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Dmitry Ignatov: “People with disabilities are not liked in Russia. Everyone fawns at us, but they themselves feel strong disgust. How to overcome the disease and live on How Dmitry Ignatov lost his leg

Dmitry Ignatov and Slava Basyul told how to overcome the disease and move on.

TV presenter Dmitry Ignatov lost his leg while serving in the army, and the musician Slava Basyul was sick with a congenital ailment (Perthes disease). Young people told how to overcome the disease, get a prosthesis and go to their dreams.

Dmitry Ignatov

Everyone knows you as a bright, talented and promising TV presenter. However, there was a turning point in your life. Tell us more about that case.

In my last year of university, I received a summons to the military registration and enlistment office. After receiving my diploma, I immediately went to serve. Initially, I was promised that I would be a military journalist in the city of Chekhov, but by coincidence I was sent to the north, to Severodvinsk.

After four months of service, we had a redeployment of the unit. We had to pass by a rocket launcher, which, as it turned out later, was poorly installed. The unit fell from the vibration. I lost a leg, the other guy lost an arm, and, unfortunately, it was not without a lethal outcome - two soldiers died.

I woke up in pain, realizing that I had lost my leg. Surprisingly, I was not very upset, as I understood that we live in the 21st century and that medicine can certainly help. When I became interested in this problem, I found a huge number of friends and acquaintances whom I follow and get inspired by their achievements. Nothing is irreplaceable today.

What helped you to withstand and overcome the disease?

Faith in God, family and friends.

Have your life values ​​changed after the accident?

I began to pay more attention to people like me. I feel uncomfortable when I see beggars who have a knee, which means that it is much easier and cheaper to make a prosthesis. However, they are unhappy in slavery and earning money for other people. The question is why we have so many of them and why they do not flee from oppression.

I am also very upset with the following picture. I live outside the city, go to training early in the morning and return home late at night after work by bus. Beggars go with me. Very often a person is cold-blooded and indifferent.

Sometimes, when a wheelchair with a disabled person falls from sudden braking, no one wants to help and lift him. My disabled friends and I are doing everything to raise the image of people with disabilities. I hope that our shooting will contribute to this!

Please tell me how developed the program of assistance to people with disabilities is in our country? Specifically, did you receive help?

My prosthesis is out of date. I need to change it. I must say right away that this procedure is not cheap. The replacement cost is four million rubles. There are three ways to do this today. The first is to pay out of your own pocket, the second is to save yourself, and then the state will bear some of the costs, and finally, the third is to write an application for consideration of your candidacy, and if the state considers you worthy, it will pay the full amount. I chose the third path.

I hope the state will help me get a new prosthesis. In my case, the sphere of my activity plays an important role. It seems to me that if it were not for my recognition, all this might not have happened.

What are your strengths?

Optimism and positive thinking.

Why did you choose the profession of a journalist?

I've always loved the media relations field. At school, I participated in all active activities: KVN, circles and concerts. At one point, I really wanted to get on television.

I lived in a small town where everyone knows each other. One day I went to the editorial office and asked for a job. On my first working day, I was given an editorial assignment - to do a blitz survey on the street. So I realized that I wanted to do this.

How did you get on television?

As I said above, after the eleventh grade, I got a job in the editorial office of a local channel. While studying at St. Petersburg University, I and other guys made student television. After successful practice on the REN TV Petersburg channel, I became the host of a program dedicated to men's toys, where I talked about cars, gadgets and watches.

You were a secular columnist for the Moscow 24 channel. On duty, you had to constantly attend social events, communicate with the same circle, cover a certain narrow section of topics. Were you depressed by the excessive amount of glamor?

While rereading the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", I came across the phrase: "But if morals did not suffer, I would still love balls." These lines accurately convey my answer to this question.

At a certain point, I realized that I needed to move on. It was a good time. I made pleasant acquaintances and connections. But it is very difficult to cook in this atmosphere all the time.

In what projects can you be watched?

I can't reveal all the secrets yet. Just a hint that this is one popular entertainment channel. We are preparing a very interesting show, which I hope will be a success.

What program would you like to host?

I would like to talk about people with disabilities, work and spend time with them, motivate people. Unfortunately, it will be difficult to realize my idea, since television is a business, and you won't earn much on it.

What do you dream about?

