Repair Design Furniture

Types of window profiles, veka, kbe, rehau. Which profile is better to choose plastic windows Narrow-profile windows

The German quality PVC window profile BauLine is distinguished by high functionality and unique aesthetic properties. Thanks to the use of innovative polymer compositions and steel reinforcement, such windows will successfully serve for at least 30-40 years, even in the most difficult climatic and operating conditions. We offer you to buy a profile for PVC windows with delivery in Moscow, Moscow region and other regions of the Russian Federation.


The PVC profile of the BauLine trademark is used to create modern windows with excellent energy-saving, noise and thermal insulation characteristics. Our products are in demand for the arrangement of multi-storey residential buildings, including new buildings and old houses, summer cottages, cottages, baths, hotels, offices, municipal facilities, shopping and entertainment establishments, etc. The system can be used for the manufacture of standard and French windows, balcony windows and doors, office partitions, stained-glass windows.

  • Resistance to deformation due to steel reinforcement with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm;
  • The use of wear-resistant fittings and hermetic EPDM or TPE gaskets ensures ease of use during the entire service life of the PVC profile;
  • Security due to the high level of burglary resistance of the system;
  • Availability of certificates of fire safety and hygienic conclusion, which confirms the quality of the products;
  • Ecologic recipe based on natural heat stabilizers;
  • Silky-glossy texture and snow-white color thanks to the use of HochGlanz and Extraweiss technologies;
  • Service life - from 60 years. In this case, the guarantee for the profile is 2-5 years, depending on the technical parameters.

When forming the price of a PVC window profile, the dimensions and shape of the structure, the complexity and urgency of the work are taken into account.

BauLine profile types

Our assortment includes the following popular PVC profile options for windows:

  • BauLine 60. The profile is equipped with 3 chambers, has an optimal level of noise and heat insulation; The BauLine 60 delivery program includes a system with a 13 mm hardware groove and gray pre-threaded gaskets.
  • BauLine 70. The classic 70th installation depth system has 5 thermal insulation chambers and is suitable for the installation of 32/40 double-glazed windows.
  • BauLine 70 4x4. This 4-chamber system with the possibility of installing the maximum in its class 44-mm double-glazed unit - the most suitable solution for the Russian climate, comes with pre-stretched gray gaskets.
  • BauLine 80. PVC profile for windows consists of 6 chambers, used for the installation of glass units 46-50. Recommended for use in innovative construction projects - for home furnishing with minimal energy consumption.

The window profile is the frame that holds the glass unit. Different types of window profiles differ in the material of manufacture and the internal structure. Let us consider in detail the differences and advantages of profile structures, their quality, cost and performance.

What types of windows are there?

Modern window profiles for double-glazed windows are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), wood or metal (aluminum profile). Each of the above materials has its own advantages, which determine its popularity and cost.

Wooden window profile

Wooden frames represent the most expensive, prestigious window opening design. Natural wood requires long-term drying, thorough impregnation with an antiseptic and protection from moisture. Therefore, the cost of a wooden window is much higher than a plastic profile. If the wood is insufficiently dried or improperly processed, then expensive windows can collapse in a year after their installation.

The look of natural wood creates a prestigious design, attractive aesthetics... With high-quality preparation, the tree is quite durable and reliable. The best wood for the manufacture of window profiles is oak, larch, alder and pine wood are more available.

Let's summarize the advantages of wooden profiles:

  • aesthetics and prestige;
  • natural environmentally friendly material;
  • good heat capacity.


  • Possibility of warping, swelling, cracking and other types of destruction;
  • High cost;
  • High professionalism of the master-manufacturer is required.

An option for using wood for double-glazed windows is wood-aluminum profile... In it, the wooden material is closed from the outside with metal plates. From the inside, from the living side, the frame shows natural wood, from the outside, the frame is protected from moisture by metal.

Aluminum profile

Aluminum window profiles are made with a small number of chambers (two or three). The metal itself is an insufficient heat insulator, which makes metal windows cold. They are mainly used for glazing large shopping areas, airports, but also balconies and loggias. "Warm" metal windows are equipped with a thermal liner that increases the heat capacity of the profile structure. The cost of such windows is much higher than that of "cold" ones.

The metal window has the following advantages:

  • strength;
  • low flammability;
  • durability.


  • low heat capacity (for "cold" profiles);
  • high cost (refers to "warm" structures).

