Repair Design Furniture

How to heat the soil in a greenhouse. Characteristics of heated greenhouses. How to warm the soil in a greenhouse in spring

A greenhouse is a special agroecosystem. All year round, the soil in the greenhouse is not directly affected by the environment: it does not rain inside the greenhouse, the wind does not blow, and there is no direct sunlight. Preparing the greenhouse and greenhouse for spring is a very important event.

On any sunny day, the air inside the greenhouse heats up under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and the soil is not supplied with life-giving moisture, it is not covered with snow, as is the case in ordinary beds. Because of this, the properties of the soil inside the greenhouse change over the winter season, and in the spring the first thing is to revive it and moisten it, tone it, as they say.

Soil preparation

During the winter, the soil in the greenhouse dries out very much and becomes almost dusty. On the one hand, this is good. Dry soil is an excellent heat insulator. In a greenhouse, the ground does not freeze deeply or does not freeze at all, unlike open ground. On the other hand, it’s bad, because in spring dry soil takes a long time to warm up. That is why it is so important to bring the soil “to life” in advance in the spring.

In the greenhouse, the soil must be heated to a temperature of +10 - +15 °C. When the bright sun shines, the air inside the greenhouse warms up almost instantly, it is held inside the structure by the walls and roof, and the soil remains cold for a very long time - several weeks. To provide plants with normal growing conditions, the soil in the greenhouse must be warm.

The first step is to loosen the soil to make it breathable. Then you need to make small trenches in the beds with a depth of a shovel bayonet. Such procedures will significantly increase the contact of warm air with cold soil.

After which the soil must be moistened with warm water. To do this, you can use ordinary heated water, or you can spill the soil in the greenhouse with a warm solution of nutrients, for example, a solution of EM-1, Emochek, Baikal-1. You can also use a biological product in dry form, for example, Emochki-Bokashi, which you just need to sprinkle on top of the ground and pour over with regular warm water. These procedures will “revive” the soil, soil microorganisms will awaken in it and get to work.

The ridges between the trenches will warm up the fastest, since their area is small and the water temperature is high. By leveling the ridges, we will distribute the heat throughout the entire soil and obtain a relatively large layer of warm “living” earth.

Important! You should not throw snow into the greenhouse from the street. Many people do this, explaining that this is how they try to saturate the earth with water. Water, of course, will penetrate deep into the soil, it will be saturated with water, but it will not warm up, and the greenhouse season will begin 2 - 3 weeks later.

By watering the trenches with hot water, we almost instantly raise the soil temperature to +10 - +15 °C. This will allow you to immediately sow cold-resistant and early-ripening crops: radishes, lettuce, onions, watercress, parsley seedlings. Further, the soil temperature in the greenhouse will be maintained using solar energy.

Soil treatment against diseases

The soil was warmed up, soil microorganisms were awakened. What's next? Do not forget that in a greenhouse there is an extremely high risk of fungal and bacterial plant diseases. Late blight, alternaria, black leg, powdery mildew and others are the scourge of greenhouses.

To carry out preventive work, it is necessary to treat the soil, as well as all parts of the greenhouse - wooden parts, boxes, base, walls. Any biofungicide can be used as a treatment against fungal diseases. For example, "Fitosporin", "Mikosan-N", "Trichodermin", "Planriz", "Phytotsid", "Healthy Soil".

To better warm the soil in the greenhouse, it can be covered with black agrofibre. Heating under the rays of the sun, it will transfer heat to the earth. This is the case if the landings are not coming soon. But you shouldn’t mulch the soil before a constant positive temperature has been established in the greenhouse. Although it all depends on the color of the mulch. Under dark mulch the soil will warm up, while under light mulch it will remain cold.

Before planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, prepare the soil - treat it with “Azotofit” or another preparation that forces nitrogen to be fixed from the air.

To saturate the air in the greenhouse with carbon dioxide necessary for plants, you can install a container inside the greenhouse with compost or something else that ferments. For example, chicken manure, compost from a heap, or EM compost from plant scraps or organic food scraps from the table can be poured into the container. In a carbon dioxide-rich environment, plants will develop faster.

Having planted early ripening plants in March, be prepared to receive the first harvest in April.

Spring work in the greenhouse

If you don’t have a greenhouse, it doesn’t matter. You can quickly build a solar heated greenhouse. This is an excellent option for summer residents who are on the go. In a greenhouse you can grow seedlings and the first spring greens.

The greenhouse must be prepared in advance in the fall. The place for the greenhouse should be well lit and high enough so that it is not flooded by melted spring waters. The depth of the pit for the greenhouse should be about 70 cm. A convenient width is the size of the frame with glass or film.

Up to half of the pit must be filled with humus, compost or other plant debris. A layer of fertile soil is poured on top. At the end of February - beginning of March, the greenhouse must be covered with a frame with glass to warm it up. The frame must be positioned with a slope to the south.
Before planting seedlings or sowing seeds, the greenhouse should be well ventilated and the soil should be watered with warm or hot water, as is the case with a greenhouse.

In such an earthen greenhouse you can safely grow seedlings of crops such as tomatoes, cabbage, eggplants, peppers and various flowers. From time to time, the greenhouse must be ventilated to prevent the plants from getting fungal or bacterial diseases. Better yet, treat the soil with fungicides.

