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What is the meaning of the name Gerda? Interesting Facts. Compatibility of a girl with the name Gerda in love and friendship

The female name Gerda comes from Scandinavia. It is translated as “protector”, “fence” or “mighty spear”. In Europe, the name Gerda became famous in connection with the publication of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” by Andersen. The heroine of this tale was called Gertrude, and Gerda was a shortened version of this name. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the name Gerda was very fashionable and common.

Various variants of the name Gerda are known, for example, Gerta, Gerde, Sherte, Sherdi and others.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Gerda

Gerda is a very masculine name, so its owner has some masculine character traits, such as independence, determination, perseverance, willpower, and an analytical, sharp mind. These traits are combined with kindness, sensitivity and responsiveness, although Gerda cannot be called soft.

Gerda is a rather complex and closed person who finds it difficult to communicate with others. She is a very fair, independent and self-aware woman. Gerda tries to hide her emotions and feelings from others, so she looks somewhat aloof. She never loses her composure and always tries to behave with dignity. She has few friends, but she is a reliable friend who will always come to the rescue.

Gerda is neat, she follows fashion, but never follows it blindly. She has her own style and always looks perfect. She is intelligent, responsive and tactful. Gerda goes to the gym and watches her figure. She tries to be relaxed and friendly, despite her reticence.

The disadvantages of Gerda's character are her dislike of even fair criticism and her inability to laugh at her mistakes.

Gerda has developed organizational skills, determination and a love of leadership. She will become a talented and serious leader who does not tolerate flattery and enjoys the respect of the team. Gerda can quickly reach career heights in almost any field, but she must like the work. She is diligent and always approaches her work responsibly. Gerda can find herself in psychology, philosophy, pedagogy or literary criticism. She can also work as a translator, engineer, or economist. Gerda can make a career in science or art.

In relationships with men, Gerda is distinguished by decency and loyalty. She will become a wonderful and reliable wife. Her ideals in family relationships are trust, loyalty and honesty. Gerda loves children and devotes a lot of time to raising them. She does not tolerate lies and falsehood. Sometimes Gerda does not get married because she does not find a suitable man who meets her ideals.

Travel almost the entire Earth in search of your best friend? For the heroine of a fairy tale, this is not at all difficult. Brave and courageous Gerda will overcome any challenge to save a loved one. And what obstacles can we talk about if a sincere belief in good lives in the heart.

History of creation

In 1844, the collection “New Fairy Tales. Volume one." The book includes a story about the adventures of a girl named Gerda, who was desperately searching for her missing friend.

Scientists claim that “The Snow Queen” is the writer’s longest fairy tale. Hans Christian Andersen himself called the work “the fairy tale of my life.” There is some basis for such a statement. Most of the characters in this fascinating story are not fictional - these are real people who accompanied Andersen on his life's journey.

The prototype of the brave Gerda was a girl named Lisbeth. The future heroine of the fairy tale lived not far from little Hans and often came to visit. Over time, the children became so friendly that they began to call each other “sister” and “brother.” Lisbeta is the first listener of Andersen’s still uncertain, but already interesting stories.

There is a theory that in the confrontation between Gerda and the Danish writer he reflected the struggle between religion and science. This idea did not take root in the Soviet Union. It’s not surprising, since the fairy tale reached the USSR in a stripped-down version. Mandatory censorship, through which foreign works passed, erased religious motifs from the fairy tale - in the original version, memories of.


Gerda was born into a poor family. Despite the difficult financial situation, the parents and grandmother tried to give the child a happy childhood. The family lives under the very roof of an apartment building. The young heroine has an attractive appearance:

“The hair curled, and the curls surrounded the girl’s fresh, round, rose-like face with a golden glow.”

Mom and dad built a flower garden for Gerda, which the girl looked after together with the neighbor boy Kai. The guys had been friends since childhood and spent a lot of time together.

The relationship changed when Kai became hostage to the fragments of a magic mirror, distorting the perception of the world. Having hit the boy in the eye and heart, the fragments turned Kai against Gerda.

The girl's best friend goes missing, and the adults decide that the boy is dead. Only Gerda does not accept this truth and, with the onset of spring, goes on a search. The first person the girl turns to is the local river. Gerda offers the elements an exchange: the river returns Kaya to her, and the heroine gives away the only thing of value - new red shoes. The river does not help the girl, but carries her to the house of the old witch.

