Repair Design Furniture

Growing roses from a bouquet or a new life for cut flowers. How to grow a rose from cuttings from a bouquet and get a luxuriously flowering bush How to plant cut ones

Don't rush to throw it away. Few people know, but flowers can be given a second life. You do not need to have any supernatural knowledge for this. We will study a few tips and answer the main question: how to grow a rose from a cut flower.

First difficulties

Do not think that you will do it easily and the first time. As soon as you want to grow a rose in this way, then you may encounter the following problems:

  1. If you have flowers of foreign origin, then there will be problems with rooting. This is due to the fact that they are treated with various chemicals.
  2. Even if you have Russian roses, then be prepared that the buds will be small. And also such plants are not resistant to severe frosts.

But do not despair. If you follow our recommendations, you will quickly learn how to grow a rose from a cut flower.

Basic Rules

To achieve the goal, we suggest using the following tips:

Tip 1. When the bouquet has survived its time, prepare the cuttings that are cut from the stems. The height of each of them should not exceed 20 cm. This will help them not to dry out.

Important! Each cutting should have 2-3 live buds.

Tip 2. If there are leaves left on the cuttings, cut them off immediately. Make one incision at the top and bottom of the kidney. To do this, prepare a sharp knife.

Tip 3. For a day, put the cuttings in a solution that promotes rapid rooting. Such a drug can be purchased at a special store.

Tip 4. Get the right soil. For this, a special land for roses is suitable. It contains all the necessary components and trace elements. Spread all the soil in boxes or pots.

Tip 5 You can plant cuttings no earlier than 2 months later.

Tip 6 Cover all seedlings with plastic bottles. They will help maintain a constant temperature, which should be in the range of 20-25 degrees.

Tip 7. The soil in pots should always be moist. Spray cuttings with water 5-6 times a day.

Tip 8 In the cold season, do not keep plants on the balcony.

By following our rules, you can easily get an answer to the question of how to grow a rose from a cut flower. The photo will show in more detail the cuttings, from which a real miracle will turn out.

original ways

If you are seriously interested in the question of how to grow a spray rose from a cut flower, then you will be interested in the following method. We invite you to read in detail:

  1. Prepare the cuttings and insert each into one potato.
  2. Make a bed in the area. To do this, dig a small trench.
  3. Choose a place sunny and inaccessible to the winds.
  4. Add sand to the trench. Now sort the young shoots. Choose only those copies that have reached the size of a pencil. Shoots must be even.
  5. Now we plant them in a prepared bed and cover them with earth.
  6. During this time, sprouts could form on the potatoes, we strongly ask you to cut them off.

If you still doubt whether it is possible to grow a rose from a cut flower, then our answer will be obvious. Of course, you can, the main thing is the desire and compliance with all the rules.


Now that you have decided to get down to business with the question of how to grow a rose from a cut flower, then be prepared for the following:

  • if you have been growing cuttings at home all this time, then in the first spring the plant must be transferred to open ground; even a large capacity will be cramped, since the plant has large roots;
  • always remember that this flower is the most capricious of all representatives of the flora, so provide it with proper care.

You can plant cuttings in open ground in the summer. June is the best time for this. They are planted in the ground, which must be fertilized with peat and humus. Close the cuttings with a glass jar. If fresh green leaves appeared on them, then this indicates that the plant has taken root successfully. Continue loosening the soil constantly, weeding and watering as needed.

We answered your main question: "How to grow a rose from a cut flower?" The rest is up to you. Follow the instructions exactly, and you will definitely succeed.

Receiving fragrant noble flowers as a gift, we involuntarily catch ourselves thinking “if only we could keep this beauty for a long time”, but this is possible - you just need to know how to grow a rose. Rose bouquets from ancient times amaze us with their aroma and delicate beauty, but sooner or later the cut plants “die”, and we regret tossing the withered, short-lived beauty into the bin. And it’s completely in vain, because any rose can be grown even at home.