Please note that in sunny weather the leaves of immature plants may turn yellow - “burn” in the sun, as glass enhances the heating effect. To protect the plants, they should be covered with covering material and only with glass on top.

Using a greenhouse to grow seedlings in open ground allows you to grow strong plants with dark green leaves and a developed root system, and also eliminates the need to use many cups for seedlings. And the window sills are not cluttered.

“Housing” for seedlings: breeding bed and cuttings

If it is better to grow seedlings of vegetables and annual flowers in a greenhouse or greenhouse, then for breeding seedlings of perennial flowers it is more advisable to arrange a special bed - distribution. In such a bed, seeds of perennial flowers are sown in the summer - in June, and bulbous flowers are planted in the fall for growing.

Small bulbous “babies” are grown in growing beds for 2–3 years, and the buds that appear on them during the growing season are carefully removed. For example, you can plant lily bulbs in a growing bed. After 2 - 3 years you will receive large lily bulbs.

It is better to sow seeds of perennial flowers not directly into the garden bed, but first into plastic cups or containers. There must be a drainage layer at the bottom of such cups or containers. It is advisable to sign the container, indicating the name of the plant and variety. And only then should the container be buried in the soil in the garden bed. This method allows you to avoid losses of “fighters”. After all, sometimes plant varieties get confused, and it happens that weak seedlings suffer during the weeding process.

It is best to place the spreading bed in partial shade or, conversely, in an area illuminated by direct sunlight, but on the north side the area should be protected from the wind by a wall or fence. It is advisable to limit the beds with sides made of wooden boards 15–30 cm high. You can also place arcs over the beds, allowing you to cover the plants from frost with film or from the scorching sun. The optimal width of the spreading bed is 1.5 m, the length can be any. But the orientation to the cardinal points should be from west to east.

It is extremely important that the soil in the growing bed is fertile, light, air- and moisture-permeable. If the soil in the area is clayey, then it is necessary to perform drainage. To loosen the soil, you can add sand to it. Leaf and turf soil will also be useful, but adding compost to the soil is undesirable. Ash can be used to fertilize the soil. Its secretions stimulate the formation and development of the root system. Watering the plants in the growing bed must be carried out in a timely manner, avoiding severe drying out, but you should not over-water it either. It is better to loosen the soil once again or, even better, mulch, retaining moisture inside the soil and reducing evaporation.

It is also inconvenient to propagate berry and ornamental shrubs in ordinary beds. For this purpose they build cuttings. After all, the main condition for successful rooting of cuttings is high air humidity.

The cuttings must be placed in a shady place and covered on top with glass or plastic film on the arches. It is advisable to place the frame at a slight slope to the south. If you use plastic film, its edges should be firmly pressed to the ground.

Some gardeners root cuttings using plastic bottles, placing the cuttings from above upside down.

To prevent water from stagnating in the beds for cuttings, be sure to arrange drainage from crushed stone, gravel or expanded clay with a layer of 10 - 15 cm. A layer of sand of 5 - 7 cm is poured on top of the fertile layer. Spraying is necessary from time to time. Rooted cuttings are left in the cuttings for the winter and only the next year are transplanted into open ground to a permanent place.

Remember that soil preparation in a greenhouse, hotbed or growing bed is the key to large harvests. Healthy seedlings, and therefore plants, are a direct consequence of caring for soil fertility and preventing dangerous diseases. Delight your family with fresh, clean vegetables and herbs, grown with your own hands, as early and as often as possible. And bad weather or late frosts are not a problem if you have properly prepared your greenhouse or greenhouse.

What is the best way to heat a greenhouse in the spring? Which method is most effective and economical? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each heating method? Perhaps these are the most pressing questions for greenhouse owners or those who are planning to build such a greenhouse on their site. We will try to provide detailed and accurate information on these issues. Naturally, there can be no definite answers, because much depends on the tasks of the greenhouse being built, its size, materials and the capabilities of the owner himself. The main thing is to have as much verified information as possible and choose the best option for yourself. Well, the presented photo and video materials will help you decide on the right solution.

Ways to heat a greenhouse in spring

The greenhouse can be used year-round or seasonally, for example in spring. There are a lot of ways to heat a greenhouse in the spring with your own hands. They can be simple or complex, cheap or capital intensive, effective or insignificant. Below are all the most popular methods of heating a greenhouse, with their advantages and disadvantages.

How to heat a greenhouse in spring - a solar heating method

  • A simple but ineffective method for heating in early spring, which does not require additional costs. This heating method can be used during periods of active solar heat: late spring, summer and early autumn. In winter, this method is unacceptable, since the sun is not able to warm the walls of the greenhouse properly.
  • A greenhouse built from sections of polycarbonate or glass perfectly transmits the sun's rays, thereby heating the soil and air.
  • The heat accumulated as a result of the greenhouse effect gradually accumulates in the room, significantly increasing the temperature.
  • Based on this method, it is possible to build the so-called indoors. "solar oven" The essence of its action is that the sun heats up the stones during the day, which perfectly retain this heat and release it to the greenhouse at night. Thus, it is possible to maintain the temperature throughout the day.
  • You can regulate (reduce) the temperature (especially in the summer) in a greenhouse by ventilating it.
  • To maximize the use of solar energy when heating the greenhouse, its optimally convenient location is important - on the south side of the site. This factor should be taken into account when planning the construction of a greenhouse.
  • To reduce heat loss from a greenhouse, it is necessary to pay attention to the shape of the structure. The best options are spherical, arched buildings with rounded vaults.
  • To enhance the heating effect, you can also insulate the northern wall of the greenhouse, through which solar energy does not enter. To retain maximum heat in the greenhouse, its northern side is made opaque: covered with foil or painted over with white paint. This is one of the most affordable and easiest ways to heat a polycarbonate greenhouse in the spring.

