Repair Design Furniture

Grow very early cucumbers. How to grow early cucumbers. What is a cucumber made of?

Tells Yulia Belopukhova, agronomist and gardener

"Fast" varieties

In the past decade, parthenocarpic (capable of forming fruits without pollination) hybrid cucumbers Aprelsky, Zozulya, Maisky and Flagman were mainly grown for early harvest. Today they have been replaced by a new generation of hybrids with small or medium-sized greens, similar to traditional bee-pollinated cucumbers. They go not only in salads, but are also suitable for pickling or preparing lightly salted cucumbers. Among the early ones, which begin to bear fruit on the 38-45th day and are capable of producing crops with a day length of 8-9 hours, parthenocarpic hybrids have proven themselves well: Amur, Artist, Buyan, Lakomka, cold-resistant Bourgeois, ultra-early Balalaika and Bugorok (high-yielding), as well as Cheetah (bouquet type). Of course, if there is hand pollination in greenhouses, early bee-pollinated cucumbers can be grown, suitable for salad, canning and even pickling. Gardeners already know the hybrids Vigorous, Carambol, and Athlete.

New items 2016


Avoska, Al-Light, Amulet, Bastion, Bars, Father, Bouquet for Mom, Spring Waters, Taste of Childhood, Dobrynya, Green Crocodile, Cayman, Kapitoshka, Chinese Kite, Peasant Woman, Snubnos, Early Bird, Mother-in-Law's Dessert, Troy, Fast and Furious, Curly forelock, Nutcracker, Crew

Bee pollinated

Bodrik, Bochkovoy, Children's round dance, Gentlemen officers, Bumblebee

Seedlings are required

To speed up the harvest, you must grow cucumbers through seedlings. It is prepared 2-3 weeks before planting in the greenhouse, that is, in the middle zone it should be sown around April 15th. Cucumbers do not tolerate transplantation well, so it is better to use individual 0.4 liter cups. The soil can be anything, but if it does not contain nutrients, the seedlings will have to be fed once a week. It is often recommended to warm up seeds on a radiator or near a stove, or to keep them in solutions of stimulants, but these movements are only needed for old material. The seeds of hybrids, if they are not covered with a special shell, can be simply kept in hydrogen peroxide from the pharmacy, and the soil is spilled with biological products (Alirin-B, Gamair, Extrasol, Fitosporin), which protect the sprouts from diseases. Water the cucumber seedlings once a week until the soil is completely moistened.

Cucumbers react poorly to low light and cold (temperatures below 14 ˚C are critical for them). Therefore, I advise you to keep pots with seedlings on a light windowsill (preferably southeast), but no closer than 20-30 cm from the glass, or in a window opening on a hanging shelf so that the pots do not come into contact with the window sill. In cloudy weather, use backlighting. Placing mirrors and foil around them will improve the illumination of plants. Under such conditions, the seedlings can be kept in a pot until it grows its 4th leaf.

You will need

To ensure that cucumbers thrive in the greenhouse in May, prepare the following before transplanting:

  • Means for heating the greenhouse: straw manure, or thermal bombs, or appropriate electrical appliances.
  • Water bottles with a capacity of 2 liters - according to the number of cucumber plants (for watering).
  • Arches or other structures for installation inside the greenhouse.
  • Thick non-woven material for covering cucumbers in two layers.

When to sow cucumbers?


Sowing seedlings under the roof

to the garden bed

Harvest time


End of May - mid-July (fruiting
within 50-60 days)

Summer early ripening

Third ten days of April

June July,
early August

Summer mid-season (yields harvest within 70 days)

First ten days of May

Mid June -
end of August

Summer late ripening
(after 2.5 months they become old)

First ten days of May


Second decade of July

End of August -

In the next issue, which will be published on April 26, we will tell you how to transplant cucumbers into a greenhouse and “persuade” them to produce early fruits.

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​March 31, plant on the windowsill, in pots and more light, even additional lighting. Needs feeding. I replant it into the ground on April 25 under film. Cucumbers ripen on May 29. Approximately, depending on the weather.​

​"Growing cucumbers in open ground and caring for them"

​We prepare soil for seedlings like this.​

​Cucumber plants absorb nutrients better when fed with liquid fertilizers. Since cucumber cannot tolerate high concentrations of soil solution, no more than 100 g of fertilizers (1% working composition) should be dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Landing place

​After the fruits are harvested from the lateral axes of the first order, lateral shoots of the second order will grow on them from the axils of the leaves. It is better to remove these shoots in the lower part of the stem, in the middle part they should be pinched above the first leaf, and in the upper part - above the second leaf.​

​Watch the cucumbers - they will tell you what you need. Thus, the light green color of the leaves indicates a lack of nitrogen in the soil; if there is not enough potassium, then a light border forms around the leaves.

​After 2–3 days, the seeds are placed on the lower shelf to equalize the temperature, after which they are taken out and proceed directly to planting.​

Planting cucumbers

​Konica spruce in landscape design​​Light and warmed soil. Cucumbers should be planted in a well-lit place in warm soil. The soil should warm up to 15 degrees. In this case, the threat of frost must be completely eliminated. In addition to seeds, you can use cucumber seedlings for planting. However, it should be noted that it is very fragile and, in general, cucumbers themselves do not tolerate transplantation well. That is why seedlings should be planted in peat pots. Four weeks after sowing, the seedlings can be planted in open ground.​

​Cucumber belongs to the pumpkin family. It is the only vegetable that is eaten green (unripe). These vegetables have very valuable properties and are used during treatment and diets. The ways to use them are very diverse: fresh, salted, and also pickled. Cucumbers reduce stomach acidity and have a good effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart. It consists of 95 percent water, which can dissolve harmful toxins, cleansing the body.​

​I plant cucumber seeds in cups. The first not earlier than April 10, and after May 10 in open ground. But I live in the south of Ukraine. In general, cucumbers can be grown on a windowsill - you just need to pollinate...​

​. I won't repeat myself. I’ll just add that we water it with warm water without chlorine. When watering, you can dissolve Fitosporin-M in water against fungal diseases.​

​In the fall, we collect good soil in some containers and put it in the barn until spring. We harvest the land from the area where shrubs grow. Those. where no vegetables have ever grown, much less cucumbers. This is to ensure that the soil is free from pathogens of various fungal diseases.​

Cucumber care

​In practical vegetable growing, organic fertilizers are also used for fertilizing: mullein, bird droppings, manure of other animals. To do this, they are soaked in water in some container and allowed to ferment for 2-3 days, stirring the contents periodically. You can add several glasses of wood ash to a bucket of fermenting fertilizer. Slurry is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 5, and bird droppings - 1 to 20. Superphosphate (50 g per 10 l) is added to the mullein working solution. In large greenhouse farms, organic fertilizers are not used to avoid the possible introduction of infections into greenhouse areas.​

In the future, they do not adhere to a strict formation system, only making sure that the shoots do not extend into the aisles; for this purpose, if necessary, their heads are pinched and directed inside the row. At the same time as pinching with a sharp knife, the tendrils, lower yellowing leaves, infertile and fruit-bearing shoots are removed.