Two main types of aluminum alloy profiles are in demand in various buildings. "Cold" aluminum profile is used where an inexpensive frame, good strength, without special requirements for heat retention is needed. "Warm" expensive profile is installed in heated rooms for long-term operation in cold winters.

PVC - profile

PVC profile is called a plastic window. Its characteristics:

  • high thermal insulation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • varied design (thanks to the gluing of the laminated film).

Thermal insulation properties are provided by the presence of hollow chambers inside... Due to the resistance of plastic to atmospheric precipitation, it does not absorb moisture, does not swell, does not rot or crack.

PVC has some disadvantages:

  • flammability (typical for most plastics);
  • the more chambers, the greater the weight of the structure, the higher the requirements for the installation of the window.

Due to its affordable cost, PVC profile has become the most popular material for the manufacture of double-glazed windows. Dozens of different manufacturers are engaged in the production of PVC. Their profiles differ in the number of chambers and the thickness of the plastic wall. Let's consider what characteristics are used to evaluate PVC profiles.

Characteristics of PVC window profile

Popular manufacturers of window profiles

  1. REHAU is a German manufacturer with its own production facilities in Russia. It supplies six models of profiles to the Russian market: 3-6 chambers, the width of a standard glass unit is 32–40 mm, special glasses are installed in wide glass units (86 mm), and fiber is used. The coefficient of resistance to heat transfer is from 0.64 to 1.05 (for fiber profiles). The manufacturer regulates that the coefficient from 0.95 corresponds to the heat capacity of a brick wall with a thickness of one meter.
  2. KBE is a German manufacturer with two subsidiaries in Russia. It produces 8 models of profiles with different characteristics: 3-6 chambers, glass unit thickness from 32 to 52 mm. The heat transfer coefficient of the KBE profile is 0.7 - 1.04.
  3. VEKA is a Russian-German manufacturer, VEKA Rus is a subsidiary of VEKA AG. Produces standard blocks and non-standard design structures for window openings and balconies in accordance with the European RAL standard. The main manufactured models: Softline (for insulating glass units from 4 to 42 mm, five chambers, coefficient of heat transfer resistance 0.75), Softline 82 (width of insulating glass unit 24-52 mm, seven chambers, coefficient 1.0), Euroline (three chambers, insulating glass unit 32 mm, factor 0.64), Proline (four chambers, 4-42 mm, factor 0.75), Swingline (6-42 mm, five chambers, factor 0.77), Alphaline (elite 6-chamber profile with high coefficient of 1.04).

  4. MONTBLANC is a German manufacturer that supplies four types of profiles from 3 to 6 chambers to the territory of Russia (eco, thermo, nord and grand). The width of the glass units is 32, 42 and 52 mm. The heat transfer resistance is between 0.6 and 0.82 mm. Frame thickness from 60 to 80 mm. Six air chambers are 80 mm wide. High heat-saving functions make the profile popular in Russia.
  5. SALAMANDER (also Germany) - produces profiles from 3, 5 and 6 chambers with a frame thickness of 60 to 92 mm. Sizes of mounted insulating glass units: 32 mm, 48 and 60 mm. The widest profile of the Salamander BluEvolution has a heat transfer resistance of 1.0. The manufacturer regulates high burglar resistance of windows(thanks to the closed reinforcement system).
  6. Schuco is a German manufacturer that produces 3 - 7 chamber PVC profiles for standard and energy efficient construction. The maximum coefficient of resistance to heat transfer is 0.94. Double-glazed windows up to 36 mm thick. In wide frames with a thickness of 82 mm, it is possible to install anti-burglar fittings. Also Schuco produces warm aluminum profiles with the number of chambers from 3 to 7, steel profiles for cold glazing.
  7. TROCAL is a German manufacturer, the pioneer of the industry, which introduced the first plastic window to the construction market (in 1954). Has been manufacturing window profiles for almost 60 years. The width of the double-glazed windows is from 30 to 58 mm. Four to five chamber profile, 70 and 88 mm assembly width. The heat transfer coefficient is 0.82. Lead-free technology allows you to set the profile in childcare facilities (kindergartens and schools).

http: //site/idei-dlya-dizayna/variantyi/frantsuzskiy-balkon-chto-eto.html

And finally: fittings

Fittings are a combination of metal parts that provide a flexible connection of various elements in the overall structure of the window. The durability of the window product depends on the quality of the fittings.... It is important to know that famous brand manufacturers have cheap lines of lower quality accessories for Eastern Europe.

