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Work as a turner - where to learn, how to increase the rank and how much they pay. Profession turner. What kind of turners are there? A turner with higher education, what is it called?

There is no better technologist than a turner.

My experience is short: about 3 years. I really like the profession itself. This is a symbiosis of science and technology. We have to remember trigonometry, elementary geometry, and physics. I work with both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as non-metals. I look forward to difficult work every day. This is when you storm your brain with a calculator in your hands... This is when there is no space free from lines on the working drawing... When there are many steps, profiles, settings, positions, etc. It's such a mental satisfaction when you do this!

You can't stand still. I’m looking for new ways to solve problems or complicate my work... I hold in my hands with such trepidation books from Soviet times about turning. In fact, turning is an art.

They say turning is a thankless job. I feel bad for myself too. I can do a lot. Both technologists and CNC adjusters come to me for advice. But! I have the third (3) category. And no one is going to raise it for me. Standing on my feet for 12 hours, I somehow earn 20 thousand. Is this money for a city of half a million? I spend 6 thousand just on rent. I'm 26. I don't drink, I lead a semi-ascetic lifestyle. And I’m afraid to get married - to doom both myself and my family to a semi-beggarly life. Over the course of a year, more than tens of thousands of debts accumulated. I'm not even talking about an apartment and a car. Yes, I admit: working as a turner, I cannot provide myself with a decent life.

Disrespect from management abounds. There are no tools, no diamond wheels... Either they give me wood cutters for stainless steel, then three (3) - the limit - plates for a month, then I have to constantly beg for keys, then I fill the cutters almost with a file... And also very I worked for a long time without a center - I start the machine and wait for the part to fly out... Nothing can be done - at other factories they promise me only 12 thousand. So you have to endure it.

It is difficult for young people to find well-paid jobs. And no one wants to work for 8 thousand. I was lucky in my time: I finally found a plant where they hired me without any experience. And at Kamaz, for example, they gave me a standard 5-6th category detail: perform a four-way worm. And I asked for the second category! Of course, I didn’t fulfill it - I only received my diploma 2 months ago.

Industry today is experiencing an acute shortage of young workers. And it can be called, without exaggeration, one of the most popular turner profession. The state, understanding the need to update personnel in this specialty, strongly supports young specialists who choose to work in production shops. They are guaranteed an income several times higher than the salary of an ordinary office employee, a place in a dormitory, and the opportunity for career growth.

In addition, the working conditions of a modern turner differ in many ways from those familiar to most of us from old Soviet films. Workplaces and workshops themselves have become more comfortable, and machines have become modern. But not everyone can find themselves in this field of production.

Who is suitable for the profession of turner?

It may be of interest to guys who want to start earning money as soon as possible and gain financial independence from their parents.

In addition, it is useful for those who want to subsequently become a competent engineer in mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing and other promising industries to start working as a turner. Moreover, today, thanks to the services of the website, you can prepare for admission to a university with the best tutors online, which is as convenient and comfortable as possible for the applicant. This allows you to best combine work and study.

It has long been known that the best engineers come from workers who graduate from college in absentia. Indeed, in this case, the specialist goes through all stages of production sequentially, in practice acquiring the necessary skills that allow him to more effectively use university knowledge.

Those who choose for themselves profession turner, should keep in mind that there are certain requirements in it. First of all, they relate to health status. A physically strong person with excellent eyesight and good reaction can become a turner.

What knowledge and skills are needed for a turner?

Contrary to the popular belief that blue-collar jobs require only physical effort, the work of a turner also involves constant mental strain. A turner must be able to understand drawings, have spatial thinking and, of course, all the skills necessary for turning parts.

This is what he says about his work Yuri Migurin, turner at the mechanical welding shop of JSC Promtractor: “I chose the profession of a turner because I have to solve puzzles every day. After all, before you make a part, you go through it in your mind, think about what auxiliary devices to use. And when a detail is already emerging, I am glad that from a simple blank a worthwhile thing is born that will serve the benefit of people.”

Depending on what machine the turner works on, the following narrow specializations in this profession are distinguished:

  • Turner - all-rounder

This specialist can work on universal equipment used to produce particularly complex parts. He actually produces single items that require special precision, attention and high qualifications.

