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How is the name Diana translated? Name Diana: meaning, origin. Meaning of the name Diana for a girl. Positive traits of the name

Each name has its own secret, its own strengths and hidden talents. By knowing more about our own names and choosing names for our children wisely, we can become happier and more successful.

Meaning and origin of the name

In ancient Rome, Diana was the goddess of the hunt, which corresponds to the Greek Artemis, the maiden huntress. The name can be translated as “divine”, and its bearer really seems to be under the protection of this goddess.

The name Dayana is a cognate of the name Diana and comes from the same root. In the Persian language there is also a name that means “messenger of health”, “healthy”.

The fate and character of Diana

The owner of this name is not so easy to fool. She combines well-developed intuition with high intelligence and the ability to understand people. She feels well the attitude of others towards herself and pays in the same coin. It may seem that Diana is too direct or even callous, but this is not so: she does not like indifference or hard-heartedness, and such people do not stay around for long. She herself is ready to act as an assistant and defender if she sees injustice.

Diana is characterized by self-confidence and in her abilities. She does not allow anyone to interfere in her life or evaluate the decisions she has made. Because of this, even conflicts are possible, for example, with overly curious colleagues or annoying relatives on the part of the spouse, but Diana will stand her ground. She is conscientious, punctual, you can count on her and trust her. This helps her build relationships with others, since it is almost impossible to take advantage of Diana’s kindness for personal gain.

Diana can connect her fate with a variety of areas of activity, since she is not devoid of qualities necessary for career growth and leadership positions, but at the same time she is quite correct when it comes to her immediate responsibilities. She does not fanatically try to achieve recognition from everyone around her and certainly take the boss’s chair, but responsible projects and important events cannot be done without her, she knows how to unite people with a common goal.

Another side of Diana’s character is her creative abilities, which, with proper development and attention on her part, become a real talent. Therefore, Diana can equally successfully become a famous artist, designer, choreographer, but an architect-Diana or an engineer-Diana is the rule rather than the exception.

Diana’s certain detachment does not scare men away from her, but, on the contrary, they usually like her, although, of course, approaching such a woman can be difficult. Diana, as a rule, does not have several affairs at the same time and is generally suspicious of easy affairs. Dating at a resort is not the type of leisure activity she strives for. She is attracted to serious men with serious intentions, and the point is not a financial calculation, but the fact that Diana herself is ready to invest in the union, but also expects the same from her future husband. She becomes a good, albeit strict, mother and a faithful wife. Friends usually do not know the details of her personal life.

The meaning of the name Diana for a child

Little Diana is characterized by the same perseverance and energy. In matters that interest her, she is diligent and attentive. School subjects that piqued her curiosity will always score high.

When choosing the name Diana for their daughter, her parents will not be disappointed, as the girl will be cheerful and lively. Little owners of this name very rarely have problems in a team, since they usually want to be friends with Diana, and she herself knows how to distinguish with whom it is worth getting closer.

The name Diana can be shortened to the forms Dina or Anya, but Diana often prefers to be called by her full name from an early age. This desire should not be hindered, since the name carries strong energy and will become her personal amulet for the girl.

Characteristics of the name

Name days: Diana does not celebrate her own name day, since this name is not in the Saints. However, at baptism she receives a second, Orthodox name, which is usually written down by the priest on the baptismal certificate. Most often, Diana is baptized under the name Anna. Accordingly, in this case Diana celebrates her name day according to Anna’s calendar.

Which middle name is suitable for: Antonovna, Arturovna, Albertovna, Artemovna, Glebovna, Damirovna, Davidovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Fillipovna, Eldarovna.

Name energy: active, strong, assertive, masculine-like.

Lucky number Diana and her numerological talisman: five.

Name element: Water is the most energetically suitable. When choosing a talisman, avoid stagnation: the aquariums in Diana’s house must be carefully filtered, and it is better to prefer a small fountain to a vase with floating candles.

Zodiac: The name Diana is especially suitable for those born under the Zodiac Sign of Cancer.

Stone-amulet: Among the stones and minerals, two are considered Diana's talismans - selenite and diamond. To use them correctly, you should understand that selenite is a transparent gypsum mineral, and diamond is the most durable, capable of cutting glass. Cut diamonds will give Diana brightness and firmness of spirit, and selenite, on the contrary, will calm her down and make her softer.

Metal: liquid, dangerous mercury.

Color: fiery shades, orange or yellow.

Patron planet: Diana was considered the goddess of the Moon in Ancient Rome. Her fate is also influenced by the cold and gloomy Pluto. By the way, there is also an asteroid called “Diana,” so the owners of this name have many heavenly patrons.

Totem animal: deer. There is a legend that the goddess Diana turned a hunter who watched her bathe into a deer. Nevertheless, the deer will be Diana's faithful protector. A pendant in the shape of a deer antler will ward off trouble from Diana.

Amulet plant: lily of the valley, flower of innocence, and also solid oak. It is favorable to have an image of a lily of the valley in the bedroom, and you can lean against an oak tree in the forest to get rid of negative energy.

