnel or those who make something with their own hands. It will bring good luck to these people in their endeavors and help them make new discoveries.

Sketch of the Solar Shield ornament - for embroidery and tattoo

This amulet is not made for oneself personally. It is made as a gift for a loved one. It is believed that the most effective amulets are those made by a blood relative. The main thing is that the person who will be engaged in manufacturing does it of his own free will and from the bottom of his heart. Only in this case will you achieve the desired effect.

You can make a talisman from different materials. Wood, clay, genuine leather, stone are suitable. The symbol can also be drawn on thick cardboard or embroidered.

It is important that the image is correctly transferred to the surface and that all proportions are respected.

If desired, the Star of Rus' symbol can be embroidered

What material is chosen does not really matter. While working, you need to constantly think about the person for whom you are making the amulet. Thoughts should be positive. Then you will be able to charge the artifact with positive energy. It is advisable to work in a quiet and calm environment, with no distractions. Concentrate and transfer your energy to the amulet. Only then will it become reliable protection for a person dear to his heart.

The main thing when creating is to believe in the healing properties of the amulet.

Embroidery pattern of a talisman for the home with the symbols of the Star of Rus'

How to charge the sun amulet of the goddess Lada

To activate and charge the amulet, you can use the power of air. To do this, the talisman must be left outdoors for several days. If you live in a private house or in a country house, then the amulet can be hung on a tree. If this is not possible, then leave it on the balcony.

You can also use the element of water. To do this, place the amulet in running water for a while. If you can’t visit the reservoir in the near future, place the talisman under the water tap and let the water flow in a thin stream.

The ritual of charging the amulet with earth, fire, air and water can be performed in the place where you loved to play as a child. The child very clearly feels those places that are suitable for him in terms of energy. This way, the amulet can receive the most correct power for you.

The ideal moment to charge the amulet is the waxing Moon

How to wear a talisman correctly

The amulet can be worn as a talisman. To do this, a pendant with the image of the symbol is placed on the chest. If desired, symbols can be embroidered on your clothes. Some people prefer to use the amulet to protect their home. In this case, it is hung on the wall as a drawing.

The amulet will give its owner courage, initiate him into the knowledge of his ancestors, but only if the person honors his ancestors, treats his family with respect, and lives according to his conscience. If the owner leads an inappropriate lifestyle, behaves unworthily towards other people, then the goddess Lada will severely punish him for this.

In ancient times, the symbol was applied to women's amulets: it was responsible for consent, for a calm and measured life. The amulet protected personal relationships and the female womb, guaranteeing its owner that she would become a zealous housewife and a good mother for her children.

The symbol can also be depicted on paper. But due to the fact that this material is short-lived, the amulet will not last for a long time.

Body image is applied exclusively to men

Men, if desired, can apply a tattoo with the image of the Star of Rus': on the arm, shoulder or shoulder blade. This tattoo serves not only as decoration. It indicates that its owner is involved in Slavic culture. The symbol means faith in the One God, as well as justice and honor.

Video: Star of Rus' - a mysterious Slavic symbol

The ancient Slavic amulet Star of Rus' symbolizes the strong union of a man and a woman, and also connects the past, present and future. It gives its owner balance and tranquility, helps to build harmonious relationships in the family and achieve professional success.

The Lada Star is an ancient Slavic symbol that was used in household ornaments, and also as a talisman against evil forces. It was also called the Star of Lada the Virgin Mary or the Star of Rus'. The symbol is a figurative image of a hearth with four flames, which symbolize: faith, justice, freedom and honor. The circle in which the hearth is enclosed means the Sun.

It is believed that only a person who has a well-developed genetic memory of their ancestors can truly understand the meaning of the Lada Star amulet. This symbol reflects the Slavs’ understanding of the world order, and it also hides the key to the secrets of nature.

