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How to cook potatoes in a saucepan. How to cook delicious potatoes in a saucepan in different ways

Potatoes are one of the most common food products; they are quite nutritious and easy to prepare under normal conditions. How to cook potatoes is written in our article.

Ingredients and utensils:

  • potato
  • pot
  • fork


  1. Select potatoes of approximately the same size and wash them with clean water.
  2. The most useful part of a potato is under its skin, so it is not necessary to peel the potatoes; it is better to boil them together with the skin, unpeeled.
  3. If you want, peel the potatoes. Place the peeled potatoes in a saucepan and pour clean water in until it completely covers the potatoes. Salt the water to taste.
  4. Potatoes should not be kept peeled in water for a long time before cooking, because this leads to leaching of starch, thereby reducing its nutritional properties.
  5. Place the pot of potatoes on the stove to cook. After the potatoes boil, you need to reduce the burner power and cook them for 25 minutes.
  6. Check the readiness of the potatoes as follows: take a fork and try to pierce the potatoes with it, if it is easily pierced, then the potatoes are ready, if not, then you need to cook them a little more.
  7. Next, drain the water and leave the potatoes in the pan, covered, until serving. This way the potatoes will retain their heat longer and taste better.
  8. Potatoes should be served hot, otherwise they will harden and become less tasty.
  9. Before eating, add butter or vegetable oil to the potatoes and sprinkle fresh herbs on top. Salted herring and onions go well with boiled potatoes.

How to cook potatoes deliciously (video):

In their skins, baked, fried, boiled, how and how long to cook potatoes correctly so that they retain their beneficial composition and acquire an excellent taste. Now it is difficult to imagine that everyone’s favorite root vegetable was previously considered tasteless, poisonous and was grown only for the sake of pretty flowers in flower beds. In many homes, potatoes have long been a favorite product from which a wide variety of dishes are prepared. Knowing a few secrets of preparing root vegetables, you can get a truly magnificent dish for every taste.

Potatoes in their skins or skins are often boiled to prepare various salads and as an independent dish to accompany your favorite herring (salka, herring). To ensure that the potatoes turn out tasty and cook quickly, it is good to choose root vegetables that are the same size and smooth. The type of potato also plays an important role and affects the taste. So, “American” is suitable for boiling in skins - a vegetable that was one of the first to be bred and popularized in the 18th-19th centuries. You can choose a different variety, but it is better for these purposes to use a root vegetable that contains little starch.

How long to cook jacket potatoes will depend on how the product is prepared. So on the stove the cooking time is 17-22 minutes after boiling the water; in a multicooker the cooking time is a little longer - about half an hour. The quickest way to cook jacket potatoes is in a microwave oven, in just 7-8 minutes.

Before cooking the tubers, they must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, then placed in a pan (if cooking on the stove) and filled with water. You can take any liquid - cold, warm or boiling water.

To prevent the root crop from bursting, add a little salt to the water.

You can check the readiness of the potatoes by piercing them with a fork or toothpick. Typically, cooking time ranges from 17 to 45 minutes (depending on the type of vegetable).

Good ripe potatoes, properly cooked in salted water, can be eaten without taking off their “uniform”. If you plan to remove the peel, it is better to briefly pour cold water over the vegetable after cooking so that the skin is easier to remove.

Rules for boiling potatoes for mashed potatoes

Despite the fact that mashed potatoes are a frequent guest in the diet, it is not always possible to prepare it with the ideal consistency and taste. Sometimes, instead of an airy, aromatic dish, you can get a sticky substance similar to batter. The secrets of the best chefs will tell you how to properly cook potatoes for mashed potatoes.

Unlike cooking tubers in their jackets, for mashing you need to choose varieties with a high starch content. You can preserve this substance in full if, after cleaning, you immediately put the washed vegetables in a pan, and do not leave them in water for a long time. Experienced housewives advise boiling the product in boiling water - this way it will cook evenly and will not lose starch.

To make the tubers cook faster, you need to cut them into 2 or 4 parts (depending on size), place them in a deep container and pour in the liquid so that it is slightly higher than the vegetables themselves.

Garlic or onion placed on top of vegetables will help improve the taste of the product.

You need to cook the root vegetable for about 25 minutes, then drain all the water into a suitable container (it will be useful for seasoning the dish) and remove the onion, you can leave the garlic. The potatoes should be mashed immediately after cooking, otherwise they will harden and become like a sticky mass after processing. The liquid remaining after cooking the vegetable is mixed with milk and gradually added to the puree, mashing it with a masher. At the end, be sure to add the right amount of butter to give the dish a light, airy taste.

