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Job description and requirements for the Deputy Director of Production. Job description of a deputy director Sample job description of a deputy director of production

Document text:

Name of the organization APPROVED JOB Title of the position INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of signature Place of compilation Date DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR PRODUCTION


1. The deputy director for production belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the head of the organization.

2. A person with a higher education and work experience in engineering, technical and management positions of at least 5 years is appointed to the position of Deputy Director for Production.

3. In his activities, the Deputy Director for Production is guided by:

Legislative and regulatory documents governing relevant issues;

Methodological materials related to issues of its activities;

Charter of the organization;

Orders, instructions of the head of the organization;

This job description.

4. The Deputy Director for Production must know:

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on operational production management;

Prospects for the development of the organization;

Fundamentals of production technology, production capacity of the organization;

Systems and methods for recording production progress;

Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management;

Fundamentals of labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus;

Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. During the absence of the Deputy Director for Production, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy, who bears full responsibility for their proper performance.


6. To perform the functions assigned to him, the Deputy Director for Production is obliged to:

6.1. Manage operational and production planning work.

6.2. Organize work on the development and implementation of a production plan, research and implementation of progressive systems for operational production planning and perfect systems for interconnecting all departments on production issues.

6.3. Organize control over the progress of production of the main range of products and other items of the plan for the production of commercial products (organization of production accounting).

6.4. Ensure control over the timely delivery of nomenclature production plans and product release schedules to production sites.

6.5. Ensure the elimination of various types of imbalances, organizational and technical problems in production.

6.6. Coordinate the activities of all structural divisions of the organization related to production planning.

6.7. Together with the commercial director, explore ways to expand relationships with suppliers.

6.8. Participate in the development of proposals for the production of new types of products.

6.9. Ensure the review and coordination with the planning and financial department of the developed long-term and current production plans.

6.10. Ensure the organization of the implementation of planned targets for profit and profitability of production.

6.11. Exercise control:

Fulfillment of job responsibilities by subordinate employees regarding labor protection;

Compliance by employees with labor protection legislation.

6.12. Conduct, in accordance with the established procedure, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor protection with employees.

6.13. Carry out labor safety measures, instructions of state supervision and control bodies, and labor protection services within the established time limits.

6.14. Train workers in safe work methods and techniques.

6.15. In the event of an accident at work, organize first aid to the victim, report the accident to the immediate supervisor, and carry out other measures provided for by the Rules for the investigation and recording of industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

6.16. Carry out self-monitoring of compliance with labor protection requirements.


7. The Deputy Director for Production has the right:

7.1. Represent the interests of the organization in relations with other organizations on production and other issues.

7.2. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

7.3. Require production site managers to implement the production plan; demand and receive from them reports on the progress of the production program for a day, a decade and a month.

7.4. Require from the relevant services the timely submission of high-quality technical documentation necessary for production planning and monitoring the progress of production.

7.5. Submit for consideration by the head of the organization proposals on the appointment, relocation, dismissal of employees subordinate to him, proposals for their encouragement or the imposition of penalties on them.

7.6. Require the head of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights.

7.7. Take part in the discussion of labor safety issues submitted for consideration at meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (trade union organization).

8. The Deputy Director for Production reports directly to the director of the organization. 9. The Deputy Director for Production interacts on issues within his competence with employees of the following structural divisions of the organization: - with _________________________________________________________________: receives: __________________________________________________________________________; is: __________________________________________________________________________; - from _________________________________________________________________: receives: ________________________________________________________________________________; is: __________________________________________________________________________.

10. The work of the deputy director for production is assessed by the immediate supervisor (other official).

11. The Deputy Director for Production is responsible for:

11.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For failure to comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature Visas I have read the instructions _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature _______________________ Date


These instructions are exemplary. It can be used as a basis for developing appropriate employee instructions, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities.

