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How to calculate office space to create the perfect workspace. Sunpin office building construction project for office workers

Design of office premises. Areas of office premises according to the standards of different countries. Norms of illumination of premises in office buildings. Fresh air standards. Office furnishing options.

The area of ​​one workplace, according to Schnelle, with a desk measuring 140 x 70 cm, excluding auxiliary equipment and the area for its maintenance, m2:

The area of ​​one workplace, according to the standards of the Office for the Rationalization of the West German National Economy (RKW), including auxiliary equipment and areas for its maintenance, m2:

The average area of ​​the workplace per employee, including auxiliary equipment and areas for its maintenance (not counting the directorate) in Germany is, m2:

(The distribution of premises into separate offices, work rooms for several people and common rooms is specified in each case).

The average area per employee, according to Dr. Rosencrantz, is 4 - 6 m2.

The average area per employee, according to the Bureau for the Rationalization of Management Systems, is 7 - 12 m2.

According to American data, the average area, including auxiliary equipment and areas for its maintenance (the area occupied by the equipment itself and the free passage around it with a width of 50 cm), is, m2:

The depth of the room depends on its area and purpose: an office for 1 person, a workroom for several people, a common room, a large room.

On average, the depth of the premises is 4.5 - 6 m. Natural lighting is effective for workplaces that are no more than 4.5 m from windows, and also depends on the location of the office building: on a narrow street or in an open area. Rule of thumb: the depth of the room with sufficient natural light T = 1.5 heights to the bottom of the window lintel Hper (Hper = 3; T= 4.5 m). For more remote workplaces, artificial lighting should be arranged (on 1/3 of the area of ​​​​the premises remote from windows). For large workgroups, it is often necessary to use the entire depth of the room; in such cases, natural light is not counted.

The width of the passage at the wall of the longitudinal corridor depends on the filling of the premises with personnel and the need for space for equipment. As a rule, two people walking towards each other should freely disperse in such a passage.

1. The distances between the axes of the walls are a multiple of the modular size of 7.5 m.

2. Tables for typewriters with side tables for papers.

3. Paired tables for forms of standard formats. The distances between the axes of the walls are multiples of the modular dimensions. 6.25m (Fig. 2 and 3); 5 m (Fig. 4); 3.75 m. (Fig. 5).

6. Nomogram for the formula T = 1.5 Hper

Fig. 7. Influence of the location of the blinds on the microclimate of the room (from left to right): windows without blinds; internal blinds; jalousie between double panes of glass; outdoor blinds.

8. Cut.

Table to fig. 15:

Norms of illumination of premises in office buildings:

Fresh air supply rates:

Fresh air supply, m3/h per person According to the rules of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) According to American ASRE standards
10 In rooms where they do not smoke, with a heater at t<0 °C наружного воздуха
10 – 27 In non-smoking areas
20 – 30 In office premises
26 – 34 In rooms where they smoke In private offices
30 – 40 In rooms where they smoke
34 – 51
51 – 68 In the director's office

Comparison of the effectiveness of the use of standard tables and desks of the Velos system in the premises:

1. Standard desks (according to DIN) with a size of 78 x 156 cm. The pitch of the walls is 187.5 cm. The pitch of the ribs of the ribbed coating is 62.5 cm; overlapping is carried out using standard formwork. This ensures the normal placement and adjoining to the outer wall of the movable transverse partitions. For office buildings, steps of 1.75: 1.85: 1.875 m are used; and the last size, in view of what has been said, seems to be the most suitable.

2. Desks of the Velox system 70 x 140 cm in size are combined with window sill tables of the same system, replacing shelves for business papers (Fig. 1), which saves 1 step for every 5 steps between the walls and, in addition, a longitudinal strip with a width 32.5 cm. This gives about 21% reduction in volume per workplace. A distance of 75 cm between tables is only possible with swivel chairs on wheels.