You can improve the taste of everyone’s favorite dish by seasoning the potatoes with processed cheese, sour cream or mayonnaise. A beaten egg will help make it denser and more nutritious, and frying onions and carrots will give it a rustic taste. Dill, green onions or tarragon will not spoil the taste of the dish.

How long to cook potatoes in soup?

Despite the fact that potatoes are not a dietary product, everyone eats them every day, including them as part of first courses. The duration of cooking of this product will depend primarily on its variety. So how long should you cook potatoes in soup? Typically this time ranges from 15 to 30 minutes. If you grate vegetables on a turk, the cooking time will be 10-15 minutes, no more.

If the tubers are coarsely chopped, they will cook longer, while small ones will cook much faster. Most housewives add potatoes of different sizes to soups. Small pieces will boil during the cooking process and make the broth more saturated, while large pieces will retain their shape and will delight you with excellent taste. For “cabbage”, the tubers are boiled separately and added at the very end of cooking the dish. This is necessary so that the acid, traditionally added to the soup, does not make the vegetable tough and unpleasant to the taste.

Considering that root vegetables cook on average for about 25 minutes, you need to correctly add other products into the boiling broth step by step. So, rice cereals are often placed together with the vegetable or a little earlier, but vermicelli is added 3-5 minutes before the dish is ready.

Principles of boiling peeled potatoes in a saucepan

Peeled potatoes in a saucepan are prepared for various dishes, both first and second. Depending on what everyone’s favorite root vegetable will be prepared for, the principles of its preparation depend.

  1. Young potatoes are first peeled from the thin top layer, washed under running water and placed in a saucepan. You can remove the top part with a knife or an ordinary kitchen sponge, using the hard part for this. Large vegetables should be cut into several parts before cooking; small ones can be boiled whole. Water is poured over the product so that it is no more than 1 cm higher; salt should be added 5 minutes before the end of cooking. The finished tubers need to be seasoned with oil, after draining the remaining water, add herbs and seasoning to taste.
  2. If potatoes are boiled as a side dish, then they must first be washed and peeled, making sure to remove the “eyes”. Afterwards, you should make the tubers approximately the same size, put them in a container, pour water just above the vegetable and turn on the heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat slightly and cook the product under the lid until tender, which will take about 20-30 minutes. Before turning off, you need to salt the water, boil for a few more minutes and turn off the heat. Ready-made root vegetables can be mashed into IMLI puree and served whole, seasoned with fried vegetables or butter.

For soups, it is recommended to use potato varieties with a medium starch content, and for mashed potatoes - with a high starch content. This root vegetable can be combined with any vegetables, meat or fish. Properly prepared, it will never get boring and will become a regular guest on the family table.

What modes to use in a multicooker?

In a slow cooker, potatoes are stewed, fried, boiled, steamed and baked. That is, prepare it in any way, independently or with the addition of other products. The duration of cooking will depend on how much the root vegetable is chopped. The cooking method will play an important role - this will fry the product faster, but steaming it in a special form will take a little longer.

Boiled potatoes with onions can be prepared in the “baking” mode. In this case, first, a little oil is poured into the multicooker bowl, then chopped onions are laid out, chopped potatoes and spices are added. All this is poured with broth or tomato diluted with water, and cooked in the selected mode for a little more than 35 minutes. In the “baking” mode, you can cook potatoes with meat by first frying the meat product in the appropriate mode for 8-12 minutes.

If you plan to stew potatoes with vegetables or mushrooms, then first they are cooked in the “baking” mode, and then in the “pilaf” mode. Puree soups traditionally need to be prepared in the “stewing” mode with the inclusion of “frying” at the beginning.

In pressure cooker and microwave oven

You can cook jacket potatoes in the microwave in just 8-12 minutes. To prepare a peeled young vegetable you will need less than 7 minutes; in cellophane at full power, the root vegetable is cooked in 9 minutes maximum.

If you stew potatoes in a microwave oven, it will take 20-30 minutes, and the larger the container, the longer it will take. You will definitely need to pour the sauce over the vegetables so that they do not dry out so much during the cooking process.

In a steam pressure cooker, the product is cooked for about half an hour in the desired mode. In the water a little less than 30 minutes. It is important to consider that the older the vegetable, the longer it will take to cook, regardless of the method chosen.

Now it’s no secret to everyone how to cook potatoes in different ways correctly. Using simple tips and tricks, you can get a huge number of delicious dishes for every day from a simple and budget product.