Star of Lada-Virgin - meaning

It is believed that this symbol combines the powers of the Gods and the powers of Nature. According to existing information, in ancient times this was considered female. With its help you can stabilize your energy state. If a woman regularly wears such a talisman, she will get rid of various stresses and will be calm. In addition, prudence and attractiveness will appear. The Lada Star amulet helps to reveal the maternal instinct in a woman. The symbol helps young girls in their personal lives and in their search for a worthy man. It is important to note that the amulet will help a woman only if she honors her ancestors and treats her relatives well. Otherwise, the Star of Lada can harm a person by clogging his energy.

Despite the fact that the amulet is considered female, it can also be worn by men. The symbol gives a person wisdom that has been accumulated over generations. It is recommended that men who do manual work choose the Star of Lada as a talisman. When wearing the amulet regularly there is a feeling of self-confidence. The Lada-Virgin Star brings good luck to its owner. This symbol helps to get rid of excessive anger and develop intuition. It must be worn on the chest. The Star of Lada the Mother of God can be a wonderful amulet for the home. In this case, it is recommended to hang it as a panel on the wall.

Every person who honors his family has the opportunity to make the Star of Lada amulet with his own hands. You cannot do it for yourself, it must be done by a blood relative. As for suitable materials, it is wood, clay, metal or leather. During production, you need to constantly imagine the person for whom it is intended. It is important to repeat the symbol accurately and without distortion.

The Lada Star belongs to the ancient Slavic symbols. There are other names - Star of Rus', Svarogov Square and Star of Lada-Virgin. The symbol can be used not only in household ornaments, but also as a strong symbol that protects against negative energy. It is believed that this symbol combines the powers of the Gods and Nature. Since ancient times, the Star of Lada has been called the symbol of all Rus'.

The meaning of the Lada Star symbol

Already from the name it is clear that this is the personal symbol of the goddess Lada. Outwardly, it is somewhat similar to a hearth from which four tongues of flame emerge. They carry a certain meaning and symbolize: faith, freedom, justice and honor. The hearth is enclosed in a circle, which means the Sun.

Initially, the Star of Lada was used exclusively as a female amulet, which allows you to stabilize energy and get rid of nervous tension. If you regularly carry a talisman with you, you can become calm, reasonable and kind. In addition, this symbol has a positive effect on the relationship between mother and children. It is important to note that only a woman who honors her family and in life does not forget such a concept as conscience can count on the help of the Lada Star. If the Star of Lada amulet is used by a person who has renounced his ancestors, then it can cause significant harm.

Since ancient times, this symbol has been considered a source of wisdom that has accumulated over the years, so a person who uses the amulet in life becomes self-confident, acquires courage and strength. Another meaning of the Lada Star is that it is a powerful “guard” for the home. With its help, you can improve relationships between relatives and create a comfortable atmosphere. The symbol will protect the house from the penetration of various kinds of negativity.

Tattoo with the image of the Star of Lada-Virgin Mary applied to their bodies not only by women, but also by men, since, as mentioned above, this one was also called the “Svarog Square”. A tattoo gives its owner freedom, independence, strength and resilience in the face of any challenge.

The amulet can be purchased in a store ready-made, but anyone can make it with their own hands. You can use wood, preferably women's wood, as well as clay, metal and leather. An important rule is that you cannot make a talisman for yourself. If a person wants to acquire a Lada Star, then he should ask a blood relative to make an amulet. When making a talisman, you need to accurately repeat the design without distortion, since it will not have any power.

Spring is wild this year. The grass is greener, the flowers are brighter, the air is more fragrant, so I think that today there will be a lot of weddings in the village. The red girls put on their colorful sundresses, sit in the courtyards, comb their braids, and braid them again. And well done guys, they walk by, curl their necks, and look at these smart foxes. The gods themselves are now bringing the young together, but how could it be otherwise, because spring is the time of love, round dances until dawn and ritual songs.

