Repair Design Furniture

Which mattress is better springless or with springs. Which is better - spring or springless mattress? Cheat sheet comparing spring and springless mattresses

Choosing a mattress is a responsible matter. And lately it has become even more difficult. Even in this area, technology does not stand still, so more and more varieties appear. And basically all of them are aimed at making your rest and sleep more comfortable. However, the most comfortable sleeping place at first glance can be harmful to health. Too soft materials harm the spine, and this is especially dangerous for children. But the main question that arises when buying is which mattress to choose, spring or springless. Which one is better and how exactly they differ - let's try to figure it out.

Varieties of spring mattresses

It is not enough just to decide which mattress to choose - spring or springless. There are several varieties of each type.

Types of spring mattresses are determined by the design of the actual springs.

  • The first type is products consisting of blocks. They are also called dependencies. And one more name - "Bonnel", that is, continuous weaving. The essence of this design is that the springs are connected into a single mesh. This manufacturing technology is the oldest. Such products are inexpensive, but they have a significant drawback - all springs are of the same stiffness. Because of this, mattresses do not have any orthopedic properties. In addition, due to the uneven distribution of the load, they quickly become unusable.
  • Another type is a mattress with independent springs. The parts are not interconnected, and each of them is additionally protected by a special coating. And although the springs in this version are made from the same materials as for Bonnel type mattresses, they usually have a different diameter (slightly smaller) and the number of turns. In addition, the springs in such mattresses have different sizes and stiffness - in accordance with the structure of the human body. Depending on the area (head, arms, lower back, etc.), softer or harder springs are used.

Spring mattress design

Of course, if we consider a spring mattress, then it is these curls that form its basis. The comfort of the bed and its service life depend on the quality and technology of their manufacture. But also when choosing such a product, it is important to pay attention to its filler and cover.

  • Springs are "hidden" under coatings of a variety of materials. But since the advantage of models with a Bonnel spring block is traditionally low cost, most often inexpensive artificial materials are used for the upper layers. For example, polyurethane foam. It has several varieties - artificial latex, which is distinguished by its flexibility and softness, and "Memorix" (or "Memoriform"), which can adapt to the human body and "remember" the individual features of its structure.
  • But the stiffness is given by the materials that are used for the upper and lower layers. Since a small amount of them is required, more expensive natural raw materials can also be used. One of the best is coconut coir.
  • Additionally, the mattress can be reinforced with a special frame.
  • The cover is also important - it provides additional protection for the bed. The magazine "Miss Purity" draws attention: it is better if the cover is non-removable - it holds the inner layers of the product more tightly.

The positive properties of a spring mattress

So, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of spring models and immediately decide which mattress is better of these two types.

The positive aspects of mattresses "Bonnel"

  • Low cost. Compared to all other models, those that consist of dependent springs are not so expensive.
  • They are endowed with natural ventilation, since the springs are not covered with separate covers, as is the case with independent springs.
  • Large selection of models - this design is still the most popular, so it is easy to find mattresses of all sizes.

The positive aspects of mattresses with independent springs

  • They may consist of springs of various sizes and densities, distributed over different zones in accordance with the structure of the human body. Due to this, such mattresses are considered orthopedic.
  • All springs in them are packed in separate cases. Therefore, they do not come into contact with each other and do not create a creak that can interfere with restful sleep.
  • Due to the even distribution of the load on the springs of different sizes, such mattresses last much longer than the Bonnel models.
  • Also, these models have more springs, which provides better support for the body.

Disadvantages of a spring mattress

But, despite all these positive aspects, such products are far from ideal and have a number of disadvantages.

Let's start with the Bonnel design.

  • Due to the same size springs and the fact that they are interconnected, these models are devoid of any orthopedic properties and can even cause back pain. The consequences for children of preschool and school age are even worse - their posture has not yet been formed, and such mattresses can cause spoiled posture.
  • Regardless of the quality of workmanship, all these models gradually begin to creak due to the friction of the springs connected together.

There are also disadvantages to the design of independent springs.

  • Their cost is higher than that of Bonnel. And some models cost more than springless mattresses.
  • They are very sensitive to stress. It is clear that in no case should they be loaded more than what is established by the manufacturers. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to jump on such mattresses. Once is enough to significantly reduce the life of the model. But keeping children from such entertainment is quite problematic.
  • Also, air exchange is limited inside the structure itself.

So, which mattress is better if we consider only springs? In this case, it is worth choosing models with separate springs.

Now let's try to figure out which mattresses are better - spring or springless. To do this, consider what the whole models are. They can be divided into two groups.

Springless mattresses made of artificial materials

The most commonly used polyurethane foam and its individual varieties.

  • Artificial latex. The principle of its design resembles mattresses with independent springs. The cells that make up this material have different sizes. And they are in random order. This distinguishes it from ordinary polyurethane foam, whose cells are uniform in size and ordered. Thanks to this device, the load is evenly distributed to different cells, which increases the wear resistance of the material.
  • Another type is "Memorix", or "Memoriform". The peculiarity of this material is in its ability to change shape under the influence of heat and gravity of the human body. At the same time, changes persist longer than with latex.

Springless mattresses made of natural materials

Mattresses made from natural materials can be considered the exact opposite of the models described above. They are not so soft, do not change shape, adjusting to the human body. Whether this is good or bad, we will consider below. In the meantime, we will study what raw materials are used to make different models.