You don't have to be a breeder to be a flower grower. You can refer to the experience of other people on the Internet and, with the help of video tutorials, master one of the simple techniques at home in spring or autumn, or in a summer house in a greenhouse.

How to grow

There are several options for growing roses:

  • cuttings in water and soil;
  • cuttings in potatoes;
  • breeding from seeds in the ground;
  • in a greenhouse.

To understand which method is the most interesting, or simple and effective, we will consider each of the methods in detail and learn how to properly grow these noble flowers at home or in a greenhouse.

How to grow a rose from a cutting

This method is considered the most effective and efficient for any varieties of roses; varieties whose ancestors were rose hips take root especially well at home. This is originally a wild plant, the fallen branch of which instantly sprouted even on not the most fertile soil. That is why his descendants take root at home by cuttings from a bouquet much faster, in contrast to artificially selected species.

What roses should not be rooted at home:

  • tea European;
  • hybrids from South America;
  • Dutch long stems.

These are capricious and complex flowers that require the use of special skills - budding. Here you need to be able to implant buds into growing branches of wild rose, taking into account seasonal characteristics. In addition, they are distinguished by particularly long periods of transportation, in order to preserve life and freshness, the plants are treated with special preparations, which reduces to a minimum the likelihood of successful removal by cuttings from the bouquet. And the probability of growing such a rose from a cutting is not only at home, but even according to all the rules in a greenhouse, it comes down to 10%, not a single most competent and detailed video will help here, a plantation and an appropriate climate will be required.


It is necessary to start the preparation correctly from the moment the rose fell into the hands and the vase. If you have ever grown them yourself or want to take them from friends from the garden, it is best to do this in the fall, if we want to give life to a flower from a bouquet at home, the season does not matter, you can root at any time of the year. However, experienced breeders claim that nature tells us with her whole existence that all plants germinate best in spring.


  1. Choose a few roses from the bouquet, cut off the buds, remove the thorns and completely immerse the stems in water for a day.
  2. With a sharp knife or scissors, we cut the stem obliquely at an angle, which will prevent air from entering the cut. But everything is not so simple - you need to cut in the right places. The stalk should be at least 10 cm long and have at least one bud, ideally the lower cut should be made in the middle between the nodes, and the top cut immediately above the bud should not be longer than 1 cm and sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal. The bottom of the handle is notched crosswise with a knife no deeper than 8 mm. The lower cut is treated with a root growth stimulator, they can be bought at any gardening store.
  3. We put it in a vase with water and cover it with a plastic bag, many gardeners add a couple of drops of honey there, since it is a good biostimulant or their chemical variants. We do not change the water, we just defend it and pour it into the vase as it evaporates. There is another option - you can place the cutting directly into the soil, the main thing is not to forget to water it regularly so that the soil always remains moist.
  4. When roots appear in the water, we plant them in a pot, with the option of rooting immediately in the ground, we just wait for the result.
  5. Advice! Before placing the cutting in the soil, you should first make drainage in the pot - pour special pebbles. In order for the stalk to grow quickly and correctly, it is even worth building a mini-greenhouse in a pot at home - a kind of greenhouse on a wire frame, covered with polyethylene. How to arrange it, you can find on the video on the Internet.

    How to grow a rose from seed

    Most often we receive seeds from China. It would seem that this is such a distant country, can a miracle really happen, and shriveled grains turn into beautiful plants? And this magic happens, the main thing is to follow the sequence correctly, the procedure is described very well and simply in the video tutorials for beginners.

    What to do:

    1. Getting the seeds ready for planting. We build a substrate of gauze, fabric or cotton pads so that this layer can retain moisture.
    2. Add some hydrogen peroxide.
    3. We place the seeds.
    4. Cover with another layer identical to the substrate.
    5. We put it all in a sudok, wrap it loosely with polyethylene and place it in a cool dark place.
    6. We are waiting for everything to germinate, constantly maintaining moisture.
    7. Sprouted seeds are planted in soil or peat tablets, which can be bought at any specialized store.
    8. It remains to maintain a normal level of lighting and temperature plus 18-20 degrees.
    9. The first buds should not be grown in the hope of a bouquet, they must be cut off, this will ensure good root development.
    10. Further, the plant can be grown at home or in a greenhouse.
    11. It takes much longer to grow a rose from seeds than from a cut cutting in a bouquet, however, some rare varieties can only be grown in this way.

