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Dream interpretation white kitten. Why do you dream about a white kitten? Why do you dream of a white kitten - Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream of white kittens or a white kitten? It would seem that you can expect from small fluffy kittens, from which purity and innocence emanate. But different versions of interpreters agree on one thing: such a dream is not an accident - you should be on your guard.

Why do white kittens dream according to Miller’s dream book?

According to Miller, white kittens warn you of an upcoming test. Attentiveness, prudence and calmness are the main qualities that a warning dream should awaken in you.

If you treat the situation negligently, then even a small amount of naivety can play a harmful joke on a person. You will not only be fooled because of your simplicity, but will also be made the object of everyone's ridicule.

White kitten – Vanga’s dream book

Vanga saw insidious and intricate intrigues in the snow-white kittens playing with a ball. The more the threads become tangled, the more difficult it will be to understand the situation and convict the offender of deception.

These cute creatures seem to play with the destinies of people, leading you astray from the beaten path. And it depends only on your vigilance where the difficult thing will lead you this time.

I dreamed about white kittens - interpretations according to Freud

A large number of white kittens around, from Freud's point of view, speak of competitive pressure. They weave intrigues, destroy everything that you have so desperately tried to build in recent years. The situation cannot be saved without decisive action. In addition, if you do not react in time to the attacks of offenders, there is a possibility of complete collapse.

Why do you dream of a white kitten - French interpretation

French society believes that kittens cause a lot of trouble for their owners. And even in a dream you need to be on guard with them. Because a white kitten with a pronounced black spot on its face promises trouble at work. And if the snow-whiteness is diluted by shades of red, then problems will come from a loved one.

What does it mean if you dream about white kittens (Loff’s dream book)

Everyone has long known that cats are a symbol of magic and witchcraft. The mystical omen that white kittens want to convey to you through a dream speaks of the interference of envious people in your life.

In order to somehow annoy and scare away luck, according to David, they are ready to resort even to the forces of the dark. Be careful with strangers and, especially, do not take anything from their hands.

Grishina's dream book - white kittens in a dream

Despite the negative consequences discussed in previous versions, the noble noblewoman Grishina sees only good moments in such a dream.

In her opinion, one kitten can present a pleasant surprise to its owner. And a whole brood of snow-white lumps predicts significant financial profit for the family.

A cat is a frequent human companion both in real life and in dreams. However, this sign should not be considered useless. Often it can portend danger, and if interpreted correctly, it can protect you from difficult troubles. Although white color is considered a symbol of purity and innocence, in this case a cat or kitten of this color symbolizes emptiness, ruin and trouble. Remember the details, often they are the most important in dreams.

Vedic dream book

  • Seeing a cat in a dream is a bad sign. It promises you some danger. If it has light hair, you will be betrayed by friends or loved ones.
  • A white cat sits in your arms - you trust others too much, there are enemies among them, they are plotting a secret plan against you. Be careful.
  • Killing or strangling a light-colored cat means quick exposure of the traitor; you will recognize your enemy by sight.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • A cat is the personification of a hypocrite or a deceitful friend, danger on your way.
  • White - there is a thief nearby. If he came into the house or made his way through a window (attic, basement) - watch your things, possible theft or theft.
  • Seeing a light-colored cat in the distance means danger awaits you.
  • Bitten or scratched - betrayal of a loved one, possible betrayal or marital lie.
  • There are a lot of white animals around - you are surrounded by crafty people, enemies in the team.

Russian folk dream book

  • A cat is a rather complex symbol of dreams, sometimes implying different and contradictory interpretations, it all depends on the case and details. Why these animals are dreamed of even depends on the gender of the dreamer.
  • A cat for a woman can mean a lonely man, however, prone to “walking”. You should be careful in making new acquaintances. White - you may be fooled by the appearance and impression of your new friend.
  • Men dream of a cat - an independent woman. White cat - they want to use you for their own purposes.
  • Scratching your hand means they are plotting an insidious plan against you.

Dream book for the whole family

  • Wet cat - anger, rage.
  • A white person comes or is caressed - to useless purchases.
  • A white kitten means minor troubles.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

  • Seeing a cat in a dream means evil forces are triumphant; a white one means the enemy is very close.