Grozdana goes for a walk with her friends, but she doesn’t follow the groom to the fire. Wayward, she's a maiden now. In the village they say that when her mother gave birth to her at night, a terrible thunderstorm broke out. That's why they called the girl Grozdana. And the girl’s character is completely wrong, she won’t smile once again, she’s not afraid of anything, she’ll look into your eyes as if looking into your very soul. Where has it been seen that an unmarried girl can look guys in the eyes without shyness?! But the young blacksmith doesn’t need this timidity; just as he once saw Grozdana by the bank of the village river, he realized that he was lost forever. Since then, for the second spring, he has been walking around consumed by his feelings, like the flames in his forge are burning. She can’t decide on a match, but suddenly they refuse, because Grozdana, although capricious, is a jack of all trades. It’s not a shame to bring one like this into a new hut. And the daughter took after her father, she had the same mind. So the blacksmith is afraid that if not Grozdana herself, then her father will not give his blessing.

Spring this year is wild and different. The young blacksmith senses this, and decides at night, after dark, to make his way to the house of his beautiful beloved. He’s going alone, he’s ashamed to invite his friends with him, in case they turn him down. He carries a dear gift in his bosom, for dear Grozdana. That little thing is dear to his heart; it was left from his late mother.

In a bright hut, they greeted an unexpected guest at first sullenly, where has it been seen that they came alone to get married, and without warning?! But when the blacksmith silently put his bundle on the table, tenderly unwrapped it like a small child, and Grozdane pulled it, everyone gasped. For this gift is too great, and it was not about the glitter of gold. The star of Lada the Virgin Mary itself was brought as a gift by a blacksmith. The most powerful and revered amulet by Slavic women. Such a shrine is not given to just anyone. Grozdana looks at the blacksmith with all her eyes, and feels her heart in her chest, beating faster than ever. Here it is - her fate, sent down to her by the gods themselves. And her lips smile, a clear and open smile. Lada the Mother of God will bring peace and love to this family. Let it be so!

Ancient Slavic beliefs say that the entire world around us was forged in the forge of the forefather god Svarog. But life was not born only from sparks of the sacred
flame, the beginning of everything was also the love between two gods - Svarog and his wife, Lada. It was these deities who headed the ancient pagan pantheon of gods of the Slavs. Here, of course, a parallel can be drawn between our divine couple and between the Greek gods - spouses - Zeus and Hera. In general, almost all ancient religious ideas about the creation of the world were based on the intercourse of the feminine and masculine principles; therefore, in the culture of almost every ancient people one can find the supreme pair of gods - the forefather and the foremother. In our case, it was Svarog and Lada who became an example of how Slavic men and women should come together, create a family and be fruitful, continuing their great family. The legend of the creation of the world, where the ferocious power of Svarog was smoothed out by the tenderness and softness of Lada, formed the basis for the ancient Slavs’ understanding of the responsibilities that were distributed between husband and wife. A man is power and strength, protection and care, like walls built around the hearth. A woman is a flame burning in the hearth, its warmth that can warm and strengthen the walls. There is a proverb known to all of us about a husband behind whom, like behind a stone wall, he comes from precisely these times. Even in such seemingly simple statements, the true understanding of things that our ancestors bequeathed to us slips through.

In Slavic culture, much attention was paid to women. Here we are not talking about simple foot worship, but also about a deep understanding of the purpose of women. Quite a few responsibilities fell on women’s shoulders: maintaining a huge household, working in the fields, giving birth and raising many children, pleasing members of her husband’s family, participating in all rituals that required different skills. The well-being of the whole family and the house as a whole depended on a good housewife. Therefore, they raised girls from infancy, instilling love and respect for traditions and the commandments of their ancestors. The spiritual integrity of a woman had to be unshakable, so this was taken care of first of all. For this purpose, there was a whole set of amulets, which were designed to protect Slavic women from all evil spirits.

