Repair Design Furniture

Calendar of work in an unheated greenhouse. Transplanting seedlings of tomatoes (tomatoes) into a greenhouse or greenhouse in April Features of transplanting various types of plants

  1. Getting an early harvest, at the beginning or middle of summer.
  2. The ability to sow seeds of different crops and species, not limited to the local climate.
  3. Growing your own seedlings in large quantities, which significantly saves the family budget.
  4. Resistance to late blight.
  5. Independence from weather conditions.

In the greenhouse, you can grow indoor or garden flowers. For garden flowers, it is no longer the conditions that are important, but the timing of their implementation. After cutting them marketability is on the decline. Indoor plants require much more attention and individual conditions and care, but have a long implementation period.

Greenery much easier to grow. Plant, and you can both for yourself and. Planting green seedlings in a greenhouse does not require large expenses and hassle, but the market is in demand all year round. The main care includes maintaining a certain temperature and mandatory supplementary lighting up to 12-14 hours.

Due to the fact that it takes very little time for the maturation of green culture, from 4 to 10 crops can be harvested per year.


The disadvantages of greenhouse cultivation for vegetables can only be attributed to the fact that, since the requirements for soil and temperature conditions for vegetables are different.

What is profitable to grow?

  • And - unpretentious cultures, but the main advantage is that they produce several crops a year.
  • . They take up more space than Chinese cabbage, but at the same time are more expensive and more in demand.
  • And . These cultures require a special attitude and competent care. Growing more than two crops a year is difficult given the long growing season.
  • Mushrooms and berries. This direction can significantly expand the source of income for the farmer, if or mushrooms.

Greenhouse options

Greenhouses are divided into types
depending on the material from which the frame is made and the coating used.


  • the cheapest option;
  • ease of erection that does not require special skills;
  • lack of foundation.
  • fragility and the need to update every year coating;
  • frame, not able to exist for more than two seasons.

Reinforced film is more durable and resistant to wind, snow and frost.


For covering greenhouses glass is an excellent material, thanks to high light transmission and thermal insulation.

The disadvantages of glass greenhouses include:

  • fragility of the glass coating;
  • excessive heating inside the greenhouse, which negatively affects the development of some cultures;
  • the complexity of glazing;
  • glass requires a very strong frame.

  • polycarbonate is stronger than film and glass coatings;
  • light weight material;
  • good light transmission and thermal insulation;
  • polycarbonate coating is durable;
  • easy installation and attractive modern look.

The sizes of greenhouses can be different depending on the purpose and scale of the seedlings grown in them. Perfect for personal use Suitable building size 3x8. Height, width and length may vary according to needs and the number of plants planted.

If growing in a greenhouse is for business purposes, then 20x5 meters is what you need. But here the sizes can be much larger, based on the scale of the greenhouse business and the crops grown.

When choosing a location, where the greenhouse will be installed, the following factors should be taken into account:

  1. Features of the local landscape. This refers to the slopes, the level of groundwater, the proximity of water bodies.
  2. Placement of the building relative to the light. For successful cultivation of seedlings in a greenhouse, it is worth making sure that nothing interferes with the direct access of sunlight to the greenhouse. Therefore, you should not place it near houses, trees and a fence.
  3. Convenient location. To care for plants, communications, a convenient entrance and an access road will be required.
  4. The soil. If possible, in order to do without imported soil, the soil in the place of the greenhouse should be chosen with great care.

Landing dates

Seedlings for a greenhouse - when to plant? clear certain timing planting seedlings in a greenhouse No. It all depends on a number of factors such as:

  • optimal soil conditions and air temperature in the greenhouse;
  • individual indicators of each culture;
  • indicators of seedling readiness, which is usually determined by the color of the leaves and stems;
  • cold resistance of different varieties, which indicates resistance to temperature changes.

Planting seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse is done a little earlier, due to the design features and the absence of drafts.

If the greenhouse is unheated, then can be planted in April:

  • Greenery
  • Chinese cabbage
  • radish

Other crops are planted under the following conditions:

Cucumbers and eggplants will not slow down their development when the soil warms up to 18 ° C during the day and 16 ° C at night. Tomatoes and peppers are more cold hardy., they need 15 ° C during the day and 14 ° C at night. When to sow seedlings for a greenhouse? Approximate timing of planting seedlings in a greenhouse, in central Russia:

  • Tomatoes - May 1–10;
  • Cucumbers - May 10–15;
  • - At the beginning of June;
  • - the end of May.

A common mistake novice gardeners make is to control only the air temperature in the greenhouse, without taking into account the heating of the soil.

Seedling age for transplanting

When to plant seedlings for planting in a greenhouse?

cucumbers tolerate landing well aged 20–23 days. You can understand that the plant is ready for transplantation by the presence of two or three leaves.

Tomatoes must stand in cups at least 45 days. Mature seedlings have a well-developed stem 30 cm high, a root system, from 6 true leaves and, if possible, a flower brush.

Age threshold for peppers at least 70 days. The finished seedlings of peppers look like this: 8 leaves, 25 cm in height and flower buds.

Eggplant forms flower buds, usually after landing in a permanent place. You can understand the readiness of the plant by a thick stem and 6-7 leaves. seedling age about 50 days.

Care and landing

How to grow seedlings in a greenhouse? Care begins with preparation for disembarkation. For this seedlings are hardened in two weeks. If the plants grow on the windowsill, then open the window and keep it for a long time. With the onset of sunny days cups with seedlings are taken out into the air gradually increasing the number of hours.

A plant ready for transplanting has a slightly purple hue to the stem and leaves.

pre-prepared wells in the greenhouse are spilled with water so that it looks like liquid mud. If the seedlings are well formed, then it should not be deepened much. This should only be done if the plants are overgrown or stretched out. It is not necessary to water immediately to avoid the formation of a crust on the surface. The soil should be mulched, and the layer should be about 5 cm.

A certain humidity is maintained in the greenhouse due to the greenhouse effect, therefore daily watering will be redundant. Leaves that touch the ground must be removed.

Sowing seedlings in the greenhouse should not be too thick so that the plants do not interfere with each other. Ideally, if each leaf is illuminated by sunlight.

First two weeks just need to maintain the temperature and loosen the soil in time. Watering resumes after 1.5–2 weeks. Water for irrigation should not be cold.

Watering should be plentiful and infrequent. When the first ovary appears, it is necessary to water twice in 7 days and in small portions. Three weeks later, the first feeding is done. The composition of the fertilizer depends on the type of planted crop.

For all the seeming complexity, growing seedlings in a greenhouse for yourself, and with a competent approach and for sale, is quite real. Main, comply with all common rules and norms for the care of greenhouse plants.

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When pre-grown seedlings look out the window with might and main, and at the same time strive to stretch out after the sun, most gardeners understand that it is time to give her more free space. Most often, a greenhouse comes to replace a cramped window sill. When planning when to plant seedlings in a greenhouse, first of all, it is necessary to determine the right time, choose the right transplant technology, prepare the indoor climate, and also take into account the readiness of the seedlings.

First of all, you should analyze whether the room itself is ready for transplanting seedlings. After all, the microclimate in it plays a crucial role both for adaptation and for the further growth and development of plants.

The main thing is not to ruin the seedlings during transplantation

Among the main greenhouse cases in the pre-planting period, the following can be noted:

  • repair of the greenhouse structure;
  • greenhouse cleaning;
  • soil disinfection;
  • soil mixture preparation;
  • soil warming.

An environmentally friendly rich harvest depends on many factors, the main of which is the right soil mixture. But a universal soil suitable for all greenhouse plants at the same time simply does not exist. Each vegetable has its favorite ingredients. If you use inappropriate composite soil mixtures, sprouts can develop poorly, get sick and even die.

When planning how to grow seedlings of a particular crop in a greenhouse, it is imperative to take into account its biological requirements for the soil mixture.

So, a good soil for cucumbers must necessarily have acidity close to neutral, and among the components - fresh manure, afterbirth, clay. As for the "tomato" soil, here the components are most often humus, sand and all kinds of baking powder, and the requirements for acidity are no longer so critical.

Joint planting in a greenhouse

Eggplants and peppers are better suited tomato soil, and chestnut crops - cucumber. If we talk about cabbage, then it all depends on the type of plant. But, in any case, the soil for it should be dense and retain moisture well. Among its components, manure or compost humus is necessarily present. And this vegetable does not like acidic soils, therefore, before planting it, it is advisable to carry out liming since the fall.

Terms of planting seedlings in closed ground

The time for planting sprouts in the greenhouse comes much earlier than their planting in open ground. But how much depends on many factors, including:

  • geographical position of the region;
  • established weather conditions;
  • type of greenhouse and the presence of additional heating in it;
  • requirements of plants to the microclimate;
  • "correct" seedling age.

Lunar calendar for landing in greenhouses for 2017

Soil temperature is the deciding factor

One of the main conditions for obtaining a quality crop is the observance of the temperature regime when transplanting crops. If you do not adhere to it, but plant the sprouts in too cold soil, the seedlings will simply delay their development. The terms of adaptation to new conditions will be significantly extended. And then you can simply forget about a good harvest - the fruits will turn out to be very, very meager.

So, you can safely plant crops if the soil has warmed up to the following indicators:

  • Cucumbers. The temperature is 18 degrees during the day and 16 at night.
  • Tomatoes. Enough 15 degrees Celsius during the day and 14 - at night.
  • Eggplant. The earth warmed up to 18, air - up to 20 degrees.
  • Bulgarian pepper. Like tomatoes, it requires at least 15 degrees Celsius.

If we talk about the temperature regime at which cabbage seedlings are grown in a greenhouse, then it primarily depends on the type of plant.

A few words about folk signs

For some, folk signs are just an empty phrase, but our ancestors very successfully used the clues of nature. Moreover, although they did not have such strong technological capabilities, they were much less likely to let her whims spoil the future harvest. So, there will be no more frosts if:

  • thrushes have arrived;
  • leaves have blossomed on the birch;
  • wild rose blossomed;
  • the frogs “sang” in the pond;
  • oak leaves blossomed.

But in order to plant plants on time, first of all, you need to check which of the signs “works” in your area.

Blackbirds have arrived - you can not be afraid of frost!

Preparing crops for transplanting

Before planting in closed ground, it is important to consider not only the preparation of the environment, but also the readiness of the plant itself for transplantation. Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to harden them, and sometimes other measures to improve the future harvest.

Checking the readiness of seedlings

In cases where the seedlings are grown by hand, you can easily determine its readiness for transplantation. But if the plants are purchased, it is difficult to find out their age. Therefore, it is necessary to plant crops in a greenhouse based on their height, stem thickness and number of leaves. These criteria for various crops are:

  • Tomatoes. Seedling height is about 20-25 cm, stem thickness is 5-7 mm. The number of leaves for early varieties is 7-9; late - 6-8 pieces.
  • Cucumbers, melons or watermelons. Seedlings for a greenhouse should be 12-16 cm high, 3 to 5 leaves and 5-6 mm wide.
  • Eggplant. It can be transplanted when the plant has 6-8 leaves, the height, like that of tomatoes, is about 20-25 cm, and the thickness is 5-6 mm.
  • Bulgarian pepper. A culture can be planted when its parameters are: 18-20 cm, 4-5 mm and 7-9 pieces.
  • Cabbage. The dimensions and number of leaves required for transplanting here depend on the type of plant. So, early white-headed should have 20-25 cm in height, late - 18-20, and medium, like color, 20-22 cm. 5. But the required number of leaves for all is common and is 5-6 pieces.

Hardening seedlings before planting

Hardening seedlings in a mini-greenhouse

Before planting seedlings in a greenhouse, they carry out hardening measures. To do this, reduce the intensity and frequency of watering in 2-3 weeks (sometimes even stop completely), and also accustom crops to a lower temperature. In the early days, just open the windows. Next, you should take the seedlings to the balcony or to the greenhouse, constantly increasing the time spent in the fresh air.

A week before planting seedlings in the greenhouse, it is advisable to feed it.

For this, plants can be watered with a solution of wood ash (a glass on a bucket of water) or another preparation and no longer watered until transplantation. A well-conducted hardening is indicated by the presence of a lilac hue on the leaves. Such a "training" can significantly shorten the adaptation period of a plant in a greenhouse.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

First of all, dig holes in the ground, with a volume slightly larger than the size of the container. Further, in order to minimize injury to seedlings during transplantation, it is necessary to choose the right technology. The landing technique here depends on:

  • features of the transplanted culture;
  • plant age and size;
  • containers in which seedlings grew.

The easiest way to plant plants that grew in peat pots or tablets. They are lowered directly in the containers into the holes, after which they are sprinkled with earth, squeezed tightly and watered abundantly. When using paper or cardboard cups, there is nothing complicated either. The containers are simply cut lengthwise with scissors, the plant is taken out along with the soil, and, gently holding, they are planted in a hole. Further, the process is similar to the previous one.

Planting a root ball

If plastic containers were used, planting seedlings in a greenhouse is a little more difficult. Immediately note that here, as well as in all the cases below, preliminary plentiful watering is needed. Holding the stem between the index and middle fingers, you need to turn the pot on the palm of your hand. After removing the dishes, and then quickly and carefully turning back, put a lump in the hole.

A small spatula or spatula will help to get the seedlings out of the cassettes. The blade carefully penetrates between the wall and the ground, and then carefully removed and placed in the ground.

And if the seedlings are in a common box, they are removed from there with a planting scoop, after cutting the soil into squares, in the center of which the plants are located. In all cases, after everything has already been planted and rammed, the plantings must be watered abundantly, and the soil must be mulched.

Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Features of transplanting various types of plants

When figuring out how to place seedlings in a greenhouse, you must definitely remember that thickened plantings should not be allowed. Ideally, sprouts should be planted so that each leaf is illuminated. Proper placement promotes normal air exchange, reduces the risk of disease and speeds up fruit production. In addition, the proximity of plants is also important. For example, eggplant and pepper should be planted in different parts of the greenhouse, and it is desirable to place cucumbers and tomatoes even in different rooms.

Pepper and the rules for its landing

Bulgarian pepper is one of the crops for which growing in a greenhouse is much more preferable than in open ground. Cold rain water, strong wind and drafts are not afraid of him here. In addition, indoors you can easily provide the much-needed high humidity to the plant. It should be planted in well-heated soil, which is desirable to fertilize with straw and horse manure.

Pepper ready for planting

The root system of pepper is superficial, so planting should not be deep. Low-growing varieties can be planted leaving about 70 cm between rows, and close to 30 cm between plants. With this scheme, about 6-7 plants per square meter are obtained. For tall ones, the distance between rows is similar, but more space is needed between plants - about 40-45 cm. Accordingly, per 1 sq. m. plant no more than 4-5 bushes.

Proper planting of tomatoes

Tomatoes can be planted in a greenhouse no earlier than three days after the soil has been properly prepared. The land should be light and fertile. And somewhere 20 minutes before planting, abundant watering of the sprouts is carried out. Further, conditionally dividing the plant into two parts, the leaves are completely cut off from the bottom. Only after all the procedures carried out, the sprouts are planted in the ground.

Unlike pepper, it is advisable to deepen tomato seedlings, especially overgrown ones, as far as the soil allows. Thanks to this, a more powerful root system will be obtained.

Immediately after transplanting, the plants are watered abundantly, and the soil is mulched. It is necessary to provide tomatoes with tying for both tall and short varieties.

Pulling the cord for weaving varieties

Transplanting cucumbers into closed ground

Unlike the above crops, cucumbers are a much more fragile plant. Therefore, planting such sprouts must be done with extreme caution. It is advisable to pre-disinfect wells for transplantation with phytosporin or manganese solution. When transplanting, in order to avoid root rot, it is imperative to leave the hypocotyl knee above the surface, maintain a distance and tie up the seedlings.

If you have to keep cucumbers together with tomatoes in the same room, the space must be divided into parts and insulated with a film curtain in order to provide its own microclimate for each cult.

Flowers in a home greenhouse

In home greenhouses, you can plant not only vegetables, but also flowers. Growing seedlings of flowers in a greenhouse has its advantages: early development of buds, an increase in the flowering period, as well as the ability to force plants to bloom at certain times. This can satisfy not only aesthetic, but also material needs.

You can grow flowers in a greenhouse both in pots and for cutting.

Flower seedlings in a greenhouse can easily get along with vegetables even in the same garden. For example, in order to prolong the flowering time of letniki, they can easily be sown near tomatoes or other vegetables. While the plants are small, they do not require large areas, and after the onset of warm days, flower sprouts can be easily planted in flower beds.

Growing flowers in pots and cut flowers

When planting plants in closed ground, it is important to adhere to the above recommendations - proper planting of seedlings in a greenhouse will not only speed up the adaptation period for sprouts, but will also enable the root system to develop better and better, protect against pathogens. All this together will lead to a high yield and enjoyment of early greenhouse products grown without chemistry with their own hands.

The gardener who built the greenhouse faces questions about when to plant vegetable seeds. Now they can be planted early and the grown seedlings can be planted in the greenhouse without waiting for the onset of stable warm weather outside. This is roughly mid-May. In order to grow seedlings by this time, seed germination is taken into account (it is different for all crops), the age of plants suitable for planting, and the time for seedlings to adapt after transplanting and picking.

Secrets of growing seedlings of various vegetables

Gardeners should take note of the following information:

  1. Early tomatoes should be planted before June 1st.
  2. Late tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, if there is heating in the greenhouse, can be planted as early as February. They should be planted in the greenhouse in early June.
  3. Cucumbers are planted at the end of May.
  4. In order to plant seedlings of cabbage in the greenhouse in April, the seeds are planted in February. Planted cabbage should be hardened and have three leaves.

unheated greenhouse

If there is no heating in the greenhouse, it is first used for planting cold-resistant crops - parsley, dill, radish, lettuce. In order to protect plants from night frosts, they are covered with non-woven material.

It is desirable to plant hardened seedlings in a greenhouse. For hardening, it is taken out to a cooler room for several days.

Rules for planting seedlings and caring for them

Not all vegetable growers take into account that tomatoes and cucumbers require different growing conditions and plant them together in the same greenhouse. Doing this is undesirable.

Cucumbers need an air humidity of 88%, and a temperature of 20 to 30 ° C. They should not only be regularly watered in the aisles, but also spray the plants themselves. It is impossible to overmoisten the soil under cucumbers.

Tomatoes like temperatures from 20 to 24 ° C, and humidity - no higher than 68%. White cabbage prefers loose soil with manure. Beijing cabbage needs an air temperature of 17 ° C and constant watering. She loves moisture very much, and with insufficient watering fades. Cauliflower is fed with organic fertilizers and protected from sudden changes in temperature. This can stop its growth and even lead to the death of the plant. For her, 15 ° C is the most acceptable temperature.

To obtain healthy seedlings and a good harvest, it is desirable to have a capital greenhouse and a simple film greenhouse on the site. In the main one, it is worth growing tomatoes, and in the film one - cucumbers and melons. It must be remembered that dense planting provokes diseases and contributes to the appearance of pests. The yield is greatly reduced.

Feeding seedlings in a greenhouse

Vegetable seedlings are fed first with mineral fertilizers, and a little later - with superphosphate. If possible, a tank with manure or mowed grass filled with water is placed in the greenhouse. Overheating, the grass releases carbon dioxide useful for plant development.

A greenhouse is a good opportunity to get healthy and inexpensive seedlings, if you take into account all the nuances that different crops need when growing. This is planting, watering, fertilizing and even airing. As a result, you can count on healthy and tasty vegetables grown in abundance.

I sow the seeds of tomato and pepper in late January-early February in boxes with soil prepared since autumn. covered with mirror film. From above, all this is illuminated by fluorescent lamps. Seedlings do not stretch, and do not lean in any direction. Therefore, you can regulate the night and day temperature without problems. At the end of February, I take out boxes with seedlings to the greenhouse, where they acclimatize within a week. During the day, the greenhouse is already warming up well, and at night I heat it up with infrared burners, A week later I dive into plastic cups without a bottom. Seedlings spiced into cups stand on collapsible racks. In early April, I plant them in the ground in a large greenhouse, dismantle the racks, and plant seedlings of cucumbers in their place.

Before deciding when to plant seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse in the Moscow region and proceed with the placement of seedlings, first of all, attention is paid to the temperature of the air and soil inside the greenhouse. Much depends on the design, the possibility of heating. There are greenhouses in which the beds are warmed.

All these qualities affect the time of placement of seedlings in the greenhouse. But there is also dependence on weather and climate. In the conditions of the middle zone in the Moscow region, the temperature is very variable. If in one year it was possible to plant already in April, then in another - suitable weather can hardly be established by the middle of May.

Even if the air is warm, the soil may be cold and unsuitable for planting seedlings. And the temperature in the thickness of the earth can be too cold. Under adverse conditions, any plant experiences stress, which can cause growth to stop.

Growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse compares favorably with growing in a film greenhouse in that there is no need to mulch the soil. When planting, it is recommended to slightly bend the roots of the seedlings so that they do not go too deep. This is important, since the plant takes the bulk of its nutrients from the topsoil.

It is better to purchase them from well-known and trusted manufacturers who value their reputation. Scheme for the formation of a tomato plant in a greenhouse. Seeds for seedlings for growing in a polycarbonate greenhouse are sown in the last days of February - the first days of March.

If you still have to plant overgrown seedlings, you should not bury the stem when planting, as this will lead to a significant crop shortage. Early planting of tomato seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse requires that the soil be very moist.

The film construction of the greenhouse requires more careful preparation. An important condition for a high yield of tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse is that the entire space of the greenhouse is lit by the sun from morning to evening. If there are even slight shading by trees or tall bushes, this will lead to a decrease in yield. It should be borne in mind that high air humidity usually prevails in greenhouses, and during the daytime, plants also overheat, which in the case of tomatoes can lead to their disease late blight, which can completely destroy the entire crop in a few hours. That is why it is so important to have a good ventilation system in the greenhouse - this requirement fully applies to both film and polycarbonate greenhouses. If the tomatoes in the greenhouse do not get enough fresh air, then you can forget about a good harvest.

Some refuse to pinch eggplants in a polycarbonate greenhouse, forgetting that this process allows you to get larger fruits as a result, because when pinching the top and removing shoots, the growth of the bush stops, and all vegetative resources go to ripening.

Fill the pots with the prepared mixture and plant seeds one at a time. The soil should not be compacted, there must be sufficient air exchange. Water the seedlings with warm water as needed, avoiding waterlogging the soil or drying out.

Growing and caring for eggplant in a greenhouse largely depends on the variety of this vegetable, of which several varieties are offered today - from early to late ripening.

The strength of modern polycarbonate greenhouses is due not only to the special frame design, but also to the fact that their developers accurately calculated the optimal distance between the pipes. The width of the models is also not determined randomly: it is calculated so that the cutting of the material is carried out as optimally as possible, with a vertical arrangement of honeycombs. It also has a positive effect on strength.

Spring is a busy time for greenhouse owners. It is necessary to change or seal the leaky film, strengthen the frame, replace the broken bar ... Those who are preoccupied with the purchase of greenhouses made of polycarbonate and steel, these chores do not concern at all. Our greenhouses do not need an annual spring "prevention": if necessary, they can even work all year round!

Recall that such structures differ from greenhouses in their small size and the absence of doors. Spunbond is used as a coating in modern greenhouses - a durable material that allows you to maintain the optimum temperature for seedlings. Unlike polyethylene, spunbond is very difficult to tear or pierce, and its thermal insulation properties are an order of magnitude higher.

The developers of new models strive to make them as durable as possible: pay attention to reinforced options. They differ from ordinary ones in the optimized structure of the frame. The metal profile has more stiffening ribs, its shape in the form of the letter V is more in-depth than that of the "ordinary" models. As a result, such a greenhouse can withstand one and a half times stronger loads.

Greenhouses are designed for growing not only vegetables, but also flowers. They can be prepared for cutting or potting. Nowadays, a system of special cultivation of flowers is widespread in order to obtain buds earlier and increase their flowering period. Through special manipulations, plants are forced to bloom at a certain time. Bulbous plants are most suitable for growing in a greenhouse. The quality or appearance is not affected in any way by the method of growing flowers - on open ground or in a greenhouse. Flower seedlings in a greenhouse are widely in demand, and therefore profitable from a commercial point of view.

The long vegetation period causes the cultivation of only early white cabbage. Sowing seeds in the greenhouse takes place in early February, and seedlings are planted in early April. Green leaves signal that it will be difficult to take root. For the fruitful cultivation of cabbage, the soil must be dense, loamy, retain moisture well and be well fertilized. The soil should be loosened and fed with manure.

A small area of ​​the greenhouse can be dedicated to cabbage seedlings or ornamental flower crops. Although there is a more practical solution. To save space in the greenhouse, you can build racks for seedlings. The racks will contain boxes of fertile, well-drained soil. And above the boxes on the frame, you can install the same non-woven material that can create additional heating for plants.

Soil preparation for seedlings should be completed by May. If you correctly plan the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse, then you can continue sowing cold-resistant vegetables, plant onions. The placement of these plantings should be organized in such a way that at first they do not interfere with the seedlings, and then perform the function of a compacting culture.

Share how you can use the greenhouse for seedlings in the spring. I want to sow marigolds in the greenhouse, and lay out the geogreen tubers for May, let them sprout in the country, so as not to bring overgrowths from the house later. I think not to dig into the ground, so as not to break the roots later, but sprinkle the tubers a little on top. Small cons an ordinary polycarbonate greenhouse must withstand. I planted lettuce and radish at the end of April, and marigolds only in May. When do you start?

Everything depends on the weather. The greenhouse is unheated... hope only for good weather. Sunny day ... everything is on fire, cold ... in the morning, like on the street. In general, if with heating and ventilation, letniki are a pleasure to sow in a greenhouse. They sprout quickly, grow quickly. Everything rises very quickly. Transplantation with a clod of earth is painless. I start sowing early, but it also depends on the weather. The radish has already been eaten. Spring is cold. Let the weather settle.

I sowed flower seeds in the greenhouse a week ago (zinnias, marigolds, etc.), on the weekend I found friendly seedlings in even rows. Above all this greenery there are small arcs, if they threaten with sub-zero night temperatures, I close it with a film for the night.

Crop rotation inside a greenhouse is a properly organized alternation of crops that are grown on the same area. The change of crops should provide for optimal output per unit area in a short period of time. During this process in the greenhouse, the same rules must be observed as in the open ground. At the same time, in the open field, crops are replaced every year, and in a greenhouse, three crops can be changed in one year.

The first time top dressing is done two weeks after the seedlings were planted in the greenhouse. Organic fertilizers often do not need to be applied - from this they grow, and flowers and fruits do not form.

The main pests of eggplant grown in the greenhouse are: aphids, spider mites and whiteflies. The most annoying aphid, which loves high humidity. To avoid its occurrence, the greenhouse must be ventilated frequently. If large insects appear, they must be collected manually, and glue traps can be hung inside the structure.

High temperatures are more detrimental to these plants than low ones. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse, and on especially hot days, water the paths in it. In the eggplant greenhouse, you can hang two thermometers (closer to the ground and at the level of the middle of the protected ground structure) to monitor temperature changes.

The garter of greenhouse eggplant varieties is carried out, since in the greenhouse they grow taller and more fragile than in the open field. Each plant is tied up, sometimes even in several places. It is better to remove the lateral processes, leaving only the strongest ones.

We buy and make greenhouses in order to warm our seedlings and plants in cool periods in spring and autumn, because - the climate is not the same! A greenhouse is a shelter to provide more comfortable conditions for plants. In cold weather, due to the accumulation of heat from the sun's rays and longer cooling under cover, there is the main effect of warming, apparently from here the name came from - a greenhouse. But how to determine when the time has come FEARLESSLY and most importantly SAFELY to take out our prepared plants for further more intensive development. This goal is pursued more than anything else. It's no secret that the crop in greenhouses and greenhouses ripens a little earlier than in the open field.

I will immediately make a reservation seedlings into a greenhouse, it is different for each greenhouse, and navigating through the neighbors can be very destructive and deceptive. Like warming, and on the second - the third day bam and FROST. . Each gardener installs a greenhouse guided by his own considerations - this is one time, each greenhouse has different sizes and different shelter materials - these are two. This leads to the conclusion that even in greenhouses that are identically arranged nearby, but of different sizes, the time for the removal of seedlings will come in different ways. Mass exodus in our area seedlings in greenhouses is in mid-April. I am ahead of everyone in the removal of seedlings by two to three weeks, this requires some investment and adaptations. I have been preparing the greenhouse since autumn, making an internal insulation dome, plus gas heating for the night, when the sun does not shine and no heat enters the greenhouse, I insure just in case. Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself! Automation works and heats up the air in the greenhouse, and I go about my business without fear for the seedlings, I spent more freedom!

How do you know when seedlings can move?

Estimated travel time seedlings to the greenhouse, this is March 15-25, everything comes from solar activity, and indeed it is at this time that the increase in the spring sunlight so needed and desired by everyone begins. Consequently, the greenhouse becomes quite warm and cozy. But not everything is so simple, it is necessary to clarify the moment, that is, to obtain confirmation from the sun and other weather factors that the risks of seedling death are minimal. Of course, you can choose the spring equinox as a starting point. Well, my volunteer assistant “control light” helps me in this matter. The method has been described so far only by me, and you can safely call it mine by right of the first description and application.

"Control light" is a method for determining the change in day and night temperatures in a greenhouse using a plastic bottle with a capacity of 0.6 liters. How does the "control light" behave? The essence of her work is not in the glow, of course, but in the cycles of freezing and thawing. Thermodynamics in the service of vegetable growing, however ... I use the thermal inertia of water as an indicator of the average daily temperature. At night, it freezes, and during the day, when the sun heats up the greenhouse quite well, it thaws, while the solar activity is low, the “control light” will be frozen completely, or partially. As the weather gets warmer and solar radiation increases, our bottle thaws faster and freezes slower. And when in the morning before the sun rises it does not have time to freeze, this is a confirmation of the signal for the start of transfer planning seedlings in a greenhouse. Simple, visually and most importantly CONVENIENT! Away with doubts!

Now an example, today is March 3, 2013, the outside temperature is minus 2 degrees, but the bottle in the greenhouse is frozen. Yesterday the temperature was minus 18-20 degrees Celsius, at night there was a sudden warming, but the bottle was FROZEN. This suggests that solar activity and average daily temperatures are still very weak, and despite the thaw, it is still very early to rejoice, it is better for seedlings to stay warm and under lamps, if any.

What should be guided by when taking seedlings to the greenhouse?

You should not focus on the day of the week, or the day of the month, this is wrong initially. The lunar calendar is also garbage. Of course, you can “guess”, but this will be a mistake, and in the next years the weather will punish you for neglect and haste. But according to solar activity, you can already navigate quite well, and if you look at the average temperatures for the decade of March or April, then the takeaway seedlings will be much safer. The “control light” is already a more serious hint, it indicates the moment when a positive microclimate is created in the greenhouse. Further, the decision must be made by a thinking person.

So that after reading this article you don’t have “porridge” in your head, I suggest looking at the climate charts that we all kindly and for free present on the Yandex online service - Yandex - Weather. I worked on the schematics a little and got such a pretty understandable picture.

Average daily temperatures in the Novosibirsk region from Yandex. Pay attention to markers!

Daytime temperatures begin to rise in the second half of March, and nighttime temperatures pass zero only in May, and even then not significantly. The greenhouse gives us the opportunity to use this period for growing vegetables and herbs. It happens, quite often, that in June we heat the stoves. Siberia, it forces you to be prudent in many plans.