I have several wishes. Firstly, I want to cross the Bosphorus, and secondly, I dream of conducting Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. Thirdly, I have a dream to swim across the Atlantic, then get an anchor tattoo, as the sailors did. And finally, I want to go to the North Pole, get TEFI and become a Paralympic swimming champion.

Your life experience can serve as an example for many young people. Give advice to young guys and girls dreaming of a TV presenter career.

It is necessary to concentrate on one goal and go towards it in all possible ways, read more and enjoy life.

Slava Basul

How did your musical career start?

My first steps in music began with admission to the Children's Art School of my city, with the piano and with my first vocal teacher. Then there were many different music competitions and performances. Great popularity was brought to me by participation in the show "I want to Meladze", where I was noticed and I reached the final of the project.

There is an opinion that it is impossible to get through to our domestic show business without connections and patronage. What do you think about this?

In our profession, the main thing is to be at the right time and in the right place, and I am proof of that. A guy from an ordinary family without a lot of money came to the casting "I want to Meladze", sang, showed himself, and I was invited to the project.

I think that the one who wants and does not stop will certainly reach his goal. It doesn't matter if he is alone or someone's protege. In addition, we live in the 21st century, in the era of the Internet, YouTube and social networks. You can record a cover version of a famous song or shoot a funny video, and perhaps millions will see you in the morning. Now, it seems to me, it is much easier to achieve success and become famous than before.

To date, you have participated in the popular television show "I Want to Meladze", where you, together with other guys, reached the final, two solo songs and your own video. What are you planning to surprise in the near future?

I have a lot of plans. The first two singles "Wake Me Up" and "Routes" were hugely popular with the public, so I think I'm going in the right direction. Now I'm preparing my third single for the release and I'm starting to record my debut album.

You were literally one step away from winning the show, and now you are successfully building a solo career. Uncover your secretquick start?

Firstly, I am doing something that I sincerely love and for which I root with all my heart. I know what I want from myself, from my music, and it helps me. Plus, I have a small team of people who work with me, and together we overcome all difficulties on the way to conquering the musical Olympus.

In what direction do you want to develop?

I like synth-pop.

Who would you like to sing a duet with?

With Zemfira. She's very cool!

During the broadcast of one of the episodes of the show "I Want to Meladze" you revealed a rather frank fact regarding your health. Tell us your story in more detail?

Childhood was a real challenge for me. I got a joint disease. Since childhood, I fought with her, went through all the circles of hell: crutches, strollers and so on. Doctors said that in order to cope with this disease, you need to constantly go to the pool and do daily exercises.

At the age of 15, I began to actively correct this ailment, it was not easy, difficult, but still I emerged victorious from this struggle. At the moment, I'm doing well.

How did you manage not to break, but, on the contrary, to live a full life?

Many thanks to my parents and loved ones, they guide me in the right direction. I couldn't have done it without them. And of course, the desire to live, to be a healthy guy. I think I am a strong enough person. I know how to fight for myself and for people close to me.

What helped you to withstand and overcome your illness?

First of all, it is daily work on oneself.

How did the disease affect the formation of your personality?

To be honest, nothing has changed, I just got stronger.

What are your strengths?

Purposefulness and self-improvement.

What do you dream about?

I dream of happiness, the first album, a diploma and the sea.

Your example can inspire many. What advice can you give to young people who dream of a career as an artist and musician?

I really hope that my example will inspire many people. Just go ahead and never stop. Live and be the happiest. And if you want to connect life with creativity, no one and nothing should stop you, and then you will definitely reach any peak.

For the upcoming International Women's Day by leaps and bounds, HELLO.RU has prepared a pleasant surprise for its readers: he gathered in one project brutal representatives of different creative professions and asked them to speak and show. To speak, of course, about girls and gifts, and to show - your romance and beautiful eyes, in which more than one enthusiastic admirer has drowned. Among the heroes that please both the eye and the ear are photographer Timofey Kolesnikov, TV presenter Yevgeny Savin, actor Ivan Fominov, model Fyodor Gamaleya, TV presenter Dmitry Ignatov, fashion model Artur Kulkov and musician Anton Lavrentiev.

Timofey Kolesnikov, photographer, director

Timofey Kolesnikov

I like to receive more, even if it is selfish of me. When you give a gift yourself, this is a different experience. Joy of joy, or something.

I think the most creative gift is a large and delicious brownie created in the shape of a heart by the hands of your girlfriend. I love brownie!