      How to grow a rose from a cut flower in a potato

      This uncomplicated method is almost a hundred years old, it is suitable for the home, for the scale of an industrial greenhouse it would take too much time and energy costs. You can grow both from bushes from a summer residence in the fall, and from a cut bouquet at any time of the year. To help novice gardeners, there are many videos with detailed visual instructions.

      What will be required:

  • medium sized pots;
  • potato tubers;
  • bouquet of roses;
  • big bank;
  • drainage stones;
  • some sand;
  • soil for flowers (any);
  • flora restorer.


  1. We form a pot - we pour pebbles for drainage on the bottom, a layer of sand of 3-5 cm, we fill up part of the soil.

    Tip: if you used non-purchased land, you need to add phytosporin to it to restore the microflora.

  2. We prepare the cuttings, as described in the section on cuttings, and stick the lower sharp cut into the potato tubers.
  3. We place the potatoes together with the cuttings in prepared pots and sprinkle with earth (drop in).
  4. We place in places with good lighting.
  5. Many gardeners advise using an ordinary jar as a greenhouse, others argue that the potato itself is able to maintain the life of the rose stem in the right state without the greenhouse effect. Roses grow this way, and that way, you can try both options.
  6. When the stems become stronger and grow, they are planted in pots in the usual way.
  7. It is no secret that many gardeners grow roses for business and are therefore reluctant to share their secrets, considering everyone as potential competitors. However, some summer residents who have greenhouses learn the same moments from their own experience and willingly share with each other.

    A few shared secrets

    1. When growing a rose in winter, when there is a shortage of natural light, it is worth organizing artificial lighting, and fluorescent lamps are best suited for this. If there is not enough light in greenhouses, it is better to use their sodium varieties with a power not exceeding 650W.
    2. It is better to transplant roses closer to autumn, so that it has time to take root by winter, or in spring, so that it takes root by summer.
    3. It is necessary to carefully monitor the appearance of plants and, at the slightest appearance of specks and darkening, figure out what the reason is and take action. In the early stages, any diseases of the shoots can be cured.
    4. If you use a jar as a greenhouse, you need to periodically raise it and let the seedlings "breathe".
    5. When transplanting rooted stems from greenhouse conditions into pots, this should be done gradually, increasing the time they stay without a greenhouse. It is not recommended to immediately remove the jar or polyethylene, this is stress for the rose.
    6. As a greenhouse, you can use not only polyethylene or cans, cut plastic bottles are great.
    7. For home roses, you should not save and take land from parks, gardens, etc. It is better to buy a special one in a store, it is lighter in structure, has the necessary nutrients and does not contain pathogens.
    8. Understanding how to grow a rose from a cut flower or seeds is a simple matter, the main thing is to follow the instructions clearly. It is much more important to properly care for it for months in the process of growth, preventing temperature changes and drying of the soil. Also, gardeners recommend additionally regularly spraying the cuttings from above. With strict observance of all the necessary conditions and recommendations, after a long period of continuous care for a fragile plant, a beautiful rose will reveal itself to the world and its owners. Under careful care, a home rose is able to satisfy aesthetic needs for many years out of seasons, bring freshness and give a feeling of comfort.

A wonderful bouquet of roses, received as a gift, causes joy, delight, tenderness. Unfortunately, the splendor of cut flowers can not be admired for long, because after a certain time they fade. Often this causes disappointment, regret, a desire to somehow preserve such perfect beauty.

After reviewing the information on how to grow a rose from a bouquet in an apartment, it is worth trying to put the knowledge gained into practice. The process of planting, caring for a plant is unlikely to be too easy, however, following the recommendations below, you can cope with all the difficulties.

