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ᐅ Profession Chef - key skills of a chef, job description. Cook. Characteristics of the profession Download the characteristics of the chef for the award

General characteristics of a student An example of writing a general characteristic for a student. Usually required for presentation at the place of request. It is written and compiled by an employee of the dean’s office, on the university’s letterhead. This type of characteristics can be used both within an educational institution (for example, when transferring a student to another specialty, another faculty, encouraging or imposing administrative penalties on him), and in third-party organizations or institutions (for example, when transferring a student to another university, when distribution upon completion of training or for the military registration and enlistment office). In all the above cases, the form of writing the characteristic is the same. The structure will be as follows:

  • header part - it indicates the details of the educational institution, the name of the organization (institution) where the characteristics will be provided;
  • questionnaire part - the first paragraph of the document.

Cook. characteristics of the profession

Must know: recipes, cooking technology, requirements for quality, timing, storage conditions, portioning, design and serving of dishes and culinary products that require complex culinary processing; basics of rational nutrition; types, properties and methods of processing raw materials and semi-finished products used for preparing complex dishes and culinary products; ways to reduce losses and preserve the nutritional value of food products during thermal processing (use of various methods of heating or heating, creation of a certain environment - acidic, salty, etc.); aromatic substances and methods of their use to improve the taste of culinary products; current collections of recipes, technological instructions and rules for their use; rules for drawing up menus, product requests, accounting and preparation of product reports. Secondary specialized education required.

Example of writing a job description (sample)

Portioning (packing), distribution of dishes of mass demand. Must know: recipes, cooking technology, quality requirements, rules of distribution (assemblies), terms and conditions of storage of dishes; types, properties and culinary purposes of potatoes, vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, pasta and legumes, cottage cheese, eggs, semi-finished cutlet mass products, dough, canned food, concentrates and other products, signs and organoleptic methods for determining their good quality; rules, techniques and sequence of operations to prepare them for heat treatment; purpose, rules for using technological equipment, production equipment, tools, weighing instruments, utensils and rules for caring for them. Cook 4th category Characteristics of work.

Characteristics from the place of work - writing sample


He is a true professional, skillfully manages the area entrusted to him, and enjoys well-deserved respect among his employees. N. E. Ivanov constantly improves his professional level: attends thematic events, trainings and seminars, reads specialized literature, and takes his job duties responsibly and seriously. The company's management highlights N.'s constant desire.


E. Ivanova for professional development: he is currently receiving additional professional education in the specialty “personnel management”. For his conscientious attitude to work, he was awarded the “Best Employee of 2009” diploma. In communication with colleagues he is friendly and attentive. During his work, he introduced specific proposals that had a beneficial impact on the company’s activities.

The characteristics were issued for presentation at the place of request.

Characteristics of a student

This document can be issued both at the request of the employee himself (upon dismissal or transfer to a new job), and at the request of official institutions (for example, for the court, executive authorities, etc.). Types of characteristics Depending on their purpose, these documents come in two types:

  • external - today it is considered the most popular of the types of this document and is compiled at the request of a third-party organization;
  • internal - it is written in case of transfer of an employee to another department, promotion or demotion, imposition of a disciplinary sanction or promotion.

Each type is certified by the organization’s seal and signature. In this article you can view a sample of filling out the new form P14001 to change data about the enterprise.
You can read how the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the probationary period and all its nuances here.

The date is indicated below, under the signatures.

  • Since the reference from the place of work is not drawn up on letterhead, it is necessary to certify the signature with a seal.

Characteristics from the place of work - a sample of writing Characteristics of a senior accountant of Beavers LLC Lavrenkova Evgeniy Borisovna Lavrenkova E.B. Born in 1981, higher education, graduated from Irkutsk State Technical University in 2003 with a degree in economics and management at mechanical engineering enterprises. Lavrenkova E.B. Since April 2011, he has been working at Beavers LLC as a senior accountant. Her responsibilities include calculating wages for our company’s employees, preparing and submitting reports to the pension fund, social insurance fund and tax office, and submitting pension recalculation to the pension fund.
During the work of Lavrenkova E.B.