In my opinion, the best gift is travel. It was once a wonderful trip to Georgia.

Evgeny Savin

What is more pleasing - to give or receive?

To give unambiguously. But not just giving, but preparing a gift and hitting the bull's-eye, bringing a storm of emotions. Although, to be honest, it is also nice to receive gifts. Realizing that they remember you and want to please.

The most creative gift a girl has ever given you?

Everybody says that men are straightforward and uninventive. And I would say that about girls. Often I was presented with a self-made dinner, and then good sex. And this is the case when corny does not mean bad. Such a plot is a wonderful gift for any occasion.

What is the most creative gift you have ever given to a girl?

Once on March 8, I gave a trip to Rome to my best friend's wife. For a week, the three of them walked around the eternal spring city with their little son. Although the gift was addressed to her, at that moment it seemed to me that all of them needed it. Everything worked out as it should.

No occasion or holiday is needed for a gift. They should be given as often as possible. But there is a special woman in my life - this is my mother. On the 8th I will call her and tell her that I love her.

Ivan Fominov, actor

Ivan Fominov

What is more pleasing - to give or receive?

I like giving more. In general, the desire to give has been prevalent lately. For the joy that you experience when you see the joy of your neighbor is the joy of recognizing yourself in another. And let these moments of happiness be fleeting, but they serve as a pointer to that huge and all-encompassing feeling, which is accepted to be called Love.

The most creative gift a girl has ever given you?

I was 15 or 16 years old, and a girl with whom I was in love, but with whom for various reasons we could not be together, although we were friends, on my birthday started dating me. Not sure about creativity, but at least it was the most coveted gift at the time.

What is the most creative gift you have ever given to a girl?

It was the birthday of the girl we have been dating for almost 4 years now. She was in Moscow, and I was in Paris on tour with the Gogol Center. I asked my colleague to be a flower delivery guy, to which he kindly agreed and brought her a bouquet. She immediately called me on Skype, I was sitting in front of the monitor screen with a cake with burning candles, waiting for her call, and my friend was standing behind this monitor. And on the count of three, when she blew on her monitor in Moscow, my friend blew from behind my monitor in Paris. The candles went out - as if from her breath.

On March 8, I am especially original and creative. I would say that my creativity is off the charts, and it is just right to teach it in the most fashionable houses in Paris. So, I give flowers, and certainly tulips.

Fedor Gamaleya, actor, model, captain of the running club

What is more pleasing - to give or receive?

The more you start thinking about others, the less you think about yourself, and your supposedly "global" needs and problems diminish quickly enough. Some of them stop bothering you, and some of them disappear altogether. I am for thoughtful selfishness. Therefore, of course - to give. This is the power, absolutely.

The most creative gift a girl has ever given you?

I remember a lot of pleasant moments for which I am still very grateful to certain people: they stuck in my memory, and I will never forget them. The most important thing is attention. And so that a loved one feels that he can make you happy for a second.

What is the most creative gift you have ever given to a girl?

I think the girls who received gifts from me will answer this question better than me.

I give love, attention and care. March 8 is the day when all girls become real princesses. Thanks to the men who are around.

Dmitry Ignatov, TV presenter and para-athlete

What is more pleasing - to give or receive?

I love receiving gifts! And just like that, for no reason - I love being surprised. Oh, and, of course, unpacking: digging through paper, looking for scissors in the hustle and bustle, or gnawing on packaging.

The most creative gift a girl has ever given you?

A friend of mine once gave me a set of funny and wacky swimming caps! I was delighted and started collecting them. In Russia, there are only black and white, but with a Christmas deer or a smile in the form of bacon, you can't get it.

What is the most creative gift you have ever given to a girl?

There is an eco-market near my house: everyone knows me there and always tries to advise and give me the freshest and tastiest tastes. And once the sellers gave me a persimmon to try. It turned out to be unrealistically tasty and my friend Yana liked it. I gave her a whole box, delighting not only her, but also the "market" ones.

Probably, every family has such a tradition: to go with my father on the eve of a holiday or early in the morning of March 8 to buy flowers and to carry out the morning "delivery" of flowers and sweets.

Arthur Kulkov, fashion model

What is more pleasing - to give or receive?

I do not like gifts addressed to me. Therefore, rather, give.

The most creative gift a girl has ever given you?

A flying object ... That is, a drone!