3. Layout of office space when using desks of the Velox system. Premises for various purposes allocated in the common hall: a) the manager's office with a small meeting room; b) the room of the assistant manager or the head of the department; c) secretariat, reception; e) rooms of employees associated with visitors; c) work premises.

Development of office buildings- one of the most competitive segments of the development sphere. Office buildings are being developed by firms of all sizes, from one-person companies to large international real estate development companies and real estate investment trusts (REITs). Firms are just as diverse. office users and the space they occupy, ranging from executive offices of 500 sq. ft (46.5 sq. m) or less to urban and suburban complexes totaling several million square feet.

This chapter will focus on the types of office buildings most often built by novice developers - buildings costing no more than $10,000,000 and usually ranging from 5,000 to 100,000 KB, feet (465 - 9,300 sq.m) . The development of small office buildings and large office complexes essentially deal with the same issues, although larger scale means more time. Those cases are specially noted when the prospects and problems of development of large and small office projects differ significantly.

Office building developers usually start with a market analysis or search for a tenant, although in some cases the developer is looking for opportunities to use the site he has most suitable for the development of office buildings. Developers who work "at their own risk". choose the target market, find a suitable site, design the building, find the main tenants. receive the necessary initial permits, organize financing, build a building and rent it out. Developers who already have a tenant build the building according to the requirements of the tenant.

Classification of office buildings
Typically, office buildings are classified by class, type, use, ownership, and location.
Class. Perhaps the main distinguishing feature of office space is their quality, or class. The quality of a building is determined by many factors, including the building's date of construction, location, building materials used, building systems, amenities, rents and lease terms, occupancy, management, and tenant types. Typically, office space is divided into three main categories:

Class A Buildings of investment attractiveness. They are distinguished by their excellent location and first-class design, engineering systems, additional amenities and management. Class A buildings have the highest rents on the market, and solvent tenants rent offices in them. These are usually new buildings with high competitiveness, although sometimes older buildings are refurbished and positioned as class A properties. In some markets, a separate class A + is allocated. Basically, these are unique, outstanding buildings, or buildings built according to the designs of recognized architects. Buildings of this kind are local landmarks and are distinguished by excellent architecture, building materials, location and management.

Class B. Quality built buildings in good condition, with advantageous location, management and up-to-date functional equipment. Class B office space is usually located in well-located and well-preserved old buildings.

Class C. Modernized buildings that were built much earlier than class A and B buildings. The functional equipment of class C buildings is often outdated, and such buildings are located in less attractive places compared to class A and B buildings.
Building type. But the following categories of office buildings are distinguished by the type of building:
Multi-storey - usually more than 15 floors; » Mid-rise - from 4 to 15 floors;
Low-rise - from I to 3 floors;
Office buildings with adjoining park - buildings
height from one to five floors and rich
landscape in the surrounding area;

Research buildings are usually one or two stories high. about 50% of their area is allocated for offices and laboratories in which "dry" research methods are used; the rest of the area - for workshops, warehouses and, possibly, small-scale production (buildings of a combined - office and industrial - purpose);
Combined purpose buildings - one- or two-story buildings, in which, along with offices, warehouses and premises for small-scale production can be located.

Nature of use and type of ownership. Office buildings can also be classified according to their user and owner. The premises available in the building can be occupied by one or more companies. The company that occupies all the premises in the building can rent it from the owner or purchase it as a property. In the latter case, this is called an owner occupied building.

A building designed and built for a specific company that occupies all or almost all of the premises is called build to $uit development. The construction of a building designed for one or more companies, and built in the absence of obligations on the part of the future tenant or owner, is considered construction at your own risk (spec building).

Location. In most cities, there are at least four types of business districts that differ by location, with each location having its own physical office dimensions and typical users.
Central business district of the city. In most major cities, the highest concentration of office buildings is found in the city's central business district (CBD). ALTHOUGH the proportion of office space located in the central business district is declining in most cities. By 1999, the share of office space located in the central business districts of cities decreased to 58%, while the share of office space. suburban locations increased to 42%.: Typical downtown office tenants include law firms, insurance companies and financial institutions looking for high-quality prestige space.