Selecting the source material

The florist will need to prepare the source material by selecting specimens from a bouquet with live leaves, buds, strong, strong stems that are in the lignification stage. This can be concluded by paying attention to the color of the shoots, the compaction of their skin. It is necessary to abandon the use of immature, excessively thin petioles, as well as completely lignified specimens with a thick core.

Roses that have stood in unreplaceable water for several days will be unsuitable for rooting, since harmful microorganisms are guaranteed to penetrate into the tissues of their stems. It is best not to postpone cuttings for a long time, but to carry out the procedure in the evening of the same day when the bouquet was presented or purchased. If it is impossible to carry out the work promptly, you should leave the flowers overnight in clean, cold water, after cutting off the ends of their stems by 1.5 cm.

In order for rose cuttings to be successful, it is advisable to give preference to fresh flowers, cut at the beginning of the summer season, grown in local climatic conditions. Varieties imported from abroad, hybrids are treated with chemicals, which negatively affects their ability to root.

As practice shows, the effective cultivation of roses by cuttings can be counted on using stems crowned with pink or red flowers. More problematic is the process of rooting specimens with yellow, orange petals. The least chance of success is when working with cuttings of white roses.

To count on a good cutting of roses from a bouquet, it is advisable to perform a similar procedure at the end of spring - in the fall. It is worth noting that in June the growth of shoots is as intense as possible, in August-September the vitality of the plant decreases, which negatively affects the process of root formation.

The choice of other dates may cause poor rooting of cut specimens. The most unfavorable period is January-February. At this time, the results of the work of an inexperienced grower may be negative. How to properly grow roses from a bouquet at home in winter: you will need to ensure that the plants maintain the optimal lighting, temperature, and humidity conditions.

Procurement of cuttings of roses

To carry out the first stage of work, you should arm yourself with a sharp knife, secateurs. This will avoid unnecessary injury to the cut stems. An experienced florist, who knows how to propagate roses by cuttings, will definitely disinfect the instrument first to prevent infection of planting specimens.

In roses selected from the bouquet, unopened buds and blooming flowers are removed. Then the stems are cut into cuttings (15-30 cm long).

The technology of the procedure is as follows: an oblique cut is made under the lower kidney with an indent of 1 cm, and then a straight cut is made above the kidney, located above. As a result, you need to get segments of stems, each of which will have 2 - 3 future shoot buds. It is allowed to prepare cuttings of roses (6-8 cm long) with one bud located in the middle, if there are a small number of flowers in the bouquet.

The resulting planting material removes the lower leaves, and the upper ones are shortened by 1/3.

This procedure will contribute to the preservation of moisture, eliminate the drying of the shoots. Cutting off all the leaves is not welcome, as this can adversely affect the circulation of the juice. Lastly, you need to get rid of the thorns on the stem.

Use of growth promoters

Next, pour clean, settled water into the prepared container and dilute the root formation stimulator in it. You can use purchased drugs (Kornevin, Epin, Heteroauxin, Charkor), the recommended dosage of which is published on the package. To stimulate the rooting of roses, the cuttings are placed in the resulting liquid with immersion by 1/3 of the length for 6 hours.

You can also use a solution containing water (a glass), aloe juice (20 drops) or honey (a teaspoon), chopped stems are soaked in it for at least a day.

Methods for rooting cuttings

Florists with experience who know how to root a spray rose from a cut bouquet practice several ways to perform this procedure. The most commonly used methods are germination in water, in soil with shelter, in a potato tuber, in a bag. Below are the features of each of them.

Rooting planting material in water

In order to grow roses from a bouquet at home without any problems, it is worth using the rooting of planting material in a glass container with water (settled or filtered), to which it is desirable to add charcoal for disinfection. This method is considered the simplest. Only the lower parts of the petioles are subject to immersion in order to prevent tissue decay.

Regularly (once every 2 days) the available water should be changed to clean water within 2-3 weeks. After 15 - 20 days, whitish growths - the beginnings of roots - will begin to be visible in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cuts. This is a signal to transplant the cuttings into the soil. There is no need to rush to hold such an event, it is better to give the opportunity to form stronger roots.