His place of work is a boring machine. A very responsible job, since all parts produced on equipment of this type are not cheap.

  • Turner - milling machine

Its task is to grind various holes and cavities inside the workpieces. Successful operation requires excellent knowledge of equipment and skills in setting it up.

  • Turner - carousel operator

It specializes in processing parts using rotary equipment, which allows turning bodies of rotation of a wide variety of types.

A turner of any specialization is associated with the production of parts from metal, plexiglass, plastic and other materials. It is indispensable at large industrial enterprises, in public utilities, at construction and repair sites, in car service centers and in many other areas of production.

A good turner, who can produce a part of any complexity on a machine with filigree precision, is worth its weight in gold. Therefore, true masters of this craft are always in demand and have very good salaries. This profession can be a great start or a lifelong endeavor., when copying material in full or in part, a link to the original source is required.

Details Updated: 01/23/2019 19:41 Published: 05/08/2017 09:28

A turner is a specialist who processes rotating workpieces to produce parts from wood, metal, resin, etc.

History of the profession:

Even in ancient times, people, through titanic efforts, learned to transform a shapeless piece of wood or bone into a specific part, carefully cutting off or chipping off surface particles. For a more effective result, the help of at least one more person was required, whose duties included rotating the axis with the fixed workpiece. This was the prototype of the first lathe, actively used in the 7th century BC. e.

In the 16th century, French craftsmen invented a water wheel, with which they could even process metal workpieces. Despite the apparent success, working with such a machine was inconvenient. The craftsmen were still forced to work in pairs. In the 19th century, electrically driven machines appeared, which became a kind of prototype of modern technical equipment.

Features of the profession:

Profession turner harmoniously combines not only a technical specialty, but also a little art. A specialist can turn a shapeless, rough workpiece into the desired part with a smooth surface using a lathe.

This kind of activity is absolutely not suitable for people with physical disabilities, heart disease, poor eyesight, allergies to dust, and musculoskeletal disorders. A candidate for the position must have endurance, as he has to be on his feet for hours. To prevent the risk of injury, safety precautions must be followed.

Work as a turner provides for a qualification level from 2nd to 6th. Depending on the level of professionalism and experience, the worker can periodically increase the current rank, which directly affects the level of wages.

During the work, universal machines can be used, aimed at performing various types of processing. Applicants who know how to properly operate this equipment are in high demand among employers.


Turner is a specialist who processes various parts using a lathe. He independently determines the cutting speed and depth, selects the necessary tool, manufacturing products in strict accordance with the existing drawings. During the work process, he necessarily takes into account the best practices and follows the instructions of the technical documentation. Additionally, the turner checks the parts for compliance with the dimensions specified in the drawing in order to prevent defects.

Important qualities:

  • excellent vision;
  • endurance;
  • responsible approach to performing duties;
  • accuracy;
  • scrupulousness;
  • attentiveness;
  • Ability to read blueprints correctly.

Skills and knowledge:

Turner is a specialist who must be able to read drawings correctly. In the course of performing assigned tasks, he cannot do without knowledge of various methods of processing parts and the key features of the materials used. While working, he must comply with safety regulations. The turner must also know the operating instructions for the technical equipment entrusted to him.

Prospects and career:

Nowadays, the profession of a turner is considered in demand. The services of such specialists are often needed by construction and repair companies, installation organizations and utility companies, as well as design bureaus.

Having a diploma of higher technical education contributes to the advancement of a specialist on the career ladder. Over time, the worker has a chance to become the head of a group of turners or take the position of shop manager. Additionally, a turner can increase his current qualification level up to 6th.


A profession in demand in various sectors of the national economy is a metalworking specialist. A turner can work in factories in the automotive industry, shipbuilding, instrument making, etc.

Among the specializations of this profession are the following: universal turner, sharpener turner, boring turner, revolver turner, carousel turner.

Turner is the profession of a working person

This is a specialist who processes rotating workpieces to produce a particular part from wood, metal, plexiglass, plastic and even resin.
Determines or clarifies the speed and depth of cutting, selects a cutting tool taking into account the properties of the material and the configuration of the cutter, secures (sets) it, and regulates the processing process. Ensures that the part corresponds to the dimensions specified in the drawing, the specified cleanliness and accuracy of processing. Uses equipment, measuring instruments, including complex instruments (indicators, micrometers).

