Repair Design Furniture

Mini homemade from a motor. Purely male occupations: what can be done from a motor? A more advanced homemade engine for studying electromagnetic phenomena

A compact homemade mini drill can be used to drill printed circuit boards if you suddenly decide to assemble some. In addition, it is useful for ordinary household purposes, if there is a need to drill a small hole in a wooden board or plastic. It is much more convenient to work with such a tool than with a large drill or screwdriver, since the mini version is much lighter and more compact, which allows you to do small work faster and better. Next, we will tell you how to make a mini drill from a motor with your own hands, providing photo instructions and visual video examples.

Method number 1 - Second life to an old tape recorder

As you understand, the first version of a home-made mini drill will be made from a time-forgotten CD recorder. All you need from the former hit of sales is a motor that will rotate the chuck with the tool. Since the device is powered by 6 volts, you will additionally have to find an appropriate power supply or several batteries. You can use a usb adapter, but the power will be slightly reduced in this case. In addition, you need to buy a collet yourself (sold in any radio store or on the market, on the Internet on AliExpress, the price is low) and find a suitable case for homemade work, although this is not necessary, you can hold the tool directly by the motor.

So, in order to independently make a mini drill from a motor at home, you must follow these steps:

That's the whole technology of assembling the device with your own hands. As you can see, making a microdrill out of a motor is not at all difficult, even for a novice electrician. The only drawback of such a device is the low strength of a thin drill. If you drill holes that are not at right angles, it will break immediately, so be careful and buy a few spare drills for practice.

A very important point that you should be aware of is that in order for the drill to spin in the opposite direction, just swap the wires! You can watch an interesting video instruction on how to make a simple drill below:

A simple drill from improvised means

Method number 2 - Coil in motion!

Another original way to make a mini drill at home is using a fishing rod reel. In this case, the assembly technology is quite simple, but the principle of operation itself will already be based on mechanical rotation, you will get a mini hand drill

To make a device with your own hands, you will need:

  • spinning coil;
  • a cartridge from an old drill or a collet clamp of a suitable size;
  • hot melt or cold welding;
  • drill.

The assembly process is quite simple and consists of only two steps. First of all, you need to dismantle the spool with fishing line and cut off the remaining excess axis.
After that, the cartridge is glued to the remaining stem. You can do without a cartridge and install a collet instead. When the glue hardens, you can check the finished mini drill. You can see all the assembly details in this video example:

How to make a micro drill from a coil yourself

Method #3 - The Antiperspirant Idea

Well, the last version of a homemade mini drill that we would like to provide to readers is using a cassette motor and an antiperspirant container. The advantage of this model is that it is controlled by a separate on / off button and has a convenient case. Such a homemade product will be powered by a conventional power supply, which must be selected based on the characteristics of the motor.

So, first you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • a motor from a tape recorder;
  • suitable collet with a drill;
  • used antiperspirant;
  • RCA jack for power supply and a counterpart for it;
  • power unit;
  • switch from an old carrier.

First of all, you need to make a mini drill according to the instructions provided at the very beginning: put the collet on the shaft and fasten it with bolts. Next, the motor housing is installed in an antiperspirant. As you can see from the photo, the dimensions are ideal for installing the part. If the motor has free play inside the housing, secure it with duct tape and hot melt adhesive.

After that, in the top cover you need to drill a hole for the exit of the collet or the drill itself. At the same time, you need to make a hole in the bottom for the power connector. Using a clerical knife, you must also cut out a window for the switch, then solder all the elements of the circuit in series and install them in a place convenient for you.

The advantage of this version of a homemade mini drill is easy operation, small size and stylish appearance. We recommend doing this option at home, because it is the most convenient, safe and at the same time affordable.

An overview of various creation ideas

Examples for inspiration

Above, we have provided 3 of the most popular options for a homemade micro drill for drilling printed circuit boards. On the forums, we found some more original ideas that may inspire you to make your own, unique homemade.

So, to your attention a photo of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bparts for creating a mini drill with your own hands at home:

  1. Glue gun handle for easy operation. The motor is taken from an old Canon printer. Power is supplied from a conventional charger.

  2. The second life of the hair dryer. According to the inventor, this homemade product is assembled on the basis of a motor from a conventional household hair dryer, which means it does not require special power supplies and has high power. However, do not forget about the danger of mains voltage, so you need a reliable case and isolation of all connections. Similarly, you can make a device from an old blender, leaving the handle intact.