It would seem that there is nothing simpler than boiled potatoes, but not everyone knows how to do this in order to preserve the maximum of vitamins, not overcook them, and bring them to optimal readiness. We’ll talk about this simple recipe in our wonderful section.

The beneficial properties of potatoes can be discussed endlessly, as well as the history of the appearance of this wonderful root vegetable on our tables. However, it is worth noting that potatoes are a champion in the content of potassium, B vitamins and starch, have enveloping and acidity-reducing properties, and are also widely used in medicine, which makes them a very useful and versatile product. There are hundreds of different cooking methods, and it all depends on its variety, method of cleaning, cutting and the desired end result of cooking.

Boiled potatoes "Adretta"

In this recipe we will cook yellow potato tubers in large pieces as a side dish.

To prepare the yellow potato side dish you will need:

  • Yellow potatoes “Adretta” – 1 kg;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Salt – 1 tbsp;

Cooking time approximately 20 minutes. Calorie content is approximately 80-85 Kcal/100g.

Step-by-step recipe for making boiled potatoes:

1 step

Place running water in a saucepan on maximum heat and add salt.

Step 2

Peel the potatoes with a knife. If the potatoes are young, simply scrape off the thin skin with an abrasive or a knife, then cut out the eyes. Cut the tubers in half if the potatoes are large, or into large pieces of approximately 5*5*5cm.

Step 3

Without waiting for the water to boil, put the chopped potatoes in the water to cook. As soon as the water boils, reduce the temperature by half so that the tubers do not boil, since the Adretta variety is crumbly.

Step 4

Cook for about 10-15 more minutes. You can check readiness with a knife, fork or skewer. The potatoes should be easily pierced in the middle of the piece, but not mushy on top. When ready, remove the pan from the heat and drain the remaining water, keeping the lid on the potatoes in the pan. Place butter on top of the finished potatoes in small pieces or shavings. You can season and decorate with herbs to taste.


How to cook potatoes- a useful article for amateurs in the kitchen. Culinary recipes often consist of several processes that are constantly repeated. In order not to waste time every time explaining something simple, today I will tell all beginners how to simply eat it in the future, pour it with olive oil, or make it tasty, or fry it, or, or use it for cooking. So, let's start cooking the potatoes.


  • - 700 gr
  • - 1 tsp per 1 liter of water

Cooking method

To begin with, remember that you need to choose potatoes based on the amount of starch they contain. If you want to cook, take tubers that contain the most starch, more than 15%. If, for example, or is to be cooked in the future, then there should be less starch so that the vegetable pieces keep their shape and do not fall apart - below 15%. I will not name specific varieties, since in each country and in each region they differ from each other, so just remember the names of the varieties lying on the shelves and Google them yourself. When the potatoes are at home and you are ready to start cooking, peel them, wash them well and cut out the black spots. Put a kettle full of purified water to boil. Cut the potatoes into small pieces - this will cook them much faster. Place the slices in a saucepan and salt well. You need approximately 10 grams (1 tsp) of salt per 1 liter of water. Before the kettle almost boils, turn on high heat and place the pan on it so that it has time to warm up.
As soon as the water boils, pour it over the potatoes so that all the pieces are completely covered with water. When you put potatoes directly into boiling water, more nutrients remain in them.
Close the lid tightly until the water boils again. This will happen very quickly. Then lift the lid and reduce the heat to low. Cook the tubers for 10 minutes, then pierce one of the pieces of the root vegetable with a thin knife: if the knife goes in very easily, then the boiled potatoes are ready for use or for further processes; if not, cook for another 5 minutes and repeat the process. When you are sure that the potatoes are ready, turn off the heat and drain the water from the pan to the last drop. You can already eat it by pouring olive oil and crushing it with finely chopped dill. Hooray! Now you know how to boil potatoes. Enjoy your meal!

There are so many potato dishes it’s impossible to count. How and how long to cook potatoes so that the fruits do not boil over and the dish turns out tasty - the duration depends on the variety and size of the root vegetables. On average, cooking potatoes takes 25-35 minutes.

Place potatoes in boiling water for preparing second courses, this way you will retain more nutrients. Add 3-5 grams of salt per 1 liter of water after boiling. Sometimes, to prevent potatoes from overcooking, they are steamed with the lid closed.

Before cleaning, root vegetables are thoroughly washed and damaged areas are removed. If you peel the potatoes more than 15 minutes before cooking, immerse the prepared tubers in cold water to prevent them from darkening.