Suburbs. The increasing decentralization of offices in the past 20 years has led to a greater diversity of office building options outside the city center. Clusters of office buildings of varying sizes - either stand-alone or part of business districts - are often located near freeway junctions or large suburban malls in the midst of low-density residential development.

In the suburbs, there are low- and mid-rise office buildings with lower rents than in the central business district of the city. These buildings typically house the offices of smaller companies, regional offices and service organizations that do not need to have their offices in the CBD. However, now in the suburbs more and more often you can find the offices of large law and accounting firms and corporations. As a result, differences in image, quality of construction and even rents between central business districts of cities and the main locations of office buildings in the suburbs are gradually decreasing.
District offices. Small office buildings are often located in suburban areas away from major business centers AND SERVICE! the needs of local residents by providing premises for organizations operating in the » service sector or specializing in other activities. District offices may be located in district shopping centers or in separate buildings.
BUSINESS DRUGS. office space is often
located in business parks -
multifunctional complexes consisting of several buildings designed for various uses - from small-scale production to office accommodation. The area occupied by the business park. can range from a few acres to several hundred acres or more, so they are usually located in suburban areas. As a rule, business parks include small and medium-sized office buildings with a height of one to three floors.

Office buildings for research organizations and mixed-use buildings, which can also accommodate laboratories and allocate some space for storage, are usually located in business parks.
The last 20 years have seen an increase in the number of office buildings* located outside of their Traditional Locations.

Criteria for classifying office buildings

In a study commissioned by the Brookings Institution, Robert Leng found that there was a significant amount of office building development in highly dispersed areas totaling less than 5 million square feet (465,000 square meters). These small clusters of office buildings, called edgeless cities, do not have well-defined boundaries and can be spread over vast areas.

Therefore, management needs to responsibly approach the choice of office space for rent. Standards of the workplace in the office: what should be the ideal conditions In order for the company's employees to feel comfortable, it is necessary to take into account several parameters of the selected premises. Here is what the SanPin norms about the workplace in the office say about this:

How many square meters are allowed per person in the office Attention When working on it for less than 4 hours, the indicated area can be reduced to 4.5 m * 2. The presence of auxiliary office equipment also requires additional space.

When choosing a room for an office, one should take into account not only the recommended area standards per employee, but also other important aspects of the placement of workplaces in the office space. So, the distance between the tables should not be less than two meters, and the distance between the sides of the monitors should not be less than 1.2 meters.

It is desirable that the windows in such a room face the north or northeast side, and the monitors are located at an angle to the window. If the work of employees is associated with high loads on the nervous system, it is necessary to build partitions from one and a half to two meters high between workplaces.

The area per workplace for PC users with VDT based on a cathode ray tube (CRT) should be at least 6 m2, in the premises of cultural and entertainment institutions and with VDT based on flat discrete screens (liquid crystal, plasma) - 4.5 m2. When using PVEM with VDT based on CRT (without auxiliary devices - printer, scanner, etc.) that meet the requirements of international computer safety standards, with a duration of less than 4 hours a day, a minimum area of ​​​​4.5 m2 per user workplace is allowed (adults and students of higher professional education).
3.5. For interior decoration of the interior of the premises where the PC is located, diffuse-reflective materials with a reflection coefficient for the ceiling - 0.7 - 0.8 should be used; for walls - 0.5 - 0.6; for the floor - 0.3 - 0.5. 3.6.

We offer an affordable rental of premises on Shabolovka that meets all SanPin requirements. How many sq. m per employee?

Area norms for employees

ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT as of September 1, 2003

  • Under the workplace, which uses a computer with an outdated monitor, they must allocate at least 6 sq.m. When working on it for less than 4 hours, the indicated area can be reduced to 4.5 sq.m.
    The presence of auxiliary office equipment also requires additional space.