Types of window fittings:

  • Swing-out (for opening the window and tilting tilt).
  • The lock and handle is a multifunctional design that locks the frame in any position with an internally laid axle.
  • Parallel-sliding (for retractable sashes).
  • Tilt and slide.
  • Vertically sliding.

In addition to fittings, the construction of double-glazed windows uses. They provide the necessary insulation from noise and cold.

The choice of a window profile, its main characteristics and fittings is carried out in accordance with the required heat capacity of the window and with the price level for its manufacture. The quality of the profile and fittings determines the appearance of the glass unit and its performance characteristics: thermal insulation, sound absorption, strength and durability.

I am glad to welcome my readers!

I have installed many windows for my work, but more often than not the quality was not very good.

The fact is that the main thing in a plastic window is the profile, but at first glance, all the windows look the same. That is why, I have often come across the fact that clients choose a low-quality profile.

What is the main thing in plastic windows? The basis of plastic windows is a profile. A good profile is the key to high-quality and reliable plastic windows.

How to choose a quality profile and what to look for when choosing? To this question, I want to help you find the answer in this article.

We go outside or take a newspaper and what we see - windows KBE, REHAU, VEKA, SALAMAHDER, LG, PROPLEX, BRUSBOX and the like. What is behind all these names? - These are the names of companies producing window profiles and nothing else, and your windows will be produced by completely different companies, and we know very well what our manufacturers can make from the best raw materials.

Still, a little about the profile manufacturers. When ordering windows, you will hear from the manager that the windows (for example KBE, VEKA, REHAU, SALAMANDER) are German windows made in Germany - naturally the best and highest quality. What is true in these words and what is not? Of all those listed, only SALAMANDER is 100% produced abroad (therefore, it has a corresponding price), the rest have been produced in Russia for a long time.

And about the production of the window profile itself. Most of the factories of profile manufacturers have built their factories in Russia. I was at KBE and VEKA factories - excellent factories, imported equipment, foreign specialists, imported raw materials, so there is no big difference from where the profile comes from (I think a similar situation is at other factories of European manufacturers).

The truth is, as always, there is a "BUT". This is a "NO" profile system made specifically for Russia, ie. abroad it is not used - it is only for us at "our request." The advantage of this system is cheap, the disadvantage is to reduce the cost, the walls of the profile are made thinner, respectively, the thermal resistance is less, the strength is less.

For the south, this is quite acceptable, in the middle lane - it is doubtful, in the north they can freeze. Usually this profile system is called an object profile and is used for glazing large objects - multi-storey residential buildings, industrial enterprises, etc. There are also Russian and Turkish systems, but since we are going to glass our house, we will not consider these systems in detail.

Which profile I prefer personally, I can write further.

Which profile do you think is the best? Which is better than Rehau or Brusbox? Century or Proplex? KBE or LG? etc.

The most difficult and annoying question, to which it is almost impossible to give a reasoned answer, I can only express my personal opinion. I emphasize once again - this is my personal opinion, and not advertising and the conversation will only go about the specialized systems with which I worked.

A few words about SALAMANDER (not in competition) - good profile. The main advantage is made in Germany, the main disadvantage is expensive. Produced, would, in Russia - was among the middle peasants.

Now, in order about the profile systems produced in Russia:

Better than others for:

  • the number of customer reviews,
  • the number of rejects in the supply of plastic profiles,
  • sealant,
  • conducting seminars, trainings and training courses for window manufacturers.
  • A variety of profile systems.

Another advantage is that it sells the profile only to well-equipped enterprises for the production of plastic windows, which it regularly checks and issues its certificate to these factories. Therefore, if you have chosen a plant working with this profile, then the likelihood of getting into an unpleasant situation is less.

I give second place. This company sells its profile only to well-equipped enterprises for the production of plastic windows, which it regularly checks and issues its certificate to these factories. Therefore, if you have chosen a plant working with this profile, then the likelihood of getting into an unpleasant situation is less.

Honored 3rd place.


  • There are disruptions in profile supplies, profile defects are more frequent than in REHAU and VEKA
  • Sells a profile to any plastic window factories.



They share the last place in terms of the number of positive reviews of people who installed windows, but they are very well suited for glazing balconies and loggias, as well as household premises. The advantage is the low price.