How to heat a greenhouse in spring - a biological heating method

  • This heating method is low-cost, labor-intensive, and is used year-round, including in the spring.
  • The essence of the method is the preparation of “biofuel”, which releases a certain amount of heat.
  • Manure is most often used as a biofuel. As it decomposes, it releases heat, thereby warming the soil. Adding crushed straw to manure will ensure its better decomposition, which means the release of more heat. In the spring, in preparation for such heating, the manure is preheated. This is necessary to “start” the decomposition process. To heat it, the manure is placed in a loose pile, several holes are made into which hot water is poured. The stack is covered with burlap for 3-4 days, after which it is ready for use as “biofuel”.
  • Horse manure produces some of the highest temperatures when decomposed. Compost with the addition of horse manure is also used. When using pig or cow manure, be sure to add straw to it.

  • Bark, straw, sawdust, plant humus or ordinary household waste are also used as biological “fuel”. But, the soil temperature and heating duration in such cases will be significantly lower than with manure.
  • To biologically heat a greenhouse, the following technology must be followed: remove the entire layer of soil from the greenhouse shelves; spread manure (or other “biofuel”) in an even layer on the bottom, filling approximately 1/3 of the racks (in height); The manure is covered with soil on top.

  • The duration of maintaining the required soil temperature with this heating method varies and ranges from 2 weeks (using sawdust) to 4 months (using horse manure).
  • Artificially prepared “biofuel” is also used. Lay in layers: chopped straw, lime-ammonium nitrate, superphosphate. The ratio is 10:0.2:0.3 kg. Next, the layers are compacted and watered with hot water. Fertile soil is poured on top (about the same layer in height).
  • Biological heating has a number of advantages: it fills the soil with valuable nutrients, vitamins and microelements contained in organic fertilizers. Due to evaporation during manure rotting, the soil is naturally moistened. In addition, this type of heating does not dry out the air, unlike technical methods.
  • This method of heating a greenhouse is great for spring, when there are no longer severe frosts and you just need to maintain a certain temperature. When the “biofuel” stops its activity, it becomes warm outside and the greenhouse is either opened or the seedlings are planted in open ground.

How to heat a greenhouse in early spring

How can you heat a greenhouse when there is not enough solar heat yet, there are frequent frosts and the plants need a stable positive temperature. There are a number of technical devices for heating a greenhouse during the cold season using a number of heating devices.

It is rational to use the most complex and cost-effective heating systems in the winter, but if they are already installed in the greenhouse, they are also used in the spring.

If the greenhouse is used only in spring or autumn, there is no need to install large, expensive and complex heating devices for this purpose. It is enough to use simple and affordable means of heating the room to create a warm microclimate.

How to heat a greenhouse in spring - stove heating method

  • Stoves are the most ancient and proven method of heating.

  • This heating method is more suitable for the coldest time of the year - winter or early spring. During the onset of stable warm days, you can also heat the greenhouse from time to time, maintaining the required temperature regime.
  • Not everyone can make a greenhouse heated by a stove with their own hands. This requires technical knowledge and certain skills to ensure that the stove is as functional as possible, with good draft and high heat transfer coefficient.
  • As a rule, for convenience, stoves are installed at the end of the greenhouse and a horizontal chimney is laid around the perimeter of the room. This allows the heat to be evenly distributed over the entire area.
  • Stove heating of a greenhouse does not heat the soil. In this regard, racks with soil must be thermally insulated from the main soil on which the greenhouse is built. As an alternative, you can use biological heating of the soil (with manure) or technical heating (electric, water heating of the soil).
  • To heat the stove, coal, wood, coke, and household waste are used as fuel.
  • Stove heating can be improved and converted to water heating for a greenhouse. To do this, a water heating boiler is installed on the stove, the pipes of which are looped with the water tank, and the wiring is placed along the entire perimeter of the greenhouse. Circulating through the pipes, hot water heats the entire room.
  • Another option is a solid fuel boiler that runs on wood, wood waste, seed husks or waste oil. This is a very cost-effective way to heat a greenhouse.

How to heat a greenhouse in early spring - water heating method

  • In addition to water heating of the greenhouse using a stove, you can circulate hot water around the perimeter of the entire room using an electric or gas boiler.
  • Pipes can be laid not only along the walls of the greenhouse, but also below (under the floor), also providing warming of the soil in the greenhouse.

  • Metal or plastic pipes are used to install a water heating system. Currently, plastic is most often used as the most affordable material. In addition, such pipes are lightweight, do not rust and are easy to install.
  • Installing a special thermostat to radiators and pipelines allows you to automatically maintain the temperature in the room.