Famous representatives name: Princess Diana (wife of Prince Charles, the most famous woman of the 20th century according to journalists, philanthropist, for a long time was practically the face of Buckingham Palace); Diana Ross (popular American singer, has two stars on the Walk of Fame); Diana Arbenina (Russian rock singer); Diana Di Prima (beat generation poetess).

Among the bearers of the name Diana there are people who are significant for their time and a certain generation. Who knows which Diana will start the new countdown? In any case, the owner of this name can achieve a lot on her own.

Numerology of the female name Diana

Five is the number under which the name Diana passes. Five are not only privileges, but also obligations. Intelligence, hard work, perseverance, responsibility, pedantry, punctuality, accuracy. In addition to these advantages, she is also distinguished by high moral qualities, which few can boast of. At the same time, Diana is not arrogant and can soberly assess her merits... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

All names in alphabetical order:

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The meaning of the name determines the fate, character traits, and behavior of a person. The origin of the name Diana leads to ancient Roman mythology, when people worshiped gods, among which the goddess Diana is the patroness of the Moon and hunting. Translated from Latin, deus means “God”; the name is interpreted as “divine”.

There is no such name in the Orthodox calendar, so little Dianas are usually baptized as Anna or Daria. The patroness of all Dianas in Catholicism was Saint Diana d'Andalo, who had a noble origin and lived in the 13th century. She founded the monastery of St. Agnes in the city of Bologna. Canonized by Pope Leo XIII in 1888.

The meaning of the name Diana for a girl

Early age

From early childhood, the girl Diana active and stubborn, makes progress early, develops quickly: begins to speak and walk early. Stubbornness is one of the main traits that always accompanies the bearer of the name, which often leads to conflicts and misunderstandings on the part of parents. The other side, sympathetic and caring, feeling compassion and pity for one’s neighbor, cannot but admire and forces one to put up with his daughter’s waywardness. The openness and sincerity of a child helps to make many friends among peers and older children. She is sociable, does not hesitate, expresses her opinion and can stand up for the undeservedly offended.

The constant desire for growth and self-development is noticeable from childhood: Diana is resourceful and quick-witted, eagerly learns new things and surprises those around him with his ingenuity. She is admired and proud. Studying at school does not give the girl any particular difficulties. Thanks to her analytical abilities, she is inclined to study the exact sciences, but she can also achieve success in the humanities, since she is interested in creativity.

Often behavior during school years is not impeccable. This means that Diana often receives comments and reprimands from teachers. This does not in any way prevent her from remaining in the forefront in terms of academic performance. Excellent academic performance becomes a matter of principle. Diana feels comfortable in the role of leader, knows how to win over those around him.

Characteristics of adolescence

Diana as a teenager is characterized by:

The meaning of the name Diana for an adult woman


With age, Diana's character becomes more and more strong-willed qualities appear and the desire to be the first in everything. Once open and spontaneous, she becomes secretive, hiding her feelings behind authority and rigidity. Her artistic talent is on full display. To achieve the goal, she is ready to play a role. She diligently hides her softness, tenderness, and responsiveness from prying eyes and only sometimes allows herself to be weak. The desire to keep feelings in check helps to be self-controlled even in anger.

More and more often, she becomes like a warrior going towards her goal, no matter what. He often expresses to people's faces what he thinks about them. This leads to negative consequences for her. You should not get carried away with such behavior so as not to lose true friendship and affection of loved ones.

Characteristics of positive qualities:

  • independence;
  • determination;
  • emotional stability;
  • responsibility;
  • self confidence.

Negative features:

  • pragmatism;
  • prudence;
  • uncompromisingness;
  • selfishness.

Career Meaning

Diana's leadership qualities develop with age. She becomes tougher, prioritizes achieving her goal and tries with all her energy to achieve it. Successfully holds leadership positions. Thanks to his endurance, composure, and foresight, he is considered a promising employee and is not afraid of responsibility. Her career means a lot to her. Successfully uses creative abilities for the benefit of the common cause, which arouses the admiration and envy of others.

Diana is pretty uncompromising, categorical leader, demanding of himself and others. Sometimes, regardless of the circumstances, she is intolerant of other people's mistakes.

The role of wife and mother

Diana's leadership qualities are also evident in everyday life. She is self-confident and decisive, which often scares off the stronger sex. Perhaps this is why she cannot start a family and establish strong relationships with a man for a long time. The tendency to analyze does not allow the owner of the name to succumb to feelings and emotions. First of all, she studies and tests her partner’s strength, forcing the man to seek her affection for a long time. Appreciates men who can surprise every day, does not accept boring everyday relationships.

In his youth, he pays special attention to the appearance of his chosen one. Realizing that this is not the main thing, she often becomes calculating and looks for a life partner according to his wealth, social status. As a rule, life is associated with a successful, self-sufficient person.

Diana's fate often includes more than one marriage. Because of her strong-willed leadership qualities, family relationships are “bursting at the seams.” Even remaining without a permanent partner for some time, a woman strives to diversify her life as much as possible. She is always surrounded by friends, easily makes acquaintances and plunges into new novels, travels and does not allow herself to get bored.