Dream interpretation of the medium Hasse about a white cat

  • Feed or pet - ingratitude awaits you.
  • There are a lot of white kittens - you are surrounded by dishonest people who are ready to betray for the sake of profit.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • This dream book says that, regardless of the situation, sleeping with a cat means instability and an unexpected turn in the situation.
  • Seeing a kitten means being lonely; your loved ones will not support you.
  • I dream of a beautiful white cat - an insidious temptress.
  • A woman dreamed of a light fluffy cat - do not trust the men around you.

Ancient Russian dream book

  • A light cat lies on the grass - imaginary success in business.
  • A cat with kittens means unpredictable losses, possible problems for loved ones, which will fall on your shoulders.
  • Black and white - lose property.

Idiomatic dream book

  • A white cat on the stove means laziness and idleness.
  • A white cat meows - anxiety, vanity.
  • A small kitten is a nuisance.

Big dream book

  • A cat with white kittens is a scandal in the family; your loved ones will deceive you.
  • Adult cats attacked you - you will be slandered, a possible real attack by enemies.
  • Sleeping white kittens - incompleteness of important matters, success, but incomplete.
  • They meow and ask for food - surrounded by unfaithful friends.
  • A white kitten for a woman means your children are deceiving you; for a man, common sense will help you avoid trouble.
  • Frisky fluffy ones - success and success in work.
  • Thin and shabby - troubles at work, waste or frustration.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

  • These animals in dreams are an extremely ambiguous symbol; deciphering it can sometimes be very difficult. Their image can both predict something and simply arise as a result of memories of the subconscious. Often the interpretation of a dream may be similar to folk wisdom, for example, “the cat cried”, “in a bag”, “a cat walking by itself”.
  • The color of the animal in a dream also matters. For example, a black cat or cat is a nuisance, anger of people.
  • White – deceit, betrayal of loved ones.
  • Red - unpredictability of actions around you.
  • The kitten is black and white - you will be able to avoid danger.
  • Washing - to the guests.
  • Cat with kittens - children are deceiving you.
  • To see a dead cat or how it dies - perhaps in reality someone from your environment will get sick, his sudden death.

White kitten. Any representatives of the cat family in dreams have a double meaning in dreams and different interpretations. Let's look into dream books about what a white kitten dreams about.

Why do you dream of a white kitten - Freud's Dream Book

When you dream of a white kitten, it means that you are an owner and have enormous power over your loved ones.

Dreaming of a white fluffy kitten is a signal that you are hiding feelings towards someone that you do not want to admit, and this is a warning that in reality you have chosen a bad direction of activity.

If you dream of a white kitten in your arms, this is a harbinger of joy, stemming mainly from being surrounded by people who love you and care about you.

When you give it to someone, it foretells an improvement in your overall situation.

If you dream of a lot of white kittens, the dream book predicts that you will soon incur unreasonable expenses that will seriously affect your budget.

Why do you dream of a black and white kitten - Miller's Dream Book

A black and white kitten is not a good sign, as it predicts a severe, long-term or incurable illness for you or someone close to you.

If you dream of a gray and white kitten, this is a signal that, of your own free will, you have developed a deep sympathy for someone and will live in the shadow of some person.

If you dream of a small black and white kitten, the dream predicts well-being when it comes to your health and is a signal that no more serious diseases threaten you in the near future.

When you dream of a white kitten being picked up, this is a sign that in this situation you cannot count on the help of anyone from the outside, and you yourself can only rely on your own strength.

Dreaming of a dead white kitten means a sharp deterioration in your overall situation.

Why do you dream of a little white kitten - Vanga’s Dream Book

A small white kitten is a signal that in reality you lack authority and someone you could advise in difficult times, and when you dream of white newborn kittens, it means that you yourself want to take care of someone and decide for whom -responsibility, although perhaps you only dream about it subconsciously.

If you dream of a white little kitten picked up, this is an announcement of a long life for you.

Dreaming of two white kittens is a signal that there is someone in your environment who wants to deceive you, and you should be more vigilant.

A dream in which a white cat gives birth to kittens foretells a good future for you, full of wonderful opportunities to achieve success. In the future there may be a serious change in your life, mainly related to your work.

Why does a woman dream of a white kitten - Dream Book of Nostradamus

When you sleep and a woman dreams of a white kitten, it means that soon you will go out to visit someone and you will be very happy there.
The dream book interprets this as a sign that you will soon meet some interesting people with whom you will strike up friendships, and also foretells that some of them will be hostile or even hostile towards you.

Why does a girl dream of a white kitten - Hasse's Dream Interpretation

When a girl dreams of a white kitten, the dream book believes that you are in front of some kind of road, and you doubt whether you can walk along it, most likely this is a reflection of the situation in which you are in reality - you need to make some difficult decision, which can affect your entire future life, and you are afraid that you are making the wrong choice.

Why do you dream of a white cat with kittens - Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a white cat with kittens? The Dream Interpretation believes that this is a warning that you should not get involved in any risky undertakings, especially on a friendly basis, since you can incur big conflicts and gossip that can greatly harm you and put you at odds with the people you care about.

If you ask a person about his associations with a small white kitten, then most often the answer will be as follows: a sweet, defenseless creature, a pure angel, and everything like that. This image will have a calming and peaceful effect. But why do you dream of a little white kitten, and what does it mean? What will this white and innocent purity mean? Read more below.

Before opening the dream book

Firstly, the accentuating image, object, animal, person in general terms, which will be fundamental in the interpretation of the dream.

Secondly, the external image, color and shape of the object in question can play a key role.

Thirdly, you can get completely contradictory values, taking into account surrounding factors. For example, in a dream you showed initiative towards the subject of interpretation or vice versa.

So, when referring to the dream book, be attentive to the little things and details.

Your gender matters

Lots of small pets around you indicate pressure from competitors. Opponents are trying to destroy everything you have built recently. Inaction and passivity will only aggravate the situation and allow it to be enveloped in a tangle of intrigue. Only timely actions against enemies will help avoid complete collapse.

Psychological interpreter

To correctly explain what you saw in a dream, you need to accurately remember the color of the kitten’s fur and all the actions with it.

For example, a kitten scratching you indicates financial losses or future health problems.

In a dream, an animal is restless, meows invitingly or is hysterical - this is a hint to stop and think. You must first correctly calculate your strength before helping someone in need.

But a sick or exhausted kitten in a dream is a call to look around. Perhaps someone needs your attention and help. Take your time, otherwise you may lose this person.

Positive outlook

The noble noblewoman Grishina views the kittens she saw in her dreams from a positive point of view. She associates them with a pleasant surprise for the owner, good luck.

Why do you dream about many little kittens? This already means financial well-being for the entire family.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov

But his opinion says that small furry creatures in a dream warn of the possibility of theft. Such betrayal can be expected from a treacherous friend.

In another interpretation, if a kitten scratched the dreamer in a dream, then this is fraught with impending diseases or those that already exist in real life. Therefore, just in case, it is better to play it safe with your health.

Pay attention to whether in the dream there was also a cat of a different color. In this case, this is a direct indication of your partner’s infidelity. But don’t start taking active steps right away. First, take a closer look and develop, carefully think over the right tactics.

Women's dream book

Dirty, thin or, alternatively, multi-colored kittens in a dream mean that in reality you can harm yourself due to your own carelessness.

But why do you dream about a small fluffy white kitten? Be careful when communicating with people around you. It is quite possible that they will want to prevent you from carrying out your plans.

Book of Dreams by Simon Canaanite

Seeing small kittens in a dream means that in reality you are surrounded by deceitful and cunning friends.

Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

This book interprets what was seen in a dream in several ways. Mostly the explanations are directed in a positive direction. A fluffy pet reflects success and profit in business, a gift of fate.

When an animal runs away from you and you try to catch up, this reflects unattainable and unrealizable dreams. But why do you dream about a little sick white kitten? In this dream book you are warned about impending deception or fraud against the dreamer. Also, the more kittens, the higher the likelihood of encountering trouble.

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

According to Robinson, the main focus should be on the coat color of the kitten you see. White fur symbolizes a useful and pleasant acquaintance with a person who is useful to you. The red color indicates immediate financial profit. Smoky kittens dream of comfort in the hearth and home. But seeing a black pet will bring with it obstacles in real life before your desires come true.


After reading the interpretations of what a small white kitten dreams about, many will have logical, contradictory sensations. The color white itself is usually associated with purity, innocence, lightness and airiness. Kittens are little cubs, in fact, still angels. That is, in total it is an image of calm and tranquility. But in dreams, pets symbolize warnings about some troubles, make you wary and exercise caution.

Also, do not forget about other details of the dream and take into account the situations in which you found yourself in the dream. Depending on these seeming little things, the interpretation can change dramatically.

Nuances in the interpretation of your dreams

It is worth remembering that, in addition to the kitten seen in a dream, the details and circumstances of the dream play an important role in the correct interpretation.

First, you need to remember what color the animal was. Color often influences the positive or negative impact of a dream in real life.

Secondly, the number of babies the dreamer sees affects the scale of future incidents and their significant role in your life. So, seeing one kitten can promise minor troubles or minor troubles in everyday matters. And a whole crowd of kittens symbolizes major problems in financial matters.

Thirdly, the mood and the required attention on the part of the animal can radically change the essence of the interpretation. So, for example, a kitten running past you may indicate minor troubles passing by, to which you may not even pay attention. And a kitten calling to you can warn of problems that will radically change your life.

Fourthly, your interaction with the pet you see is important. He scratches or plays, meows painfully or purrs tenderly, combs out fleas or glows with health, whether you found him and picked him up or, conversely, sell him to passers-by.

You can note the influence of the kitten’s affiliation in a dream. For example, if this is your pet, then by showing care and attention to it, you are showing yourself as a sensitive person. Thus, you earn the favor of fate. When a dreamed animal is homeless, then negative events interfere in your life from outside. The further someone else's pet is from you, the less influence you will receive in real life from its presence in a dream.

Only by putting everything you see together into a single picture can you correctly interpret what the little kitten is dreaming about and what it means. Most often, dreams are an important warning for the dreamer, they can be a reflection of troubling issues, or perhaps it’s just an exciting movie with you in the lead role.

Little white kittens personify defenselessness, nobility, and innocence. Why are there so many of them in a dream? This is evidence of a person’s excessive naivety. Seers warn: it’s time to take off your rose-colored glasses and grow up, otherwise you will be deceived endlessly and with impunity.

Miller's interpretation

A psychologist speaks of a person’s excessive gullibility if he sees white kittens in a dream. Teenagers and young adults should be especially careful. This is a sign that you have contacted the wrong person. The partner is more interested not in the relationship, but in the benefits that can be obtained.

The dream book, if in the vision the cat had an offspring, recommends paying attention to the details.

  • The kitten is alone and bored - when making a responsible decision, you will doubt it until the last moment.
  • Why do you dream of a couple of sleeping fluffy balls? In reality, you will experience ridicule and mockery.
  • There is a lot of fur around kittens - you will become a victim of intrigue and dirty rumors.
  • Playful tomboys in a dream - a close friend will betray you in reality.


Watch how little animals swarm - feel free to marry your chosen one. Vanga's dream book prophesies a successful union and many years of happiness. And if the cat brought the kittens to the dreamer, it means that the spouse will be kind, generous, and attentive.

Why do you dream of black and white animals? Relationships in the family are quite calm, without outbursts of passion or violent scenes of jealousy. In complex issues, the dream book recommends trusting your intuition and using common sense, then everything will work out.

Do business honestly

In a dream, kittens are blind and abandoned by their mother? You are used to achieving what you want at any cost and do not always use legal methods. The dream book warns that if you continue in the same spirit, you yourself will become a victim of swindlers and swindlers. This is a particularly unfavorable sign if babies scratch and bite.

Why do you dream of white kittens running away from you in different directions? You will become a victim of rumors. Even a minor mistake will be presented inside out, and it is impossible to stop it.

Small cats in a dream also mean many small but tangible difficulties. White color is a sign that you will have time to notice that something is wrong and take action.


Nostradamus’s dream book deciphers dreams of white kittens as a calm life filled with harmony with the world around us.

The traditional dream book interprets black and white newborn animals as an opportunity to easily earn an impressive amount of money.

If you were moved by looking at them in a dream, it means that amazing events await you in reality. For example, at work they will be tasked with completing an interesting and profitable project, or a girl will be unexpectedly asked to get married.

Why do you dream of a cuddling baby? A loved one needs help. The dream greatly increases its meaning if the kitten is injured. Pushed away or left - the loss of a close relative is likely.

In some cases, a white cat symbolizes the paranormal abilities sleeping within you. Now is a good time to wake them up.