  3. Toothbrush for drilling circuit boards. The next idea is to use a toothbrush as a mini drill. There are already batteries and a motor, you just need to cut off the upper part and install a collet nozzle.

  4. A plastic bottle can also be successfully used as a housing for a homemade drill, and a collet chuck perfectly replaces a special sleeve, an analogue of which is in the wire terminals.

  5. Another option with a toggle switch for easy control. In this case, to drill holes on the seals, you will not need to constantly connect the power plug to the outlet. In addition, a comfortable handle will make the drilling process more comfortable.

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to make a mini drill from a motor with your own hands. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and there are an unlimited number of ideas for assembling. We hope that our photo examples and video instructions were useful and interesting for you. In addition, you can assemble a microdrill on your own using an old DVD drive, a screwdriver, an electric razor, and even a motor from a washing machine!

In this material, we present to your attention an overview of the video on the manufacture of cars with a motor.

So, we need:
- a 3-volt motor from a cassette player;
- 3 finger batteries;
- metal washer;
- electrical tape;
- toy car.

At the very beginning, we note that the author advises using a machine in which there is a mechanism that moves it forward after rolling back.

We disassemble the machine, and cut out the mechanism mentioned above.

We take out the gear from the mechanism and glue it to the motor with a glue gun.

There should be another small gear on the shaft. The motor must be glued so that the large gear touches the small one.

We connect 3 batteries in series so that the minus of the middle battery is connected to the pluses of the extreme ones. Contacts can be connected using metal washers. Batteries can be connected to each other with electrical tape.

We assemble the body of the machine, not forgetting to remove the wires coming from the motor.

We connect the negative wire from the motor to the negative on the last battery.

Next, take another wire and connect it to the positive contact of the second extreme battery.

We install the block of batteries on the roof of the machine.

In order for the motor to work and the machine to move, you need to connect the positive wire coming from the motor with the wire that is connected to the positive terminal of the battery.

It is not a problem for a master dreamer to make something useful out of unusable children's toys or household appliances. And it is good that many electrical appliances become obsolete and break down. It makes no sense to give such things for repair - it's easier to buy something new. And the true "homemade" is just waiting for this. They immediately have a whole bunch of ideas that require immediate implementation.

The second life of children's toys

There are times when a self-propelled toy shatters. Probably, in order to calm the child, you urgently need to buy a new one? Not necessarily. You just need to start the process of family-wide creative thinking. And for this, remove the remaining good parts from the broken machine along with the motor. Then collect all the toys in the house and opt for the one that can be revived again. Probably, school knowledge in physics, chemistry and electrical engineering will be needed here.

Repair of an old helicopter

An old forgotten helicopter with a worthless engine and broken blades, which had long been lying on the mezzanine, suddenly caught my eye. He apparently waiting for his finest hour and now with pleasure he showed the white and blue sides with the half-erased inscription "USSR-0098".

These things need to be handled with care. The old man does not like fuss. You will have to carefully remove the remains of the large main screw by unscrewing a few small screws. To get into the engine compartment, you need to remove the plastic box for the batteries from below. The engine is held on by three bolts and has, as expected, two wires “plus” and “minus”, which are connected through the microcircuit block to the power switch. All this must be carefully soldered and unscrewed.

Pulling the engine out into the world, you need to inspect it and compare it with the motor from the machine. The fact is that 250-270 rpm is enough to create lift. and power 1 - 2 watts. The difference in the characteristics of the engines was small. Then you can safely put a fresh engine on the helicopter. And then go to the model store for a brand new main rotor. When everything is ready, they test the repaired rotorcraft in the presence of the entire creative family.

According to the same scheme, modern children's models of helicopters are being repaired. Only now they are radio-controlled, and therefore you have to fork out for a control panel, on which the rotor speed and helicopter speed depend.

New toy car engine

In order to make a small car for children, you need: wheels, the car body itself, wires, a control panel, a variety of electronic boards and a motor. With all this goodness, they begin to create a model. There is no need to look for an engine, as it is already there. The car body itself make your own hands made of wood or plastic and decorate to your taste. Good for those craftsmen who have a small 3D printer in the house that will build any shape of the model.

Often the machine is made quite simply. They take a long-abandoned small children's car with wheels, take it apart to the screw and try to automate it with the help of a ready-made motor. In this case, glue, electrical tape, small gears from watches, gearboxes from old models and much more are used. And people for whom such fun has become a real hobby often achieve great success in homemade products from a motor.

When several new models of children's cars have been made and tested, it remains to do a common good. It is necessary to design a fan that would freshen the air and catch up with new ideas. For this you need just a few items at hand. Namely:

  • a motor from a children's toy (nowhere without it);
  • CD discs pieces 6-7;
  • plastic cork from a bottle;
  • cardboard tube about 10 cm high and 3 - 4 cm in diameter;
  • switch;
  • glue.

Production begins with cutting the disk into 8 equal parts from the edge to the center, not reaching about 1.5 cm from the hole. Then the resulting sections must be turned out with one edge outward to make the blades. The manufactured disk is put on a cork, inside which a hole is made for landing on a motor.

Now they are making a leg and a stand. The cardboard tube will easily come off the leg. Inside it will hide the wires and batteries. The remaining few discs can serve as an excellent stand. All this is well glued and painted in different shades. The fan is ready to work.

Motor boat

In order for the child not to hang out at the computer for days, he needs to be gradually accustomed to making various and interesting things that he can make with his own hands. Spring is coming, streams will run, and you will need a small boat, which will symbolize the coming long-awaited warmth.

Necessary materials the child will find in his room. Needed here:

  • finger batteries 3 pieces;
  • polystyrene, electrical tape, glue;
  • a motor from a CD drive or a toy;
  • plastic cap from a lemonade bottle;
  • two pieces of plastic and iron washers.

The first step is to make a propeller. Slots for the blades are prepared in the cork. Flat ice cream sticks are the finished blades of the future boat. Then a hole is made in the cork to fit this screw onto the motor. All of this is well glued. The power plant is ready.

Next, the shape of the ship is cut out of the foam. The front of the boat is made triangular, a place for a propeller with a motor is prepared at the stern, and a recess for batteries is needed in the middle. Everything is connected and glued. They are testing in the bathroom and looking forward to the first spring puddles.


This is the most exciting toy created and tested by a child. On the ground, such a machine moves on wheels, and on the water in a special boat. It is made in 2 - 3 hours.

Necessary materials:

Make a power plant. It is an engine with a propeller. The blades are cut using the neck of the bottle.

Should be a rose. The photo shows that then it is wound on a cork attached to the motor.

Then they make the running gear. To do this, use a skewer. Plugs are put on it, which serve as wheels. They attach everything to a square bottle, inside which the batteries are placed. Connect with wires according to the electrical diagram. Glider is ready. If desired, you can replace the plastic propeller with a stiffer one. Then the driving performance of such a machine will be appreciated not only by the designer himself, but also by his friends.

crawling robot

Making a robot takes only a few hours. It's not quite the robot that people imagine. He does not walk, does not swim, but randomly crawls on a smooth surface. This effect is created due to the imbalance of the rotation of the rotor of the motor. For real cars, this leads to a tragic accident, but here it causes only a smile.

So, to create a robot, you need a motor and a battery. A small oblong piece of foam or foam board is put on the engine axle and glued. This serves as a destabilizer. At the very end of it attach a decorative light element.

A battery is installed on top of the motor and pasted over with various interesting details. They make him legs out of toothbrushes, eyes out of balls, decorate with colored wire or paper clips, and so on. When turned on, there is a significant vibration of the engine, which makes the toy crawl randomly.

Other ideas

In addition to all of the above, motors are used in homemade products such as minidrills and drills. In such devices, unnecessary details are not needed. They have one task - to rotate the fixed drill.

To do this, a collet or ordinary chuck is selected on the axis of the motor, which will clamp a small drill. Then solder the wires from the engine to the batteries through the switch. When the assembled device has successfully worked, it is placed in an antiperspirant case or some other that is most suitable for a motor with batteries. This little gadget fits in the palm of your hand. The switch is always located under the thumb.

Such devices are necessary for radio amateurs for drilling holes in printed circuit boards. They can also be used by master cabinetmakers who are engaged in fine three-dimensional woodcarving. Only instead of a drill, they insert a micro-finger cutter for sampling and grinding hard-to-reach places.

As you can see, with a little imagination and diligence, a child with the help of his parents can create truly original toys and other useful things.

The need for a miniature tool exists where a person is engaged in the manufacture of souvenirs, models of ships and aircraft, small technical components and parts.

Miniaturization goes in two ways. The first option involves the manufacture of only miniature tools - disks, cutters, etc. The second option provides for the manufacture of a grinding tool based on miniature electric motors.

First option - Using a drill + (Video)

The first option has a simpler solution. Let's say you need to make a miniature grinding wheel that will be installed in a drill or screwdriver. To do this, we can take a broken disk. On it, using a caliper, we draw a circle of the required size. Then, along the drawn circle, we cut out the future miniature disk. In its center we drill a hole into which we insert a bolt with a diameter of 6 mm. We put on the washer from below and tighten the nut.

The bolt will be the axis of rotation of the disk. We insert it into the chuck of a drill or screwdriver and clamp it. With this tool, you can cut materials in hard-to-reach places or having small dimensions. You can grind finished parts.

It is easy to make a miniature cutter for cutting small parts from plastic or wood. To do this, take an ordinary tin cork from a glass bottle. In the center of it we make a hole for installing the axis. The same bolt with a diameter of 6 mm can serve as the axis. Align the edges of the cork and cut out the teeth. It is desirable to make a minimum markup.

Such a cutter, loaded into a drill or a screwdriver, can easily cut small wooden planks, for example, for modeling. Plastics also lend themselves to this simple tool.

The second option - Self-assembly + (2 videos)

If the task is to make a miniature tool with your own hands, then you must initially select an electric drive. As an electric drive, a motor from various devices is suitable - a printer, an old cassette recorder, or from an ordinary children's electrified toy.

Depending on the power of the electric motor, you can build a mini grinder in two directions. The first direction is the use of a mains power supply. For example, from an old mobile phone. The second direction provides for a fully autonomous model of a motor that will be powered by batteries or accumulators.

The difference between the two directions is in the hull design. In the first case, space is required only for the electric motor, and in the second, it will be necessary to install a battery compartment.

It is very convenient to use a piece of PVC pipe for the case. If its diameter is slightly larger than the diameter of the electric motor, then electrical tape can be wound on the motor. You can fix the engine with a glue gun.

As plugs, you can use corks that are put on PVC pipes during transportation and storage. In the front plug it is necessary to make a hole for the motor shaft, and in the back plug for the power wire. On the case it is necessary to fix the power connector and the switch.

The ideal option would be the ability to mount some kind of collet clamp on the shaft. This will allow you to use standard burs, drills and non-standard mini cutters and discs. If you cannot install the collet, you can connect the shaft and the cutting tool using a double contact from the electrical block.

In a similar way, you can make a case for a mini self-powered grinder. Only after installing the engine in it, it is necessary to install the battery pack. The wires from the batteries will be connected through a switch mounted on the case.

In both cases, on mini grinders, you can use both home-made tools and standard industrial tools - burs and drills.

The idea was born to make a mini fountain myself. The design of the fountain itself is a separate story, and this article will discuss how to make a pump for circulating water with your own hands. This topic is not new and has already been described more than once on the Internet. I'm just showing my implementation of this design. If anyone is too lazy to do it, then such pumps are sold on Aliexpress in the region of 400 rubles (price for February 2016).

So let's get started. A nasal drop bottle was used as the body. Who cares, I will write the dimensions of some parts. So, the inner diameter of the bubble is 26.6 mm, the depth is 20 mm. A hole slightly larger than the diameter of the motor shaft is drilled in it from the back side, and a hole for water outlet (4 mm in diameter) is drilled on the side. A tube is attached to it first with superglue, and then with hot glue, through which water will subsequently rise to the top of the fountain. Its diameter is 5 mm.

We also need a front cover. I drilled a 7mm hole in the center of it. All body is ready.

A hole for the shaft is drilled in the base. The diameter of the base, you know, should be less than the diameter of the body. I have about 25 mm. In fact, it is not needed at all and is used only for strength. The blades themselves can be seen in the photo. Made from the same box and cut to the diameter of the base. I glued everything with superglue.

The motor will drive the impeller. It was taken out, most likely, from some kind of toy. I don’t know its parameters, so I didn’t raise the voltage more than 5 V. The main thing is that the engine should be "smarter".

I tried another with a speed of 2500 rpm, so he raised the column of water very low. Next, you need to collect everything and seal it well.

And now the tests. When powered at 3 V, the current consumption is 0.3 A in load mode (that is, immersed in water), at 5 V - 0.5 A. The height of the water column at 3 V is 45 cm (rounded down). In this mode, he left it in the water for an hour.

The test went well. How long it will last is a good question that only time can answer. When powered by 5 volts, the water rises to a height of 80 cm. All this can be seen on the video.


Separately, about the noise. On land it is quite audible. Under water at 3 V in complete silence, very little noise is heard from the pump. You can't hear him at all over the rushing water. So we can conclude that for the fountain, and for others, it is quite suitable. was with you SssaHeKkk.

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