P.S. I didn’t work with other profile systems, so I can’t say anything about them.


Which profile of a plastic window is better to choose? Selection tips and manufacturer ratings

The profile is the main element of any window; the durability and reliability of the entire structure depends on it. At first glance, the profile for PVC windows from different manufacturers looks almost the same.

The difference in quality becomes apparent after several months (or even years!) Of use, when cheap windows begin to warp and cracks form in them. How to choose a good plastic window profile? How do products of different brands differ from each other? And does it make sense to save on glazing by choosing an economy class profile?

Profile for PVC windows: characteristics and types

The profile is the basis of the entire structure from which the window sashes and frames are made. It is they who determine not only the appearance of the window, but also its strength. Common materials for window profiles are wood (cedar and larch) and aluminum.

But most often the profile for windows is made of PVC, or polyvinyl chloride. Such a profile is reinforced with metal inserts and has air cavities inside that increase the thermal insulation of the structure.

According to the European standard EN 12608 SR "Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) for the manufacture of windows and doors" and similar to the Russian GOST 30673-99 "Polyvinyl chloride profiles for window and door blocks. Specifications ”profiles are classified according to a number of characteristics. In particular, in terms of the thickness of the external and internal walls, there are:

  1. Profiles of class A - have outer walls with a thickness of 2.8 mm and inner walls with a thickness of 2.5 mm; they provide the best thermal insulation and are considered the best choice.
  2. Class B profiles - have outer walls from 2.5 mm thick, inner walls from 2.0 mm; such windows are not only "colder", but also 15% less resistant to deformation.
  3. Profiles of class C - all the others that do not fit standards A and B, they are not subject to strict requirements.


There is a so-called "object" profile, which is intended for installation in non-residential industrial premises. It cannot be used in houses and apartments - because of the thin walls, it does not keep heat and is unstable to deformation.

At first glance, such a profile is no different from the usual one - except that you can see the object marking on the protective film. Often, unscrupulous companies offering very low prices for their goods sell windows from just such a profile.

Choosing the best profile for plastic windows

It is not easy to determine "by eye" which profile of plastic windows is better, but there are some features that can say a lot about its quality.

Profile uniformity

The plastic must be homogeneous and absolutely smooth. The grainy surface suggests that the windows were most likely made in artisanal conditions and are fake. The coating should also be uniform, streak-free and free of gradients.

By the way. In order not to buy a fake at the price of branded windows, pay attention to the factory markings on the inside of the window frame. It should have a stamp with the name of the manufacturer and a number of numbers: shift number, devices for the production of PVC profiles and date of manufacture.

Profile width

Most often, companies offer a plastic profile for windows with a width of 58 mm - this is the classic option, preferred for residential premises. There is also a profile with a width of 70 mm, this is often installed in high-rise buildings or where the climate is especially harsh. The 90 mm wide profile belongs to the premium range, it has excellent heat and sound insulation properties. However, not all companies work with such products.

Profile thickness

The profile thickness should be the same, from 2.5 mm to 3 mm. However, for heavy window blocks, thin walls are not suitable - in this case, the weld seam is less strong, which means that the reliability of the entire structure suffers.

Number of air chambers

The number of cameras also depends on the profile width. The 58 mm profile can have a maximum of three chambers - which, however, is quite enough to keep the windows warm. 70mm - with three, four and even five cameras. The last ones mentioned (70 mm) are most in demand for glazing apartments and houses.

Six cameras are the norm for a 90mm profile. The more cameras, the warmer and quieter it will be in the house. However, in fairness, it should be said that the difference between, for example, a three- and four-chamber package is not so significant.

Number of double-glazed windows

The number of air chambers in the PVC profile should not be confused with the number of double-glazed windows. A double-glazed window is a few sheets of glass connected to each other along a contour using a special frame and sealants. Sealed chambers with air or other gas inside are formed between the glasses.

A single-chamber double-glazed window is the lightest, it consists of two glasses and one air chamber between them. Such double-glazed windows are very light, suitable for glazing large openings, therefore they are often installed on balconies, loggias and terraces. However, they are not suitable for windows due to insufficient thermal insulation.

For a house, dacha, office or apartment, it is better to choose a two-chamber double-glazed unit, consisting of three sheets of glass and two air chambers. Three-chamber double-glazed windows of four sheets of glass are not common, they are heavy and transmit less light than other types of double-glazed windows.