What is the most creative gift you have ever given to a girl?

Honestly, I often forget about important dates, especially about gifts. I think that the most creative gift was created by me in kindergarten, when we were forced to make postcards with our own hands.

Definitely flowers!

Anton Lavrentiev, musician

What is more pleasing - to give or receive?

I take great pleasure in giving gifts. Seeing a person's eyes, his emotions is priceless!

The most creative gift a girl has ever given you?

On my birthday, I was presented with a video with congratulations from my friends. It brought together people from different continents, the scale impressed, and the gift was remembered for a lifetime.

What is the most creative gift you have ever given to a girl?

He gave one girl a trip to Paris, which she dreamed of. For her it was a complete surprise, she did not suspect anything. And to the girls-fans by March 8 he presented a long-awaited, I hope, surprise in the form of a pre-order of his debut disc "My Travels". They were waiting, I know (smiles).

The gift should be welcome and useful, in my opinion. Therefore, I always find out what the beloved women want to receive and give it. And, of course, attention and flowers, celebration and surprises!


Gift ideas for International Women's Day from HELLO.RU. Click on the arrow to view the gallery:

The well-known motivator, paraathlete and TV presenter Dmitry Ignatov spoke about the problems of social adaptation of disabled people in an exclusive interview with "I Live in Sport".

Dmitry Ignatov is one of the most famous paraathletes in Russia, a person who has become a role model for many disabled people in our country. Dmitry, as a guest of honor, attended the unique fitness festival Russian Fitness Fair. As part of the event, the star athlete gave an interview to our portal.

- Why did you decide to visit the Russian Fitness Fair?
- I have a lot of friends in the fitness get-together. They called me here, they said that my story would help motivate a lot of people, so I'm here.

- In your opinion, why in Russia do many people with disabilities still have problems adapting to a normal life? Few people like you.
- Propaganda is now busy with several other things. There is no emphasis on the internal situation in the country, which is not as good as it seems to me. People with disabilities are even killed in our country. Suffice it to recall how recently teenagers beat a disabled person almost to death ...

Unfortunately, even if we take the Paralympians, no one knows about them. This is very bad. If you ask any sportsman to name five famous athletes, he will name many, but not paraathletes.

- What should be done to change the situation?
- You need to tell people that there are such cool people. They want to have sex, have families. They are just as trendy and cool. You just need to help them. The work must go from two sides. Healthy people should not scoff and point fingers at disabled people. At the same time, disabled people should behave with dignity, not be capricious and be worthy members of society.

- Are there many people with disabilities who live a full life?
- I have a sufficient number of friends and acquaintances who lead an active lifestyle. Others may be just shy. It is not customary for us to speak frankly about ourselves. Soviet education is still in our heads. Now we still live in the 21st century. The world is ruled by pictures - social networks. We need to leave our dens and show that we are.

- Did you have a feeling after you became disabled that life was over? How did you deal with negative thoughts?
- I think I've always been an optimist. Well, no leg ... We live in the 21st century, there are phenomenal developments. Something, but there are no problems with the legs, as with cheese, for example, in our country.

- I saw one of your previous interviews. There, people wrote in the comments that they did not have the financial ability, like you, to pay for prostheses. What do you say to this?
- I beg of you. Our state is trying to help everyone. In particular, my prosthesis is now past its expiration date. I dive into the bureaucratic system again. I need to pick up the conclusion of my prosthetists, then go to the narcologist and say that I am not registered. Then I go to the surgeon, who will tell me that I can have a prosthesis. Then I go to the MFC, and the car starts up. After that, all that remains is to stimulate through the media so that I get everything. Everything is possible, everything is real. People just don't know and are lazy.

- Don't you think that Russia lacks motivators like you? In the USA there is the same Nick Vuychich and many others.
- Oh, I'm not good for Nick Vuychich. First, it has a crazy story. Read it, it's very interesting. I sat like an idiot in the subway and sobbed. Then he lifted the book higher so that people would understand that I was reading a book about him.

There are such people in Russia. They are mainly present on social networks. They do not go to television, because this is a complete mess. Nobody wants to be a dog there on these not talk shows, but "dog shows".

When I was in the hospital, I found a huge number of people in other countries. Now we have these people too. Maybe thanks to me there are more of us in the public space.