  • Coconut coir is the most common option. Most often it is used in combination with latex.
  • Seaweed.
  • Horsehair.

Positive properties of a springless mattress

And again, in order to understand which mattress is the best, natural or artificial, we will separately consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

The best sides of non-natural materials:

  • their price is lower than that of natural analogues;
  • great variety in the choice of models;
  • as a rule, such products are quite soft, and even if you choose a model with a high density, modern technologies give materials the ability to adapt to the human body;
  • These mattresses are easy to transport.

Natural materials also have many positive qualities.

  • Perhaps a hard bed will seem uncomfortable to you, but this is precisely what determines the orthopedic properties. Hard mattresses prevent you from assuming uncomfortable positions that can lead to spinal deformity. Therefore, products with natural fillers are more often chosen for children.
  • These materials are the most durable and resistant to stress, the weight limit for them is much higher. They are able to serve for about twenty years.
  • Mattresses made from these materials do not creak.
  • They do not absorb unpleasant odors.
  • They are impregnated with special compounds that stop the spread of bacteria.

Disadvantages of a springless mattress

It is worth noting that springless products are also not without drawbacks.

Cons of non-natural materials

  • Often they are not strong enough. And the fact that they change their shape only exacerbates the problem. This "comfort" allows you, while lying in bed, to take the most unnatural poses. And this is harmful to posture - over time, back pain may occur.
  • The service life of polyurethane foam is reduced by exposure to sunlight.
  • Contact with liquid will not do him any good either.
  • Some people notice that because of the polyurethane foam filler, they get headaches, nausea and drowsiness. This is due to the possible release of harmful substances from the material.

Cons of coconut coir

  • Its price is very high. And finding models that match the parameters you need is not so easy.
  • Due to the hardness, it is difficult to transport to another place. Although there are thin mattress covers made of this material, which can be used to cover ordinary mattresses.
  • You may experience some discomfort for a while.


So, you wondered which mattresses (spring, springless) are better to buy - and the authors of the Miss Clean website tried to help you make the right choice. All products have their own advantages and disadvantages. Spring or springless mattress to choose - it depends only on your features and preferences.

If we talk about health benefits, then springless models are the undisputed leader. And not all in a row - but only those that are made from natural raw materials. For example, from coconut coir. But not all adults are ready to give up a soft bed in favor of a hard product. And if you are aware of the possible consequences, then you can buy a mattress with springs. In this case, it is worth giving preference to more modern models.

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You use the mattress every day, so it is very important to choose the right one.

Spring mattresses replaced the classic wadded mattresses and feather beds in the 18th century. This fashionable innovation quickly swept Europe, and to this day spring bases for beds do not give up their positions and are always popular.

Spring featherbeds can be divided into two types: with dependent and independent springs. Let's consider them in more detail.

Mattresses with dependent springs

The spring block of such a bed includes about a hundred springs per 1 m². Each of the springs is elastic and rigid. They are interconnected, so if you press on the mattress in one place, it will sag over a larger area. It is believed that the dependent design is an economy class and does not have good orthopedic properties.

The spring blocks themselves are called "bonnel". Each element in this design is fastened to the next. Due to this connection, the supporting effect is reduced. That is, the product bends over the entire area of ​​​​the body, not taking into account its bends. If you study the reviews about the Bonnel spring blocks, it becomes clear that buyers are attracted primarily by the relatively low cost of the product. The quality is said to be "acceptable".

Mattresses with pocket springs

Independent mattress springs - what are they and why are they called pocket springs? First of all, we note that the number of springs per 1 m² of the product is several times greater than in the "bonnel" block. And, most importantly, they are not bonded to each other. Each spring independently reacts to the load, that is, in such a feather bed every bend of your body will be supported. A quality product has at least 1,000 springs per 1 m². And they are called pocket because each spring is located in its own pocket-case.

For your information! A mattress with pocket-type springs takes the shape of the sleeping person's body, does not transmit vibrations to the person lying next to him. So your other half can toss and turn in your sleep as much as you like, this will not bother you in any way.

According to reviews, the advantage of a mattress with independent springs is its noiselessness. In a quality product from 500 springs per 1 m².

Spring mattresses for children and teenagers

Let's make a reservation right away that, in principle, a spring mattress is not the best idea for a children's room. Any orthopedist will tell you this. But not every family can afford an expensive model of a special direction. On sale you will find children's featherbeds with a small number of springs - only about 100 per 1 m². Such models cannot guarantee high-quality support for the child's back. If the choice has already fallen on a children's spring mattress, choose models that are harder, on a wooden or steel frame.

For a student or teenager, it is better to choose a model with pocket springs and a density of 300-400 pieces per 1 m². A smaller density is not suitable for a child.

Pros and cons of spring mattresses

In order to find an answer to the question of which mattress is better to buy, consider the advantages and disadvantages of spring products:

The cost of models with dependent springs is relatively low. Almost every family can afford such a bed.Mattresses react sharply to instant load. If your children jumped on the bed, it is possible that one of the springs will dig into your side at night.
Mattresses with independent springs support the spine well.
Products are almost silent, which guarantees comfortable sleep conditions.
High-quality products, selected taking into account the weight of a person, will last a long time.
Spring models are subject to repair. If your middle has been squeezed through, there are craftsmen who, for a small fee, will restore the state of the bed.
For your information! Spring mattresses consist not only of springs and a cover. There is a filler between the metal block and the shell. The quality of the product largely depends on the filler. It is better to choose coconut canvas or latex - these materials guarantee you a pleasant feeling.

