Repair Design Furniture

How to sew covers for sofa armrests? Master class on sewing and knitting a stylish sofa cover How to sew a universal sofa cover

Initially, eurocases were called products manufactured by the Italian company Ga.i.Co. But the idea turned out to be so successful that now this name has become a household name for a whole group of products manufactured under numerous trademarks.

A classic eurocover is a rather expensive product, since it is made using a special fabric made using the “bielastico” technology. Elastic threads, which are woven into a fabric made using similar technologies, allow the cover to stretch, taking the form of a sofa.

Accordingly, only a few manufactured sizes are used for numerous and diverse models and types of furniture.

The first reason for using it is to protect both old and new furniture.

If there are small playful children and pets in the house, the additional coating will become a barrier and will take on all the animal hair, dirt, scratches and puffs.

In this case, you can use the cover on a leather sofa to preserve the integrity of expensive upholstery. Periodically, it can be washed or dry-cleaned, and with a complete loss of aesthetic appearance, throw it away and sew a new one without regret.

The second reason is savings on upgrades. Even with the most careful use, there comes a time when you need to completely change the upholstery of furniture. But this process is very expensive, in addition, it may require transportation to the workshop and time.

When hauling, you will need to completely disassemble the structure and the mechanism for transforming the sofa, which also does not contribute to extending its service life.

Using a cover is the most budget option, which guarantees no additional damage to the mechanism and product filler.

The third reason is aesthetic. Still, it's quite an expensive piece of furniture. And when changing style, not everyone succeeds in acquiring new sets.

Using a material with a new texture, color and pattern for covers can significantly change the design of the room. In addition, the use of one material for covering can make a set in a single stylistic solution from completely different types of furniture.

How to sew a eurocover on a sofa yourself

This process is not too complicated, the main thing in it is the correct calculation of the amount of fabric and an accurate pattern. Naturally, for different types of sofas, it will be different.

To begin with, consider the simplest option - a case for.

In fact, this is the most convenient type of folding furniture, not only for sleeping, but also for self-tailoring the cover. The soft part of this small thickness. Accordingly, the pattern for the cover will be the simplest.

The most important parameter by which a professional massage therapist will choose is the reliability and stability of the structure.

The level of popularity of folding beds with a mattress has become so high that manufacturers have begun to produce specialized models with improved technical characteristics. Read about how to choose the right compact bed.

Similarly, a cover is made on. In fact, according to the patterns, two sofas are obtained without one armrest each. The only nuance that you should pay attention to is which of the parts the corner part will refer to.

Considering the non-rectilinear configuration of the corner sofa, the issue of fabric design comes first. It is necessary to avoid striped patterns, since with a separate pattern for each element, the direction of the stripes will not coincide.

DIY sofa covers

If cutting and connecting all the elements of the cover into a single structure seems too complicated, you can make small capes for armchairs and sofas.

This cape consists of three parts. Lining - a large piece of fabric, which you just need to trim the edges. Cross cape.

The length of the central part is the full size along the contour of the sofa. Starting from the floor of the front part and ending with the middle of the back part, if the sofa is near the wall.

If the furniture is placed so that the back can be seen, naturally the length of the outer cape will be from floor to floor. It is necessary to add 3-5 cm allowance for the hem.

Similarly, the length of the fabric for the armrests is measured. Starting from the junction with the sofa seat, ending with the floor. The width of the cuts is taken according to the corresponding dimensions of the furniture. Each time you need to add a value for allowances and seams (5-7 cm)

The main secret of such a cape is the rigid rods that must be deepened into the gaps between the armrests and the seat and between the seat and the back.

This must be done so that the fabric of the cape on the sofa does not wrinkle when they sit on it. The size of the elements should be 7/8 of the length of the slot.

The material can be wood, but to secure the wide side between the seat and the back, it is more advisable to take an ordinary polymer water pipe, since it can be bent at the required angle.

The main attention in this design should be given to the design of the corners of the armrests.

By sewing brass buttons to the edge of the cape, you can tie them with a decorative cord. Using an additional element from the same material as the upper part, you can sew buttons to it.

You can use decorative lacing in several ways, threading it through holes or tying it around the top. The easiest way to tie a decorative knot.

We all want upholstered furniture - a sofa or an armchair - to serve as long as possible and maintain a beautiful and tidy appearance. But, unfortunately, not everything is as durable as we would like. Of course, high-quality fillers and upholstery materials will be more wear-resistant, but they will also turn out to be more expensive than analogues from budget price categories. But there is always a way out.

For example, the simplest cover will significantly increase the life of upholstered furniture, even in the most inexpensive upholstery. Moreover, for some types of upholstery (in particular, velor), the presence of a cover is simply necessary (velor coatings are rather capricious, require regular cleaning, and they do not tolerate stains). Therefore, there are two simple options - buy a ready-made cover or sew a cover on the sofa yourself.

To make the sofa last as long as possible, use a cover

Covers for a sofa (or other upholstered furniture) are a fairly common thing. Although not everyone thinks about buying it. Indeed, why do I need a cover if I have a brand new sofa in expensive leather upholstery and modern filler? Hiding spectacular leather upholstery under a case may not be worth it, but all (even the most expensive) materials have their own life. And, believe me, a cover can be a simple and affordable solution to your sofa's problems if you need to return it to a neat look.