The group of turning machines includes machines that perform both individual and universal operations (various types of turning, milling, drilling and other operations).

All-round turner is engaged in performing various metal processing operations: cutting, external turning of a workpiece, internal boring of a product, threading in parts, drilling holes, countersinking, finishing of a product, using metal and other materials as workpieces.

A turner needs a secondary specialized education. A turner must understand drawings, have skills in working on a lathe, know the technology of processing parts on a lathe, have a good eye, spatial imagination, have physical strength and endurance, and qualities such as responsibility, accuracy, and attentiveness.

The profession of a turner has a high level of demand in the labor market. The salary level largely depends on the place of work. As his work experience and level of professionalism increase, a turner can increase his rank from 2nd to 6th.
Higher technical education provides additional opportunities for career growth to the position of head of a group of turners or shop manager. A turner can retrain as a representative of related professions: milling machine, sharpener, mechanic, machine operator.
The labor market is now experiencing a particular shortage in machine operators, turners, milling operators, grinders, boring machines, etc.

Our technical school - building 2 (former State Budget Educational Institution NPO PU No. 31) over the past years has supplied the city with graduates in these specialties. Today these specialties are the most in demand and, it must be said, highly paid.
Under the guidance of industrial training masters and teachers of special disciplines, our guys achieve good success in mastering this complex profession and have proven themselves well in many enterprises in the city of Yegoryevsk, Moscow region.

The technical school trains young workers with a wide range of skills: turner-milling-grinders. And such workers are hired more easily. The graduates' diplomas record the production level of two or three professions.

The management and teaching staff of the technical school are constantly working to further improve the process of training workers. There is a search for new forms and methods of training and educating a worthy replacement of the working class.

The profession of a turner has a very wide range of applications in enterprises - utility, installation, construction, repair, etc. A turner is not just a technical specialty. Turner is a real craft and even an art in some way. Only a specialist is able to make a part for the device from a rough, unhewn blank.

The profession of "Turner" requires from a specialist mainly intellectual and physical expenses. Professional activity, first of all, involves performing specific tasks using special labor skills.
A turner carries out activities indoors, at a workplace. To perform the main task of the activity, professional interaction with people is not required. Typically, professional communication occurs directly.

​Can you imagine a complex, high-precision mechanism without a huge number of different parts? What about a gas pipeline or water supply without plugs and valves? Of course not! Any mechanism, unit, machine, device or structure contains many different parts that ensure its smooth operation and safety. Each such detail is the result of the hard work of a turner - a specialist on whose work scientific and technological progress directly depends.

Can you imagine a complex high-precision mechanism without a huge number of different parts: bolts, nuts, bushings, couplings, etc.? What about a gas pipeline or water supply without plugs and valves? Of course not! Any mechanism, unit, machine, device or structure contains many different parts that ensure its smooth operation and safety. Each such detail is the result of persistent turner work– a specialist on whose work scientific and technological progress directly depends.

His work is invisible, but absolutely necessary. After all, the well-being of the country and human health directly depend on the accuracy and skill of the turner. For example, an inaccurately cut thread will not allow you to securely screw on a valve on a gas pipeline - and the consequences may become irreversible. Inaccurately machined parts in a complex device will lead to failures, and then everything will unfold according to the “butterfly effect” scenario.

So who is a turner and what does he do? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this profession? Where can I get it? turner profession? We will try to answer all these questions within the framework of this article, which is devoted to the features of this profession.

Who is a turner?

A turner is a specialist who works on a lathe, with the help of which he performs mechanical processing of parts made of various solid materials (metal, wood, plastic, etc.) according to drawings and technical documentation. The profession is one of the specializations of a machine operator.

The name of the profession comes from the Proto-Slavic točiti (to sharpen) and literally means “grinding”. The origins of the profession go back to ancient times, when a person realized that any part he needed could be turned out of metal or wood. In Ancient Rome, a prototype of modern lathes was used for these purposes - an axis that was rotated by two workers. A workpiece was mounted on the axis and a cutting tool was placed at the moment of rotation, thus giving the parts a more or less correct shape. Much water has passed under the bridge since then, centuries have passed, but the essence has remained virtually unchanged: the process is still the same, but the machines and parts have become hundreds, if not thousands, of times more complex.

Works on machines, both metalworking and woodworking. Therefore, his specialization is related to processing technology. A specialist in this field grinds, cuts and calibrates parts after the initial processing of the workpiece.

The specialization of a turner depends on the type of lathe and the work it performs:

  • revolver turner – manufactures and processes parts from calibrated rods;
  • turner-sharpener – calibrates and finalizes parts;
  • rotary turner - sharpens flanges necessary for connecting pipes and pipelines;
  • lathe-borer - roughly speaking, processes parts and workpieces that need to increase internal cavities;
  • a universal turner is a generalist machine operator who combines all other specializations.

In addition to direct work on the machines, a turner must work with workpieces, select the best and reject them, prepare the workplace and clean it after the end of the working day.

What personal qualities should a turner have?

Since a turner spends most of his work shift on his feet in a rather uncomfortable position, representatives of this profession must have good health and endurance. People with diseases of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, as well as eye diseases, disorders of the vestibular system and hand motor skills are not allowed to do this type of work. Carry out your professional duties efficiently responsibilities of a turner Personal qualities such as:

A turner is a profession related to technical specialties, therefore knowledge of the laws of physics, the chemical composition of the metals being processed, and the ability to read drawings are absolutely necessary to achieve success in the profession. A good turner can not only read a drawing and turn a part according to it, but also execute the drawing. Therefore, drawing is also important for mastering the profession. If we talk about highly technical knowledge, this is primarily the design of machine tools, the properties of materials, planning the turning process.

Advantages of being a turner

In the Russian labor market today there is an acute shortage of specialists in blue-collar professions, which, as we mentioned above, includes turners. Therefore the main advantage of being a turner, of course, in demand. And the higher the professionalism of a specialist, the greater demand he is among employers.

Separately, I would like to say about the income of a turner, who, as a rule, works on a piece-rate basis. His earnings directly depend on how much he makes. Therefore, the specialist has a financial interest in turning out parts not only accurately, but also as quickly as possible. Let us note that the salary of a general-purpose turner at large enterprises in Russia can reach 100 thousand rubles.

At the same time, a turner’s income may not be limited to wages alone. Quite often, turners install small lathes in their garage or directly in their home (if, of course, it is a private household), and provide the public with services for the manufacture of various parts and thread cutting privately.

The advantages of the profession include the fact that it provides an opportunity to realize one’s creative potential. After all, the work of a turner is akin to the work of a sculptor. Only instead of pliable clay, the turner uses a rough blank, from which he turns a neat part with a perfectly smooth shiny surface.

Disadvantages of the turner profession

Disadvantages of the turner profession associated with difficult working conditions. A lathe in itself is a dangerous production tool, working with which requires special care and careful adherence to safety precautions. In addition, during work on a lathe, production waste appears: hot metal shavings, sawdust, etc., which, if they get on the skin or in the eyes, can cause a burn or injury.

As a result, a turner must always, even in the most extreme heat, wear protective equipment and work clothes made of thick fabric. Agree, thick clothes on a hot summer day can become an additional cause of irritation and make the turner’s work not just difficult, but unbearable.

We cannot remain silent about the fact that the profession of a turner is not distinguished by diversity and change of impressions. Rather, it is monotonous and monotonous. Therefore, this profession is categorically not suitable for those people who cannot imagine their life without vivid emotions and impressions.

And one last thing. The profession of a turner does not initially have great career prospects, which is to some extent compensated by a decent salary level. However, if a specialist does not develop professionally and improve the level of his skills, he risks losing this compensation and joining the ranks of low-paid workers.

Where can you get a job as a turner?

Get a job as a turner, like most blue-collar professions, can be done on the basis of secondary specialized educational institutions, which exist in almost every Russian city. You can get this profession directly in production. To do this, you need to get a job as an assistant to a qualified turner, who will serve as a teacher-mentor.

But still, experienced turners recommend starting their professional journey within the walls of specialized technical schools or colleges, since theoretical knowledge, which can only be obtained in educational institutions, will be of great importance for further training.