​Fruits with sharp noses also indicate a lack of nitrogen, and cucumbers in the shape of a light bulb signal a lack of potassium. If it is hot during the day and cold at night, then expect a harvest of curved cucumbers. The fastest way to bring microelements to the plant is to spray with a weak solution. You can find ready-made liquid fertilizers that just need to be diluted in the required proportion.​

​It is absolutely not necessary to go through all the procedures - this will take a lot of time in total. However, you can choose the most important ones for yourself. For example, in regions with cold nights, hardening should be carried out, and disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate and boric acid can be conveniently combined with soaking and germination.​

Planting cucumbers in open ground

Problems when growing cucumbers

​Fertilizer. The soil must be enriched with organic matter in advance. When flowers appear, another layer of organic fertilizer is added.​

​Caring for cucumbers includes: weeding, watering, pinching, tying, fertilizing.​

The soil for cucumbers should be warm and exposed to sunlight for as long as possible.

​First, you need to plant early ripening hybrids and varieties. Self-pollinating is better. From germination to fruit 35-42 days. Plant sprouted seeds in the ground. 2 pieces per hole, then transplant or pull out the excess. You can cover the top with 5-liter plastic bottles and film (polyethylene) on the arcs. Plant in a sunny place. Not very often, the distance between plants is at least 50-60cm. Planted after the threat of the last frost (Moscow region - after 05.06) Water with warm, settled water (from a barrel) until 16 hours, during the day at temperatures above 22 open to ventilate, in the evening after 18 close.​

​Cucumber vines can be tied to the greenhouse arches.​

​Previously this was enough for seedlings. But lately we have been additionally buying a large bag of universal soil for vegetables and flowers at the store. Mix this soil and soil in a 1:1 ratio. All. The soil for seedlings is ready. We let it sit in a warm house for a while and pour it into plastic half-liter cups, which are sold in any store for a ridiculous price. At the bottom of the cups we make a hole with a thick nail, like in flower pots. Of course, it is better to plant cucumber seeds in peat pots to completely prevent damage to the roots of the seedlings when planting in the ground. But they also have a higher price. As a completely free option, you can collect a sufficient number of sour cream cups over the winter.​

  1. ​With an alkaline reaction of the soil solution, at low soil temperatures, partial death of roots, and under some other circumstances, nutrients do not enter the plant through the roots well. In these cases, foliar feeding (through leaves) is used. For these purposes, fully soluble ballast-free fertilizers will be more suitable. The concentration of the solution should not be more than 0.5% (up to 50 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water). Feeding is carried out with caution: in cloudy weather - in the morning, and in sunny weather - in the afternoon, towards evening. Sprayers are used that provide fine-droplet spraying. Foliar feeding can be combined with treatment against pests and diseases.​
  2. ​When growing bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids, it is necessary to provide access to the greenhouse for bees and other insects. On hot summer days, bees are reluctant to fly into the greenhouse. They are attracted by feeding them with sugar syrup infused on the corollas of male flowers.​
  3. ​Water the cucumbers with warm water, right under the root. This crop does not like moisture on the leaves - this provokes the appearance of powdery mildew, which is quite difficult to combat. The best option is drip irrigation, but if you are growing a small bed, then a few buckets of water heated in the sun and a watering can will be enough.​
  4. ​Experienced gardeners advise using seeds from the year before last for planting - they give a higher yield. In general, cucumber seeds can sprout even after 10 years, but there is no need to wait that long. This is just one piece of advice out of many - many nuances depend on the soil, microclimate, and variety. Observe the plants and draw conclusions.​
  5. ​We recommend that you read​
  6. ​Room for growth. Plants should be planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. The distance between rows should be about 120-150 cm.​
  7. ​Lack of moisture in cucumbers during their active growth and fruit formation has a detrimental effect on the quantity and quality of the harvest. Also, if there is a lack of water, bitterness forms in cucumbers, which cannot be eliminated by anything later. Do not water the crop with cold water, as this can lead to reduced growth and rot. It should be noted that frequent watering significantly compacts the soil. But don’t rush to loosen the soil right away, as this can damage the delicate roots of the plant. Therefore, in order to increase the flow of air through the compacted layer of soil, it needs to be pierced with a garden fork.​
  8. A rich, good harvest of cucumbers can be grown on a trellis installation. Growing plants in a greenhouse is also indispensable. Growing cucumbers on a grid also gives good results. There are other ways to grow a large crop.​
  9. Cucumbers need warm soil. I plant them in a warm bed and under arches. You can put manure or grass in a hole or bed, and pour 10 cm of soil on top. Cover all this with film on the arches. Don’t forget to ventilate, otherwise the seedlings will burn.
  10. ​And the most labor-intensive thing when growing in greenhouses is maintaining the temperature regime. This means that on a hot sunny day we open the film, and close it again at night.​

Bitter cucumbers

​We plant one seed in each cup to a depth of 1-2 cm. Place it on the windowsill and wait for the seeds to sprout. If you bought normal seeds, then everything will sprout.​

Varieties of cucumbers from the middle zone

  1. ​Cucumber productivity increases with increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air (up to a certain limit). The main source of carbon dioxide in small greenhouses is manure, which releases this gas as it decomposes in the soil. To increase the carbon dioxide content in the air, place a barrel or other container in the greenhouse, fill it halfway with fresh manure (for example, bird droppings), fill it to the top with water and allow it to ferment, stirring the contents of the barrel daily. During fermentation, the greenhouse air is enriched with carbon dioxide. The fermented slurry can then be used for fertilizing, diluting it with water in the recommended proportions.​
  2. Bee pollination can be harmful for parthenocarpic hybrids. If bee-pollinated and parthenocarpic hybrids are grown side by side, then it is recommended to remove the corollas of female flowers from parthenocarpics before they bloom. A bee will not land on a flower without petals, and the ovary will grow without a corolla. In hybrids with partial parthenocarpy (Aprelsky F1, Zozulya F1, the first female flowers must be pollinated by hand.​
  3. ​We offer you material that tells you how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse. Most regions of our country do not have favorable climatic conditions for growing heat-loving crops in open ground. Therefore, growing cucumbers in a film greenhouse is more of a necessity than a whim.​
  4. ​Now that you have prepared the seeds and they have already hatched, there is not a minute to waste. If you choose plastic cups or similar containers, be sure to make small holes in the bottoms - they will allow the root system to receive more air and rid the plants of excess moisture. If your choice fell on peat tablets, then immediately before planting, soak them for 20 minutes in warm water - when they swell, they can be used for their intended purpose. For convenience, peat washers are placed on a tray or at the bottom of a small box.​
  5. ​Another mistake novice gardeners make is picking seedlings. What cucumbers don’t like is being transplanted from place to place. Therefore, seedlings should be planted in containers that will allow sprouts to grow until transplanted into open ground. Plastic half-liter cups or plastic bottles cut in half work best. If you do not want to injure the root system of cucumbers at all, then you can opt for peat tablets - this is a mixture of peat and soil, pressed into small pucks.​

When to plant cucumber seedlings - watch the climate!

Secrets of a quick harvest

​Timely removal of weeds. The garden bed and other surrounding areas must be kept clean, as many weeds cause bacterial infections.​

​We must not forget about pinching the plant. It promotes branching of the plant, thereby you can get a richer harvest.​

  • ​This article answers the question of how to get an early harvest of cucumbers.​
  • To get early cucumbers, you must first sow the seedlings in cups. You can plant under film at a soil temperature of 16 degrees. It’s better to make a warm bed for cucumbers; the biofuel will decompose and release heat.​

​And if you have enough patience, you are guaranteed a harvest of cucumbers.​

​When the seedlings grow, we very carefully remove them from the plastic cups and plant them in the ground under a greenhouse. In this case, the roots of the seedlings are practically not damaged. To make it easier to remove seedlings from pots, the soil in them should be dry.​

​At the beginning of fruiting, the crop is harvested 2 times a week, and with mass fruiting - every other day, or even every day if possible. If harvesting is done with rarely overgrown greens, this will lead to a significant reduction in the total yield. At each harvest, it is also necessary to remove all ugly and diseased ovaries. The harvest, as a rule, is harvested in the morning, when it is not yet hot in the greenhouse and the greens are well saturated with moisture.​

The soil in the cucumber greenhouse should be constantly moist, but not waterlogged. Both lack and excess of moisture are harmful. At the same time, the ovaries fall off, the leaves die, the fruits become deformed, and the yield decreases. Sharp fluctuations in soil moisture lead to cracking of roots and root rot. In hot weather, you should water every day, using 5 - 10 liters of water per 1 m2, and on cloudy days, watering is carried out only if absolutely necessary. To accelerate fruiting in greenhouse vegetable growing, weak short-term drying of the soil is used at the beginning of fruiting. Before watering cucumbers in a greenhouse, you need to check the condition of the soil.​

Preparing cucumber seeds for planting as seedlings

​Preparation of the greenhouse begins in autumn. Post-harvest residues and the upper soil horizon of 4–5 cm are removed, as pathogens accumulate in it. Wooden parts of greenhouses are disinfected with a strong solution of copper sulfate, and metal parts, if necessary, are painted.​

​Two seeds are placed in each washer or glass at a shallow depth (about 1 centimeter). The soil should be moist and warm. It is very important to keep your plantings at a temperature of at least 22 ° C until sprouts appear. Therefore, many gardeners keep glasses or peat tablets in a well-heated room. Watering, or rather spraying, the soil should be carried out at least twice a week.​ ​Immediately before planting the seeds, these washers are soaked in warm water, causing them to increase in volume by 4–8 times. It is very important to buy the right peat tablets, which also contain soil - cucumber seeds may not germinate at all in peat alone. But in combination with soil, peat provides the root system with a large amount of oxygen and minerals, and also retains moisture well.​​Shelter. At an early stage, you need to cover the crop to protect it from pests. Before flowering begins, the cover must be removed.

​Cucumbers should be fertilized in hot, clear weather, since in cold conditions plants cannot quickly absorb nutrients.​

​Try it as seedlings in cups. ; For germination of cucumber seeds, a temperature of +26-28 is required, for germination of 10 - 15% of seeds at a temperature of +26-28. reduce to 18-20 so that they do not stretch too much; in order for the plant to form female flowers, night temperatures (air) must be kept at +16-17 degrees. for the formation of male flowers 1-2 grams higher. substrate temperature +20-21, transplantation into the ground is carried out when the plant develops 4-5 true leaves,​

  • ​Getting a harvest of early cucumbers in your garden is quite possible.​
  • ​A very important point. There is definitely no need to rush with cucumber seedlings. Cucumbers grow very quickly. And we don’t need overgrown seedlings either.​
  • ​Everyone, as a rule, really wants something that has not yet ripened or is just beginning to sing. And when it’s already ripe for everyone and there’s a lot of it, then you don’t want it so much. And we pay a lot of money for early vegetables and fruits of unknown quality. And the fact that in our country there is a scam at every step is known to everyone. Let me give you a real example. Traders at the market, who have cucumbers from wholesale markets on their shelves, buy fresh cucumbers for their personal use from a trusted local peasant. It doesn't last long on the market with cucumbers. They are already waiting for him there. He brought cucumbers, sold them immediately and left. From this we can conclude that everything local, fresh, early is in high demand and is always in price. But let's get back to cucumbers...​

​It is better to water in the evening, when the water is warm enough. In addition, we must keep in mind that the cucumber fruit grows mainly at night. To ensure that the soil is less compacted during watering and the roots are not exposed, be sure to put a sprinkler on the spout of the watering can or on the end of the hose.​

​The soil in the greenhouse is dug up after organic, mineral fertilizers and lime are applied. Before digging, the following is scattered per 1 m2: 20–25 kg of unrotted manure, 30–40 g of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, and 200–500 g of lime (depending on the acidity level). Nitrogen fertilizers are not applied in the fall; they should only be applied in the spring.​

Preparing seedlings for adulthood

As soon as the first shoots appear, the temperature is reduced by 2-3 degrees and a little is poured into glasses with soil mixture. Pay attention to how much the seedlings stretch - if they are too thin and tall, most likely they do not have enough light. Many gardeners use additional artificial lighting to speed up the process and obtain guaranteed strong seedlings.

​It is very important to plant seeds in moderately moist soil and at a shallow depth - in both cases, the required amount of air will not reach the planting material, which is why the seeds may not hatch at all. Therefore, it is recommended to germinate them before planting. However, this is not the only point in preparing seeds.​

​Do not let the cucumbers become overripe. Depending on the variety, cucumbers can be of different sizes (15-20 centimeters, 20-30 centimeters and others). They also differ in ripening time (from 50 to 70 days). All this must be taken into account when calculating the harvest time.​

Regular harvesting has a positive effect. It increases further stronger fruit formation, helps to grow a high yield, and slows down aging. Cucumbers planted in open ground are harvested once every one or two days.​

​Seeds should be planted in soil, which will be similar in composition to that where the mature seedlings will be planted.​

Planting in open ground

​Can be planted in the ground at the beginning of June. If you want to win a month, sow seedlings at home in May. Plant also not earlier than June. It’s cold at night in May.

  • ​What are the advantages of this:​
  • Let's look at the example of Buyan F1 cucumbers. The period declared by the manufacturer for the first cucumber to appear is 40-45 days. But this is theoretical, if the temperature allows. If the house is warm enough, the seeds will hatch in a maximum of a week. And the seedlings will grow for 2-3 weeks before planting in the ground. Total - 3-4 weeks before disembarkation.​
  • ​In this article we will look at a method for growing cucumbers in open ground as early as possible. The method is quite simple, but effective. The greenhouse method is not considered here, since not everyone has greenhouses. This material will consider a method for producing early cucumbers using greenhouses, or, as they say now, using temporary film shelters.​

​Heavily compacted soil is pierced with a pitchfork. After each watering or fertilizing, the soil is loosened shallowly, since the roots are located too close to the surface. When they begin to come out in the form of white threads, adding fresh nutrient mixture is required. During the season, add 2-3 times in a layer of 1.5 cm.

​If soil preparation is postponed until spring for some reason, then in order to avoid the introduction of infectious agents, it is necessary to apply manure before digging, but not all manure, but only that which has undergone biothermal disinfection.​

Fertilizer and watering - we will surprise our neighbors with the harvest!

In this case, fluorescent lamps are placed above the container with seedlings at a height of about 5-10 cm. The lamp is raised upward as the seedlings grow. You only need two lamps with a power of 40-80 watts. It is not necessary to turn them on in sunny weather; it is enough to illuminate the seedlings from early morning until 10:00, and two hours in the evening - from 16:00 to 18:00. On cloudy days, turn on the lamps all day long.​

​It all starts with the selection of high-quality planting material. To select healthy seeds, soak them for a few minutes in regular, slightly warm water. Then immerse them in a weak solution of table salt and pour from dish to bowl several times. As a result of such manipulations, empty seeds will float, and good ones will remain at the bottom. Those that remain, rinse and dry until free-flowing. This procedure will take you about half an hour, but as a result you will achieve very high germination.​

The harvest should be harvested correctly. It should be done so carefully as not to damage the hinges. To do this, you can use special scissors or pruners.​

Gray rot is one of the most common diseases of cucumbers.

Growing cucumbers in film greenhouses

​Cucumbers are the most heat-loving garden crop grown in central Russia. The yield of the crop is very dependent on heat, light, air humidity and soil fertility. The best temperature for growing is 19-25 degrees Celsius. Low temperatures are very destructive for cucumbers, because already at 15 degrees growth slows down sharply, and at 10 degrees the root system begins to become diseased and the plant dies. Frosts are especially destructive for the crop. Plants should be planted in beds that are not protected from the winds, preferably on the south side, so that they warm up faster in the spring. The crop is planted in highly fertile soil that contains little nitrogen. If the soil is acidic in composition, then it must be limed.​

​and I don’t bother with cucumbers)))​

The harvest ripens 2-4 weeks earlier

​And yet, when to start growing seedlings?​

​All information is provided from practical experience. I did this myself successfully. This method is practiced by our local gardeners. And one of them even put this business on stream - for many years he has been growing early cucumbers in greenhouses for sale.​

​Due to the ability (property) of the film not to allow water vapor to pass through, optimal humidity conditions are created in film greenhouses for the cucumber crop. But at the same time, air stagnation should not be allowed to avoid the spread of diseases. For this purpose, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse daily. It is carried out carefully, only through the upper windows, avoiding drafts. On sunny days at midday, it is useful to make so-called “poultices” by closing the greenhouse for 1.5–2 hours, after which it is ventilated. Drying the air in the greenhouse space should not be allowed, since dry air creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of spider mites.​

Cucumber seedlings for the greenhouse

​In the spring, as soon as the weather permits, the greenhouse is covered with film, and when the soil “ripens”, ridges 20–25 cm high are made. They are placed either lengthwise or crosswise depending on the size of the greenhouse. If it is 2 m wide, then one row is planted to the left and right of the central path. With a greenhouse width of 4 m, there should be 2 paths and 4 rows of planting: one row on the sides and two rows on the central wide ridge. In a row, seedlings are planted every 30–35 cm, that is, 3–3.5 plants are placed per 1 m2 of the greenhouse. With denser planting, the illumination of plants deteriorates significantly.​

Planting: how to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse

If both seeds have sprouted in the glass, the less vigorous sprout can be removed. It is best to sow cucumbers for seedlings with a reserve - in this case, you can choose the strongest plants that have a developed root system, strong stems up to 30 cm in height, dense dark green leaves and short internodes.​ ​Seeds can also be calibrated - simply put , divided into large, medium and small. It is also recommended to plant them in fractions.

Many plants contain cucurbitacins, substances that give fruits a bitter taste. With a high content of these substances, the cucumber becomes very bitter and simply cannot be eaten. There are varieties of cucumbers that do not taste bitter. They contain a special gene that prevents the formation of cucurbitacins. However, if bitterness does get into the cucumber, you can get rid of it by peeling or trimming the cucumber by 2-3 centimeters at the base.

Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse

The main enemy of this crop when grown in open ground is prolonged rains. They contribute to the rapid spread of gray mold. One way to combat this is to tie cucumbers to trellises. To do this, stakes are driven into the ground. A rope is stretched between them, to which cucumber loops are tied.​

​Cucumbers are planted after crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, peas, and onions. Fertilizers are applied to the soil in the fall. Fresh manure, ash or inorganic fertilizers are most suitable for this. The soil for sowing is loosened in the spring.

I plant dry seeds directly on the garden bed.

​As a rule, early cucumbers manage to ripen before outbreaks of mass fungal diseases​

​In our village, people base their garden planting dates on Easter. Early Easter is early spring with returning frosts, late Easter is late spring, usually without frosts. True, there was frost once even in the summer - on June 5.​

​And so, more about getting early cucumbers.​

How to water cucumbers in a greenhouse

​Feeding of cucumbers in a greenhouse is carried out to regulate the concentration and ratio of nutrients in the soil solution in accordance with the requirements of the plants. It is possible to determine exactly what a plant needs only from the results of agrochemical analyzes of soil and plants, which is practically inaccessible to individual gardeners. The mineral nutrition of plants, to some extent, can, however, be judged by their appearance. Thus, with an excess supply of nitrogen, plants “fatten” - they grow wildly, their leaves are intensely green, the upper leaves often curl, budding and flowering are delayed. This is also observed when applying too large doses of fresh manure.​

​Above the rows at a height of about 2 m, wire trellises are stretched, to which the plants are subsequently tied using twine.​

​Don’t forget to check the crop rotation table - cucumbers can be planted after onions, tomatoes, cabbage, as well as all green manure crops. The pumpkin family is a bad predecessor. It is also important to remember that plants with a high need for nutrients cannot be planted in one bed. According to this principle, all garden plants are divided into 3 groups:

​It is much more important to disinfect planting material - this operation will prevent many diseases and attacks by insect pests that can destroy crops​

Feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse

​Cold-resistant: Saltan, Trump Card, Virenta, Maryina Roshcha, Ant, Little Thumb, Grasshopper.​

​Another possible danger is yellowing and falling off of the plant’s ovaries. The reason for this may be waterlogging of the soil or a deficiency of nutrients. To solve the problem, you need to let the soil dry, and then feed it with ash or mineral fertilizers.​

Cucumbers can be planted in two ways: seeds or seedlings.

​I tried to plant both seedlings and dry ones at the same time, until the seedlings took root, the bushes from the seeds are almost catching up...

​After cucumbers, other crops can be grown in this place this season​

So, cucumbers and zucchini are planted with seeds in the ground on Radonitsa, 9 days after Easter. Around this time, it is necessary to plant cucumber seedlings in the ground under a greenhouse. But this is here, in the north of Kuban. Those. We plant seedlings when people begin to sow cucumber seeds en masse in open ground.

​We have been preparing a plot for cucumbers since the fall - we dig it up and fertilize it. We fertilize with what is available. Just remember that cucumbers have a high need for phosphorus and potassium. And you also need to exclude fertilizers containing chlorine. You can find out more in the material about fertilizing vegetables in the garden. If you haven’t fertilized anything, it doesn’t matter. Everything will grow, maybe a little worse.​

Lack of nitrogen leads to poor growth, leaves and other organs first become pale green in color, and then turn yellow and die. Symptoms of nitrogen starvation appear first on the lower leaves. It should be borne in mind that leaves may also turn yellow when shaded. A lack of nitrogen also leads to smaller leaves, shoots and fruits.​

​Cucumber seedlings for a greenhouse can be grown in home gardens or in an already prepared greenhouse with an additional heating source. Seedlings should be planted in unheated film greenhouses no earlier than May 10–15. If planting is early, the planted plants may be subject to frost, which in our area is possible until the first ten days of June (inclusive). In this case, you need to have protective equipment ready.

​with high need;​

​. At first, it is recommended to warm up the seeds - the temperature should not exceed 60 °C. After warming up for three hours, the planting material is dipped for a quarter of an hour in a mixture of potassium permanganate and boric acid dissolved in water. For 10 liters of liquid you need 1 gram of potassium permanganate and 0.2 grams of acid. Then rinse the seeds.

​Early ripening: Gypsy, Valdai, Slobodskoy, Razgulay, Regina, Amur, Plus.​

Early cucumbers in the garden | - Blog about gardening

​Despite all the usefulness, you should not overdo it with feeding cucumbers with organic substances, since if they are in excess, diseases may appear (tobacco mosaic virus, fusarium pathogens and others).​

​Planting is done when the soil has already warmed up thoroughly.​

​and because of the week, I don’t really want to bother with cucumber seedlings)​

​Growing in greenhouses is still cheaper compared to the greenhouse method​

Site preparation and predecessors

​Everything is simple here too. You can purchase a ready-made greenhouse. That’s what it’s called – “cucumber”. But it’s not difficult to do everything yourself. It is enough to find a thick wire, cut it into pieces of about 3 meters and bend it in an arc.​

The best predecessors for cucumbers are onions, garlic, peas, and carrots. This is all clear.​

Variety selection

​In greenhouse vegetable growing, excess phosphorus and potassium are almost never found. Phosphorus starvation in greenhouses is rare. Usually there is enough phosphorus in greenhouse soil, but plants remove little of it from the soil. With a lack of phosphorus, cucumber leaves become small, intensely green in color with a bluish tint. Dried leaves are almost black in color. Plant growth slows down. Similar symptoms also appear with excess moisture and lack of oxygen in compacted soil, as well as with cold weather.​

Growing cucumber seedlings

​Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse​

​with average need;​

Of course, there is a more gentle procedure, however, this will require ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet irradiation reduces the risk of disease and increases seed germination, and has a beneficial effect on the development of young plants. It is necessary to irradiate the seeds from one to five minutes - it all depends on the power of the irradiator. The inconvenience of this method is that then it is necessary to completely exclude contact of the planting material with light, starting from the moment of irradiation and ending directly with planting the seeds in the ground. To do this, gardeners have to stock up on photo paper or plant seeds in the dark.​

​Hybrids with a bouquet arrangement of ovaries: Break, Picnic, Shchedrik, Ant, Ajax, Anyuta, Pechora, Ustyug, Uglich, Okhotny Ryad, Spring.​ ​Following these tips, you can grow and harvest a good harvest of cucumbers without bitterness.​

​In our strip, the soil reaches the required temperature, usually at the end of May. Cucumber seeds are preheated at temperatures above 20 degrees two months before sowing. Before sowing, the seeds must be wetted.

​ps there is no greenhouse either.​

​If you increase the area planted with cucumbers, you can have time to sell cucumbers on the market​

When to plant seeds for cucumber seedlings

​In the place where we stick arcs of wire or thin reinforcement into the ground to a depth of 10-20 cm, the width of the greenhouse should be 1.8-2 m. Then a standard film 3 meters wide will be enough for us to cover the greenhouse. The length of the greenhouse is whatever you like. But on a greenhouse that is too long, it is difficult to handle the film. We install the arcs at a distance of 0.5-0.8 meters. We stretch a rope (twine) along the top of the arcs for additional support for the film. We buy medium density film. Too thin - it breaks instantly, and the densest one is expensive. If any holes appear in the film, seal it with regular tape. If treated well, the film should last at least two years. When the film is stretched, we sprinkle one side with earth. Others - we press something to the ground.​

​There is, of course, a large field for experimentation. You should definitely choose early self-pollinating (parthenocarpic) cucumber hybrids. Nobody knows whether there will be bees in the spring or not, but I want cucumbers. Personally, I successfully used the self-pollinating hybrid Buyan F1. It is characterized by high productivity - up to 13 kg per sq.m. It is early ripening - it produces a harvest in 40-45 days. And most importantly, Buyan F1 is very resistant to unfavorable growing conditions.​

With potassium starvation, symptoms appear first from the edges of the lower leaves. They turn brown, then dry out and the entire leaf dies. This is the so-called marginal burn or “opal”. The growth of internodes stops, and many deformed fruits – “hooks” – appear. It should be noted that “hooks” can also appear when pollination is incomplete.​

- This is a critical stage of work. As soon as the weather permits, and as soon as the soil in the greenhouse has warmed up sufficiently, holes are made in the beds according to the planting scheme. Before planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, the holes are spilled with a warm, weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then with warm water. Seedlings from pots are planted in holes so that the surface of the coma is 1–2 cm above the ground level. The root collar should not touch the ground, where there is always an infection, and it should not suffer from water running off during irrigation. This completes the planting of cucumber seedlings in the greenhouse.

​with low need.​

Arrangement of a greenhouse for cucumbers

​Another way to increase the germination of seeds and stimulate their further growth is to keep them for 3 hours in an infusion of wood ash. The infusion is prepared very simply - add two tablespoons of ash per liter of water. After two days of infusion, the solution is ready for use.

​Extended fruiting period: Buyan, Farmer, Anyuta, Lord.​

​Growing traditional varieties of cucumbers requires a lot of light, high humidity, and most importantly, careful care.​

​The first time after planting seedlings, it is better to keep them in a greenhouse.​

Cucumber care

I only grow it in open ground. We make a warm ridge (grass, earth) early. I pull on the black covering and sow dry seeds in the slots. On top of the arc and covering No. 30. The earliest is at the end of May (depending on the region - Tyumen). And I forget for a while. Under the film there is either a fire or condensation. You need to constantly monitor.​ ​at a very good price​​This simplest greenhouse design is described as a sample. Of course, various options are possible.​

Of course, we grow cucumber seedlings. There is nothing complicated here. Since cucumbers have an extremely delicate root system, we grow them without diving.​

In greenhouses, magnesium starvation is sometimes observed, which manifests itself in the form of interveinal chlorosis. At the same time, the leaves lighten: the tissue between the leaf veins turns yellow, but the veins themselves remain green.​

It is allowed to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse with seeds. However, this increases the time before fruiting begins. Therefore it is rarely used. The planting method is similar to that described for planting seedlings. Only it is not the seedling that is introduced into the hole, but the seeds.​


​Cucumbers belong to the middle group, which means they can be planted in the beds where the first group visited last year. After the cucumbers, crops with low nutrient requirements are planted, and in the fourth year it is advisable to fertilize the bed well with manure and give it a rest from plants altogether. But next year it will be possible to plant the most “gluttonous” crops, such as tomatoes or potatoes.​

The last stage of seed preparation is hardening. This procedure will allow young plants to better tolerate night cold. The hardening process is as follows:​

  • ​Shade-tolerant hybrids: Danila, Moscow Evenings, Arina, Mastak.​
  • ​Water the soil. It is important to provide the required amount of moisture in a timely manner. Cucumbers require 25 to 50 mm of moisture per week. It is necessary to keep the soil slightly moist at all times. Two or three deep waterings per week are sufficient.​
  • ​You shouldn’t bypass preparing the bed for planting. You need to dig a hole to a depth of 40 centimeters and fill it with manure or humus about halfway. The manure is then sprinkled with soil to form a small ridge for easier handling. Next, the seeds are planted on the ridge itself.
  • ​If possible, take fresh manure that has begun to warm up. Make a bed one meter wide, 40-50 cm high, the length depends on your capabilities. Make holes and pour a bucket of good soil into them. Spray everything with water and cover with spunbond (agrofibre). After a couple of days, you can sow cucumbers, or plant those grown in pots. There is no need to open and ventilate the bed. You can water without removing the cover. As the seedlings grow, the shelter must be raised onto the arches. When they bloom during the day, open for pollination. I roll the spunbond into 4 layers (it’s thin).​
  • ​That's all. Regards, Alexey. I wish you a rich harvest!​​We install the greenhouse in advance, when warm sunny days begin, so that the earth warms up well under it.​

There is a lot of information on the Internet about growing seedlings. You just need to use the search via Yandex or Google. And they often write in such a way that this is almost a whole science and you need to devote a lot of time to it. But I think many people have enough worries besides cucumbers. That's why we keep everything simple.​

When can I plant cucumber seeds in the ground? I want early cucumbers, but I don’t have a greenhouse. Can I cover them with film? Tell me.


​Having noticed symptoms of a lack of certain elements, it is necessary to feed them. To ensure that there is always a supply of nutrients in the soil, the first fertilizing should be done 25–30 days after planting the seedlings, that is, at the very beginning of fruiting. In the future, fertilizing is carried out every 7 - 10 days. To fertilize, you can use commercially available mineral fertilizers: ammonium nitrate, urea, ammophos, superphosphate, etc. It is undesirable to use potassium chloride and potassium salt, since cucumber reacts negatively to chlorine. The best potassium fertilizers for cucumbers are potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate) or potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate), which contains both potassium and nitrogen. The composition of complex fertilizers includes the main nutritional elements - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and some of them contain magnesium (Kemira) and microelements (PUM-1).​


Caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse consists of forming a bush, watering, fertilizing and timely pinching. A cucumber is formed into one stem. 3–5 days after planting, the seedlings are tied to trellises. As the plants grow, the stem is regularly twisted around the twine at each internode. Branching and vegetative growth are limited by pinching.​


Planting peat discs with plants in the ground is as easy as shelling pears - you just need to prepare a hole of the required depth. You will have to tinker with the cups - some people lightly shake the seedlings out of the cups, turning them upside down, some prefer to cut the cups. After planting, water the seedling bed. Now start preparing the support - cucumbers will produce a good harvest if they can climb, which is why they are often planted near the fence.​


The seeds are placed in a damp cloth and kept at a temperature of about 20 ° C until several seeds hatch.

Tatyana B

​Many people believe that a greenhouse is almost the only option to get a harvest before anyone else. However, greenhouse cucumbers are not as tasty, and this is a troublesome task. There is a much easier way to get an early harvest - planting seeds for seedlings. Seedlings not only speed up the appearance of the first cucumbers, but also significantly increase the duration of fruiting. For residents of cold northern regions with short summers, this method is perfect.​


​Mulching. Mulch accelerates the appearance of fruits and increases yield. It helps retain moisture in the soil and suppresses the growth of weeds.​


​In the early stages of planting, it is better to protect the plants with film in the morning from possible frosts or grow the plants in a greenhouse.​


​It’s better to make a high bed. For cucumbers, it is very important that the roots are warm.


​It depends on where you live​
How to care for cucumbers is described in the material
One greenhouse does not require many seedlings. It all fits on one windowsill on the sunny side of the house. 1-2 packs of seeds are enough.​
​Good results are achieved by fertilizing with completely soluble ballast-free complex fertilizers such as crystallin or crystallon (with different ratios of macro- and microelements). Depending on the phase and condition of the plants, different brands are used. Magnesium sulfate and microelements are available in tablets.​
​Varieties grown in film greenhouses are formed according to approximately the same scheme. The crown of the main stem is pinched when the stem outgrows the trellis by 20–30 cm. The side shoots (braids) emerging from the leaf axils on the main stem are pinched in different ways. The lower 2-3 axils are “blinded”, that is, they pluck out the side shoots located in them, as well as all male and female flowers. The lower ovaries grow very slowly, are often ugly and only draw nutrients onto themselves, inhibiting the vegetative growth of the entire plant as a whole. The next 5-6 side shoots located at the bottom of the stem must be pinched above each first leaf (calculating only one fruit on each shoot). In the middle part of the stem, shoots are pinched already above the second leaf (for 2 fruits), and in the upper part near the trellis - above the third leaf (for 3 fruits).


​A few words about the rules of watering and feeding cucumbers. Basically, they constantly require three groups of microelements: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. While the plant is at the seedling stage, it primarily needs nitrogen and potassium. When cucumbers begin to bear fruit, potassium comes first, followed by nitrogen and phosphorus. There are many complex ready-made solutions.​

Valentin Shvetsov

​Then place the rag with the seeds on the top, coldest shelf of the refrigerator.​


​Surely, you know the climate of your region. Before planting seeds for seedlings, count about two weeks until the most optimal time for planting seedlings in the ground - on these days the air temperature at night should not fall below 12 °C. The maximum that you can keep seedlings in cups is 30 days, after which they need to be planted urgently, otherwise they will simply stop growing, whether in a container for seedlings or in the open ground. April-May - during these months, seeds are most often planted for seedlings.​

Early cucumber variety

Taking into account the experience of other gardeners and gardeners, in 2016 I conducted my own experiment on growing early vegetables in an unheated greenhouse. I started picking cucumbers on May 9, and by the end of May there were already so many of them that I was treating my relatives to them!


I live in a private house in the Leningrad region. Spring turned out to be cold and cloudy. I made some changes for the 2017 season, I am writing with them in mind.

My main criteria when growing crops:

  • chemistry - only to a minimum, if there is no other way;
  • what has already been produced should be used as many times as possible;
  • make the most of the sun's energy, because to get any other, something somewhere needs to be burned and harm nature.

Polycarbonate greenhouse 3x6 m, with a path in the middle. Initially, the beds were made warm. The height in relation to the paths is 15-20 cm. The path is laid out from used bricks - as soon as the sun comes out, they heat up. Next to the greenhouse there is a pond fenced off by a small fence, where the water drainage from the roof of the house is drained. Several crucian carp are cleaning the pond. In addition to watering, the reservoir performs two more functions:

  • takes on the cold slightly during freezing (the surface of the water is warmer during the day);
  • it is very convenient to wash and rinse all containers emptied of seedlings. In February, on the door and window of one side of the greenhouse, closing all the cracks, I tape double-sided black and white film from the inside with the white side inward. The white side reflects the sun's rays into the greenhouse.

Due to the dark side, the film itself heats up, attracting the sun's rays.

The next source of heat is a large number of 5-liter bottles of water, placed in black bags and placed around the perimeter of the greenhouse. If necessary, the black bags can be easily removed and I water the plants with warm water. I take water for bottles either from a pond, or I melt snow in buckets in a greenhouse in February.


Boxes 60 cm high and 100 cm long were made onto the bed on both sides of the greenhouse to further attract the sun's rays and heat them. There are hooks at the top along the perimeter of the boxes so that bottles of water can be hung on them in early March. I filled one box to the top in the fall like a classic compost heap.

The waste was sprinkled with earth from the previous box and spilled with EM. The top layer is 20 cm of soil from the box. I also put buckets of soil in it (I will use it for seedlings in the spring). I covered everything with black covering material.

I tied it with tights cut into “stockings”. They are like rubber bands, very ripening. On the second door with a window, I hang extra white covering material and close the doors so as to cover all the cracks. It's still cold outside, but the box is warm enough to plant home-grown cucumbers in.

It will take 2-3 weeks for the seedlings to take root. And there the warmth necessary for growth will come. I plant a salad cucumber in a box. At home, in case of very severe frosts, I plant another one. I place early seedlings in cassettes around the cucumber and water them. I cover the box with bubble wrap, then regular film on top and tighten it tightly with tights. On frosty nights you can cover it with something else. Due to the layer of air under the bubble film, it is warmer.

I made the second box specifically for seedlings. It has better growing conditions than at home. In July I will plant a salad cucumber in it again, and it will grow until frost. The cucumber grows like a good tree, but it does not shade other plants, because I tie it up with the same “ropes” from tights.

I think tights are the best garters for cucumbers and tomatoes. Due to their elasticity, they stretch well, do not injure plants, and can be easily untied if necessary.


After harvesting, I clear the beds, sweep them, sprinkle them with phytosporin, and sow green manure. I wash the greenhouse and hang empty open bottles from the roof using the same tights ropes. In the spring I will light a saber and everything that is not frozen will die.

As soon as the green manure grows, I fill the beds with ash, eggshells, onion peels, feathers and spill EM. I sprinkle with earth from the box. And there is no need to change the soil! Saves a lot of effort and money. I'm moving the box to another place.

My tomatoes also grow in mini compost heaps. I cut off the bottom of the buckets. Since the fall, I have been placing them in a checkerboard pattern in two rows between the boxes and on adjacent beds with the wide side up. First, I dig a hole under the bucket, half a bayonet high, and fill it with fresh compost heap. I spill EM.

And I fill the bucket itself with the contents from the finished box. I cover the bucket with a black bag so that the soil does not dry out.

In winter, I scatter snow around the greenhouse a couple of times. In the spring, I put a bottle of water under the bag next to the bucket. When the time comes, I make a hole at the top of the bag, plant a tomato, and close it with a bottle with the bottom cut off.

2-3 of the earliest plants can be covered with something else. I plant shorter-growing tomatoes in the row near the wall. Since the plants in buckets are located on a hill, the boxes do not shade them at all. Due to the fact that the boxes and buckets change their location each time, as well as due to their constant filling, the soil in the greenhouse is not depleted. Between the buckets I lay out cardboard egg boxes with the bottoms cut off. I pour a handful of earth into each hole, put 1-2 seeds (dill, radish, etc.), water it, sprinkle it with earth, and tap it down.

Grass does not grow from under the cardboard, moisture is retained, the distance between plants is maintained, cardboard, when wet, itself becomes fertilizer - some advantages!

Even if you are not on the site where the greenhouse is located all year round, a box that is ready and covered in the fall will prepare warm soil for you to plant early vegetables.

I also highly recommend the following method for gartering berry bushes: in the center there is a pipe with hooks on it. Each branch is tied with a separate twine, and the loop is placed on the hook. When collecting and processing, it is very convenient to lift each branch by a string onto such hooks.

Cucumbers: early harvest without hassle

An early and generous harvest of crispy cucumbers is the dream of any gardener. How to achieve this? Experts and readers will share their tips on caring for seedlings planted in greenhouses and under temporary shelters.

Advised by Dmitry ROMANKOV, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Podo-Vegetable Horticulture at the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.

  1. Sometimes, after planting seedlings in the ground, they turn yellow - this is how plants can react to stress: the soil and air are not warmed up enough. To adapt them to new conditions, treat the seedlings with a biostimulant (Isabion, Megafol, Kendal, Ecosil, Zircon, Epin or Epin-extra). Such spraying will also help in the summer if the weather is contrasting.
  2. You can start feeding 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. The first time - with nitrogen fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate), then - according to the instructions, with a complex fertilizer, which contains all three main nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
  3. Cucumbers need ventilation, but they cannot tolerate sudden changes in temperature and drafts, so ventilate the greenhouses with them carefully, opening one side at a time.
  4. Water the cucumbers often, but in small doses (on average up to 0.5 buckets per 1 sq.m.) and only with warm water.
  5. It has been noticed that untimely harvesting of cucumbers delays the formation of new fruits. Therefore, for a generous harvest during mass fruiting, collect cucumbers every 1-2 days.

TIP: Cucumber, like many other vegetables, does not tolerate chlorine, so in the summer, chlorine-free potassium fertilizers are used as a source of potassium: instead of potassium chloride, it is better to take potassium magnesium, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, nitrophoska, liquid complex fertilizers, and ash.


Many gardeners do not have heated greenhouses and greenhouses, so they are forced to use window sills, loggias and other unsuitable places to obtain seedlings. We asked Svetlana SHIRYAEV, an agronomist at the Research Institute of Protected Soil Vegetable Growing, to tell us how cucumber seedlings can be grown in such conditions.

You can start growing cucumber seedlings if the windows face the south, or at least the south-east or south-west. High and long-lasting illumination is the basis for obtaining high-quality planting material. But if your windows face north, then it is better to abandon such an idea, or you will have to provide good lighting.


After the vegetable grower has chosen the desired variety or hybrid, his attention should focus on the seeds. Popular wisdom says: “from the seed comes the fruit.” Remember that the size of the harvest and the timing of its arrival on the table depend on the quality of the seeds, so choose only the best. Before sowing, the seeds must be sorted, selecting large, full-bodied, undamaged ones, and throwing away puny, broken and ugly ones.

In general, cucumber seeds remain viable for 5-6 years; 3-4 year olds are most productive. Next, you need to determine the required number of seeds. It depends on the planting density: in a greenhouse for bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids there are 2.5-3.5 plants per 1 square meter. meter, for parthenocarpics - 2.5-3.0, in open ground - 3-4. For insurance, it is advisable to sow 10-15% more seeds.


F 1– valued for the duration and stability of fruiting.Ideal for gherkins and pickles! Cold-resistant, parthenocarpic hybrid with complex disease resistance. Up to eight cylindrical white-thorned fruits weighing 100 g in one node! Genetic absence of bitterness.

Lilliputian F 1 - the smallest cucumberwith a bouquet of 10 fruits in each node! The fruits are dark green, often tuberculate. The hybrid has complex disease resistance. Its peculiarity: to obtain pickles and gherkins, harvesting should be done daily.

Mu Mu F 1 – the easiest to grow, minimum shaping, unique pickling qualities! There are 4-6 black-thorned greenies in one node. The fruits have unique pickling qualities: crispy, aromatic, tasty, and do not lose their properties when canned. The hybrid is resistant to powdery mildew, olive spot, relatively resistant to downy mildew and root rot. Productivity – 6-7 kg per plant.

Berendey F 1 – completely universal! Early ripening, 3-4 fruits per node, dense crispy aromatic pulp, dark green color of the fruits. The fruits are used universally (salting, pickling, preparing fresh salads). It has unique shade tolerance and is perfect for growing on a windowsill, balcony, or loggia. From one plant you can get a bucket (about 8 kg!) of magnificent crispy cucumbers .

red mullet F 1 – friendly harvest yield, universal use! Early ripening parthenocarpic hybrid with predominantly female flowering type. The uniform yield of the harvest produces up to 8-10 fruits at the nodes on the main shoot. The fruits are used universally (fresh, for pickling, pickling). The yield of one plant is 6.0-7.0 kg.


To obtain early production, you cannot do without seedlings. It is very important to correctly calculate the time for sowing seeds. The time for sowing cucumber seedlings should be counted from the date of its intended planting in open ground or in a greenhouse. Late sowing leads to a delay in development and forced use of undergrown plants, and too early sowing leads to elongated ones.

The optimal age of cucumber seedlings is 20-25 days from germination. Usually in the Yaroslavl region it is planted in open ground when the threat of frost has passed, that is, in early June. Therefore, cucumber seeds should be sown for seedlings no earlier than the beginning of May.

But if you plan to grow this crop in a film greenhouse or in a greenhouse under non-woven material, then the planting dates are shifted to mid-May. This means that sowing should begin in the second or third ten days of April.


Cucumbers do not tolerate transplantation well, so prepared seeds, preferably germinated, are sown directly into glasses filled with peat humus - plastic, made of thick film without a bottom with a diameter of 8-10 cm and the same height, but 6-7 cm is possible. The nutrient mixture is poured into pots 1 cm below the edge. You can buy it at the store or make it yourself.

Mixtures of the following compositions are used (components are given in parts):

  • lowland peat – 5-7, humus – 3;
  • humus – 1, turf or garden soil – 2;
  • peat – 5, humus – 1, sawdust – 1;
  • humus – 4, turf soil – 2, sawdust – 1;
  • peat – 6, turf or garden soil – 1, humus – 1, mullein – 1;
  • low-lying peat – 3, turf soil – 2, rotted compost from household waste, plant residues and waste – 4, sawdust or coarse sand – 1.

Then the mixture is poured with warm water, a dimple of 1.5-2.0 cm is made in the center of the glass and two sprouted or dry seeds are placed in it and covered with earth. After sowing, the pots are watered again, but carefully so as not to wash the seeds. Cover with film and maintain the temperature at 25-28°C; when shoots appear, remove the cover and reduce the temperature to 18-20°C. Further, the temperature regime is as follows: in sunny weather during the day up to 22-25°C, on cloudy days and at night up to 20-22°C.

During the growing of seedlings, add soil or a nutrient mixture under the plants once or twice. The first feeding is carried out during the formation of the second true leaf (5-10 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water). To increase the cold resistance of seedlings, a second feeding should be done before planting (15-30 g of potassium sulfate and 40-60 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water). 5-7 days before planting, the plants begin to harden by taking them out into the open air (for example, a balcony) or ventilating the room.

The seedlings must be leveled, which will ensure uniform growth and development of plants after planting and make it easier to care for the crop. Weak, ugly plants, specimens with a weak root system are discarded. Standard seedlings should be squat, with short internodes, 25-30 cm high, with 5-6 true dark green leaves and a well-developed root system. It is recommended to plant cucumber seedlings vertically, which can only be done with standard seedlings. Planting is carried out carefully, since seedlings are very sensitive to damage.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Often, when we see a beautiful flower, we instinctively bend down to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, healthy qualities and rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to prepare this dish at home, there is nothing difficult in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. It requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. The chickpeas must first be soaked in plenty of cold water for several hours, preferably overnight; the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb cannot be found in every garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - a cucumber sandwich, a chicken sandwich, a cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for an outdoor picnic. Just fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late ones - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious “background” plants of sansevieria do not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months of the garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balanced distribution of favorable and unfavorable days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious ones and with interesting, non-trivial foliage colors. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To fulfill my dream of a low-maintenance garden, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.