If the number of employees of the department is up to 5, the workplace of the head is located in the premises of the department 5-10 10-20 Sv.20 9 12 18 consumer services Purpose of premises Unit of account or principle of area calculation Area per unit of account, m2 Note 0 tables, the standard of their area increases in accordance with the technical conditions for its operation of the deputy head of the department (chief accountant), senior inspector, etc.

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Norm of area for 1 person in the office

And after each hour of work, the room should be ventilated (Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 "Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work"; approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 30, 2003 .).

Some situations are not directly regulated by sanitary standards, but in practice they occur regularly. These include, for example, the failure of the toilets in the building.

In this case, according to Rostrud, the employee has the right to refuse work, and the employer must provide him with another job that does not threaten health until the problem is eliminated. If this is not possible, downtime is declared, and the employee can count on remuneration during downtime in the amount of at least 2/3 of his average salary (Art.

157 of the Labor Code).

Sanpin for office workers

Info You should not place workplaces with a PC near power cables and inputs, high-voltage transformers, technological equipment that interferes with the operation of the PC. In the event of a violation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, the Administrative Code (CAO) applies: Article 6.3.

How many square meters are required per person in the office

We offer an affordable rental of premises on Shabolovka that meets all SanPin requirements.

Norm of area for 1 person in the office

How many sq. m per employee? ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT as of September 1, 2003
Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated June 23, 2003 No. 108 4. INSTEAD OF SNiP 2.08.02 * (ed. before 2003) in terms of buildings for research institutions, design and public organizations and management buildings INTRODUCTION This SNiP contains norms and rules for a group of buildings and premises that have a number of common functional and space-planning features and are intended primarily for mental work and non-productive activities, different from buildings for the production of material assets or services to the population.

Norms of office space per 1 employee

Federal Law No. 380-FZ of December 28, 2009) entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles; on officials - from five hundred to one thousand roubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from five hundred to one thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

The norm of the area of ​​the workplace per person in the office

We are talking about a printer, a second monitor and other office equipment.

  • For each employee in the office, not counting the workstation equipped with a computer, an area of ​​4 sq.m should be allocated.
  • For employees of the design bureau, the employer is obliged to allocate more than 6 sq.m. in the office space.
  • If an employee has a disability, he is entitled to from 5.65 sq.m. If an employee uses a wheelchair, then this indicator rises to 7.65 sq.m.
  • The current norm of space for 1 person in the office, prescribed above, refers exclusively to the workplace.

What is the norm of area per person in the office

Attention Windows in rooms where computer equipment is used should mainly be oriented to the north and northeast. Window openings should be equipped with adjustable devices such as: blinds, curtains, external visors, etc. 3.3. It is not allowed to place places for PC users in all educational and cultural and entertainment institutions for children and adolescents in the basement and basement.
3.4. The area per workplace for PC users with VDT based on a cathode ray tube (CRT) should be at least 6 m2, in the premises of cultural and entertainment institutions and with VDT based on flat discrete screens (liquid crystal, plasma) - 4.5 m2.

Workplace rules in the office

There is even a special norm of space for 1 person in the office, prescribed in the current legislation. According to the portal, based on the established rules for the design of premises and sanitary standards, a workplace in any office must comply with the following parameters:

  1. An office employee whose work involves the use of a personal computer with a modern monitor is provided with a workplace area of ​​at least 4.5 m * 2.

Norm of area per worker in the office

When using PVEM with VDT based on CRT (without auxiliary devices - printer, scanner, etc.) that meet the requirements of international computer safety standards, with a duration of less than 4 hours a day, a minimum area of ​​​​4.5 m2 per user workplace is allowed (adults and students of higher professional education). 3.5. For interior decoration of the interior of the premises where the PC is located, diffuse-reflective materials with a reflection coefficient for the ceiling - 0.7 - 0.8 should be used; for walls - 0.5 - 0.6; for the floor - 0.3 - 0.5.

ImportantPolymeric materials are used for interior decoration of premises with a PC in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. 3.7. Premises where workplaces with PCs are located must be equipped with protective grounding (zeroing) in accordance with the technical requirements for operation.