Replacing upholstery (especially expensive) will be much more expensive than buying even the highest quality eurocover. Yes, and changing the cover, if necessary, is much easier than restoring your favorite home sofa. But first you need to think about whether we are buying a finished item or sewing a sofa cover with our own hands.

Choosing a case

If you decide to buy a finished product, then the question of how to choose a case is solved quite simply. There are quite a lot of offers for tailoring sofa covers. Sewing a cover for a sofa of any size will not be difficult for them. In addition, you can choose the material for the cover yourself.

But it also has its pitfalls. Do not contact the first available manufacturers of cases.

Performers should be selected from more or less well-known and trusted companies. The cover material doesn't have to be thin and cheap because it will need to be replaced much more often (unless you want to become a permanent source of profit for sofa cover companies).

Eurocover on the sofa

To avoid such difficulties, it is enough to choose a eurocover for your sofa. Because euro covers are distinguished by the quality of materials, in the manufacture of which elastic threads are used, allowing the cover to stretch freely and tightly fit a sofa or chair. But remember that a eurocover for a sofa will cost much more than a regular cover.

1 2 3 4

Covers or sofas

1 2 3 4

Instead of covers for sofas, a consultant in the store can offer you sofa decks (special bedspreads for upholstered furniture, with the function of a cover). The main difference between sofa covers and sofa covers is that sofa covers do not necessarily cover the entire surface of the sofa. But this apparent drawback will actually become a plus, because any sofa can be covered with a sofa. Divandek is a universal tool, with its help you can easily change the interior of a living room or hall. Furniture covered with sofas takes on an original design look. You can cover them with sofas, armchairs, and beds, and replacing them will not be a big problem.

We sew ourselves

It is not necessary to buy ready-made things in the store, because you can sew a high-quality cover, sofa deck and even a eurocover on your favorite sofa. DIY sofa covers will look no worse than the most original models from manufacturers. And they will cost at least less.

To sew a sofa cover using your own hands and improvised tools, you need to be able to use these same hands and tools. Do not be alarmed, making a sofa cover with your own hands is not the most difficult process. If you are at least a little friends with a sewing machine and understand what patterns are, everything will work out. To practice, first sew a cushion cover, for example. Or a handmade sofa for an armchair. Spend some personal time and your furniture will be decorated with worthwhile personal items.

What you need

So, to make a sofa cover with your own hands, you need a sewing machine (the most common one), a centimeter, needles and threads. And, of course, you will need material. How much money and time it will take for all this depends solely on you (the price of the material, the amount of free time, and so on).

First you need to measure the sofa to know exactly its dimensions. After all, sofa covers are sewn to exact dimensions (although you need to take the material with a small margin) and any mistake can ruin the work. If you have standard furniture, then you can use a ready-made pattern from our website to sew a sofa cover. If your sofa or armchair is made by the hands of a custom-made furniture designer, or if you want to lay a cover on a corner sofa, then the work will require a little more effort.

Here is a little guide that can help and make your job easier. We have already said about measurements (but if the sofa has armrests, be sure to measure them separately). This is the first stage. For convenience, draw a diagram and indicate all the dimensions on paper - this will be very useful.

The second step will be making patterns. They should be made with a margin (you need to take into account the seams that will eat up a few centimeters, and a couple of extra centimeters will never hurt). All patterns are sewn with lowercase seams (performed in a straight line, with small stitches). After that, you need to try on the cover and, for clarity, it is best to fix it with special needles or pins.

The third stage - after adjusting the sizes - we overcast and sew the edges. The cover is almost ready. Optionally, an elastic band can be fixed along the edges of the cover, which will allow it to fit furniture more tightly.

If you are sewing a cover for a corner sofa, you can find the instructions you need on our website. When buying the selected material, you need to take into account that it will be needed more (therefore, you need to measure the sofa in the assembled, and then in the unfolded state).

The most important thing to stock up on before work is patience and diligence, then everything will definitely work out. After all, any step-by-step instruction (with video examples) can be found on this site.

Every woman dreams of protecting her sofa from the negative impact of various factors on it. After all, over time, even with a careful attitude to it, the seat material can be wiped, the fabric can begin to shine, this is especially true for the armrests, and holes and hard-to-remove spots may appear on the upholstery. To prevent this from happening, you need to put a cover on the sofa, which will help protect it from all sorts of problems. You can sew it yourself, especially since it is a very simple and exciting process.

Benefits of upholstery covers

Making covers for upholstered furniture, in comparison with the replacement of upholstery, is a less time-consuming process that does not require special professional training. The main advantages of covers include:

  • maintaining the cleanliness of furniture;
  • giving an original appearance;
  • ease of use;
  • aesthetics;
  • ease of washing;
  • low cost;
  • creating an exclusive home design.
Sofa cover with ties

Covered furniture will always look like new. If you sew several options, you can constantly update the look and change the interior of the room as you wish.

Cape on the sofa with your own hands

Shape, dimensions

Before sewing a cover on a sofa, it should be noted that furniture comes in different shapes. Modern sofas can be rectangular, corner or shell-shaped.

Note! The sofa covering must clearly correspond to the shape and size of the product.