Such windows are in demand only in the North, where the temperature in winter can drop to -40 o C and below. At higher temperatures, there is almost no difference between two- and three-chamber double-glazed windows.

Helpful advice!

When choosing a plastic profile for windows, pay attention to the frame seals. There should be two of them, otherwise condensation will settle under the frame, and this spoils the insulation and creates a favorable environment for bacteria and mold.

Window profile rating: comparison of products of key manufacturers

  • Rehau
    One of the most famous companies that has been producing reliable windows for more than half a century and is considered the main innovator in this area - Rehau engineers are constantly improving the design and configuration of the profile - so the company pays great attention to environmental friendliness and energy-saving technologies. The company produces a profile with a width of 60-70 mm. Rehau products belong to the middle class.
  • VEKA
    Another German "giant" whose products are appreciated all over the world. VEKA produces a white and colored profile that does not fade or yellow when exposed to direct sunlight. The seal is made of natural rubber, which does not freeze even when exposed to very low temperatures - a valuable quality for the Russian climate. The line includes models with a width of 58 to 90 mm. For the price, VEKA windows are comparable to Rehau.
  • Trocal
    This is a company with a long history, one of the pioneers in the production of plastic windows. The first model was released in 1954. For decorative finishes, the company offers a wide range of options - from lamination to acrylic coating. The profile is made using the environmentally friendly Greenline technology and provides perfect thermal insulation. Profile width - 70 mm.
  • Salamander
    This German company is not as famous as KBE or VEKA, but Salamander products are in no way inferior to them in quality. The profile is produced exclusively in Germany, which means that when purchasing such windows, you can count on a truly European quality - at the same European price. The company produces bags with a width of 60 to 76 mm.
  • KBE
    One of the most popular German brands, which produces environmentally friendly windows, recommended for installation in childcare facilities and hospitals. KBE windows are of high quality and durability (they can last up to 50 years!), And the line includes both luxury models and economy options. Profile width - from 58 to 70 mm.
  • Proplex
    Proplex is a Russian company that, despite its youth, has already managed to establish widespread production and significantly modernize window systems. The profile is being developed with the participation of Austrian specialists and taking into account Russian conditions. With very good product quality, the company still manages to maintain affordable prices. Proplex offers models in widths from 58 to 127 mm.

This is only a small part of the manufacturers of plastic windows, in fact, there are dozens, if not hundreds of them. What are the best plastic windows? When choosing glazing, one should give preference to well-known brands, but at the same time be sure to check all the documentation - famous brands are often faked. Branded windows at too low a price is a sign that they may be trying to cheat you.

Editorial opinion

Even the best windows will not last long if mistakes were made during their installation. Better simple economy-class windows installed by professionals than expensive German windows installed by amateurs.


Which profile of plastic windows is better

What is a quality profile?

The key to the quality and durability of a metal-plastic window is a high-quality profile. Even if at first glance the entire profile for plastic windows is the same, in reality this is far from the case. Which profile for plastic windows is better, and how to choose the right window, VEKA Rus specialists advise you.


The entire profile from which the windows are made is certified. The most significant is the RAL Certificate, which certifies not only the type of product, but also the place of its production. In other words, a profile of the same brand, but made at different factories, will not always have this certificate.

The ISO 9001: 2000 quality management system certificate is issued to industries that have a well-organized management system in compliance with all technological, economic and organizational requirements typical for the production of developed countries. Both Russian VEKA plants have this certificate.

If the profile is wider, is it safer and warmer?

Profile width is one of its main characteristics. Many window manufacturers promise a couple of extra millimeters to the width of the profile in their advertising campaigns, but are there really any benefits?

The following offers are most often found on the market:

  1. classic profile 58 mm;
  2. 70 mm profile with increased mounting width;
  3. VEKA ALPHALINE profile 90 mm.

The width of 58 mm is due to the "classics of the genre" - wooden frames, which were replaced by plastic windows. Today, the EUROLINE 58 mm profile allows the production of modern warm windows that meet the requirements of most buyers in different climatic zones. Provided it is properly manufactured and installed, it is the best window profile for any room.

A 70 mm wide profile is a proposal that appeared in the 80s of the last century. Having higher heat-saving sound-insulating characteristics, this profile is especially loved by Russian consumers. In the product group of VEKA profiles, the width of 70 mm is for SOFTLINE, SWINGLINE and PROLINE.