Naive Gerda allows herself to be bewitched and blithely lives in the old woman’s house through the end of spring and all summer. Chance reminds the girl of the purpose of her journey. After consulting with local flowers and finding out that Kai is not buried in the ground, Gerda returns to the search.

The road leads a brave girl to a beautiful castle. Questions from the talking raven confirm the guess - Kai lives in the palace and is quite happy with the local princess. The girl persuades the raven to take her inside. Alas, the princess's groom turns out to be another boy.

Good rulers listen to the sad story and present the girl with warm clothes and a golden carriage. The gifts could not have come at a better time. Gerda again sets out on a difficult journey. In the nearby forest, an expensive carriage is attacked by bandits.

Gerda is saved from death by a little robber who decides to take the girl into her collection of curiosities. At night, when the robber falls asleep, the white doves tell the girl where to look for Kai. Delighted Gerda shares what she has learned with the jailer. Despite the surroundings, the heart of the young robber has not yet hardened. The thief lets Gerda go, giving her a reindeer to accompany her.

So, on the back of a mighty animal, the heroine gets to Lapland. The duo makes their first stop at the house of an old Laplander. The woman, having learned the fate of the deer and Gerda, gives the heroes a strange message on the road, written on dried cod. The old woman asks to convey a message to a Finnish friend.

Having reached Finnmark, Gerda finds the old woman's home. While the heroes are warming up after a long journey, the Finnish woman carefully examines the incomprehensible writings. The reindeer, who has developed a liking for his companion during the trip, begs his new acquaintance to help Gerda. But the Finnish woman, seeing the girl’s character traits, has a different opinion on this matter:

“Don’t you see how great her power is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she walked around half the world barefoot! It’s not up to us to borrow her power! The strength is in her sweet, innocent childish heart. If she herself cannot penetrate the palace of the Snow Queen and remove the fragments from Kai’s heart, then we will certainly not help her!”

Having reached the entrance to the Snow Queen's garden, Gerda is left alone - a reindeer is waiting for her at the entrance. Prayers help the girl get to the castle. The angels who came to the rescue drive the Snow Queen's guards away from the heroine and do not allow them to harm Gerda.

The house of the evil mistress of the snow fascinates the girl, although during the journey the castles ceased to amaze Gerda. Seeing Kai, the heroine throws herself on her friend’s chest. Warm tears rolling from the girl’s eyes melt the ice in the boy’s heart, and the mention of Christ in his favorite psalm makes Kai himself cry. This is how the fragments of the cursed mirror came out of the young man’s body.

The happy heroes set off on their way back and, having reached their home, realize that they have matured a lot during the journey. Only their hearts remained as kind and pure.

Film adaptations

The first cartoon about the adventures of a brave girl was filmed in the USSR in 1957. The cartoon “The Snow Queen” has received international awards and has been translated into six foreign languages. The actress became the voice of Gerda.

In 1967, the Lenfilm film studio released the fairy tale film The Snow Queen. In addition to living people, the film features dolls and cartoon elements. The role of Gerda was played by.

The premiere of the New Year's musical of the same name took place on December 31, 2003. Performed the role of Gerda. In addition to the original plot, the musical film also contains other Andersen stories.

Inspired by the fairy tale of the Danish writer, Osamu Dezaki created an anime dedicated to the adventures of a brave girl. The cartoon hardly deviates from the original source. The image of Gerda was created by Akio Sugino, and the voice was given by Ayako Kawasumi.

In 2012, a new animated film “The Snow Queen” was released. Later, the fairy tale was continued - “The Snow Queen 2: Refreeze” (2015) and “The Snow Queen 3: Fire and Ice”. In the first and second parts, Gerda was voiced by a singer (Anna Shurochkina), in the third - by Natalia Bystrova.

  • The name "Gerda" comes from Scandinavia, the meaning of the name is the protector of people.
  • A polar bear named Gerda lives in the Novosibirsk Zoo. In August, the animal was suffering from the heat, and the servants brought real snow into the enclosure. A video of Gerda enjoying the snow spread all over the world.
  • Poet Stefania Danilova dedicated a poem to Gerda in which the heroine enters the halls of winter. The work ends unexpectedly: Gerda confesses her love not to Kai, but to the Snow Queen.

The mystery and meaning of the name Gerda make it possible to learn a lot of interesting things about the fate and character of its owners. This is especially important for parents who choose a name for their baby. After all, looking into the future, it is easier not to make a mistake and name your child correctly.

The origin of this name is Scandinavian. Translated, it means “mighty spear.” This has a certain impact on Gerda’s character: the girl is distinguished by her resilience, independence and remarkable willpower.

Name forms and synonyms: Gerdochka, Hera, Gerochka, Gerusya, Gerta. Full: Gerda.

Already in childhood, Gerdochka exhibits masculine character traits. She prefers cars, toy guns and slingshots to dolls. She can often be found in the company of boys playing “war”.

Gerda is an independent person who knows her worth. It is difficult to surprise her with anything, and if this happens, she tries by all means to hide her feelings and emotions. With this behavior she often misleads her interlocutors.

Hera loves to lead, and she is great at it. The leadership talent awakens in her even in childhood. She knows how to gather a team around her, present an interesting idea and, with the help of others, bring it to life.

Character traits and fate

Many experts believe that a girl named Gerda is a rather rare type of person. They are characterized by a reluctance to blindly follow fashion and loyalty to their style, regardless of their mood and external circumstances. That is why Gerda almost always looks perfect.

Hera's main task is to find harmony between her inner world and the environment.. It is difficult for her to pretend, to say something that disagrees with her opinion. A girl finds true happiness if she finds herself in a society where she can be herself.

The same thing happens in relationships with men. No falsehood or betrayal. Gerda believes that a strong family is based on trust, honesty and devotion. And if this is not the case, then you should not waste time on meaningless, deceitful relationships.

The girl named Gerda loves children very much. She enjoys spending time in their company, playing with them, sharing knowledge and experience. She is a wonderful teacher and psychologist rolled into one. Hera often chooses the difficult profession of a teacher.

As for her career, Gerda is capable of achieving heights in any field. If she likes her job, she will easily “fly up” the career ladder in a short time. The most important thing is that she will do this honestly, without deception, without setting anyone up.

Gerda has few friends. But those who happen to become such are certainly lucky. They find a true, devoted friend for life. Gerdochka will be their support in everything, even if it brings her inconvenience.

It is often not easy for Gerda to find a man who has all the qualities necessary for a cloudless, strong relationship. She is quite picky in this matter, so she should listen to experts and pay attention to men with such names.

Those with the name Gerda, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for a narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Compatibility of the name Gerda, manifestation in love

Gerda, your self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

Forms of the name Gerda

Other name options: Gerdiya, Gerdina.

Name Gerda in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 格爾達 (Gé ěr dá). Japanese: ゲルダ (Geruda). Korean: 게르다 (geleuda). Ukrainian: Gerda. Yiddish: גערדאַ (gerda). English: Gerda (Gerda).

Origin and meaning of the name Gerda

Origin of the name Gerda: The meaning of the name is Protector.

Character of the name

However, there is something of the “lone wolf” about you. This creates some difficulties for others in communicating with you - you seem to them somewhat aloof and detached from the “vanity of the world.”

You constantly feel the need to carry yourself with dignity without losing your composure. But if you have to exist in conditions of chaos and confusion, then you often lose attractiveness in the eyes of others.

You should pay special attention to your health: stick to a proper daily routine and diet, and be sure to combine rest with exercise. The “weak” places of your body are the tonsils, spleen and spine.

Your main task in life: to maintain a sharp mind, a kind heart and the ability to find the spiritual and divine in everything that surrounds you.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.


Those with the name Gerda, as a rule, turn out to be trendsetters for a narrow circle. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can “afford not to follow fashion.” The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body itself looks, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for quite a long time, each time appearing in a new look, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Numerology of the name Gerda

Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, art or religion. “Sevens” perfectly understand other people, which determines the large number of leaders among them. Also, “sevens” often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. Sevens are always reserved, do not like to show their emotions, are averse to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, “Sevens” rarely show themselves on the positive side. Money matters are not their strong point; money in general is not their primary interest; “Sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.


Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Variegated, variable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: Mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: Emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: Basil, parsley, walnut, celery, valerian.
Animals: Fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

The name Gerda as a phrase

G Verb (Speak)
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
D Welcome
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Gerda

G - the desire for knowledge, introduction to a hidden secret, the ability to understand everything in inextricable connection with life, attention to detail and the need to do everything in good faith.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.