Prepare mashed potatoes from freshly boiled, hot potatoes. To properly mash root vegetables, use a wooden masher. Contact of potatoes with metal can give an unpleasant aftertaste to the entire dish.

Time – 40 minutes. Yield: 2 servings.


  • potatoes – 600 gr;
  • milk – 80 ml;
  • onion – 0.5 pcs;
  • butter – 1 tbsp;
  • boiled egg – 1 pc;
  • green onions - 4 feathers.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the washed and peeled potatoes into 2-4 pieces and place in boiling water. Add a pinch of salt and half a peeled onion.
  2. Reduce heat, open the lid and cook for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Check the readiness of the potatoes by piercing them with a fork. If the fork fits freely into the potato pieces, turn off the stove.
  4. Drain the water from the potatoes and remove the onions. Add warm milk and puree, add a piece of butter at the end.
  5. Place the puree on serving plates and top with chopped egg and green onions.

Student roast jacket potatoes

Select identical fruits, weighing 100-120 g. Boil potatoes in their skins for 15-25 minutes. The larger the tubers, the longer the heat treatment. Do not allow root vegetables to crack. Place the potatoes in boiling water, do not add salt.


  • butter – 50 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • tomato – 2-3 pcs;
  • sausages – 3 pcs;
  • potatoes – 9 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the unpeeled potatoes until tender, placing the tubers in boiling water.
  2. Pour cold water over the finished potatoes for 5 minutes - the skin will peel well.
  3. Meanwhile, sauté chopped onion in butter. Add tomato slices and sausage mugs.
  4. Peel and cut the jacket potatoes into slices, add salt to taste, and mix with simmering vegetables and sausages. Cover with a lid and simmer for 3-5 minutes.

Boiled potatoes with chicken breast with béchamel sauce

To prepare this dish, use new potatoes weighing 60-80 g. When peeling, give the tubers a round shape.

Time – 55 minutes. Yield: 2 servings.


  • boiled chicken breast – 200 g;
  • potatoes – 10 pcs;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • parsley - 2-3 sprigs.

Bechamel sauce:

  • butter – 30 g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp;
  • milk or cream – 120 ml;
  • salt and pepper - on the tip of the knife.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil pre-washed potatoes without skins in boiling water, add salt at the end.
  2. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the sauce. Melt butter in a saucepan, add flour. Fry the mixture until light golden brown. Pour milk over the flour sauté, use a whisk to break up the lumps and stir so that the sauce does not burn. Bring the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Place hot potatoes in a heap on a serving plate. Place pieces of warm chicken breast on the sides.
  4. Pour the sauce over the dish and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Steamed potatoes with vegetables in a slow cooker

There is nothing easier than boiling potatoes in a slow cooker. Dishes can be cooked in water, with the addition of vegetables, roots, pieces of meat or fish. Cooked vegetables turn out juicy and tender. If there is no milk, cook with water.

Time – 45 minutes. Yield: 4 servings.


  • onion – 1 piece;
  • potatoes – 800-900 g;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • green onion – 1 bunch;
  • milk – 600-700 ml;
  • spices for vegetables – 1-2 tsp;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.


  • new potatoes – 500 g;
  • lard with layers of meat – 100-120 g;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • dill and basil - 2 sprigs each;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the peeled young potatoes in salted water until tender.
  2. In a hot frying pan, fry the lard cut into slices, add onion cubes.
  3. Cook until the lard and onion turn golden brown. Pour the dressing over the hot potatoes.
  4. Chop the greens with a knife along with the garlic and a pinch of salt, sprinkle on the dish and serve.

Boiled potatoes with mushrooms and sour cream

Champignons or oyster mushrooms are suitable for this recipe. Instead of sour cream, use milk or cream. Serve the finished dish hot, sprinkle chopped herbs on top.

Time – 50 minutes. Yield: 2 servings.


  • fresh mushrooms – 200 gr;
  • butter – 50-60 g;
  • onions – 1 piece;
  • potatoes – 6-8 pcs;
  • low-fat sour cream – 4-6 tbsp;
  • spices and salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled potatoes lengthwise into 4-6 slices. Place in boiling water, cook until tender, sprinkle with a pinch of salt at the end.
  2. Saute onion half rings in melted butter. Add mushrooms, cut into medium pieces. Add salt, pepper and stir-fry for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pour sour cream over the mushrooms, cover with a lid and simmer for a couple of minutes, reducing the heat.
  4. Remove the finished potatoes from the water with a slotted spoon and place on serving plates. Distribute mushrooms with sour cream on top.

Bon appetit!