In this article we will talk about one of the most significant Slavic amulets, which is now known as the Star of Lada. This amulet has different names (Star of Lada of the Virgin Mary, Star of Rus', Square of Svarog), it is very popular and in demand both in everyday life and in a protective sense. This amulet is intended primarily to protect women, since it is obvious that the semantics of the amulet is associated with the name of the goddess Lada, who protects family ties, spring sowing, widows and orphans, and the aesthetic side of life in general.

Star Lada - the meaning of symbolism.

The Lada Star is a symbol of the indestructibility of the family hearth, its strength and power. If you are endowed with at least a drop of imagination, then you will be able, even without outside clues, to discern the entire sacred meaning of this amulet. The appearance of the Lada Star amulet is a composition of a square through which elongated ellipses pass. The square is a figure symbolizing the stability and stability of the family hearth, and the soft semicircles of the ellipses symbolize the harmony of relationships in the house. If you look at all this in a more symbolic sense, then the intersection of two ellipses, which is a kind of rhombus, symbolizes the hearth itself. This can be interpreted as the very source of the flame that burns inside the hearth. The ends of the ellipses, which stretch in different directions of the world, symbolize the four righteous flames - faith, honor, justice and freedom. The square in which this entire composition is enclosed is the forge of the god Svarog, and this is where another name for this amulet arises - Svarog Square. Just think about the sacred message of our ancestors that underlies the image of this amulet. Feminine energy is framed by male strength and power - this is the true understanding of things. The feminine principle must be protected, be inside a protective barrier of walls, which are depicted in the form of the sides of a square. Feminine energy should fuel the family hearth, and strengthen the masculine principle from within - this is the foundation! The Slavic amulet Star of Lada the Virgin Mary is placed in a circle, personifying the energy of the Sun. If we talk about the general semantics of the symbol, then it characterizes the Slavs as a worthy and great race.

Star Lada, or Square of Svarog?

Above, when we talked about the external symbolism of the amulet of the Star of Lada of the Virgin Mary, we admitted that perhaps this is the amulet, which is also called the Square

Svarog. But, there is another version, according to which we have, although outwardly very similar to each other, but having signs that distinguish them, two amulets. Let's

Let's look at this issue in more detail.

God Svarog is the husband or father of Lada, according to various sources. If you figure out how the Svarog Square differs from the Lada Star, you can find minor differences that somewhat change the meaning of the Lada Star amulet. The Svarog Square has ellipses with sharp corners, while the Lada Star, pictures of which can be found on the Internet and in specialized literature, is made with softer lines. It is interesting that both names - Svarog and Lada - stand at the origins of the creation of the world; they relate to the Primordial deities. But despite all the external similarity of these signs and the confusion that exists in their distinction, it is obvious that they are polarized, denoting male and female energies, respectively, and therefore there are differences in their application.

According to this version, the existing differences between the two images indicate the very nature of the two principles. Why is the symbolism on the amulet of the Star of Lada the Virgin Mary made in a more fluid style?! It's all about the peculiarities of feminine energy. A woman is called upon to smooth out sharp corners, to flow around like water, to be soft and pliable. Male energy is more straightforward, sharp and sharp. Thus, the symbolism conveying the masculine principle has all these properties. Of course, as such, there is no official evidence that would prove the veracity of this version, but still it has the right to be.

Star of Lada - the meaning of the amulet.

We have already talked to you about the importance of the Star of Lada amulet and its symbolism. But, it’s time to dig deeper and understand what exactly this amulet was intended for, how its action and protection were manifested. As mentioned above, the Star of Lada is a purely female amulet, which is designed to protect the fair sex, guide them on the right path, and help them create. All this, of course, is wonderful, but it sounds rather blurry, don’t you agree?!