Having children, Dianas do not become fanatical mothers. It's hard to imagine Diana as a housewife. They will be happy to shift responsibilities to grandmothers or nannies, preferring to return to work. An endless sense of duty prompts her to make efforts so that her children do not need anything. But often because of these worries, emotional communication with them suffers, it feels lack of parental attention and warmth. He raises his children in strictness, but never uses violence or aggression against them.

Sex life

Diana is sensual, sexy, and attaches special importance to this side of life. Prefers attractive men in good physical shape, witty and interesting interlocutors. Being a beautiful, well-groomed woman, she enthusiastically and without hesitation gives herself over to intimate caresses and games. Her partner is usually an experienced, skilled lover. The emotional component of the relationship gives her feelings even more fire. If Diana is in love, then her intimate life is filled with warmth and tenderness; her feelings make her a great lover.

Name characters:

  • talisman - selenite (), diamond;
  • patron animal - deer, leopard;
  • plants - lily of the valley, oak, pear.

Famous Dianas

D. Arbenina - singer, soloist of the group “Night Snipers”;

D. Vishneva - prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater in Moscow;

D. Gurtskaya - singer, performer of popular music;

D. Savelyeva - performer of gypsy romance;

D. Morozova - Russian theater and film actress;

Diana Spencer - Princess of Wales, known as Lady Di.

Meaning of the name

Diana is charming, sensual and emotional. She cannot remain indifferent to the grief of other people, so it is quite natural that the owner of this name has many friends (but she has no enemies). Despite her kindness and responsiveness, Diana can easily be called the owner of a strong and firm character. This is a leader by nature, who does not seek to prove his superiority. The main thing is that pragmatism and toughness do not develop into dryness and excessive demands on others, bordering on cruelty.

Characteristics of the name Diana

Winter Diana responsible, prudent and pragmatic. Her actions are guided solely by reason, so it is often quite difficult for this woman to make real friends (and Diana herself is in no hurry to trust people). In relationships with men, winter Diana is cold and reserved, which negatively affects her personal life (she creates a family mainly after 30 years).

Spring Diana - a real Amazon, accustomed to achieving everything she sets her mind to through not only her hard work, but also her feminine charm. She is stubborn, persistent and ambitious, which helps her overcome any difficulties in life. With men, the spring Diana is flirtatious, wise and courteous like a woman, which is why she has a great many admirers. But she will choose only a man proven by time and circumstances.

Summer Diana cunning and witty, she perfectly knows how to adapt to existing circumstances, which contributes to career advancement. In addition, this woman combines such qualities as intelligence and spontaneity, conservatism and originality, which attracts people to her. In men, year-old Diana values ​​kindness, openness, honesty and determination. But she will never forgive betrayal.

Autumn Diana hardworking, smart, self-confident, but at the same time overly stingy. She loves to receive, but is in no hurry to give anything in return. Such a life position can lead to the fact that there will be practically no people in her life to whom she can open her soul. Autumn Diana has rather complicated relationships with men, since her chosen one simply must be ideal and perfect.

Stone - talisman

Diana's lucky stones are selenite and diamond.


This moonstone symbolizes happiness, good luck, as well as material well-being.

It is believed that selenite promotes the development of intuition, strengthening memory and will, making the right decisions and calming emotions (especially negative ones). Thus, the owners of this stone become kinder, more sympathetic and softer.

Selenite promotes the harmonization of family relationships, as it pacifies and calms passions.

This mineral is rightfully considered one of the strongest magical talismans that can protect against evil spells and witchcraft.

In general, selenite is a stone for creative people who decide to connect their lives with the spheres of culture or art.


This precious stone is a symbol of perfection, fortitude, purity, invincibility, fearlessness and purity.

People say that a diamond ingratiates women and drives away ghosts, protects against quarrels and temptations, and suppresses bad thoughts.

Alchemists considered diamond a stone of wisdom and attributed exclusively positive properties to it. So, from time immemorial, this stone has symbolized light, life, fortitude and openness.

This stone was endowed with healing powers: the owner of the diamond is not afraid of diseases such as dementia and schizophrenia. Contemplation of this stone improves mood, relieves melancholy, tames rage and anger (for this reason, the diamond is recommended for hot-tempered people to wear).

In the East, diamond is considered a stone of good fortune, enhancing mental acuity and protecting against enemies.

But! All these properties are possessed only by those stones that were obtained honestly or were inherited by their owner.





Animal - symbol

Animals that patronize Diana are leopard, deer and beaver.


This beautiful and graceful animal symbolizes rage, ruthlessness, cruelty, ferocity, aggressiveness, but at the same time pride, courage, bravery, courage and speed.

The ancient Greeks considered the leopard a symbol of evil, while in China this animal personified courage.

In Asian and African countries, leopard skin was used as clothing for shamans and sorcerers.

In Christianity, the leopard is identified with evil, sin and lust. The fact is that the prophet Daniel dreamed of a leopard, and the Lord told the prophet that evildoers are not able to change their fate, just as a leopard cannot change its spots.


