Repair Design Furniture

Series of panel houses. Typical series of houses Brick 9-storey houses

Surely many people are familiar with the situation when you wake up at night and cannot fall asleep. At this moment, various thoughts come into your head, and sometimes quite strange questions arise that you want to find an answer to.

Today we decided to talk about a question that, as it turns out, interests a huge number of people on the Internet: why do we have so many residential buildings with 9 floors? After all, it was possible to construct, for example, 10 for a round number! Having rummaged through various sources citing information from builders, we found the answer and are ready to share it...

First, let's talk about less tall buildings, namely 5-story ones. Everything is very simple here. According to the standards, buildings with more than 5 floors (height more than 15 m) must be equipped with elevators. So we saved as much as we could.

In general, a lot can be explained by savings, given that most of the 9-story buildings were erected during the Soviet era. Houses with a height of more than 28 m must be equipped with smoke-free stairs of type H1 with a passage through an open balcony. And this greatly increases the final cost per square meter and only pays off in buildings with a height of 14-18 floors.

In addition, in houses with more than 9 floors, it was necessary to install 2 elevators, and gas stoves could only be used up to the 9th floor.

But if desired, all these prohibitions could be circumvented (install a high-speed elevator, as well as a fire alarm with sensors and a smoke removal system). The architects say the main reason is that fire trucks were most often equipped with standard mechanized ladders 28 m long.

It is this distance, according to regulatory documents, that is allowed from the fire passage to the upper floor window. In most cases, with rare exceptions, under such conditions the fire escape reaches the 9th floor.

Of course, there are exceptions to all the rules, because you can find, for example, 10-story buildings built back in those days, but there are very few of them. If you found this material interesting, be sure to share it with your friends and acquaintances!

In every city in Russia, new houses of various types are built every year. Apartments in high-rise buildings of various modifications are also offered on the secondary market.

In the article we will look at a series of panel houses that were built in different time periods and are still in use today. We will also pay attention to modern housing being built today.

The popularly known “Khrushchevkas” are multi-apartment residential buildings built under Khrushchev, erected from 1956 to 1985. Unfortunately, some of the buildings of that period, belonging to types K-7, 1605/5, II32, II35, 1-335, are being prepared for demolition. The remaining options of that time were approved for use.

"Brezhnevki"(residential buildings developed by order of Brezhnev) replaced the “Khrushchev buildings”.

They differ:

  • the presence of an elevator and garbage chute,
  • improved noise and heat insulation,
  • convenient layout.
Series Number of floors Series Number of floors
1-515 9m9 P559-14
1-515 9sh5,9 I521a25
I-70022 I760a9
1605-9 9 PP70 and PP8310,14
1605-12 12 "Swan"16, 20
II499 1-mg6009
II579-12 1-mg60116-19
P34-17 IIII-39-16
P445-17 600 (1-LG600)5, 9, 12, 15
P305-14 602 (1-LG602)9
P422 121 3
P4216 1-LG600-I12, 15
P4316 131 9
P4612-14 137 9-17
606 (1-LG606)9

“Brezhnevki” were taken as the basis for the development of modern versions of multi-storey buildings.

Modern modifications

Series Number of floors Series Number of floors
10-22 RD9012, 14,17
Sail (KOPE)22-25 P3m2323
Tower (KOPE)25 TM2523-25
i155, i155m10-24 PD37-16
P3m9-17 I155N24
P44m14-17 IP46s14,16
P44t6, 10, 12-17 P44k17
P44tm17 I155S3-22
P46m3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 14 I172317
P55m12, 14, 16 I17249-17
GMS19-18 B20029-17
Bekeron3-9 I79-9917
Prism5, 7, 9, 16 121 5, 9, 10, 16
PD410-17 137 9-16
P111m9-19 MES845, 9, 14, 16
PB0212-18, 25 MPSM9-16

A massively constructed type of house that has become widespread throughout Moscow. Construction began in 1982 and continues to this day, but in new, improved versions.

KOPE – Layout Space-Planning Elements. They allow you to assemble housing of various layouts, but in reality standard buildings are more often used.

Main advantages:

  • Panels made of 3 layers with improved thermal insulation;
  • Each building is equipped with at least 3 elevators;
  • Heating radiators with temperature controllers;
  • Electrical wiring made of copper wire;
  • Availability of automatic smoke exhaust.


  • Insufficient sound insulation;
  • There is no possibility for redevelopment.

KOPE options: KOPE80, KOPE85, KOPE87, KOPE2000, KOPE-Tower and Parus.


  • internal walls with a load-bearing function and a pitch of 3 or 6 meters;
  • hinged external panels with reduced thermal conductivity;
  • ceilings – 2.64 m;
  • garbage chute at each site;
  • in the entrances there are 1 passenger and 1 freight-passenger elevators;
  • for each apartment there are remote balconies or loggias;
  • neighboring apartments are combined into blocks.

These modifications include KOPE-Tower and Parus.

"KOPE-Tower" It is being built only in a tower version with one entrance.

Technical characteristics:

  • Number of floors – 25;
  • Living space height – 264 cm;
  • Layout – 1,2,3,4-room, modern;
  • Manufacturer: DSK-2.

KOPE-Tower has been built from 2007 to the present day.

The next option is KOPE-M-Parus, built since 2003. It is developed on the basis of KOPE, but with significant modifications.

Modern and rationally designed apartments on one site can be combined into blocks if necessary.

The combination of two types of loggias - round and square, as well as additional options for decorating facades using tiles, gives the building lightness.

Characteristics of KOPE-M-Parus:

  • Manufacturer – DSK-2;
  • Layout - 1,2,3,4-room, improved.
  • Ceilings – 280cm;
  • Concierge room;
  • Elevators – two passenger, one freight;
  • Number of floors – 22 - 25;
  • The first floor is reserved for shops and service organizations.

The best modifications: P-44, P-3, P-55, I-155, KOPE

In Russian cities, most residential apartment buildings were built according to standard designs. Therefore, when there is a desire to buy, the best and most comfortable option for life is chosen.

By “better” they often mean: a spacious kitchen, corridor and rooms; isolated rooms, rational use of space, etc.

From the variety of modifications, options stand out with clear advantages over others. These include the “Brezhnevki” of the later series and KOPE (including KOPE-Sail and KOPE-Tower), which were described above.

The general advantages are:

  • rational layout with isolated rooms;
  • passenger and cargo-passenger elevators;
  • high ceilings from 2.64 m.

The remaining characteristics are different, as for the P-44 (including P44T, P44K, P44T\25, TM25):

  • kitchens from 7 to 13 sq.m.;
  • isolated rooms;
  • loggia or balcony;
  • heating with regulation;
  • copper electrical wiring.

P-3 (including P3M, P3MK, P3M7-23) - kitchens from 8.4 to 10.2 sq.m. , large loggias.

P-55 (including P55M, PP70, PP83) - large bathroom, kitchen from 8 to 9 sq.m.

  • kitchen from 9 to 13 sq.m.;
  • double-glazed windows made of wood;
  • Temperature regulator;
  • smoke removal systems;
  • fire protection system
  • built-in wardrobes.

New housing requirements

On May 21, 2015, new requirements for architectural solutions for multi-apartment residential buildings came into force. They set new standards for constructed housing that meets the requirements of quality, comfort and safety.

The new requirements include:

  • number of storeys from 6 to 17, including when building within the boundaries of one block;
  • flexible layout, including various housing modifications on one site;
  • variability of facade finishing, including plastic, tiles and glazing;
  • special designs (for example, for installing air conditioners, with installed wiring and other communications);
  • variability of planning sections in the corner of the building;
  • The first floors are allocated to accommodate shops and service organizations, taking into account the organization of access for disabled people and people with disabilities.

Options with improved layout

Standard panel houses became most widespread in the USSR and some Warsaw Pact countries.

Beginning in the 70s, the series began to be modified and improved versions were built that meet the 1985 SNiP.

Common features of improved buildings:

  • number of floors – 9;
  • bathroom – separate;
  • ceiling – 2.5 m;
  • add. designs - built-in wardrobe, loggia, mezzanine.

Improved type M-464 (from 1976 to 1983):

  • number of apartments on the site – 8;
  • elevators – passenger and freight;
  • kitchen – 8.9 sq.m.;
  • add. structures - pantry, electric stove, mezzanine, garbage chute.

Improved type M-464 (from 1998 to 2006):

  • number of apartments on the site – 4;
  • elevators – passenger;
  • kitchen – 8.9 sq.m.;
  • add. structures - pantry, mezzanine, garbage chute.

Improved type M-335-BK (from 1977 to 1985):

  • number of apartments on site – 4 or 6;
  • elevators – passenger;
  • kitchen – 8.3 sq.m.

How to find out the series of a panel house

The first way to find out the series of a residential building is to go to a special service on the Internet, enter the address there and the site will give the result (for example, However, the veracity of information from sites does not reach 100%.

The next option is to identify them from pictures on the Internet, but modifications of the same type of residential building are difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish from each other.

The correct way to determine this is to contact the following organizations with a request:

  • territorial Bureau of Technical Inventory;
  • the prefecture of your district, where data on all buildings in operation is stored;
  • DEZ or HOA.

Multi-storey buildings are a good solution to accommodate a large number of people in complete comfort in a limited area. But tall buildings put pressure on people; they become disconnected from the ground. And instead of being content with the sun's rays, you have to live in the shade of multi-story buildings.

How many years have multi-storey buildings been built?

If construction organizers do not pursue goals such as breaking any records during construction, or if they are not pressed for deadlines, then the building takes about 10 months to construct. Also, the timing depends on the height of the 9-story building. There are also such nuances as a lack of labor due to sudden epidemics, materials, and the vagaries of the weather. And in addition to height, a house can also occupy a certain area. It can be a whole complex or a house with one entrance, and the construction of each requires its own time frame.

To this you need to add the time required for the foundation to shrink. This is a necessary and natural process. This takes about a year or more. Shrinkage occurs depending on the natural conditions of the area (weather, soil) and the materials used in construction. Naturally, the building pushes the ground and settles a little in it. Before construction, specialists are required to study the structure of the soil, after which they draw up a construction plan - what materials to select, what height of a 9-story building in meters should be, the foundation, etc. It is also important to eliminate flooding of the sub- and near-ground parts, since groundwater has a negative impact on any building materials.

Tallest buildings in the world

If you think that the height of a 9-story building is too high, then you are mistaken. Compared to this, it's just a fungus under a tree. In New York there is a tower called the Sears Tower, and its height is 443.2 meters! And this skyscraper is far from the tallest in the world. But the height of its observation deck will be visible to the entire city.

There is a skyscraper bearing the name and it has a height of 381 meters. Location - the same New York. A huge amount of materials were used in its construction. It has 102 floors and 6.5 thousand windows!

Completing the trio of examples is Shun Hing Square, and this one is already in the city of Shenzhen, which is located in China. Its height is 384 meters (69 floors). Construction took 3 years. Up to 4 floors were built per day. Despite the fact that the height of a 9-story building is small compared to skyscrapers, few companies can complete the work in such a time frame.

But if every construction company could meet such deadlines, then in a matter of years cities could turn into megalopolises. Many cities would lose their historical names and acquire new ones due to the fact that they underwent agglomeration. But let's not scare ourselves with fantasies.

Is it difficult to build high-rise buildings?

If you are looking for a master class on how to build a multi-story house with your own hands, then you better give up this idea. Since without special calculations your house will not stand for long. Often people cannot cope with the complexity and volume of work even when building a one-story private house.

We present the amount of basic materials needed during construction. To build one floor, you need 4,500 bricks, 10 kg of plaster, 10 floor slabs and much more. And the height of a 9-story building is not just abstract numbers. There are costs for the foundation, roofing, etc. In addition, a large workforce and special equipment are needed to lift building materials to a height.

The responsibilities for constructing a multi-story building are divided among a large number of people. There are many professions involved in this matter: from architects to builders. Do they find it difficult to cope with their responsibilities? Certainly!

The first tall buildings

Even in ancient times on Earth, people knew how to build structures of enormous size. Unfortunately, the technology has not reached our days. But the size is amazing! How could people, without modern tools, create such complex structures? The most famous buildings are the temples and pyramids of the Aztecs, Mayans, Egyptians, as well as Greek palaces. Even then, people knew how to create buildings that were complex not only in size, but also in shape and beauty.

Disadvantages of 9-story buildings

Living in a tall building is not always convenient. There are many disadvantages of living in 9-story buildings. For example, if you live on the top floors and the elevator is faulty. And the very possibility of getting stuck in an elevator is not attractive. The height of a 9-story building offers beautiful views of the city, but the likelihood that your children may fall off the windowsill while admiring them is very high if you do not prohibit them from playing and leaning on the window. Explain to children what consequences these activities may have.

And in case of an emergency, if you live on the highest floor, it will be more difficult for you to leave your apartment. It is dangerous to use the elevator, and it takes a long time to run up the stairs to the first floor; unforeseen circumstances can happen during the descent. The length is not enough to reach the 9th floor. However, help can come from the air. But there are floors that cannot be reached either from the air or using stairs.

So, it is better to develop an evacuation plan with your family in advance for any type of emergency. Keep a first aid kit and essentials ready, and most importantly, remember that safety depends primarily on you. Follow the rules of safe behavior yourself and don’t forget to teach them to your children.

An apartment building differs from an individual building in that it has several separate exits to the land or apartment plot. Also, multi-apartment buildings are recognized as buildings whose height exceeds 3 floors, including underground, basement, attic, etc.

Classification of number of storeys of buildings

The following classification of residential buildings is distinguished, which differ in the number of floors:

  • Low-rise (1 - 3). Most often these include individual residential buildings. The height of the building, as a rule, does not exceed 12 meters;
  • Mid-rise (3-5). The height of the floors is 15 meters - this is a standard five-story building;
  • High number of storeys (6-10). The building is 30 meters high;
  • Multi-storey (10 - 25):
  • High-rise. From (25 - 30).

The number of storeys of a building is calculated solely by the number of above-ground floors. When calculating the number of storeys, not only the size from floor to ceiling is taken into account, but also the size of inter-floor ceilings.

Apartment buildings. Number of floors and height of buildings

In modern projects, the “golden mean” is considered to be a height of one floor of 2.8-3.3 m.

The construction of multi-storey buildings is carried out only by highly qualified specialists, since this business not only requires large expenses, but also has many nuances.

The following types of multi-storey buildings are distinguished:

  • Panel. Belongs to the budget series. It has a high construction speed, but poor heat and sound insulation. The maximum number of storeys is about 25, depending on the design. In a living room, the height from floor to ceiling is 2.5 - 2.8 m, depending on the size of the panels.
  • Brick. The construction speed is quite low, since construction requires high costs. Thermal and sound insulation indicators are much higher than panel ones. The optimal possible number of floors is 10. The height of each is on average 2.8 - 3 m.
  • Monolithic. These buildings are quite diverse, because everything depends on the load-bearing capacity of concrete. They have high seismic resistance. To improve heat and sound insulation during construction, brickwork can be used. Allows the construction of about 160 floors. Height from floor to ceiling 3 - 3.3 m.

How to obtain permission for individual housing construction? What does a developer need to know?

Limiting authorities follow the development procedure and approve documents for individual housing construction according to RSN 70-88. Thanks to them, not only the accuracy of site development is determined, but also the layout of the home and auxiliary buildings. This project needs to be carefully considered, because what is not shown in the plan will be recognized as an unauthorized structure and must be demolished or re-approved.

Without permission, that is, before the plan is approved and documents are received, work should not begin, otherwise serious problems may arise. In order to find out exactly what documents will be required to start construction, you should read the “Code of Rules for Design and Construction SP 11-III-99”.

In 2010, SNiPs were recognized as sets of mandatory rules. They regulate activities in the field of urban planning, as well as engineering work, design and construction.

In order to obtain permission, you need to contact the BTI or the city architectural department to provide:

  • application for planning permission;
  • documents establishing the right to use the site;
  • certificate of field determination of boundaries, placement of buildings, etc.;
  • cadastral plan of the site;
  • House project.

Once issued, the permit is valid for 10 years.

Individual housing construction

The number of floors of an individual residential building is calculated based on the number of residents and personal preferences. The minimum height of a room according to SNiP is 2.5 m. If the height does not correspond to these parameters and is lower, then this room will be considered unsuitable for habitation.

How many floors can be built on the site? On an individual plot it is permissible to build a three-story house with a height of about 9 meters. In this case, both underground and above-ground premises are also taken into account.

What can be built on a garden plot?

Many people are interested in the question: what can be built and how many floors can one build independently on a garden plot? In addition to outbuildings, it is possible to build residential premises on a garden plot that are not suitable for registration. When constructing buildings on a garden plot, you should be guided by SNiP.

Sometimes we ask ourselves questions to which we generally don’t need to know the answers.

“Wait, they built not only 9-story buildings,” you will object, and you will undoubtedly be right. There were also five-story “Khrushchev” buildings and candles with 14-16 floors. But in the residential areas of large cities, it was 9-story buildings that predominated, and it’s hard to argue with that.

The answer, as it turned out, is very simple: “The height of the mechanized fire engine ladder was 28 meters". And if you consider that the height of each floor is 2.8-3 meters + the height of the base, then it turns out that a fire truck can only reach the 9th floor. This number is stated in all regulatory construction documents of the USSR State Construction Committee.

When building a house higher than 9 floors, that is, higher than 28 meters, all rules and regulations required the construction of a smoke-free staircase, the construction of which was not economically feasible.

Plus, for a house higher than 9 floors, an additional elevator was required in the entrance, while for a 9-story building one was enough. This undoubtedly also increased the final cost per square meter.

In addition, for a house with a height of 9 floors, smoke removal systems and additional escape routes were not required.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that the construction of 9-story buildings was driven by economic necessity. After all, the state needed to provide housing for all its citizens as soon as possible.