Judging by the interweaving of the name of the Mother of God into the variant name, this amulet is aimed at mothers and wives, or at girls embarking on the path of the keeper of the hearth. Marriage is one of the most turning points in the life of every woman. This meant cutting off all ties with the father’s house, with one’s original Family, and becoming part of the husband’s house and his family. Weaving into someone else's family tree could not fail to resonate with the woman's inner spiritual state. The unknown and unfamiliar surroundings in someone else's home could frighten and make the female spirit weaken. All this could cause mood swings, tears, hysteria and even illness. Therefore, protecting the female spirit and her good mood was a priority. The wife was supposed to enter her husband's house with a smile and positive energy to increase the happiness of the family.

But even being married, a woman could face many dangers. For example, irritability and fatigue from daily life, which in the old days was very, very difficult. A woman could morally “fade away” under the yoke of negative emotions. This would lead to problems in the family itself, because if the owner of the hut is unfriendly and grumpy, then no one will want to go into such a hut. The Star of Lada amulet is indispensable in such cases. It is designed to smooth out the dark manifestations of feminine energy and support it at a creative level.

A woman is not only a housewife and a wife, but also a mother. The great purpose of a woman was to become like the goddess Lada and give life to a new person. But pregnancy and the birth of a child are not the end. It was necessary not only to raise the child physically, but also to instill in him high moral principles, to instill in him a love of goodness, of honest work, of his homeland and ancestors. It was the woman who laid the first stones in the strong foundation of the future character of her child. It’s not for nothing that they say that children are the mirror of the family. The way children behaved in society, the way they reasoned and acted - all this spoke about what and how much their parents, especially their mothers, invested in them. It was believed that wearing the Slavic amulet Star of Lada makes its bearer more balanced, calm, wise - an exemplary wife and a bright example for children.

We can talk for a long time about the uniqueness of this amulet, but for there to be a result, the owner of the amulet must open her heart to the faith of her ancestors and live according to her conscience. The very semantics of the Russian word “lad” refers to this mythological page of Slavic history. This lexeme conveys the image of a perfect macrocosm revealed in microcosm - a family that is based on the wisdom, patience, care and devotion of a woman to her husband and her loved ones.

Star frets - photos and images.

How can you judge a thing and not see it?! Therefore, in this article we will provide several illustrative photo examples that will help readers more thoroughly understand the essence.

In the first photo, we can see a classic image of the Star of Lada amulet, the meaning of which we so diligently outlined earlier. The red color in general is characteristic of all Slavic images, be it embroidery, painting, or just drawings. It symbolizes the primary element of the sacred flame that burned in the forge of the god Svarog, even before the creation of the world. This image fits perfectly with the theme, because the Star of Lada is a Slavic interpretation of the myth of the creation of the world.

The second photo shows the very sign that gave rise to all these versions, according to which there is the Star of Lada amulet and the Square of Svarog amulet, as two interconnected, but still independent amulets. The sharpness and angularity of this image may lead our readers to interesting conclusions.

The third photo shows us a very common material version of this amulet, which is framed by an image of a bright sun. The Lada Star is also a solar sign, there is no doubt about it, just based on this image. In general, the entire Slavic culture is built on the glorification of solar symbolism.

Specifics of using the amulet.

As a rule, the amulet Star of Lada of the Virgin Mary was made by the hands of a woman closest in blood to the person for whom the amulet was intended. The exception was cases when a widowed man could make an amulet for his daughter, in the absence of other close relatives. If the star in the old Russian way was not made as an amulet, but was applied to a house or door frame, then this restriction did not apply. The Slavic symbol Star of Lada, applied to the home, protected its inhabitants, but only as long as they did not leave the house. This image could be created with four hands, together with the future bearer. The amulets could be in the form of embroidery, pendants, signet rings, pendants, and belt buckles. In their production, exclusively light colors were used.

Do not think that the Star of Lada the Virgin, a photo of which can be found on the Internet, is worn only as a pendant, bracelet or earrings. Quite often, modern girls get a tattoo of the Star of Lada of the Virgin Mary. Most often, the Lada Star tattoo is placed on the back or arm, in places that are not visible at first glance. It is believed that the Lada Star tattoo protects a woman from unkind glances and illnesses.

Buy the Lada Star of the Virgin Mary - how to choose and what should be taken into account?

When buying any amulet at all, you should think about it, do you need it? Do you really want, with all your heart, with all your soul, to wear this amulet and be protected by it? The sincerity of your thoughts is the first step and the catalyst for the power of protective jewelry. Each of you must be aware that a talisman is not just a beautiful trinket with an ethnic slant with which you can make an impression in society. A talisman is the thing that will be introduced into your energy, and if you chose it incorrectly, then blame yourself.

There are also restrictions in the case of the Star of Lada amulet. Who should not use it? Those who had an abortion according to their own decision, and not according to the recommendations of doctors. It is undesirable to wear this amulet for those representatives of the fair sex who strive to make a career without being satisfied with everyday life. The Lada Star is a talisman for women for whom family comes first.

As for choosing the type of metal from which your future amulet will be made, everything is simple. Take what you like, don’t chase high prices, that’s not where happiness lies. The Lada star made of gold is a “burning” amulet, it literally sparkles a mile away. Such a talisman is suitable for pronounced, “fiery” natures, who always find themselves in the center of attention, in the good sense of the word. Such women are capable of creating enormous energy and radiating their love and kindness to everyone.

It is preferable to buy the Lada Star in silver for more modest and discreet people. Silver in no way detracts from the dignity of such a female nature, but is able to emphasize her tenderness and fragility. Such women are able to create a real quiet haven in their home, where complete peace and tranquility will reign.

When choosing the shape of the amulet, you should proceed from its practicality. The Lada Star amulet is suitable for those who cannot tolerate any jewelry on their hands, or those whose work is related to specific activities where their hands should be as free as possible. For example, these could be seamstresses, artists, musicians and many others. The Lada Star ring is suitable for all those who value jewelry on their hands. We are already silent about the owners of beautiful and sophisticated fingers.

The Lada Star Amulet is definitely worth buying for all those who sincerely believe and need its protection. Choose wisely, buy with soul, and wear for your health!

The Star of Rus' is a Slavic amulet. It also has the names Svarog Square, as well as the Star of Lada the Virgin. This amulet is one of the most ancient and powerful talismans. It is also the most difficult amulet to understand. Only a person who had a close connection with his ancestors could know it.

This amulet has been used by people since ancient times. The robes of Prince Vladimir and Svyatoslav were decorated with his symbol. In those days it was most often called the Star of Lada the Virgin. Lada Theotokos is the ancestor of some of the gods of the highest Slavic pantheon. She was called the mother of the Slavs themselves.

By creating an amulet in her honor, the Slavs glorified in it not only Lada the Mother of God, but also the memory of their ancestors, thereby establishing their connection with the future generation. Thanks to such a connection, the Slavic people should not disappear without a trace. According to another version, Lada the Virgin Mary herself wore this amulet and gave it to people to protect not only herself, but also her family.

Symbolism of the amulet Square of Svarog

The Star of Rus' is a symbol of the unity of the real and other worlds. The ancient Slavs talked about Rule - the world of bright gods, the creators of all things; Reveal - the world of people and Navi - the dark world, the world of the dead. All these worlds must be in unity. Only in this way will there be a balance, which is a guarantee of the continuation of life on earth. In addition, the unity of these three worlds meant an unbroken chain of generations through the past, present and future.

There is another symbolism of this amulet - the unity of mind, body and spirit. Be that as it may, unity in this amulet is a guarantee of the continuation of life on earth.

The Slavic amulet Star of Rus' is an interlacing of a square placed on one corner with two ovals, which are slightly pointed at the ends. The ovals also intersect each other. The square in this case symbolizes the fertility of the earth. The four lines lying outside the boundaries of the square's circumference symbolize the virtues of a person. These include freedom, faith, justice and honor. In addition, they symbolize the four cardinal directions. Consequently, Lada the Mother of God sees everything and can warn a person about any impending trouble.