After the personal data there is information about your studies (work):

  • full name of the organization (enterprise, educational institution) in which the conscript works (studies);
  • attitude to work (study);
  • assessment of professional qualities, level of proficiency in educational material, including educational achievements.

The next part reflects the assessment of the moral and professional qualities of the person being characterized, information about rewards (penalties), the level of relationships in the team (conflict, communication skills). In the final part, it should be indicated that the reference is sent to the military registration and enlistment office. Drawing up a profile for the military registration and enlistment office also allows for an assessment of the emotional qualities of the student (employee), his temperament, behavior in various situations, a description of his family and marital status.

Production characteristics for a cook sample

Characteristics of this kind are usually written for employees whose driver’s license has been confiscated (an administrative offense has been recorded). It is important to convincingly state the reasons prompting the police to return the officer’s license (for example, the need to drive a car to perform official duties). Therefore, attention should be paid to the positive personal qualities of the employee, such as responsibility, diligence and diligence.
The document is signed by the manager and certified by the company seal. An example of a document to provide to the police Features of writing a negative reference Writing this kind of document is considered a controversial point, since a bad characterization of an employee can negatively affect the reputation of the enterprise itself.

Characteristics of a chef sample download

Characteristics from the place of internship Sample characteristics for a student from the place of internship Drawed up by an employee of the human resources department or the head of a department of the organization in which the student completed the internship, on letterhead for presentation to the educational institution. The characteristics provided from the place of internship assess the general level of professional knowledge and training of the student, which he demonstrated and applied in a specific area of ​​activity of the enterprise. Depending on the course of study, a student may undergo introductory, industrial or pre-graduation practice at one time or another.
In all of these cases, the form and structure of the document will be the same.

Characteristics for a student trainee chef sample

Portioning, design and distribution of custom and specialty dishes, dishes of national and foreign cuisines; products and ready-made dishes for exhibitions and sales. Must know: recipes, technology for preparing all types of dishes and culinary products; features of preparing national, signature dishes and foreign cuisines; characteristics of diets; dishes and products prohibited for certain diets; changes that occur during heat treatment with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, coloring and other substances contained in food products; rules for portioning, design and serving of custom, specialty and dietary dishes; rules for drawing up holiday and banquet menus, menus for serving individual groups of people eating, etc.; ways to eliminate defects in finished products.

Characteristics for a chef for awarding, sample


Must know: recipes, technology for preparing dishes and culinary products that require culinary processing of medium complexity; requirements for their quality, timing, storage and distribution conditions; culinary purposes of fish, seafood, meat, meat products, poultry and rabbit, signs and organoleptic methods for determining their good quality; the influence of acids, salts and water hardness on the duration of heat treatment of products; design and operating rules of technological equipment. Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 7, 1988 N 4/1-16 in the tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession “_ 20.

Cook" of this Handbook, changes have been made (the text of the tariff and qualification characteristics in the previous edition) Cook 5th category Characteristics of work.

“A good cook has a lot of character, imagination and feeling” -

Emil Yun, chef of Strasbourg
restaurant "Au Crocodile"

Cook is a food preparation specialist. A good cook is sometimes called a wizard, because he can cook a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products that will bring joy and pleasure to people. The profession of a chef is one of the most popular and in demand in the world. Anyone can cook something quickly and even tasty, but chefs do something more with food. They don’t just follow the requirements of the recipe, mixing ingredients in the right proportions and bringing the products to readiness. Extensive knowledge in the field of physiology, chemistry, fine arts, as well as a sense of proportion and special intuition form what we call culinary masterpieces.

Brief description of the profession.
The cook prepares dishes according to special recipes, but can modify them to his taste, that is, approach the process creatively. Skilled chefs are often called masters of cooking, and their dishes are works of art. Because their main goal is not just preparing food to satisfy hunger. They strive to convey certain sensations and moods to people by choosing the most successful combination of taste and aroma, as well as beautifully decorating the dish. Without a doubt, this can only be done with talent and a certain amount of inspiration.