The 90 mm wide profile is a premium product that appeared about 5 years ago. The VEKA ALPHALINE profile allows the use of a double-glazed unit up to 50 mm thick and is currently the unrivaled leader among window profiles with increased energy-saving characteristics.


The choice of profile width largely depends on the installation site (office window, vestibule door, store front door, country house windows) and climate.

Now another novelty has appeared on the market - the SOFTLINE 82 profile. An innovative multi-chamber system, an elegant style and a choice of more than 40 modifications guarantee the satisfaction of the needs of the most demanding client. The SOFTLINE 82 system provides the best insulating characteristics, is fully compatible with 70 mm profiles and can be installed in any home.

Number of cameras

The second characteristic of the window is the number of cameras in the profile. There are three of them in the standard. The first is for draining condensate, the second is for placing a reinforcing insert made of metal, and the third is for fixing parts of the fittings and creating an additional air gap for better window tightness. The number of chambers depends on the profile width. So, a 58 mm profile can have a maximum of three cameras, but a 70 mm profile - preferably four. For a 90 mm profile, 6 chambers are the norm.

Three and six chamber profile systems

An increase in the number of cameras with the same profile width insignificantly changes the window characteristics. To increase the heat-saving characteristics, a wider profile is needed, and not a larger number of partitions in it.

Full package

Another important point is the double-glazed window. The number of glasses in a window affects its characteristics and cost. The most common are double-glazed windows, but single-glazed or triple-glazed windows can also be ordered.

Triple windows are warmer. However, they are heavier and require high-quality assembly and stable construction. Single glazing is the coldest one. It can be used for glazing unheated balconies and summer houses. Double glazing is optimal in terms of technical characteristics, and allows you to maintain comfort in the room all year round.

Profile class

There are two classes of metal-plastic profiles. The first, class A, with a thickened outer wall, is RAL certified as the optimal profile for windows, doors and frame glazing.

Helpful advice!

The second, class B, is a lightweight profile with a thinner outer wall, the so-called "object" profile. It has a slightly lower cost, however, it does not guarantee the preservation of the window's characteristics throughout its operation.

Windows from the "object" profile, as an economy option, can be offered by absolutely all manufacturers, but you must remember that such a window may have weaker corner joints, worse dimensional stability, lower energy-saving characteristics, the risk of premature wear of the fittings, and a shorter service life.


Summing up the reasoning on the topic of choosing a profile for a metal-plastic window, we emphasize:

  • The presence of certificates confirms the quality.
  • According to the mounting width, all profiles are divided into two main classes: 58, 64 mm and 70 -76 mm. Within the class, the heat engineering characteristics are the same. Profile 68 mm wide and profile 72 mm wide do not differ from each other.
  • The number of cameras affects the quality of the window only if the profile belongs to different classes in width.
  • The most common is double glazing.
  • The class A profile is the leader in reliability and quality.

When choosing windows, be able to hear the necessary information and filter out ads. The quality of your windows depends on your choice. Take the time to make the right choice!

The formation of PVC windows into a full-fledged segment has long been completed in the domestic market. Technological and functional frames have confidently replaced their wooden counterparts, providing the consumer with reliable and ergonomic glazing. However, plastic profiles for PVC windows also cause mixed opinions of users, which is due to the variety of models and quality parameters of these products. Often, the manufacturer's brand becomes a decisive selection criterion - certified windows are more likely to be endowed with the qualities and characteristics declared by the company. It remains only to figure out which brand guarantees the best profile properties.

What is a PVC profile?

A metal-plastic profile is a frame that can include up to eight chambers, but models with two or three compartments are more common. Actually, they depend on their parameters in general. It is logical that the options for a larger area are weaker in insulating and noise-insulating functions than plastic profiles for small windows. In order to increase thermal insulation, manufacturers use polyurethane foam, which fills the space of the chambers. Fiberglass coating is also widespread with the installation width in the list of the main distinguishing features of the profiles. The rigidity of the structure and, consequently, the reliability of the sashes depends on these indicators.