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___________________________________ (initials, surname)

(name of organization, pre- ________________________

acceptance, etc., its organizational (director or other official)

legal form) official person, authorized

what must be asserted

nal instructions)

» » ____________ 20__

Job description of the deputy head of the enterprise for production


(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

» » ______________ 20__ N_________

This job description was developed and approved by

based on an employment contract with __________________________________________

(name of the position of the person for whom

And in accordance with

this job description has been compiled)

provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory

acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

I. General provisions

1.1. The deputy head of the enterprise for production is

education, extensive practical experience in the field of planning and

organization of production.

1.2. Deputy Head of Production reports to

1.3. The Deputy Head of Production organizes

timely release of quality products by the enterprise services,

under his direct subordination, ensures implementation in

production of progressive methods and systems of planning and organization



2.1. Day-to-day management of the activities of workshops producing

enterprise products.

2.2. Management of individual production tasks

target products.

2.3. Organization, management and control over the work of collection shops

waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

2.4. Organization, management and control over the work of production workshops

new products.

2.5. Ensuring implementation and compliance with approved standards and

technical conditions, as well as the use of modern tools and methods

measurements and tests during production, ensuring control over

the condition of these funds and compliance with the established procedure for them


2.6. Participation in the development and implementation of production measures

competitive products, systematic analysis of their technical

2.7. Participation in the development of proposals for discontinuation of production is not

in-demand products.

2.8. Introduction of modern methods into workshop practice

organizing and planning production, creating conditions for

high-performance work, ensuring compliance with legislation

on labor, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions,

industrial sanitation.

2.9. Preparation of orders on all issues related to him

competencies in the field of product production, consistency

production, production time and other mandatory requirements

production manager, head of workshops and sections.


The deputy head of a production enterprise has the right:

3.1. Issue orders and give instructions to the superiors of all

divisions and services included in this production related to the decision

issues of production, its provision and compliance with internal rules

labor regulations in force at this enterprise.

3.2. Review and submit plans to the director for approval

production in the nomenclature breakdown by enterprise and workshops.

3.3. Approve calendar plans and production schedules for

nomenclature of parts and assemblies.

3.4. Require from all production departments and services,

included in production, data on the progress of production

program and its support.

3.5. Provide opinions on draft annual production plans

enterprises, as well as for individual tasks.

3.6. Approve work plans of the planning and production department and

dispatch service.

3.7. Coordinate production plans for new products in part

timing of their production, research work related to


3.8. Convene and hold meetings on issues within its scope


3.9. Sign and endorse documents within your



The deputy head of the enterprise for production is responsible


4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill their duties

duties provided for in this job description - in

within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of exercising their

activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative,

criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits specified

current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation


4.4. ______________________________________________________________.

The job description was developed in accordance with ________________



(initials, surname)



» » ________________ 20__

I have read this job description: (initials, surname)



» » _____________ 20__

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and

responsibility of [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The Deputy Director for Production is appointed to the position and dismissed from

positions in the order established by the current labor legislation by order.

1.3. The Deputy Director for Production reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate manager in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. The Deputy Director for Production belongs to the category of managers,

heads the production work of the Company and subordinates:

1.5. Deputy Director for Production is responsible for:

— proper organization of production work in accordance with the approved programs (plans) of the Company;

— performance and labor discipline of employees of production departments;

— safety of documents (information) containing information that constitutes

trade secret of the organization (enterprise), other confidential information, including personal data of the Company’s employees;

— ensuring safe working conditions, maintaining order, following rules

fire safety in industrial premises.

1.6. Persons who have

higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty

leadership positions in the relevant industry sector of the enterprise for at least 5 years.

1.7. In practical activities, the Deputy Director for Production must

guided by:

— legislation, regulations, as well as local acts and

organizational and administrative documents of the Company regulating production;

— internal labor regulations;

— labor protection and safety rules, ensuring production

sanitation and fire protection;

— instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the director of the organization;

- this job description.

1.8. The Deputy Director for Production must know:

— legislation, regulations on the organization of production, fundamentals

environmental law;

— organizational structure of the Company, profile and specialization, as well as the purpose and

development strategy;

— current and future needs of the Company for production resources (main

funds, raw materials, equipment, technologies), methods of their planning and forecasting;

— tasks of production departments to meet the Company’s needs for

products of appropriate quality, quantity, range and nomenclature, capabilities to solve these problems;

— methods for analyzing the state of the Company’s production potential, material and

other resources required to maintain it at an appropriate level;

— main and reserve production capacities of the Company;

— the state and prospects for the development of the production sector relevant to the Company;

— the procedure for drawing up and approving plans for the Company’s production activities;

— the procedure for concluding and executing contracts for the production and supply of finished products

products, semi-finished products, blanks and components;

— modern theories of production organization;

— advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing production;

— composition and structure of the Company’s production (including technological) documentation;

— management (to the extent required for effective management of production units), business etiquette, rules for conducting business correspondence on production issues;

— means of computer technology, communication and communications;

— rules and regulations of labor protection.

1.9. During the temporary absence of the Deputy Director for Production, his

responsibilities are assigned to [deputy position title].

2. Functional responsibilities

The Deputy Director for Production is required to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Lead production work in the Company and confidently manage it


2.2. Create optimal conditions for timely and high-quality implementation

production units of the daily tasks assigned to them in strict

in accordance with the approved work procedure (regulations), production technology

products manufactured by the Company.

2.3. Lead the work on the formation of production policy and development strategy

production, determining its main directions in accordance with the Company’s development strategy and measures for its implementation.

2.4. Take part in the development of the Company’s business plans in terms of ensuring current

and future needs for the production of products of a certain quality, quantity, range and range.

2.5. Ensure the necessary level of technical preparation of production and its

constant growth, increasing production efficiency, reducing costs (material, financial, labor), rational use of production resources, high quality and competitiveness of manufactured products, their compliance with current state standards, technical specifications and technical aesthetics requirements, as well as their reliability and durability.

2.6. Organize research at the Society, including with the involvement of

third-party organizations (institutions), as well as the development and implementation of comprehensive programs for the development of production potential and production plans.

2.7. Lead the development of reconstruction and modernization measures

production facilities of the Company, preventing the harmful effects of production on the environment, careful use of natural resources, creating safe working conditions and improving the technical culture of production.

2.8. Organize the development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new technology and

technology, carrying out organizational and technical measures in production, scientific-

research and development work.

2.9. Exercise personal and through subordinates effective control over the condition

production, compliance with design, engineering and technological standards in production

disciplines, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision.

2.10. Ensure the effectiveness of design solutions, timely and high quality

preparation of production, technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment.

2.11. Manage activities to improve the range and quality of products,

produced by the Company, its improvement and renewal, the creation of new competitive types of products, as well as the design and implementation into production of complex mechanization and automation of technological processes, control and testing of high-performance specialized equipment, the development of standards for the labor intensity of products and standards for the consumption of materials for its production, consistent implementation of savings regime and cost reduction.

2.12. Ensure timely preparation of technical documentation (drawings, specifications, technical conditions, technological maps).

2.13. Coordinate work on patent and invention activities,

unification, standardization and certification of products, certification and rationalization of jobs, metrological support, mechanical and energy maintenance of production.

2.14. Take measures to improve the organization of production, labor and

management based on the introduction of the latest technical and telecommunications means

performing engineering and management work.

2.15. Participate in the analysis of the Company’s production activities in order to

identifying production reserves, eliminating losses and unproductive costs,

rational use of material, human and other resources.

2.16. Work to ensure strict compliance with production and

technological discipline.

2.17. Participate in the development and implementation of rational production (including technological) documentation.

2.18. Ensure the preparation of operational reports on the results of implementation

production assignments, statistical reporting, as well as submitting them in the prescribed manner to the relevant authorities.

2.19. Ensure reliable protection of information (documents) containing information

constituting a trade secret of the Company, other confidential information, including

personal data of the Company's employees.

2.20. Manage the training of subordinates, create conditions for them to advance

qualifications, professional growth, business career and job development

promotions in accordance with personal merit and level of qualifications.

2.21. Monitor compliance of subordinates with labor safety and equipment rules

safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.22. Use granted rights to subordinates to encourage them

(bringing to responsibility).

2.23. Create conditions for the implementation and proper functioning of advanced

production technologies, their subsequent improvement and optimization.

2.24. Manage the planning and reporting of production activities.

2.25. Manage the distribution of production tasks, ensuring it

timely, rhythmic and uniform delivery to production departments of the forms of documents necessary to ensure production activities, as well as internal organizational, regulatory and regulatory documents on production management issues.

2.26. Study, generalize and apply advanced domestic and foreign experience in production management in practical activities.

2.27. Consider proposals to ensure ergonomic working conditions, rationalize workplaces and submit them to the head of the Company for decision-making.

2.28. Consult the head of the Company and heads of departments on current and pressing issues of practical organization of production.

2.29. Provide methodological assistance to employees personally and through the involvement of subordinates

divisions of the enterprise on the selection of optimal methods of implementation

production task, the most effective use of technology and technical

The Deputy Director for Production must promptly and in full

process and submit reporting and other documentation to officials with appropriate authority.

If necessary, the Deputy Director for Production may be involved in

performing their duties overtime, by decision of the director of the organization, in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

The Deputy Director for Production is obliged, based on the orders of the manager,

The Company, in the event of the latter’s absence (vacation, illness, business trip), fulfill

duties of the head of the Company, while acquiring the corresponding powers and rights.

3. Rights Deputy Director for Production

The Deputy Director for Production has the right:

3.1. Make decisions for the proper organization of production work,

ensuring the daily activities of the Company's production units - on all issues falling within its competence.

3.2. Submit to the head of the Company your proposals for encouraging (holding accountable) subordinate employees - in cases where your own powers for this are not enough.

3.3. Prepare and submit to the head of the Company your proposals for improving production work, its additional personnel, material and technical support, etc.

3.4. Participate in the work of collegial management bodies when considering issues related to production.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation Deputy Director for Production

4.1. The Deputy Director for Production is responsible for administrative, disciplinary and

material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) liability for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions

immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of one’s job functions and assigned duties

tasks for him.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as

using them for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations,

fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its


4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. The performance assessment of the Deputy Director for Production is carried out:

4.2.1. Direct supervisor - regularly, in the course of everyday

the employee performs his labor functions;

4.2.2. Certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years

based on documented performance results for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of the Deputy Director for Production is

quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this


5. Working conditions Deputy Director for Production

5.1. The working hours of the Deputy Director for Production are determined in accordance with

internal labor regulations established in the Company.

5.2. Due to production needs, the Deputy Director for Production is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. Due to production needs, the Deputy Director for Production

To perform his work functions, company vehicles may be provided.

6. Signature right

6.1. Deputy Director for Production to ensure his activities

is granted the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his functional responsibilities.

The job description was developed in

According to____________________________

(name, number and date of document)

Head of structural


____________ ________________________


Head of the legal department

___________ _______________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

I have read the instructions:

__________ ________________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

The need to analyze the personnel policies of an enterprise usually arises: during the period of internal transformation of the company - reorganization, stage of rapid growth, reduction, liquidation; under the influence of external factors - changes in labor legislation, practices and...

Our catalog of sample documents, contract forms and job descriptions is collected in this section


JOB DESCRIPTION OF THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR PRODUCTION __________________________ I APPROVED (name of organization, enterprise, institution) ___________________________ (director, other official authorized to approve the job description) JOB DESCRIPTION ___________________________ (signature) (decoding _________ N ___________ signature) Place of publication ___________________________ (date) DEPUTY ITEM DIRECTOR ON PRODUCTION I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The deputy director for production belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise. 1.2. A person with a higher education and work experience in engineering, technical and managerial positions of at least 5 years is appointed to the position of Deputy Director for Production. 1.3. The Deputy Director for Production reports directly to the director of the enterprise. 1.4. In his activities, the Deputy Director for Production is guided by: - ​​legislative and regulatory documents governing relevant issues; - methodological materials related to issues of its activities; - the charter of the enterprise; - orders, instructions of the director of the enterprise; - this job description. 1.5. The Deputy Director for Production must know: - legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on operational production management; - prospects for the development of the enterprise; - basics of product production technology, production capacity of the enterprise; - systems and methods for recording production progress; - basics of economics, labor organization and management; - basics of labor legislation; - rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection. 1.6. During the absence of the Deputy Director for Production, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy, who bears full responsibility for their proper performance. II. FUNCTIONS The Deputy Director for Production is assigned the following functions: 2.1. Operational production planning and production management. 2.2. Organization of work to improve the qualifications of subordinate employees. 2.3. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate performers, monitoring their compliance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection. III. OFFICIAL RESPONSIBILITIES To perform the functions assigned to him, the Deputy Director for Production is obliged to: 3. 1. Manage the work on operational and production planning. 3.2. Organize work on the development and implementation of a production plan, research and implementation of progressive systems for operational production planning and perfect systems for interconnecting all departments on production issues. 3.3. Organize control over the progress of production of the main range of products and other items of the plan for the production of commercial products (organization of production accounting). 3.4. Ensure control over the timely delivery of nomenclature production plans and product release schedules to production sites. 3.5. Ensure the elimination of various types of imbalances, organizational and technical problems in production. 3.6. Coordinate the activities of all structural divisions of the enterprise related to production planning. 3.7. Together with the commercial director, explore ways to expand relationships with suppliers. 3.8. Participate in the development of proposals for the production of new types of products. 3.9. Ensure the review and coordination with the planning and financial department of the developed long-term and current production plans. 3.10. Ensure the organization of the implementation of planned targets for profit and profitability of production. IV. RIGHTS The Deputy Director for Production has the right: 4.1. Represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other organizations on production and other issues. 4.2. Sign and endorse documents within your competence. 4.3. Require production site managers to implement the production plan; demand and receive from them reports on the progress of the production program for a day, a decade and a month. 4.4. Require from the relevant services the timely submission of high-quality technical documentation necessary for production planning and monitoring the progress of production. 4.5. Submit for consideration by the director of the enterprise proposals on the appointment, relocation, dismissal of employees subordinate to him, proposals for their encouragement or the imposition of penalties on them. 4.6. Require the director of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights. V. RESPONSIBILITY The Deputy Director for Production is responsible for: 5.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation. 5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation. 5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by current labor, criminal and civil legislation. The head of the structural _________ _____________________ unit (signature) (signature transcript) Visas The instructions have been read by: _________ _____________________ (signature) (signature transcript) _____________________ (date)

Today we see hundreds of thousands of different goods in stores, travel by car and airplane, and use the latest technology. All this is created in factories and factories, where management strives to constantly improve to ensure competitiveness. This largely depends on the hierarchical scheme of the enterprise. When the issuing company reaches a certain size, the structure of the management team requires changes. In order to effectively manage subordinates, the position of Deputy Director for Production is being introduced.

What does it do and what functions does it perform?

Production can be thought of as a large organism, each part of which must work in harmony with the others and which interacts effectively with those around it. The end result in the form of finished products of appropriate quality will be only with timely and accurate execution of the business process. Management and control at all stages is carried out by the production director, his deputy and the heads of internal departments.

How do the responsibilities of a director and his deputy differ? Job descriptions and responsibilities are similar, but levels of authority and rights may vary. There will also be differences in the number and composition of subordinates. In case of temporary absence of the main manager, his duties are transferred to the deputy. Getting your license he takes full responsibility for performing temporary tasks.

General provisions

The general provisions of the job description indicate the main points that determine how working relationships will be carried out and organized. This paragraph of the job description indicates that the employee belongs to the category of managers.

When performing his duties, he must be guided by the organization's policies and goals in the field of quality, as well as the orders and instructions of the general director and immediate superior.

It is also indicated that he is obliged to comply with the company’s regulations, for example, the charter, regulations, collective agreement, regulations on trade secrets, labor regime.

The general provisions for the job description indicate that the employee’s subordination is determined by the structural diagram of the enterprise.

A candidate who has received a higher technical education can be appointed to the position of Deputy Director for Production.

Must have at least three years of experience in engineering and technical positions, as well as five years of experience in management positions.


Manufacturing products is a very complex task. It includes the entire range of work from receiving plans and initial documentation to shipping finished products, so the employee’s tasks are very diverse.

One of the most important is production planning. It divided into strategic, tactical and operational. Strategic planning is long-term perspective. The planning horizon for tactical planning is a year, maximum two.

Operational planning sets daily, weekly, ten-day and monthly targets. To monitor and regulate their execution, operational meetings are held and daily dispatching is carried out. If problems arise and deviations from the plan, the Deputy Director for Production must determine the cause of the failure and make an anti-crisis decision.

So, the employee’s tasks include:

Requirements for a specialist

One of the features of this position is a combination of engineering and management skills. At the same time, it is desirable to have higher education in both areas.

Higher education in the field of management allows an employee to understand the tasks of production management, solve financial and economic issues, determine costs, conduct budgeting and optimize costs.

Deputy Director for Production must understand the essence of the development and execution of work processes, understand the establishment of labor standards, the organization of payment and motivation. It is important to understand the methods of studying working time costs, establishing time standards, and the application of standardization.

Depending on the type of manufacturing, the technology and technical requirements for the product are distinguished. A production manager must have a good understanding of the equipment and tools available in the company and know the rules of their technical operation.

The specialist must use modern domestic and foreign experience in creating similar products.

Enterprise management today involves the widespread use of software that allows you to track personnel, inventory, and production plans. Examples of popular corporate accounting programs include the following: 1C Enterprise, Galaxy, Parus, SAP, Axapta. Many of them include a “Production” module. Knowledge of computer planning tools will be a definite plus.

For successful communication between a manager and a subordinate, mutual understanding is necessary, so it is very important to create a favorable atmosphere in the team. What matters is the opportunity for training, advanced training, and the availability of overtime work. Many workers are interested in whether staff reductions are planned and what conditions are offered for young specialists.

Important personal qualities of a production manager as a leader include the ability to make decisions, high technical literacy, resistance to stress, and the ability to resolve conflict situations.


An employee has the right to receive complete information and documents of interest from departments and specialists regarding their activities. Participation in meetings, scientific and technical conferences is also an inalienable right of a specialist.

As part of his duties, he has the right to make proposals on technical, organizational and other issues, visa and sign documents.


The employee is primarily responsible for organizing the production process and implementing the production plan. Having a large number of people and extensive production areas under control, it is necessary to be especially good monitor safety precautions and compliance by workers with labor protection rules. Requirements for the implementation of technological discipline when performing work, and the condition of workplaces must also be observed.

Non-disclosure of trade secrets and proper implementation of this job description is the responsibility of the specialist.

In case of material damage, liability will be determined based on the current labor and civil legislation. Depending on the severity of the offense, the deputy production director bears administrative, financial or even criminal liability.

Pros and cons of the profession

Working in this position can bring self-realization to those who can combine technical skills with the psychological aspects of successful management. You need to have a good understanding of the characteristics of the specific team you need to lead. The ability to motivate others to do work, find an approach to people and at the same time fulfill a strict production plan is quite a difficult task with quite possible stress.

It is worth noting undoubted interest for those who like to see the results of their work, since the end result of the plan will be a completely tangible finished product.

One of the disadvantages can be identified - a high level of responsibility for the entire production. Sometimes a manager at this level has an irregular schedule. In cases where there is no director, the deputy is forced to make decisions independently, naturally, being fully responsible for the consequences.

For you, a video about what skills are inherent in a successful leader. It is also useful for deputy production managers to know them if they want to get a promotion in the future.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and

responsibility of the Deputy Director for Production [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The Deputy Director for Production is appointed to the position and dismissed from

positions in the order established by the current labor legislation by order

head of the Company.

1.3. The Deputy Director for Production reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate manager in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. The Deputy Director for Production belongs to the category of managers,

heads the production work of the Company and subordinates:

Head of the production department;

Chief technologist;

Heads of workshops.

1.5. Deputy Director for Production is responsible for:

Proper organization of production work in accordance with approved programs (plans) of the Company;

Performance and labor discipline of employees of production departments;

Security of documents (information) containing information constituting

development strategy;

Current and future needs of the Company for production resources (main

funds, raw materials, equipment, technologies), methods of their planning and forecasting;

The tasks of production departments to meet the Company’s needs for

products of appropriate quality, quantity, range and nomenclature, capabilities to solve these problems;

Methods for analyzing the state of the Company’s production potential, material and

other resources required to maintain it at an appropriate level;

The main and reserve production capacities of the Company;

The state and prospects for the development of the production sector relevant to the Company;

The procedure for drawing up and approving plans for the Company’s production activities;

The procedure for concluding and executing contracts for the production and supply of finished products

products, semi-finished products, blanks and components;

Modern theories of production organization;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing production;

Composition and structure of the Company’s production (including technological) documentation;

Management (to the extent required for the effective management of production units), business etiquette, rules for conducting business correspondence on production issues;

Computer technology, communications and communications;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

1.9. During the temporary absence of the Deputy Director for Production, his

responsibilities are assigned to [deputy position title].

2. Functional responsibilities

The Deputy Director for Production is required to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Lead production work in the Company and confidently manage it


2.2. Create optimal conditions for timely and high-quality implementation

production units of the daily tasks assigned to them in strict

in accordance with the approved work procedure (regulations), production technology

products manufactured by the Company.

2.3. Lead the work on the formation of production policy and development strategy

production, determining its main directions in accordance with the Company’s development strategy and measures for its implementation.

2.4. Take part in the development of the Company’s business plans in terms of ensuring current

and future needs for the production of products of a certain quality, quantity, range and range.

2.5. Ensure the necessary level of technical preparation of production and its

constant growth, increasing production efficiency, reducing costs (material, financial, labor), rational use of production resources, high quality and competitiveness of manufactured products, their compliance with current state standards, technical specifications and requirements of technical aesthetics, as well as their reliability and durability.

2.6. Organize research at the Society, including with the involvement of

third-party organizations (institutions), as well as the development and implementation of comprehensive programs for the development of production potential and production plans.

2.7. Lead the development of reconstruction and modernization measures

production facilities of the Company, preventing the harmful effects of production on the environment, careful use of natural resources, creating safe working conditions and improving the technical culture of production.

2.8. Organize the development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new technology and

technology, carrying out organizational and technical measures in production, scientific-

research and development work.

2.9. Exercise personal and through subordinates effective control over the condition

production, compliance with design, engineering and technological standards in production

disciplines, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision.

2.10. Ensure the effectiveness of design solutions, timely and high quality

preparation of production, technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment.

2.11. Manage activities to improve the range and quality of products,

produced by the Company, its improvement and renewal, the creation of new competitive types of products, as well as the design and implementation into production of complex mechanization and automation of technological processes, control and testing of high-performance specialized equipment, the development of standards for the labor intensity of products and standards for the consumption of materials for its production, consistent implementation of savings regime and cost reduction.

2.12. Ensure timely preparation of technical documentation (drawings, specifications, technical conditions, technological maps).

2.13. Coordinate work on patent and invention activities,

unification, standardization and certification of products, certification and rationalization of jobs, metrological support, mechanical and energy maintenance of production.

2.14. Take measures to improve the organization of production, labor and

management based on the introduction of the latest technical and telecommunications means

performing engineering and management work.

2.15. Participate in the analysis of the Company’s production activities in order to

identifying production reserves, eliminating losses and unproductive costs,

rational use of material, human and other resources.

2.16. Work to ensure strict compliance with production and

technological discipline.

2.17. Participate in the development and implementation of rational production (including technological) documentation.

2.18. Ensure the preparation of operational reports on the results of implementation

production assignments, statistical reporting, as well as submitting them in the prescribed manner to the relevant authorities.

2.19. Ensure reliable protection of information (documents) containing information

constituting a trade secret of the Company, other confidential information, including

personal data of the Company's employees.

2.20. Manage the training of subordinates, create conditions for them to advance

qualifications, professional growth, business career and job development

promotions in accordance with personal merit and level of qualifications.

2.21. Monitor compliance of subordinates with labor safety and equipment rules

safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.22. Use granted rights to subordinates to encourage them

(bringing to responsibility).

2.23. Create conditions for the implementation and proper functioning of advanced

production technologies, their subsequent improvement and optimization.

2.24. Manage the planning and reporting of production activities.

2.25. Manage the distribution of production tasks, ensuring it

timely, rhythmic and uniform delivery to production departments of the forms of documents necessary to ensure production activities, as well as internal organizational, regulatory and regulatory documents on production management issues.

2.26. Study, generalize and apply advanced domestic and foreign experience in production management in practical activities.

2.27. Consider proposals to ensure ergonomic working conditions, rationalize workplaces and submit them to the head of the Company for decision-making.

2.28. Consult the head of the Company and heads of departments on current and pressing issues of practical organization of production.

2.29. Provide methodological assistance to employees personally and through the involvement of subordinates

divisions of the enterprise on the selection of optimal methods of implementation

production task, the most effective use of technology and technical

The Deputy Director for Production must promptly and in full

process and submit reporting and other documentation to officials with appropriate authority.

If necessary, the Deputy Director for Production may be involved in

performing their duties overtime, by decision of the director of the organization, in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

The Deputy Director for Production is obliged, based on the orders of the manager,

The Company, in the event of the latter’s absence (vacation, illness, business trip), fulfill

duties of the head of the Company, while acquiring the corresponding powers and rights.

3. Rights

The Deputy Director for Production has the right:

3.1. Make decisions for the proper organization of production work,

ensuring the daily activities of the Company's production units - on all issues falling within its competence.

3.2. Submit to the head of the Company your proposals for encouraging (holding accountable) subordinate employees - in cases where your own powers for this are not enough.

3.3. Prepare and submit to the head of the Company your proposals for improving production work, its additional personnel, material and technical support, etc.

3.4. Participate in the work of collegial management bodies when considering issues related to production.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The Deputy Director for Production is responsible for administrative, disciplinary and

material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) liability for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions

immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of one’s job functions and assigned duties

tasks for him.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as

using them for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations,

fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its


4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. The performance assessment of the Deputy Director for Production is carried out:

4.2.1. Direct supervisor - regularly, in the course of everyday

the employee performs his labor functions;

4.2.2. Certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years

based on documented performance results for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of the Deputy Director for Production is

quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this


5. Working conditions

5.1. The working hours of the Deputy Director for Production are determined in accordance with

internal labor regulations established in the Company.

5.2. Due to production needs, the Deputy Director for Production is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. Due to production needs, the Deputy Director for Production

To perform his work functions, company vehicles may be provided.

6. Signature right

6.1. Deputy Director for Production to ensure his activities

is granted the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his functional responsibilities.

The job description was developed in

According to____________________________

(name, number and date of document)

Head of structural