Specifics of the profession.
The work of a cook consists of several stages:
- obtaining initial products;
- maintaining technology and recipes for preparing dishes;
- ensuring the cooking process: preparing the necessary equipment, preparing semi-finished products;
- proper operation of kitchen equipment;
- ensuring proper accounting and storage of products in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
- sales of products.

The profession of a cook has several areas of activity.

Chef- the highest level in the profession. The chef combines the functions of an administrator and a cook. He draws up requests for the necessary products, ensures their timely receipt from the warehouse, controls the timing, assortment, quantity and quality of their receipt and sale. Studying customer demand, she forms an assortment of dishes and culinary products, and compiles a daily menu. Monitors food preparation technology and employee compliance with sanitary requirements and hygiene rules. Organizes accounting and reporting on the activities of the enterprise. A chef is also a high-class professional who invents new dishes and improves existing recipes, whose integral character traits are creativity and originality.

Pastry chef engaged in the production of sweets. This specialization requires a developed imagination and a subtle artistic taste, since it is very important not only to prepare a confectionery product, but also to decorate it in an interesting way.

Cook-technologist organizes the process of preparing food. Determines the quality of raw materials, calculates their quantity to obtain portions of finished products, and calorie content of the daily diet. Develops recipes for new signature dishes and draws up technological maps for them. Prepares necessary documentation and instructs cooks. His responsibilities include the proper organization of the cooking process.

Cook calculates raw materials and the yield of finished products, prepares dishes, performs straining, kneading, chopping, molding, stuffing, stuffing products, regulates temperature conditions, determines the readiness of dishes and products using instrumentation, as well as by appearance, smell, color , taste, produces artistic decoration of dishes and confectionery products, divides them into portions.

The profession of a cook has its pros and cons, like any other profession.

Pros of the profession.
The profession of a cook is in demand and creative; there is a place for imagination and ingenuity in it. Good chefs have high wages. The undoubted advantages are the presence of constant demand for this type of activity, the likelihood of professional growth and the acquisition of skills useful in everyday life. In addition, this is a great opportunity to realize your creative potential and create something original.

Disadvantages of the profession.
The work requires great physical endurance and responsibility. Not every person can stand standing at a hot stove full-time. At the same time, there is a constant strain of attention when you have to monitor the preparation of many dishes and there is no opportunity to relax or get distracted.

Personal qualities.
- olfactory and tactile sensitivity, olfactory memory;
- good taste and color perception, taste memory;
- good eye;
- exquisite taste, imagination, penchant for creativity;
- the ability to recognize small deviations of technological process parameters from specified values ​​by visual signs;
- the ability to simultaneously perceive several objects;
- well-developed sense of timing;
- dynamic thinking;
- knowledge of measures, ability to quickly and accurately determine by eye the required amount of liquid, bulk products, spices;
- ability to understand the quality and freshness of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits;
- knowledge of fast food preparation technologies, how to rationally allocate time;
- good coordination of movements of both hands, hand firmness, hand stability;
- ability to perform small precise movements;
- efficiency;
- physical endurance: the ability to work intensively for a long time without reducing performance;
- energy;
- ability to improvise;
- responsibility;
- forethought;
- punctuality, pedantry;
- ability to switch from one activity to another;
- striving for professional excellence.

Demand for the profession of a cook.
Nutrition is an integral process for maintaining human life every day. Therefore, the demand for the profession of a cook can hardly be overestimated. Almost all institutions have canteens, from kindergartens to government organizations. And in recent years, due to the growing level of culture and wealth of the population, more and more different establishments have begun to open, offering a solid assortment of dishes. There are several reasons for this - people’s desire to try something new, to learn more about the traditions of another country by tasting its cuisine, or the desire to spend as little time as possible at home at the stove. The result is the incredible popularity of various pizzerias, fast foods and restaurants specializing in national dishes. And any of these establishments employs at least several chefs.