Foreign manufacturers of profiles

For the most part, imported PVC windows are presented on the market by German products. The technologies of European companies have gone far ahead and today they dominate this niche. The list of companies is numbered in dozens, and the leading positions in quality and sales are held by KBE, Rehau, Veka, Trocal, Deceuninck, etc. It is noteworthy that the windows of most German companies are manufactured in Russia under special licenses. Accordingly, many plastic profiles for PVC windows, the names of which are of German origin, are produced in our country. Domestic manufacturers of brands such as Rehau and KBE strive to ensure the proper quality by completely recreating the original

Russian manufacturers of profiles

Despite the wide representation of foreign window products, Russian manufacturing technologies are also being improved. One of the oldest domestic manufacturers of metal-plastic profiles is Proplex. Having initially mastered Austrian technologies, the company aims to offer a wide range of glazing products.

The establishment of the Montblanc brand was not without help from Austrian specialists. Currently, the company's clients have access to plastic profiles for windows with a maximum width of 120 cm - this is a system that includes five cameras.

The Novotex company, which has production facilities in the Moscow region, can perhaps be unconditionally called Russian. Engineers and technologists are constantly working to improve plastic structures, focusing on local climatic conditions. It is the latter factor, combined with the low price, that allows the Novotex brand to keep up the competition.

Class A profiles

Although the quality of the profiles is determined by general criteria, there is a division into classes, according to which it is unjustified to compare premium models and representatives of budget series. The former obviously gain in performance and durability, while the latter is the advantage of the price.

So, luxury plastic window profiles are positioned on the market as A-class. Such systems are distinguished by the thickness of the walls (3 mm), the reliability of the joints in the corners, as well as the protection from external influences. The technical features of the A-class profiles are not felt during use, which, however, indicates the reliability of the structures. It is very problematic to dismantle them without a special tool, an optimal microclimate is created in the room, and the aesthetic beauty with the possibility of shading frames makes premium systems the best choice. A-class representatives include KBE, Rehau, Veka, etc.

Class B profiles

It is not necessary to count on perfect technical and physical parameters in the windows of this group, but due to the relatively low cost, this product also deserves attention.

The outer wall thickness for B-class constructions is 2.5 mm. For this reason, class B plastic profiles for PVC windows are less resistant to physical impact. There is also an opinion about the unsatisfactory indicators of the environmental friendliness of the profiles of this group, but this is not true. The absence of toxicity is a general condition for the certification of plastic structures.

Category C profiles

In general, modern C-class profiles fully meet the needs of the consumer both in terms of sound and heat insulation, as well as in decorative properties. Another thing is that premium competitors have raised the level of technical qualities quite high.

Representatives of category C include profiles of brands such as Vektor, LG Hausys, AGF, as well as almost all domestic products, including Novotex. As a rule, they are used to provide non-residential premises, but there are also lines designed for installation in apartments and private houses.

Rating of the best profiles

Against the background of the development of technological methods for manufacturing profiles and fierce competition, it is not easy to identify the Rating is formed by the combination of qualities and the introduction of fundamentally new properties. In this regard, the arrangement of leaders can be represented as follows:

This brand has earned the championship due to maintaining an unsurpassed level of the basic qualities of window profiles. These include 50-year durability, increased heat and sound insulation performance, as well as environmental friendliness due to the introduction of zinc and calcium compounds into the PVC formulation.

As a serious competitor to KBE, the Veka brand is ranked second. In the list of its advantages, the technology of manufacturing "light" profiles, which at the same time ensure the preservation of heat and acoustic comfort.

3. Rehau

Rehau is also one of the three leaders. The quality of the profiles of this manufacturer is achieved by introducing lead compounds. As a result, the structures acquire high strength and stability in operation.

The following positions can be taken by many plastic profiles for PVC windows. Which is the best among them, should be determined by the same parameters. The Salamander and Deceuninck systems should be added to the top three. Although plastic window profiles of these brands are not so popular, their physical and technical qualities are maintained at a high level. They are also distinguished by ergonomics and well thought-out configuration, facilitating the installation and further use of window systems.

Reading 7 min.

The profile is the basis for the production of window frames and sashes. The appearance, durability and reliability of the entire window structure depend on its quality.

Material classification

For the production of modern window blocks, wood, aluminum, PVC are used. Each type of material has its own advantages and disadvantages, features and limitations in use.


The best and most expensive types of wood for the production of window profiles are oak and larch, alder and pine are also used. The high cost of wooden structures is associated not only with the use of natural wood, but also with the peculiarities of the technological process. The material for window profiles needs careful processing (drying, impregnation with antiseptics, painting, varnishing), and high precision and craftsmanship play a key role in the manufacture of the product.