What are mattresses without a box spring

Orthopedists recommend using models without springs. They support the back due to a combination of different fillers and at the same time can have three degrees of rigidity. Let's analyze how the beds with the most popular fillers differ.


Latex mattresses have appeared in our everyday life relatively recently. Previously, latex was used only as a top layer in spring models. Now he completely replaced the springs.What is attractive about latex? It belongs to the category of hypoallergenic materials, so latex mattresses are shown to everyone who suffers from constant and seasonal allergies.

It does not emit any toxic substances and gives extraordinary comfort. But all these advantages apply only to high-quality natural latex. Cheap analogues, stamped in China, can bring not good, but harm.

For your information! High-quality latex material does not emit foreign odors. On this basis, it is easy to distinguish a fake.

The rigidity of latex mattresses can be different, depending on the wishes of the buyer and the manufacturing technology. In reviews of latex models, there are dissatisfied statements that a body print remains on the bed, but not only such products suffer from this.

A significant lack of latex will be felt by residents of the southern regions. Indeed, sleeping on latex in hot weather or just in a too heated apartment is not very pleasant. Modern manufacturers have taken this fact into account, and now it is easy to find models with self-ventilation on sale. Another disadvantage of latex is its weight. Such models are very heavy, it is difficult to move them alone. All of these shortcomings are more than offset by the advantages of natural material. It qualitatively removes the accumulated tension from the muscles of the back, shoulders and hips, eliminates pain in the spine and joints.

The durability of the product should also be noted. Quality assurance - a decade and a half. All this time, the latex mattress will delight you with its comfort.

For your information! Latex mattresses do not transmit vibrations on double models.

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam products attract buyers with their price. Indeed, the cost of models made of foam rubber is low, and the quality of modern material fully meets the strict requirements of hygiene. These products, thanks to manufacturing technology, contain 90% air. Why are polyurethane foam mattresses more expensive and cheaper? It all depends on the structure of the product.

Food for Thought: Violent opponents of PU foam claim that this material can be harmful to health due to the content of hydrocarbons of petroleum origin. Indeed, when ignited, these substances release toxic compounds, but in the natural state, high-quality material is stable and safe.

Which mattress is better for a child's room: spring or polyurethane foam? Keep in mind that PU foam is not the best material for a baby bed. It does not provide proper support to the spine.

Foam products are very elastic and resilient, they can withstand heavy people without visible consequences. If people with different weights sleep on a double foam mattress, this will not affect his condition in any way. Polyurethane foam retains its shape for a long time - this is another argument in its favor. It is lightweight and breathable. The disadvantage of this product is the ability to absorb moisture and odors.

coconut fiber

The Internet is full of negative reviews about coconut filler. There is an opinion that the fibers of this fruit evaporate formaldehyde compounds and can lead to serious health problems, especially in children. Do not rush to believe everything that is written. In fact, natural material does not emit any toxins.

But the latex glue that holds these fibers together can actually release formaldehyde. Responsible manufacturers are moving away from this filler formation method. They do not fasten the fibers with artificial latex, but press them and pierce them with special needles. Such fillers are absolutely safe, but, unfortunately, less durable.

Advice! You can verify the safety of the selected product by asking the seller for a quality certificate.

Mattresses with coconut filler, coir, are recommended for people with spinal diseases. Dikul, a well-known healer in our country, advises using just such products. The service life of such a bed is up to 20 years.

Lice and bugs do not settle in coconut fiber, the material does not rot. The softness of the mattress depends on the thickness of the coconut layer.

Other types of fillers

For flooring over the springs, thick wool felt or cotton wool is used. Sheep wool is highly valued. In addition to the listed natural materials, manufacturers use holofiber for filling feather beds - a soft polyester fibrous material that is resistant to moisture and odors. In order to summarize all the positive qualities of different fillers, mattress manufacturers use multilayer products, including natural latex, coir and polyurethane foam.

Pros and cons of springless mattresses

Mattresses with filler have some disadvantages and even more advantages. Consider them:

Hard-filled products have good orthopedic properties.The price of quality springless mattresses is quite high, especially if combined layers are used.
Latex products are suitable for those who prefer a soft bed.Such products have a weight limit of a person - up to 140 kilograms. With a greater load, they quickly deform.
Springless models are silent and do not transmit vibrations to a sleeping person nearby.
Such products can be transported by rolling into a roll.Some types of products have an impressive weight.
In featherbeds with synthetic filling, insects do not start up, they do not absorb odors.

If you already choose the type of filler - give preference to hypoallergenic natural materials.

Ease of use: which mattress is better - spring or springless

But if you think about which mattress is better and more comfortable - with or without springs, then it turns out that there is a direct connection in terms of sensations from different types of sleeping place and the age of a person. For young people, it is better to choose hard products that keep their shape well. By the same principle, mattresses are selected for people with a sore back. So they are more suitable for models with pocket springs or coconut filler.

Orthopedic properties: what to choose

Do not forget that the sleeping place should correspond to the height and weight of the person. It should be at least 20 cm higher than the height and be no narrower than 80 cm. But as for the orthopedic qualities, a lot depends on the preferences and health of the owner. Children need good orthopedic support - these can be models with pocket springs, coconut filler or high-quality mattresses with combined layers. Adults should prefer models with a large number of springs. Latex and polyurethane foam in this regard lose to other options.

Which mattress will last the longest

The duration of operation of a bed depends not only on the quality of the material. It is clear that cheap models made from materials that do not meet high quality standards will not last long. If the manufacturer saved on the number of springs or used low-quality coir, the product will quickly fail. But no less important are the operating conditions.

If moisture periodically gets on the feather bed, the springs in it will quickly rust and collapse. On average, it is believed that a bed with a spring device should retain its characteristics for 10 years. Springless models can not be changed for 15 years.

Matching mattress and person's weight

How important is this factor? If a person's weight is within the average, that is, does not exceed 110 kg, he can choose any model, not paying much attention to the technical characteristics, but trusting only his own preferences. People weighing over 110 kg should pay attention to springless products. They evenly distribute the load and support all the curves of the body well.

Rating of manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses

The rating of the best products is made by the buyers themselves. Read user reviews before purchasing a mattress. Stores that respect their customers do not hide negative feedback. And they can give you a complete picture of the quality and ease of use of the mattress. We have already noted that there is no unambiguous answer to the question of which mattress is better - spring or springless. It all depends on your requirements, preferences and financial capabilities. But on the other hand, you can find the answer to the question of which company is better to buy a mattress. We have analyzed for you the rating of products according to Yandex.Market, and this is what happened:

5th place - "Comfort Line"

Comfort Line Roll Classic was included in the rating of the best manufacturers for the high appreciation of springless models. They are comfortable and have a long service life. The manufacturer uses different types of fillers. The only nuance that users note is the smell that is present in the first months after buying a mattress.

4th place - "Ormatek"

The domestic manufacturer "Ormatek" uses the most advanced technologies borrowed from developers from the USA and Europe. Ormatek factories produce spring and springless products. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of air exchange and the hygiene of mattresses.

3rd place - "Beautyson"

The leaders of this manufacturer brought combined products from latex and pocket springs. The absence of toxic glue and the high quality of the material make Beautyson mattresses very popular in our market. A lot of positive feedback about the products of this company from people with a lot of weight.

2nd place - Ascona

This brand is heard by almost everyone. "Ascona" offers a wide choice of not only spring beds, but also orthopedic pillows. Many users ask which mattresses are better - "Ascona" or "Ormatek"? Both of these manufacturers guarantee high quality products, but, perhaps, Ascona stands out with a special patented anti-deformation system that keeps the bed in its original state for a long time.

1st place - Magniflex

"Magniflex" won in this rating in a difficult struggle with "Ascona", but the majority of Yandex Market visitors gave their votes to this manufacturer. The most comfortable mattresses are produced in Italy. They are distinguished by a special "memory" system - the surface of the bed fixes a position convenient for you. All mattresses have two working sides - for cool and hot seasons, it is very convenient. The price for such models is rather big, but believe me, they are worth it.

Price table for the top rated models

In order for you to have an idea of ​​the cost of products of the listed manufacturers, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the prices for children's and double models:

PhotoModelManufacturerCost, rub.
Comfort Line Baby Eco-Hard TFK (baby)comfort line4025
Comfort Line Eco Slim TFKcomfort line7396
Ormatek Kids Dream (for children)"Ormatek"4990
Ormatec Optima Classic EVS420"Ormatek"13840
Beautyson Baby Queen (children)Beautyson4065
Beautyson Hit Anatomic S1200Beautyson24140
Ascona Baby Flex Jump (children)Ascona2095
Ascona Balance StatusAscona9616
Magniflex Merino (Merinos) (child)Magniflex11900
Magniflex MerinoMagniflex36500


Sound and healthy sleep contributes to the well-being and mood of the child. It is very important that he has a comfortable bed. Therefore, for the baby must be approached with all responsibility. Doctors directly attribute spinal problems to the wrong mattress. When buying it, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: the age of the child, his needs, the design of the mattress and the quality of the material being filled. In order to accurately answer which one is for a child, it is worth studying its variety. There are several models on the market: with dependent and independent springs, and latex-coconut.

Types of mattresses

Models with dependent springs are a block of bonded springs. Such mattresses meet all quality standards, are inexpensive and have proven themselves among consumers. The spring block provides the product with excellent breathability. This model will be a good solution if in the future the child will have a full-fledged "adult" bed.

Mattresses with an independent block of springs are the most popular among the Russian population. There is an opinion that they are harmful to children, since "spring vibrations" can harm the children's spine. According to experts, not a single study has confirmed this, and such a concept does not exist in science. If the above facts do not reassure parents, then they can purchase a good springless mattress filled with high-quality polyurethane foam or latex, which is less common.

It is considered an economical model. It is made of holofiber and does not have springs. Its low price is due to the low service life due to the thin layer of coconut coir. Therefore, only parents can choose which mattress is best for the child: spring or springless.

Materials used

Safe materials are used for the manufacture of children's mattresses. When buying, you should pay attention to the stuffing of the product and the cover. Natural fillers are considered the safest, as they do not cause allergies, are not confirmed to rot and perfectly pass air. The most popular natural filler is coir, but the product made from flax filler is not inferior to it. It is distinguished by strength, elasticity, and thermal bonding is even higher than that of coir. In addition, such material does not crumble and does not wrinkle, which increases its service life.