The amulet symbol is symmetrical. Upon closer examination, you can find a Kolovrat and a circle in it. These signs denote masculine and feminine principles, respectively. Again, this speaks of togetherness. A man and a woman cannot fully exist without each other. In addition, the Kolovrat symbolizes the sun, which is in constant motion. So life does not stand still, but moves forward and a person must keep up with it.

The meaning of the Star of Rus' amulet

The meaning of the Star of Rus' amulet lies in connection with ancestors. Thanks to him, you can receive the wisdom of your ancestors and their protection. Another meaning of the symbol is that the amulet helps you understand your true purpose in life. With its help, a person maintains the connection between ancestors and descendants, the past with the future.

In addition, the talisman grants the protection of the gods and their protection from evil forces. Also, the amulet Star of Lada of the Virgin Mary, Star of Rus' helps to develop intuition. Thanks to him, a person feels how best to act in a given situation.

Every Slav in the old days knew that this amulet would protect not only him, but also his entire family.

Who should wear the Star of Rus' and how?

Previously, the amulet, which was called the star of Lada of the Virgin, could only be worn by women, since they were the guardians of the family hearth. The fact is that in this case petals of flame were depicted under the main sign. In this way, the amulet may differ slightly from the main symbol of the Star of Rus'. In this case, the flame meant precisely the family hearth, which should be protected by the woman. He gave her health, a positive attitude and the strength to maintain a positive microclimate in the family.

Also, the Star of Lada amulet could be worn by unmarried girls. He helped them meet and marry their life partner. In our time, the understanding of this amulet has expanded its boundaries. It began to be used not only by the fair sex, but also by the stronger sex.

When performed by men, it is more correct to call the amulet the square of Svarog. Svarog is the supreme god of the Slavs. This is the god of fire of the sky, the blacksmith god. In this case, the difference between the talisman and the Star of Lada of the Virgin Mary and the Star of Rus' is the four flames located under the main symbol, which symbolize the fire of Svarog.

This is the main feature of the male amulet square of Svarog. In this case, the meaning of the Svarog Square amulet lies in good luck in business. He helps craftsmen and warriors create and work. Thanks to the Svarog square amulet, they can achieve great success in their work.

Svarog himself, helping people, did not resort to magic. Everything he produced, he did it only with his own hands. For example, he himself created a plow so that peasants could work the land more easily, and threw it down to people from the sky. He gave the representatives of the stronger sex weapons to protect themselves from attacks from enemies. In addition, Svarog gave people fire. The Svarog square talisman also gives a person the opportunity to do something with his own hands, protect his family and people from attacks by enemies and protects him from evil forces.

However, even in the modern understanding, such a talisman should not be worn by a child. It is too complex for children to perceive and has too strong an energy that is not suitable for a child. It is better to wait until the child’s adolescence ends. After this, mature girls and boys will be able to wear it.

In addition, the image of the amulet can be applied to the walls of the home. In this case, even his photo will be valid. It will help protect your home from evil forces and attract happiness and good luck into your home. It is best to hang photos where all family members often gather. It could even be the kitchen, if that’s where everyone in the household is most often.

For personal use, it is best to use the amulet in the form of jewelry. This could be a pendant, ring and earrings with the image of the Star of Rus'.

How to make the Star of Lada amulet

This amulet can easily be purchased ready-made. You can’t make a talisman for yourself. Only relatives close by blood can make a talisman, but only at their own request. For this, you can use materials such as leather, wood and clay. While working, you should think about the person for whom the amulet is intended. All thoughts should be only positive. In addition, you need to work in silence, alone with yourself and not be distracted by anything. It is best to finish making the amulet in one day. Then he will have powerful magical powers.

The Star of Rus', like any other Slavic amulet, can only be used by people with bright thoughts and a pure soul. He must have a strong connection with his ancestors. This is the only way it will help its owner achieve success in business and provide powerful protection.