  • The disadvantages of this heating system include the complexity of installation work, fairly high economic costs and constant monitoring of the system.
  • A positive aspect of water heating of a greenhouse will be a consistently positive temperature of both air and soil in the room.
  • It is also practiced to connect the greenhouse to an existing heating system (for example, at home). If the boiler in the house is powerful enough and the greenhouse is located more than 10 m from the living space, you can safely connect. This method is very complex and expensive. In addition, it should be taken into account that the pipes leading from the house to the greenhouse must be insulated.

How to heat a greenhouse in early spring - air heating method

  • Air heating of a greenhouse, where warm air is used as a coolant, can also be done with your own hands.
  • This heating system is even easier to make than water heating.
  • The air, heated in the boiler, is distributed through the air duct system (as a rule, a perforated polyethylene hose is used).

  • Such sleeves, laid along the entire perimeter of the greenhouse, quickly and evenly warm the room and the soil. The main advantage of this method is the rapid heating of any area of ​​the room.
  • The disadvantage of such heating is a significant decrease in humidity in the greenhouse. Therefore, you should constantly monitor the humidity so that the air does not dry out too much.
  • For air heating of greenhouses, heating and ventilation units installed on special supports or supporting structures of the greenhouse are used. Such devices warm up the air in the greenhouse well, and additionally use polyethylene sleeves to warm the soil. This combination of air heating methods provides maximum efficiency.
  • For large greenhouses, you can also use an industrial air heater that runs on solid fuel. It can be installed anywhere in the greenhouse without controlling the subsequent process. The automatic thermostat independently regulates the required room temperature.

How to heat a greenhouse in early spring - gas heating method

  • The gasified area allows you to use gas to heat the greenhouse.
  • How to heat a greenhouse with gas yourself so that it is safe and effective? You can use gas burners or air heaters evenly spaced around the perimeter of the greenhouse. Regular gas cylinders are suitable for them.
  • Gas heaters still require constant monitoring and supervision.
  • To ensure that carbon dioxide and the heat generated by the heaters are evenly distributed throughout the greenhouse, fans are also installed.
  • An alternative to such heaters can be a factory gas boiler. But, in this case, the cost of this heating system should be taken into account.
  • The positive aspects of gas heating will be their convenient use for seasonal greenhouses (for example, in spring), the carbon dioxide and water released will promote the growth of plants in greenhouse conditions.
  • The problematic issue of gas heating will be the uniform distribution of heat throughout the room, access of air for ventilation (chimney) and constant monitoring of heating devices.

How to heat a greenhouse in early spring - electric heating method

  • How to heat a greenhouse in the spring using electricity? There are several options for electric heating that you can install yourself.
  • The main condition for electric heating is the presence of electricity in the greenhouse (or near it).
  • The easiest way to heat a greenhouse in the spring is to install electric heaters. By periodically changing the location of the devices, you can easily change the air flow of heat in the greenhouse.

  • The advantages of this method are the low cost of the heating system, ease of use and management. And electrical appliances with fans help to uniformly warm the building area and prevent condensation from appearing on the walls of the greenhouse.
  • The disadvantages of such heating will be the unevenness of the heating area when using only one device; and the use of several devices in a large greenhouse will entail significant waste of energy and financial costs. In addition, the devices should not be too close to the plants so that hot air does not hit them.
  • Another heating method is to install a heating cable for the greenhouse. It is laid in advance, under a layer of soil. With this use of electricity, it is possible to save money, since energy consumption is much less than that of heating devices. The system is easy to use and allows you to evenly distribute heat over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, and not only the soil, but also the air is heated. This is especially convenient when the greenhouse begins to function only in the spring and the soil after winter is cold and unsuitable for plants.

How to heat a greenhouse in early spring - infrared heating method

  • For infrared heating of greenhouses, special infrared lamps, heaters and thermal film are used.

  • An economical way to use (compared to electrical appliances), the infrared heating method quickly and evenly heats the soil and plants without drying out the air.
  • By installing a thermostat on infrared heaters, you can easily control the room temperature and maintain constant climate control.
  • Infrared radiation is harmless to plants and people.
  • The advantages of this heating method are the long service life (up to 10 years) of the devices, high returns at low costs and an easy way to install the system.

How to heat a greenhouse during frosts - an emergency heating method

  • What to do if a cold snap suddenly sets in, but there is no heating in the greenhouse yet? There are emergency ways to heat a greenhouse space. Let's look at one example.
  • First way. To do this, you will need a barrel and porous bricks soaked in a flammable mixture. A barrel of bricks is placed near the greenhouse. Then it is necessary to mount and strengthen the pipe from the top of the barrel to the ceiling of the greenhouse. When the bricks are set on fire, the greenhouse room heats up quickly and stays hot for about 12 hours.
  • The method is quite dangerous, applicable only in emergency cases and requires strict adherence to fire safety rules and constant monitoring.

  • Second way. It is used when there is enough sunlight during the day, but frost is still possible at night. Plastic bottles filled with water are used. They are placed in the soil around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse, without screwing the lids on. During the day they heat up from the sun's rays penetrating the greenhouse, and at night they release the accumulated heat to the soil. Additionally, valuable moisture evaporates, creating a favorable microclimate for plants.