Depending on the purpose of use, all covers have functional varieties:

  1. Universal - made of elastic material. It is easy to sew them with your own hands. Consist of two layers of special stretching textiles.
  2. Covers with a "skirt" - used to decorate interiors in the style of country and Provence. A feature of such sofa coverings is the presence of a frill located at the bottom of the product.
  3. Covers with an elastic band - stretched over the product and fixed with a sewn-in elastic band. Easy to make with your own hands, even without a pattern.
  4. Eurocover - when sewing, only special textile material is used, which takes any sofa shape. Textiles consist of special fibers with good elasticity. Such capes are considered practical. When sewing, there is no need for careful measurements. Often these covers are used for corner sofas of any configuration.

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The size of the cover depends on the shape, design style and preferences of the owner. Measurement of upholstered furniture must be carried out carefully and competently.

Note! To calculate the required amount of material for sewing a cover, you need to take two lengths and add two widths of the sofa to the result.

Corner sofa cover with elastic band

Materials, tools

Sewing sofa covers should begin with the choice of material and the preparation of all the necessary tools.

Required Tools

To sew a cover for a sofa or chair, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • centimeter tape;
  • overlock;
  • threads;
  • pins;
  • chalk for marking;
  • sewing machine.

The sewing machine should be designed for sewing medium to heavy fabrics.

Tools for sewing capes on furniture

Materials for manufacturing

There are a number of requirements for textiles for a sofa cover. Experts recommend giving preference to the following matter:

  • flock;
  • microfiber;
  • velour;
  • cotton
  • jacquard;
  • chenille;
  • natural and artificial leather;
  • natural and artificial fur.

First of all, the material must be wear-resistant, durable and easy to clean.

Varieties of furniture fabric

How to choose fabric

When choosing textiles, you should also consider the purpose of the room. For sewing a cover for a nursery or playroom, it is best to purchase fabrics that are pleasant to the touch and environmentally friendly, which are easy to clean. Cotton, microfiber, velor or chenille are ideal. When choosing a material for a living room or kitchen, it is necessary to give preference to materials that are practical, easy to clean and resistant to external influences. In this case, it is recommended to purchase microfiber, eco-leather, leather, velor or jacquard. For the bedroom, eco-friendly, non-shedding and damage-resistant fabrics such as chenille, flock, velor and microfiber are suitable.

Elastic sofa cover

Despite the fact that the cover for the sofa is not a complex sewing part, nevertheless, in the process of its manufacture, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. When buying material, it is best to take a fabric with a margin of about one and a half meters. In the future, the remaining textiles during operation will be useful for possible repairs.
  2. During cutting, you should not save. You can always cut off the excess, but adding material will not work.
  3. It is not recommended to immediately sew the parts, neglecting the basting.
  4. Since the load on the seams during the operation of the cover is very significant, it is recommended to stitch the parts twice.
  5. For the strength of the seam, it is necessary to increase the tension of the threads. It is best to use reinforced cotton or synthetic threads for sewing covers.
  6. Since too small stitches violate the structural integrity of the fibers of the fabric, the optimal indicators should be chosen. The recommended stitch length is 3 mm.
  7. If there are pillows on the sofa, then it is best to sew a cover for them with a zipper or Velcro.
  8. To fasten the cape to the sofa, you can sew a band for tying or decorative cords to it. In this way, the cover can be securely fastened.

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Optionally, you can decorate the sofa cover. In the form of jewelry, you can use all kinds of frills, bows or make embroidery. It should be borne in mind that accessories must be selected in the same style with the interior of the room.

European sofa cover with lace trim

Do-it-yourself sofa cover sewn

After all the necessary tools have been prepared, as well as the fabric has been purchased, you can begin to take measurements and sew.

Taking measurements from the sofa

You can sew a beautiful sofa cape only when using a high-quality pattern. It is possible to carve out a cover according to the size of the sofa only with the correct measurement.

Taking measurements from the sofa

You will need a measuring tape to take measurements. Use it to measure the sofa at its longest and widest point. This will be the length and width. It is also necessary to take measurements of the armrests and headboards along the most protruding parts. To all the measurements obtained, it is necessary to add 10 cm for the hem and allowances for the seams. To the edges that go inward, add 20 cm each. It is recommended to provide a fastener in the center of the product, so the cover can be easily removed.

Detail patterns

As soon as all measurements are made, the results should be transferred to paper and the patterns should be drawn. Then cut out all the details on paper and attach them to the sofa. If everything fits, then you can start cutting on the fabric. To do this, the fabric is ironed and folded with the right side inward. Then the parts are laid out on the material and pinned with pins. After that, it is necessary to trace the contours with chalk and, adding 2 cm, draw a second line, along which the details are cut out.

Jacquard covers for upholstered furniture

Material Quantity Calculation

Before you sew a cover on the sofa for any of the rooms, you need to correctly calculate the amount of fabric. This stage is one of the first and most responsible. First of all, you need to measure the length and width of the furniture, and then multiply the result by two.

Microfiber sofa cover

For a more accurate calculation, after measurements, it is necessary to draw the details of the pattern on a scale, taking into account the width of the material, and also do not forget to leave allowances for the seams.

Secrets of high-quality tailoring of a product

You can sew a beautiful and comfortable sofa cover with your own hands, even without certain skills. To do this, simply follow these guidelines:

  1. For a cape, you need to choose a fabric that is not very hard, while it must be dense.
  2. The pattern is best done a little larger than the desired size. In the process of sewing, it will be possible to perfectly fit the size of the sofa.
  3. If there are animals in the house, then additionally seal the fabric with foam rubber.
  4. If minor flaws were made during tailoring, as a result of which unsuccessful places were formed, you can hide them with the help of decoration.
  5. The pattern must be done very carefully, carefully planning the tailoring and joining of the parts.
  6. In order for the cover not to experience stress during tension, it must be made free. This product will last longer.

Do-it-yourself sofa cover for a nursery

Each time, sewing the cover will be easier, and the product will turn out more beautiful and better. Therefore, you can later switch to more expensive textiles. Before you sew a eurocover on a sofa with your own hands, the step-by-step instructions should be carefully studied. If the cape is sewn for the first time, then it is recommended to use inexpensive material.

Do-it-yourself sofa cover for the kitchen

Product decoration

When sewing a sofa cover, it can be decorated with ribbons, bows, appliqués, laces, stripes or decorative piping. Such elements will make the product individual and attractive. In addition, they can mask the flaws that appeared during sewing.

When choosing decor elements, you should consider the location of the sofa, as well as its shape. If the furniture is in the nursery, then it is not recommended to use small and hard parts. In the dining room, decor can be completely abandoned. If the sofa is located in the living room, then any decorating elements will do. It all depends on the preferences of the owner. The corners of the sofa can be additionally decorated with pillows.

Fleece sofa cover

Do-it-yourself covers for upholstered furniture can be different. It all depends on taste preferences, purpose and shape of furniture. Before you start sewing a sofa cape, you should decide on the material and acquire the necessary tools. During cutting and sewing, you must strictly follow the recommendations, showing attention and patience. Only in this case, a hand-made case will be unique and will last for a long time.

Any housewife dreams of protecting her upholstered furniture from the negative impact of various factors on it. The desire not only to extend the life of your favorite sofa, but also to ensure cleanliness, cannot be translated into reality without the use of covers. There are two options for solving this issue: you can either buy capes or make your own. Having studied the information on how to sew a cover on a sofa with your own hands: a step-by-step instruction, even a person who does not have needlework experience will be able to carry out this creative work. A beautiful sofa cover can change the design of the room, decorating the interior and emphasizing its individual details.

When discussing the purpose of upholstered furniture covers, it is appropriate to recall the expression that a problem is easier to prevent than to solve. Sofas and armchairs are an important and expensive part of home comfort. Their main disadvantage is the rapid wear of the upholstery fabric and exposure to persistent marks from food, drinks, animal hair and cat claws.

After the repair carried out in the house, expensive furniture may not fit into the new interior or simply get bored. Do-it-yourself sofa covers can solve all of the above problems. It is fair to say that such coatings:

  • protect factory upholstery from dirt;
  • are an element of decor;
  • help to fit old upholstered furniture into a new interior;
  • allow the owners of the sofa to change its appearance, for example, depending on the season.

There are a number of arguments in favor of making covers with your own hands:

  1. Saving money.
  2. Possibility of individual measurement and tailoring.
  3. A wide selection of fabrics, textures and decor.
  4. The possibility of frequent updating of the upholstery for a new interior.
  5. Lack of fear for damage to the factory cover by children and animals.

Despite the fact that modern upholstery fabrics have become more reliable and diverse, they still have a certain wear resistance limit.

Stain and wool protection

Stylish decor

Choosing the right shape and design

Before proceeding with sewing covers, it should be borne in mind that furniture can have a different shape: rectangular, angular, shells. Sofa covers should clearly correspond not only to the shape of the sofa, but also to its size.

All covers have their own functional varieties, depending on the purpose of their application. Consider the main options:

  1. Eurocover. It is sewn from a special textile material that takes any sofa shape. This fabric consists of special fibers with excellent elasticity. These capes are very practical. When sewing them, you do not need to make careful measurements of the sofa. They are perfect for corner models of any configuration.
  2. Covers on an elastic band are easily stretched on a sofa and fixed thanks to the sewn-in elastic band. This coating is easy to make yourself even without a pattern.
  3. Universal simple covers are made of elastic material. They are easy to make with your own hands. Such sofa decks consist of two layers of special stretching textiles.
  4. Cases with a "skirt" at the bottom are frills located along the bottom of the product. When sewing, frills can also be made on the armrests. They are best suited for interior design in the style of Provence and country.



As for the design of the sofa, it should match the overall style of the room:

  1. For avant-garde interiors, bedspreads of complex shape are suitable. They are made of material with a rich decorative content: drawings, prints, inscriptions, three-dimensional elements.
  2. Products in the English style are able to completely close the furniture, accurately conveying all its contours. They require special tailoring precision. Often used in a duet with various kinds of fasteners. They have a laconic look.
  3. For country style, simple covers made from natural fabrics in their natural colors are suitable.
  4. Sofas for loft interiors are sewn in urban style. They are simple and have a minimum of details. These covers are easy to care for. Non-staining fabrics are used.
  5. Hi-tech sofa bedspreads have a laconic design. Usually these are plain plaids of neutral colors.

English style

Clamps of covers, made by hand, are different. Buttons are especially suitable for rooms with natural wood trim, when using floral ornaments. Velcro is suitable for covers in the nursery. Lightning is easy to use, it is relevant for covers on upholstered furniture in the office and living room. Ties look especially advantageous in classic interiors.

Materials for manufacturing

Any sewing job begins with the choice of fabric. When deciding what to sew a sofa cover from, it should be understood that its main function is to protect the upholstery from dust and dirt. For tailoring use:

  1. Velor - the fabric is soft and pleasant to the touch. It happens to be perfectly smooth, embossed, embroidered. Does not cause allergies and does not activate static voltage. Not afraid of the washing machine.
  2. Flock - the material is gentle and soft. Contains polyester and cotton. It has high wear resistance and discoloration resistance. Not afraid of direct sunlight and claws of animals. Differs in water resistance.
  3. Microfiber is a great substitute for suede. This synthetic material comes from Japan. It has high strength. Does not cause allergies, easy to clean.
  4. Cotton is a naturally breathable material. Ideal for children as it is hypoallergenic. Easy to maintain and clean. Does not accumulate static stress. Among the shortcomings: it wrinkles a lot, wears out quickly.
  5. Chenille - has a soft plush texture, but at the same time, durable and wear-resistant. Does not require complex care and is not afraid of the washing machine.
  6. Jacquard - produced using high-tech equipment. Differs in density and resistance to mechanical influences. Beautiful in appearance, ideal for living rooms and expensive interiors in the style of classic, baroque, empire. Not afraid of the washing machine and dry cleaning.


Requirements for fabrics for sofa covers:

  1. Practicality.
  2. Hypoallergenic.
  3. No static electricity.
  4. A combination of softness and strength.
  5. Increased wear resistance.
  6. The presence of a special water-repellent impregnation.

When choosing a material for self-tailoring sofa covers, two important factors should be taken into account:

  1. Age of persons using the sofa.
  2. Purpose of the room where the furniture is located.

Purpose of the room

Case material

Children's and playrooms Environmentally friendly and pleasant materials are needed. Such fabrics should be easy to clean. Suitable velor, chenille, microfiber, cotton.
Living room Materials must be practical in use, resistant to external influences and easy to maintain. Optimal options: leather, eco-leather, jacquard, velor, microfiber.
Bedroom Fabrics that are resistant to damage, do not shed and are environmentally friendly are suitable. For example, flock, velor, chenille, microfiber.

For children

For the living room

For the bedroom

How to determine size

To sew a cover, it is necessary to perform a competent measurement of upholstered furniture in order to understand how many details the pattern of the future sofa cover will include, and what shape of the cape should be sewn.

There is the easiest way to sew a sofa cover with your own hands - this is the use of an old cape, if it has been preserved. It is torn into its constituent elements, and then the resulting parts are transferred to the surface of a new fabric.

The amount of material needed to sew the cover is easy to calculate using the following scheme: you need to take two lengths and add two widths of the sofa to it.

Table of the main details of the sofa that require measurement in the manufacture of the cover:

Determine the size

Step by step sewing instructions

Consider how you can sew a sofa cover with your own hands in step-by-step instructions. There are three production options:

  1. Without a pattern.
  2. With cutting in place.
  3. By pattern.

Preparation method

Model Features

No pattern A cover on an elastic band for a sofa can be made without a pattern. This will require a large amount of fabric, based on: the width is equal to five seat widths, and the length of the fabric is 3 sofa lengths.
Open in place Sewing such a cover is simple and very profitable. It does not require a large consumption of fabric and leaves little waste after work (about 20%). Only suitable for standard shaped furniture. According to this cutting option, a cover is sewn on a sofa without armrests (non-folding or folding book with mechanisms, accordion).
According to the pattern It has undeniable advantages. The area of ​​the fabric is fully used, the cover sits perfectly on the sofa, is not only an original, but also a unique product.

It is not recommended to start sewing a cover with furniture of complex configuration, with a large number of rounded lines: it is much more reasonable to make a pattern for a straight sofa. Practice on the material that is in abundance (for example, use old curtains).

Materials and tools

To sew a sofa, you need to prepare the following set of tools:

  1. Scissors. They must be sharp so that when cutting the fabric, creases do not form.
  2. A set of sewing needles. With their help, you can fix the details of the paper pattern on the fabric of the future cover. The more needles, the more comfortable the process of cutting out the elements of the product.
  3. Sewing machine. In addition to a stationary one, it is convenient to have a manual machine to work on weight.
  4. Yardstick. Needed to measure the sofa.
  5. Simple pencil. Required for paper layout.
  6. Piece of chalk. Needed for marking on the surface of the fabric.

All of the above tools, with the exception of a sewing machine, are usually found in any home.


Detail pattern

For self-tailoring of sofa covers, you need to make patterns. In the event that the sofa has a simple rectangular shape or an angular model with a wall and back of a standard rectangular shape, then it will not be difficult to make it.

A pattern for sewing a sofa cover with your own hands requires accurate measurements of every detail. Measurements must be placed on graph paper, taking into account the direction of the shared line. Then you should transfer the performed calculations to the material using chalk.

Marking should be applied to the wrong side of the fabric, taking into account allowances for seams.

For the manufacture of patterns, you can use ordinary newspaper sheets. Copy paper will also work. All the components of the sofa are pasted over with it, their shape is outlined, and the details are cut out with the help of scissors. All of them are then assembled with adhesive tape. The resulting pattern is corrected on the spot: the cuts are connected with adhesive tape, and the missing gaps are increased with new paper inserts.

After everything is checked and docked, you should proceed to the cutting stage on the material:

  1. The fabric needs to be ironed. Cotton and woolen materials should be washed in warm water so that they shrink and the finished product does not decrease in size.
  2. Then the fabric should be folded with the right side inward. Pin the drawings with safety pins.
  3. With a chalk, trace the contours of the paper. Stepping back about 2 cm, draw a second line.
  4. Cut out the details along the contour of the second line.

As a result, cut parts are obtained, and the sewing phase can begin.

Sofa cover pattern

On a straight sofa


The pattern and step-by-step instructions for sewing a sofa cover require adherence to clear instructions. Sewing must start from the basting stage. Tailoring includes eight main steps:

  1. Sew the resulting parts with a running stitch.
  2. Make fittings for furniture.
  3. Check if the size of the cover matches the size of the sofa.
  4. Stitch the parts with a sewing machine.
  5. To carry out the processing of internal seams with an overlock.
  6. Cut and sew the lining (if needed), and then sew it to the finished cover.
  7. Process the fasteners and the edges of the product.
  8. If desired, decorate the case with decor.

The final stitching of all the details of the cover will take about an hour. The main difficulty lies in the fact that all the elements are massive and difficult to move under the needle.

Sewing a cover for a corner sofa with your own hands is not an easy task. There are two main manufacturing options:

  1. If the corner section is attached, then you need to sew 5 covers: on the main section, attached, on the back and two armrests.
  2. If the corner section is plug-in (or the sofa has a solid structure), then a simple pattern of a cover for a corner sofa is made separately for the “wings” and the corner of the furniture. Then all the details are sewn together from the wrong side.

The cover for the corner sofa has a feature: it always needs to be sewn in parts.

When grinding parts, it would be wise to use pleats to mask the junction (but only professionals can do this). It is much easier to choose the color of the material for the cover so that the seam is visually lost.

There is a little trick: you can make the seam between the parts much more secretive if you lead it taking into account the fitting on the tightening of the fabric. And if the cape is made of coarse fabric (for example, canvas), then all seams can be made to fit.

Sewing with a running stitch

Trying on furniture

We grind the details

We process the seams

Decoration options

To decorate a new sofa cover, you can use:

  • bows;
  • tapes;
  • laces;
  • decorative edging;
  • patch;
  • application.

Such embellishments give the sewn case even more attractiveness and individuality. In addition to purely aesthetic tasks, the decor also solves camouflage tasks, distracting from the mistakes made when sewing the cover.

Despite the fact that today it is easy to purchase absolutely any decorative elements in specialized retail chains, ranging from complex bows to gold monograms, it is reasonable to make decorations for it with your own hands when sewing the product yourself.

When decorating furniture, it is necessary to take into account in which room the sofa will stand and who will use it:

  1. If this is furniture for the nursery, then you should not decorate the coating with small and hard details.
  2. If the sofa is for the dining room, then the decor may be absent altogether.
  3. If this is furniture for the living room, then there are no restrictions for decoration: everything depends only on desire and interior needs.

A wonderful and practical decoration of the sofa are decorative pillows. If you sew covers on them from the same fabric, but in a different color, the result will be concise and especially effective. A thematic trio made in the same style will look incredibly aesthetically pleasing: a sofa cover, decorative pillows and curtains.

Covers for upholstered furniture, made by hand, are different. It is necessary to proceed from the target needs of users of furniture, interior and taste preferences in color and decor. Before you start the sewing process, you should choose a fabric and acquire all the necessary tools. A do-it-yourself sofa is unique, it can rightly be considered the pride of the owners.

with bows

With contrast piping

With laces

Patchwork appliqués

With ruffles and flounces

Upholstery on furniture, especially on sofas, can quickly lose its attractive appearance due to frequent use. It becomes shabby, fades in certain places. A regular sofa cover can help prevent this situation.


The sofa cover is a versatile item. It has a number of features and advantages that only confirm the need for its use:

  • Cover-cape helps to keep the original look of the upholstery for a long time.
  • Suitable for sofas of all sizes regardless of their area and shape.
  • Has a huge variety of different models: on an elastic band, a cape cover, a tension cover, dimensionless and so on.
  • It can be made from material of any texture and color.
  • Covers allow you to change the design of the sofa in a few minutes. With their help, you can radically change the overall perception of the interior of the room.
  • Unlike sofa upholstery, covers are much simpler and more convenient not only in operation, but also in care.
  • Such capes can be used on sofas of any size and shape., including on modular and transforming sofas. This is due to the fact that even if the cover you need is not on sale, you can easily make it at home on your own.
  • Another feature and at the same time the main advantage of sofa covers is their cost-effectiveness. Their use in everyday life helps to save a lot. After all, such a furniture cape in any case will cost much less than buying a new sofa or restoring it.

Those who already use such sofa covers in everyday life say that they significantly save time, effort and money. A wide variety of materials are used to create them.


For the manufacture of sofa covers, absolutely any materials that exist today can be used. However, experienced seamstresses say that too dense upholstery fabrics that are used directly to create sofas should be avoided, as they are difficult to use and at home it will be difficult to create a beautiful and practical cover from them. It is also not recommended to use too light fabric, such as chiffon or satin. Of course, covers made from these materials look luxurious, but they are not very practical in care, and they wear out quite quickly.

The best fabric options for creating such a cover are the following:

  • Flock or artificial velvet substitute. It is very soft, pleasant to the touch. The great advantages of this material are its characteristics: it is easy to clean, does not deform, does not change the color intensity of paints even when exposed to the sun for a long time. It is also important that this fabric has good water-repellent functions due to its high density. Also, it is in the flock that linen mites are least likely to start. The material is very light and easy to use, but sometimes it can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Cotton or wool velour. This fabric is not capable of causing allergies, is not a source of static current accumulation, has a long service life and is very easy to clean, does not deform after washing. The disadvantages of this material are a decent cost, as well as relatively high fragility, for example, cat claws can quickly render such a cover unusable.
  • Microfiber or artificial suede substitute. It is advisable to give preference to a fabric that has previously been impregnated with a special Teflon mixture. It will not only be soft and pleasant to the touch and wear-resistant, but will also repel water, grease and dirt from its surface. To the touch, this fabric is very soft and pleasant. It does not fade in the sun and does not deform, does not cause allergic manifestations.
  • Teflon flock- a universal fabric for a sofa cover if there are animals or small children in the house. It has the same qualities as a regular flock, but in addition to them, it also repels any kind of dirt from its surface and does not absorb water at all. It is almost impossible to stain such a cover.

  • Jacquard- This is a fabric with increased strength indicators. It does not lend itself to various types of deformation and does not change its size during operation. Soft and pleasant to the touch, it has an expensive and presentable appearance. Pretty easy to use and maintain.
  • Leather. You can rarely see a leather cover on a sofa. Indeed, such material is not often used, due to its high cost and certain inconveniences during operation. If, nevertheless, it is decided to sew just such a cape on furniture, then it is better to use artificial leather.
  • Flannel stretch. Usually a fabric with a compression effect is used. These covers are very easy to wash and dry. They are easily stretched and completely repeat all the contours of the furniture. It is the least expensive compared to other materials.
  • Cotton is a natural material for a sofa cover. It has many colors and textures, does not cause allergies. Only hard-to-reach stains are difficult to remove from it, and even during the washing process, the fabric may sit down too much.

It is still better to give preference to denser fabrics, since their service life is much longer. In addition to the fabric itself, to create a cover, you will also need threads, needles, patterns, and preferably a sewing machine. Although you can do without it.


In order for the cover to look beautiful and last for a long time, you need to choose the right size. Sofa covers can be dimensionless, double, triple and corner. In order to determine which size you need, you just need to make simple measurements. A dimensionless cover can be sewn from any material. Its distinctive feature is that the lower and side parts of the fabric itself are located on a special elastic band like an accordion, so you can pull the cover on a sofa of any size and shape. Such a cape is called "Eurocover", its distinctive feature is the use of very dense material and heavy-duty rubber bands. In order to find out the dimensions of other types of covers, it is necessary to measure the height of the sofa itself and the length of its back. So, a double sofa has a backrest from 120 cm to 150 cm long, and their height does not exceed 100 cm.

A triple sofa usually has a height of up to one meter, but it can be 10 cm more or less than indicated, while the back length is in the range from 150 to 210 cm. With covers for a corner sofa, everything is a little different. On sale there are standard covers designed for sofas up to one meter high, and back length from 300 cm to 450 cm. If the dimensions of your furniture are different, then before sewing you need to measure the same parameters and create a pattern for the future cover in accordance with them. There are a wide variety of cases available for sale. But only a do-it-yourself cover for your favorite sofa can emphasize the individuality of the room and become a real decoration of the interior.

How to create?

In fact, making a cover for your favorite sofa with your own hands is not so difficult. All you need is to stock up on tools, make a choice of fabric, buy it in the required quantity and follow our small instructions. The easiest way is to make a cover for a sofa without armrests, so if your cover is the first one sewn in your life with your own hands, it is better to start with it. No more difficult to manufacture will be stretchable covers that can be sewn both on sofas with armrests and without them. The most time-consuming to manufacture is a cover for a sofa book.

But regardless of the type of sofa and the size of the cover created for it, you must first decide on the amount of fabric that will be needed for work. In order to find out its exact amount, you need to measure the length and width of your sofa, multiply the resulting numbers by two, and then add them together. The total amount is the number of meters of fabric needed.

  • Pattern is the very first step. To create it, you need to take measurements from the sofa and put them on thick paper, fully respecting all the curves of the furniture. The process is quite lengthy, so you can make it easier. Take an old case, rip it open and trace around the contour on paper, from which in the future you can cut out the pattern itself. It is best to make a pattern without a skirt, if necessary, this detail can be done later. Now the resulting pattern is applied to the material from the inside out and circled with an overlap of 1 cm along the edges.

  • Required tools. They are: paper or cardboard for patterns, measuring tape, chalk, the fabric itself, thread, needles, wooden slats, scissors and a sewing machine. In some cases, you can do without a machine, for example, if the simplest covers are sewn, taking the form of a sofa on an elastic band for furniture without armrests. You may also need safety pins and regular pins, it is better to prepare them in advance. To create a pattern, you will need a large free space, it is better if it is a table with a large table top.

Step-by-step instruction

Here we will consider several options for tailoring covers for sofas, depending on their design and size. P sewing a cover for a sofa with an ottoman without armrests or a regular one.

  • Make a pattern according to the size of your sofa.
  • Transfer the resulting pattern to the fabric. Here it is very important not to forget about the overlap. Ideally, it should be equal to 1 cm, but if the cover is sewn for the first time, then you can leave more free space.
  • Now you need to connect all parts of the fabric with each other with a regular seam. This will not only connect the parts of the pattern into one whole, but will also help to further facilitate the work with the sewing machine.
  • Now all the seams are sewn in turn.

  • If the cover is on an elastic band, it is necessary to cut off the required amount of it and attach it to the bottom of the cover before it is stitched around the edges. It is worth remembering that the elastic will stretch, so its length should be slightly more than half the length of the bottom of the fabric. It is best to measure the stretched length of the elastic band the length of the bottom of the sofa, and then the top.
  • The elastic is applied to the fabric and circled in width. With the help of chalk, a line is drawn on the fabric, which determines the position of the gum inside the future cover.
  • Stitches are made with a needle and thread, which form the location of the gum in the fabric, that is, a kind of tunnel for it.
  • The elastic is inserted into the case and all the stitched seams carefully stitched on the machine.
  • You can determine the location of the gum in advance when building a pattern and during the stitching of the parts of the future cover, perform the last two procedures.

If you decide to choose the option of creating such a cape for a model with an armrest, then the sequence of actions should be as follows:

  • Calculation of the required amount of material. The length and width of the furniture are alternately multiplied by two, and then the resulting numbers are added up.
  • With the help of thin wooden slats, the fabric is attached to the sofa. This is best done at the joints of the backs and seats, as well as the armrests and backs.
  • The fabric is pressed against the edges of the armrests and at the corners of the furniture itself with special clips.. You can use a regular construction stapler.
  • Reiki and clips are decorated with fabric. Decor elements in this case are selected individually depending on the wishes.
  • The sofa cover is ready.

The advantages of such a cover are the simplicity and speed of its manufacture, but the disadvantage is that it will not be possible to regularly remove, clean and wash it. The cover for the sofa-book is sewn as follows:

  • Remove patterns.
  • Transfer the patterns to the fabric and cut them out.
  • If necessary, mark the location of the future gum. It is preferable that the cover for such a sofa is elastic.
  • Now the fabric pieces are sewn together. The nuance here is that the cover will not consist of one whole canvas, but of several. Therefore, the cover for the back, seat and armrests is sewn separately.
  • All seams are additionally sewn on a typewriter.

The most time-consuming to manufacture is considered to be the cover for the corner sofa. We have prepared for you the simplest step-by-step instructions for its creation.

  • Using safety pins, you need to attach the fabric to the sofa.
  • All rectangles, namely sidewalls, backrest, seat and armrests stand out with pins.
  • With the help of threads, it is necessary to sweep all the parts, completely repeating the curves of the furniture. You can use regular chalk instead of thread. You need to start from the top of the sofa.
  • Unnecessary parts of the fabric are cut off. It is important not to forget to leave a lap.
  • Now all the cut parts are sewn in pairs. Please note that such a case also consists of two parts: upper and lower. Therefore, parts of the backrest and separately the seat of the corner sofa are sewn separately.
  • Then the covers are turned inside out and tried on to the sofa. If necessary, it is necessary to mark on the fabric where it is necessary to narrow or, conversely, expand the seam.
  • After the changes are implemented, and the cover is completely sewn on a typewriter.

Of course, in each case, the process of making a sofa cover will be different. But his sewing skills come with practice. In order not to be disappointed in the result, you need to heed the advice of more experienced seamstresses:

  • If the cover is sewn for the first time, it is better not to use very expensive material.
  • It is necessary to purchase fabric with a small margin, one or two meters will be enough for this. Surplus material can later be spent on the decor of the finished cover, masking its small flaws or hauling chairs and armchairs.
  • Always check the accuracy of your measurements. The proverb “Measure seven times and cut once” is very relevant in this case.
  • Don't be in a hurry. It is better, after sweeping the details, to try on the future cover. If any inaccuracies are found at this stage of sewing, they can be corrected.
  • Always leave an overlap of at least 1 cm of fabric. When creating the first cover, the overlap of the fabric can be up to 8 cm long. The excess will then be easy to cut off.
  • If a sofa cover is sewn in the house where there are many children, it is better to use waterproof material. This will extend the life of your product.
  • Sewing such a cape takes time and perseverance.. Therefore, try not to be distracted by extraneous matters.

At first glance, it may seem that sewing such covers is a difficult and tedious task. Actually quite the opposite. A sofa with removable covers can change its appearance as often as you want. At the same time, with each sewn cover, your skill will grow, and the time spent and the amount of work, respectively, will decrease.