Advantages of wooden windows:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • good heat-shielding properties;
  • preservation of natural air exchange between the room and the street;
  • aesthetic natural appearance.


  • the possibility of warping and swelling in case of violation of production and installation technology;
  • low fire resistance;
  • high price.


Since the metal is not able to retain heat, the aluminum profile is mainly used for or utility rooms when it is not possible or necessary to equip warm glazing.

Exists . A special thermal insert is placed in the profile, which ensures high thermal insulation properties of such window structures.

The advantages of aluminum profiles include:

  • strength and durability;
  • ease;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • fire resistance.


  • low heat-shielding properties of the "cold" profile;
  • high price of the "warm" option.

Polyvinyl chloride

Reinforcing U-shaped profile for structural rigidity

The PVC profile has become the most common for the production of modern windows, due to its low cost compared to wood and aluminum and excellent heat-shielding and operational properties. The main competitive advantages of PVC:

  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • prostate manufacturing and installation of finished products;
  • high resistance to the influence of atmospheric precipitation, chemical reagents;
  • the ability to make products of various designs and shapes;
  • affordable cost.

The main disadvantage- flammability, like all plastics. All other user complaints in most cases are related to the choice of poor quality products or installation errors.

PVC profile characteristics

The lion's share of all installed window units are plastic products. There are windows from the profile of dozens of manufacturers on the market, which at first glance look the same. Often a low level of quality manifests itself only after some time of operation, when it becomes obvious that the profile does not cope with its functions and does not provide the proper level of thermal protection. When choosing a product, it is useful to know the main significant characteristics of a PVC window profile.

Wall thickness

According to this indicator, 3 product groups are distinguished:

  • Class A. This includes products that have an outer wall thickness of 2.8 mm and an inner wall of 2.5 mm. Such indicators are considered optimal to ensure the best thermal insulation of a living space.
  • Class B. Products with outer wall thickness from 2.5 mm, inner wall from 2.0 mm. Such products less reliably protect against heat loss and are more susceptible to deformation during operation. The main purpose is installation in shops, public institutions.
  • Class C. Products with thinner walls than in previous classes. Windows from it are intended for glazing non-residential, warehouse, industrial premises.

Read also: Using tape to insulate windows

Profile width

The indicator determines which glass unit can be mounted in a given profile. A double-glazed window consists of several panes connected by a frame along the perimeter. The spaces formed between the glasses are filled with ordinary air or inert gases (in premium products) to improve thermal insulation performance.

A single-chamber package consists of two glasses and one air chamber between them. Two-chamber consists of 3 glasses, between which there are respectively 2 chambers, etc. The more the number of glasses, the warmer the finished product.

Also, the width of the profile determines the installation dimensions for installing the window. As the width increases, the total weight of the structure increases - this must be taken into account, for example, when glazing a balcony with weak base plates.

Typically the default value is 58-80 mm, some brands offer products up to 120 mm wide for the production of products designed for operation in harsh climatic conditions and featuring improved sound and thermal insulation characteristics.

Number of profile cameras

Not to be confused with insulating glass air chambers!

The plastic profile is hollow inside and divided by partitions. The thermal insulation properties of PVC profiles are due to the presence of hollow chambers between the lintels - the more there are, the lower the thermal conductivity of the frame and window sash.

Each cavity performs a specific function (moisture removal, fastening fittings, ensuring strength), and their number (usually 3-8) and location is determined by technological calculation. The most in demand are 3-5-chamber types of plastic profiles.

Metal reinforcement

The plastic profile is additionally reinforced with a metal frame to reinforce the structure. This significantly reduces the likelihood of deformation and sagging of the window sash due to the many opening-closing cycles, temperature changes and other influences during use.

The shape of the frame depends on the size of the window:

  • L-shaped- reinforcement is laid along 2 walls; enough for small windows;
  • U-shaped- reinforcement of 3 profile walls; suitable for windows size up to 1.9 m in height;
  • closed- the reinforcement is located along 4 planes and provides the greatest rigidity of the product; for glazing large areas of loggias and panoramic balconies, it is recommended to choose this type of profile.

What to look for when choosing

It is difficult for a buyer to determine the quality of a profile on exhibition samples. In most cases, one has to rely on the decency of the seller and manufacturer of window structures. There are some features that can help you avoid buying a poor quality product: