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How to grow bell pepper. Pepper growing tips. Top dressing bell pepper. How to feed peppers for growth: the best folk remedies Feed bell peppers in the open field

Sweet bell pepper, that is what this nightshade culture is called in our country, is a wonderful vegetable that can be eaten raw, and cooked from it first and second courses. All of them are very piquant, with a pleasant aftertaste, so growing such a vegetable is not so easy in your summer cottage.

How to properly care for the plant so that the fruits are born juicy and large?

Features of care during flowering

On the video - how to feed the pepper during flowering:

The main condition for obtaining a good harvest and in order to avoid fungal diseases is that the stem of the plant must dry out by night, and at night it remains completely dry. That is, you need to water in advance so that the moisture has time to evaporate.

It is necessary to feed the plant regularly during the set of flowers and growth, the following ingredients are the most useful for it:

You can purchase combined fertilizers, which already include all of the listed elements, or you can feed yourself in turn with each of them.

Features of flowering

On the video - spraying pepper:

A little about pests

You can make an infusion of ash, for example, take a liter of warm water in a glass, insist it, strain it, and spray the lower parts of the leaves with this solution from a spray bottle. This tool is absolutely safe for humans, but helps to get rid of malicious pests. We also recommend that you read our article, which will tell you.

With proper feeding of peppers during their flowering and fruit set, their yield increases. Not all fertilizers are effective, so some peppers do not grow well.

A good harvest of pepper can be obtained in case of proper feeding. Pepper needs mineral and organic substances, which are not enough in ordinary soil. Organics and minerals need to be added at different stages of pepper growth.

What do peppers feed during flowering and fruiting

Before transplanting pepper seedlings, prepare the ground: 1 sq. m. of land requires half a bucket of compost, 100 g of ash, half a spoon (tablespoon) of double superphosphate, 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate. Then the soil is plowed, watered with water (50 degrees) and covered with a film.

Before applying top dressing in liquid form, you need to water the pepper a couple of days before. Feed it when the soil is wet. If you use dry mineral fertilizers, then you need to re-water.

The first feeding is carried out after 2-3 weeks after planting the peppers, so that the root system develops well, the pepper adapts faster. The fertilizer should include phosphates and nitrogen, 2.5 g of double superphosphate, 10 g of urea. The mixture is diluted in a bucket of water. For each bush you need to pour 1 liter, while you should not forget that the soil must be moist. As soon as the peppers take root, they add bird droppings or mullein (dissolve 1 kg in 10 liters of water).

In the case of infertile soil, the pepper needs to be fed again: 20 g of potassium sulfate, 35-40 g of ammonium nitrate and the same amount of phosphate.

Feeding peppers during growth and development

During the period of growth of peppers, they are fed twice a month with mineral fertilizers and organic matter. Growing pepper requires a sufficient amount of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen. You can also apply "Nitroammophoska" or "Azofoska". You can apply complex fertilizers if the peppers are sick, infected, require minerals.

Before flowering, they are fed with superphosphate, nitrogenous fertilizers: dissolve 5 g and 10 g of mineral fertilizers per 10 liters of water and insist. The solution should not get on the leaves. You need to pour 100-150 g under a bush. Chicken manure, diluted in a ratio of 1 to 5, wood ash (200 g per 1 liter of water), manure (1 kg per 10 liters of water) usually acts as an organic fertilizer.

Feeding peppers during fruit set

Peppers will flower well and fruit set well if the soil is getting enough potassium. It is with this fertilizer that pepper is fed: 1 tsp. to a bucket of water.

Peppers in the greenhouse are fed with organic mineral fertilizers for better development of the ovaries. They are sprinkled dry under the bushes according to the recipe, then they are watered. Thanks to organic fertilizers, the soil becomes better, fertility increases.

A few tips:

  1. if the pepper does not bloom, do not fertilize with substances containing nitrogen;
  2. if the leaves are curled, the pepper needs potassium;
  3. if the sheets are gray at the bottom, nitrogen is needed;
  4. if the sheets turn purple at the bottom, phosphorus is needed.

Not every gardener manages to get good seedlings of pepper. Well, about an adult, developed plant, giving large, tasty crops, many generally only dream of. The reason is that pepper needs special conditions for growth and care, an essential part of which is top dressing. If it is not fertilized, it begins to slow down growth, stretch, and not grow into a beautiful bush, get sick, reduce yield or fruit quality. How to feed pepper and how to do it correctly, you can read below in the article.

How often to fertilize peppers?

Pepper California Miracle

Before you feed the pepper, with one or another fertilizer, you need to figure out how often you need to do this. Many factors (variety, climate, place of cultivation, quantity and variety of pepper) influence the intensity of top dressing, but mainly you need to pay attention to the quality of the soil. Pepper loves nutritious soil, and does not develop at all in empty soil. Therefore, it is necessary to plant seeds or ready-made seedlings only in fertilized soil and, as the crop grows, and, that is, the consumption of nutrients from the soil, feed it.

If we talk about normal soil, then pepper needs about 5 dressings for the entire period of development. The first is carried out after picking the seedlings into separate cups (2-3 leaves). A day before planting seedlings in a permanent place in open or closed ground, it is also necessary to carry out top dressing to reinforce the seedlings. When the seedlings take root in a new place (2 weeks after planting), you can fertilize them. The next fertilizer is applied already during the flowering period, and then during the onset of fruiting (fruit formation). After the fruits begin to grow, fill with color, top dressing is carried out only as a last resort, for example, if the plant withers, develops poorly. Do not forget that any top dressing at this time can adversely affect the quality, taste and even color of the crop.


Determining whether the pepper was fed correctly is very simple. If the plant has new, green leaves, then everything is done without errors, but if the development has not changed, the leaves do not grow, the color fades, then most likely something was done wrong.

How to feed pepper for growth?

Check also these articles

Types of top dressing for pepper

If the pepper does not grow well or does not develop properly, you need to apply the appropriate fertilizer. Sluggish leaves, dull color of the bush, thin stem, weakness of branches indicate a lack of calcium, nitrogen, boron, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, copper and some other elements. How to feed the pepper to restore its appearance and accelerate growth?

  • Eggshells are most often planted in the ground when planting, but an infusion can also be made. For this, crushed shells of 2-3 eggs are taken, poured with 3 liters of water and infused in a dark place for 3-4 days. Then it is used for watering young and already adult bushes. This tool has especially proven itself when growing seedlings.
  • An infusion of herbs contains an abundance of various elements. It will be useful for the growth and development of the plant, and will also significantly increase the yield. To prepare the drug, you need to grind the leaves of plantain, coltsfoot, dandelion, nettle, wood lice and pour water in a ratio of 1:5. Infuse the remedy for a week, and then use a liter for each bush.


Top dressing of peppers is usually carried out in the morning or in the evening, when the sun does not shine too brightly, it is not hot outside, there is no rain.

  • In order for young seedlings to develop rapidly, you need to add a handful of ashes to each hole, when planting in a permanent place.
  • Yeast contributes to the growth of root and green mass, increase productivity, so you should not neglect such a fertilizer, especially since it is natural and harmless. 1 kg of wet yeast is infused in 5 liters of water all day long (preferably in a dark, warm place). Then 2-3 tablespoons of ash are added to the solution and used for irrigation.

Yeast fertilizer is useful, but it is used only in combination with ash, since the yeast itself leaches potassium from the ground.

For the active growth of the plant, mineral fertilizers can also be used. At the first feeding, it is worthwhile to provide an abundance of potassium and nitrogen to the plant, using, for example, "Kemira-Lux", "Kristalon" or "GUMI Kuznetsova" according to the instructions. If you wish, you can make fertilizer yourself. 3 tablespoons of superphosphate, 3 teaspoons of potassium sulfate, 2 teaspoons of ammonium nitrate are taken on a bucket of water. During the second feeding, the same means are used, but the concentration is increased by 2 times.

How to feed pepper for a good harvest?

Pepper harvest

A large crop of pepper can be obtained only with the introduction of timely, good dressings. You can make them yourself or use purchased ones. So, what to feed the pepper? Many gardeners prefer to use folk methods. They include green infusions, decoctions, and fertilizers made from organic "garbage" like banana peels, vegetable peels, eggshells, ashes, and similar ingredients.

  • The peel of 2-3 bananas is crushed and infused in water for 3 days. After that, the infusion is filtered and watered with peppers. Banana peel contains a lot of potassium, so it is essential in the spring, during the growth of the plant and during fruiting, so that the pepper is beautiful, even, rich in color.
  • At the time of flowering, it does not hurt to feed the peppers with bird droppings or humus. But it is dangerous to use them in their pure form, so a solution is being prepared. Chicken manure is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10, and humus 1:5 and then used for irrigation. But at one time you can use either humus or litter, it is not recommended to combine them.


Pepper loves ash very much. This is not only affordable, but also a very useful fertilizer that has a positive effect on the plant throughout the entire growing season. But fresh manure can harm peppers.

  • The wonderful taste of fruits and their abundance will provide the gardener with top dressing with ash during the fruiting period of pepper. 2 liters of hot water are taken per tablespoon of pure wood ash. After the mixture has been infused for a day, it is well shaken and used for watering.
  • You can increase the yield and taste of pepper with iodine fertilizer. No more than 2 drops of iodine and 100 ml of serum are taken per liter of water. After thorough mixing, the solution can be used for its intended purpose.

If there is no desire to engage in natural fertilizers, you can use it as a fertilizer and minerals. To increase productivity, the preparations Agricola, Uniflor-growth, Gomel, Nitroammophoska and the like are usually used. All of them are bred according to the instructions.

How to choose a feed?

Pepper dressing

If the gardener does not have time to prepare fertilizers, dilute them, measure them and maintain the correct proportions, he simply purchases complex fertilizers for pepper: Ideal, Kemira-Lux, Aquadon-micro, Orton-Fe. They provide the plant with a minimum or maximum of nutrients (depending on the type and concentration), and fully justify their use. Pepper grows well, gives a crop, becomes more resistant to diseases, growing conditions.

You need to purchase complex fertilizers, minerals or other ready-made fertilizers, even if it is organic, only from trusted sellers or in specialized stores.

The choice of a mineral preparation should be based on the characteristics of pepper planting (greenhouse, open ground), crop problems (no harvest, weak shoots, loss of color, etc.) and other similar points. Therefore, the composition before buying and before feeding the pepper, you need to study well so that it does not turn out that the substance does not contain the elements necessary for the plant.

It is easier with organic fertilizers - they can be made from grass, products stored in the refrigerator. As for humus, compost, manure and even wood ash, it is advisable to buy them on large farms with a good reputation. After all, bad manure, like other fertilizers, can be infected with pests, diseases, or be of poor quality.

Pepper patch

Even top dressing when growing pepper does not always give good results if carried out incorrectly. How to feed the pepper was described above, and now it’s worth understanding the features of the procedure.

  1. Foliar top dressing for peppers is never used! All fertilizers are poured directly under the bush. And if drops get on the leaves, you need to rinse them with clean water. Since it is very harmful to the plant.
  2. It is necessary to plant sprouts in a permanent place only in nutritious, fertilized soil, otherwise even good seedlings will begin to wither quickly.
  3. Solutions and infusions are always made using warm, not cold water. Sometimes you need hot water, but only in certain recipes.
  4. If there is little sun, peppers provide additional dressings with an abundance of potassium (ash, banana peel). This is especially true for greenhouse varieties.

Finally, I would like to note that when growing peppers, you need to be very careful. The plant reacts very sharply to the lack of elements: it worsens its appearance, reduces yield, fades or changes the color of the leaves. And if such signs appeared, it is impossible to postpone with top dressing. It is worth remembering that the timely application of fertilizers under the bushes can not only increase the yield or improve the taste of the fruit, but also save the life of the plant, which will die in a matter of days with a lack of vital elements.

Many farmers plant pepper on their plots, and, of course, they want to get an excellent result. In this article we will tell you how to feed peppers for growth with folk remedies.

The first thing to consider when feeding pepper with folk remedies is that they need to be used wisely. Some, of course, mistakenly believe that the more fertilization, the richer the crop will be later. However, if you overdo it with fertilizers, there will be more harm to seedlings than good.

You can feed the pepper at different stages. The first dressing is applied when the first leaves appear (to form strong stems and roots), and then only after the plant has at least three pairs of leaves (to improve their growth). Next, about a week before you plant your peppers in the ground, you need to add the next portion of fertilizer. Only 10 days after landing in a permanent place, you can once again feed the pepper. The last time it is recommended to fertilize plants only during the period when buds begin to form - this is done in order to increase productivity.

How to fertilize peppers? Before you apply the next portion of fertilizer, do not forget to water the plant. Also note that your solution should be at room temperature, that is, slightly warm. Watering seedlings with cold water, you will only increase the risk of various diseases.

Water must not be allowed to get on the stems or leaves - it is necessary to pour it directly under the root. It is best to carry out the procedure at dawn or after sunset - so the leaves will not get a sunburn. After you treat the plants with a solution, do not forget to loosen the ground, providing the roots with access to oxygen.

The best means

When choosing how to feed pepper seedlings, folk remedies are the most popular option. As you know, there are a lot of different means (for example, feeding pepper with yeast and ash) that help accelerate the growth and increase the yield of this vegetable crop.

So, let's take a closer look at how to water peppers for growth with folk remedies.

Iodine and yeast

Feeding peppers with yeast is a long-standing method that is still considered effective. It is noteworthy that feeding peppers with yeast not only contributes to the rapid growth of the plant, but also minimizes the risk of fungal diseases.

What will be required for this? 100 g yeast, 150 g sugar and 5 liters of water. You will also need wet alcohol yeast, which, along with sugar, is poured into a container and filled with water. Such a solution should be “boiled” in the sun until the fermentation process begins. After that, you need to use ¼ l of the infusion itself and a bucket of water to prepare the remedy. After that, it is poured under the root of the plant.

Iodine, like yeast, effectively protects pepper from disease. Usually, iodine is simply added to the water settled for irrigation (10 g of iodine is required for 10 liters of water), you can also add a liter of milk or whey to your mixture. After that, the iodine solution is ready, and you can treat your seedlings with it.


Another great folk recipe that will help you get a good pepper harvest. In order to prepare fertilizer, you will need 2 eggshells and 3 liters of water. It is necessary to crush the shell until you get a fine powder, and then pour cold water over it. In this form, the infusion should stand for three days (do not forget to stir it from time to time). After that, it must be filtered and diluted with water in the proportion of 1 glass of infusion per 3 liters of water.


Pepper ash is an excellent fertilizer. However, it is important to remember that this fertilizer is incompatible with nitrogen-containing top dressings (ash destroys nitrogen). It is recommended to use ash top dressing at the initial stages of plant growth and during the budding period, since ash helps to make up for the lack of potassium and phosphorus. You can not prepare the infusion, but simply pour the ground under the plants and sprinkle it with ash. However, if desired, you can also prepare an ash infusion.

For the infusion, you will need 200 g of ash and 10 liters of water. The ash is diluted in a bucket of water, mixed well and infused for 3-5 days. After this time, it is necessary to strain the infusion and use for watering.

banana top dressing

Another good source of potassium is banana peels, which come in handy for making banana infusions. You will need 2 or 3 banana peels and 3 liters of water. The peel can be used both fresh and dried. You will need to grind it well, pour it with water and leave for 2-3 days. Then the infusion must be filtered and used to fertilize pepper.

bird droppings

Bird droppings are a great source of nitrogen, so be sure to use them to help your plants grow faster. Remember that before you plant your seedlings in the soil, you can only fertilize it once with bird droppings. For the preparation of fertilizer, both fresh and dry litter are suitable. You will need twice as much water as you took the litter (1:2).