Place of work and career.
The profession of a cook involves working in the service sector. Food preparation is carried out in the canteens of various enterprises, organizations, educational institutions, as well as in cafes, bars and restaurants. You can also work in food processing plants, confectionery factories and food processing plants. Another possible option is to work as a personal chef for wealthy people. In good hotels, the profession of a cook is considered key in the hotel business. In hotels, chefs cook themselves and at the same time control the process of creating almost all dishes - from standard breakfasts to desserts. They also participate in the purchase of equipment, create menus, and ensure that restaurant products are fresh and immediately processed. The chef can also open his own restaurant or cafe. Wealthy people hire chefs for their homes.
The professional activity of a cook begins in an educational institution. GBPOU RK "Yalta College of Economics and Technology" provides students with permanent internship for the entire period of study.
For subsequent successful job search, a novice chef should create a portfolio with photographs of the dishes he has prepared. This is a modern approach to job search, which is perceived positively by a potential employer.
In the profession of a cook, career growth is possible from an assistant cook to a chef in a prestigious establishment. Professional growth begins with the position of assistant chef. And then, in accordance with his specialization and subject to the worthy performance of his duties, a person becomes a chef in the corresponding line of activity. At the same time, qualifications are gradually increased by assigning a rank. When you reach level 5-6, you can safely look for a vacancy as a chef.
The salary of a cook depends on the region of residence, the specifics of the institution, the size of the enterprise and the range of duties that the cook performs.





2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Performing auxiliary work in the production of dishes and culinary products. Peeling, finishing potatoes, fruits, vegetables, fruits, berries before or after washing them using knives and other devices. Sorting of greens, fruits, vegetables, berries, potatoes. Removal of defective specimens for foreign impurities. Washing vegetables, rinsing them after cleaning, finishing. Slicing bread, potatoes, vegetables, herbs. Defrosting fish, meat, poultry. Gutting of fish, poultry, game. Cutting herring, sprat. Processing of by-products, etc.

Must know: rules for primary culinary processing of raw materials and products and requirements for the quality of semi-finished products from them; rules for slicing bread; terms and conditions of storage of peeled vegetables; design, rules for adjustment and operation of bread slicing machines of different brands; safe working practices when slicing bread manually and by machine.


3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Preparation of dishes and culinary products requiring simple culinary processing. Cooking potatoes and other vegetables, cereals, legumes, pasta, eggs. Frying potatoes, vegetables, cutlet products (vegetable, fish, meat), pancakes, pancakes, pancakes. Baking vegetables and cereals. Straining, rubbing, kneading, chopping, molding, stuffing, stuffing products. Preparation of sandwiches, semi-finished products, canned food and concentrates. Portioning (packing), distribution of dishes of mass demand.

Must know: recipes, cooking technology, quality requirements, rules for distribution (assemblies), terms and conditions of storage of dishes; types, properties and culinary purposes of potatoes, vegetables, mushrooms, cereals, pasta and legumes, cottage cheese, eggs, semi-finished cutlet mass products, dough, canned food, concentrates and other products, signs and organoleptic methods for determining their good quality; rules, techniques and sequence of operations to prepare them for heat treatment; purpose, rules for using technological equipment, production equipment, tools, weighing instruments, utensils and rules for caring for them.


4th category

Characteristics of the work. Preparation of dishes and culinary products that require culinary processing of medium complexity: various salads from fresh, boiled and stewed vegetables, with meat, fish; vinaigrettes; marinated fish; jelly; natural herring and with garnish. Cooking broths, soups. Preparation of main courses from vegetables, fish and seafood, meat and meat products, poultry and rabbit in boiled, stewed, fried, baked form; sauces, various types of sautés; hot and cold drinks; sweet dishes, flour products: dumplings, dumplings, pies, kulebyak, pies, homemade noodles, cheesecakes, etc.

Must know: recipes, technology for preparing dishes and culinary products that require culinary processing of medium complexity; requirements for their quality, timing, storage and distribution conditions; culinary purposes of fish, seafood, meat, meat products, poultry and rabbit, signs and organoleptic methods for determining their good quality; the influence of acids, salts and water hardness on the duration of heat treatment of products; design and operating rules of technological equipment.

Resolution The State Labor Committee of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 7, 1988 N 4/1-16 amended the tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession "_ 20. Cook" of this Handbook.


5th category

Characteristics of the work. Preparation of dishes and culinary products that require complex culinary processing: jellied fish, aspic of meat products, assorted fish, meat, etc.; soups in clear broths from fish, meat, poultry, game birds; dietary soups based on broths, vegetable and fruit decoctions; pickles; dishes from boiled, poached or stewed fish with various sauces, from stewed, fried natural meat, with various side dishes, poultry stuffed with apples or potatoes, etc. Preparation of steamed natural and stuffed omelettes, egg porridges, various sauces and dressings, products from shortbread, puff pastry: vol-au-vents, croutons, tartlets. Drawing up menus, requests for semi-finished products and products, product reports.

Must know: recipes, cooking technology, requirements for quality, timing, storage conditions, portioning, design and serving of dishes and culinary products that require complex culinary processing; basics of rational nutrition; types, properties and methods of processing raw materials and semi-finished products used for preparing complex dishes and culinary products; ways to reduce losses and preserve the nutritional value of food products during their thermal processing (use of various methods of heating or heating, creation of a certain environment - sour, salty, etc.); aromatic substances and methods of their use to improve the taste of culinary products; current collections of recipes, technological instructions and rules for their use; rules for drawing up menus, product requests, accounting and preparation of product reports. Secondary specialized education required.

Resolution The State Labor Committee of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 7, 1988 N 4/1-16 amended the tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession "_ 21. Cook" of this Handbook.

(text of the tariff and qualification characteristics in the previous edition)


6th category

Characteristics of the work. Preparation of dishes and culinary products that require particularly complex culinary processing: jellied or stuffed pig; liver pate; fish dumplings in jelly; jellied fish, stuffed; meat, offal, veal meatballs in vegetarian jelly; meat cheese; broths with profiteroles, quenelles, meatballs; fish soup from various fish species; botvinya, vegetable okroshka, meat, with game; dishes of fish and meat baked in separate portions in various sauces; meat puree, soufflé, puddings, rolls, cutlets, natural or stuffed with chicken or game; egg-butter sauces, oil mixtures, mayonnaise sauces with various flavoring and aromatic additives; gelled creams, mousses, sambucas, sweet sauces, fruits and berries in syrup, with whipped cream and sugar; airy pies, soufflé, dessert ice cream, parfait, hot drinks, etc. Portioning, presentation and distribution of custom-made and signature dishes, dishes of national and foreign cuisines; products and ready-made dishes for exhibitions and sales.

Must know: recipes, technology for preparing all types of dishes and culinary products; features of preparing national, signature dishes and foreign cuisines; characteristics of diets; dishes and products prohibited for certain diets; changes that occur during heat treatment with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, coloring and other substances contained in food products; rules for portioning, design and serving of custom, specialty and dietary dishes; rules for drawing up holiday and banquet menus, menus for serving individual groups of people eating, etc.; ways to eliminate defects in finished products. Secondary specialized education required.

The profession of a cook combines work in a variety of establishments - from the kitchen of an expensive restaurant to a small kebab shop. Therefore, such workers may belong to different groups based on working conditions. In this article we will tell you what types of working conditions exist for a cook: in particular, in which cases we are talking about safe working conditions for a cook, and in which cases there are harmful working conditions for a cook. In addition, we will consider providing additional leave for harmful working conditions for the cook.

From this article you will learn:

  • what types of working conditions for a cook are distinguished depending on the nature of his work;
  • in what cases does work in this profession relate to safe working conditions for a cook;
  • in what cases does work in this profession relate to harmful working conditions for a cook;
  • Should additional leave be provided for cooks for harmful working conditions?

Types of working conditions for a cook

Workers involved in food preparation are united by the profession of a cook, which is characterized by a number of common features. So, in particular, in most cases it is carried out while standing and requires a fairly high level of physical activity in comparison, for example, with office work.

In addition, this activity is often associated with the presence of specific microclimate factors, including high levels of humidity, high ambient temperature, etc. However, in practice, the actual working conditions of cooks can vary significantly - from relatively harmless to posing a serious danger to the health of the employee.

Note! In order to determine the degree of their negative impact on the well-being and performance of a specialist, our country has currently introduced a procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions. It is implemented in accordance with Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ “On special assessment of working conditions”.

Classes of working conditions

In total, this legal act identifies four classes of working conditions, and one of them is further subdivided into four subcategories depending on the degree of negative impact on the employee. In particular, we are talking about the following categories:

  • first class - the optimal type of working conditions under which harmful effects are almost completely absent;
  • second class - safe working conditions for a cook or pastry chef, in which the harmful effects are within the permitted limits. This class of working conditions is also called acceptable;
  • third class - harmful working conditions for the cook, in which the harmful effects go beyond the permitted limits;
  • fourth class - dangerous working conditions, in which there is a real risk not only to the health, but also to the life of the employee.

Taking into account the characteristics of the listed types of working conditions for a cook, most often they belong to either the second or third class. The presence of high temperatures and humidity will not allow the working conditions of this category of employees to be considered optimal. However, in practice, they are rarely classified as dangerous, that is, having a potential threat to the life of a worker.

This means that, depending on the specific characteristics of the workplace, an employee's working conditions may be considered either safe or hazardous. The class of working conditions is established as a result of a procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions.

In particular, this procedure involves taking measurements of microclimate parameters and other characteristics of working conditions in the workplace, on the basis of which specialists from an authorized organization make a conclusion about what class this workplace belongs to.

Safe working conditions for cooks

If the exposure to harmful production factors at the cook’s workplace does not exceed the permitted limits, during a special assessment of working conditions they may be recognized as safe or acceptable. This means that they belong to the second class of working conditions. In turn, such conditions do not require the employer to provide special benefits, guarantees and compensation to the employee. Identification of working conditions for compliance with the second class is carried out on the basis of measurements of physical, chemical and biological factors present in the workplace. Such measurements using special equipment are carried out by a licensed organization.

Including the levels of temperature, humidity, illumination, the presence of vibrations and other parameters are subject to measurement. Acceptable levels of presence of these indicators in the workplace should not exceed the hygiene standards established by current legislation. In particular, the specific permitted limits of such parameters are defined in SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for physical factors in the workplace.”

Note! The levels of exposure to negative factors in this regulatory act are calculated based on the standard working week of 40 hours. If a particular employee works in a different mode, the exposure levels allowed for him must be recalculated.

Safe working conditions for a cook, pastry chef or representative of another related profession are determined in practice based on an analysis of changes in the state of the worker’s body. If such changes caused by the impact of physical or other factors in the workplace do not require the use of special restorative measures, working conditions are considered acceptable. In this case, recovery should be completely completed by the end of the regulated rest time. It is also possible to complete recovery by the beginning of the next work shift.

Harmful working conditions for cooks

If the actual parameters of working conditions at the chef’s workplace do not fit within the framework established by hygienic standards, they will be considered harmful. At the same time, as a result of assessing the workplace of a cook or pastry chef, whose working conditions are identified as harmful, a conclusion can be drawn about its compliance with one of the following subclasses of working conditions:

  • subcategory 3.1 - harmful conditions of the first degree, in which the restoration of the normal state of the body does not have time to be completed before the start of the next work shift. This entails an increased risk of harm to health;
  • subcategory 3.2 - harmful conditions of the second degree, leading to initial or mild forms of occupational diseases after prolonged exposure to relevant factors on the body of a cook or pastry chef whose working conditions are harmful. In this case we are talking about an exposure period of 15 years or more;
  • subcategory 3.3 - harmful conditions of the third degree, causing occupational diseases of mild or moderate severity, leading to loss of the worker’s ability to work;
  • subcategory 3.4 - harmful conditions of the fourth degree, leading to the development of severe forms of occupational diseases and loss of the worker’s ability to work.

Additional leave for harmful working conditions of a cook

Harmful working conditions for a cook in 2017 entail the employer’s obligation to provide him with additional benefits and guarantees that are designed to compensate for the damage caused to the specialist’s health. In particular, one of these guarantees is the provision of additional leave for harmful working conditions for the cook.

The procedure for granting such leave is regulated by Art. 117 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This section of the regulatory legal act establishes that additional leave is granted to those employees whose working conditions are identified as harmful during the special assessment procedure.