- A wish from you to the readers of our portal, who may have a disability and similar problems.
- I think the most important thing is to leave the apartment. You need to get out of your comfort zone. Try to get to social service, tell them what you need. Try it, don't be afraid of rejection.

It is clear that people in social services are lazy in most cases to do something, but I think you can reach them.

Basically, don't sit at home, go out, walk and make love.

Earlier, Svetlana Khorkina in an exclusive interview with our portal told,

26-year-old Dmitry Ignatov calls himself a cyborg, because he moves on a prosthesis. Four years ago, he lost his leg in a military accident. But this did not prevent him from achieving his goals - he became a television journalist, which he dreamed of in childhood: he worked on the Moskva24 TV channel, now he is a presenter on the MatchTV sports channel.

Dmitry has been swimming for three years. Recently I covered the “Sea Mile” distance (slightly less than 2 km) at the competition in the Krylatskoye rowing canal. He dreams of one day swimming across the Bosphorus and becoming a swimming champion at the Paralympics in Tokyo in 2020.

Running is another sport in the life of Dmitry Ignatov. In May 2016, he took part in the charity run of the Naked Heart Foundation (distance - 3 km).

- Dmitry, everyone already knows that our Paralympians do not go to the Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro. The date of the Paralympic tournament in the Moscow region, which is called upon to support our guys, has been determined. It is clear that this is not an entirely adequate replacement for world competitions. Do you think this tournament will generate massive interest? Can he become a festive spectacle?

- The tournament, as far as I know, will be held at the sports bases where the Paralympians train - in the "Round Lake", "Novogorsk" and others. And it is natural that the atmosphere that prevails at the Olympic and Paralympic Games cannot be recreated there.

Athletes are fed by the fans. Being at an international stadium with thousands of seats, feeling the positive charge of the audience, experienced athletes channel these emotions into speed, endurance, records and victories.

I am friends with many Paralympians, they say that the tournament will be more like an ordinary competition, where you need to show the highest result.

Dmitry Ignatov on a treadmill. Photo:

Athletes in team sports will not be able to show anything at all, because this requires rivals, and all their rivals will play in Rio at this time. Therefore, something like master classes will be organized.

I would arrange a big sports event, gather my relatives, friends, friends of friends as fans, and show the tournament on federal channels. But I think they will show it this way - the president promised. At least based on this.

- Why didn't they show the Paralympics on federal channels, what do you think?

- People like us, that is, people with disabilities, are not very welcome in the public sphere. There is still a stereotype in society that we are beggars, unemployed, everything is bad with us. But all of us, Paralympians and other media disabled, will do our best to be respected, proud of us, perceived in the same way as healthy, ordinary people.

No matter how much I fought, I can't do some kind of program about people with disabilities - no one is interested. Unfortunately, television is a business, you have to earn money here. Who will watch the program about cripples sharing their life experiences?

- But this is a great example, a spirit-lifting thing!

- Well, you work in this area, so you understand. And we live in a selfish market world in which, unfortunately, good appears only when it is beneficial for someone.

- Will you report on the Paralympic tournament?

Perhaps I will. But so far this is not certain. If there is such an opportunity, I will, of course, go to the Paralympic tournament to see the children-swimmers - I mostly communicate with them. But in any case, I will root for them - either as a friend or as a journalist friend. Although I already know the results - the guys are cool!

- What is the strength of the Russian Paralympians? Our team is one of the strongest in the world. There is even a version that our Paralympians were not allowed into Rio in order to get rid of the competition.

- Strength is in friendship, in the words of a famous film character. But seriously, we have too ... sycophantic attitude towards disabled people. Oh, carefully, carefully, oh, poor things! .. But we are ordinary - the same as everyone else. We want to live the same way as everyone else - to fall in love, dress nicely, play sports, study, work. But our society is somehow not ready for this - it is afraid of us.

Dmitry Ignatov with comrades. Photo:

And realizing this, we, disabled people, want to prove that we should not be afraid.

Feeling this attitude towards ourselves, we want to be even better, to show that we are not marginalized. This even more motivates us to do what we love. Paralympians or other media disabled become reference points for the rest, they seem to say: look, guys, everything is not so bad, you can live like this, and like this.

Four years ago, I was in the hospital, watching the Paralympic Games on TV and dreamed of meeting athletes, for example, Dima Grigoriev or Nastya Diodorova. A year later, I managed not only to get to know them, but also to make friends. And now we are swimming together on the adjacent lanes.

- You talk about yourself so easily: we are disabled, crippled. Journalists are now being taught to write in a streamlined manner: people with disabilities, people with other capabilities, and so on. Does the word "disabled" offend you?

- Who can this offend? This is contrived. This is just a consequence of the overprotection with which they are trying to surround us. There is no need to protect us - we must be perceived as healthy. Well, to help as much as possible, if something does not work out for someone.

What is the ideal man like? Tall or short, dark-haired or blond, or maybe no hair at all, in a formal suit or ordinary jeans, by car or subway, living in Mytishchi or at Patriarch's Ponds pumped up or skinny? Nobody knows ... But one thing is indisputable: if we write about it, then it exists! Our today's hero of the rubric "Bachelor of the Week"Dmitry Ignatov(25) - refers to the type of men who want to study, learn, listen and hear. Everyone knows him as a bright, talented and promising TV presenter. However, few people can imagine what he had to go through, what he dreams of and what a girl should be able to conquer him. You will find out all this right now!


I was born in the city Kogalym (Tyumen region)... Then, when the parents were transferred to the city for work Naryan-Mar(it is located in the Arctic Circle), we moved there. There I graduated from school, and there I had my first journalistic experience. By the way, according to my grandmother's stories, as a child, I always wanted to become a patriarch or an astronaut, like all boys. But it just so happened that I graduated Petersburg Engineering and Economic University... but I always liked the sphere media relations... In my senior years, I completed an internship at REN-TV Petersburg, and in the end I was taken to the program in which I talked about all kinds of male toys, such a video version GQ... And then there I was offered to conduct a program of posters. At that time I was still studying at the university, and in my last year I received a summons to the military registration and enlistment office. Naturally, as a real man, I wanted to go to serve, and then I wanted to write a book about it. Having received my diploma, I immediately went to serve in Severodvinsk, where as a result I lost my left leg. Despite this, I am a very active guy: I run, jump, have fun, and the profession of a journalist and TV reporter does not mean sitting still.

Jeans and shirt, all - Levi's, T-shirt, boots and hat, all - Springfield


I did not stay in the army for long. After four months of service, our unit was relocated. As we passed a large trailer with C300 missiles, this missile launcher fell on me, which was not installed correctly. It happened three years ago. Fortunately, I understood that this is not the end of life and in our time everything is possible. I will say more: I felt like a hero of Hollywood films, only that was for real. And the children even call me a transformer, a robocop.


I soon realized that I needed to look for a job. I sent my resume everywhere: to all publishing houses, media holdings, and so on. Some decent companies responded, and one even called to work. It was a TV channel "Moscow-24"... Two weeks after the casting, I began to host a program on social life in Moscow which was called "Exit to the city"... Before, when I watched TV, I always wanted to be a person who talks about all the stars, makes friends with them. And I think I did it well. However, I stopped doing this and went into sports (swimming), because I wanted to somehow develop. I love swimming, I am in the first adult category, and I hope that this year I will become a candidate for master of sports. A now I host my morning programs on Match-TV. I am very lucky because my job, my love of sports and my lifestyle have merged into one - such a cool symbiosis, you can't even imagine! This is just the perfect job!


I get up very early, probably like all Muscovites. Plus I live for MKAD, in Mytishchi... I usually get up at five or six in the morning. It all depends on what time I need to be at work. After waking up, I brew myself some oatmeal and go to the shower. I usually eat oatmeal with a banana. Then I go to work by public transport, which I love very much. There I also check mail, messages or post photos in Instagram... During the day, I usually have two workouts. And my working day ends in different ways. However, I start to go to bed at 22:00, but this does not always work.

New Yorker Vest, Springfield Sweater


I really want to make a cool program about people with disabilities, and it seems to me that she will receive "TEFI". I would also like to swim across Bosphorus or, for example, to participate in major international swimming competitions, but so far I am too weak for this, but I am gradually moving towards my goal. Also I dream to visit North and South Poles.


I am madly in love with sports. And I'm lucky to be able to play sports at work. In my free time I go to museums, theaters, ballet or opera. I am madly in love with literature, which I once hated at the university. I love short stories A.P. Chekhov, O. Henry, Mark Twain and P.G. Woodhouse.


I hate rags, but I love looking good. Surely now I can tell Prada from Tom ford or Louis vuitton, and I don’t know any more brands. I prefer the mass market because you can always find cheap and cool clothes there. I have the most shirts, T-shirts and leotards in my wardrobe.

Springfield Park


Probably my biggest plus is that I treat my disability problem with humor. And I try to get others to treat her the same way, because there is nothing wrong with that. Also, one of my advantages, which gives me a lot of inconvenience, is hyper-punctuality, because I come to the filming location or to meetings not five minutes before the start, but 30. I am also neat. It was probably my dad who instilled this in me. Everything should be clean and tidy for me. But nevertheless, I love wrinkled things. Everything is always laid out on my shelf: shirt to shirt, jacket to jacket, T-shirt to T-shirt.


I am sometimes harmful. If I am sure of something, I will defend my point of view to the end.


In general, I hate hiding emotions. We are all human, and in my case, it’s impossible to hide emotions at all. A funny incident happened to me recently. When I was sitting on the side of the pool and putting on a cap with glasses, a little boy with cerebral palsy came up to me and said: "It's so good that I'm healthy." It was very funny: I have no leg, and he says how good it is that he is healthy, but in fact he is not healthy at all. I am also worried and can even shed a niggardly tear while watching a good movie. Music can move me. This is mainly classical music Tchaikovsky, Beethoven or Karla Orff.


I regret joining the army. If there was a time machine, I, like all my peers, would have pulled away from it.


I am very afraid of bees, because in the village of my grandmother and grandfather, a neighbor bred them. And when I got there, they always bit me, I swelled terribly, and it was very painful. Even now, when I see a bee, a wasp, a bumblebee, it makes me wary.


Family, brother and sister. Of course, I would like to spend more time with them, but it doesn't always work out.


Cheer up and go ahead!


One of these inspirations is Mom. And also a journalist "Rain" Zhenya Voskoboinikova, one of the weightlifting champions Slava Burlakov my pool guys are paralympic champions Nastya Diodorova and Dima Grigoriev, and Victoria Modesta.


Honesty, kindness and, most importantly, professionalism!


Of course, I believe in such friendship. And I have such an experience with my childhood friend. She is a girl of Caucasian blood - Lezginka. I had nothing with her! But we are so connected.


My personal life is in excellent condition, because it is not now, I am married to my job and my favorite hobby - swimming. And my longest relationship was with my barber. We dated for three years.


I really want two children. There were two of us in the family: my sister and me, so I would very much like to have a boy and a girl. The boy would be swimming, and the girl would be a ballerina or an actress.


It should be Olga Pushkin, who is not capable of languid sadness and does not like to dream in silence. However, at the same time, she must be with a creative and sexual profession, such as an architect or doctor. These professions are sexy, because there people work with their brains and from one mistake everything can go wrong: either a human life, or the house will collapse, for example. If I say that I like redheads, blondes or brunettes, it will not be true, because the hair color can always be changed. The most important thing is that my girlfriend knows at least one line from Eugene Onegin and has an idea that this is a work of Pushkin. When I first meet a girl, I always pay attention to her smile.


When they try to be my mom! This annoys me very much, because one mother is enough for me. As for the looks, I love everything natural and natural.


The minimum is to smile, and the maximum is to come up and kiss.


I have an example - this is the relationship between my grandparents. They have been together for a very long time! It is such a relationship, when one for all and all for one, when it is a big team, where you can solve problems in one account.


I am very amorous and suffer from it. And I remember my first love. It was still in kindergarten. The girl's name was Elvina... It was love at first sight, and the first childhood experience, and the first kiss.


All dates end the same way, the main thing is that after him he would like to return to this person and repeat everything.

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As my favorite character from "Romeo and Juliet" Mercutio said, "This stupid love is like a jester who runs back and forth, not knowing where to put his rattle." My understanding of love is similar to this rattle. Namely: when you want to please your beloved, do everything for her, but sometimes something doesn’t work out, and you, like a fool, rush about with this rattle.


I will say that this is very ugly and dishonest. If you are in a relationship with someone, then please be close to this person, surrender to him completely, and if something does not suit you, you need to discuss it and, perhaps, go on some kind of romantic journey that will help reconsider your views and will improve your sex life.


To the girl with red lipstick.


By my zodiac sign I Aquarius... They say that this is a crazy sign, in a good way, of course. I have no idea what signs are right for me. I think this is some kind of nonsense.

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This happens in different ways. Firstly, many people write to me on social networks.(I have