The disadvantages of the described method are considered to be low oxygen concentrations in the aquatic environment, due to which the germination procedure is significantly inhibited or may even fail.

Rooting cuttings in pots

Tips on how to grow a rose from a cutting from a bouquet by rooting in pots from experienced gardeners can be heard quite often. The use of this method ensures the development of strong roots resistant to adverse factors. Each cutting must be provided with a separate pot or a plastic cup (volume 0.5 l). Having placed the planting material in a common box, it is necessary to provide for an interval between specimens of at least 6-8 cm.

Initially empty containers are treated with a solution of manganese, followed by drying. Then it is filled with a soil substrate preheated in the oven, which contains: garden soil (2 shares), rotted compost (2 shares), washed sand (1 share). Flower growers who recommend growing a rose from a bouquet at home allow the use of purchased universal soil in order to save time.

Drainage (small pebbles) should be poured onto the bottom of the planting container, after which the containers should be filled with soil, followed by manual compaction. In a recess made with a spatula or stick, you will need to carefully place the cutting.
The deepening of a two-bud specimen is carried out with the provision of only the upper kidney above the ground surface, and the one-bud specimen is filled up to the level of the future shoot germ. Then the earth is compacted, watered.

To create a greenhouse effect, containers with separately planted cuttings are covered with glass jars, and the boxes are wrapped in foil. Solving the problem of how to propagate roses, it will be necessary to ensure that the temperature is maintained at + 25 ° C during the day, + 18 ° C at night. It is not recommended to install containers in a place that is strongly lit by the sun and is blown by drafts. Dosed watering is done as the soil dries up.

When a rose planted in this way from a bouquet gave a shoot visible in the axil of the leaf, one can judge the success of the procedure. As a rule, this happens after 30 days. A seedling can be determined for a permanent place after the formation of strong young shoots in it.

Sprouting in a potato tuber

When studying information on how to grow a rose from a bouquet in potatoes, you need to take into account that the use of this method makes it possible to create a regime with optimal humidity, to feed the growing roots with valuable carbohydrates.

The priority is the choice of visually healthy, not sluggish tubers, which should be pre-washed, subjected to procedures for removing eyes, disinfecting with a solution of manganese, and drying. In each tuber, you need to make a deep (not through) hole, where the lower cut of the cutting, moistened with Kornevin, will be inserted.

In a bright, windswept place in the garden plot, you will need to dig a trench (15 cm deep), the bottom of which will need to be filled with sand (a layer up to 5 cm thick). Tubers with cuttings are placed in a well-watered groove, covered with soil so as to ensure that the upper bud is located above the surface. After one more irrigation, plantings should be covered with jars, cut plastic bottles or film.

As part of further care, moderate watering is performed. The emerging sprouts are released from shelter after 2 weeks.

Growing in a bag

This method, also called the propagation of roses using the Burrito method from an old bouquet, is the least common. However, it is not difficult at all and is very effective. Harvested, soaked cuttings must be removed from the water, carefully laid out on a newspaper. The paper edges are folded, and then a neat bundle is made with planting material inside, which should be well moistened with water and placed in a bag. The recommended temperature range is within: + 18 ... + 20 ° С.

Once a week, the package is opened, the cuttings are carefully examined, the paper (if necessary) is moistened. Instances with identified blackened, rotted areas are to be removed. In this case, the newspaper will need to be replaced. After 2 weeks, roots will form in the cut area.

Landing in a permanent place

The best time to plant rooted cuttings is late spring. A gardener who knows how to grow a bush from a bouquet of roses will certainly prefer a sunny, wind-sheltered, non-flooded area.

The dimensions of the dug holes should correspond to the size of the roots. Organic matter is used to fertilize the soil. Before determining the seedlings in the ground for a permanent place of growth, they will need to cut the stems, leaving a maximum of 4 buds.

After planting, the soil must be watered, mulched using peat, sawdust. Bushes should be provided with reliable shading. You can count on the start of the development of seedlings in 2 weeks. After the growing shoots reach a height of 12 - 15 cm, you will need to feed the bushes using complex fertilizers, infusion of mullein, herbs.

During the first year, young plants take root thoroughly, which is why it is necessary to remove all buds from them. This will give them the opportunity to focus all their efforts on growth. In anticipation of the onset of cold weather, roses should be provided with reliable shelter.

Prudent flower growers practice digging up especially valuable varieties, storing them indoors until spring, maintaining the right level of humidity, which prevents the roots from drying out.

It is quite possible to grow beautiful garden roses from a bouquet

Having studied how to cut roses in summer, in other periods of the year, you can be sure that it is quite possible to grow a flower that pleases with magnificent flowering. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and competently, responsibly approach the implementation of all stages of work. Lots of useful information in this article:

Rose sprouted in a vase how to plant? This question is asked by those who do not want to part with their favorite flowers. Such a rose can be planted in the soil and, with proper care, it will delight with its flowers for a long time. This article provides information on how to grow a rose from a cut flower.

The benefits of growing roses from a bouquet

The advantages of growing roses, seedlings of which are grown at home, over store bushes include:

  • there is a high probability that the shop bush will not take root on the site. Shop seedlings are grown in special conditions: a special composition of the soil, various chemical stimulants and top dressing are used. On the site, the plant loses all this, and therefore, it starts to hurt;
  • exactly the type of rose that you want will grow on the site;
  • Growing your own roses is much more economical.

Bouquet of roses

What to do if the rose gave sprouts or leaves

A rose in a vase gave new leaves, what should I do? What should be done if the rose has sprouted in a vase? These questions arise if some new parts grow in a cut flower. If there are only leaves, it will not be possible to extend the life of the rose, but if roots appear, then you can try to transplant it into the soil. However, if the plant is imported, then it will not be able to take root, since it will not survive the winter.

Also, those flowers that stand for more than a month will not be able to take root, as they are treated with chemicals. The flower will not be able to grow without chemical feeding. Summer cuttings take root best of all.

The best time to work

In order for the process of cutting roses from a bouquet to bring the best results, it is better to carry out all procedures in late spring, summer, and autumn. The best root growth occurs in June. August-September - the time when the strength of the flowers becomes less, which negatively affects the growth of the root system.

Rose in a vase gave leaves

At other times, the rooting process will go badly. The most unfavorable period is January-February. Most likely, the results of a novice grower at this time will be negative. In winter, it is necessary to provide flowers with optimal illumination, temperature, humidity.

Methods for taking a shoot from a rose

Before you figure out how to take a shoot from a rose, you should study the rules for choosing it, according to which it will be more suitable for growing from scratch. Requirements:

  • the flower must be fresh;
  • for cuttings, it is best to use the middle part of the stem;
  • the rose must be of domestic production. Foreign flowers are treated with various chemicals. Because of this, the rose may not sprout;
  • on one handle there should be 2-3 buds;
  • the stem of the rose should be thick, juicy and green;
  • the buds should be fully ripe and not dark.

Branch of a rose

A rose is not suitable for growing if:

  • the flower has been cut for a long time and has been standing in a vase for a long time, since its stem most likely contains harmful microorganisms;
  • the stem of the flower is too thin or lignified specimen with a thick core;
  • the stalk in the water turned dark;
  • cracks appeared on the stem;
  • on the stem in some places there is no skin.

Important! You can not keep a rose for a long time in order to root it. Immediately after the flower is acquired, it must be planted.

Also, the cutting should be properly prepared:

  • cut the cuttings from the stem, leave a length of 20-30 cm. Pruning is done with a sharp knife or secateurs to prevent injury to the stem. Also, the instrument must first be disinfected to exclude infection;
  • remove the lower leaves, thorns, buds, bad buds. The upper leaves are shortened by 1/3;
  • the lower part is cut at an angle of 45 degrees, and the upper one is straight. Everything is smeared with wax. Sections must be done so that from the vital kidneys to the cut was 1 cm;
  • pour clean, settled water into the container. A root growth stimulator is diluted in water (Kornevin, Epin, Charkor). The drugs are used in accordance with the instructions on the package. The cuttings are immersed in water for 1/3 for 6 hours. You can also make a homemade solution with a glass of water, twenty drops of aloe juice, or a teaspoon of honey. In this solution, the stems are soaked for a day.


There are three ways to plant a cut rose: growing in a flower pot, in a potato, in water.

Growing in a pot

There are many recommendations on how to plant a rosette shoot in a pot. With this method, the root system develops strong, resistant to adverse factors. A separate pot is prepared for each cutting. If all the cuttings are planted in a common box, then there should be an interval of 6-8 cm between them. The flower container should have several holes. The soil should be specifically for roses, soil for violets is suitable.

You can also mix two parts of garden soil, two parts of rotted compost, one part of washed sand. When moss is added to the ground, the likelihood of plant rotting is reduced. Moss also allows air to pass through, which has a beneficial effect on rooting.

Detailed step by step planting in a pot:

  1. The container is treated with potassium permanganate and dried well.
  2. The bottom is laid out with drainage, then soil is poured, which is preheated in the oven.
  3. Each cutting is dipped in Kornevin, which will protect it from decay.
  4. Then the cuttings are planted in the ground by 2-3 cm. Two buds are left on top.
  5. Produce soil moisture.
  6. Dry earth is poured on top to prevent the formation of a crust.
  7. For shelter, a plastic bottle is used, which will create a greenhouse effect. The boxes are covered with foil. It is necessary to keep the temperature during the day +25 degrees, at night +18 degrees.
  8. The container is exposed to a place not too lit by the sun and not strongly ventilated by drafts.
  9. Sometimes it’s worth adding water, but you can’t pour too much.
  10. After the appearance of the first leaves, the jar can be removed.

Growing in a pot

With this method, the roots should germinate in about 30 days.

Growing with potatoes

This method has been introduced recently. However, its results are quite productive. Potatoes have the necessary nutrients and moisture for the cutting. Potatoes are suitable only for young ones. Before planting a cutting in a potato, the tuber should be prepared. To do this, it is washed, the eyes are removed, treated with a solution of manganese and dried thoroughly.

A hole is made in the tuber with a knife and a stem is inserted into it, which is cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Then the potatoes are placed in a pot with soil, a little drop in (there should be 7-10 cm of soil above the potatoes) and watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. From above it is necessary to close the jar for the greenhouse effect. It is necessary to water daily with ordinary water and once a week with sweetened water (a teaspoon per liter of water). After a new leaf grows, the jars can be removed.

The tubers can also be placed in a garden plot where it is light and there are no strong drafts. At the planting site, they dig a trench 15 cm deep. Sand is poured in a layer of 5 cm. The groove is well shed and potatoes with cuttings are placed there. Then backfill with soil in such a way that one kidney remains on top. After that, watering is done again, covered with jars, plastic bottles or film. Sprouts appear in about half a month. Due to the large amount of nutrients in potato tubers, rooting of cuttings occurs in 90 cases out of a hundred.

Growing with potatoes

Growing in a bag

This method is otherwise called the Burrito method from an old bouquet. Cooked and soaked in water, the cuttings are taken out of the water and laid out on a newspaper. The edges of the newspaper are folded and the paper is folded into a beautiful bundle, which contains planting material. This bundle is wetted with water and placed in a bag. The temperature should be maintained at +18 +20 degrees.

Once a week, cuttings are checked. The package is opened and the cuttings are carefully examined. If necessary, the paper is well moistened. Those cuttings that have rotten and blackened roots are removed, and the newspaper is changed to another. After half a month, the cuttings should take root.

The water method

This method is less efficient. Those plants that are planted in the soil survive in 80% of cases, in water - in 30%. This is due to the lack of oxygen in the water.

Cut cuttings are placed in containers filled with water. Water should be settled at room temperature. It dissolves charcoal for disinfection. Then they are placed in a silent, dark place. The water should be changed every two days. After the appearance of the first hairs of the roots, the cuttings can be planted in the ground. Rose sprouts should appear in 3 weeks, the stems usually look dried up. Then the cutting needs a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees, constant soil moistening and spraying the upper part with water.

Cut cuttings are placed in containers filled with water.

Landing in open ground

The best time to plant a cutting that has roots in open ground is late spring. The landing site should be sunny, closed from drafts.

The holes should be the same size as the roots. Organic fertilizers are used as top dressing. Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, they are shortened, leaving only 4 buds.

After the planting is over, the earth is shed and mulched with sawdust and peat. After about half a month, the seedlings will grow. When the shoots reach a length of 12-15 cm, the bushes are fed with complex fertilizers, as well as an infusion of herbs and mullein.

Note! The first year the seedlings have a strong root system. Therefore, during this period, all the resulting buds are removed, which will help to concentrate all forces on growth. Before the onset of cold weather, the flowers are securely covered with a protective material.

Some gardeners dig up (especially valuable varieties) and store until spring comes in a room where the right temperature and humidity are maintained.

Landing in open ground

  • If you add river sand or crushed shells to the pot where the cutting will be planted, this will help to avoid moisture stagnation, and a sufficient amount of oxygen will be supplied to the roots.
  • If a decision is made to root roses from a bouquet, it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures. Change the water in the vase every day. At night, the flowers drop heads down in a bowl of water.
  • A flower that has taken root for the winter must be brought indoors or moved to a greenhouse. Under natural environmental conditions, the bush is left only for the second year of life, while warming it well.
  • Do not apply too much fertilizer. The very first application of top dressing is carried out with minerals when the plant reaches a length of a quarter meter.
  • If buds have appeared on recently rooted seedlings, they should be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on flowering.
  • In practice, the most effective cultivation of roses by cuttings is possible in those flowers whose buds are pink or red. More problems arise with yellow roses. Roses with white flowers are considered the most problematic.
  • When preparing the cutting, do not remove all the leaves on it, as this may contribute to poor circulation of the juice.
  • Under any environmental conditions, after planting the cuttings in the ground, a shelter is made from cans or plastic bottles from above. This creates a greenhouse effect and protects the seedling from adverse environmental conditions. Banks are opened only after the cuttings have taken root.

After analyzing and studying the methods of cutting roses, you can be sure that it is quite possible to grow a rose at home. The most important thing is the correct execution of all stages of work.

Ecology of life. Homestead: If you decide at all costs to grow a rose from a cut flower, you can do this if you follow some rules.

Many who were given a bouquet of roses noticed that after a few days fresh shoots appeared on the stems. Of course, the first thought is to give a new life to the plant, growing from it a new flower of the same amazing beauty.

If you decide at all costs to grow a rose from a cut flower, you can do this subject to certain rules.


1. Wait for the bouquet to fade (but not complete). From the stems, cut the cuttings so that each has at least 3 buds. That is, each fragment of the shoot must have 2 internodes.

2. With a sharp razor blade or knife, make a small oblique cut just below the kidney and a straight cut 0.5 cm above the kidney. If there are leaves, remove the bottom one completely, the top half.

3. Take a drug to improve the rooting of plants (they are freely available in flower shops), dilute according to the instructions and place the cuttings in the solution for 12-14 hours.

4. Prepare a pot with nutritious and loose earth (you can buy ready-made rose soil in the store). Plant the cuttings at an angle, making sure that the middle bud is above the ground, just above the surface. Lightly press the ground around the cutting with your fingers.

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5. Cut a plastic bottle with an unscrewed cap in half approximately in the center. Cover the cuttings with the top. The optimum air temperature for your plantings is +25°C.

6. Spray your plantings 5-6 times a day with settled water at room temperature (or even a little warmer). The soil in the pot should be moist all the time, but not sour. published