The impurities added to the natural filler should also be taken into account. Today, latexized coconut fiber can hardly be called safe, since the formaldehydes contained in such a mattress can harm the health of a child. Therefore, many manufacturers have abandoned such a filler.

Mattresses with springs also require close attention. The material separating the layers, the springs, must be very strong, as it protects the remaining layers of the mattress and does not allow it to sag.

Which mattress is best for a child from 2 years

For children of this age, the requirements for a place to sleep are the most stringent. Many parents of young children often ask the question which mattress is best for a child from 2 years old. Pediatricians note that for babies of this age it is better to choose a hard option. You should forget about batting, since cotton wool tends to fall off, form holes and bumps. On such a surface, it is difficult for a child to find a comfortable position for sleeping. The same problem with a foam mattress. In addition, it is too soft, and a two-year-old baby will simply drown in it.

Doctors recommend buying a hard mattress. The fact is that young children do not have physiological deflections of the spine, and in order to form a more rigid model is more suitable. The best option would be a mattress filled with coconut flakes. Such a product will provide the necessary elasticity and rigidity, in addition, it is absolutely safe for the baby, since coconut shavings are hypoallergenic. Also, coir does not absorb odors, does not absorb moisture and perfectly passes air. A sound and healthy sleep is guaranteed for the child. If parents are in doubt, you should consult with a specialist, he will always tell you which mattress is best for the child.

The best option for a two-year-old baby will be a double-sided mattress. Its advantage is that one side is filled with coconut flakes, which is great even for newborn babies, and the other side is made of latex foam. Latex is similar to coir, it is a completely safe material that does not cause allergies. In addition, polyurethane foam will serve its owner for a long time.

Baby is three years old

Children grow very quickly, so parents have to change the bed according to the age of the baby. In this regard, it is necessary to buy other bedding. When choosing them, parents are lost, because they do not know which mattress is better for a child from 3 years old to buy. For this age, it is better to choose an orthopedic mattress, as it is able to ensure the correct position of the back while the baby is sleeping. It should be checked that it is not too hard, as children do not get enough sleep on such mattresses. Older babies do not spend as much time in bed as newborns - their sleep has been reduced to about 8-9 hours. Orthopedic doctors allow you to use a slightly softer mattress. By the age of three, the baby's body has changed a little - strong bone tissue has replaced elastic cartilage tissue, but physiological curves still continue to form. By the age of 7, the cervical bend is usually established, and by 12 - the lumbar. Therefore, in order to support the shaping spine, you should choose a mattress that is not too hard.

four year old baby

Closer to four years, for a baby grown out of a baby bed, they buy a more spacious bed. Not all parents choose the teen option, and rightly so. The bed should not be too big for the child. As he grows, his comfort needs change. The kid becomes active in movements, games. Therefore, parents should think about another bed and which mattress is best for a 4-year-old child. Experts recommend choosing a mattress that is already ready for non-standard loads. Spring models will perfectly support the spine and replace a trampoline for a child. Springless mattresses are medically recommended, but you won't have fun on them. In any case, whatever mattress is chosen, it should be of medium hardness and a height of 7 to 10 centimeters.

The child is 5 years old

In fact, there is no definite answer which mattress is best for a child of 5 years old. Some doctors argue that for a baby of this age, you can already buy spring mattresses, which are of two types: with a block of dependent springs and independent ones. It is better to refuse the first category, since such a mattress does not provide the necessary support for the spine. The fact is that the dependent springs are interconnected, and with the weight of the child they bend, so it cannot be called orthopedic. But the mattress of the second category has an orthopedic effect due to a special design. Each spring is, as it were, “packed” and pressing one does not cause the deflection of other springs. Which mattress is best for a child, parents decide. But do not save on the health of your kids.

It should be noted that a springless mattress is also suitable for a five-year-old child. But it should be of medium hardness, made of latex or polyurethane foam. Of course, not every family can afford natural latex, since this is an expensive material and is used mainly in elite models. As an option - artificial latex, which is not inferior to natural latex in quality and properties, but its cost is much lower. A polyurethane foam mattress is even cheaper, but it meets all the requirements that apply to children's mattresses. Due to the strength of the material and high elasticity, springless mattresses are durable.

From five years and above

If the child is already 5 years old, then a model with a block of independent springs or a springless mattress of medium hardness is recommended. The filler in this model is coconut coir, latex or ortho-foam foam. On the forums you can often find the question of which mattress is best for a child from 5 years old. Recommendations are different. But still it is better to consult with a pediatrician, taking into account the needs and characteristics of the child.

The child is 7 years old

Compared to young children, the spine of a seven-year-old child does not need a hard coconut-filled mattress. Now the baby can choose the mattress for himself. Parents can only check the quality of the product and choose the appropriate size.

But still, it’s worth figuring out which mattress is best for a child of 7 years old. As already mentioned, latex models without springs last longer for their owners. To provide support for the spine, the height of the mattress must be more than 11 centimeters. Experts advise choosing models from well-known manufacturers that have proven themselves, then the bed will keep the child healthy posture. Of course, for any age, a double-sided mattress, with different stiffness, is suitable. At first, it is better for the baby to sleep on the harder side, but if he wants to feel comfort (mother's warmth), you can turn the mattress over.

For proper sleep and relaxation, a feeling of cheerfulness in the morning, the absence of pain in the muscles, you must have a good bed equipped with the right mattress. To date, there are two main types of mattresses - spring and springless. Each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages. An extensive range of fillers, stiffness types and a variety of designs make the choice difficult and ambiguous. But a thorough study of the properties and characteristics, the advice of orthopedic doctors, will help to understand this problem and understand better which mattress, spring or springless?

An extensive range of fillers, stiffness types and a variety of designs make the choice difficult and ambiguous.

Characteristics of spring and springless mattresses

The production of mattresses is a developed industry, so domestic and foreign companies put forward a lot of proposals, from the simplest, budget to advanced products that can be switched to a sitting position at a distance, turn on the massage function, or program it as an alarm clock. Consumer models are not equipped with such "smart" characteristics, but they differ significantly in orthopedic properties, pricing policy and provide different sleep comfort. A person spends more than 2300 hours a year in bed, so it is important to choose a mattress that guarantees a good rest. To determine the model, first you need to study all the properties of existing mattresses.

A person spends more than 2300 hours a year in bed, so it is important to choose a mattress that guarantees a good rest.

Types of box spring mattresses

Mattresses with springs as a basis are divided into two groups - with dependent or independent spring blocks:

  • In products where the block is dependent, such as "bonnel", all springs are tightly attached to each other, due to which the product is equally rigid over the entire area. In the line of mattresses, this type has long been considered obsolete, due to its fragility - the springs quickly come out of a standing position, even with careful handling, they begin to deform and creak. The model is still in demand due to the budget cost.

All springs are tightly attached to each other, so that the product is equally rigid over the entire area.
  • Inside the mattress, where the block has an independent spring circuit, they are not fastened together, but placed, each in its own cover. Such mattresses are produced in different levels of firmness and even combine several in one product. The number of stiffness zones of one mattress can reach 9. The design is made in such a way that it effectively supports the spine, in the literal sense, envelops the body, which creates comfort during sleep. When one person makes a movement, the vibrations are not transmitted to the sleeping person nearby. Quality, price and convenience during sleep depend on the number of springs placed on one square meter. The mark starts from 256, a good mattress already contains 512 springs, and expensive, elite models consist of 1000-2000 separate springs.

The design is made in such a way that it effectively supports the spine, in the literal sense, envelops the body, which creates comfort during sleep.

If you turn the mattress over two or three times a year, this will significantly extend its service life, allowing you to gradually recover one by one the sides that are not used.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Models of sleeping accessories with a block of independent springs have orthopedic properties, supporting the spinal column in the required position. In the morning, a person feels cheerful and rested.
  • Such mattresses are absolutely silent due to the fabric upholstery of each individual spring, which, when in contact with each other, do not create a creak.
  • High-quality mattresses are sold at a high price, which is far from accessible to everyone, but they are quite durable with careful handling.

Models of sleeping accessories with a block of independent springs have orthopedic properties, supporting the spinal column in the required position.


A mattress for one bed, consisting of independent blocks of springs, will cost the buyer 10-20 thousand rubles, based on the number of springs. You need to save 20-50 thousand in national currency for a double model.

A high-quality and reliable mattress will be worth a good investment.

Springless mattresses

According to the structure of the structure, mattresses are divided into 3 types:

  • monolithic - the block consists of one type of filler;
  • combined - the base of which is a single canvas, supplemented on both sides with several balls of a different material to achieve a certain effect;
  • puff - made from alternately laid layers, the same width of 3-4 cm.

The density and strength of the product is provided by superimposing layers of different combinations of fillers on top of each other. Due to the order of the layers, different levels of stiffness are achieved: soft, medium hard and hard.

Due to the order of the layers, different levels of stiffness are achieved: soft, medium hard and hard.

The most common and popular filler for springless mattresses is latex. If it is obtained from the juice of the hevea tree, known as the rubber tree, it is considered natural and the safest for human health. Latex filler can be artificial.

The most common and popular filler for springless mattresses is latex.

Mattresses made from coconut coir are moisture resistant and well ventilated, but the material makes them stiff. Usually they are bought for children whose posture is just being formed or for adults who have problems with the spine, as prescribed by the attending physicians.

Mattresses made from coconut coir are moisture resistant and well ventilated, but the material makes them stiff.

Polyurethane foam is a more perfect classic foam rubber. Such filling is considered a budget analogue of expensive latex. But such mattresses are not endowed with orthopedic properties. There are two options for such filling: standard and furniture cast. The first has low operational features, quickly fails and requires replacement. The second, on the contrary, is dense, elastic and does not deteriorate over time, although it may slightly bend in the center if a heavy body is sleeping on the bed.

Polyurethane foam is a more perfect classic foam rubber.

Struttofiber is a popular artificial mattress component. This is a padding with a vertical arrangement of fibers, which provides unobstructed air ventilation. The material does not rot, and is characterized by a long service life. At the same time, various additives provide a comfortable sleep temperature: down and wool give a feeling of warmth, and linen, on the contrary, provides coolness.

Struttofiber is a popular artificial mattress component.

There is also a high-tech filler developed in NASA laboratories more than half a century ago, but only recently entered into widespread use - Memory Foam or a foam-like thermoelastic structure with memory properties. The mattress completely remembers the structure of the body, which makes the rest comfortable and easily restores the surface after the sleeper got out of bed.

Fully remembers the structure of the body, which makes the rest comfortable and easily restores the surface after the sleeper got out of bed.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • In such a mattress there are no parts that can deteriorate or break, so the products are durable.
  • The design eliminates the appearance of any noise.
  • Excellent orthopedic properties help support the health of the spine, cervical and lower back.
  • Mattresses are hypoallergenic, do not rot, exclude the formation of fungi and mold.
  • The high price of products makes them inaccessible to a buyer with a small income. If funds for the purchase of a mattress are strictly limited, you should look at artificial fillers, thanks to which you can save a lot on your purchase.
  • There are weight recommendations for such mattresses, so the most durable model will not withstand more than 140 kg. On average, the ceiling weight is limited to 120 kg.

Choose a mattress after weighing all the pros and cons.


The cost of a combined mattress for one bed filled with latex and coir starts from 15 thousand rubles, for two beds - from 22 thousand. Filler made of synthetic latex and coconut fiber will be cheaper by 3-4 thousand rubles. The most expensive material is memory foam, so the price of such products starts from 24 thousand for one bed and from 60 thousand for a double size.

Just like in the previous case with spring models, a good springless mattress will cost a pretty penny.

The difference between spring and springless mattresses

  1. The service life of a good spring mattress is 10 years, and a latex one will retain its original qualities for up to 15 years.
  2. Lying on a spring mattress is always more comfortable, it is much softer than a springless one.
  3. Static electricity does not have a positive effect on the body and is present only in spring mattresses, which contain metal parts. It also occurs because of mattress covers made from synthetic materials.
  4. In models with dependent and independent springs, dust gradually accumulates in technical voids, and leads to the appearance of linen mites, which can subsequently cause serious allergic reactions. Springless mattresses do not have this problem. Microorganisms and insects do not live in natural latex and coir.
  5. Getting on the surface of a springless mattress, moisture gradually evaporates without harming it. What can not be said about models with springs. Moisture getting inside leads to corrosion of the elements, their further deformation and an unpleasant creak that interferes with sleep.
  6. On a spring mattress, not the entire surface area is involved, a person during sleep, as it turns out, I am a hole, or a hammock, formed under the weight of the body. On a springless mattress, the entire canvas is fully used.

To make the right choice, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

How to determine which mattress is suitable spring or springless, tips and opinions

Each line of mattresses has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing the right model, it is worth considering the weight, height, condition of the vertebral bones:

  • For overweight people weighing more than 100 kg, it is preferable to choose rigid fillers, they will not sag much and will support posture more effectively.
  • For adults less than 50 kg, soft mattresses are suitable, regardless of type.
  • Children are advised to purchase rigid models for two reasons. The baby's bone formation is not yet complete, so proper placement during rest is required, which a firm mattress can provide. Children are mobile, they like to play, jump, and a mattress of medium or soft hardness may simply not withstand the stress.
  • Mattresses with springs in independent blocks of medium hardness are suitable for older people.
  • It is even more difficult for young and healthy people to make a choice - any average type of mattress will be equally good for them.

When choosing the right model, it is worth considering the weight, height, condition of the vertebral bones.

Before such an expensive purchase, it is better to consult and get recommendations from an orthopedic doctor. Based on the specific case, he will point to the most suitable model and the money will not be thrown away. This is especially true for those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system or the cardiovascular system.

Before such an expensive purchase, it is better to consult and get recommendations from an orthopedic doctor.

According to user reviews and the conclusions of orthopedic doctors, springless mattresses consisting of combined layers have the best characteristics. The alternation of different fillers helps to achieve optimal stiffness. Universal types combine several zones of rigidity, for example, they are hard in the middle and soft at the edges, which makes the product as efficient as possible and provides complete comfort of sleep and rest.

The alternation of different fillers helps to achieve optimal stiffness.

Summing up

There is an opinion that a properly selected mattress is already 70% of good sleep. If you buy a product from trusted manufacturers with a good reputation, in stores that have viewing models and experts are competent in choosing the best option, a healthy and good rest will be provided.

Choosing the best option for yourself - a healthy and complete rest will be provided.


Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


Before choosing a mattress, you need to decide on its rigidity, the size of the bed (children's, double, single), find out reviews about the manufacturer. It is important to take into account other selection criteria: filler, type of construction, the state of health of the buyer. A high-quality comfortable mattress will ensure the comfort of your sleep, excellent health and high spirits for the next day.

What are mattresses for beds

In many stores, quality mattresses are available in abundance. Knowing the differences between such products will help you not to get confused and buy the right product. All types of mattresses for beds differ in the following classification features:

  • spring and springless;
  • filling material: latex, coconut, wool, horse hair;
  • bilateral, unilateral;
  • orthopedic, anatomical.

Mattresses for a double bed

You can find out how to choose the right mattress for a double bed, focusing on the height of the tallest of the spouses, leaving up to 15 cm of margin. The maximum length of a double seat is 190-200 cm, the width is 160-200 cm, and the thickness depends on the content. Modern double products come with blocks of springs dependent and independent of each other, they must be chosen taking into account the body weight of the spouses. There are mattresses without springs, filled with horsehair, latex or coir.

Striped cotton mattresses of Soviet times are a thing of the past, today mattresses with a natural layer are considered high-quality. A great option is combined models, with coconut fiber inside and a latex layer on top. There are three types of mattresses: soft, medium and hard. The latter are useful for children, people with pain in the spine. Soft types of mattresses for beds are suitable for older people, medium-hard ones are a universal option.

The upholstery should be well ventilated, absorb and evaporate moisture. For this purpose, jacquard is often used, which has a beautiful appearance, provides excellent ventilation due to perforation. Models with double-sided upholstery are in great demand, it provides warmth during sleep in the winter season and comfortable rest during the summer heat.

Types of orthopedic mattresses

All types of orthopedic mattresses are divided into spring and springless. The best are models with a block of springs that are independent of each other, where each of them is placed in an individual case, compressed separately from the others, which provides the product with exceptional orthopedic properties. Thanks to this quality, the product takes the shape of the body of the sleeping person. Models in which there are no springs have high orthopedic properties due to high-quality bedding: coir and latex.

Bed mattress brands

Research the best bed mattress brands before making a purchase to find the best value for money model. The following companies are considered brands among the manufacturers of such goods:

  • Ascona;
  • Ormatek;
  • Dormeo;
  • Dreamline;
  • Donson.

In the online stores of leading manufacturers, you will find an overview of the products offered, information about their cost, sales, discounts, you can see how the product looks, get advice and advice from a specialist, order delivery of goods by mail. Often in such stores promotions are held, during which you can buy a mattress at a price slightly higher than the purchase price.

What mattresses are considered the best

In specialized stores, a huge selection of products for the bed is provided, so it can be difficult to understand, for example, which mattress to buy. Based on the opinions of experts in this field, user reviews and to simplify the choice of the buyer, a rating of the best mattresses was compiled. The top five included the following models:

  • Ascona Victory;
  • Ascona Fitness Arena;
  • Askona Balans Smart;
  • Ormatec Optima Light Bonnel;
  • Dreamline Eco Strong.

Which mattress to choose - spring or springless

To help you choose a spring or springless mattress, you can compare the characteristics of such products with each other:

  1. Dust accumulates in spring-type goods, dust mites appear. In models without springs, filled with coconut fiber, they do not live with latex.
  2. The upholstery of springless models is perforated, the moisture from the mattress evaporates. Springs in other products rust over time from moisture.
  3. The period of use of spring products is up to 10 years, springless products - up to 15 years.

How firm should the mattress be?

Knowing the main characteristics of mattresses, you can easily choose an inexpensive suitable model for yourself. One of the important factors when buying such a product is the stiffness indicator. How to choose a mattress based on this criterion? The main thing you should rely on is your weight, age and the presence of problems with the spine. For children and adolescents under 18, it is better to choose a hard springless mattress filled with coconut fiber.

People with a large body weight or pain in the cervical vertebrae should also pay attention to products with increased rigidity. Buyers with pain in the thoracic spine and those who are in the middle weight range (60-90 kg) should prefer models of medium stiffness. Soft mattresses are more suitable for elderly and thin people.

The best mattresses for sleeping

It is believed that the best mattresses for sleeping are orthopedic. High quality in this category are springless models that have hair filler (horsehair), coir, latex, wool or cotton inside. The advantage of such products is also the absence of metal structures, which become unusable over the years, they are often chosen for a children's bed.

Anatomical products are almost no different from orthopedic ones. They follow the contours of the human body, help maintain the correct position of the spine. The only difference between them is the degree of rigidity, anatomical beds are softer and more comfortable. Their best representative is a water mattress, the service life of which can be short, because it is easy to perforate.

How to choose a mattress for a double bed

The right choice of mattress for the bed will ensure a full, comfortable sleep. The most common model of such products is called Bonnel, it happens with dependent and independent spring blocks. The first type of design involves connecting the springs to each other, which makes the product strong and durable. And yes, they are relatively cheap.

The only negative is that they are not suitable for people whose weight is very different. The heavier spouse will tilt the product, and the one that is easier will roll towards the middle. How to choose a mattress for such a family? They can be advised products with independent springs, when one gets up or rolls over, the second will not feel anything. They are expensive, but will last for many years and provide a comfortable sleep.

How to choose an orthopedic mattress

The right choice of an orthopedic mattress will depend on the physique, health status and age of the buyer. Thin and elderly people should pay attention to soft mattress models that can easily follow the curves of the body. For people with average weight and pain in the lumbar region, models with independent springs and a combined filler are more suitable. For those who are overweight, people under 25 years old and those who suffer from pain in the spine, it is better to buy products with high rigidity, a block of springs that are independent of each other.

Which company to choose a mattress

When deciding which company to choose a mattress, start not only from the rating of well-known brands. Study reviews about the company, prices and warranty periods for the offered goods, read information about materials, production technology. Keep in mind that baby crib companies provide a larger range of products in this range. Having determined your needs and wishes, you will narrow down the circle of potential companies, and you can easily decide which mattress is better to buy.

Mattress price

The final price for mattresses is formed depending on the size, internal filling, upholstery material, quality of materials used in production, type of construction. It affects the cost of the product and the sales region, so the price in St. Petersburg and, for example, Lipetsk, may differ. In Moscow, the price of mattresses for beds is this.