How to heat the soil in a greenhouse

  • In the previous sections, some methods of heating the soil in a greenhouse were considered: heating with “biofuel” or bottles of water, warm air through special hoses, infrared devices, etc. Let’s consider other possible options for heating the soil.
  • The soil chimney is a device from a stove located outside the greenhouse. The chimney is placed directly into the soil inside the greenhouse. Thus, it heats not only the soil, but also the air.
  • A “warm floor” in a greenhouse can be easily provided by installing electric heating cables there. It does not take up extra space in the greenhouse; such a “floor” perfectly warms the soil, and therefore the air. In addition, automatic temperature control can be installed. Despite all the benefits and convenience, the system will require certain costs for the purchase and installation of such equipment.

How to heat a polycarbonate greenhouse

  • The choice of material for making a greenhouse is very important, as it directly affects the ability to retain and transfer heat indoors.
  • Glass transmits light well, but has low thermal insulation. Double-glazed windows are too expensive a material. The film is not durable and thin. Polycarbonate is the most optimal option in terms of thermal conductivity and light transmission.
  • For a greenhouse that is “launched” in the spring, single-layer polycarbonate will be sufficient. For a year-round greenhouse, take two layers of polycarbonate.
  • Polycarbonate greenhouses can be heated using all of the above methods.


Before choosing one or another method of heating a greenhouse in the spring, it is important to decide on a number of factors:

  • Greenhouse size.
  • The material from which the greenhouse is made.
  • Operating conditions of the greenhouse (seasonal or year-round).
  • Availability of technical resources: gas, electricity, boiler power in the house, etc.
  • Financial opportunities.

Only taking into account all the above circumstances will it be possible to choose the most rational method for heating the greenhouse.

Having carefully studied all the methods of heating a greenhouse, familiarizing yourself with their positive and negative sides, determine for yourself the most suitable one, ensuring comfortable plant growth and complete heating of the air and soil.

If necessary, it is possible to combine several methods of heating the greenhouse. This is very convenient and allows you to change heating methods (if necessary) or combine them, if necessary.

Heated greenhouses, video

“Heating a greenhouse with wood”:

“Heating a polycarbonate greenhouse”:

“Greenhouse water heating”:

In the spring, I want to grow vitamin products early. We have a standard greenhouse (6x3), but the soil in it takes a long time to warm up, which delays sowing. Is it possible to speed up soil warming without additional costs? How to properly prepare a greenhouse for the new season?

The greenhouse can be prepared for the new season without additional costs

And it’s worth talking about warming up the soil in a greenhouse without additional costs.

Whether it is worth filling the greenhouse with snow depends on the expected timing of sowing and planting

Why is there snow in a greenhouse? There is often advice in the literature that the soil in the greenhouse should be covered with snow so that it does not dry out and become dusty. This is of course true. However, spring planting in such a greenhouse will be delayed by at least two weeks, because the incoming heat from the sun's rays will first be spent on melting the snow and only then on warming the soil. If you want to get a really early harvest, then you shouldn’t put snow in the greenhouse.

Digging the soil

Digging the greenhouse accelerates soil warming

The spring sun warms up the air in the greenhouse well, but the soil warms up slowly. In order for sowing seeds to become possible, the soil in the greenhouse must warm up to 10-15 0 C. To do this, it needs to be dug up and made permeable to air. Trenches in the beds increase the area of ​​contact between warm air currents and cold soil. The ridges warm up quickly, and by leveling them, you get a decent layer of already warmed soil.

Spilling soil with hot water

You can also warm up the soil in a greenhouse with hot water. You will need flammable waste (dry branches, paper, scraps of boards, cardboard, etc.), a large metal barrel and several bricks, from which an improvised stove will be built. It is reckless to pour water into a barrel in advance; in frosty weather it will freeze and burst the barrel. It is not advisable to melt snow, because... it will require a lot of fuel.

By heating 2 two-hundred-liter barrels and pouring the contents into the trenches of a standard greenhouse, the soil temperature will rise to 10-15 0 C. This means that sowing cold-resistant crops (leaf lettuce, onions, radishes, spinach, parsley, watercress, etc.) will become possible . In the future, there will be enough solar heat during the day to keep the temperature from dropping at night.

A fan will also come in handy

If electricity is supplied to the greenhouse, then a floor fan can be installed in it (it is not used for business anyway in March). It is known that warm air rises and cold air accumulates below. A working fan moves warm and cold layers well, helping to warm the soil.

After the soil has warmed up, you can start planting and sowing.

Having carried out such simple operations, and most importantly, without additional costs, you can open the sowing season in March in order to delight your family with fresh, environmentally friendly products in April.

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​The specific power of the cable used should be no more than 17-20 W/m, otherwise there is a risk of drying out the soil and damaging plant roots.​

​The most effective biofuel can be obtained by mixing horse manure and straw in a 1:1 ratio.​

Types of greenhouse heating

  • ​This is an alternative heating method, useful given the rise in gas and electricity tariffs.​
  • ​Given the high cost of electricity, one can understand the growing popularity of IR heaters like PLEN. They have high efficiency, heat both the soil and plants without heating the air. The air is heated by the greenhouse structure and the heated soil. At the same time, the soil warms up better, and it is warmer below. IR heaters can also be equipped with thermostats. They are easy to install with your own hands, they provide significant savings, turning on the heater only when the temperature drops below the set one.​
  • ​Biological fuel is the most economical option for heating a greenhouse, and it also saves on organic fertilizers. Heated greenhouses are becoming increasingly important due to the unstable climate in recent years. Plants do not like sudden changes in temperature, so in order not to risk it, you need to stock up on everything you need for an emergency.​

​Manure is dried on the ground in advance.​

​Biological fuels are like this:​

​Soil heating in greenhouses can occur in the following ways:​

​Stove heating involves a stove with a chimney constructed in such a way that smoke does not enter the greenhouse. Heating occurs using coal, wood and other fuels. Gas heating also has a boiler and fuel, as well as pipes and ventilation. Any heating system is very expensive and difficult to use. Therefore, the simplest and most economical type of heating a greenhouse is electric heating. Now there are many mains-powered heaters on the market. These are fans, convectors of various sizes, oil heaters, fireplaces.​

  • ​Heating the greenhouse is a very important component of the entire process of growing vegetables.​
  • ​To regulate the temperature in the greenhouse, thermostats should be installed. The sensors are placed in the ground. The optimal temperature varies from 15 to 25 °C for various vegetable crops and up to 30 °C for seedlings in beds and peat pots.​
  • ​Scheme of biological heating of soil in a greenhouse.​

​Well suited for wood heating of the Buleryan stove. They are economical, do not require frequent addition of firewood (6-8 hours), quickly warm up the room, are safe, and are easy to install with your own hands.​

​Infrared radiation does not harm plants and humans. Using infrared equipment, it is possible to create different temperature zones for different plants. IR heaters can quickly increase the temperature of a room.​


Advantages of electric heaters

​Dry manure is dumped into a ditch and compacted well.​

  • ​mullein;​
  • ​Electric heaters. They need to be placed as low and close to the soil as possible, so the soil can heat up and the air will also be warm.​
  • ​The technical heating system of a greenhouse involves artificial heating using different types of heaters:​

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Heating the soil in greenhouses and greenhouses

Manure is prepared in advance, in the fall. Well-dried manure is mixed with straw and nitrogen fertilizers, stacked (to prevent premature heating) and tightly covered with soil, leaves or peat. In early spring, a week before planting plants in greenhouses, manure is heated by spreading it into loose heaps. Curling “smoke” over the heaps and the smell of ammonia will indicate the start of the self-heating process. This usually happens within a few days.​

  1. ​This method is quite widely used. It allows you to quickly respond to changing conditions and compensate for the shortcomings of one method with another. For example, if the electricity is turned off, a system running on gas, coal or wood will remain. Below in the video we see how the combined heating of a film greenhouse is implemented.​
  2. It is possible to install water heating yourself. Heating pipes are laid under the floor or in the greenhouse. The principle of operation of such solutions is based on the fact that the coolant (water) is supplied to the pipes, gives off heat to the atmosphere and goes to the boiler, where it is heated. The more pipes, the lower the temperature can be reported to the coolant. This system is characterized by slow heating.​
  3. ​If heating is installed in the greenhouse, it provides many advantages - increasing the period of growing plants, up to year-round, eliminates the danger of frost, excess humidity, and others. This material will tell you about the main types of means that produce air heating and soil heating in a greenhouse, such as: stove, gas, steam and electric.​

​A layer of leaves, straw, and small dry branches is placed on top.​

Biological soil heating

​pig manure;​​Using pipes that run inside the soil. This is of course expensive and requires skills and time. But if the heated greenhouse is large, then it is worth considering this heating possibility. The pipes can carry hot water or air. The depth to which the pipe must be laid in the soil is 25 cm.​

​Easily transported from place to place;​


  • ​Before you buy or build a greenhouse, you need to think about what type of heating will be used in it. Because both the type of greenhouse itself and the future harvest depend on this. In addition to heating the greenhouse itself, heating the soil in the greenhouse is mandatory. After all, the seeds remain in the ground for some time, and it is there that the life of the plant begins to emerge. Therefore, the seed cannot be allowed to freeze and die. For the development and growth of the seed, and then the root system of the seedlings, an optimal temperature regime is very necessary so that all the beneficial substances are absorbed into the root system and the plant develops normally.​
  • ​Layout diagram of IR heaters in a greenhouse for optimal heating of the soil.​
  • ​Then they dig a pit corresponding to the size of the greenhouse and lay heated manure to the top. The pit is covered with greenhouse frames, then they wait 2-3 days to allow the manure to settle. To prevent the growth of fungi and mold, the top of the manure is covered with lime. Then fertile soil for plants is poured. After a week, the manure warms up to a temperature of 60-70 °C. The temperature remains at this level for 7-14 days, after which it drops to 20-30 °C and remains this way for two months, that is, the entire period sufficient for the vegetative development of plants.​
  • ​It is impossible to say unequivocally which method is the best. It is necessary to carefully calculate the options for each specific case, selecting the most economical, profitable and convenient heating system.​
  • The main element of water heaters is the boiler. The choice of boiler type depends on each specific situation. If there is a gas pipeline, then a gas boiler would be a more economical option.​

​If you decide to install a means of heating a greenhouse with your own hands, then in order to ensure that the conditions in the greenhouse are the best for plant growth, especially when growing in winter, you need to choose a system that provides both heating of the soil in the greenhouse and full heating of the air.​