We are talking about a printer, a second monitor and other office equipment.

  • Under the workplace, which uses a computer with an outdated monitor, they must allocate at least 6 sq.m. When working on it for less than 4 hours, the indicated area can be reduced to 4.5 sq.m. The presence of auxiliary office equipment also requires additional space.
  • For each employee in the office, not counting the workstation equipped with a computer, an area of ​​4 sq.m should be allocated.
  • For employees of the design bureau, the employer is obliged to allocate more than 6 sq.m. in the office space.
  • If an employee has a disability, he is entitled to from 5.65 sq.m.


    If an employee uses a wheelchair, then this indicator rises to 7.65 sq.m.

  • The current norm of space for 1 person in the office, prescribed above, refers exclusively to the workplace.

Sanpin for office workers

What can be done As ways to solve this problem, one should consider additional breaks, earlier departure of employees at home, transferring them to other workplaces, equipping special rooms for recreation. If the employer refuses to comply with these requirements, he can be charged with two offenses simultaneously.

We are talking, firstly, about the violation of sanitary rules (temperature standards in production do not correspond to standard indicators). Secondly, labor legislation is directly ignored, since people work in conditions that are not suitable for this.

If the employer fails to act in this situation and refuses to provide employees with other work, the time spent in adverse conditions is equal in duration to the daily working day (shift).

Sanitary rules, norms and hygienic standards for working with office equipment

The InfoSanitary Regulations allow workers with good reason to shorten the standard eight-hour working day for which the temperature requirements are calculated:

  • 29°C allows you to work 6 hours instead of 8;
  • 30°C allow a two-hour contraction;
  • each subsequent degree exceeding the norm reduces the requirements for working time by another 1 hour;
  • if the thermometer value has reached 32.5 ° C, you can not stay at work longer than 1 hour.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Many employees note the negative impact of air conditioning, comparable in harm to heat and stuffiness. The same requirements of SanPiN, along with temperature and humidity, limit the speed of air movement in the room, which should not go beyond the range of 0.1-0.3 m / s.

It follows that the worker should not be under the jet of a blowing air conditioner.

What should be the air temperature in the office according to sanitary standards

If the monitor is outdated (based on a cathode ray tube), then the norms for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe workplace in the office are at least 6 square meters. m per person. For CRT screens, 4.5 sq. m / person, but only if the working day lasts less than 4 hours, and no additional devices are used in the process (scanner, copier, printer, etc.).
e.) The width of the side aisle between the tables of employees (more precisely, between the sides of their computers) is at least 1.2 m. The minimum distance between the back sides of the monitors of colleagues should be 2 m or more.

  • Temperature SanPin categorizes office managers and other knowledge workers as Ia.

Temperature standards for office premises

Norms of the workplace in office space According to statistics, less than 42% of bosses are concerned about the compliance of workplaces in the company's office with sanitary standards. Requirements for the workplace For knowledge workers, it is very important to have favorable conditions - this directly affects their well-being, and therefore productivity.
Therefore, management needs to responsibly approach the choice of office space for rent. Standards of the workplace in the office: what should be the ideal conditions In order for the company's employees to feel comfortable, it is necessary to take into account several parameters of the selected premises.

Here is what the SanPin norms about the workplace in the office say about this:

  1. Area The area of ​​one workplace in the office for an employee working on a computer with a plasma or LCD monitor must be at least 4.5 square meters. m.

Workplace rules in the office


A well-maintained workplace is the key to high employee productivity. Of course, comfort is a broad concept, often depending on the direction of a person's work.

  • 1 Basic conditions
  • 2 Temperature conditions in the office
  • 3 Requirements for the microclimate in the office
  • 4 Light level
  • 5 Noise level
  • 6 Responsibility of the employer

Basic conditions Since the beginning of 2017, new Sanitary and Hygiene Requirements for Production Premises have come into effect. They were approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor by his Decree No. 81 on June 21 last year.

Temperature standards in the workplace. sanitary rules and regulations

The comfortable microclimate of the office in the warm season provides for:

  • The temperature regime is within twenty-two to twenty-five degrees;
  • Air humidity thirty to sixty percent;
  • The speed of the air flow is not higher than 0.25 meters per second.

For the cold season, the indicators change:

  • Temperature indicators range from twenty to twenty-two degrees;
  • Air humidity - from thirty to forty-five percent;
  • Air movement 0.1 - 0.15 meters per second.

Permissible discrepancies in temperature indicators are one to two degrees. The level of moisture is a necessary component of the comfortable work of office workers.

What should be the humidity depends on the indicators of the temperature regime of the room. High humidity at normal temperatures does not adversely affect the human body.

Norm of area for 1 person in the office

On this page:

  • The importance of the office environment
  • Comfort or Optimum
  • SanPiN guarding the health of employees
  • Seasonal office temperature requirements
  • Features of temperature measurements
  • Responsibility of the employer for non-compliance with the requirements of the office microclimate

At work, a person spends the majority of the day for a long period of his life, so the requirements governing the hygienic indicators of the microclimate of the premises where people work are natural. It is especially important to observe them in the office, where employees are mainly engaged in mental work, which is characterized by relative physical inactivity, which means that the negative consequences of an incorrect regimen are even more aggravated.

We will study the requirements of the law for the temperature regime in office premises, as well as the responsibility of the employer for their violation.

Sanitary standards for office premises

of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which refer to responsibility for strict observance by employers of labor protection rules and timely measures of sanitary, household, hygienic, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation and other nature. Art. 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes a set of measures for employers to ensure an optimal working microclimate.

Seasonal Office Temperature Requirements During cold and warm seasons, optimal temperature is achieved in different ways. Accordingly, the requirements for the microclimate will differ, as well as the measures provided for by SanPiN in case of impossibility to ensure the temperature regime or its serious violations. Not to be too hot Prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures is especially detrimental to the performance and health of workers.

Sanitary standards for office space Ukraine

Cold is the enemy of work In a room that is too cold, no work can be argued, especially office work, when the body cannot warm itself with movement. If for some categories of production workers it is permissible to lower the ambient temperature to 15 ° C, and even then for a short time, this is unacceptable for white-collar workers. In the cold period of the year indoors, a comfortable temperature value of 22-24 ° C should be observed. Fluctuations of the norm up to 1-2 ° С are permissible, and for a short time during the working day the thermometer column can “jump” by 3-4 ° С. What to do if it's cold in the office Staff must work the full 8 hours unless the temperature drops below 20°C.

SanPiN for office workers


The area of ​​one workplace in the office for an employee working on a computer with a plasma or LCD monitor must be at least 4.5 square meters. m.

If the monitor is outdated (based on a cathode ray tube), then the norms for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe workplace in the office are at least 6 square meters. m per person. For CRT screens, 4.5 sq. m / person, but only if the working day lasts less than 4 hours, and no additional devices are used in the process (scanner, copier, printer, etc.)

The width of the side aisle between the tables of employees (more precisely, between the sides of their computers) is at least 1.2 m. The minimum distance between the back sides of the monitors of colleagues should be 2 m or more.

Xerox and other office equipment should be at a distance of 0.6 m from the nearest wall or table, and at least a square meter of free space should be left in front of it.


SanPin classifies office managers and other knowledge workers as category Ia. The temperature at the workplace in the office for them should be at least 20 and not more than 28 degrees above zero during a normal eight-hour working day.

In summer, the most optimal temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. If the thermometer rises to 29 degrees, the working day cannot exceed 6 hours; up to 32.5 degrees - 1 hour.

In winter, the normal temperature regime in the office is set within 22-24 degrees. Lowering the temperature to 19 degrees entails a reduction in the working day by 1 hour. And if it drops to 13 degrees, office workers have the right to leave work an hour after the start.

Workplace lighting in the office

In rooms where managers work with personal computers, both artificial and natural lighting should be provided. The use of computers in rooms without natural light requires a permitting sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

Windows in offices should mostly face northeast and north. For artificial lighting, LED lamps should be used. All lighting sources in the workplace in the office should be located parallel to the windows - so natural and artificial light will fall in the same direction.

How many square meters are required per person in the office

In the Russian Federation, in accordance with labor legislation, the rules for designing administrative premises and sanitary rules, the following norms and requirements for the workplace are established:

1. A workplace equipped with a personal computer with a modern liquid crystal (or plasma) monitor should be located on an area of ​​at least 4.5 sq.m - provided that it is not equipped with additional devices that consume electricity and are a source of additional electromagnetic radiation. Additional equipment (second monitor, printer, fax, scanner) requires additional space.

2. A computerized workplace with an ELR (cathode ray tube) monitor requires at least 6 sq.m of space in the office. However, if an employee spends at the computer no more than half of the working day (less than 4 hours), then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis workplace can be the same 4.5 sq.m. As in the first case, auxiliary devices, if necessary, should be installed in an additional area.

3. In the premises for management employees, each of them is allocated at least 4 sq.m - if personal computers are not used in this premises. If the workplace of the manager is equipped with a PC, then paragraphs 1 and 2 apply to it.

4. Each employee of the design office should have at least 6 sq.m of office space at their disposal, regardless of whether they work on a drawing board or on a PC.

What is the norm of area per person in the office

Employees from low mobility groups of the population (disabled people) must have a workplace with an area of ​​at least 5.65 sq.m per person, and wheelchair users - at least 7.65 sq.m.

It should be noted that all the parameters of the area given above refer specifically to workplaces, and do not include either aisles between rows of tables, or space for installing additional equipment for common use (for example, a copier) or furniture (wardrobe for outerwear, paper racks).

When choosing a room for an office, one should take into account not only the recommended area standards per employee, but also other important aspects of the placement of workplaces in the office space. So, the distance between the tables should not be less than two meters, and the distance between the sides of the monitors should not be less than 1.2 meters. It is desirable that the windows in such a room face the north or northeast side, and the monitors are located at an angle to the window. If the work of employees is associated with high loads on the nervous system, it is necessary to build partitions from one and a half to two meters high between workplaces.

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Norms of space for office space

The principles of designing office and administrative buildings, with the dynamics of the development of new building technologies, have become distinguished by the complexity and originality of design solutions. The design functions themselves have also been expanded, which now include pre-project coordination with verification of the execution of all points of work on the project, from an architectural and urban planning position. Therefore, modern design of office and administrative buildings should be carried out by competent specialists with practical experience in this type of activity. For completeness of knowledge about modern office and administrative buildings, it is necessary to consider the concepts of "administrative building" and "office building" themselves, using professional terminology.

The concept of "administrative building" in the construction environment is collective, and includes various types of buildings, in order to create all the necessary conditions for the work of the management personnel of enterprises and organizations with completely different functions of economic, industrial and commercial activities. The range of construction of administrative buildings is very wide, they are built everywhere, especially in cities with a well-developed industrial infrastructure. The rationality of the structure of administrative buildings corresponds to the ideology of the Customer, so they differ not only in height, but also in their architectural “silhouettes”. And if, in small towns, according to modern standards, standard projects are used, then large industrial centers and megacities no longer want to use reuse projects. In this connection, the design of office and administrative buildings is constantly being improved. This is facilitated by economic stability and high consumer demand. The classification of administrative buildings differs in many ways:

When determining the scope of work for the design of office and administrative buildings, it is necessary to take into account the number of administrative and managerial personnel and employees of material and technical services. Modern trends in the design of office and administrative buildings are based on their multifunctionality, so there are more and more Customers on the construction market who are interested in free-standing office and administrative complexes. The advantage of the complexes is undeniable, because these are entire zones of managerial, administrative, public, political and cultural life of city institutions. Administrative and office complexes require a special labor organization to maintain communication with the outside world, modern engineering networks, pedestrian and transport schemes, the need for which is calculated based on the individual characteristics of the order. The specialists of our company are engaged in the design of office and administrative buildings of varying complexity. We are constantly improving our projects, which you can also evaluate visually in the "Our objects" section. In addition, we are ready to answer all your questions by phone or in person! We look forward to collaborating!

The use of a system-structural approach allows us to consider the design of office and administrative buildings as an interrelated process. But, nevertheless, let's touch on the concept of "office building" before moving on to the design principles themselves. An office building is a great solution for any business. In the office they store papers, receive clients, in general, they are engaged in all necessary business processes. Therefore, the construction of office buildings from metal structures, today, implies a classification by class:

  • Class A+++ - the highest quality buildings located mainly in the central areas of the city, corresponding to competent design, planning, architectural and engineering solutions. For the most part, office buildings of this class can be called business centers, with an expanded infrastructure, author's design, a cafe, a bar, a restaurant, a parking lot and a protected area equipped with professional security equipment.
  • class A - a standard office building, with high service levels, fully meeting the individual needs of the Customer. Office buildings of this class are distinguished by a rational layout, a floor height of at least 3.6 meters and the presence of a cafeteria or restaurant. Like class A+++ buildings, class A offices are equipped with parking spaces in a guarded parking lot and modern security systems.
  • class B - buildings of new construction, with significantly low quality indicators or restored (renovated) buildings, of earlier buildings, in the class A standard, but differing from them in a not very efficient layout and a large number of offices with small windows, or their absence.
  • class C - buildings characterized by an abundance of load-bearing walls and corridors, with non-reconstructed floors. Class C office buildings also include class B buildings, which lack one or two quality indicators, and are slightly inferior to them in secondary parameters.

The design of office and administrative buildings, in some types, determines the individuality of the building in form. But many compositional features are not subject to strict classification. Therefore, we will not consider the classification of office and administrative buildings by form, but will immediately proceed to consider some aspects of the design of office and administrative buildings:

  • The choice of a land plot for the construction of office and administrative buildings is usually not difficult. Because it provides for landscaping, arranging lawns and other elements of landscaping and landscaping.
  • The space-planning composition, with the distribution of premises (offices, offices) is determined by the structure of office and administrative buildings. This item, in the design of office and administrative buildings, should be considered based on the specific conditions of the order.
  • The layout of the floors depends on the layout of the employees. The design of office and administrative buildings sometimes mixes layouts, therefore, in large spaces of buildings, various passages to workplaces are created, sometimes differing in rather unexpected design solutions. According to the division of space, the layout can be rigid (permanent) and flexible (changing).
  • The design of office and administrative buildings, where the optimal high-rise structure is chosen for ease of use, is always costly. At the same time, for structural reasons, compact office and administrative buildings allow more efficient use of their space than buildings with a height of 20-30 floors. And when designing office and administrative buildings over 60 floors, the presence of high-speed elevators is taken into account, therefore, after a while, it is no longer possible to make any changes in the layout.
  • The architectural image is a very important point in the design of office and administrative buildings, which should be paid special attention to. As we have already written in the "Encyclopedia of Construction", architecture forms the image of the city, so the construction of office and administrative buildings must not only meet the aesthetic tastes of the Customer, but also meet the harmonious requirements of the urban plan. That is why the design of office and administrative buildings is not an easy task, especially for those who do not understand the regional specifics of construction..

All other aspects of the design of office and administrative buildings also need "Pre-project studies" at the stage of "Project" and "Working Documentation", about which we have given detailed information in the section "Encyclopedia of Construction". If you are interested in a larger amount of information on this topic, you can find it there and read it yourself.

If you have any difficulties with choosing a project for an office or administrative building, you can call us by phone and get expert advice. For our part, we are pleased to offer you the design of office and administrative buildings of any classification. Also, we sell complete office and administrative buildings, of certain quality characteristics and parameters, which compare favorably not only with the cost of work, external expressiveness, but also with construction time. Call! We will fulfill your order efficiently and quickly!