It is a symbol with positive energy, representing sunrise, light, grace, purity, beauty, renewal, swiftness, rebirth, creation and spirituality. In addition, the deer symbolizes caution, accuracy and keen hearing.

The deer is a good messenger and a guide that shows the way to the goal.

American Indians and Asian peoples identified the male deer with abundance and longevity, while the young deer symbolized vulnerability.

In China, deer symbolizes wealth, luck and abundance.

In the Christian tradition, this animal personifies not only purity and piety, but also hermitage (in the Bible, a deer thirsting for water is compared to a human soul that seeks to know God). The deer also represents Christ, who is looking for the devil in order to destroy him.

Deer is a powerful magical protector, protecting from troubles and evil.


It is a symbol of diligence, hard work, love of freedom and temperance.

In the Christian tradition, the beaver symbolizes chastity, hermitage, asceticism, as well as vigilance and peacefulness.


More fortunate are those Dianas who were born under the signs of Taurus and Cancer (you can read more about these signs in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).


Diana's totem plants are pear, oak and lily of the valley.


The pear symbolizes longevity, as it is an amazingly resilient tree (the average lifespan of a tree is about 100 years). White pear flowers represent sadness and impermanence, but at the same time beauty and sensuality (all thanks to the shape of the fruits of this tree, reminiscent of a slender female figure).

Important! Chinese sages did not recommend lovers or friends to cut the pear fruit and divide it in order to avoid separation and quarrels.

The ancient Greeks revered the pear as a symbol of love and motherhood, while the Slavs used the fruits of this tree to make love potions (it was believed that the pear helped strengthen marital relationships and protected against infidelity).

In the Christian tradition, the pear is a symbol of Jesus' love for all humanity.

This mighty tree symbolizes courage, strength, bravery, longevity, wisdom, endurance, as well as nobility, fertility and devotion.

Oak is the personification of the world axis, as well as a link that connects the world of gods with the world of people, the world of the living with the world of the dead (by the way, our ancestors believed that the souls of the dead live in the foliage of oak trees).

In addition, oak acts as a symbol of marital fidelity and family happiness.

Lily of the valley

This snow-white flower represents purity, love, modesty, tenderness, fidelity and sadness at the same time.

According to Christian legend, the lily of the valley appeared from the tears of the Mother of God, who mourned her crucified Son.

For the ancient Germans, this plant symbolizes blessing, happiness in family life, fertility and well-being.

Lily of the valley also had magical powers: it was believed that in the hands of an evil person this delicate plant could become a homewrecker.

Important! You cannot collect, buy or give lilies of the valley on the eve of the new moon, since at this time the aroma of flowers awakens lust, throwing a person into the arms of sin.


Diana's metal is mercury, symbolizing the rebirth of the human soul, the search for truth, but at the same time impermanence and elusiveness.

This metal promotes increased activity, which helps achieve your goals.

It is interesting that alchemists have long considered this metal to be feminine, and all for the reason that it has cold energy.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Diana

Name translation

The name Diana is translated from Latin as “divine.”

History of the name

The name Diana came to us from Ancient Rome: this was the name of the regal, decisive and beautiful ancient Roman goddess of hunting and vegetation (in Ancient Greece the same goddess was called Artemis).

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most famous forms of the name Diana: Di, Didi, Dianka, Dina, Danchik, Danya, Diana, Dayana, Dian, Dean.

The mystery of the name Diana

Patrons of the name

The name Diana is not in the Orthodox calendar, so at baptism the owners of this name are often given the consonant name Daria.

The legend of the name Diana

Saint Diana d'Andalo, who lived in the 13th century in Italy, came from a noble family. It was this blessed one who founded the monastery of St. Agnes in her hometown of Bologna.

Unfortunately, very little is known about the life of this saint. All that is known for certain is that she lived and did good deeds during the reign of the blessed preacher Jordan of Saxony, with whom she had a touching friendship.

Saint Diana died in 1236 and was canonized by Pope Leo XIII in August 1888. Her relics are still kept in the monastery of St. Agnes.

Famous people

Famous singers named Diana:

  • Diana Ross - American singer;
  • Diana Arbenina;
  • Diana Gurtskaya;
  • Diana Savelyeva is a performer of gypsy novels.

Famous actresses named Diana:

  • Diana Shpak;
  • Diane Lane;
  • Diana Desmarie;
  • Diana Morozova.

Diana Kovalchuk - famous top model from Ukraine.

Diana Spencer (better known as Princess Diana or Lady Di) - Princess of Wales.

Diana Vishneva - Russian prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater.

Meaning of the name Diana

For a child

Little Diana is an obedient, kind, calm and cheerful girl who tries to help not only her parents, but also all those who need it. However, behind the girl’s gentleness there is a strong character and stubbornness (if she has decided something for herself, she will definitely achieve it by any means).

Diana is endowed with the ability to maneuver correctly, which helps her hit any intended target. If circumstances require it, then Diana can easily lie, and it is simply impossible not to believe this small but cunning angel. It is imperative to combat this shortcoming of Diana, otherwise over the years lying will develop into a habit that can negatively affect the girl’s fate. Among the negative qualities of little Diana, I would like to note vanity (she tends to exaggerate her own merits).

But still, Diana’s responsiveness and good nature cannot leave anyone indifferent, so she is often forgiven a lot. This sensitive and vulnerable girl always has many friends, whom she is ready to defend, if necessary, both with words and with her fists.

Artistic Diana studies quite well, and all thanks to her perseverance, accuracy and penchant for analysis. We should not forget that by nature this girl is a leader, and to maintain her position she needs to work tirelessly and gain her authority.

For a girl

Teenage Diana gives her parents a lot of trouble, because from a calm and obedient child she turns into an obstinate and independent girl who, more than anything else, wants to become independent and get rid of her parents’ excessive care. Therefore, it is better to give her a certain degree of freedom and not bind her with strict obligations, which will help maintain warm paternal relations.

She is still kind and sympathetic, but it is unlikely that she will be able to use her kindness for selfish purposes, since the insightful Diana quickly detects lies and hypocrisy. Practical and stubborn, Diana has a strong masculine character, which often interferes with her life. Although, thanks to her ability to win people over, she easily manages to achieve a lot in life.

Young Diana is emotional and quick-tempered, but at the same time easy-going, and she also knows how to laugh at herself, which often helps her overcome blues, melancholy and depression. But if necessary, Diana quickly takes control of her emotions (this girl knows how to think rationally, and never changes her decisions). Such self-confidence borders on arrogance and vanity.

It is often very difficult to understand Diana, because this girl rarely shows her sincere feelings, hiding them behind a mask of coldness and pragmatism.

The older Diana is, the more willpower and the desire to be first in everything are manifested in her character, but still this girl does not look like a cruel warrior who, in order to achieve her goal, is capable of sweeping away everything in her path. Her character still contains gentleness, warmth and kindness.

For woman

Adult Diana is a pragmatic, calculating and quite tough woman who, when making decisions, is guided exclusively by logic and common sense. She loses the spontaneity that was characteristic of her in her childhood. Diana hides her openness behind authority, which can develop into real tyranny.

It also happens that Diana’s sensuality takes precedence over her balance, and then the best qualities of the owner of this name appear: softness, tenderness, responsiveness and sentimentality. But if you offend this woman or hurt her pride, expect retaliatory aggression.

We should not forget that Diana is a great actress who is ready to play any role for the sake of profit. Her endless energy, combined with an analytical mind, allows her to achieve heights that many can only dream of. However, this woman should remember that moderation is important in everything, and instead of an Oscar, she may lose close people who, sooner or later, will think about whether her friendship is sincere.

Description of the name Diana


Diana tries to adhere to generally accepted moral standards, but she does not always succeed. In addition, the owner of this name is vindictive and will never miss an opportunity to remind you of mistakes or faults.


Diana's weak points in terms of health are the liver, stomach and reproductive system. In addition, she is susceptible to respiratory diseases. Therefore, she should pay special attention to the functioning of the immune system (hardening and frequent walks in the fresh air are indicated for her).


Diana is capable of deep feelings, and the process of conquering a man is important to her (one should not be surprised that the militant Amazon Diana prefers to take the initiative into her own hands).

At the same time, she also expects decisive action, romance, sincerity and depth of feelings from her chosen one (Diana will appreciate a partner who can surprise her day after day). She will open up only to a reliable and strong man, in whom she will be one hundred percent confident.

But Diana’s man must come to terms with the fact that this woman does not always know how to show her feelings, which does not mean their absence.

This woman does not like to discuss her personal life with her friends, and will not tolerate such behavior from her man.


Diana never lacks male attention, so she can afford to take a long time and carefully choose the one with whom she agrees to start a family. Despite this, most often her first marriage is not very successful, especially if it was concluded in her youth. And the reason for this is that the owner of this name is not ready to give up her independence. In addition, Diana absolutely does not know how to obey, which significantly complicates the building of family relationships.

In her second marriage, Diana tries not to make the mistakes made in her first union. It is important for her to build a trusting relationship in which there will be no secrets and omissions.

It also happens that Diana gets married very late, because she is waiting for the ideal man who will be strong, handsome, smart, and financially secure. If the chosen man does not meet her high requirements, she will not be afraid to break up with him, and she herself will initiate the divorce.

Family relationships

Diana strives to create a prosperous and strong family, since only in the family circle she finds peace and spiritual harmony. At the same time, she agrees to become an ideal housewife, but on the condition that her husband takes on the financial support of the family. In addition, for Diana, a husband is not only a loved one, but a faithful and passionate lover, as well as a wise adviser.

Diana’s main problem is her inability to switch gears: for example, if her mood is spoiled at work, she will definitely transfer all the negativity to her household. Therefore, she needs to learn to differentiate between her work mood and her home mood.

In the family, Diana tries to take a dominant position, and if she cannot do this openly, then she becomes a “gray eminence.” The interesting thing is that this woman will not get along next to a weak-willed man.

Diana is a loving, gentle, attentive and caring mother who does not accept physical punishment (moreover, she rarely even raises her voice to her children).


Although outwardly cold, Diana is actually very sensual and temperamental, but only a gentle and loving man, who will care not only about his desires, but also about the preferences of his partner, can awaken these qualities in her.

The intimate sphere is extremely important for Diana, since it is physical attraction and pleasure that gives her energy.

Diana’s partner must take into account the fact that this woman loves thoughtfulness even in the sexual sphere: so, to obtain maximum pleasure, she needs a special environment, comfort, and a certain chic.

Mind (intelligence)

Thanks to her cold and calculating mind, Diana confidently moves up the career ladder, but at the same time she lacks simple human warmth to build reliable and strong relationships.


Diana is responsible, efficient, stubborn, objective and fair, so she can cope with any profession, but she will prefer a type of activity in which there will be no monotony. So, Diana will like the professions of a doctor, nurse, politician, public figure or diplomat.

But in the chair of an accountant, researcher or clerk, this woman will not stay long, because she does not possess such qualities as perseverance and scrupulousness. Diana expects the greatest success in creative professions related to communication (this could be such areas as theater, music, literature, painting).

Thanks to her determination, communication and analytical mind, Diana easily makes the necessary contacts and quickly moves up the career ladder, but at the same time, in order to achieve a position, she will never resort to betrayal or forgery.


By nature, Diana is a born leader with excellent organizational skills, so running her own business comes easily to her. She can be harsh with her subordinates, but is always extremely fair.

It is interesting that she often engages in business not so much for the sake of achieving material well-being, but in order to prove the fact that women are no worse than men at coping with serious responsibilities that require composure and concentration.


Diana is a creative person, and therefore her hobbies are related to the field of art: it could be drawing, embroidery or writing books. The owner of this name also loves to travel, but provided that the conditions are comfortable.

Character type


Diana is a born fighter who is not afraid to go against the system and tell people what she thinks about them to their faces, which often gets her into trouble. But do not think that she is easy to anger; on the contrary, even in anger she does not lose control of herself.

The owner of this beautiful name is distinguished by her unyielding will, activity and heightened sense of justice, so it is unlikely that she will be drawn into a dubious adventure.

Diana is balanced and used to hiding her feelings, which often prevents her from building her personal life. She takes life’s failures calmly (she prefers to solve all problems through logic and reason, but in no case feelings).

It is impossible to influence Diana's opinion, since she is always firmly convinced that she is right (such confidence can border on arrogance and vanity). She considers herself a strong woman, therefore she does not recognize other people’s weaknesses, and she considers the feeling of pity to be something shameful and humiliating. For this reason, she rarely makes friends with women, as she despises emotionality, tearfulness and weakness.


Diana uses her developed intuition only when evaluating people, while when making fateful decisions she relies solely on reason.

Horoscope named Diana

Diana - Aries

Diana - Taurus

This calm and sedate woman knows how to find a common language with others, in which she is helped by her unique ability to charm people at first sight. Diana-Taurus always finishes everything she starts, which contributes to her career advancement. But winning the heart of this woman is not easy, since she immediately reveals lies and flattery.

Diana - Gemini

This woman is characterized by frivolity and extravagance (such people are popularly called spenders). Diana-Gemini spares no expense on entertainment and purchasing beautiful, but often unnecessary things. She sincerely hopes that on her way she will meet a handsome and rich prince who will turn Diana’s life into a real fairy tale. But life is not a fairy tale, and you need to remember this.

Diana - Cancer

Responsive, compassionate and good-natured Diana-Cancer is very insecure: she is constantly tormented by doubts, especially when her words or actions can offend a person. As a result, this woman tries to keep to herself, although she longs to be useful. Diana-Cancer builds relationships with men according to the same principle, that is, she withdraws and avoids any advances.

Diana - Leo

Temperamental, sensual and freedom-loving Diana-Leo constantly strives to assert herself and achieve recognition.

Power, energy and leadership qualities help her achieve what she wants, and she often does it sharply and harshly, regardless of people’s feelings. Diana-Leo will always try to subordinate her chosen one to her will.

Diana - Virgo

Self-confident and self-sufficient Diana-Virgo rarely takes anyone’s opinion into account, since she considers exclusively her own to be correct. This woman is used to relying only on herself, so she has no need for friends. The prudence of Diana the Virgo leads to the fact that this ambitious woman takes a long time to choose the ideal husband, who must be handsome, smart and rich.

Diana - Libra

Diana-Libra's responsiveness, peacefulness and sincerity make her an indispensable assistant in any endeavor. In addition, she has the ability to see only positive qualities in others. But such gullibility is fraught with disappointment. Diana-Libra dreams of a strong family, so she sees in every fan, first of all, a potential husband and head of the family.

Diana - Scorpio

Diana-Scorpio's ambition knows no bounds. This woman is ready to do a lot to achieve her goal. Her rudeness, harshness and harshness repel people, so she has almost no friends. The main goal of Diana-Scorpio is to make a lasting impression on others. Men are attracted by the image of Diana the conqueror, so there are many romances in her life, which are accompanied by constant showdowns.

Diana - Sagittarius

Categorical, selfish, but at the same time objective and fair, Diana-Sagittarius does not like when anything does not go according to the plan she herself has drawn up. She is used to others listening to her authoritative opinion, but she herself will not listen to anyone. In men, Diana-Sagittarius values ​​reliability, responsibility and honesty. She loves to be looked after beautifully and for a long time.

Diana - Capricorn

Willpower and fortitude are the main character traits of Diana-Capricorn, who enjoys authority and respect. She energizes those around her with her confidence and energy. This woman knows how to adapt to existing circumstances, which helps her deal with various troubles. Diana-Capricorn takes love seriously, so she will not waste time meeting a man for whom relationships are just a game.

Diana - Aquarius

The willful and extravagant Diana-Aquarius can bring bright colors even to boring and monotonous work (the main thing is that she is not prevented from expressing her creative nature). A bright future awaits this woman, full of joy and unforgettable events. Diana-Aquarius is amorous and passionate. In addition, she will never fully belong to her chosen one, the reason for which is her love of freedom.

Diana - Pisces

Charming, feminine and soft, Diana-Pisces does not like (and does not know how) to command, but she will make an excellent performer, because this woman is diligent and obliging. Diana-Pisces is peaceful and responsive; she will not impose her opinion or criticize her opponent. This woman’s chosen one will be very lucky, because there will always be an understanding and faithful woman next to him.

Compatibility of the name Diana with male names

Diana and Dmitry

Both partners long to create an ideal family, in which the wife will be a gentle and affectionate keeper of comfort, and the husband will be the breadwinner, thanks to whom it will be possible to bring all of Diana’s ideas and plans to life.
Dmitry - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Diana and Alexander

The owners of these names are rarely able to create a strong family, and all for the reason that they have too different views on life.

Diana and Denis

Serious passions reign in the union of Diana and Denis, since the emotional and unpredictable Denis does not always share the views of the calm and balanced Diana, for whom stability and confidence in the future are important.

Diana and Artem

This is the case when opposites not only attract, but are able to create a truly strong marriage based on trust, love and warmth. After all, the main thing for Diana and Artem is “good weather in the house.”

Diana and Mikhail

This is a couple of thoughtful and thorough people who take the issue of starting a family seriously.

Diana and Arthur

Diana is open and needs a person whom she will trust unconditionally. And such a person becomes for her Arthur, who knows how to listen, understand and love. This union is destined for long and happy years of family life.

Diana and Nikita

The responsibility and caution with which Diana and Nikita approach starting a family is often surprising. But the fruit of this approach is the formation of a strong, reliable and stable union in which the partners respect each other’s opinions.

Diana and Vadim

Diana is used to living for her own pleasure, and for this she spares neither time nor money. And often (especially if the marriage is early) she is not ready to radically change her life, unlike Vadim, who is thrifty and pragmatic. This may cause divorce.

Diana and Oleg

This is a strange, but at the same time promising union, based on the desire to create a harmonious family. But Oleg may eventually get tired of a calm family life, which can lead to disagreements between spouses. But still, the marriage of Diana and Oleg breaks up very rarely.

Diana and Kirill

Diana and Kirill can be called a continuation of each other, halves of one whole and simply loving spouses who will go through water, fire, and copper pipes together. They never cease to be interesting to each other even after many years of living together.

Diana and Daniel

Comfort, convenience and coziness - these are the components that Diana and Daniel value above all else. Therefore, it is quite natural that their life together is based on achieving high goals, which really brings them closer.

Diana is a popular female name with a long history. The meaning of the name Diana in Persian means "messenger of goodness and health." In Roman mythology, the goddess Diana was responsible for hunting and the Moon, which corresponds to Artemis in Greece. This name is one of the 200 most popular names in the world. The name was especially popular during the life of Princess Diana, and then for some time after her death. Diana's character is very different at different age intervals, but more on that later.

The meaning of the name Diana for a girl

Little Diana is like the girl in the picture. She is kind, obedient, and has keen compassion. He loves animals very much and constantly brings them into the house. He loves to share toys and often gives them to other children. Not a child, but a miracle.

At school, Diana becomes a stronger character and a strong-willed child. She can sometimes be stubborn and persistent even with her parents, so they need to be prepared. The girl is studying well. Studying is easy for her, but she does not experience joy from studying either. It is easier for a girl to learn precise objects, which is usually still a rarity.

Short name Diana

Dianka, Di, Dean, Didi, Dina, Diya, Anna.

Diminutive pet names

Dianochka, Dianushka, Dianchik, Dayana, Dunka.

Name Diana in English

In English, Diana is spelled Diana. The name Diana is written the same way in most languages ​​of the Romano-Germanic language group.

Name Diana for international passport- DIANA.

Translation of the name Diana into other languages

in Arabic - ديانا‎‎
in Belarusian - Dziana
in Hungarian - Diana
in Greek - Ντιάνα (read as DaYana)
in Danish - Diana
in Spanish - Diana
in Italian - Diana
in Chinese - 戴安娜
in Latin - Diana
in German - Diana
in Norwegian - Diana
in Polish - Diana
in Romanian - Diana but often shortened to Didi
in Ukrainian - Diana
in French - Diane, Dianne
in Swedish - Diana
in Japanese - 神子

Church name Diana in the Orthodox faith - Daria and Anna. Usually the priests recommend the name Anna for Diana. In the Catholic tradition - Anna.

Characteristics of the name Diana

Growing up, Diana becomes quite cold and loses the spontaneity characteristic of her in childhood. She is characterized by domineering behavior that sometimes reaches the point of real tyranny. It is rather a bitter experience of openness. This happens quite often with people whose kindness and responsiveness were used for selfish purposes. Now Diana's kindness is only for a select few.

At work, Diana is a recognized leader. She has excellent communication skills and easily makes the right contacts. Sometimes you are harsh with your employees, but you are always fair with them. Loves order and following instructions. Has a penchant for analytical and leadership work.

Friendship with adult Diana is different. Diana can be a wonderful friend, but sometimes her behavior makes her friends question her sincere attitude towards herself. Diana’s communication is often associated with benefits for her. In such cases, she is very courteous, although this behavior is typical of many people.

The family often suffers from Diana's mood swings. She is kind and sympathetic at home, and when she comes home from work she often brings an icy coldness to the relationship. She needs time to switch and thaw. Coming into the seed, she becomes a wonderful wife and a wonderful mother.

The mystery of the name Diana

Diana's secret can be called her prudence. Having learned first-hand in childhood how people use each other, she usually becomes very mercantile. Her smiles and pleasant attitude may be part of the performance being performed for you. When the goal is achieved, notice the change in her behavior.

We can say that another secret of Diana is vindictiveness. She will remember for a long time if you cross her path. Diana gets very angry when unexpected guests appear on her way. It's better that you never know what Diana is like when she's angry.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Calf.

Totem animal- Deer.

Name color- Light yellow.

Tree- Oak.

Plant- Lily of the valley.

Stone- Selenite.

Guardian angel of the name Diana and his patron you need to look by date of birth. If you know your date of birth, then read the article “Patron of the name Diana” on our website.

Dianas are characterized by firmness, activity and determination, they are emotionally mobile and proud.

Diana means “victor”, “huntress”.

Origin of the name Diana:

The name Diana comes from the Roman goddess "Diana" - the patroness of the forest and hunting. The name Diana is also often associated with lunar cycles and the sea.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Diana:

Since childhood, Diana has been artistic, and with age this quality only intensifies. Her emotional mobility often baffles her parents, but do not be deceived by Diana’s apparent superficiality - her feelings are always bright and deep, although, as a rule, hidden from prying eyes. In their studies, they do not give the impression of being ambitious, but they are calculating and have a scientific mind. Among their peers they are pugnacious, cocky and boyish - but only until adolescence. They quickly separate from their parents and strive to achieve complete independence as soon as possible.

Diana is a born fighter. Her strong character and innate sense of justice make her a strict leader and dutiful subordinate. Diana achieves great success in journalism and law; their good memory easily stores all the knowledge they need.

They strive to play a dominant role and try to surpass their colleagues in career growth. Their rationality sometimes develops into dryness, cruelty and excessive demands on others. They replace the lack of imagination with impeccable logic and emotional flexibility. Society often uses “masks”; it doesn’t like it when people try to get to the bottom of their true essence.

Diana's repressed feelings can pose a danger to both her and those around her. She rarely knows how to openly express her emotions; in life she often needs warmth and sympathy, but Diana is too proud to ask. Dianas should strive for harmony with themselves, then relationships with others will improve. They are rarely friends with women; they despise emotionality, tearfulness, and weakness. With most men they behave predatory, mocking and sarcastic. They do not strive for company; they prefer loneliness or purely business relationships. They are harsh towards people who violate their personal moral standards and do not forgive offenses for a long time. Diane has strong friendships with people who are balanced, intelligent, have a sense of humor and are not offended. Usually, Dianas need people who can “hold their tail” in time.

In relationships with men, Dianas are true to their name - they are hunters and Amazons. Conquest and possession are important to them. The man who managed to awaken the full depth of Diana's feelings is lucky. In bed, Diana is temperamental and insatiable, but she allows only those she trusts, and is usually strict and chaste. She doesn't like men who discuss their relationships in public; she prefers thoughtful relationships, but she doesn't mind if her partner surprises her - of course, nothing vulgar or rude.

Diana is always the head of the family. She strictly controls both her husband and children, and suppresses all attempts by relatives to interfere in the life of the family. Believes that marriage is not a reason to lose independence. They are moral and do not tolerate betrayal. They quickly leave weak-willed husbands.

Dianas, born in spring and summer, are natural Amazons, flexible and cunning. “Winter” ones are cold and responsible, “autumn” ones are hardworking, intellectual, and greedy.

Diana’s alliance with Leo, Semyon, Andrey, Anatoly will be successful; relationships with Alexander, Yuri and Artyom should be avoided.