Techniques for preparing a site and heating the soil in a greenhouse

  1. ​Filled with hot water.​
  2. ​sheep manure;​
  3. ​Mini greenhouse. This is a small plastic box with a cap that has a built-in electrical heating system and thermostat. With the help of mini-greenhouses, you can grow plants in early spring and are not afraid of frost.​
  4. ​relatively low price compared to others;​
  5. ​gas;​
  6. ​natural;​
  7. The operating principle of infrared heaters is based on the fact that they convert electrical energy into thermal energy using a special heating element. In this case, most of the generated energy is spent on heating an object located in the heater’s area of ​​action, and only 8% of the energy is spent on heating the air. Thus, IR heaters not only warm the plants, but also save on electricity.​
  8. ​Heating the soil in greenhouses with biofuel is simple, inexpensive and environmentally friendly, since during use, manure decomposes into a homogeneous humus mass, which does not cause damage to the environment. Subsequently, the resulting humus is used to fertilize beds and flower beds.​

​You should take care of good thermal insulation of the greenhouse even at the stage of its construction. The best option would be an insulated reinforced strip foundation, installing heat shields made of special aluminum fiber fabric and sealing the cracks of glass panels and door transoms. Heating the soil in the greenhouse itself is very important. To a large extent, it is this that determines the excellent health of plants, guarantees a bountiful harvest and, consequently, your excellent mood.​

​Water circulation is either provided by a pump or occurs on its own. It is possible to install an automatic thermoregulation system.​

Heating a greenhouse with your own hands

  • ​You need to take into account the size of the greenhouse, financial capabilities, as well as the material from which the greenhouse is built. Thus, heating a polycarbonate greenhouse will cost less than a film greenhouse. The same advantage will be provided by insulating the greenhouse.

​horse manure;​

​evenly heats the air in the greenhouse, ensures air circulation inside the greenhouse;​

Electric heating



Infrared systems

​Infrared heaters warm the soil at a depth of 5-8 cm to 28 °C, which is the optimal temperature for most plants. At the same time, the air temperature remains at 20-21 °C, that is, IR heaters do not dry out the air and do not burn oxygen. They do not make noise and, if placed near doors and windows, their work will compensate for heat loss, which is very important, since many plants are very sensitive to drafts.​

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​Scheme for heating the soil in a greenhouse with air.​

Water heating

​For the installation of heat transfer elements, pipes made of copper, plastic and steel are used. Plastic pipes have advantages such as lightness, low cost and corrosion resistance. Steel pipes are not suitable for soil systems as they will be destroyed by corrosion.​

​Some heating system options are used in professional industrial greenhouses, but are not suitable for small greenhouses assembled with your own hands. Now we’ll tell you in more detail about those heating devices that you can install with your own hands.​

​Sprinkled with soil into which seedlings or seeds will already be planted.​

​bird droppings.​

​Heating the soil in greenhouses is best done using biological fuel.​

​quickly heats up the room;​

Air heating


Wood heating


​Infrared heaters are divided into short-wave and long-wave. Since short-wave heaters are too powerful, in everyday life, for example, for greenhouses, long-wave heaters with a power of up to 500 W are used. They can be powered not only from the electrical network, but run on both gas and liquid fuel. This is convenient if there are power outages or no electricity at all at the dacha. Although IR heaters are quite expensive, their price is justified by their high operating efficiency and the possibility of saving energy.​

Combined method

​Warming the soil in a greenhouse with cables is an excellent way to speed up the growth of seedlings, extend the growing season during early cold weather, and greatly facilitate the care of heat-loving and exotic plants. This method of heating the soil in a greenhouse will allow you to grow crops even in winter. The installation and maintenance costs of such a system are not so high, while the plants not only receive heat, but are also protected from excess moisture in the soil. Usually the soil begins to be heated at the very beginning of spring.​

​In the summer season, the greenhouse is heated by the sun's rays, which penetrate through the transparent walls and roof, creating a greenhouse effect inside. The soil in greenhouses also warms up thanks to the sun. But in autumn, winter, and early spring you will have to use other effective heating methods.​

​The disadvantages of a water heating system are difficulty in installation, high price and the need to constantly monitor the system. A positive quality is simultaneous heating of the soil and air.​

​The most extensive area is electric heating. You can either lay heating cables directly into the foundation or use air heaters and IR heaters.​

​Thus, the greenhouse is naturally heated.​

Use of biofuel

​Horse manure heats up the most. With the right approach, it can heat up to 70 degrees.​

​It has a self-heating function due to its chemical composition, and when the soil is heated, it releases carbon dioxide, which the plant feeds on.​

​have thermostats that can heat the air at a certain temperature.​

​Here, each vegetable grower chooses for himself what is more profitable and convenient for him to use for heating the soil and air.​

​The natural heating of a greenhouse is solar heating. The sun penetrates greenhouses and greenhouses and, heating the covering material: polycarbonate, glass or plastic film, creates a greenhouse effect inside. Thanks to the sun's rays, the air temperature rises and on sunny days increases by 15 degrees. That is, outside the greenhouse, the temperature is 15 degrees lower. The soil in the greenhouse and greenhouse is also heated by the sun and becomes warmer by 2-3 degrees.​

​To permanently insulate the soil in the greenhouse and conservatory, I laid sewer pipes with a diameter of 100 millimeters. The cost of the pipe is 100 rubles per 1 meter.​

​Scheme for heating the soil in a greenhouse using an electric heating cable.​

​To heat the soil in greenhouses and greenhouses, biological fuel (self-heating substrates) is widely used. This method is based on the fact that as a result of the decomposition of organic matter (manure), a lot of heat and carbon dioxide are released, which plants need to grow. The most popular type of biofuel due to its significant heat generation is horse manure, but pig, cow, and sheep are often used for the same purposes.​

Heating of soil with electric cables

​Before connecting, you need to find out the boiler pressure and calculate whether it will be enough. Also, if the distance between the house and the heated room is more than ten meters, then insulation of the pipes will be required (especially in winter), which will be quite expensive. It is worth considering that heating is needed to a greater extent at night, and heating systems can lower the temperature at this time. Therefore, you need to consider connection priorities.​

​Using a heater is not the best solution. The space will be heated unevenly, resulting in local overheating, while the other part will not be heated at all. To some extent, this can be compensated for by installing fans, but this cools the air and increases energy costs.​

​Manure quickly heats up to 70 degrees and stays at this temperature for about a week, then cools down by 20 degrees and remains in this mode for 2 months. During this time, the seedlings in the greenhouse have time to grow.​

​A ditch breaks out in the greenhouse.​​Construction of a warm mini-greenhouse where biological heating of the soil occurs.​

​The disadvantage of electric heaters is that one device will not be enough, because it will not be able to heat the room evenly. It is necessary to place devices in the corners so that the air is the same everywhere.

Infrared heaters for greenhouses

​Water heating involves a boiler that burns peat, wood, and other fuels and drives water through pipes. This heating system is complex and inconvenient.​

​To increase the temperature of the air and soil inside the greenhouse, you can cover it with two layers of film or polycarbonate. But in our climate zone, one layer is enough throughout the summer to take advantage of the natural light of the sun. In autumn, of course, you will need heating and artificial lighting.​

Hello, dear friends!

Today I will tell you how to prepare a greenhouse for planting in the spring.

Every gardener knows that before the start of the summer season it is necessary to properly prepare the greenhouse for planting. Naturally, in the event of breakdowns or external defects, it is worth repairing the frame and covering materials. Also, in early spring you should clear the greenhouse of snow. But summer residents are especially interested in the question of how to properly plant plants.

How to disinfect a greenhouse

It is best to begin the procedure for disinfecting greenhouse soil a month before planting so that all harmful chemicals can weaken their effect. Disinfection of the greenhouse structure itself should begin two weeks before planting. The most effective greenhouse disinfection measures include:

1) use of sulfur bombs– this remedy has a negative effect on such pests such as aphids, spider mites, fungal spores. The work procedure is as follows: light the sulfur bombs and close the greenhouse, the force of impact can be increased with kerosene, after the work, do not open the greenhouse for five days;

2)use of lime– for the procedure of neutralizing the walls of the greenhouse and the soil, you should buy slaked lime. According to the instructions written on the package, you need to prepare a solution, add copper sulfate to it (at the rate of 3 parts lime, 1 part vitriol). The resulting mixture is sprayed onto the surface of the greenhouse, and the soil is spilled;

3) bleach treatment– this method of disinfection is carried out by preparing a solution of water and bleach, which is then infused for three hours. Next, the walls of the greenhouse are wiped with the solution, and the remaining liquid can be spilled on the ground.

To disinfect the greenhouse frame, if it is metal, wipe the surfaces with gasoline or kerosene.

To disinfect the soil in a greenhouse, many gardeners use broadcasting, which destroys the larvae of harmful insects and bacteria. Another effective and safe measure for disinfecting land is watering with biological products. They not only help destroy harmful bacteria, but also increase soil fertility and improve its structure.

It is especially important to follow safety precautions when carrying out disinfection measures: use rubber gloves and a respirator, protect the skin from harmful substances.

How to warm the soil in a greenhouse

In a greenhouse, the soil layer does not freeze as deeply during the winter as outside, but the process of heating it takes much longer. Therefore, all summer residents should warm up the earth before planting plants. This can be done using the following methods:

After loosening the soil, cover the bed with a special black film until the planting period;

After loosening the soil, make small trenches in the center of the beds, which should be poured with boiling water, leveled, and then covered with film for two days;

Insulate the beds by removing the top layer of soil and placing “warm” material on the bottom - sawdust, straw, tree bark, then this layer is spilled with a solution of lime and covered with earth.

How to enrich the soil in a greenhouse before planting vegetables

The main way to quickly restore soil in a greenhouse in the spring is this. They have a beneficial effect on the process of saturating the soil with nitrogen and humus, and remove various toxins from it. Green manure includes plants such as oats, peas, and mustard. They are planted in late March - early April. After cutting them, green manure plants are embedded in the soil and dug up along with it.

You can also increase the soil fertility in a greenhouse by adding organic fertilizers during the main digging.

By preparing the greenhouse for planting in the spring before the opening of the summer season, you can increase the likelihood of obtaining a rich harvest. See you later, dear friends!