Note! It must be remembered that hazardous conditions classified as subclass 3.1 do not provide the employee with such an opportunity. The right to additional leave is granted only to those whose working conditions belong to categories 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4. Employees working in hazardous conditions have similar rights.

The employer has the right, at its discretion, to determine the duration of additional leave, stipulating it in the employment contract. In addition, when determining it, he is obliged to take into account the provisions of a collective agreement or intersectoral agreement, if any. However, in all cases, the duration of additional leave due to harmful working conditions for a cook or pastry chef cannot be less than 7 calendar days.

If the employee agrees, and this possibility is provided for by the relevant documents, the additional leave for the cook can be replaced with additional pay for hazardous working conditions. However, monetary compensation can only be paid for days of vacation exceeding the minimum seven-day duration.

In such a situation, it is necessary to issue an order to the cook for additional payment for harmful working conditions. A prerequisite in this case is the written consent of the employee to replace part of the additional leave provided to him with monetary compensation.

Thus, the presence or absence of harmful conditions in the cook’s workplace should be determined during the procedure for a special assessment of working conditions. If the relevant measurements reveal an excess of any parameters compared to the permitted standards for this type of factor, the employee will have the right to be provided with additional benefits and compensation.

In particular, he may be granted the right to additional leave. Moreover, if the employee agrees, such leave can be partially replaced by monetary compensation. However, it must be remembered that at least seven days of rest must be provided to him without fail. This period cannot be replaced by cash payments, as it is necessary for the full restoration of the employee’s health and ability to work.


Chef of MKOU "Zavyalovskaya special (correctional)

boarding school of the VIII type"


N.N.N. works at MKOU "Zavyalovskaya special (correctional) boarding school VIII type" from 09.29.97 as a chef. In 1981 she graduated from the professional Izhevsk culinary school.

In 2005 N.N. improved her skills at advanced training courses at the State Educational Institution of Education and Science "Professional Lyceum of Culinary Arts" No. 38 in the specialty "Cook", seminars and meetings in the region.

During the period of work at the school, she established herself as a competent and qualified specialist, an effective leader, attentive to the needs of her subordinates. She is distinguished by a conscientious, responsible attitude to her immediate work. She has been managing the canteen team for many years and can find an individual approach to each employee. Demanding of herself and her subordinates. Maintains a good level of work discipline in the team.

N.N.- an experienced chef. He knows how to quickly and efficiently prepare a large assortment of delicious dishes from the most ordinary ingredients. This skill is of great importance in a boarding school environment, because... orphans live here around the clock. During her career, she has repeatedly received verbal gratitude from the administration, school guests, teachers and children for deliciously prepared and aesthetically presented lunches. In her practice, she takes into account the characteristics of pupils with special health needs and knows how to resolve conflict situations during meal times. He often conducts explanatory conversations about the profession of a cook, its requirements and the importance of good nutrition for a person.

N.N.N. energetic, sociable, professionally competent in her work. She is able to work well in any environment, while always maintaining optimism, self-control and a positive attitude towards her work, towards her children and towards her colleagues. In unexpected situations, he remains cool and calm. Her maturity and ability to control emotions, analyze the situation and make the right decision do not repel her colleagues, but inspire sincere respect for her leader.

N.N. demonstrates a desire to improve the level of his professional knowledge and education. In May 2011, the school canteen team, led byN.N.N. took part in the Republican competition “Best catering in educational institutions - 2011” in the category “Best catering in educational institutions of the municipal district”, received a Diploma II degrees, cup and Certificate for 8,000 rubles. Ministry of Trade and Consumer Services of the Udmurt Republic. These funds were used to purchase dishes and equipment for the canteen. In the regional competition, in the same nomination, a diploma was awarded to the Administration of the municipal formation “Zavyalovsky District” - for 1st place.

N.N. She is always friendly in communication and enjoys undeniable respect among the students and staff of the school. For many years of work, she was repeatedly awarded with diplomas from the administration and trade union committee of the school, in 2007 with a Certificate of Honor from the municipal formation “Zavyalovsky District”, in 2011 with a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Trade and Consumer Services of the Udmurt Republic.

Head teacher: